-.a ; OF LA *HB aftereffects of the grip are often disastrous, it is commonly * Motown to the medical fraternity that the numerous ailments mnd complications which follow the grip are apt to be men serious than the acuta stage of the disease. I Some people have the gulp very lightly. They may be confined to the house only a day or two and yet a long train of disagreeable, disabling symptoms follow. All sorts of tonics and stimulating remedies have been devised to meet this condition. None of them ;t) lean compare In results with Peruna. - Every one who has had the grip ought to take a short course oi * Peruna. Read what the following people have to say about it. -1 Wasitittttoa, Feb. 4, 1899. Washington. April 24, 19M. •The Perrma Medicine Co..Columbus, O.: The Peruna Medicine Co.,Columbus O.: Gentlemen--'*1 Gentl erne n-- ' Wl.-£ hare taken Peru na now for two weeks, and find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be perma nent. I have also taken It for la grippe, and take pleasure in r e c o m m e n d i n g Peruna as an ex- ' .' Congressman Howard, cellent remedy 'A-. ' to all fellow suf- jfi; lerers."--If. W. Howard* m.:. Congressman Howard's h(Mnt ad- dress is Fort Payne, Ala./ * § •- Grip ProdaoM Catsrrb. ; Henry Distin, the inventor and maker of all the band Instruments for „ the Henry Distin Mfg. Co., at Wil- &T•" Uamsport, Pa., writes: 1441 South Ninth Street, n-, « Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, 1899. Dr. S. B. Hartman, Dear Sir:--"I Iwrita to inform you that I had a bad attack of la grippe last December ' which lasted more than three months . and which left me with catarrh, when |.;V w Beveral of my friends advised me to * try your wonderful medicine, Peruna. fe' I began with a bottle the first week in March and it certainly did me a great deal ok good. I was so well satisfied , , that' I- purchased another bottle and •f) followed your directions, which you :?•;; ^furnish with every bottle, and I am glad to say that it has cured me. 1 !*.» shall certainly recommend the Peruna to all my friends." D. D. Wallace, I - ' " ; 6RIP . CAUSED NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. a charter member of the International Bar ber's Union writes from 15 Western ave., Minneapolis, Minn. "Following a severe attack of la grippe I be affected badly all over. seemed to I suffered with a severe backache, indi gestion and numerous ills, so I could neither eat nor sleep, and I thought I » would give up my work, which I could p p . Slot afford to do. V1 "One of my customers who was £•••" greatly helped by Peruna advised me to try it, and I procured a bottle the jeame day. I used it faithfully and fa felt a marked improvement. During the next two months I took five bot tles, and then felt splendid. Now my head is clear, my nerves are steady, I enjoy food, and rest well. Peruna has been worth a dollar a dose to me."-- ©. L. Wallace. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium• ifColumbus, Ohio. " A b o u t t w o months ago I was taken very very ill with la grippe and was obliged to go to bed. I took three bottles of P e r u n a w i t h very beneficial results and was able to leave my my bed in a FranceB M. Andersoaj. week, and re gained my usual strength very soon. I have nothing but the highest praise for Peruna and recommend it to those similarly afflicted wherever I can."-- Frances M. Anderson. ^ | Grip' Poisoned Star Waili \ Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasure#* of the Independent Order of Good Templars of Everett, Wash., writes: "After having a severe attack of la grippe I continued in a feeble condi tion even after the doctor called me cured. My blood seemed poisoned. "I also suffered with dyspepsia, and had either to starve or suffer from what I was eating. A neighbor who was using Peruna praised it so highly that she induced me to try it, and I soon found this was what I really needed. "I could soon eat my regular meals with relish, my system was built up, my health returned, and I have re mained in excellent strength and vigor now for. over two years."