fVc" " a£ , -5- Dekker's Delicacy store, in the Simes block, West Mc Henry, will be opened Thursday, June 6, 1901. We will carry a choice Hne of imported and domestic delicacies. Right prices and prompt service will be oar effort, and upoo tnis basis we respectfully solicit the patronage of McHenry and surrounding community. Produce will be wdantMl. K. Q. PEKKER v ' idk-t ' d. 'r* * '*"v <7 J » '*? : " k '•. -5 * v/ ^ a** ** "*• "*» « 3tl& ' Wbolewleindw^II1 V- f • . i b' if© lMBtetbs 7 • f&y f4 "AI MnM 4 'X For * IMVB VaaC natta* Hifi •ad Pmrttry •- •• "-"'•Vfc'iii Olva m . * 'Vv 'i j • call V 'j "'•J':"' j, s-¥? i'i.. •r > z % - ' *<\ 1 r>;, -Jpokei Meats, timty McHenry - Illinois SSSS ?r ' s$& * j ?. : FHHao* ' ' i*V <""1 , .,«/•» 'A'- (Ulfid mills Steel aad Wood Cnlu and Farm machinery y *• *5v»' ^ •< * A. tttll line In every department: I}-' • ' • V K * V. are prepared . ' todo tYi 1% Well Worli 9f all Kinds » a call rota (Received too late tor last week.) Miss Laura Smith, is visiting at Hnson Bros. John B. Converse, of Fort Hill, wu a Volo caller Monday. Mrs. Joe. Unsworth, of Chicago, is visiting at Barry Nicholl's. Mr. Mid Mrs. Joseph Vogt and George Walton spent Sunday at John Walton's. Mis. Mary Foster, of Fisher, N D., visited her sister, MA. JU J. Raymond, this week. Miss Celia Rosing, who has been in Chicago the past winter, is home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Guerin, of Mc- Henty, visited at A. J. Raymond's Son- day afternoon. Mrs. A. C. Stoxen and Miss Avis Cooke, of Wauconda, were Yolo callers Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Smith and daugh ter, Ruth, of Wauconda, visited at E. Fisher's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell and child ren visited Mr. Russell's parents in Waukegan over Sunday. Do You Want TO Save Money ? Send in your name and address and get our catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying eompetion. Fully illustrated catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN, OREEN & BERQER, >07 to Mil Dearborn Straet, Chlcat*, Mitaala (Mklogse mailed during July ,1 Conway & Rainey Ringwood, 111. KENENBER HIS! I I guarantee my work and tHe goods to be just as ; represented. F. WATTLES • £•>;: (Successor to R. B. Howard) .i All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. 1 -2\' Bakery Goods a Specialty : AH Kinds of Salt Fish. « j * : ; Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty *',V '«i t * Fresh Vegetables and r m Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and carefnl attention. • J'iU '• , Call on me fflll do the right thing with you. F. WATTLES, West McHenry, HL Lmf diatMioe telephone, CiMaena' tele^ioae 17 BANK This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a s / , fp. GENERAL BANKING filSINESi, /\ P We endeavor to do all busi- II r* ness entrusted to our care in a I I I b a n n e r a n d u p o n t e r m s entire- I ly satisfactory to our custom- ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage........ Jloney to Loan ;-1- on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec- attention given to collections, and promptly at- ; J«l^«d to INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the Low- ea| rates. Yours Respectfully ' PERRY & OWEN, Public. *fGe©i Meyers* GENERAL 1 -TEAMING of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. . McHenry,, HUnola English Double and Twisted, j Birdseye Worsted, • N' Clay Worsted, \ I' Striped Worsted, • > Flannel, f Crepe Diagonal Worsted, 6 Black Undressed Worsted, 4 Black Trioot, A Complete hand-made suits from ^ ||f#bove suitings, up Ipp $16.50 For the same price an Overcoat of English Herringbone Covered Cloth, or English Whipcord. Never before have such offers been made in the county. Come and look at the samples from the largest and most reliable house In Chicago. ' > , JOHN D. LODTZ £ DR. TALLERDAY'S P mil JUKL Constipation, Torpid liver And the Blood. b- .v Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5, 1901. X inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent It had annoyed me for several years dur ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor ture was undermining my nervous sys tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe uiy sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three dap my suf fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi cine completely cured me, removing ev ery sj mptom of the disease. Have rec ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. Place of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Cures. Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done. so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using i bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. 1 MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St Manufactured by THE TALLERDAY MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. For sate by JtfclA A. STORY, . McHenry CWO. W, BESUSir, - VMMcHmiy NEIGHBORING NE tVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABm CORM VP CORRESPONDENTS RINQWOOp. Mrs. N. D. Stevens went to Chicago Tuesday. Dr. Nye, of Johaaburgh, was in town Thursday. James Green wait to tin city Satur day morning. Frank Hess* father, of ESgin, is visit ing him at present. Will Kelly and family entertained company from Nunda Sunday. Mr. $nd Mrs. John Mulch spent Sun day with relatives in Richmond. Mrs. Libby Allen and Miss Edith Matthews, went to Harvard Saturday. The W. C. T. U. will meet next Sat urday, June 8, with Mrs. -Henry Steph enson. About fifteen tickets ^ere sold here for the Madison excursion to the Far mer's Experimental farm. Several of the young boys went to Woodstock Saturday, it being field day seemed to draw them that way. The Children's Day exercises have been postponed one week on account of the school picnic. It will be Sunday the sixteenth of June. The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. H. P. Buckland, Thursday after noon, June 18. Refreshments will be served. Price 20 cents. The Ladies' Aid society will give a Strawberry Short Cake supper from five to seven at Mrs. Bennett's this (Thurs day) afternoon. All are invited. WAUCONDA. Lester Burdick was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. Martha Harrison went to Chicago Tuesday. * Mrs. C. L. Pratt retarded to her home in Chicago Sunday. The Mystic Workers initiated six can didates Wednesday evening. O. E. Whitoomb, of Chicago, waS at Wauconda for Decoration Day. H. B. Burritt and Mrs. Flora Lines were Wauconda callers Saturday. Mrs. L. E. Hughes, of Dixon, is the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Wells. Charley Pratt, Albert Reynolds and friend, Mr. Dean, spent Sunday at Wau conda. The Wauconda Juniors will cross bats with the Cary ball nine Saturday at Wauoonda. Mrs. J. C. Reilly and children, Frank and Kitty, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Several Wauconditee attended Rev. Hardin's lecture at the M. E. church, Volo, Saturday evening. Clyde Golding, of Chicago, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding, this week. Mrs John Spencer was called to Chi cago Monday by the serious illness of her son-in-law, Charles Kirwin Orten Hubbard has returned from Chicago where he is studying surgery, He will spend the summer at home. The Wauconda camps. G. A. R. and W. R. C, decorated the graves of the departed heroes at Fairfield Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. Parks, of Ridgefleld, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Phillips, several days last week Again Dame Rumor is bringing a railroad straight to Wauconda. Well, we can only hope chat this one will ma terialize. Wauconda's hustling news boys, Willie Golding and Homer Sensor, now supply *their patrons with all the morn ing papers at an early kottr. VOLO. MTB. George Hnson hi visiting friends in the East Mrs. John Walton was a Grayslake caller Saturday. The Volo school closed Friday for the summer vacation. Mrs. Hannah Kines, of Waukegan, is visiting at Raught Bros. Miss Ruth Smith, of Slocum's Like, is visiting friends in Volo. The Volo barber has re-openpd his shop in Rosing's old store. Otis Murry, of Johnsburgh, spent Tuesday afternoon in Volo. Nick Frost, of Kenosha, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost. Miss Anna Compton, of Milwaukee, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Kirwin. Miss Ruby Cooke, of Wauconda, vis ited relatives here Friday