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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1901, 16 000 8.pdf

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i ofWtesenj. t £ g evening. We^5ftjl ffi. size order, teed, rot or Call ai r/Pri' in shape iii short ery tank guaran- e tanks will not ink, swell or leak, inspect o*r easonable. 7 ; lUlnols enry County^ WOODSTOCK, F. E. Axtell. Harvard. M stock veyanclngr. Real Estate in sums oLflve 1 thousand dollars. Tlmeknd Fault borrower. •: i-' . .*?' 'Aif - . y"u-r- M •*& two called *iNf;* *e- Mid Lynn Howe wiHlWkdthe Y. P C. meeting next Sunday :>lds and family will occupv recently vacated by Prof. •gnes Torrance, of Hebron, is 'ofDr. and lira EL T. Brown & Mr . and Sirs. C. large bone, Mrs. Annie S. Webb, of Chicago, is herfather, H. u. Hedge at the VIST RiVi Miss Ada Hicks, of Wanconda, the gnest of her cousin, Mrs. Walter tivanson, last week. Charles B. Super and family, of Chi- will occupy C. C. Colby'A cottage at McCollum's Lake. P. K. Wright, the genial publisher of the Richmond Gazette, made us a fraternal call Met Friday. Wallie Woodburn came down from Genoa Junction, Wis.. last Saturday Mid spent the day with his parents. * B. H. Gwen, of Chicago, will spend the latter part of the week with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Owen. Mis. C. C. Harrison and children, of Ringwood, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sherburne last'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherburne and Miss Anna expect to spend the Fourth with Mrs. C. C. Harrison, of Ringwood. The McHenry Juniors defeated ilge N Tmda team at Nunda Sunday by a score of 11 to 6. See the game today at Gage's park. Messrs. Carl Mead and George Howe accompanied by Misses Rosina Rey­ nolds and Rose Justen were guests ° of Nunda friends Sunday. ', •Mrs. E. E. Thomas came over from Woodstock last week and expects to re­ main as a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Owen, for an indefinite The ladies of Ostend wSo axe inter­ ested in organizing a W. C. T. tf. are re- uuesi Wednesday afte: Albert H^ynoldfand fyfjkinber.of: employees df tne RemingtBnType Co., Chicago, will be entertained firr Reynolds ancLfainily overJfche Fourth. James Lada, who is noWin IdWa, will .,__ the latter part of tl|eweek. He will bring another car-load of choice cattle Whichwill be for sale at Ring- wood. * V ' G. B. KcSlogg, representing the Sand­ wich Manufacturing Co., Sandwich.111., was in town the first of ih#. week. Mr. Kellogg says this year's business beats the record. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rafferty and Mr. and Mrs. Cliffs, of Burlington, 111., pfsiggt through here Tuesday on their where tfcey will camp 'for t̂ Wi&i. - Amory Hadsall, Thos. G. Sager and of Genoa, launched a yacht river here on Monday and sailed to Fox Lake. Mr. Hadsall is of the yacht of which he is justly proud. • The attendance at the ice cream' festi­ val, given by the, Y. P. (5. U. last Thurs­ day evening was not all that could igfcve 3*ie to the inclemency of the weather. In the neighborhood of $12 was clsttiato&f Wm. MOTZ,who has been visiting rela­ tives in Ge*£aany for several months guested to meet at Mis. Eber Bassett's, srawn, ind Barcelona. naet, returned to .McHenry* last Satur­ day. He sailed firoaA Germany Jane 13 and was accompanied by his sister, Mies Bertha, w|ĵ pp remain here indefinite- Father making a number of ranMwBSjii thepaatoral residence the exteriorls receiving a tr <j*int He. will -also have one wile •very day, a colt; the money My note as BOOB, ajare parted s at the frisk" m a distance BROS. •ifcon, Rhagwvod, ti|l TŜ mpt iirstrclaas ti, -! Price 25"cetJt» as good make ampo&tnm orA^HAWTX GRAVEL ROOF& I Qoaranteed for five Year* ; JUsquire no Painting. • f REPAIRS IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE A lSewly-Prepared TopDrwJjig J ' M^ed that jpakes old wal nearly as good as oew. PRICES always REASONABLE. Best of references. ' 2 Sistcen years experiences ^ 'Paetorjr.and residence, No. SOB Hill Avenue room 2, McBride block, Douglas Ave, ,«f ELGIN, ILLINOIS. tf?1- .