--Mrs, T. W. Collins. i • Miss Alice Dressier, of 1313 N. Bryant ave., Minneapolis, Minn., writes as follows con cerning Peruna: "Last spring I suf fered from la grippe and was partially cured, but the bad after-effects remain ed through the summer and somehow I did not get as strong as I was before. "In the fall 1 caught cold after get ting my feet wet and attending a lec ture in a cold hall, and suffered a re lapse. Catarrh of the throat and head followed, and as I was in a weak con dition physically previous to this, it took but little to break me down com pletely. One of my college friends, who was visiting me, asked me to try Peruna and I did so and found it all and more than I had expected. It not only cured me of the catarrh, but re stored me to perfect health."--Alice Dressier. LEFT HES THE EASIEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY. An investment of one cent will make you many dollars. Buy a postal card and write for our catalogue and prices on Spltt- Htckory Vehicles and Harness. ONE Pmcs, ONE PROFIT, ONE QUALITY. ONK HON ORED DIFFERENT STYLES. Sold by the manufacturer direct to the user at prices that will astonish you. Our goods arc shipped any where to any one on approval, without one cent loss if not satisfactory. Who takes the chances? Do you, or do we? OHIO CARRIAGE MFG. CO. Maaufactarers of Spllt-Hlckory Vehicles and Harness, 204 North Hlfb Street, COLUMBUS, OHIO. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 133.50 SHOES The ml worth ofW.L. . ihoea Mupaml wtth other Oar 94.00 Gilt UNION MADE. •SAO and S3JM la ttUOOto tSM. OmrSMOOllt UM UM cannot ba equalled at any price. We make and sell more 93.0b and MUIO sboee than anyotber two manufacturers la the United States. MASON i&kMf __ reaoh yon aayvhml SassB&r ftw «as d«l« admin ssl* (a wteh tows. > la*t* heitsgW.L. Douses skeeswhfc wttea. U your attlar will not sat tbea far . .. - ^ •ydo** m*m sad tto. «tm far oirri**. assr--* w- • This is NO HUMBUG Three perfect tnstru- mentsln one; gaguea Itself; has bee n test ed tor three vears; "Fanner" Brighton's Humane Swine "V* Stock Marker ud Calf Dehoraer pre vents hogs of all ages from rooting forever and anvea»wenty-lvs bushels of com out of oae hundred In fattening them. It Is the only perfect marker for ail kiids of stock ever tn- forty-eight different nmrkosand Is ths only humaae calf dehorner In existence. . >>. PRICK, SI.90. ' Send for circular and testimonials, or send ma a f a Dollar Bill In a Latter and TRY It. If •ad ths abors statements to be true, ktndiy ssnd tha remaining tfty cants la stamps. If not, do send a cent. This Is no cheap thing and Is rtn SIOO to any Farmer. J. BRICHTON. Fairfield, Is. jGMtral Kama* Wheat Fare* and raaehss for sale on easy terms. Have some special bargain*. Write for list. LITTLE BROS., Agents Union Facile Lanfe, La Orasss, Rush County, Kansas. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. S t e n u i M 3 Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of PATENTS; KILO B. STKVEN8 * < WITHOUT FEE i nnlasa successful 'Sena ttescrlptloo; sndget free opinion. -- - b CO., Estab. 18C4. |Dlv. % 911--14th Street, WASHINGTON, O. O. Branch o&ces: Cbica^o, Clevelsad and IKstroIt. 8 Site This! No RuppeiriBce^t0^1 ^ •"*fr®T»d sad nntavroved, «M0 to tt.OO, in bodiss to aw. ls»T Tsrau. Bsst mixed farming district *•* opened. Good water, healthfal climate, cheaa ' native ooal. Usil Rienrslons to Dawnou on K. P. B.B. 1st and Sd Tuesday• each montb. Write defloltely to 8"f Ink CMtmree, IjuM^lit, Xiu. CARTERS i' ,i M 'X| • FOBHEABACHL F8R BUZINESS. FOR BlUOOSREtt. F0RT0RHR LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIR. FOR INECOMPUJUOH *i|ta * sanuisa mmmnupmHmm*. .CURE SICK HEADACHK. |BAB ClI C A and eflectlre pateu ooa-t awn MM slsting of a side whee! propeller for