-'V. • lftl{&lj%t * V ' *.f-> j ; --̂ w ̂ pm * • peeler in 1 Chapell S ST 2X1 Knjreln Anton BrCH SK Frett Chas e 301 Fisher 4 Cornish Hanlv Gteo •-••A* Qlv* warn SRAIX; RSIFCW|T The Kind AV^fabtefreparatiottforAs slmflatlng fofFoodandHegula frng Hw> SfevmHre and RCTWPU nf EiomotesI5igesHon,Cheerful nessandBfest.Contains neither OprumMorphine nor Mineral NOT NABLC OTIC. • * * A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour StoiMch.Diarrhoea, WOITIIS .Convulsions .Feverish- oess and Loss OF SLEEB For Over ¥&c Simile Signature of C(* NUW YORK. V I (> i i i on l l i s o I u D o s I s -- 1 j C I MS EXACT COPVOFWRAPPEB. Bell T< The fallowing are i j 1 • Fo# * Wyfc i ' - Best-. Veal fv£- flatten . *• V. { . and ' *;• r - 1 Peafferir < Hertz 11 L * 33* Hetaier Jo# 203 Holtz & Stilling 904 Howe A L r ^ 3 8 8 H o w e l l M A r i *3583 Jensen H M 313 Just en Jaecfb r 844 Justen N J 223 Lamphere C. E. r 351 Lorimer Witt r - Illinois iniiif tiwttflj and Ulitid mills Steel and Wood tanks . . AND' ®§F farm MACHINERY Une ln eTOry department "We are prepared ^ to do g Well Work of all Ktads Give us a call ay & Rainey Ringwood, III. I> \ S- Abstracts ofT»tle. M McHenry County ABSTRACT (OHPANY.. WOODSTOCK, ILL. •I P. P. Axtell. Harvard. *» " E. M. Patrick, Marengo. .xfis r: John J. Murphy. Wooostwit. | w. C. Eichelberger, Woodstock I Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock RMI Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance and Bias Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. if the Chicago Telephone are specified. All others Ob. . are bmdaesa haoww. 81MOSIBTOFFEU Manager. AarinaerDrA-R.r »0*m0 W r ^ S t f O w e a * C h a p e l l M r Boaedale Olub _ Ross Dr F C W Boss Dr F C r 3t£Soinnwrs Geo r 821 Spurlinjr DrACr 304 Sherman Mr. r il 372 Stoffel S r 304 Stoffel S (K)Stofflce 5 StofTel s i moii store 273 Story J i r 401 Storv Julia A r 371 St afford R W 341 Snyder Bros 303 Tweed K G 231 Village of McTIenry pumping station 382 Village of Mcllenry public scliool 233 Village of McHenry Marshall's res 302 VanSlyke J 308 Wattles F H 384 Walsh Jack r 222 Wheeler ESr Mi McHenry Ore'm'ry 242 Whiting W E r Company. 311 Wells Dr D "" 7 Western U Tel Oo 373 Wightmaa Harry pa 361 McOnioer F h 374Mead HCr 383 Owen L H r WU. STAXIOKS. German Village . P. Jaeger, 106. .Tohnsburg John 1* Lay. McHenry Gilbert Hr<thers Mineral Springs H. Ericsson. ; Plstakee Bay....,*; Ben Stilling. Solon Mills .W H Davis, S»C. Spring Grove............A Neish, 30o. California The Gateway To the Orient Numerous profitable business openings in California. Make money in orange Mid lemon groves, vineyard^ wineries, orchards. Make money in cattle and sheep ranches, wheat fiel&l, beet sugar culture, ' j varied farm products, r * Make money in mines, oil wells, manufacturing, trading The California Limited daily, Chicago to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Qeneral Passenger Office The Atchison, Topeka & Santa P» R'y CHICAGO ' T" NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RINOWOOD. BREAD AND *LAtf«E8 Tbe happiest tiftie In prose or rhyme, Pair time that none surpasses; Was when, with grins and sticky chi We lunched ou bread and 'hisses. The loveliest woman we e'er knew, Her bine eyes framed in glasses, Was Grandma Jones. Lor' bless her he»«S-- Slie fed us bread Und 'lasses. f<"«V ^ j-wtj. -U- For Sale : % •? SALZER'S SEEDS L WILL UU TOU RIOH" • This tea daring •taMment, butSal- aw'eeeedebeer it oat evwy ttma OmtSKwn«iwrtS%9poiltif«ij wroluBonlw corn growlti. ttloDtoflitTpcrMtt. tllOT, crop tlx *mu ttttt sowing J WatTlt fllUlitpit ttllt rti too. IT Ann Ithla NOTICE wa m*il bi( n«4 ntalw, 10 Grmis SuH>taiheiBdii«abm ' Swik (Wko. |Mf A.)l --_ pHMial p«r A.) IUpO I BaUy^m k*.nrA) FMost, *o. Worl*$l& TTG/̂ MUATU 1 I ILWSERSEEDOE.ULMW, W. 1 F. WATTLES ̂1' (Successor to R. E. Howard) All kinds of Fresh ariif salt Meats always on hand 4 (Complete Printing r Plant Cylinder Pr^Wl '/ 1 Job Press vrru?: ' Paper Cutter 3 < Gasoline Eng^n^f V Job and Display ||Jp" Body Type . ̂ vCases ;;> *u , Stones Stands And everything with which to print a paper or do job work. Will be sold seperately or a very low price given on the entire plant. Apply at once to THE PLAINDEALER CO. McHenry* Illinois. Vegetables and Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty :||\ll Kinds of Salt Fisfe, Mr- ^ Highest market Prices , ^ I paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep," Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. • V . Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive - prompt and careful attention. V Call on me tiling with .̂WATTLES, Long distance telepbaoa,'! Oltteena' telephone 17 AMERICAS Moerr POPULAR RA1UMTAY CHICAGO \N1) ALTON PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE Our youth has fled, manhood Instead, Experience amasses; ~ , And finds that life is not all rifle ^; • With placid bread and 'lasses. --I. L. Jones. In Chat. F. L. Carr, of Wauconda, was a caller Saturday. The sale on the Ladd farm Thursday was well attended. G. Cowdry, of Greenwood, was here on business Monday, O. A. Tabor and I*. Benson were Chi cago visitors Monday. ° v , Floyd Carr, of Greenwood, visited friends here Monday. H. C. Allen is spending a few weeks with his son in Chicago. H. M. Stephenson and wife were Richmond visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bonslett, of Mc Henry, spent Thursday at the home of F. E. Fay. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawrence, of Chica go, are visiting at the home of his brother here. H. L Waterman and wife and Miss Anna Waterman were visitors at Rich mond the first of the week. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. H. L. Waterman next Saturday afternoon March 16. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cristy, son and daughter left last Tuesday morning for a trip through the southern states. James Green, O. A. Tabor, William Coatee and Will Beck attended to busi ness at Woodstock on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Southwick, of Williams Bay, Wis., visited friends and relatives here the latter part of last week. Statement of Ringwood Butter Co., for February: Amount milk received, 489,210; amount butter made, 22,615; amount money received, $4982.01; aver age price ree'd for butter, 217; average yield per 100 lbs. milk 4.62; average oil test of factory, 8.886; average cost of manufacturing, $.01; average price paid for 100 lbs. milk, $.95.7. ^ AN INVITATKff* . DEAR FRIEND, we woura a talfe ttti- jold, perhaps you'll think it shocking, *tis not about the war with Boers, but simply of a stocking. This little sock we herewith send, while it is not your measure, is furnished you to gain an end by the school-organ fund vizier, we know our friends are tried and true, and we will bless the giver, who makes contribution small, to swell our little treasure. So place therein, in any coin, ittor hold us in suspense, just twice the number that you wear, (we hope it is immense) so if yBu wear a No. 10, yon owe us 20, see? so put it in the little sock, and fill onr hearts with glee. Fri day, March 15th. Come, we'll entertain you well; and bring your money in your sock, the result we soon will tell, 'tis all we ask; it isn't much, and hardly any trouble. Now, if you have a friend or chum, you'd like to bring with you, or if you know one who would come, well gladly give you two. So don't forget the place ami date, we'll answer when you knock, and welcome you with open arms; but don't forget your sock. Woodmen hall, Ringwood, 111. Honr, 7:80 o'clock. Something to eat. OSTEND. Mr. Kaiser was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Warren Francisco was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Andrew Carlson will work for Samuel E. Clark this season. "He who too much fean hatred Is unfit to reign."--Seneca. Chas. Davis recently purchased of a lady in Chicago a fine carriage hone. "It is better for a city to be governed by a good man than by good laws."-- Aristotle. A man's good breeding is the beet security against another's bad manners." --Chesterfield. 'Education begins tk»; gentleman, good company and rejection must finish him."--Locke. "We are more taxed by onr idleness, pride and folly than we are taxed by government."--Franklin. 