*\ f ' e Tablets cure No Cure, no Pay H you-̂ ant mike it tion Rocky M' you rack Besley. The haziest thing in fee world to re­ place, after it is ottceworp out,isa wel­ come. Fat lady--Don't sleep too mnch-.'eiei'- cise; don't eat fats and sweets. Ito re duce flesh rapidly take Rocky Mountain Tea. Acts directly on the fatty tissues. 85c. G. W. Besley. So many do not succeed, that they ares able to almost make success dis­ creditable. If ygnng ladies think sores, ^mples and red noses look well with a bridal veil and orange blossoms, it's all right. Yet Rocky Mountain Tea would drive them away. 86c. G.W. Besley.' Our idea of an unusual woman is one who can wear a silk petticoat au$ not in some manner manage to show it. The piles that annoy you so WiU be qnicMy and permanently healed if yon use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be­ ware of worthless counterfoils. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. If a man is treated well at home, he would rather eat at home, and. sleep at hotile, wad loaf at home, than toywhero j-o!.i else. A bad complexion generally results from inactive liver and bowels. In all such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Risers produce gratifying results. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. m % 7 : r 3 V - ̂ . ' • -a - v: the best wrappef iever Ibid in the county ̂ for $^00. $M' s 1 one.) what yon eat. contains all of tbe j«esM all Kinds of relief and never lows you to eat, all Th© most se nsl ti ve Iti By its use many have been Jalr&else tajled. It ail stomach troubles. fcait y««i rteyE-O.D*WiTri (Continued from not alone in our edu< of which we are justly so proud, bnt i: our industry, honesty, intelligence, and morality, patrotism- and gennine Chris­ tian character. . •'* « No nation began its career with grand­ er ideals than our own. The early colo­ nists who settled in the wilds of this IM|| continent were the very seed-wheat of Europe. They WerSlaot prompted by the mercenary motives which .,i»nt British merchants to India and Spanish advent turers into the South. They canle hith«r for a high moral, purpose.They, as has been said, were, the germ of lir great na­ tion, wafted by Providenoe to a predes tined shorn Out of their poverty they built the school house ibl̂ the phurch, and laid the foundation of aU t̂hat is grand and enduring in onr ci vacation. The very memories >and traditions con­ nected with the foundiî ot onr nation will ever be a perennial -sourc? of inspir­ ation to Christian patriotism ness. And now what ̂ dfo mMi fitting clito«t̂ 4o th '̂numl ress which Wfe have thns far I think you will agree say that it is more nni,̂ î | and effort in developing tbe swkal'i and religious life of American society. To What sources shall we look to pro­ duce this much; needed unity ? 1st To the American home. We are beginning to take some interest in our ancestors. .You have read of "Old, Home Week," a movement inaugurated by Qovelnor Rollins, of: the state, of New Hauip- niiire» wberwy one wsck aiinnaHy set ap l̂i« «ttMlti«nnion t̂iie#^valof ancestral, memories, theĵ raa ,̂(>n of state pride and the cultivitfHa f̂fir borly hospitality. Said ft, "Old Europe is cttun What shall constitute swer. the Christian fan is the fountain head o£ ality and greatness. All tors from to so regarded it The patriarch ̂ ancient Hebrew history1, both of the church 'me who the mo said Napoleon,, "and shall be the character eration." "AJ1 that I he." said Lincoln, "Iowe" mother." We have bepx getting ahe«i"||at predated aa we the home in fixing onr ards and moulting our ter. The new and ture *%ich is devoted ̂Colonial bontgiln South isexi upon public The tendency of this day is to religious culture of ly to the public sol school. But we home itself has a pi and influence for whl< statute whatever. needs protection against Sabbath dairt̂ tiuL,fonî inonth ed blashen^r, the invasion of per­ nicious literature and the subtle aggres­ sive inflttenoe#a»e a^oon. SIW^An other • somrce t̂ l̂ ;̂ We scan OQilddent- ly look to ' df|i|j>p themiityof and condui bility and progress, is of popuhMr «dbieation as repf8aonted by our pnU|ii|IU)dls, colleges and trî iver sities. 