Vassals,thatfaratithes HItillKK SPEED, at DO blgh- " for fuel; operate* by cable; wlil ccai-rw aartnershlp propysltlon. SlSSD for details, to 0. BUXTON, 134 Vaa Baran Street, CaxoAao. OKLAHOMA OFFERS FREE HOMES to 50,000 people oa . ; 3,000,000 acres of lands, soon to open to settlement. Opportunity of a lifetime. THE KIOWA CHIEF, devoted ta lniormutlon about these lands, will aontala proclamation fixing date of epeoin£, Oae year S.'2?i ®.mos- AO cents; 5 cents per copy. M0R* 6AR a MANUAL, (Complete Settler's Guide) with sectional map, il-oa MANUAL. MAP and CHIEF, six months Cl.COi For sale bv Saok and Naaa Daalars. ar addms WCRT.MoleJjJpĴ I O.T l)POPfiV "EN DISCOVERYi . • oalck relief and cares wetsS Mses. Bookof vcsttmoaitasaadia aavr trsatasaii ssss. ss.•.•.IMPSA--.•ASFCIWWAS.SS SCALDS TRAIN WOBBERS. Wwado Bead l as Automatic Devin to Dlieiusgs Bold • aadlt*. the Rio Grande railroad in Colo rado, has equipped its locomotives with a novel train robber killing de vice. It is a means of playing scald ing water and steam over the bandits. There is an extra piece of steel pipe running up from the bottom of the boiler to the back of the engine cab, where it is flattened out fan-shaped, the angle of the fan embracing the front, top and sides of the blind b&g- and express. Another device of practically the same kind covers the front, top and sides of the locomo tive itself. Other engines have a steam pipe and heme just back of the engin eer, where it is handy to grab quickly. Down near the floor of the cab in sev eral places, where they can be reached easily, are little innocent looking but tons that connect with an air valve to the steam pipe. In less time than it takes to tell it, the engineer or fire man can touch a button and send back over the coal pile in the tender the hottest Jet of water that any rob ber ever saw. The boilers carry a pressure of about 225 pounds, so the water near the bottom of the crown sheet will be at least at the boiling point. The amount of execution one of the "cockers," as they are called, can do in a few seconds is frightful. Should four or six robbers get on the front or top of the blind baggage and make a hostile demonstration toward the engineer they can be disposed of quickly. A slight stream will make It so hot in the neighborhood that they will be glad to get off. At the same time It wfll fill the air with steam, so that shooting at the engin eer or fireman will be out of the ques tion. It will be impossible to tell the direction, except the way to jump. Only once since their installation have the new machines been put to test, and that was several weeks ago in the Grand canyon, when Beveral tramps threatened to take charge of a freight train and bully the crew into submis sion to their wishes. They got the conductor and brakeman "buffaloed" back about a dozen car lengths, and then started toward the engineer to make him "dig up" some coin. But the fireman had seen the whole per formance and tipped off the affair to the engineer, who turned on a small stream and slowed up to see the fun. The white mist had no sooner struck the hoboes than they made a dive off the tops of the cars. The two fellows with guns who were back with the conductor and brakeman, worked their way ahead to see what caused all the excitement, when they got a few stray splashes of hot water in the face and also jumped. - Odd Waves From Manila. The acquisition of the Philippines has begun to familiarize the American public with many of the odd wares and merchandise which are found in that archijpelago, says the New York Evening Post. No part of this world is richer in shells, especially of the pearl and mother of pearl variety. For centuries there has been a steady flow of the latter to China, where they are used in enormous quantities for household decorations. Outside of these shells are others almost as use ful. One variety, a sea couch, is Cut through obliquely and according to the angle