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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1901, p. 5

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|[ am again in the meal business and would solicit a part of your . trade. It will always be my aim to sell at the lowest poswble liv­ ing prices the beat of mea$a OUR IB • CORPS OF TS • »i y, -U •,-JsS Te can make these tanks in ly size or shape in short ler. Every tank guaran­ teed.' These tanks will not ?mst or shrink, swell or leak. Gall and inspect our work. Prices Reasonable. Fresh meats Salt meats Sausages \ Poultry <„#<* i * - St * ' } . McHenry, N. Staple vegetables and Fruit. ; jl will pay spot cash the highest; '"market price for all kinds of live Y' > stock and poultry, hides, tallow, - * etc. Give me a call and renew C. «old acquaintance. Goods delivered promptly • McHenry, Illinois. • Illinois F. WATTLES (Successor to K. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canped Goods. p * ' ; Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and ; ' |®rults received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive , prompt and carefnl attentiop. . «Y Call on me 3 the right thing ~ F. WATTLE ̂ * West McHenry, 111 Long diitance telephone, Mt CStUeiu' telopbon* W ,* ' A: Ml an4 UM Stttl and Olood Cavlis ' V*rm macbl«er» : fullltno in eretjr • We are prepared to do m Stork rt iil OIre as a call Conway & Ralney • Rlngwood, II. , * This Bank receives deposits, bays ami sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage.... :3s3# floney to Loan m m- on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- ial attention given to ooQections. INSURANCE |» First Class Companies, at the Low- set rates. Yours Respectfully PERfcY&QWEM, Baakar*. Do You Want TO Motley? 8end in your name and address and get our catalogue of all kinds of Merchan­ dise at prices defying competion. Fully illustrated catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN, GREEN & BERGER, 357 to *6i Dearborn 8trtot.%GMcagtt, Illinois Catalogue suM Aviaf July DR. TALLERDAY 5 Constipation, Torpid liver 4 and the Blood. Belvidere, III., Feb. 5, 1«W. I inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur­ ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac­ itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor­ ture was undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skifl obtainable, but with no re­ lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf­ fering began to subside and within three - } y ^Y"- .Y : §Geo. Meyers- QENERAL -TEAMING of all kinds. * * f! and Grading. /ia,- > " 4. Si® McHei weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi­ cine completely cured me, removing ev­ ery symptom of the disease. Have rec­ ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene­ fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, it they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. Place of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Cures. Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for oyer a week with La Grippe and was cough­ ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no-equaL „ MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using i bottle of Dr. Tallerday 's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cove iad the Tonic myself, and think they are .excellent. MBS. GEO. STIBES, 721 Brook St. JKamfiMrtureri by THE TALLERDAY MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, III. Par sale by JULIA A. STORY, - McHenry W«JRMUNB.. /. .* ... W«rt MuHfary '* ' • RING WOOD H. O. SmaU apent Sunday at ffeneva. W. Fou nd wife, of Richmond, spent IT nihil wW SHUHIfty 'BIBNPP» Mr. aad'ltrs. John Pint were city visitors Friday. S. W. Smith was a city vWtor the lastof t^Wiiik. O. A. Tab^r transacted business at J3gin on Thursday. ' Mrs. O. Stevens, of Richmond, called on friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Harrison were Spring Grove visitors Friday. Mrs. J. W. Crifaty spent the last of tiie week visiting friends at Woodstock. Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, of McHenry, has been visiting with Mrs. B. Touyon. Miss Ella Morgan and friend, of Woodstock, were callers here on Son- day. The W. C. T. U. will meet on Satur- day, Sept.;i4 at the hoiEue of Mrs. Julia Bishop. , J. B. Bennett and Dr. Hepburn vis­ ited at Solon and Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. E. H. Ingalls, wife and daughter have liturned from Elgin where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Stevens attended the Libertyville fair on Thursday. #Mrs. K. P. Allen, of Chicago, who has been caring for H. C. Allen the past few weeks returned home Monday. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak­ ness into strength, listlesness into ener­ gy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 35c per boa. SoU by Julia A . Story. SASRBTItLK; Andrew Wingate is on the sick list. Andrew Wingate's little daughter is quite sick. Jimmie Lincoln, of Hunda, Saturday and Sunday at J. Htfnter's. Misses Clara Thompson and Lena Churph called on friends in Gary Sun­ day. The masons are now at work laying the foundation for J. Fleming's new barn. E. F. Mattheus began taking his milk to the condenser at McHenry, Sept. 1. Mrs. Levi Lincoln, of Oshkosh, Wis is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. B. W. Cox. Misses Anna and Francis Fleming returned from a two weeks' visit in Chicago Friday. Henry and Willie Hafison spent Sun day with Floid and Robert Thompson at Slocum's Lake. Misses May and Lisxie Ames, of Terra Cotta, spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Clara Thompson. The school in the Blaisdell district Opened Monday morning with Miss Anna Fleming of this place as teacher. Mrs. E. W. Cox and mother, Mrs. Lincoln, of Oshkosh, Wis., visited with relatives in Waukegan Saturday and Sunday, ; Little Chester,* the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mattheus, died Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was held from the house at 1 o'clock Thursday after­ noon. Burial at Prairie Grove. Among those from here who attended the fair at Libertyville Friday were Messrs. Robt. Mattheus, Clyde Win­ gate, Thos. Ames, Henry McMillan, Frank McMillan, Jos. Julian;. Misses Ruby Peck, Leda Barnes, Lena Church. Bessie Huffman, Mae Kane and Clara Thompson. Stood Death Off. IS. B. Munday, a lawyer of Tex., once fooled a grave digger. He says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I per­ suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon touch better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood; aids digestion, rtgulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspep­ sia, nervous diseases, kidney trouble*., female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at Julia A. •Story's drug store. EIOUEFIEL0. Mips E. Merchant was in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mis, E. W. Merchant were in Nunda Friday. * Mr. and Mi?. M. W. Ward were in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Anna Hunt, of Elgin, is spend­ ing this week at R. L. Dufield's. Mrs. Angie Hubbard, of Clark, S. D., is visiting her brother, J. B. Lynch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whiston visited relatives at Rockford the past two weeks. The Ladies' Aid Society will give an ice cream social at the home of Mis. D. h. Gibson this (Thursday) evening. Mx. and Mrs. F. E. . Thayer and dati&hter, Mayme, of Greenwood, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Kline and children re­ turned to their home in Chicago after spending three weeks very pleasantly at the home of D. L. Gibson. Miss Anna Morse, teacher at Oak Park and Miss Mildred Morse, who is attending school there, spent Saturday and Sunday at them home here. Mrs. Clara Allen, of Woodsiock, gave a talk on intemperance in the church Sunday morning. Mis.. Allen is a splendid speaker and her sermon was enjoyed by alL Mrs. Eva Lynch and daughter, Made- lene, visited relatives at Polar, Wis­ consin, the past week. Miss Lola re­ turning with them Wednesday after an here on of Algoaqufci, was on Friday. " MiiHtfi, spent Sunday with his parents in this city. W. E. Wire, of Hebron, was here on Saturday last looking after school mat­ ters. Mm M. Church left on Saturday for an extended vWt with friends in East. Ernest Backus, of Chicago, guest at the home of Fred Joorfits over Sunday. Aaron Kline was out from Chicago to spend Sunday with his parents south of townX^^^ Andrew Un&er spent the latter part of last week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Earl Anderson, of Chicago, spent the latter part of last week with his parents in this city. The September term of the circuit court opens in this city on Monday. Sept. 33, 1901. F. G. Arnold returned on Saturday evening from a week's stay at Mt. Clemens, Midi. Mrs. Win. Sherman aad Mrs. H F. Ellsworth are spending the week at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Minnie Rttebar is seriously ill at the home of her father, John Nieman, in Seneca township. Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Ogle and son re­ turned on Saturday from a pleasant visit with relatives at Kakona, Ind. Garret Burk, of Greenwood town­ ship, spent the fttfct of the week with relatives and friends in Chicago. The board of supervisors met at the court house in this city on Tuesday, it being the regular September session. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Harnbeck left last Saturday for Ellensburg, Wash., to make an extended stay with rela­ tives and friends. The next meeting of Woodstock Post No. 108, G. A. R., will be held on Mon­ day evening, Sept. 16. A full attend­ ance is requested by the oommander. Mrs. Eliza Sprague and Mrs. Helen Gates, who have been visiting at the Forman home for the past two weeks returned to their homes in Chicago on Thursday. Mrs. Laura Clute on Monday morn-" ing assumed the management of the restaurant under the express office, having purchased the business of W. B. Nogle. William Owen, supported by a very strong company of specialty artists, ap­ peared to a fair sized audience at the opera house last Saturday, evening in "Romeo and Juliet" and gave good satisfaction. A large number of the old members of Company G., Third Regiment, Spafi ish-American war veterans, are plan­ ning to attend the first annual reunion of the regiment to be held at Joliet on Saturday, Sept. 31, 1901. The tuneral of Mrs. John J. Wurt- ringer, who died at her home in this city on Thursday evening, was held at St Mary's Catholic church en Sunday inornihg, Rev. Father Green officiat­ ing, and the remains were laid at rest in Calvary cemetery. Mrs. W.C. Eichelberger and children left on Wednesday for Citronelle, Ala., where they will spend the winter, where they go in the hope of escaping the effects of bronchitis and asthma with which the children suffered last winter. Mr. Eichelberger accompanied them to their new home to see them nicely located aad expects to return ia about a-week. i Many-9«8^K^HvftKi were at Fort Hill, Peter Wefeer diilled a well for Frank Jnng on the prairie. Frank Barbian, of MoHenry. was a business caUer Monday- George Rosing, of Volb, visited rela­ tives and friends here Sunday. S. H. Schmitt and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Charles Michels and Hflttrylleyers re­ turned from Genoa after doing some lathing there for several weeks. WAIICONDA. Miss Villa Dixon is visiting her partimt* of this place. Rev. Hardin preached his fareweD sefmon here Sunday. Harry Scranton, of Chicago^ It^the guest of B. EL Du«rs. Frank Harrison is convalescent at St. Lukes hospital in Chicago, Messrs. Ed. and Wilbur Cook and families visited Lincoln park Thursday. The town was deserted Thursday and Friday, everyone attending the fair. Will Spencer, of Chicago, is visiting his parents. He will make this his home in the near future. Ed. Saylor, of McHenry, was in town Tuesday. He had some fine specimens of crayon and pastelle work. Harry Graham haa entire charge of the drug straw during the absence of Mr. Roberts, who ia at the Pan-Ameri­ can- John Blank, who has been employed in the Leader office for the past few years, will gD to Chicago to work in the near future. Tom Hanlon and mother returned to Cedar Lake, Ind., after spending a week with friends and relatives of this place and Grayslake. A dispatch was received Monday an nouncing the death of James Garland. The deceased is a brother of Charles Garland of this place. James Sensor and family, of Algon quin, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs Ed. Sensor. James played with the Stars Thursday and Friday. Monday evening Leo Maiman cele­ brated his 15th birthday. All present pronounced it an enjoyable affair. Among those present were Clyde Harris, Fred Griswold, Earl and Chester Gold ing, Norman Ladd, H. Sensor, E. Dners. The Lake County Stars were defeated by Grayslake at the fair Friday by score of 28 to 0. RubeWadd§l pitched for the Grayslake team and did not allow the Stare to score. This is not of much credit to Grayslake as the pro­ fessional battery did the work. The Ray Thomas is at Milwaukee. ^ Thomas Bros, threshed this week! Henry Hobart is erecting a new barn. Vernie Abbott is a new scholar at our schooL Mrs. Edward French was at VcHenry Monday. IT Phil & Harrison %as a Ring wood visitor Sunday, Robert Carr and ion Wire at Mc­ Henry Monday. £ ' Mrs. L Franeis(|> is visiting at Henry Hobart'a. School began here Monday with a good attendaaee. Nate Stevens drove through here Monday evening. Miss Mamie Thompon is visiting at H. N. Thompson's. ; Sime Kelley recently reshingled Thomas Bros.' barn. Jake Hauprich began work for Robt. Richardson Monday. : ' Jas. McDonold now takes his milk to Borden's at McHenry. Thos. Garrison, of Woodstock, was at E. S. French's Sunday. Mrs. Kaiser and son, Frank, were Woodstock visitors Sunday. . Clifford Thompson is at Milwaukee! with cattle at the fair thera Miss Jane Harmsh returned from a visit at Woodstocv Tuesday. Miss Callie Thomas will attend the state fair at Milwaukee this year. Ed