&Jyrf -i f k l » pffj§gafpfgij§fpgifgf ̂ bhbm it": fall Jtanouncement )(;; '* These cool nights furnish thonght for foot ipC . protection, and we want to say to our McHen- \ _ ' ry and Lake county patrons and friends that , we still sell the celebrated Selz, Schwab & Co. make. They are Boot and Shoe builders of no small reputation. Their stamp on a pT^-' Shoe is a guarantee that you get your money's fvy t worth every time you buy them. Our stock for fall is very large ana complete in every: line. Especial care has been given in the se- -- lection of School Shoes. f "THE: UNDERWEAR will soon be a necessary part of a person's dress. Our stock has ; v been carefully selected in Men's, Women's and Children's. In Our Olothiing Stock we are able to gite you the best possible service, onr assortment being very large and bought for Spot Cash. In a few days we will have a large consignment of Suits and Overcoats in Men's, Boys' and Children's, fur winter wear. Fresh, Pure Groceries, Flour and Corn Meal. Tours for fall Trade.V West McHenry, Illinois. JOHN J. MILLER time to think J of ordering your fall suit or overcoat. I have a fine line to select from at prices unheard of before, and when you are reading the prices, bear in mind that every garment turned out is strictly hand work. I defy competition in price or workmanship in offering these bargains All wool Oxford Suitings Alt wool nixed Suitings All wool Black Wale Cheviot Uray Melton Suiting Double and Twist Fancy Cheviot Suiting Olive Melton Suiting All wool Under Plaid Suiting Hne Novelty Suiting Novelty Stripe Melton Suiting Novelty Stripe Cheviot Suiting Fancy Cassimere Suiting Fancy Striped Worsted Pants, up from and up. $4.50 ^ Overcoata, up from $16.00 • I I have 1200 samples to pick from, both imported and domes, f tic goods. Come early for your fall suits 1 JOHN D. LODTZ, The Tailor f ICold weather I Necessities! i Underwear* Hosiery | Gloves and ltiittens I Dress tioods, Flannels I fleece lined Wrappers | Bed Blankets 1 Shoes and Rubbers 1 r Clotfiing and Overcoats J' PURK GROCERIES, Flour, Meal and Graham. We have many bargains to offer lines. ' It will pay you to call buying. in all before « ..T m * m m m m - « «i huursace. f GowU Delivered Proaptly. Long distance 'phone No. 363. -- -- • -- ^ Yours Truly, fll. J. WALSH. I ^"ITTTttt II TIH • IIHBUMmnniiiMiiiiiinnn mm JALULR » General Commission merchant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Cftieaao, Illinois Tags and price lkts furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE SPSS 'VP' Undit îtr! SC, - •> • 1̂ ' I have the celebrated "Staley|| Iiine of Underwear which is ei-1 celled by none» The most hones^r* durable and best line on the mai^ : feet/aM knit like a sweater. should see the line to appreciate its value--at prices from $1.00 to f&.OOSoft: & Do tiî ou •-J * <•-- •? '• y ) , \••' "V /"/& 5 ; h """" The finest lot to select from in town, in K&ngaroo, Goon, Black Do£, Siberian Buffalo, Black Dog ,.7 W„ Rimmed with Coon, Goat and Wambatv Dont fair X s te> **** them. vrV.t& ! &1 v ,. k , S v-r^r Gran t- Hopk i nnon. At Our Lady of Sorrows chnrch, Chi cago, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 2. occurred the marriAge of Mit»a Kathryn G. Grant, daughter of Richard Grant, to Mr. Frederick Hopkinaon. The bride, whose childhood days were spent in Terra Cotta, is a yonng lady who is held in high esteem by her many friends! Her dress was of white Swiss UJiill daintily triuimed wi^h lace, ribbons and ruffles. She carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. The maid of honor, her cousin. Miss Annie Fleming woie white mull over pale yellow batieste with yellow roses. The groom is a youiTg man of sterling qualities. He is employed as a travel ing salesman for the J. V. Farwell Co. His brother, John Hopkinaon, acted a§ his attendant. After the ceremony an elaborate luncheon was served to the wedding party and guests at the home of the bride's sister at 3082 Harvard St. Many handsome gifts were received. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkinson departed at 10:30 amid a shower of rice, and with congratula tions and best wishes of all, for a tour through the Bast. They will visit Buf falo, New York and Niagara before their return. They will be at home after Dec." 1, at 1247 West Congress St: 8PECIAU StHcken With Paralynis. , Henderson Grimett, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and com pletely lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent phy sician for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after using two bottler of it he ib almost entirely cured. R. McDonald, Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several other very remarkable cures of partial Daralysis have been effected by the use of this liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains and bruis