'Narrow minded and ignorant persons talk about people and not things, hence, gossip is the bone of the age." 'He that has no friend and no enemy is one of. the vulgar, and without ta lents, power or energy."--Lavater. There was no Sunday school Sunday last on account of the storm. The even ing services were also postponed for the same reason. Robert Kimball and wife have moved into the house recently vacated by Edward Dates and family. Rob will work for Bert Whiting this season. Among those from here who visited McHenry Saturday were Warren Thomas, Mrs. Jas. McDonald and daugh ter, Henry Hobart, Chas. Davis, Geo. Thomas, Ed. Martin and Ed. French. "VS e recently had the pleasure of ad miring a very skillfully executed piece of pastel crayon work, wrought by our rising artist, Maybelle Sayler. The pic ture represents a young girl, (two-thirds life size) in the foreground, surrounded by the foliage of the trees, grass, etc., while in the background is a very pretty landscape. We are told this only cost the owner $4.50. Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind.. "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I wonld cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A Story's drug stoHi* ^ k BKTWEBIf CI IK A<.< » KAN S .VS l I I Y ( 11 )< V<,<> S'I'.I.OI I1-.. < I 1K V .O I 'KOKI V. S I . I . O I I S • K A V S \ S < 1 1 Y TBBOl'OH PCLLMAN BEBVICE BITWEEN CHICAGO *M> MO] SPKINt iS , \ rk 1 )1 :NM:K I 1 f \ vS 1- I OK! I> \ 1 I A I I < v(.I R U N \ I A < > K R < . I > N BARBIAN BROS. Makers o f Fine Cigars, "Our Monogram" io cent Cigar Leads Them At U*r Leading 5c Brands: . ••Olivette" "Bartolan Bros. 1 "Sliver" - <«Bee Hive'* "Empire Cuban" i fey -Geo. Meyers & mU • j-*-' , GENERAL S .TEAMING • ' of all kinds. r^. N'ib* 4 A EfccavatinglfiSf Grading., 14. m McHenry, *r TOP *u COMNABINNS A. TRIP, AM* *p»- TXON or WHICH cu » MAD* OT«» x*» CIICMO * ALTON, IT WILL P4T TOO XO W»IM TO TUM VI iniu ro* lAiu. iun. IIKMIUUI no, ; ORO. 3. CHAIX.TOJT, . MMINI omotfo. 114. CUCUflBER "" We want to contract a M limited number of acres -4i of Cucumber Pickles at 50 CENTS PER BUSHEL & (ioidsfnitl It W. Stafford, Robert G. Qoldsmitfau - i1 . (Established 180B) :v General office: <198-700 Austin Ave., Chicago. Factories a£ Chicago, Marengo, McHenry jJiUertjvllle, Mauotou, Wis,, Knox, Ind. Make your Contracts and get your seeds of John Boss, at the factory; W. C. Evanson, M. J. Walsh, J. J. Miller, Simon Stoffel, West Mc Henry; T. J. Walsh. 8. 8. Chapell, Gilbert Bros., McHenry; J. E. Cristy. KUujWOOd; C, IL Adams, J. P. Lar, JolustMirgh; , ^ Strikes a Rich Find. #AR troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debil ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaran teed by Julia A. Story. HARRGTILtE. Titos. Thompson was in Nnnda Wed nesday. Mrs. Robt Howard has returned to her home in Elgin. Chas. Knaack transacted business in Woodstock Friday last, A. S. Coral and Ed. Lowell, of Nunda, were callers here Saturday. . John Krause has been entertaining his brother's family from Chicago. Z. Webster has taken possession of the farm just vacated by Mr. Robison. Mrs. Amos Jteeler,of Janesville, Wis., was a recent caller in our neighborhood. Mrs. Behan and Miss Anna Behan spent a recent afternoon at Jno, Flem- ing'S. Mrs. Arthur Grantham spent last Friday with her mother, Mrs. E. C, Turner. Mr. and Mrs. BL F. Matthews spent Monday with C. T. Matthew's at Bur ton's Bridge. Masters Floyd and Robert Thompson will remain with their grand parents to complete their term of school. Glenn and Hazel Robison withdrew from school last week to accompany their parents to their home in Louisiana. There are prospects oi a free mail delivery through this section which awill be very much appreciated by the ) ^farmers, Arthur Grantham and Miss Christena Baird were married in Chicago Tuesday, sMarch 5. They have gone to Louisiana on their honey-moon. Their promptness and their pleasan effects make DeWitt's Little Early Risers most popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply per fect for liver and bowel troubles. Julia JuStoryMda. W.Be«Nr. WAUCONDA. Miss Nina Pratt is visiting friends at Wauconda. Martin