of the saw the resulting seg ment is a spoon, a ladle, a saucer, plate, cup, or bowl. After cutting they are cleaned and polished, making handsome object. It looks like colored porcelain, but is far tougher and stronger. A Bhell spoon or bowl can be dropped without danger of break ing and will withstand hot water and cold as well as wood. Another variety of shell is employed for buttons. The turbinates are the favorites. They range through a hundred colors and patterns and take a very high gloss. When cut by the natives beauty of surface rather than of outline ap pears to be the main object. The most popular shape is oblong. Next to this is an oval, and then follow such fig ures as the rounded triangle, which with eyelets are retailed ia Manila lor five cents. Bread. Batter asd Health* Many physicians, according to a lec turer on dietetics, are ordering thin bread and butter for delicate patients, especially those suffering from dys pepsia, consumption and anemia, or any who need to take on flesh. This thin bread and butter insensibly in duces persons to eat much more butter than they have any idea of. It is ex traordinary. says the lecturer, how short a way a pat of fresh butter will go if spread on a number of thin slices of bread. This is one advantage, and a great one, in the feeding of invalids, for they are thereby provided with an excellent form of the fat which is so essential for their nutrition in a way that lures them to take it without re bellion. But the thin bread and but ter has another advantage equally as great--it is very digestible and easily assimilated. Fresh butter made from cream is very much more digestible when spread upon thin slices of bread than the same amount of oream eaten cream would be. IK. Bourgefa Metamorphoels. "Joseph," the ex-valet de chambre of Felix Faure, has written a book. Joseph did not begin and end his ca reer with the late president, but has for years attended to the wants of M. Casimir Perier, Mme. Juliette Adam, the Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, the duke of Connaught, the prince of Mon aco, Gambetta, the Grand Duke Vladi mir, and at last M. Paul Bourget, of whom he says: "I have been most useful to M. Bourget, for it is I who taught him how to sit without creas ing the tails of his frock coat, or, what is worse, part them like an epicler. Before my time he used to buy^ his cravats with ready-made bows, he wore cotton socks and flannelette nightshirts, he purchased his perfumes at the Louvre--anywhere; he was hardly presentable."--The Onlooker. Coon try LI vine- A man may enjoy 'bounding health, and know very little about the cause of his happiness; and alas! a man may suffer all the woes of dyspepsia, and have no certain knowledge as to the cause of his misery. "I'm a con firmed dyspeptic; that's the reason I look so old," said Mr. Collander, gaz ing almost enviously at the red-bronze face of his former chum at college, who had dropped down from the coun try into Mr. Collander's city office. "What you need is simple country food, man," said his old friend, clap ping him heartily > on the shoulder. "Oome and visit my wife and me on the farm for a while, and we'll set you up. It's rich city living that's tco much for you. Now, take breakfast, for instance. All I have is two good cups of coffee, a couple of fresh dough nuts, a bit of steak with a baked po tato, some fresh biscuit or muffins, and either griddle cakes or a piece of pie to top off with. What do you have?" The city man looked at his red cheeked friend, who stood waiting for the confirmation of his idea. "A cup of hot water and two slices of dry toast," he responded, soberly. "But if you think a simple diet like yours would help me, I will make onq more attempt to be a healthy man."