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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1901, 6 000 3.pdf

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V'SK'Sg »II""MI i HI. u r n • M i i . f i •V. •void Nervous Prostration. ' If Ton im dangerously sick what it p» uit duty of your physician T He «ruieta the nervous system, he deadens n paiBt sad you sleep well. Friends ask, "what is the cause?" 1' Jaod the answer comes in pitying r-̂ -iffonee, nerrous prostration. It came upon you so quietly in the begrinninsr« Sfljlfnat you were not alarmed, and when 'V*'sleep deserted you night after night , ;, tmtil your eyes fairly burned in the darkness, then you tossed In Bsrroos •cony praying tor sleep. ; . ' * " S - 1 The growth of German trad* and commerce in all parts of the world has led the German emperor to establish an Institute for the study of ocean- ology in Berlin in connection with a naval museum. Both are to form t- part of the Berlin university and will serve as a school for naval construc­ tion on the most approved modern sys­ tem and In the widest sense of the word. If You Hav« Rheumatism money, but write Dr. Sfcoop. K*cl»e, Wl*., box 143, far >lx bottles of Dr. Sboop'a ithmmatlc Care, expreu paid. if cured pay »6.50; if not It la frea. A* H1BTL1Y. Ton ought to have known that .. : When you ceased to be regular in your courses, and you grew irritable with* cause, that there was serious "trouble somewhere. • You ought to know that indigestion, exhaustion, womb displacements, fainting,' dizziness, headache, and backache sen^ the nerves wild with affright, and you cannot sleep. Mrs. Hartley, of 221 W. Congress St., Chicago, 111., whose portrait we pub­ lish, suffered all these agonies, and was entirely cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound ; her case should be a warning to others, and her cure carry conviction tp the minds of every suffering woman of the un­ failing efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Seventy dollars was paid In London the other day for a copy of Franklin's *Cicero," Philadelphia, 1744. TO CtTBK A COUD IN OHX nty, Take LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE TABLBTS. All druggists refund the monev If it falls to cure. K. W. Grove's signature Is on the box. 25c. The extensve aid valuable resources Of Louisiana will be exhibited at the Pan-American Exposition. WANTED--Men with rig to idTertlw and tBtrod&oi Monarch Poultry Jiixture. Straight aalary tit 99 Weekly and expenfi*. Addrew with stamp. Monarch Manufacturing Co., Box (8». Springfield. IUlaoU. The biggest logs in the Western Hemisphere will be seen at Buffalo this summer. • Thirty minutes is all the time re­ quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE­ LESS DYES. People who have the least to say usually have the most to talk about. We thank you for trying Wizard Oil for rheumatism or neuralgia, then you will thank us. Ask your druggist. We can forgive a good many things in people that can make us laugh. ; I do not believe Piso s Cure tor Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds--JOBS F BOTBH, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15.1SNXX •>. i SEND HO MONEY within Z'ia fSSiW mOaa of Minn®-I 4 > H a p o l i a ( i f f u t h M " |(«ai Sl.OO). < M a t t h i s a d . ">iOut and (end .' ;to ua and we ; ;*iiwlH Mnd won E N D T E Yon MI OTamlna it at your frstcht 4* iV«t. and if foaad perfectly aatisfactor/, exactly m . represented, and the equal of aeedera that others aail *-£fS.?» PBl ? - a fact ore. la IM thrfn DEALERS can boy in carload lota, y Thi» Is the Highest Grade End Gate Broadcast Beeder . J made. Blade for na under eontraet by the beet eeeder Kaker in America. Hade from the wry best material that money can buy. Will eew mere evenly and more jatUfactorlly^thananz other seeder made. Will cow *at£i.r*VeryWl JSCTSr'Sade , with the defects of none. Write for Sipei AjrricultorRl Implement Catalogue. Address, •ir X. BOBS&TS' SUPPLY HOUSE, Minneapolia Remember, woman when most womanly.- is most perfect, -Gladstone. DON'T EXPERIMENT With your health. Use Batt's Caps forColds. Prompt care guaranteed. 25c at drtggists. If a man has crow's feet about his •eyes there must be some caws. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing: Syrup. VOr children teething, softens the gama, radio-- far lamination, Ulaya pain, cures wind colic. S5o» bottle. The way of the transgressor often leads to foreign shores. Ill III II UllfclAirt .i - • VISITORS NOTWANTaBb f--»Ui Wka Wmt to Sm OtMahni Maat Get a layal remit. Greenland is governed in a grand­ motherly way by Denmark, but, as it consists of a group of colonies which would not under any circumstances at­ tract many tourists or traders no out­ sider complains of the exclusiveness of the Danish authorities. Trade always has been and still is monopolized by the state and only government vessels are allowed to sail in Greenland wa­ ters. For foreign travelers also Green­ land is a closed country unless the traveler la question has beforehand Obtained the rare distinction of ob­ taining the permission of the Danish government. The monopoly of the trade is said to protect the Green,land- er from being deceived by unscrupu­ lous merchants. The administration settles a fixed price both for the goods the Greenlanders purchase and for the products they selL In this way all are treated in the same manner and the business being carried on by the state Is a guaranty that the natives are not Imposed upon. Furthermore, the mem­ bers of the administration are enjoin­ ed to take care that the natives do not leave themselves short of produce by Selling more than they can dispense with, so that they are not destitute of needful food and clothing when the slack time arrives. The native Green- lander never has been, neither is he now, able to purchase a single drop of spirits from the administration. The exchange of goods between Greenland and Denmark is as a rule carried on exclusively by means of the nine ves­ sels belonging to the Greenland Com­ pany--viz., five brigs, three barks and a small steamer, having' a total regis­ ter of about 2,000 tons net. Several of these vessels, which are suitable for sailing through drift ice, make two voyages a year, and the steamer as a rule three voyages. One of them the brig named the Whale, is nearly 100 years old. - J - y . , . , . ** - * 4" 1 i Coe'a Cough Balaam b the o l d e n and beat. It will break uj> a oold quicker than anything else. It Is always reliable. Try it, (At a certain age a man Is so much the better for being bad. The Beat Laondrjr Soap, Is Maple City Self Washing Sou. Just try It and see. All grocers sell It. Tawning in company is a beneficent natural exercise. Baseball players; Golf players; all play* rs chew White's Yucatan whilst playing, The Berlin members. Women's club 105 UNDER THE SNOW. -v :,y-\ •. Ghastly Trois Revealed on die Disap­ pearance ef Winter's White Mantle. 'V Deadly dangers lurk lh the ground left bare by the departing snow. All winter long there have been accumu­ lating deadly disease germs. These have been protected and kept alive by the covering of snow and now, with the first warm days, these death- bringing microbes are awakened by the rays of the sun, and as the ground dries they are carried to all corners of the community in the dust that Is blown everywhere by the spring winds. The human body at this time is par­ ticularly susceptible to these germs, especially the germs of fevers. The system has been depleted by the fore­ going winter. The blood is sluggish and filled with impurities. The nerves have not recovered from the tension they have been under . for the past months. The stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, the liver are all at their worst. It is therefore, not strange that these germs of disease find fertile ground in which to thrive, flourish and develop into deadly ills. Spring is the time of year when one should fear an attack of fever, espe­ cially when the system is depleted, one should dread any severe illness. The vitality is at a low ebb. There is less power of resistance to throw off dis­ ease, and it is on this account that fatalities are so much greater during the spring months than at any other time of the year. There is but one way to ward off such dangers, and that is to fortify the human body so that It will become im­ pregnable to the germs of invading dis­ ease. To do this take Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. It