'KJtwithatanding onr mania to* wealth it ipannot be d^ad ̂ j a nation* lure exceptionally th» great Workbf'-'educating The noted British critic, pfcfllfHfftpfil'rf and sociologist, Frederick Harrison, who a few months since addnsssed t League Club, Chicaĵ , in givil̂ |IAl i»' ' presskjM;of America a t̂e% W |̂fiMrn tb Engî y -̂Chicag t̂rncf toeas being ̂ Bewhat unfairlj|||ondMnneid a8 devoted to nothing bunkoiaon and pork. Certainly during ffl̂ isit l heard ng bnt progress of education, upiversiijfc endowmen ,̂ peoples' insti­ tutes, litnKries, museums, art schools, workmen's model-dwellings and farms, literature, culture and scientific fonnda-' tion." That I consider only a just trife ute to Chicago. pto teach onr children and yoqth to earn a livelihood, but seeking at the tHne to sculpt̂ !!!# «»# ijharacter0, qoi|| them for1'"*1" I 8d; of onr att«iBtlep#W:educating power of the pnblic press. There Is a wide dif­ ference of opinion respecting the true miaatonofJhe newspî r. Anunlg l̂H aprtpg jse ̂thera ̂ no different of ̂ ^on as to its power. In one of h£» Dlgnes when we were in t̂ e late civil war, Wend|p said: "Let me make the news- and I care not who make your a potent force, not the political opinion, bnt in moulding tbe. religions faith of society. The pulpit addresses a portion of so­ ciety, the press speaks to all classes, touches every pore of our national life. - The pulpit addtfliats you one day 6uf of seven, the newspaper every day If re^»o|tbiUty is to be by extent df inftnence how tre- the reeponsibiiity of the editor ̂ opî tnnities for' di- of pnt^c tiiought and We believe that the newspaper ,r higher mission than merely to in society, Tepwt divoroeel are con of police tent th adnlteries, s, Which ih a diet irs of the Tp some ex-homes , but aside from be ̂ cesniaig a magic iiio&rt<% vt hnmro life, with all its tragedies, jojwand sorrows the lever for the intellectual ai*d levation of society! Co-operating Pay Albany a Vlalt. Albany, N. Y., through its Chamber is making elaborate ar- take care of a large nura- who may visit ̂ that city he coming season. is a most attractive city and odrtilili a great many interesting places aii4:̂ |£ags. We have made special ar- trough the Times-Union, "m parties bearing from us will be shown special If you contemplate & visit to £ come in and let afr give you one we be neHl IJniiiieiit for Strains. «H. Wells, the merchant at rk, Long Island, N. Y.» says: A,1 aTways recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for sfrains. I used it last winter for a Severe lameness in the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and enre it ef­ fected." "For sale by Julia A. Story and G. Wi Besley. A man is often reminded thatlie talks too much. ; ;«t. * - ' , # How is th* Tick«tf DO«B it sn|t you? Well, we are not all alike, you know, in this world, and it ia hard to please eyeryone, but the favor is unanimonsly for Dr. Caldwell's Syrnp Pepsin as it is gnaranteed to cure Cqnstipation> Indigestion, Sick Head­ ache and Stotgtftch Trouble1, Sold by Julia A. Story «ind G. W One sign of the imperfi is his inability to w. .' Pri»e SUltfn f̂̂ ||wit. "They had an eating contest the other night(̂ 3|B îtook scboolhouse. Splutters--h#iate nine he#d of . AH a greater ex- .use the senti- law, the common sorrows of life alre-J pll combining to strengthen and vitalfini ̂ common bOnd Whidi unite« tui* to pl̂ 'other-T-̂ ^pttre ̂ benflpfefcnt, us #ffMii|ati6n witiji #hl«h are the Wod ̂ n of AtttWioa in chwacter the rottioof onr. times, let it be tile Iofty miaalon Of onr organization, not a spoonful of Dr. ̂"SSJtffcp Pepdn. That pre- t̂eapduKck Trouble of any kind, they A. Story's, and G. W. ley's. y. ' ."f. , TPhysioal labor wouldn't be; so >ad If the mind wonld let a person alone.... We have a good sale on Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin beoanse we guarantee it refund yo^r mtmey if ̂ it does not do