--YouUi's Companion. - ' -- 11 ' I i - ' "l - * * • ' . * > , Vetoes--Eafltith and American. One need not look for changes of world-wide importance to follow the accession of a new ruler in Great Brit ain, for the power of the British sov ereign is, after all, closely circum scribed.. Though in theory, for ex ample, the sovereign may veto an act of Parliament, in practice the privilege* is not allowed. No English king or queen, in fact, has exercised the power since Queen Anne vetoed a bill in 1707 --almost two hundred years ago. It is worth while to contrast this with the practice and power of our own chief executives. Although Washington, in deed, vetoed only two bills, and Lin coln three. Grant vetoed forty-three and Cleveland, in his first term alone, vetoed SOI.--Saturday Evening Post. Gown for tha I>adlea. Valenciennes and fine white cambric sewed together row after row go to make an entire gown that would prove most elaborate but for the care in the design. The strips run vertically on the bodice and plain gored skirt, and horizontally on the yoke and elbow sleeves. At the hem there are' three narrow ruffles, the middle one of em broidery, the upper and lower of lace. A series of small full rosettes of black velvet ribbon set along the top of the ruffle are connected by loops of the velvet left to hang in festoons. A Cow Brings S3,700. Carnagian, said to be the best-bred Hereford cow ever produced in this country,was sold tho other day at Kan sas City for $3,700. This is belierved to be the highest price ever paid for a single cow in this or any other coun try. Jesse C. Mams of Moweaqun jpi., is the owner. ^ ^ Beware at Ointments for Catarrh Tha* Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Sach articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tha damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfar-s of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, OhlOj by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonij " by Drugglsts. price 78c per bottle.- WaKm^ Pilto are the^e.% ^ A Solentlflo Ho rap- Book. Mr. L. O. Howard, chief of the di vision of entomology, felt somewhat flattered at receiving one day A letter from a gentleman asking him to send a copy of his report. Mr. Howard re plied promptly, and asked to which particular report his correspondent re ferred. The answer came: "Am not particular which one you send. I want it for a tcrM-bpQk."--Youth's Companion. ' Hosae 8eefcers'r<*lC»coreiit>tiaJ On tha firat and third Tuesdays of each month tha Chicago, MUwauk*® & St. Paul Railway will aell round-trip excur sion tickets from Chicago, Milwaukee and other points on its line to a great many points in South Dakota, North Dakota and other Western and North western States at about one fare. Take a trip weat and see the wonderful crops and what an amount of good land can be purchased for a little money. Furth er information as to rates, routes, prices of farm lands, etc., may be obtained by addressing F. A. Miller, General Pas senger Agent, Chicago, 111. Ts Stady Losdss'i iag, •lie Rev. J. M. Bacon, who has be come widely known by his balloon studies, intends this winter to ascend to the top of one of London's worst and blackest fogs, and to explore its constitution scientifically. He will try the effect of guncotton explosions in dissipating the fog. What Do tha Children Drlnkf Don't give them tea or coffee. Harare* tried the new food drink called GRAIn-Of It is delicious and nourishing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but eoste about 4^ as mueh. All grocers sail tt» IScand 25c. Those who live on the mountain have a longer day than those wfio live in the valley. Sometimes all we need to brighten our day Is to rise a little higher.