We have on aaao mwsss ••>» mares bought from ; various ii'ewerias and Express compan- IM all in fine condition for form work. Will sell them at A bargain. Will pay on© way railroad fare to Chicago to aiiy purchaser. Have yonr station agent give yoa receipt for ticket money. Abe Klee & Son, 378 North Center Ave., Chicago, 111. (Take Milwaukee avenue cable car.) 86-9t scoffs * 4L« m • rn Etnulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands; men women and children^ When appetite fails, If re-» stores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. •. ' When youlose flesh,it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di gest it? Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes you forget your stomach. If you nave not tried It, send for free sample, Its agreeable taste will surprise you. _ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 40§ Pearl Street, New York. SOc. and $1 .OO; alt druggists. AMERICAS MOST POPULAR RAILWAY \LTOX m PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE Minuta* of read and approved. The were approved by the finance tC. Joslyn, gasoline.......... . .1 4 B5 M. Nieeen, police service. 40 00 John Walih, " " ...... 4000 M. J. Wi&h, oil and matches... .. 2 28 Jacob jftiiten, glass 90 On motion by Chapell seconded by Eldredge the bills were approved and ordered paid. The committee on fire apparatus was instructed to get a suitable place until May 1st, for the hosecart now stored in Buch's barn. The street committee W*e instructed to look up the condition of street sluices and have the marshals repair them. The president appointed the following to serve as judges and clerks at the vil lage election to be held April 16th. For judges:--Geo. Gilbert, Peter Rothermel and Isaac Wentworth. For clerks:-- Peter Engeln, B. G. Sherman and Chas, D. Schoonmaker. The appointments were approved by the board. • On motion the board adjourned. S. STOFFEOU, Pre*. •J JOHN STOFPEL, Clerk. Tke Beet Remedy for Rheumatism. QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par sons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommended it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market." For Sale by Julia A. Story. i n * > < 11 H \< .< > I * h () N I \ . I < >r IS K A \ s \ S ( I IA W XOD jLU COfrTlMPLATINO A T*JF, INT POI* HON or VrHlCH CAM BK HUE OTXK THX OIOIM • ttTOH, IT WIIL PAT -TOO TO WHITK TO THE 17119] •HRm lOl SAIXS, MAPS, X1MB-TABU8, ETC. f'.H-t "* V' ' ' ' ' - OBO. 3. CBAKLTOX, , nunot ASHHT. 'OnoAao, III. They ctot any of them show » more up-to-date line of Hats, Fancy Shirts and Collars, Ties, Hose, Shoes for spring, and ev erything to complete a fashion able make-up : : : : : : : : : : : Ask to see the " new Shoes SWS of Spring Dress Goods just arrived--Dimities* EfeWfis, percales, Dross Ginghams--actually the best selection to* pick from in town. Come .and see them. The store is filled with the latest styles of everything in Ladies' Wear. About twenty-five new all-wool Dress patterns in tbe prop er Novelties fof Spring and Summer. Also tailor-made Suitings in sever al colors. Finest kind of a selection of Calicoes, Ginghams, Percales, White Goods, Eddysilks, all-wool Challies for Waist, and everything in Washable Dress Goods you may wish for. Fancy Belts, Hair Bows, Kid Gloves and Dress Trimmings. Call and see what I have got. Remember, these are kll new goods just unpacked : : : : : : : : : : ; Kt;*,"**"' SHERMAN S. CHAPELL mi in yo^r grocery wants. The stock is clean, pure and the best money can buy. Goods deliv ered anywhere i» town oa a minute's notice. • f /; .'.i- GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Always on hand. CUCUriBER PICKLES--»• ¥ rf! • We want to contract a ,v limited number of acres of Cucumber Pickles at 5TGENTS PER BUSHEL Stfforf & Goldsmith (ompiny R. W. Stafford. \ ; Robert G. Goldsmith. v (Established 1869) General office: 006-700 Austin Ave., Chicago. Factories at Chicago, Marengo, McHenry UfeertfTllle, Mauaton, Wis., Knox, Ind. Make your Contracts " WSM:- and get your .seeds of ^ c e n t r a l ; MISSISSIPPJ><^VALLEY > ROUTE Hritt mondk££ Itteketurat. it. &. H.TbhiQMO, i via Illinois C |oan be obtained of your local 1.. H. HANSON- a. HL Oent. ] John Bass, at the factory; W. C. Evan son, M. J. Walsh, J. J. Miller, Simon Stoffel, West Mc Henry; T. J. Walsh. 8. 8. Chapell, Gilbert Bros., McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Kin# wood; C. M Adams, J. P. Lay, Johnsburgh. 