Murray is again among friends at Wauconda. Chas. Morey returned to Chicago Fri day morning. A case of small pox is reported at Lake Zurich. Harry Fuller returned Wednesday from Waukegan. Mrs. Brand is entertaining a lady friend from Chicago. Mrs. H. T. Fuller visited^ cousins in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. -Kimbal are spending the week as guests of relatives in Chica go. Mrs. N. B. Duers was the guest of Mrs. Harrison, Chicago, the latter part of the week. Dick Basley has returned from Joliet where he has been in the employ of the Bruce Ice Co. Mrs. Reynolds returned to Wauconda Friday from Chicago where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. San- ford. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hammond came from Chicago Sunday to attend the wed ding anniversary of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oakes. Wednesday evening the Cnyamaca club gave a small invited dance in the M. W. A. hall. A dainty lunch was served at twelve o'clock by the young ladies of the Gym and Social club. Monday was the 58th wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oakes. They were very pleasantly reminded of the occasion by a party of relatives and friends who visited their home and announced their intention of spending the day. The affair proved a very en joyable one both to Mr. and Mrs. Oakes and their friends. VOLO. Converre, of Oiieage, 8undayed with relatives. Mrs. John Rosing made a trip to Chicago Thursday. John Rosing is improving ill pro perty by rebuilding his house. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Mary, spent Saturday in Volo. Miss Kate Pfannestill visited in Hainesville a few days last week. Mrs. Bert Paddock and Miss Abbie Converse spent Friday in Chicago. Misers Jennie Walton and Rose Huson were Fort Hill callers Saturday after noon. Mrs. Herbert Davis and son, Earl, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Elizah Richardson Saturday. Mr. Graves and family have moved on the Stanford farm. The house at Fish Lake vacated by Mr. Graves will be occupied by Mr. North, of Chicago. You are invited to take a trip around the world in forty minutes, startinsc from Vasey school house, Friday even ing, March 15, 1901. The only baggage needed is a lead pencil. There will be a basket social on your return to Vasey \ ; "y • •" , Twl«« rrotMb From the Vindioator, Rutherfordton, N.C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in iheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with se vere pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Julia A. Story. RIDTIEFIELD. N. J. Garrison was in Woodstock Fri day. E. W. Merchant was in Nnnda Satur day. J. H. Parks was in Woodstock Mon day. H. Ormsley was in Nunda Wednes day. Rev. Steele Sundayed at W. H. Mun- roe'B. Uncle Doc has a blacksmith from Wis consin. A. Westerman, of Woodstock, was here Wednesday.. P. Castle, of Austin, visited at J. C. Button's Sunday. O. Garrison, of Woodstock, called on his son, N. J., Saturday. D. L Gibson and daughter, Nell, were in Nunda Wednesday. L. J. Gibson, of Chicago, visited his parents Saturday and Sunday. E. Cadwallader was in Elgin and Car- pentersville on business Friday. F. Hartman came out from Chicago and spent Sunday with his parents. R. H. Conant and A. D. Harden, of Woodstock, were in thij vicinity Thurs day. S. A. Westerman returned from his pleasure seeking trip at DeSmet, S. D. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler attended the funeral of a relative at Chicago Thursday. Chas. Ambler, of Woodstock, helped N. J. Garrison in the store during James' absence. Mrs. Hanson and daughter, Julia, re turned Friday to Chicago where they will remain some few weeks. The congregation at church Sunday morning was rather small but the eight who were there enjoyed the aer«io« hugely. <SW-A Ifcis signature is on every bo* of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tawete the remedy that esra M «oM 1® ***" RICHMOND. F. Wray spent Monday in is a victim of the Mrs. J. Chicago. Miss Bete Wray measles. Lillian Richards is reoovering from her recent illneas. Miss Edna Goodrich, of Union, is vis