will build you up quickly, it will re-establish your waning appetite, it will give you rest­ ful nights of sleep, it will give vim and vigor to the nerves, and it will dispel all existing poisons that have accumulated in the body besides coun­ teracting the effects of others that may accumulate. Following is an instance that will il­ lustrate the wonderful power of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve rem­ edy. Sheriff Jonas T. Stevens, who is sheriff of Hyde Park, Vt., says:--"I have used Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy especially as a blood purifier. I had a very severe humor on my arms, accompanied by a very bad itching, so severe that I could not sleep nights, causing me great incon­ venience by the loss of sleep by the itching. A friend advised me to take Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, which I did with the most satisfactory results, for the trouble has entirely disappeared, and I can now rest comfortably nights and have none of my former misery from the burn­ ing, itching sensations." Remember Dr. Greene's advice will be given to any one desiring same ab­ solutely free if they will write or call upon him at his office, 35 W. 14th St., New York City. * LumberNotice, On and after January 1,1901, we will sell direct to contractors, consumers or any other parties desiring to buy lumber, lath, shingles or any kind of ' * building material, saving them a mid­ dleman's profit. Send in your lists for estimates. Oorrefepondenee promptly answered. JOHN L BURNS lOiBER COMPANY, LONQ DtSTANOE TCLKPHONKS MONROE XII, MONROE t0O. 40 W. Chicago Av. CHICAGO, ILL. 1FMENDS Cut this oat--Bead--Reflect--Act YOU can make Indepeadeace well as •i" -- - - -- -- * vv; aua«« WWySSBiMCO Will || ;«ther»--ea small capital--by ladl«to«sly lBTestisc la laad--Opportaaltlei pleatr--Taka this--A whale sao> tioa tapered farm--good soil--near Mapletoa. Hot- IfM CowatT, Iowa--#10 par acre--sooo so-raaou JUd Blvar Valley lands Utnnaeota--« pMaanTap- rajr Mf Intarast--and double la valae two Ttars for nantaalars--Address. D. K. BKYSOlf, Real Eti" -- itata A rent. Truer. Iowa. FREE a NUhi $1 Ti ulsisl of Or. Q. , TMft Brown's Great Remedy foe Fits. Kpflensv and at! Nervous Diseasrs. Address 0> nous BROWS, 88 Brosdwar, Sswbarch, H,I„ Farms for sale on easy terms, or exctianee. In Ia- jfeb., Minn, or 6.1>. j. Mulhall. Sioux City, Iowa. C O N S U M P T I O N SHOWING PULL JUT0WEB AR1NG MEN KNOW THE VALUE OF ^OVER'S OILED CLOTHING IT WILL EBP YOU DRY IN THE WETTEST WEATHER .00K fOft ABOVE TBADE MARK ON SMC EVERYWHERE CATALOGUES FREE E OP GARtjCNTC AND NATS. \M3TgN.MA3S. •toaa That Brlaga Luck. A good deal has been heard ot the "Lia Fall," or Stone of Destiny, which 1s placed under the seat of the corona­ tion chair in Westminster abbey; but few people realise the extreme an­ tiquity of this uninteresting-looking, rough, gray block. It was brought to Ireland about 1200 B. C. by the Tu- atha-de-Danaans, a mysterlou eastern race who conquered Ireland at that period. No one is quite clear as to their identity, but many savants sup­ pose them to have been Chaldeans, Persians or Phoenicians. Those races were certainly highly civilized, even BO long ago as the date mentioned. They attached the greatest possible value to the stone and used to crown all their monarchs on it. Three of the Tuatha-de-Danaan queens regnant Who sat upon the stone of destiny re­ joiced in the curious name of Fodhla, B&mba and Eire--the last a name that is creeping into use again of late, after long eclipse. In the sixth century, Fergus, king of Scots (an Irishman by descent), borrowed the stone for his coronation at Scone, and "froze on to it" when he had it. It never went hack to Ireland, and many historians date the commencement of the dis­ tressful country's woes from that loss Edward I. of England carried off the stone from Scone and placed it in Westminster abbey, where it still re­ mains. Profit In Oatrlch Wmrmm. V* '̂, Very remunerative is ostrich farm­ ing, which, for a considerable time followed In California, has now been introduced into New Zealand. Five hundred of the birds are now on the farm of the Messrs. Nathan at Whit- ford Park, a short distance from