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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1901, p. 5

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0 \ " V < . - f c V W h o l e s a l e a n d r e t a i l . % * " - A • ..i* V t14»*l«rl|v «> + , » " • . !V ? -j' k.fS-W €'.1# :"«K ,JA4'.A V^.., mm CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS § her parents in Miss Helm Motdhuwrt, of Turner, la Ghtt. Krone. Mias Bdlta L*ofcty,of Geneva, spent the Babfcatfc with tar ccwain, Ids Hee- selL Miss Mabel Alexander spent a lew dam of last track with friends at Lake Geneva. Walter Cole returned home from bis trip through v1iie Southern states on Monday. Miaeee Dora and Wendell* Schroeder have retnrned from a few day's visit with frfasids at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich and Mr. and Mrs. C.wel went to Woodstock Sunday, where they attended Easter services. CASTOR IA For Infants sad Children. Tin KM Yoo Hm Mnjs tatfrt the Signature of •K _ McHenry - Illinois *3^ A r >" yl'sry ' _ f* SteaM Fittinir •4, > * ̂ v -' and p wind mm* ptl awl weed €Mkf and • \ •* >- Farm machinery ^ A.fall every department :• ,• • •• V-. - •*'. .--J*' f'"' ! M v * I k t - f W e a r e p r e p a r e d " & } : ? ' J ?-u t o d o *\ :f"; ef all Kinds ̂ +*! Give us A call r Conway & Rainey * Ringwood, III. Abstracts of Title- McHenry County COMPANY.. s WOODSTOCK, ILL. *- 4 P. F. Axtell, Harvard: i'SMki 2"^.1 E. M. Patrick, Marengo.' ..wi,'.' Directors { John J. Murphy, Woodstock. W. C. Eichelberger, Woodstock' I Geo. L. ^Jurphy, Woodstock RMI Bititc Bought and Sold. lasaraoM nM Lotu Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing «• ' f y ( '• £. WATTLES •;V" - (Successor to B. B. Howard) All kinds Qf Fresh and salt Meats always on hand rr 4. ui a 1 -3 f , Vegetables and h . • /* Canned Goods. ' Bakery Goods a Specialty r^ll Kinds of Salt Pish* Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and > Î SFruits received fresh daily* Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me the. right thing yon. :u F. WATTLES, ' •* - Weet McHenry, DL Loac dUtanoe telephoM, W CttSeiu'telephone 17 BANK •' '-7r- S* $s I'" \ : v, - :̂ s.. I"!' if- . P- • iff 5, This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. jj^Vr We endeavor to do all bus!- II r* ness entrusted to onr care in a I I I m a n n e r and upon terms entire- \J § ly satisfactory to onr custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the i public patronage... .*. floney to Loan - on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to $ INSURANCE® in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Natwy PBHIC. Bankan. -Geo. Meyers- \v £ • ; QENERAl. r 1 TEAMING Iwf all kinds. JBxcavating arid 'Grading, *;S " McHenry, ! Men I4"® Do you know that it pays to have your clothes made to order. In­ variably a ready-made suit will be out of shape in a few weeks if not a poor fit to start with. They are not more than half made, and are continually ripping. Let me fit you out in o hand-sewed suit and I will guarantee it to give. satis­ faction. Prices always right, SquareDealinf j JOHN D. LODTZ j P DR. TALLERDAY'S r FRUIT JUKL Constipation, Torpid liver and the Blood. Belvidere, JQ1., Feb. 5, 1901. 1 inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and 1 had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur­ ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac­ itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that 1 could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor­ ture was undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, tut with no re­ lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my Buf­ fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi­ cine completely cured me, removing ev­ ery symptom of the disease. Have rec­ ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene­ fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries way sufferer wishes to ask me, if they, wiu enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. Place of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday's }j£ough Cure Cures. f' , Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over> a week with LaGHppe and was cough­ ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday 's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. MBS. EMMA NKEDHAM, 1016 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using \ bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St. ltMufaetnred by THE TALLKBDAT MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. JULIA A. STORY, *.,•& ? McHenry GEO. W. BE8LEY, ̂ ~ W«M McHenry Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It fa unequalled for all stomach troubles. Hani help but tie yea floed Prepared onlT by E. O. IfttWrrrACo., Chicago n»|LbrttIec<wtaii>aStt times tbekic. *ia» « JnllaA. Story latfQ. W. Mr. Wille was in Palatine Sunday. J. B Lynch was in Nunda Thursday. Miss Lola Lynch was fe Janefeville Saturday. Miss L. J. Fnrney was in Woodstock Saturday. . Mrs. F. Ktoeger and children