MALTA'S GRIEVANCES. EMtitlSH SUBSTITUTED FOR ITALIAN ASQFFTTITM. LANGUAGE. •mptalnts «f tlw M»ltm TIMU4 vltk CentenspS ftp Ssscstary ChutlwMi Of* If •ease Bait 1* Tata. The island of Malta la at present ^ greatly angered at lta British gorern- r--}: on. The complaints of the Maltese . 11uwre been treated with contempt by >7 ^ Mr. Chamberlain, the secretary for the colonies and have been passed over ^ by parliament The case for the na- tlves has been put in the shape of a >3..7. ^jpaaphlet addressed "To the English , , ' Nation," which the London Dally ^Chronicle condenses, with extracts, aa '7 follows -rJBriUsli rule, . ^ .VUU«D, It Is pointed out that the Msttass have been for a century under and during all this have given constant proofs of loyalty. They were always, and are Still, proud to belong to England, but their contention is that they harre al ways claimed In rain those benefits which they considered should hare ac- 4: ;i|«r«ad to them from this urtlon. The S££]~j| Maltese have m> tor claimed In rain >• ' ** to IMIT« their tiome They bare 2~u " k uselessly applied to the imperial gw- v I through a d*pnt*tioB sent to n ^ fLondon In 1809. with a view of pro tasting against the substitution of the English language for the Italian, and of obtaining the political freedom to administer their own government. Their just claims have been obstinate ly rejected, and they are now groaning under a military government always They hare now £VV" St. i^'|»srerer and harsher. !£$ decided to make an appeal to the gen- ~ people, hoping that herons English 'S.7:i;t« ^ their moderate pretensions may be taken up by the British parliament ^ England has always been the school of freedom, and we are, therefore, sure that our appeal to the generosity itht English nation will not be In 7! rain." ' ' " " ' The appeal claims that the decision £7 "0 of the peopM on the language question, 'pX' -<• and on that of the taxes, could not £ ; - " A have been more unanimously ezpress- ^ fi«4 than in the meetings held on May I and June 2. vf] "With reference to the language question we beg to state that those ^official members of the council of got- ^"I '^Swnment to whom the task is entruct- ed of bringing about the substitution ,^.,^of the English for the Italian lan- >'v |;guage, have frequently misrepresent- |j7" Led the bearings of this subject; it is, - rtherefore, our duty frankly to declare Jj^jjthat no one is contrary to the teach- f^-'l'lng of the English language and to its diffusion In Malta, but that all Mai are contrary to Its substitution •Stor Italian, are contrary to the exclu- 7".; of the latter from these islands. ^i "!|'This opposition of the Maltese, being v ':";yjthus briefly and clearly defined, Its injustice Is self-evident, and it becomes 4-'quite Intelligible that the Maltese are tasking for what they have a right, and •'^maintain what the government can- t" *-|-not deprive them of without commit- v". -^ ting an act of the most odious vio» vlence." r •' ;>f Malta, it la contended, at its self r'7 .4«e<,B^on *° Britain, received the " |«nost solemn promises from the King 4. ; (Ijthat the rights of the Maltese would vr .always be protected. Among these p-; ,;j|lrlghts the Italian language is declared be Included, and its maintenance ^ :;^in Its ancient position Is absolutely Insisted upon, in regard to the state ment that the government desire for the ClfWbstltution of English for Italian for pthe benefit of the Maltese are well able Ho judge of their own interests. It is ddad: "Witt regard to the question of ^T^taxes, there is little to say; the unani- Vv*"!flnous declarations of all classes of the ;> f jpopulation, especially of the clergy ;;V; | jand