iting her cousin, Mrs. J. H. Vinton. Mrs. Eva Perkins and son, Floyd, spent Sunday with friends at McHenry. Walter Cole left this village Monday morning for a trip through the southern states. J. F. Wray and John Osmond went to Iowa on Saturday morning of last week on business. The dance held at Burton'B opera house on Friday night given by the B. B. club, was a success both socially and financially. On Thursday of last week oocurred the death of Thomas Fisher one of the old settlers of our village. The funeral was held on Friday, Rev. Anderson of ficiating. O A S T O B L Z A I Bearsths ^Thu Kind You Haw Always 8wj» Sigastoue ££$1*3 An Honest Medicine for La Grippe, George W. Waitt, of South Gardiner. Mo., says: "I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. I congratu late the manufacturers of an honest medicine." For sale by Julia A Story. fSO to California, Oregon and Washington. The Union Pacific R. R. will sell low rate settlers tickets to California, Ore gon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mon tana, Wyoming and Colorado on Tues days, February 12th to April 80th. Rate from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacorna, Seattle and Spokane $80. To Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte and Helena $25. Homeseekers round trip tickets will be sold to Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Ore gon and Washington on the first and third Tuesday of Maroh, April, May and June at rate of one way fare plus two dollars for the round trip. For full particulars call upon your nearest ticket agent or address W. H. Knight, General agent, 198 S. Clark St., Chicago. 85-4m Working 34 Hours a Day. There's no rest for those tireless little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c at Julia A. Story's. The hour of anticipation is often more pleasing than the instant of realization. Pearls Fpund in Verflqont. Evem f̂e is talking abouW the ' Gisffi Mountain Pearls." Did\tf>u pidw that they cure liver trouble constipation, bad digestion, nausea, lull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and gent] they don't gripe one bit. f̂enal is af * * ' suit THT ETNTAUN MWMIT, KM ^ I New Dress Goods ' - v'iv *: * § s •K" 'A'-' ' Mi ilk: (We have just received a large line of Dress Goods for Easter and Spring trade in the latest and most uji to date fabrics and the leading Colors. We invite your inspection. Our Spring Line f S h o e s . 5 - 1 " I is now arriving daily.. We have all shapes, sizes and mdths> in fHne, M^ium and Heavy Weight. CTothiilgfor Spring and Summer We have 1000 New Samples ready for your inspection. A perfect fit guaranteed GROCERIES of all kinds, only the pur est and best grades kept. Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Com Meal. Agent Continental Fire Insurance Co. Goods Delivered Promptly. Long distance 'phone No. 363. Yours Truly, M.J. r**, -ij/ 1 , iM X* t tt Htitt **«•<€:* M* Ulbat next? The dry goods merchant has taken up your time and money during the past few months--it is now my time to say a word. When you clean house and find that new Carpets, Matting or Rugs are needed just bear in mind that I can fit you out at as low a fig ure aud as satisfactorily as any deal* er in the country. Come and look at new designs. If you need new furni ture it will be to your interest to call at this store. New, up to date goods on hand and more arriving every day R ED • RIVER • VALLEY • EARN • LOANS \n absolutely safe investment paying t> per cent Interest. A fnll description of the security with location, value and uuiouut of loan, will be sent upon request. If you wish a choice investment of anv amount. I will esteem it a favor to hear from you with a request for detailed information. LAflBERSON, Cashier Bank of Warren, - - Warren, Minnesota REFERENCES:--Eirst Nat. Bank, St. Paul, Bradstreetoor Dans ••• RED MVtR VAlLtr fARNS HWHI AND SOU JOS. H. HUEHANN, Sells leton Corn SheUen . - > Corn Shelters and Tread Powers (Meril BbcKSitttt^ Prices HwiyS ReuouDie ex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint ' flachine Oils a , ^ ^ v ' > ^ • . - " •> ~ i iS I B ' ' . 1 "• \ F .M>v Wis 'mi.'M '.-1 t