visited at Cary^6oti9ay. A. Btiggs, of Crystal Lake, called on friends here Sunday. Bin. Ottoman, of Harvard, called on friends here Monday. Miss BeaskiReed, of Elgin, visited her parents here this week. Lewis Gibson, of Chicago, visited his parents Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Skinner and family, of Nunda, visited at B. L. Dufield'a Friday. Floyd Reed left here Sunday to seek employment at Los Angeles, California. D. Lr Gibson and family spent Easter with Mrs. Gibsons parents at Wood­ stock. Mrs. Eva Jordy, of Oneida, Iowa, is visiting her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. T. P. Smith. Miss Blanche Lynch, of Harvard, vis­ ited her parents from Thursday until Tuesday. MW Matie Storer, of Columbus, Wis., visited at J. B. Lynoh'e fyom Thursday until Monday. Mrs. Eva Lynch is visiting her parents and other relatives at Ripson, Wis., for an indefinite period. Mrs. Bell Dufield and brother, E. Cadwallader were in Waukegan Friday uad Saturday. Mrs. Dufield returned Sunday hut her brother will remain for some time as he has employment there. He Kept His Leg. - Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg" with a. rusty wire. Inflammation anl blood poisoning set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doc­ tors urged amputation "hut" he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Hitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. Julia A. Story will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. VOtOk • Chauncey Parker is on the sick list. Miss Anna Miller of Fremont visited her mother Sunday. Earl Townsend, of Fort HiH» was a Volo caller Thursday. Messrs. John and Dan Richardson were in Chicago the first of the week. Mrs. SarahHuson and granddaughter, Mary Kepple, returned to Elgin Friday. Mrs. Peter Frost, of Chicago, visited relatives in Volo Saturday and Sunday. George Richardson and family Sun- dayed with Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Rich­ ardson. Mrs. Elam Converse and daughter, Frances, visited relatives in Volo Satur­ day and Sunday. Miss Alice Cramer, of Waukegan, has resumed her school work at the brick school after a two weeks' vacation. A Raging, Roaring Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re­ pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," he writes, gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors imOakland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption<and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Dis­ covery and was wholly cured by six bottles." Postively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Julia A. Story. Prioe 6O0 and $1.00. OSTEND. "Not all is beer that is bitter." Vernon Brott began school Monday. "Overtalk tires mote people', than overwork." Mr. Alex Martin was a reoent visitor at Peter Martin's. E<d. Martin helped & E. Clark Ins wood Tuesday. Warren Francisco and McHenry visitors Saturday. Every man who isn't imagines he will be some day. Mrs. T. A. Abbott and daughter were McHenry visstors Saturday. Thos. Halpin and Nye Colby wen helping Mr. Hobart get up wood. Now is the time to keep cool. Don't overburden your liver or conscience. Mrs. Chas. Abbott and family were visiting at John Pierce's last Sunday. James Carr and son, of Greenwood, sawed Henry Hobart's woodpile Toes- day. Mr. Hairy Hobart and family were Sunday visitor* at Ja* Carr's. naar Greenwood. Mr. Henry Goodsell is the happy father of a little baby girl, die was born April 2. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson and daughter were Sunday visitors at Mr. A. C. Thompson's. Rev. Wm. Nickle preached here last Sunday evening and returned to Chi­ cago Monday morning. A large number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. George Stevens 'ft Ring wood last Sunday. "If you would keep your anoinicu from knowing any harm of yon^ don't let your friends know any." Mrs. Bert Whiting, of this place, went to Chicago to attend the funeral of her mother who died April ted. Mrs. Whiting has our sympathy in her time of sorrow. A CariL We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cotigh or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 47-ttt K Xf rT" *•' . SPRING GBOVEi v Wm. Watts is ill. Mm. George at Richmond. Rodney WiMeman is spending a few days with friends here., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oamphdl axe vis­ iting relatives here at present. Prof. Conn and Josfeph Peacock, of Hebron, were callers here Friday. The little daughter of Robert West- lake who has been dangerously ill is now recovering. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Huff has had a relapse and is considered dangerously ill. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be at Mrs. Kate Shotliff's Friday afternoon, April 12th. All are invited. Mrs. Cora Johnson and little son, Harold, of Capron, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mm. James West- lake. » Wm. Patterson visited with his sister, Mrs. Shotliff, reoently. He is employed in the bnggige department in the Union depot Chicago. Sidewalks have be^n taking up public attention lately with the result that enough money has been subscribed to allow the buying of the lumber at a cost ot$200. Election passed off quietly, the repub­ lican ticket coming out several paces ahead wherever their was opposition. The following were elected: Supervi­ sor, Frank Hatch; Town Oerk, Andrew Neish; Assessor, Frank Or vis; Collector, Warren C. Moss; Justices of the Peace, Dennis Haldeman, Frank Hatch; High­ way Commissi*-nem Burton Stevens, Warren Ode, George Coleman. The funeral of Mr. Brown, of Solon, was held Tuesday, his death occurring Saturday afternoon. Mr. Brown was greatly respected and beloved by all and his death will be deeply felt. Such a life as his needs no eulogy being a prac­ tical examplifacation of the Glorious Truths he taught Few live to the age he attained and fewer still have left a more glorious example of a true christ­ ian life. We txtend the utmost sym­ pathy to the sorrowing ones. An educational talk will be given Fri­ day evening, April 12th, at the M. E. church in this village. This meeting will be of great interest and all are urged to attend. The following is the program: Music.. Address Hon. F.L.Batch BOOK, "Sweet America" f... Lucy Carey Address, "The duty of the patrons of the school" ..........Prof. U. W.Conn Music, selected Solon Orchestra Address Rev. Gross Motion Song, "The Grasshopper's Croquet." Belle Neish and Ada Westlake Talk, "The need of better educational advan tages and buildings... ..Supt. W. E. Wire Music, selected Solon Orchestra Duet, "Come Unto Me' Music,.. ..Quartette Marion Koohe, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits.", Rxr jaJ© by Julia A Story. V ">? . m \ t * BABSBVtlXE. > r Thos. Thompson was in Nunda Tues­ day. Arthur Huber is a new pupil at school. James Irwin is working for Chas. Knaack. E. F. Mathews was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mr. Anderson viaited in the city part of last week. Fred Mathews came np from Elgin to spend Sunday here. Parties from Harrington are drilling a well for Will Wingate. Miss Nettie Campbell spent Sunday at nr home near Nunda. M. Conglan, of Chicago, was a caller at J. Fleming's Sunday. Ed. Wilmington and family lyoved to Carpetttersville last week. Misses Etta Powers and Miry Doberty visited school here Tuesday. Chas. Grantham drove to Elgin Mon­ day with a load of furniture. Mr. and Mra C. T. Mathews spent Sunday at Andrew Wingate's. Mrs. Wilmington spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. H. Wooley. Mr; and Mrs. Thos. Thompson at- nded the funeral of Mrs. George Stevens at Ringwood Sunday. Several couple from here attended the dance at the Riverside, McHenry, Easter Monday and report a fine time. Low Bate* to California and Beak thte Summer. An illustrated book, which will be of much interest to all who are expecting to take advantage of the low rates to California this summer, at the time of the Epworth League Convention, to be held in San Fransico in July, has just been issued by the Chicago & North­ western Railway. Much valuable in­ formation is given relating to the state, variable routes, etc. The rate via this line will be only $50.00 for the round trip from Chicago, with corresponding low rates from other points. Copy of this book may be had free upon applica­ tion to W. B. Kniskeni 22 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. 39-Gt 'A. „ Chicago, visited frif^hereSWDday " from a visit in Chicago^ Monday. C W. Sotiiliand L. E. Golding spent Sunday with their parents. Fred Green, of Chicago, Sundayed with his parents near this village. Landlord Grantham will give a danoe in the Oakland hall Friday evening. Wimor Torrance spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tor­ rance. Mrs. Griswold who has been suffering from an attack of la grippe, is again able to be out Ed. Bumsted, who returned reoently from the Phillippines is the guest of Emerson Cooke this week. The school election will be held in the school house Saturday evening, April 20, for the purpose of electing one director. The dance given by Herman Hicks and Chris. Hapke at the M. W. A. hall Monday evening was well attended. A delicious supper was served by' Miss Eioise Jenfcs. Harry Graham completed a course in a school of pharmacy in Chicago Friday. He has returned to his home in Wau- conda and we understand he will be em­ ployed in Geo. C. Robert's drug store this summer. Wednesday evening four new mem­ bers were admitted to the Mystic Work­ ers, namely: Mr. and Mrs.Burdickand Mr, and Mrs. N. B. Duers. A delicious supper was served add a delightful evening Ms slgasihiw la on every box of the genuine g^rr Don't Be Funny. It does not pay. If you have a good thing, tell it right out Don't use false means to attract attention. We say "right out" and it, too, that Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin will cure every case of Stomach Trouble. < It will stop any pain caused by Indigestion: it knocks Sick Headache by attacking the cause