of the legal body, to the effect that f Maltese are not in a position to pay r * .? heavier taxes than they now do, is i Juuite an Insurmountable objection jtp 3^ i?the creation of new taxes. Malta, once -• •' |»o prosperous, la now reduced almost r7 1 Jto misery. To this reason another - • ^ \ tnay be added--and this Is, that so ' i*|ong as Malta is deprived of admin- i latering its own government, so far as bifocal affairs are concerned, the govern- '• '»* gnent has no right to appeal for fur- ; *ther taxes. We conclude by express- * l^^g our hope that our Just demands "• jfor a better constitution and our most v. \'|«j&nergetic opposition to the substitution the English language for tha c c' ̂ Italian and the creation of new taxes, ^ •; 'Will find a deserved appreciation in tO..- ; jrour sense of justice and humanity." York Sun. Htble - "'A Brtolhlb ! The bobolink is found everywhere I-:-: !#? the American continent, and is Jpnown as the rice bird or ortolan of >- 'afhe southern states, and the reed bird -~©f the Middle States. It roams from t ' l^abrador to Mexico and the' Antilles. --s"|n the south it pulls up the young rice .-plants which have been freshly sown i^ind feeds upon the seed. It does not, > however, remain long in the south, soon hastens northward, where it --f* welcomed as a herald of summer. Xn the north It. mainly nnnn in. Weets and small seeds of useless planta. •While rearing its young it feeds on only, and also feeds its young ith them. After the little baby birds fly, the whole family lives on vege- food. As summer wanes they 1§o south again and live on wild rice in Ipar&hes near the mouths of rivers, this is when they are known as reed llrds, and after they become very fat jnd plump they are ^ ledger Monthly. • ^ Behr Koaonil SMotioned. T .. . Tha Behr Monorail, between Liver * »ool and Manchester, has been finally ianctloned by the British House qi Commons. As it has passed the House tjords, it Is Intended tm commence ^jrork on the project early next year. It thrill take about three years to build it according to the contract. Electricity Will be the motive power employed.-- SHrilfuielphla Times. • v'l Uaa your gifts faithfully, and they be enlarged; practise what you linow, and you shall attain to *1;% Imowledge--Thomas ArnoKt NEVES HEARD OF THE DEITY. Baltimore Wko 8* Girl of TwWty TmUSm la (wwt. That there should be anybody living in a city with more than 400 churches within its precincts who knows noth ing about God is almost incredible. An4 yet. in a little alley that is not more than a minute's walk from Bal timore street, an alley that it within a stone's throw of one of the oldest Presbyterian churches in the city, an alley that comes to an end opposite a Jewish synagogue, lives Emma Paul, the 20-year-ok! girl who was brought before Juuge "Wie&es in the Criminal Court Friday to testify against her mother, Mary Paul, and her mothers brother, Herman Winsel, and who de clared she was in ignorance oi the v slty. Questioned by the judge--to as- ertain If she knew the significance of «n oath--she declared that she bad never heard or God and had never been to a church or a Sunday school. All she knew, she said, was her name and her age. After she had been search- ingly questioned Bhe said she knew she would be punished if she did not tell the truth, and her testimony was ac- "#ed.--Baltimore 8uh. BBW. K»4I*OB°S OIM. Patk City,' la., Oct 14th.