es. For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Beeley. Very Low Ratea to New York City and Keturn Via the North-Western Line daily. Tickets will be sold -tuitil October 20, 1901, limited to return within 20 days. Apply to agents Chicago & North western R'y. 18-4t Makes assimilation perfect, healthy blood, firm muscles, strong nerves. Quickens the brain, makes and keeps you well. Great medicine, Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. G. W. Besley. Special attention given to the'sale'of*^ Dressed Beef, ilutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the atreet WILLIAM, KKIil HI8 LIFE Uo WOKK-r"" Oh. Chabi.es H. Gbosvemob. Presidents life lonp Friend, Comrade In \vitr und i'ollt'Kue in CoiiKit'SK. Was near ills side with other >rr<'iit men when liis eyes were closed in death. Followed the bier to the National Capitol and to Canton. The Gener al requires a share of the proceeds of his iwRik to be devoted to a McKinley Monument Fund. Thus every subscriber becomes a con tributor to this fund. Millions of copies will be sold. Every body*will buy it. Orders for the asking.. Nolxxiy will refuse. Elegant Photogravure Portrait of President Mclvlii- ley's last picture taken at the White House. You-can easily and quickly clear 11,000 taking orders. Order outfit quick. Chance to prove success, secure yearly contract and become Manager. Outfit free. Send 12cts. in stamps to pay the expense of wrapping, packing and mailing elegant prospectus. Taking 10 to !>0 orders daily. 50,000 copies will be sold In this vicinity. . Address, E 'PONTINEWTAL"A8SKM B'LY*. Corcoran Bldg., Wpp. II, H Treasury, - Washington, D. C. A OrentSunday Magazine. Ndt only is the news of the whole world covered with unexampled full ness in the Sunday issues of The Chi cago Record-Herald, but every edition embraces also an exceedingly choice as sortment of illustrated special articles ranking with the highest products of onr best magazines. Such well-known and popular writers as William E. Cur tis and Walter Wellman, Clara Morris, Bob" Burdette and Frank G. Carpen ter are regular contributors to the Sun day Chicago Record-Herald. There are many special artists in each issue of particular interest to women, including the latest fashions, household economy, art music and the drama, eto. There is a beautifully illustrated special sport ing section which not only covers all the news of the sporting world with a thoroughness that satisfies to the. ut most, but includes alto entertaining de partments by snch sporting experts as Tim Murnane who writes of baseball matters, Malachy Hogan, noted for his "talks of pugilism," Will Logan, Jr. who conducts the department of "har ness horsee," and L. E. Cavalier, The Record-Herald's "Rod and Gun" expert. The children's page, the comic section and other entertaining departments round out this mamoth Sunday maga zine to the entire satisfaction of its readers. ! G. A. Roberts, of Lintoer, III, raf fered fonr years with a wad in his stom ach and could not eat. He lost <t5 pounds. Two bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin restored his appetite, cured his stomach trouble and today he is well and hearty and says he owes his health to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Jnlia A. Stqgp and G. W. Besley^' If Yon Are Going; to California Apply to agents Chicago & North-West ern R'y, about the through Tourist Sleeping Car service to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Round trip tourist tickets on sale daily. Dec. 31. A Word to Traveler*^ ^ The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and. water often brings on diarrhoea, and for that reason no one should leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale b: Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Excursion Ticket* to K. P. Grand Lodge atSprlngUeld, 111.. Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates October 14 and 15, limited to return until October 19, in elusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. l4-2t Lewis Ockerman , Goshen, Ind.: "De Witt's Little Early Risers never bend ine double like other pills, but de their work thoroughly and make me feel like a boy." Certain, thorough, gentle. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besiey. Half Bate* to Minneapolis, Minn., Via the North-Western Line. Tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip October 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14, limited to return (by extention) until Octoper 81, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 14-2t Mothers everywhere praiseOneMintite Cough Cure for the sufferings it has re lieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at .the root of the trouble and draws out the inflamatioD. The children's favorite Cough Cure. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. \ W:-. i® School Supplies. You must supply your chil^iin wtfth pencils, pens, stationery, etc. We have a complete stock of . these necessities and are selling ;. v them at reasonable prices. Everything in Drugs-and Hedicines. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Riagwood, ] # J. S. BROWN & SON. hV, We Have Often Told You Don't abuse your feet. It is our claim that a shoe made to the outlines of the foot is at once more shapely and h&s better wearing qualities than one designed for pleasing effect only. The All Am«ria^luM has first comfort, then style. Price, $3.50. Made in all the new lsat!)mi on custom lasts. Come In and look at tfasa. About our Shoes, and how our best efforts are made to please you in style, in durability and price. More than 50 dozen Shoes arrived during the past few days--* they are just right we think. You are cordially in vited to inspect them. i • ' Come Now! The Dress Goods, Under wear and Cold Weather Good's Stock was never so complete, in fact, every cor ner in the Store is filled with bargains awaiting your Opining. Pearl Buttons at Special Bargains.; West McHenry, lit W.. C. EVANSON. •MMNNMMMMMMMMepMMMMMMNMMaMM Tartar Agitation* The industrial classes of this coun try, thai are its real rulers, will rise as one man to sua Ite the organs of the politicians or the party that would unseal the Pandora's box of another tariff war. If the Democracy, mis led by mad leaders, attempts this, it will he hurled more deeply than it ,was when it attempted to smash the gold standard and set up its silver idols. Those party newspapers that are crying out against the tariff do not know what they are doing. They are virtually trying to cut off the business of every merchant who advertises in their columns and to rob their readers of tfie earnings of their daily toil. There can no longer be any conjec ture or dispute as to the consequences of tariff agitation. YVe have tried it, we know what are the sure results. Any renewal of this agitation now id all the more criminal because there is not even the pretext of redundant rev enues. On the first of July a revenue reducing act went into operation, and if after awhile there is still a surplus of receipts the thing to do is to repeal still more of the war taxation on do mestic industry--not the customs du ties on foreign merchandise. In re sisting the men who would Involve the country in another tariff conflict, the Republican party will have the support of the most conservative and wholesome influences in the United States. These influences are already pretty solidly on. the side of the Re publican party. The anti-gold agita tion has brought them into line. But if this is followed by an anti-tariff agi tation the only result will be still more to compact and weld the conservative forces of the country together, and to make the Republican party moro than ever impregnable.--Benton • -'ii llcan. '•'S Mm Proph«ta.,: No longer ago than 1800 when Wil liam Jennings Bryan made his first campaign for a seat in congress he, with other Democratic speakers, made the charge that the duty on tin plate was one of the most iniauitious rob beries ever perpetrated upon the na tion, and ridiculed the idea that there would ever be such a thing as a tin plate industry in this country. On the floors ot the national congress these assertions were repeated by the free traders, and the statement made that nobody would live long enough to see any considerable quantity of tin plate made in America. To-day, a little over ten years from the date on which these predictions were made by these prophets of evil, we are called en to witness a great labor strike in which are, Involved more than 22,pOO men employed in the manufacture of tin plate In 249 tin plate mills. Tin plate Is being sold cheaper under this pro tective duty than ever before. These Democrats are poor prophets.--Mt. Vernon Register. ' Home Seekers' Excursion* to the North west, West and 8outhwest Via the North-Western Line. Home Seekers' Excursion Tickets at greatly reduced rates will be sold -on the first and third Tuesdays of each month through the year 1901 to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars, and "The Best of Everything." For full particulars apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. Do yon suffer from piles? If so do not tarn to surgery for relief. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will act more qnick- ly, surely and safely, saving you the ex pense and danger of an operation. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. The following named states and ter ritories in 1900 do not contain any city with a population of 25,000 or more: Arizona, Idaho, Indian territory, Mis sissippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Wyoming. Dakota, Vermont and IfMl iisf' V De Witt's Little Early Risers neverdis- appoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle effective in removing all impurities H orn the liver and b&wels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. ' Arrayed in all his state clothes, the sultan of Johore is a glittering curiosity iie wears gems worth $12,000,000. They sparkle in his crown, on his epau lettes, in his girdle, and in his cuffB. W. T. Wes8on,Qholsonville,Va.,drng •list, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." Julia A Story aud G. W. Besley. Immediately following the announce ment that there are not enough pennies i 11 circulation comes the announcement that a lot of penny lunch rooms will be otiened iinmediately in Chicago. v/r We, the jury find that the deceased came to his death from heart failure, caused by not taking Rocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine Co. 35c. G. W. Besley. W. J. Bryan Is to make some speeches for the Ohio Democrats in the impend ing campaign. This ought to insnrt an easy victory for the Republicans, C. M' Phelps, Forestdale, Vt.,says his child was completely cured of a bad ciiae of ucwuia by the use of DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all coun terfeits. It instantly relieves^^Jse. Jnlia A Story and a W. Beslejft̂ ' "- A Maga/lne for College Men. The Bnsiness side of a Great Univer sity, by President Harper, of the Uni versity of Chicago, is the opening ar ticle in the Chicago Man's Number of The Saturday Evening Posil ^f Phila delphia, Theodovre Roosevelt, Harvard '80 is the title of an entertaining paper on the President's college life, by his friend, Owen Wister. Other strong features of this number are short stories by Max Adeler, Jesse Lynch Williams and Frank Norris, and a page of droll "Nature Studies" by Oliver Herford. This number will be of unusual in terest to all college men. , "I had long suffered from indigestion" writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but never fonnd anything that did me good until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle cured me: 1 A friend who had snffered similarly I put on the nse of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gain ing fast and will soon be able to work. Before he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure indigestion had made him a total wreck. Jnlia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Stepped Into Live Coals. ,4 "When a child I burned my fdbt frightfully,5'*" writes W. H. Eads, of 1 Jonesville, Va., "whith caused horrible y-j ieg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen s | Arnica Salve wholly cored me after %> everything else failed." Infallible for | Burns, Scalds, Cnts, Sores, Birnises aid Piles. Sold by Julia A. Story, 35c. " ^ Notice. 'f: All those having empty paokages belonging to the Schlitz Browing Co., are requested to return them to Anton. Engeln at once. 18-8t fe Abstracts of T'tte. McHenry County Aft WOODSTOCK, I LI*. Directors F. F. Axtell. Harvard. K. M. Patrick, Marengo. . ^ h John J. Murphy, Wooastocki ^-3 W. C. Eichelborger, Woodstcjek' Bi: Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. Money to loan on Real Estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. " hard ami M liner u. lis" v^: -m'- • It's cheap isn't it, so cheap that you would want to look it over very carefully before buying. Well I can't sell you one as cheap as that, but I can sell you anything in the Stove line for what it is worth, and am par ticularly anxious to do so. Hesitate about buying your Stove until you can see what I have to offer. You can select from the following tines: Peninsular, Acorn, Andes, Elmliurst and Riverside, and I wilt warrant any Stove purchased, deliver and set it up. My prices are right and we are always at home for callers. ^ « A •»*ii : • & • > ' : "sr ,, j 'SSS nm I have a nice Jftie of Oil Clothe Rugs and everything needed te^t *et up your West Side Hardwaf%' F • L • HcOM BE <$» l|* t$i l|t »t»» «|« •$» <$' »t> $ tfo >i» t$i «t» «$ i n & it: «! Prepare for 35 ' It- •• have the finest line of ikiW GARLAND - Burners and Steel Ranges ever shown and in McHenry, at prices to suit all. Be- JEWEL. ' fore buying call in and look at the STOVES . ,.f Hock. Leave your order now and have , : .tjfe «fo«* twt up when ymget ; • Just a Few Bargains l still have on hand Refrigerators, Clothes Wash- Hammocks, Lawn -Mowers and Gasoline Btoves which will go at a great sacrifice to make > fiHun for Winter Goods, ;a4i Oood Red Bani Psint, Si.oo par pi. • | McHenry, IFFLFC GEO. SOfinERS, JR. JOS. H. HUEnANN, J*h.?,̂ "r5i1' •. - J!? " • Sells Appleton Corn Husker? Corn Shelters and Tread Powerf-^ Oeoeral BUckunltftUi^ Prittt HwiyS Utrnim Pvplex Qrinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, '/* • v Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mfflbf r î, Well Snpplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and ̂ • fff, ilachioe Olb. p- Speciaty^l Vii ' T^: " ' !1 ' '