of the complaint and aids you to digest your food, no matter what you eat J. A. Story and G. W. Besley. |>0 to California ̂Oregon and Washington. The Union Pacific R. R. will sell tow rate settlers tickets to California, Ore­ gon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mon­ tana, Wyoming and Colorado on Tues­ days, February 12th to April 80th. Rate from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane $80. To Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte and Helena $26. Homeseekers round trip tickets will be sold to Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Ore­ gon wd Washington on the first and third Tuesday of March, April, May and Jane at rate of one way fare plus two dollars for the round trip. For full particulars call upon your nearest ticket agent or address W. H. Knight, General agent 198 S. Clark St, Chicago. 85-4m A Testimonial from Old fioflaad. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best in the world for bronchitis," says Mr. William Savory, Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." It is a great pleasure to the manufacturer of Cham­ berlains Cough Remedy to be able to publish testimonials of this character. They show that great good is being done, pain and suffering relieved and valuable lives restored to health and happiness by this remedy. It is for sale by Julia A Story. Northern WI Boons In Ballwny Farm land For Sal*. The North-Western Line has for sale in Northern Wisconsin, at low prioes and easy term of payment, about £50,- 000 acres of choioe farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advant­ age of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes, which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply, both for family use and for stock. Land is generally well timbered, the soil fertile and easy of cultivation, and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the Northwest Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul,Minnea­ polis, Duluth, Superior, Ashland and other towns on "The North-Western Line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particu­ lars address: Geo. W. Bell, Land Commissioner, Hudson, Wis., or G. H. MacRae, Assistant General Passenger Agtmf, st. Paul, Minn. 8944t The Best Kennedy for Rbenmatlam^r QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par­ sons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommended it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is the beet remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market" For Sale by Julia A Story. If you are in need of wall paper you can buy ours at half price as we intend to discontinue dealing in paper. A very fair assortment is still on hand. W. C. Evanson. ' Pearls £puad in Vei talking Mountain Pearls.1 that they core liver troubl onstipation, bad digestion, nausea, lull headache, dizziness and foul ireath ? There never was a pill sold "hich acted so quickly and gent! they don't gripe one bit. is a^we ask---we know JULIA A. STORY. % J^ScfdbfeftepantiaiiSBrAs- sbn&attrig teToodaodBeguia- fagthtSfcaacteaDilBowelsor M W I S 4 l l l l 1 ) H I \ Eromolesl̂ esHon,Che»fui- wssaiidHsstGoofadiis neither corllineral. NARCOTIC. (The Kind Yon Hi Always Bought tioft. Sour StoffiKh,Diarrho€a, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- flnd LOSS OF SLEEP. Signature ef TOWfOHK, Thirty Years EXACT COPTOV WRAPPML New Dress Goods for Spring 1 , ' . We have just received a large line of Dresa 41 m Goods for Spring & Summer trade in tbe : ~ ' ||atest and most up to date fabrics and the * v leading Colors. We invite your inspection. Our- Spring Line f""v - :of Shoes c now arriving daily. hafve *ll Shapes, sizes and widths, in Fine, Medium Heavy Weight. | Clothing for Spring and Summed 9 ' We have 1000 New Sauolea readv for i tk * We.have 1000 New Samples ready lor your inspection. A perfect fit guaranteed Agent Continental O ROCE RIES of all kinds, \>nly the pur- Fir* laaanurae lest and best grades kept. Floury Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal. f ,r" • Yours Truly, pr M. J. WALSH. Delivered Promptly, distance *pb«M No. j<|. ,0m mm apnma sfasaeprscBssasaE W f : The dry goods merchant has taken up your time and money during the past few months--it is now my time to say a word. When you clean house and find that new Carpets, Matting or Rugs are needed just bear in mind that I can fit you out at as low a fig­ ure and as satisfactorily as any deal­ er in the country. Come and look at new designs. If you need new furni­ ture it will be to your interest to call at this store. New, up to date goods on hand and more arriving every day FRESH FflUITS A n d V E Q E T A B L The season for fresh fruits and vegetables is now opening and it is our intention to keep pace with the market, and ahead of all competitors. As sooa as new goods strike the market we will have them on sale. Keep your eye on the ^isplay of goods ia front of our store. Something new every day. McHenry GILBERT

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