--For onrer ften years Mr;. B izabeth P. Mudison, a respected lady of this place has suf fered most severely with Kidney '.rouble complicated with derange ments of the bowels and liver. Rheu matism another painlul result of de ranged Kidneys added its tortures to her burden of pain. Treatments and medicines without number were tried; physicians also exhausted their skill, but all to no purpose. At this stage of the caae a treat ment of Dodd's Kidney Pills was re sorted to and the results were simply miraculous, from the very first box an improvement waa noticed and the continued treatment resulted in a complete cure. This remarkable cure created a de cided sensation In the neighborhood because of the complications of the case as well as its severity and appar ent hopsleHKness. Upon investigation Dodd's Kidney Pills are found to be the only remedy that has aver cured Brlght's Disease, Diabetea or Dropsy and these hitherto Incurable diseases are readily con- quered by this remarkable remedy. Saltan's Joke M Doctors.- The J3uit in of Tuikey recently played a joke at the expense of some medical experts at Constant ncple. Whtn the plague broke out in his capital the Sultan was acked if anything was known as; to the c.use. On being informed that it was to be found in the state of the drinking water he at once called for five or six empty bottles, wh ch he had filled in his presence, a 1 from the same one of the palace wells, placed his own seal upon them, and then, without divulging their origin, handed all six to a prom inent analyst To his amazement the report sent in was that four of the samples contained' plague microbes. The fifth was merely putrid water and the sixth was quite pure. Abdul Ham- id shrugged his shoulders* and kept hla thoughts to himself. Auto* M Ship* of the L)Miri The experiments made have shown that gasoline automobiles can far out do the camel as a means of transpor tation in dry countries. Trips of 500 miles in length can be accomplished without great difficulty. Twenty miles an hour Is attained in many parts of the desert and the best speed of the camels can be practically doubled anywhere. Beaides thiB, high temperatures have no effect on the running of the machines, and the amount of goods that can be carried is largely in excess of a camel's load. In the desert of Sahara there are between 1,500,000 and 2,500,000 square miles which may be placed under tribute to civilization through the establishment of Automobile "pacific" routes. . Stoakjtw*'! Tolophoaes. Stockholm possesses an installation of about 40,000 telephones. In other words, nearly every shop and private house possesses an Instrument and the system is so extensive that conversa tion is not only possible, but easy, over a radius of about fifty miles around the city. The first exportation of American silk was in 1784, when eight pounds were sent from America to England. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are easier to use and color more goods brigh ter and factor colors than any other dye. 8old by druggists, 10c. per package. The longest state is California (770) miles; the widest, Texas <760). The next in breadth is, Montana (58Q). Rheumatism, neuralgia, soreness, pain, sore throat and all bodily suffer ing relieved at once by Wisard OIL In ternally and externally. New Jersey reports that she has this year the largest crop of chestnuts on record. Pieo's One eSMWt be eeo Meafcr spefcen e» •• •oouffh cure.---J. W. O BKIKN, 328 TOa€ Aim, Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan. 0. ma When a girl's education is complete her diploma is a marriage license. FITS Permanently Cmred. Woftta lilt day's nw of Or. Kline's Urett Km, KeHtorar. |nd for FREE SS.OO trial bottle and treailH. Da. B. H. Kuvc. Ud.i *31 ink St.. rhiladelphia. Pa. There are three telephone circuits between New York and Atlanta. 