and Saturday. Mrs. T. Winkel, of McHenry, visited her mother, Mrs. C. Sabel Friday after noon. Miss Edith Boner, of Fort Hill, visited her aunt, Mrs. S. J. Russell several days last week. Miss Mabel Granger, of McHenry. spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Hellen Raymond. Our meat market presents a vary fine appearance, having been treated to a new coat of paint. Miss Alice Cramer and her sister, Mary, of Waukegan. spent Saturday and Sunday with Jennie Walton. Miss Alice Cramer and her pupils will give an entertainment at the Brick school house Friday evening. All are welcome. Mrs. Joseph Unsworth returned to to her home in Chj^Sgo Friday after several dayB visit with H. Nicholls and family here. On Friday afternoon, June 7, the Grant Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. S. J. Russell. Supper will be served. All are invited to attend. Simeon Russell, of Waukegan, visited his son, Sidney Russell, over Sunday. He was accompanied to Waukegan by his granddaughter, Lydia. There will be an entertainment at Peter Stadtfield's hall Friday evening, June 7, given by the young people of the Catholic church. All are cordially in vited to attend. -A. d O TH . " Bwn tli# /t The Kind You Maw Alms 8--Ji SIGNATURE of IM. ••••••« •M HXllll OSTENB. Robt Oarr and wife were at McHenry Monday. „ Miss Susie Thompson visited Sunday at F. Woodford's. ' School closes Friday, Ju*e 7, for the summer 'vacation. ' Be charitable. Atight ftafc IB apt to get the rheumatism. Harry Brott was hauling corn from Greenwood Monday. Mr.^and Mrs. E. S. French sprat Sat urday at McCollum's lake. Mrs. Henry Hobart and daughters were at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Thomas and daughter, Ella, were at Woodstock Monday. Chas. Jecks and Ed. Mar tin were Sun day visitors at Pistakee Bay. Be sure you are right and than go sideways--if you are a crab. • P. S. Hatrison and wife were Rinsf- wood visitors Sunday evening. Wit never killed any one, but many have died from the want of it. Bert Whiting and family visited rela tives at Ringwood last Sunday. Lee Harrison, of Genoa Junction, was visiting Elbert Thomas Sunday. Elon Harrison and family were visit ing Sunday at Jas. McDonald's. Mr. and MTS. Chas. Abbott and family visited Sunday at John Pierce's. ^ A. B. Jecks is assisting Robt. Rich ardson in his farm work at present It's all well enough U) be charitable, but you should pay your debts first. Nearly all the farmers have finished planting corn. Some are cultivating it A few from here attended the May party at Ringwood last Friday evening. Mesdames Robert Richardson and Wm. Thomas were Ringwood visitors Saturday. Henry Hobart aad family were visit ing Sunday at the home of Chas. Hobart at Richmond. Edward French has been engaged by the Board of Directors, of Ostend, to teach here a third year. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pierce started Tues day on an extended visit among relatives and friends in New York state. Mrs. Kitty Duffy, accompanied by her two neices, Julia and Sarah Netlen, were visiting Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Pierce Sunday. An Irish lecturer upon being intro duced to bis audience Baid: "Ladies and gentlemen, before I begin to speak I wish to say a few words." The children practiced Saturday for Children's Day exercises to be rendered next Sunday evening. Misses Maud Abbott, Callie Thomas and Mrs. Cora Bassett have charge of the entertain ment. BARRKVILLK Miss EH la Krause has been quite UL S. Stoffel, of McHenry, was a business caller here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta were Sunday callers here. W. P. St. Clair, of Nunda, was a caller last Tuesday afternoon. H. A. Starritt and Miss Clara Thomp son drove to Cary Sunday. Frank Griswold, of Ringwood, was at Tli08. Thompson's Sunday. Gus. Bobizen, of Huntley, is assisting Chas. Knaack on the farm. Chas. Gibbs accompanied a party of friends to Marengo Sunday. Wm. Van Natta, Jr., of Wauconda, called at J. Hunter's Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cox and daugh ter, of Nunda, were callers here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Green, of Nunda, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilmington. Mrs. Ruth