Auck­ land. All the steps in the industry, from the nesting of the birds to the dressing, dyeing and mounting of tho plufnes, are carried on at this estab­ lishment. The manager states that an adult bird requires about the same amount of attention as a sheep, and that the ostrich consumes about twice the quantity of grass needed by a sheep. The birds become dividend pay­ ing investments when about 10 months old, after which age they are clipped every eight months. The feathers clipped are worth from $3.75 to $6.20 per pound, the after dressing increas­ ing the value enormously. The male and female birds manage the incuba­ tion of the eggs between them, taking four-hour watches each. To his share of this duty the male ostrich adds the labor of turning the eggs. The chick* are hand fed. as with those of the or­ dinary farm yard fowl, and are reared without serious loss. THOUSANDS OF PAIR WOMEN HERALD PRAISES FOR PERUNA. OFIID ci Catarrhal Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration Make Invalids of More Worn on Than All Other Diseases Combined. M8KY£rr.2r2 INVESTED and be prepared 1 jraars of prosperity. Write for oar Cs BparaMn RaachCa* The Beat Botai SI. Wis.; best toalHi,I new of bouee with eiepant fiirntsktBCS; terms are rt(ht. Also farm* from Mitoljlna Improved, tn Rock Co. and central WlaeMMtat & 45nna ^fTJ.Lynch cash payment,balance time. CurreoixxideaeeaotfC I, W. R. PHILLIPS, CTSNNHLM Addraaa. RARE BARGAINS ™ land; no better tn Western Washingt-.Ti: oae frum town of Centarlla, on main line X. P. r between T scorn a and Portland; part time ff W. J. Trotter. Centralis, Wash. A Splendid Investment! The Wyoming Cattle and Investment Go. are offering shares at par. The safest and best f paying investment now on the market. If jtra have money to invest, either in Urge (ff small , amounts, write for particulars. D. H. K00KER, Secretary, Des Moines, Im. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS tN INDEPENDENCE If yea take op mot home in Western Cka- ada,the land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlet*, giving experiences of farmers who have be­ come wealthy ta grow­ ing wheat, reports eC ; delegates, ete.,aadfntt information as to reduced railway rates can be had on application to the Superintendent at pplicat Immigration, Department of Interior, Ottawa,, Canada, or to C. J. Broughton, 12S8 ModnadnociC Block, Chicago, or E. T. Holme*!, Boom S, "Big Four" Bldg., Indianapolis, led. Special ezeor* aions to WcsternCanada dur'ng Marth and AprB. • Held ta S«a Sand. On the northern coast of California, near Gold bluff, gold-bearing beach sands are still profitably operated. Tho panning surfs of the ocean act as gi­ gantic concentrators. There are two kinds, the "straight In surf" and tho ordinary panning surf. The "straight In" is occasioned by the western wind accumulating the sand upon the sea* shore. The panning surf comes with a northwest or southwest wind, exercis­ ing a rocking motion on the cumulat­ ive sand heaps, panning them down and preparing the material for the puny appliances of the beach miner. Barbaric Punish man t Mo laglaaA The old-fashioned punishment of riding the rail for martial offenses, has been revived in the North Riding of Yorkshire. In Carlton, West Scraf- ton and Coverdale three erring hus­ bands have undergone the salutary punishment of being forced to bestride a rail, and then, hoisted on the shoulders of some of the villagers, be­ ing ridden around through the streets for the edification of a hooting popu­ lace. X<mMI F«R the Blppsig. Without wishing to dip Into our city's local politics, there is seemingly need of some kind of a "ripper" that it will not make its chief executive a laughing stock and a burlesque. A more Incongruous spectacle has rarely been presented to a great city than the attitude of the mayor in his action, and its negation by understrappers, in the recent prise fight matter.