5RDBR BUSINESS; HOW TO START; to tlOO ejn be made weekly; particular* ^ucloee turnip for re;>ly. BBoWN-FBAllK OO., m V. Fraacleco Avenue, Chicago, 111. Sweden and Norway are the health iest countries in the world. No early breakfast Is complete without Mra. Austin's famous Buckwheat cakes. Buy It from your grocer today. 1 '* It takes more than an expert book keeper to balance a canoe. _ Mra. Winaiow'a Soothing Hyrnp. Wot children teetblng, eoftenb the gum*, reaucw tn* cures wind colic. 25cibottte. Better a distant friend than an inti mate enemy. PAIBYMKN.-I irtjl Mil fntersat in IT. S. Patent Xon-diurmable Milk Can." K. O. BUXTOV, Chicago. 'Last year there were 1,902 strikes in Itanca •."•r--- • -,3Sf ^ ^ Old Man's Mknte t» IMOatoy. One of the deepest mourners over t&e death ot Prmtim HoKinley is J. M. Sllllmann, an old man of Vlneland, N. J. He had known the late Presi dent from infancy and had many times held him on his knee and patted the head of the youngster who was des tined to beeooie the chief magistrate of the nation. Mr. Silliman says that the McKinley family then lived at Niles, O., and that he first knew the martyred President when the latter was only about 1 year old. I can still see in my mind's eye, Bays Mr. Silli man, the bright little chap in swad dling clothes that I used to give hob byhorse rides on my knee. Little Willie was an exceptionally bright child and I always predicted great things for him, but little did I dream that he would become the chief magis trate of the greatest government on earth. I never heard him say an un kind word to his parents. He was a good boy to his mother. Daek Ranches. There are duck ranches on Long Island where as many as 30,000 duck lings are raised annually for New York's maw, and Pennsylvania and Virginia are dotted with ranches hav ing capacities cf 6000 to 12.000. all incubator hatched. There la an enor mous duck ranch at Allentown, Pa,. «ud one at ftiving'on. Va.. each near ly aa large as the ranch at Speonk. L. I. Geese come from all over, most of the duck ranches supplying them. Squabs raise themselves, for pigeons really require no attention.--New York Press. Bloek-h»«M tm Oeftad fllw«<»i A series of block houses are being built to defend the railway. lines in South Africa. When the order to build these block houses was given by General Kitchener, a chain of them 180 miles In length was completed in a fortnight. - - '• "ly* ^ Aaitty AUafeii We are glad to see that the fashion magazines tell the proper garments for women to wear in an automobile. We had looked forward with fear to the sight of an Atchison woman wearing garments when out mobillng that were not exactly the proper thing.--Atchi son Globe. MIS. IDA L ROSE! Grand-Niece of Ex-President James K. Polk, Writ* W Mrt. Plnkham Saying: " DUBIIM. PraxHAJt:--I have bec& married for nearly two ^reara, and so> liavo uOb Ddcu "blcssc£ -with & child. I have, however, suffered with a com-'. eication oi female troubles aad paia- 1 menstruation, until very recently. Sozodont Powder for ,<Bat* Tseth • ' Mot Bad tor Good Teeth Se--dont LIQUID >jc lai|* Liquid AND Pnwdar YJE AL •MM or KY mail lor UTE prtca. SAIFW K»| L<NNA HALL ft RUCK EL, N«w York. "VAN'S"BUCXWHEAT ¥ ROW READY. Baajr to B U Y ! EA*F to .. MAKE! EMI*T io E A T ! ®«jr a htk* as* TO-l»AT Hrf RMII - HOWE SGALESFO R . SALE 600-Acre Dairy and Stock Fam BEST •n the World ALL KINDS FOR ALL PURPOSEa W/>£ UMlog. Th« oaiy acata vltk Ml bMHin. B0ME1 a SELLECK YOUR TIME HAS COME To look up your old winter drenaea. Make same aa irood >• new by dyeing same with Paul OVERMAN'* German Household Dyes and receive the ino« won derful remits. Will dye anything. To MAK« the mertta of German Household Dye* known to the aavlag ladles of the land, we offer to send tkrt* fark- AA*T or I«7 f»r 25 MU, together with a frrs package of Easter Colors or Laundry Blaelng. Money refunded tf aot »»tl«f*ctory. PAULOPPERMAN & CO., Milwaukee, Wis. H T. I Ladies Wanted To aell our Handaom* coat a and Rainy* Day Skirta. EiclMite territory PTRCN. OIL r AJ^NLA are earning LM!PP<-ndent LLTINY*. " rite us for CATBLOGIIW AND partica-lars. I'AIUS SK1RV CO.. 133 Viaduct, ClrrslKnd, O. Mrtvf*'* Mcdein Rem«Sy OR. 0. PHELPS BROWN'S PRHNOVS HERBAL omrmotT THE PHILOSOPHY O HEALTH RhMiiaetiiir.. Ksurai- •it. Waak Back, Sprains, lai ~ ct it of your drujytfi?