Turner, of Burlington, Wis., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. VahNatta, Sr. T • Fred Wilmington was among those who attended the concert at Nunda Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson went on the Farmers' Excursion to Madison, Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Parkins, from near Mc Henry, were seen on oar streets Wed nesday evening. :v. Misses Clara Thompson and Kathryn Walsh spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh at McHenry. Mike Coughlin and family and Miss Mary Parsley, of Chicago, called at J. Hunter's wad J. Fleming's Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wooley and daughter, Annabel, of Nunda, spent last Thursday afternoon at Chas. Wilming ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Throep and daugh ter, Agnes, and Miss Maude Dickison, of Nunda, called at J. Hunter's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Hunter and daughter, Edna, and Mrs. J. A. Robison spent Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Van Natta, Jr., near Wauconda. Miss Anna Fleming returned home Saturday evening after a very pleasant week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Kate Petti bone, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jayne and child ren were in Nunda Monday evening. Mrs. Jayne is spending this week in town visiting her sister, Mrs. Mort Ritt How to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It/is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the night or in your busiest sea son. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. B&ley. JOHNSBURGH DEPARTMENT. 1 Frank NIcmb, Editor. 1 ' • • 1 •, - , » Anton Engeln,of McHenry, was a caller here Monday. John P. Lay wtl a business caller in Chicago Tuesday. 5 Theo. L. Grott of McHenry was a caller here Monday. Eli Manor, of Genoa, was a business caller here Saturday. James Galagher, of Volo. visited with Peter Weber Sunday. Miss Lena Schumacher is visiting rela tives and friends hem C. M. Adams was a business oaller in the great city Monday. Mr. Rohrbocker, of Chicago, was a business caller here Tuesday. John Molitor and family, from Volo> visited relatives here Sunday. * Mr. Dainker, of Chicago, was a busi ness caller here one day last week. Father Barth and Editor Hazel,of Mc Henry, called on friends here last Tues day. Jojbn P. Lay wad Joseph F. Schmitt visitors in the great city one day last wtek. Caspar Krumpen and Peter Adams, of Twin Lakes, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Charles Michels did some lathing at Spring Grove this week. Charles is a good workman. Mr. Libig and two of his men from Milwaukee are decorating the home of Rev. Father Mehring. Misses Annie Stilling, Annie Freund and John Stilling were calling on friends in Spring Grove last Sunday. Mrs. Peter B. Freund and children and iTrs. Susan Smith, of McHenry, were visiting relatives Mid friends here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber are thr proud parents of a bouncing 8 pound baby boy. Mother afid baby are doing nicely. «> Mrs. Klapperich, who has been sick for several weeks, is recovering, which is gratifying news to her relatives and friends. John P.Lay had a new tin roof put on the new addition to his store by F. L. McOmber, of McHenry. Mr. Lay is well pleased with the work and says he can recommend Mr. McOmber to any one who has anything in that line to do. Peter Weber and Jacob Miller finished drilling a well for Anton Meyers on the on the place where his son John lives. They drilled 180 feet furnishing him 135 feet of water. These two gentlemen are good workmen and guarantee all their work. On Wednesday of this .week Peter Brits and Katie Nelsen were united in marriage at St. John's church, Rev. Father Mehring officiating. After the ceremony dinner and supper were served to their many friends and rela tives at the home of the bride. In the evening they gave a dance at B. Stilling's hall. We hope the young may have a long and useful life. BIDOIEULD. ' T ' was in Woodstock Fri- <§&£ f Mi ifgtiitan to on every box of ths Laxative Bromo-Quioine T*bieu Is raMdjr tbst MM • in mm *AR C. M day. J. Westerman was in Woodstock Sat