Martin and Eher Bassett were hauling for the Ostend Creamery Co. Monday. Lester Thompson and Floid Carr have a drove of Herefords at Sandwich, 111., at the fair. H. N. Thompson's entire prize herd will be at Elkhorn, Wis., during the Walworth Co. lair. " * % " V • J Robt. Richardson 1ms been puttiag in some new pumps and making a few other changes about his farm. Edward French and wife returned Sunday from Belvidere, where they; were in attendance at the Boon Co. fair. Stops the Cough works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay M. vi^C' HVill be open for Business mm ytnoj-ti** and Caps. This is no 80 Day's Sale or here to stay permanently, aad to asU goods 85 to than you can buy elsewhere. Now you ask the reason sell so cheap. The reason is that our expense is small . goods in large quantities. Here are a few of OUT prices OOtnpare with other clothiers of Chicago: yoalo Men's raits in light or dark patterns, in all siaes from 86 to 44 breast, sold all over for $5.00, our price... • fa.49 Men's wool suit, in 5 different styles, all Bites, sold all over for *7,00, our prioe...> .. $3-99 Men's all wool clays, worsted in and blue, made up in very latest styles, equal to any tailor-made suit, sold all over from $12,00 to $15.00, our price $6.99 Young men's suits, front 14 to 80 years, as low as f 1.99 Worth double. Mothers, here is a great opportunity to clothe your boys for a little money. Boy two-piece suits, ages 8 to 14 years, for "«v« ..tjc Child's three-plece atrite, in tile latest styles, ages 8 to 8 years, for 99c Boy's fine suits, for Saaday wea made and trimmed, aaid all over $4.00 to $5.00, our price... .9>.Mf Men's pants, good every-day paat Meat good dress-up pants, in all the latect stgrles Mid patterns, sold all over from $&80 to $3,00, our price $1.49 Men's overalla,i» ranted not to rip, for... Boys' overalls Men's good w< and back, for... ....•fc i'ffijr'; Boys' kneepaate up from.... Men's suspeadew from....... Men's handkerchiefs, white~and: Children's handkerchiefs.. ^.. We will Close s - * T' />„, J « * on account of GILBERT • - •••• «•- f, , - Stars received second money, wmuiug from the Everett team by a score of 13 to 6. Waddel also won the game for Grayslake against Diamond Lake Wed­ nesday. A Shocking Calamity "Lately befell a railroad laborer, writee Dr. A Kellett, of WUliford Ark. "His foot was badly crushed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It's simply wonderful for Burns Boils, Piles and all skin eruptions. It the world's champion healer. Cure guaranteed. 85c. Sold by Julia A. Stori£ -lUS® t s - ' < ' X _ 0R18WOLD LAKK. £ ̂ >" A car load of coal was hauled for factory last week. School opened Monday with Anna Fleming as teacher.* Beraie Frisby is doing soma carpen­ ter work for Jack Tagget The barn dance on the Hale farm was a great success Tuesday night. Fred Wilson returned home Sunday after spending a few days he.-e. Mr. and Mrs. A Beck and daughter, Sadie, of Solon, W|re visitors here Sun­ day. Miss Mabel Wilson, of Chicago, is visiting old friends here mid at Roee- ville. Irving Overton, of Spring OgpHk has been helping J. Gibbs oat corn the paat week. Mr and Mrs. L. H. Knigge left Tuea-„ day for the Buffalo exposition. They ex­ pect to be gone a month or six weeks. Many physicians ate now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the one pre­ paration which contains the elements necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kind and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. I We invite wo iiiu all to comc and inspect sss Yours truly, Wereasm Lumber Yard CHICAGO CLOTH IMS S Real EstiteuMlisrace Farm, * AT*. I: Summer Do you want ta HH *«*y nt14* "*= can make to q#onils. A few nor! Fms W.A.CRlSTY, /v- ,v : •1. : A. L. HOWE, McHenry. West Mclf--ry. ft? Absolutely I Y' '«ipi , 1 ' > Made front New York State ap« ̂pies and warranted best goods hi * the market. We urge you to use .v it for pickling and table use. Y SPECIAL PRICES ON 5 GALLON LOI Cbe $boe Stock tor Tall • k 1 ><<• •'* y 'I •Yis here awl awaits your comings * - *. u . .jif I West McHenry, 111. C. EV mwM rurniture until you nave my stock. Do not think thai yof can do better in Chicago: QpmpftCO y}̂ dty prices with prices I will quote Y and, if quality is considered, you will give me your order. You can ̂ ̂ find here everything that is needed to beautify the home. The lateat designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com- J ̂ plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Picture Frame®, Side Boards, 4'̂ > * '..'.V- ' and R* v K' ^ JACOB Y:: • * Y- r. ^ . v * - i i J .' •\ W. - ,i> >9 '• V .tft . te!®-®; Y?v

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