*. aft, !/ic. i l>ot \t„ n^nd N* HN N»M^, AND ioR your !t Curat TIlUMMh tHfPorM Tou a Trial Free. ADDRESS Pr.O.F. Srowis. AS B'way.Newbursh.N. Y rns. Safes anda'l Pain. MRS lihe does I>OT Infest Yssr Mooe; In Whei\ IIM«I F Segued ia three papers. | I -- R R A S«. 3-- LNT|S LID ! "YU A practical CULDE t« TKERTW 5 ou .NVEST 3n ^doctor blllfl. The regular nrtce of paper 5o. 1 is r>0c iDut to introduce ihtse writings we will fur a iiniird ItiM*, send paper No. J free of ehsree to each ver»<.n IsendinK 10c to pay postage and other expenses !ncl-Ident to mailing ii.e came. Addresn, Drpi u. |TM1 TRI TH ri BMHIIIXC TO.. K*L..»»».. •!,>. G. A. A. A FIklT*C Honsahold novelties; quick * 0 selllnc In erery household; blf profits; catalogue frea. Dapt. Q, KATIONAI. " EIITII.1 ANI> MFG. CO., RICHMOND, IXD. which I* the*)) InMead of hlgh- ! pS'.ce.l siorkn. 3'; ••vectoolly #«11 much i Write for our Valuable ?oluts on Spevula- ! tioo-'ri;. Acnreaa H. H. t A lilt a CO., commission S 9fi Boa:d oi' Trade llulldltiK- (..'blcago. SALESMEN tor terms. AXTKII to carry line klghest RADC J.ubrtcauts and }*atntc. lit; lu.iuey for live men. Write HO TUGi'l'JAL OIL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. l>DADfiV NEW DISCOVERY; plTes U •% V quick relief and cures worst cases. Book of testimonials and 10 DAYV treatment NIOL MUILH. UIU1 HH, BRI B, liluU, 8A. HANDSOME AMERICAN LADY, Indepsnd-ently rich, wants good honest husband. Address MissE, 8" Market St.,Chicago, 111. Ii««s than 25 miles from ? large c i t ies; f inest kind of level land and best of water; ELEGANTLY Improved: K'K>D house, baron, creamery, etc.; fiiiiv equipped; Improvements worth WII per acre. Price IIA PER acre, worth TFIO; easy terms If desired. stock oa lis place cheap If wanted. Truly a snap. Address BOSANS Il^OS.. DenlBon. Iowa. KJMINTED AT ONCE rl£^ J:'11 Poultry Mixture; straight ™i!L( and expenses; year's ^ V ^y' Addross stamp, XORBKA M*,;. la, Dept. «, KastSt. Louis, ifi! CLFTA.OO Weekly made In Mall Order Buslneas, conducted uy auyui.c anywhere. No la- •estment nor experience necessarv. Our Mall Order 6uldet«!lshow;p.,stpaid.soils. J A.Bakerl't,b. SUlUMfg. CO., 12* Carroll Ave., Chicago, Hi. dtrlng Ihls year only, our twentieth snnHIIIMI."V"#***! The only absolutely free Patents ercr MRAK •D by any attor iey In the world. SendfBS " BUUK oa Patents and f 11 Inrurmatlun. FKITB- O. E. DUFFY Sslicitor :! Patents. Washingtan, 0. C. SS - ears a solicitor of Patents. 14 YEARS a n exstntaM1 in the IT. 8. Patent Office. References furnished LA arery State In the Ullos. jiLCfo'O. SALAF^TAYtAK Tn< >f|»rtnnHy o t y m w«rM 2 rr ! fa rr^ryl «*>• fhr particalan. SAJAT1TF rffT^ITAI, S. St S*. Ua»* ~ rrn. FAT Hpduced by Dr Pierce's Obesity H»SS. H+-1. •IriiKS. So losaoftlDic. 'iiiarmuleed. SI.OA A box. Comatock Novelty C«..Hunttagton.Indi , W. N. U. CHICAGO, MO. 42, (ML Aasweriaf MvertiseMpto Heattoa This Tafcc Vfeea WE SHIP DIRECT TO Contractors and Consumers LVMBE&, LATH, SHINGLES MOVLDINGS, SASH. DOORS, Etc. AT WHOLESALE FUSCES COMPLETE HOUSE BILLS. COMPLETE MUK BILLS. Permission given to examine grades before payment. We Mk only satisfactory gus as bought. tF" uaraniee tnst we wiii get our monev when stock Is found SEND IN YOUR LISTS FOR ESTIMATES. JOHN £. BURNS LUMBER GO. L«*t Distsace 'Phoacs: MONROE 211, MONROB 28S, M0NR06 290. 