urday. Miss Bessie Reed sprat Sunday at her home here Miss Cora Ward was in Woodstock Saturdav. Mrs. Nellie Jaoobs, of Nunda, was here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Garrison ware ia Nunda Monday . Mr. and Mrs. R. L Dufield visited in Woodstock Sunday. W. Levey, of Seneca, visited his brother here Sunday. Mrs. Goodwin and son, of Nunda, vis ited at J. Still's Sunday. Mrs. Eva Lynch and daughter, Blanch, were in Harvard Monday. O. O. Morse and daughter, * 0f Che mung, were here Monday. W. Rover attended the funeral of a niece near Nunda Monday N. J. Garrison and wife visited his parents at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Keeler and son, Marvin, visited at Ringwood Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiaton, of Holcomb- ville, visited their SOB, Frank, over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ward and daugh- Nora, yisited friends near Greenwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Levey and daughter, Etta, of Seneca, visited at A. Levey's Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and mother, Mrs. A. Cadwallader, and Miss Lola Lynch called on friends at Nunda Monday. RICHMOND. Miss Mabel Parsons, of Chicago, is visiting with relatives and friends. MTB. Laura Steams spent Saturday of last week with friends at Genoa. Mrs. J. Wray and Mrs. Mason and daughter, Cora, spent the Sabbath with relatives and friends at Terra Cotta. Miss Pearl Payne, who has been spend ing a few days with friends in this vil lage, returned to her home in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Lizzie Sternberg and little son, who have been speeding a few days with relatives at Harvard, returned home Monday. John Osmond Mid J. Frank Wray, who have been in Iowa the past six months and have good positions with a R. company, arrived here Friday evening and will spend a few days with relatives before returning to Iowa. A large delegation from Richmond attended the annual field meet held at Woodstock. Although our boys did not carry off the banner, they did nobly con sidering the odds with which they had to contend and Richmond is well pleased with them. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tli KM Ym Han Always Bought i^gefable^KpaFalionfirAs- stinfiating HtfFoodaiKlBegttla- IM VMS ( MI Din:\ ftoinotest̂ sfion.Cheerful- nessandlfestCOfitafas ndttter OaumXorphine nor Mineral. KOTNAHCOTIC. p^«»£MDflnai tmm Ayf" Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Ston&h.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish- OH9 and Loss OF SLEEP. l*cSiniik Signature of GlLfr&5&5* NW "YORK. |The IM YM Hm Always ta0i Signature 'it * ",H mm;, For Over EXACT COPVOF WRAPPE*. WW------------------------------ Did you read 7 last week's adv. about our Shoes ™ How the prices have been cut In order to close out the stock, and the reason why? Yes, some of you must have read about the shoes, as you have responded and in some cases made liberal purchases. We thank you for both, but dont . stop. Come to this shoe sale; they are bound , to be sold and the savings are in your pocket Another new item here. Fine Zephyr Ginghams, per yd. Hundreds of yards to select front; newest and prettiest patterns the mills turn out. Absolute- ly straight in every way, styles of the very latest. The regular price is 18 cents. You • don't care to know the reason why we sell it for 10 cents, but such is the price 'till all is sold. Thu QtjMr fttanlift frinirhftnifl arfl ft rta nur -n&rd* ^ PUMP ^ WALTER C. EVANSON •'J m - 1 WL. m.\L Y 3 jrurmxure imtii yoir navemspecwa my stock. Do not think that yott, , '; can do better in Chicago. Compare * k . uity prices with prices I will quote J "...and, if quality is considered, yon ̂ 1 will give me your order. You call, find here everything that is needed to beautify the home. The latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc. See my line of C , .-j- _ ts and *;* K ; •" JACOB JUSTEN > V1"': rf-i W' 'Wi & ft ; ? \ orn §0 dozen 3-Ib. cans Apricots, Pears and Peaches, ^ good stock in heavy syrup, at v fi.25 per doẑ qpis straight o£ v -Wi? -i.- assorted lots. a cans for 35c* -k; V/f * Call early, for they are going fast. - ̂ | GILBERT BROS, McHertiyd "ft YY.'Y.':