36 WE GUARANTEE Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pernio to core any case of Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache or Stomach Trouble urban taken according to diraotfOM. DR. W. B. CALDWELL. I£ after taking two-thirds of a ftftjr cent or one dollar bottle, it to do as represented, we will rafand the purchase price. PEPSI* SYRUP COMPANY, fKTJdfs1^ I guarantee this to be the Best Beer sold in McHenjqr ipd sell it ia Gottfried Brewing Chicago, Illinois SPECIAL BRAND$! t- 'i; - »• tffolden Drop ' 4 %-'• Imperial Cabinet ' h'Muenchener Hoftpgy,, f c i j " Repor t Beer -^ ' % Invigorator)^ 'Jit *•' • ^ • (iotttrirt Brewing (o. ARTKRS EIGHTHS ' - and BOTTLB3 JOS. Agent for the McHenry brance of The AncMon Sale. ' The undersigned will sell at public auction, at his blacksmith ehop, in the village of Johnsburgh, on Saturday, April 6» 1901, commencing at one o'clock p. m., the property described below: Twenty Rock Island walking plows; 10 Rock Island walking and riding cul tivators; 4 disc harrows; 10 wood and steel frame drags, 4 Buckeye broad-oast seeders; 3 Efcickeye grain drills; 8 top bnggies; 8 surries; 2 horse rakes, com bined for ont or two horses. Large number of shovels, hoes, forks and other small tools. All the above articles are new. There will also be sold a second hand seeder; top buggy and milk wagon, all in good condition. Terms of sale: Sums of ten dollars and under, cash. On sums over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good appcoved notes bearing interest at six per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. Jos. H. HUEMANN GEO. VOGEL, Auctioner. Don't Be Funny. It does not pay. If you have % good thing, tell it right out. Don't use false means to attract attention. We say "right out" and it, too, that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin will cure every case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop any pain caused by Indigestion; it knocks Sick Headache by attacking the cause of the complaint and aids yon to digest your food, no matter what yoa eat. J. A. Story and Gh W. Besley. 930 to California, Oregon and Washington. The Union Pacific R. R. will sell low rate settlers tickets to California, Ore gon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mon tana, Wyoming and Colorado on Tues days, February 12th to April 80th. Rate from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane $80. To Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte and Helena $25. Homeseekers round trip tickets will b© sold to Kansas, Nebrasxa, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Ore gon and Washington on the first and third Tuesday of March, April, May and June at rate of one way fare plus two dollars for the round trip. For full particulars call upon your nearest ticket agent or address W. H. Knight, General agent, 193 S. Clark St., Chicago. 85-4m Marion Koohe, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1668 Milwaukee Avenue. Chicago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain *8 Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits." For sale by Julia A. Story. i • The onyx is apt to cause terror to the wearer, as well as ugly dreams. Do not leave home on a journey with out a bottle of Chamberlain, s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be procured while you are on board the cars or steamship. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by Julia A. Story. Garnet* preserve health and Joy. "We Don't Want Money Bad.** We want it good and w© will give yon value received, as is every bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, no matter be it 10c, 50c or $1.00, as we guarantee it for constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Emeralds, friendship and constancy. Spring coughs are specially dangerous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Opals are fatal to love and bring dis cord to giver and receiver. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. Julia A, Story and G. W. Besley. Diamonds produce somnanbnltem and spiritual ecstasy. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 80 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 27-26t TO The Kind Hntmllmn Biq0t Land to be Opened In Oklahoma. Within a short time the tract of land known as the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache reservations, one of the few left in the Udian Territory, will be ned to settlement. It comprises about 4,000,000 acres, lying between southwestern Oklahoma, Indian Terri tory proper, and Texas, and is reported to ie rich and productive land. Nearly 1,000,000 acres will be apportioned to the Indians, leaving about 8,000,000 to be opened to white settlement For those contemplating taking up land it is important to know that the rush sys- stem has been. abandoned. Notice of the opening will be advertised, and ap plication must be made to the officer in charge of the reservation, who will award the lands by lot. Those drawing allotments will know where their land is located, and can make the necessary filings, while those drawing blanks will have to return home. OSGOOD, Mo., Oct. 28,1899. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello. 111. GENTLEMEN:--I have used Syrup Pepsin for some time and find it gives most excellent results and it is one of the greatest selling preparations I baye ever carried in stock. I do not hesitate to reoommend ' ' * Very respectfully, ( ; DR. T. JONES. >l§1iy JLIMI A. Story and & W Besley. , A Pleasant Surprise. *- Misses Bessie and Iva Hoffman, of Terra Corta, were pleasantly surprised by a party of young friends on Friday evening of last week. Various games afforded a merry pastime after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Messrs. Francis James, Frank Hudson, Henry McMillan, Thos. Ame^, John Knox, Clyde. Wingate. Misses Ruby Peck, Lizzie Ames, Mae Am ""S, Clara Thompson, Florence Leisner, Bertha Wingate, Iva Hoffman, Bessie Hoffman. 1 <"' 4 •fi •M I'V JXff&h V'vfj i - S - ' K "Have you any doubt remaining?' said Mrs. Jones. "No Marinda, I have not. I took Rocky Mountain Tea last night." Twill remove any impure thoughts in the human family. 85c. G. W. Besley. Coral is a talisman against thunder and evils by flood and field. Skin troubles, cutB, burns, soalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated. Be sure you get Dewitt's. Jnlia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Cat's eye is . a charm against witch craft * TO CUBE A COLD IN ONB VAX. ' "' Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if foils to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 96a Amethyst banishes the desire to drink. Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove all impurities from your system, cleans yours bowels, make them regular. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Amber is a cure for sore throats and glandular swellings. Taken this month keeps yon well all summer. Gr^test spring tonic known.- Rocky Mountain Tea, made by Madison Medicine Co. 85a G. W. Beslegr. | ^ "The Convict's Daughters." Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling, stomach, kidney and liver troubles. Keeps you well all summer. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month. 85c. G. W. Besley. . . , "The Convict's Daughters." ? jfr A Practicing Physician in Monticello, 111., formulated Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask .Twlla. A. Story and G. W. Besley . 'The Convict's Daughter^ ' Thfa signatan is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that «•««• a cold in oac T T* m The Kind YouHawMrag BougK £•- ' A Refutation. H'.'-1 "They are accusing you of trying to take money out of the public treasury and give it away." "Now, isn't that nonsense!" exclaim ed the cold blooded politician. "Any body who knows me knows that if could get money out of the public treasury I wouldn't give it away. I'd hang on to it"--Washington St*£ «'* Late Realisation. - "I now realize," said the pig as they loaded him in the wagon bound for the butcher's--"I now realize that overeat* tug tends to shorten Ms."--Indianapo lis Press. A Modern Polonlna. "My son," said the fond but wise parent, "you are leaving me to go out Into the world. I have nothing to give you but advice. Never tell a lie. If you wish to put one in circulation, get it published. A lie cannot live, but it takes one a blamed long time to fade out of print. "Always read your contract A man might consider he was getting a sine cure if he were offered a position pick ing blossoms off a century plant; but, you see, he wouldn't have a remunera tive occupation if he were paid on piecework. • * "Be. not overcritieal. Even the most ordinary sort of a genius can tell when the other fellow is making a fool of himself. "Remember that the young man, like the angler's worm, is rather better for being visibly alive. "Be careful in the choice of your sur roundings. Environment will do a great deal for a man. For example, flour and water in a china jug is cream sauce., In a pail on the sidewalk it is billsticker's paste. "Don't forget that there's a time for everything and that everything should be done in its proper time. Never hunt for bargains in umbrellas on a rainy day. "You may make enemies. If you know who they are, don't mention them. Silence is golden. It saves the money that might otherwise be spent in defending a libel suit. If you don't know who they are--well, abuse lav ished on a concealed enemy is like charity indiscriminately bestowed; it's a good thing wasted."