--Pitts­ burg Catholic. When & girl tella a young man to :e heart it sounds suspiciously Ilk* a Peruna is the woman's friend every­ where. It is safe to say that no woman ever used Peruna for any catarrhal de­ rangement but what it became indis­ pensable in her household. Lsttsn From W«mss, Every day we receive letters from women like the following. Women who have tried doctors and failed; women who have tried Peruna and were cured. Miss Katie Klein, 6125 Bartmer ave­ nue, St Louis, Mo., writes: "Peruna has done me more good for catarrh than the best doctors could. I had catarrh so bad. but after taking Peruna it is entirely gone, and I fttl like a different person." Miss Anna Presoott'a I>atter. Miss Anna Prescott, in a letter from 216 South Seventh street, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: "/ an B/ncerely grateful tor the relief I have found from the use of Pe~ runa, I was completely used up last fait, my appetite had hilled mod I felt Weak and tired all the time. My drug~ gist advised me to try Peruaa and the relief I experienced after. talcing one bottle was truly wonderful **I continued its use Air five weeks, mnd am glad to say that my complete- restoration to health wms a happy surprise to myself as weM MB to my Mends. "--Anna Prescott A constant drain of nertOdl vitality depleting the whole nervous system causes the mucous membrane surfaces to suffer accordingly. This is the con­ dition called systemic catarrh. It very nearly resembles, and there Is really no practical difference, between this con­ dition and the condition known as neu­ rasthenia, or nervous prostration. Peruna will be found to effect an immediate and lasting cure in all cases of systemic catarrh. It acts quickly and beneficially on the diseased mu­ cous membranes, and with healthy mucous membranes the catarrh can no longer exist Parana a Traa Friend to Women. Mrs. F. J. Lynch, writes the follow­ ing from 324 S. Division street, Grand Rapids, Mich: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Gentlemen--"I earnestly recommend Peruna to any suffering woman, as it cures quickly. Last year I had a most persistent cough which nothing seemed to cure. Two bottles of Peruna did more for me than all the doctors seemed to do. In a couple of weeks I found myself in excellent health, and, have been enjoying it ever since.* Hence I look on Peruna as a true friend to women."--Mrs. P. J. Lynch. Peruna is equally efficacious in cur­ ing catarrh of the throat as in curing systemic catarrh or catarrh of the stomach. Catarrh is essentially the same wherever located. Peruna Cures catarrh. t Parana Makes' Ton Peal like a Ktw Panon. Miss Mary Coats, a popular young woman of Appleton, Wis., and presi­ dent of the Appleton Young Ladies' Club, alBO speaks In glowing terms of Peruna. A letter recently received from her by The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, reads as follows: "I am glad to call the attention of my friends to Peruna. When that lan­ guid, tired feeling comes over you, and your food no longer tastes good, and small annoyances irritate you, Peruna will make you feel like another person inside of a week. "I have now used it for three sea­ sons, and find it very valuable and efficaious."--Miss Marie Coats. Diseased nerves are traceable direct­ ly to poor digestion, and poor digeis- tion is directly traceable to catarrh. With the slightest catarrh of the stom­ ach no one can have good digestion. Very few of the many women who have catarrh of the stomach suspect what their real trouble is. They know they belch after meals, have sour stom­ ach, a sensation of weight or heavi­ ness, a fullness, irregular appetite, drowsiness, gnawing, empty sensations, occasional pain--they all know this; but they do not know that their trouble is catarrh of the stomach. If they did they would take Peruna. Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo­ cated. As soon as Peruna removes catarrh from the stomach the diges­ tion becomes good, appetite regular, nerves strong, and trouble vanishes. Peruna strengthens weak nerves, not by temporarily stimulating them, but by removing the cause of weak nerves --poor digestion. This is the only cure that lasts. Remove thq cause: Nature will do the rest Peruna re­ moves the cause. If you do not derive prompt and sat­ isfactory results from the use of Pe­ runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you hia valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, (X 45.000 in actual use testify J fr> their popularity. . . . , (Conceded without questioi^fe;t^ ' , ^ , |he best planter on thej; ^ i • • L%*rket 'V \ t ; •. jlu^ratnteed to plant more J < lorn in less time Mid do better work than any other •. , -- .r ; Also, Riding and Walking Outtt* vators, Harrows* Pumps. 