40 W. CHICAGO AVE., _ . ̂|. / CHICAGO. ILL. FREE T̂OBACCOTAGS NOV. 30™ P R O M MRS. IDA L. ROSKH. "The value of Lydia £2. Pink* ham's Vegetable Compound was called to my attention by an intimate friend, whose life had simply been a torture with inflammation and ulcer ation, and a few bottles of your Com-* pound cured her; she can hardly believe it herself to-day, she enjoy® .J U..UL T 4 --J •UVU UCAJLBU, I ivua AVUT bottles of your Compound and consider myself cured. 1 sm once more in fiu« health and spirits; my domestic and official duties all seem easy now, for I feel so strong I can do three timea what I used, to do. You have a host of friends in Deftver, and among the best count, Yours very gratefully,-- MRS. IPA L. ROSKB, 326 18th Ave.,* Denver, Col."--$6000 forfait if «IM* Uttlmoninl /« mt* grniuln*. If you are 111, don't hesitate to fet u bottle of Lyd la E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn. Mauk, for special ftdTiot- ftisfreos Jfor Aftwit) Than a !sr of a Cent nry The reputation of W. L. Douglas $3.00 and *3.50 shoes for style, comfort and wear haa excelled all other makes cold at these prices. This excellent reputation has been won by merit alone. W- L- Douglas shoes have to give better satisfaction than other $3.00 and 93.60 shoes because bis reputation for the best $3.00 and $3.50 shoes must be maintained. The standard haa always been placed BO high that the wearer receives more value for his money in the W. L. Douglas $3.00 and #3.60 •hoes than be can set elsewhere. W. I* Douglas sells more $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers. W. L Douglas $4.00 Oilt £dg« Line cannot be equalled af any price. 9 u mo* sr*cr. *0* w retmee*. O tirTMAMtM r/s#/0* »t* t+t TA$s . *vr str 9ttvt*piArtD. hmmm amm m*m Mmt mm (SMk Bold by the best shoe dealers everywhere. Insist upon navlng W. L. Doa|)u shoM with name and price stamped an bottom. H*w to Orster ky MsUI.-If W. L. DOBSUS shoes sn not sold lo yoar town, send ortw fiiM to fsrtor^. StMe^nl anywhere on receipt of (tie* sad Mir that ̂sahoes, In" style, lit »nd . Take loeMnmnenta ot loot ss shown on model s Mats style Mral; slae aodwidth lly worn! ytoln at ' toe; heavy. Mi in or Hstkt eotes. A At (narantced. Tryapale. tmumuHK* match mot. Q STA R HORSESHOE "SPEARHEAD" STANDARD NAVY "PIPER HEIDSIECK' BOOTJACK DRUMMOND'KATTIRAL LEAF OLD PEACHX HONEY' "NOBBY SPUN ROLL" J 0 LLY TAR E.RICE.GREENVILLE GRANGERTWIST 2 SiMeaJmsr 1m diifff tqiu/to Mi ofoihm mntionrf. •• Good Luck/' •• Cross Bow," •• Old Honesty,** ••Muter Wori^fen,*' ««5ickle." *• BriuMfywinc*'* ••Planet," ••Nepton^" " Razor," •« Tenncwce Cro»# Tie," "Olo Varginy." < TAOS MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 wiM icMb auuiy srtides not shown bers^ It «iU contain the most attractive List of Presents ever offered for isfs, and will bo sent by mail on receipt of postage--two cents. (Catalogue will be ready for malb'ng about January 1st, 190a.) Oorofferof Present# for T«C wW expire NeV. jotk, 190a. • coiminurrAL nucco OOMWAK*. •"V1 ; 1 ' ">• •' ^ Write your name end address flmittfy 00 outside of pscksgee eontalning Tags, and tend them and requests for Presents to > C. My. BROWN, 424-1 Folsom Ave*s St. Loois, Mo. snt mo /so rtet. *AnK*fmtn»r cur mwfn .asrm SUSAM S*ru 'MOtM' wn«t. AAIT A*O str. I* CAMT. 0AMUM tmmumc AM* •M/je CAUMM. UOOTAtS. A&*wtro* Mtme-BMMMi mutMotass *r#r CM* JUMJM*. fwtWw Kill<s sjfcsfcee. W.I- , • ... ... v. ,rv.,r. ,r .. SH" m. *•'.^19 ifc .; '.'3-1 t.' \',1 - "V'.** •*'• -j,* • V ' &&-•. "' f '• ".'.-A'.'•' .. ..