--Rev. S. J. Barrows. lass's Family Medietas. Moves uowvia each day. in order to be healthy this Is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 60a Florida has far surpassed all her foreign records in the shipment of oranges. Last year there were 700,000 boxes, but this year the total will reach 1,250,000 boxes. The Remarkable success of Garfield Tea, the great HERB cure for constipation and Sick Headache, la due to its health ful action on all the digestive organs. Says a female lecturer: "The men hold the reins, but the women tall them which way to drive." TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVS BKOMO QUINIXS TABLXTS. AS druggists refund the money if it fails to can. E. W. Grove's signature is on the box. Mo. Mother Nature does a great many things that the stepmother habit tries to undo. • > Poor Soap Spoils Clothes. Don't take chances. Buy the best. Ma ple City Self Washing Soap ia guaran teed to be pure. All grocers sell it. Nature supplies a man with charac ter, but he must furnish his own repu tation. •n. , g. Nervous Prostration. A Noted Boston Woman Described » its Symptoms and Terrors.--Two Severe Cases Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound M •S f»r «•"* IrfMWt- >'0* !l ' iuv»»t. Get In at tmttoai n;iry ft! Stwrp In Montana is SAPC'sMpaie Unfci . --.- -- INY-STLli sad bs prepsred tor tear aim T«n of prosperity. fSs for oar unasl rapstt sadsartlealus. BastasaU-OpsnShs tssM Csb. flMal Ms. I ADELE WILLIAM SON. FOR SALE--04O ACKC FARM. pOfxxl huiidlrifto: two wells good water: fo"Trt soli, claj ftub-to'l; MO acres ander ealtlvattiui; •ores ready for crop. Spleadtd wfeiat sad ituck (arm. Can be bought cheap. One-tfclnl eash, balance ero^ or partial payments. Win *pltt sectloa. Close to market. Correspondence solicited. H. N. TICKER. Coartenay. North Dakota, A Splendid Investment! The Wyoming Cattle and Investment Oo. ate offering shares at par. The safest and best paying investment now on the market. If yon have monly to invest, either in large er asoaU amounts, write for particulars. D. H. KOOKER. Secretary, DssWhws, twwu IN 3 OR 4 YEARS IN INDEPENDENCE ASSURE* If you take up your homes ia Western Can ada. the laa4 oC ] Illustrated giving Bft farmers who have be come wealthy ia crow- lag wheat, rapem of delegates, ete.. and full information as to reduced railway rawa eaa he had on application to the Superin tea dent ec Lmmlf i a" ion. Department of Interior. Ottawa, Cauaaa, or to c. J. Brouehton. lSB Monadaock Block. ( hioago. 111., or E. T. Holmes. Room S, "Big Four" Building. Indianapolis. Ind. Special excursions to Western Canada during March aud April. "V "P .. '.J m '•S3 v*' vi *1 am so nervous! no one ever suffered as I do! There isn't a well inch in my body. I honestly believe my lungs are diseased, my chest pains me bo, but I have no cough. I am so weak at my stomach, and have indigestion terribly, and palpitation of the heart; am losing flesh; and this headache a n d 1 - - - - - For 14 Gub UmaiMwlHnw--isnais. LIB SISI S*--A TMIU INT. a .it 1" HtH 1 •» haA hnriaeSnM, .lb 1 •» lamUSmCMMknlMl, ,M t » MISUIMMM, .M 1 •• ll-lu MM SMd, .ie S" bilhiM » MMulllmtHi Worth 91.00 FCRUOAIFF Abon M packafM nrs imMs W»B •all ym tm, »«siin»r v** mm pal lllutrwtd Ssnl Catalat, MHas lUafeia Salter's Binim MlwDipa Ala* «'hatee SallVlllI, Waa>> loprtitt with tho«*u4* «f MrttaM **S>-tat>l>8 aaS tart* »»rta. apaa tmmtfA ansa aa<i tMaaatlee. WImb m«.m akai Salnr * 8M4*yum«MMill hllBlM. MM A.IAUEI SCCIII.IaCMM^, backache nearly kills me, and yesterday I had hysterics. " There is a weight in the lower part of my bowels, bearing down all the time, with pains in my groins and thighs -- I can't sleep, walk, or sit, and blue -- oh goodness! I am simply the most miserable of women." This is a most vivid description of a woman suffering with nervous prostration, caused by inflammation or some other diseased condition of the womb. No woman should allow herself to reach such a perfection of misery when there is no need of it. Bead about Miss Williamson's case and how she was cured. Two Bad Oaaos of Nervous Prostration OurotL The "Big Four Route' j§s a Railway SystMl ^Comprising * ;V: UM 2,500 Miles of Superb Roadway Built and Equipped In the Moat ; i. Approved Manner off ModerS. Railway Constructkm. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham ; -- I was suffering such tortures from nervous prostration that life was a burden. I could not sleep at all, and was too weak to walk across the floor. My heart was affected so that often I could not lie down atr all without almost suffocating. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it worked like magic. I feel that your medicine has been of in estimable benefit to me." Miss ADKLK WILLIAMSON, 196 N. Boulevard, Atlanta, Oa. "I had nervous prostration terribly, caused byf female weakness. I suffered every thing ; was unable to eat, sleep, or work. After a while I was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and I really began to improve on taking the first bottle. I continued to take the medicine, and am now better in every way, and feel like a different person. I am simply a well woman." Mas. DELLA KEISKB, $5000 REWARD. --We have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, 96000, which will be paid to any person who can flad that the above testimonial letters are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the writer's speoial per* mission LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE 06. The Passenfer Train Service of ti» •. "BIO FOUR ROUTE'* provides 200 Passenger Trains per day, requiring; lor their operation ̂ • * {• V 150 Passenger Locomotive# ;V ' 450 Passenger Can , * ^ '.*Y 25 Parlor Cars ^ A 20 Dining and Cafe Cars 1,000 ACRE FARM, $27,000 "EASY TERMS." SOME TRADE. Half-mile count) »«»»«. Hutchiueon Co., In Jim lilver v»Uey, 4TS cultivated; 17 mllep of fence; hay. 2 tons per acre; well timbered; complete modern Improve ment*; 2 dally mallet; S mlle« to ttatlon. For parties- I arc addreaa Hl'«o SPIXNAUBL. Spr.. otlrat, Switk inn, Mfewtar, hitsit,!.!. to addition to which Sixty Sleepers are in Continuous Service on the "Bid FOUR" and Its Throat* Cfer Lines. % \ WARREN J. LYNCH* . ̂ W. P. MM*L.A - Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt Asst. G. F.ftT.4. CINCINNATI, O. W. N. U. CHICAGO. NO. 12. IOOI, Wfcea Aasweriag Advertiseaeits Mcatioa This Paper. m m & Means misery on the eve of life. Nine out of ten old people are constipated because the ^muscles of their intestines have become ^l||weak, worn out and flabby. Constipation is the curse of old age, causes bile and acid poisons to remain in the blood, making the skin yellow and wrinkled, the eyes bleary and causing the "bones to ache." Keep the bowels strong, healthy and regular . and old age loses all its terrors and weak nesses. No reason why grandpa and grandma shouldn't have bright eyes, and clear, ruddy skin and feel lively and active, ^ if they will only keep their bowels open and vigorous with CASCARETS CANDY CATHARTIC\ the greatest bowel tonic ever heard of. Try them to-day--a 50c box--a whole month's treatment--and find that the tortures of constipated old age *** i, SOc. 25c. 50c, ALL DRUGGISTS. NEVER SOLD IN BULK, all bowel troaMea* appendicitis, bO- a, bed breath. Bad blood, wlndl atoasach, bloated bowels, fonl eatlon, pimple*, ow complexion your bowele don't move regn- CURE ss Walla anoatb, headache, India Falas after eating, liver trouble, sail and dlaxtneea. When your bowele d< Inrly jom are (etttnc alefc. Conatlpatlon kills more ;people than all other diseases together. It Is a starter for tha chronic ailments and Ions yeare of lflkrlnf that come afterward a. No matter what alia yon, start taking ClICiBETS to-day, for yon will never set well and bo well all the time until yon pat your bowele right. Tak< with CAiCABBfl to-day, ander . aatee to euro or money refunded. i abaolute (aar> GUARANTEED pMp alarttar aedklu la the wwM. ta_**»a (nat •«rlt aad wr ImmI k«Ma«slsli Wakaft nMhaap; wtll sett cZ.ecAKETO absolutely nwraateed ' namrraAnM. Q* bay today. twoJMje J AUp, lisut Wa|> as »er •l»l« dtreeMaaa, aad a.t ssHsiO, alUrarfM «ae W». be* aadtteesaptr baa to as by ssati. ar tk* mMsssraiMwd M. mm* ;ea TSK aar advlee ae aatfar 'jeba* ags . HeaMb win «st«kt "