1Mb Write for circulars. %'*s HAYES PUMP & PLANTER CO. lO Hall St., Gahra. III. f The "Big Four Route1* la a Railway SyttMl - Comprising ' ^ 2,500 Miles of Sqperb Roadway Built and Equipped in the Moat Approved Manner of Modem Railway Construction* Pram Cigarettes to Cheap Cigars. It is the testimony of the big to­ bacco dealers that, one of the principal effects of the war on cigarettes has been to diminish their consumption and to increase correspondingly that of cheap cigars. tans's Family Madlclna, Moves kuo uowtio oacu u<iy. in order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50e. New York State will hare about 4,000 square feet of space for its ex­ hibit at the Pan-American 'Exposition. Dr.Bull's COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough, Bronchitis, Grippe and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Dr.liull's Pills cure Constipation. 50pills 10c. OKLAHOMA OFFERS FREE HOMES to 50.000 people on 3.000,000 acres of lands, soon to open to settlement. Opportunity of a lifetime. THE KIOWA CHIEF, <i«voted to information about these lands, will contain proclamation fixing date of opening. One year ll.OO; Gmos. 60 cents; 5 cents per copy. MOR­ GAN'S MANUAL, (Complete Settler's Guide) with sectional mup. $1.00. MANUAL. MAP and CHIEF, six mouths $1.50. For sale by Book and News Dealers, or address DICK T, M0R6AN, Parry, 0. T. INVALUABLE TO HORSE OWNERS Send J Oc for Illustrated Treatise on Ifnraa shoeiiiR Without Nails. Every owner of • Horse should have THIS HOOK. AMERICAN NA1LELESS HORSESHOE CO. 604 Lippincott Building, PHILADELPHIA. AT ONCE with rig to sell our Poultry Mixture; straight • r V " _ mp. EUBBKA MFG. CO., Dept. P, East St. Louis, 111 salary 115.00 per week and expenses; year's contract; weelsly pay. Address with stamj The Passenger Train Service of th* "BIG FOUR ROUTE" provides 2M Passenger Trains per day, nqaMfe|r^|; lor their operation 150 Passenger 450 Passenger Cut W '̂ 1 25 Parlor Cars 20 Dining and Cafe Cars In addition to which Sixty IHttfelK1 Sleepers are in Continuous genrlo on the •*BIQ FOUg^'* and its Thnmgfc Gar Lines. *•v WARREN J. LYNCH, - W.*. NMK^ -' ' G«n. Pass. & Tkt Agt. AMlG. P.&T.A. . CINCINNATI, O. W. N. U. CHICAOO, NO. 13. 1QOU Wkea Aosweriag Adverttseattats HbMty Fkiitioa This Paper. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* Don't Move? i i Caused by over-work! Over-eating! Over-drinking! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment than the bowels. Load after load is imposed until the intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Then you must assist nature. Do it, and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a mass of violent mercurial and mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys; a candy tablet. pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS. r» bring & •urgeott.--»eireler'a Weekly." - ^ * **• M K ION® 1.4 DMWM AT » WLTHVIL eat «f SBi®' bswelk Chronic coBitlpa* MM for MRA Y®»r# p4ao*D »• ID tbl* unibl« wmiMi I Aid mrrlUlf 1 hunt of bat mtu fMMd ur I*u«f «iMl kMU »IK CASCARETS. I BOW h»T« from DM to MmpHtuH a day, u4 If I waa rleh I WOBM I|TI twE5for taeh moro- ti M la Mak a raUoi." H»B«w 1TLIIBIL HBKT, St.. D« troll, Mick. ' taforaaatloa. "Hat do o D « t -- ' " • » i.' BOWELS AND LIVER. THIS IS WHILE YOU SLE£^ THE TABLET 25c. SOc. ^131* NEVER SOLD IN BULK. wUl« itltlf alek. CcuflMtlM kills M«r« Maple tka* all mtHmr Ii la • atertor Ar ta* ekraafe al aa4 lracytan ttat «mm alt«rwu4>. Ho aattar wkat alia y»». atari taktat CAJCAKETl l«lay, Car yoa will MT«r cat weU aa4 W well all t|a« Mtll ;m nt raw fcewala rlcht. Take oar advices atari with CASCJUKiffrS later, ••<»» aa rtull taaraatM ta car* ar a«a«f rtfluM. DRUGGISTS •ViJUKTSKB TO CtTKBi m* raan afa Mm» *nt kax mt CI* CABRIwataoM. JTaw It la avartlx allllaa kaxw a year, grealw * after atlas aaaJHM >a«. ratara tla aaaaa* «•* kas aai tta +»:+r+:+:+:+:+T+:+:+;+:+;+:+:+;+T+>>^+> + + + ++:+l+l+l+l+l+l+l+l+l+l+l+l+»l+l+l'f^+A+Ja+JlfA+

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