jfatas we repreient it. Call for a book- lit that tells you all abgnt it at Jnlia ffe Story's and G. W. Besley'a. A person can keep np a semblance of honesty, by occasionally promising to PW. - ••• '• - v DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve shoulcl be applied to cats, burns and It sooiiplittid qtiickly heats the part. « !raere are worthless counterfeits, be! sura toy get DeWitt's Julia A. 8tory and G. W. Besley. ; SSBi A man seeks as long for a suitable male companion as he does for a sweet­ heart. . " . It is east?? Jo keep well than cured. DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now and then, will always keep your bowels ih perfect order. T, never gripe but promote an easy action Julia A. Story and G. Wj - TO C»BK A COM» IH Oli® »AT, TakeLAXATOVj Onr public scl most important 'national life. We., as we Should. stan|ingtarmy ol for hoarding our ] that other army 1 men and won ned in armies j it devolves upon 1 usfrgmtlipGot " ".n. LiH Js one of the shaping onr >it frontiers,fil 1-w i)whieh home against tfoddap poverty, wh^ch in iteelf ia an ine±p«eash>le boon, bu Inspire in every brother a supreme etning desire to lead a righteous life, cto Something for the sum-total of human through a living faith in become an heir of immor­ tality, ' .? The new'century upon which we have 'watered ia fantasizing the intrinsic ^afoe of the te^ridual man. It is be- ginning .to the conception which «ian's life consisteth lance of the things which ie possesses." Everythingin the physi- y about tends to exalt and grille view. Th ̂very struc- and adwaments of our plimet the >mysti6al rriathnl which we sustain to oilier worlds and systems. The marvel ous discoveries of the age and the as iahing oonqneats of mind over matter. Ai llMf PWimst wrote: "laiouhast made hitn a litttelower imgels and hast crowned him honor." As we do vnot ereor ĵ|gjSMi§ijior worms and insects or bulld'̂ lKi|̂ and uni- verrities for fln ld '̂<wfî iiMp^eitlier would God wnot ts infinite ̂ n ixĵ er, wis­ dom and goodness construct the" splen­ did universe for beings whose existence With itie grave. The very possi- of the soxil as they are daily demonstrated before onr eyes tend to refute any such dismal theory, say ing aben* the sublime teaekjingsof' t th|jtafore the intrinsic in- Vidttal wtî iî tif . man as taught i; ' v . W Tfiea th« baby lamoctfike- iy nervous, doesn't tain In weight. Emulsion Is tfaft for t»«lMm toMf they ! ^ t w,,'^»srsv.« mmmmmmmwummmmMrt AlX kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hfttid lEegetables an4 < Canned Goods*? enco hie a go film WM0ii noiakme Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices r paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheen, Hides and Tallow. Fat Cattle a specialty iPresh Vegetables and Ffliits received fresh dally. Orders frOm Pistakee Bay will Tecefve prompt and careful attenti<m. • v ^ "• • Call on me ilwill do the right thing witti f&x, F. WATTLES, West McHenry, Dl. t«ie»boa«i *• , • ,'jNetksUK WW • f i The time is abottt W-hand for the dress up, and we have made ample pr< the occasion. We have enough suits all, of the all Wool Black Clay W< Buying them in large quantities enabl fer them, at a price to suit yon. ^ Hats to Fit the Boys and Ha 4 ̂ ^ ^ ; You can find tbe right style of o <• 0 0 O O U o a o iV La/dies' and Gents' Summer sizes. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords. PURE Groceries • ^ery two weeks, Flour and Corn Meal. .Yours for trade, - # - McHe West f Silks and Dress floods. receired dir^t from the mBtojk* lai s^pk of Silks for Waists or Skirts. Please ealli ^ ldok them over. New Dress Goods* Ginghams, Diinities^Organdies, Batistes, S- . Ala*gesto<4 > . all grades and dsas SHOES SLIPPERS atid OXFOftDS, all ilew, up-fep-date Styles. Summer Underwear HATS, FANCY SHIRTS, ELEOANT-NECKTIE% •; J . Agent Continentap, Insurance Company :: '̂ .vrSv rnrs : Qoods Delivered Promptly. || Lo*g diatance 'ption« No. sc to $1.00 each. Staple and Fancy Flour no; parte, ltd?:*!'

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