--New York Commercial Advertiser. How Blaine Remembered Henderson. It was before General Henderson had been elected to congress, and Blaine was speaker of the house. Henderson was in Washington, and naturally Blaine was one of the statesmen that he much desired to meet, and the op portunity came of a morning just as the speaker was passing through the lobby on his way to the marble ros trum. The formal greetings were ex changed in a brief moment, and Gener al Henderson was left to see the swing ing doors close on the form of the Re publican leader. Six years later General Henderson again came to Washington, this time to get Iowa divided into two judicial dis tricts. He put up at Wormley's, where Blaine also lived, it being in those days a fashionable and flourishing hostelry. A week or so after hiss arrival from Iowa, as General Henderson was en tering the dining room, he met Blaine after having passed and repassed him many times. The Maine man grasped him cordially by the hand, called him by name and inquired about Iowa. 'I had heard of Senator Blaine's wonderful faculty for remembering names," says General Henderson. "When I had • seated myself at the table, I beckoned to the head waiter. "Hasn't Mr. Blaine asked you my name?' I said to him. 'Now think hard and be sure of your answer.' 1 'Yes, sah,' replied the waiter. 'He done called me ovah las' night an asked yo' name an all about yo'. I told him yo' was Mistah Benderaoa.' V Washington Post , :4' Origin of the Yoaemlte Valley. It is perfectly obvious to those famil iar with glacial phenomena that Yo- Semite is quite an ordinary and neces sary product of glacial erosion under the conditions prevailing in that local ity. The main glacier came down Te- naya canyon, cutting it to a steep but fairly uniform grade. Yosemite valley is but a continuation of that gorge. The end of the glacier at the time that It was cutting Yosemite extended not far beyond Fort Monroe. It remained there for a long time and therefore plowed out the bottom of the valley to a considerable depth. Branch glaciers joined the Tenaya glacier when it filled Yosemite, coming down the valleys of Yosemite, Little Yosemite, Illilouette and Bridal Veil and other creeks and forming hanging valleys at the junc tion points. The formation of the ver tical cliffs of the valley may have been due to undermining and may have been aided by the cleavage of the rocks. On the recession of the glacier doubtless the bottom of the valley was occupied by a lake which has since been partial ly filled by detritus and drained by the erosion of Merced river cutting through the rock wall at the foot of the valley. --National Geographic Magazine. Where Girls Must Marry. In Russia if a girl desires to study at either of the universities etiquette requires that she should be married. Accordingly she goes through the civil form of marriage with one of the men students, whom she may never have seen before and perhaps may never speak to again. These marriages are perfectly legal, and if the contracting parties like each other they are united for life, but other wise the marriage is dissolved when their university course is finished and both are free to marry again. Sonya Kovalevski, the celebrated mathema tician, went through the civil marriage ceremony with a student whom she then saw for the first time, but who eventually became her httBbftnd.-g- Home Notes.. M xV;>$ H I N G To our McHenry and Lake County Patrons we extend an in vitation to inspect one of the largest and best selected stocks of Mens\ Boys, and Childrens\ 'Clothing just arrived which are second to none in the county. They are manufactured and guaranteed by Cohn, WampoldJfr Co. To do justice to yourself you should see our large new stock belore buying your new Suit. A look into our store will do you more good than all the newspaper talk we can give you, when it coYnes to clothing. Large stock of latest shapes and colors in Spring Hat8 just in. Plow Shoes, Garden and Field Seeds, Over alls, and Shirts, Flour, Groceries. """'""""JOHN J. fllLLER |miiiiiwt-->OHMHiimgiini«imiiwinnn E V A N S O N ' S m. 4:< IPitie fresh extra large Oranges, Lem< cms/ Bananas, Figs, Dates, Mixed' * Nuts, Pure M&ple Sugar and Syruj>t . \ ^ Heine's Fancy Preserves, Chow - - Chow, Sweet and Sour Pickles, ' r^( Golden Kagle Brand Peaches, Pears^, J v: s Tomatoes, ' Beans, Peas, . Corr^? , Van Cajnp's Soups (8 kinds) New» * , , "Fresh Dried Fruits .v'V " SPECIAL FOR ; SATURDAY: 4 Cans Si J- Corn for 25! --'•'"'-HI' V- New Hat«, New Shoes, New Dry * ; Goods, New Neckwear. All at thifc , . . * * - • > m a t lowest living prices and for Cash. W. C. EVANSON alarm meatber n e c e s s i t i e s : s*-\tr> " " J •* \ tV ^ ' Oil and Gasollti 10 v e I have a complete line of Oil and Gasoline Htoves ol the very best and most improved kinds. You need one during the hot summer months. Call and look turnover*, Paace^can be made to si^it yy.pp^ , r ̂ "*• ̂ GEO. SOririERS, 3R. y/t- -iff jjSSM* >.V' §jVoiidsB§§ • "The Convict's Daughter. a* pffllpipii mm