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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1901, p. 3

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$5* chair it one of fife piecos of historic far-' as a veiuaiteto .wit- tfett lOng history of this ooun- ca&not be overestimated, ^ so, but as a work of art,, <h&r/'ot King Edmurt I to the Btone from Scone, ita im- . : is equally great. What was C&ik teteiihat befell this chair under ;"• the sjrtnpathetic charge of the officials? ^ - ; "* Matutf' refiectioQ convinced these gen- it did not look suflTctefttly and, no doubt, had it been iteeed, gray with age and history, on the "bath red" spotted carpet, sur­ rounded as it was with the gimcrack brass railings from St. James' palace, •V ^ it would have stood a silent and yet eloquent witness against modern offi- "rtal teste. The chair was placed in the hands of the upholsterers. It was - , / smearad with brown stain and varnish, and otherwise tinkered by Messrs. Banting's man, Dragged along by snndry* workmen over the unprotected mosaic pavement of Abbot Ware, I myself saw the chair brought round ' from the recesses where it had been "doctored." The flat surface of the fpli l/: chair, hack, and arms, still retain in 'places the ancient gesso omamenta- ^ £k>n. Into these outfaces Sir. Wright, ^0? !. the clerk of works of the Abbey, found **•'" 1x1611 driving "tacks" to hold some of -J. : their upholsteries; and very properly '.*v;; protected.--Nineteenth Century. •• IN THE PUBLIC EYE. James Jackson, the man who was expelled from the Second Reform Pre- byterian Church of Boston because h« had taken the opth of allegiance to the United States, is a native of Ire- and came to this country about fifteen years ago. He lived in New Yttrk, in Pittsfield, Mass., and finally settled in Boston as a dry goods mer­ chant. In 1895 he bought a store In Cambridge, Mass, and has since THE CHAMPION WING SHOT.* C«pt BopirdM HM * Dugcroni Kxperl- nec bat tomes Oat Vuhart. Perils Wheel Park, Chicago, Nov. 4th>-Capt. A. H. Bogardus, the cham­ pion wing shot of the world, has spent the summer here. His ah noting school has been one-- of the features of the Park during the season. He has giv­ en many exhibitions and his skill with the rifle is superb. The Captain tells of a very close call he ones had when liT fag at Elk­ hart, 111. He had b3en a suff .rer from Kidney disease for several years and it rapidly developed into Bright's Dis­ ease. All his friends told him. that this was incurable and that he would never get better. To gay that he was alarmed is to' fe? T" put it very mildly. This plucky man i,fp§ had faced many dangers and It made him sick at heart to think that at last he was to be cpnquered by such a cruel foe. At last he heard.of a medicine that had cured many such cases--Dodd's Kidney Pills. He used them and was complete!;' restored to good health. , He says: "I attribute my present ,, good health to Dodd's Kidney Pills <:>>W - V- ' .s-'s.v- * pife::.,,; iafei-o WB tsfk- . . 3*: »' SPd to nothing else." ~0"' ktnwf SporUMea of tM* Never in American turf history have racing affairs been in stronger hands :*£'i'i: k than now. It is announced that Jas. B./Haggin will return to the turf in nger force than ever be.'o?e. Prom- ljp&l affiong racing sportsmen just now gre^sucft men as Wi liaai C. Whit­ ney, James R. Keene, Perry Belmont, Clarence McKay, W. K. Vanderbilt and others of great wealth, their unit­ ed foftuaea looting up over <*o. ->;S .V£*7: -'A 1 , . *'4^y'. • • -V .i Deifiistii Cannot Bn Cured Oj iocsi ap;>lk-i*U< ns as rttcy cannot reach tiM diseased portion of the car. There is only oas way to cure deafness, and that is by constU ."•? tutlonai remedies, Deafness is caused by an •• inflamed -. ondit'on of ihf mucus l.uini/ of the Eustachian Tt'be. When this t.i be is inflamed you have ivrtim: HDK 8 'unil or imprriect hear* Imr, and wlu-n it i entirely closed doafn<*HS la i V < the result. Bnd unless the Inflammation ranjM taken out and this tnbe restored to its normal '» ^' condition, hfiirl<'R wl'l l>c d' "a forever; nine cases out of t<-" are caused i>y catarrh, , i which is noth'.np but an inflamed condition of- v^i: the murns snrfh< < k ':\ We wll I give One Hundred Dollars for any case #yi ' " of Deafness <r»v«pd by catarrh) that cannot •s-a.ifvv ciiri*u ny huti o catarrh Cura. Seud for •!,;P circulars, free. ^ F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ok isls. 7bc. .. - arc the but JAMES JACKSON. ducted a successful business there. Mr. Jackson did not become a citizen because he thought it his duty to do ao. He took out naturalization papero for the purpose of securing a passport for his wife, who wished to visit her old home in Ireland,save her from annoyance at the hanfl^ of im­ migration agents. He never intended to vote, and acted only in behaii of his wife's comfort Mr. Jackson says he will not renounce his allegiance, now that he has become a citizen, trat so long as he lives up to this intention he must remain outside the pa e of the Reformed Presbyterian church, in the eyes of which the Constitution of the United States is an infidel and "im­ moral" instrument of government. ANOTHER CANADIAN KNIGHTgD.' Robert Bond, the nrjmo minister of Newfoundland, who has just been knighted by the Duke of Cornwall and York, is one of the moBt popular and capable of the public men in Canada* He is descended from an ancient and honorable family of Devonshire. His father was a rich man and widely known merchant in St Johns for up­ ward of half a century, but the son preferred the more active and ambi­ tious iife of politics and the bar. As early as 1884 Robert Bond had become ^speaker of the Newfoundland assem­ bly. From 1889 to 1897 he occupied ^|it position as colonial secretary, and in this capacity he did much to en­ large and make free the industrial life of the old British colony, of which he is a native citizen. Last year the elee- IS- t-iV, Sold by Druawisia. * S»ir» Family Pills I mmr CnniMia tu Coin "Mea-vertr";' : J" ' ... It is said that Cantftia is soon to Jify1 have.her owa mint ana that the gold "coins will be callad'•'boavsrs." In val- ue the "beave s ' wili correspond <o ,v;.T,.:..*ad eagle, $10; ^half "beaver." J5. • Are Yon 1'ntnit Allen'* I o't Kime? It is the oniy cufe for Swollen, %^-f, 1 Smarting, Burning. Sweating Feet J? Corns and Bunions. A6k for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder *o he shaken irto the shoes. At all Pruggists and Shoe it Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad­ dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. T. Wood Carvings. 8wiss papers show a decline in the ^^'Vexpoit of wood ca. rings, and attribute ^rlllt to the lack of variety in the carv- * ,V, ings, the few subjects being monot- |: ̂ Onously repeated. . Brooklyn, N. V.. vesttgatinff Garfield Tea. which is quite *>•>;. universally acknowledged to be the btst family remedy, it is not difficult to ex- 'vN*--.-"V plain its suecesb--it Is the nudU-ine for V-iGOOD REStiL'i'd! It is prepared here -• by the Ga«fteid Tea Co., in trtt ir new and .5attractive laboiatory and ia made wholly 'si) - >^from simple, sweet and withal. 11KAL.TH- ^GIVING HERBS. Garfield Tea ia the , r : ORIGINAL, herb cure for cooatlpation alck headache. Z?. 1 Work crowning benediction, "Well done, good and faithful servant"--Grace is the seamless garment of praise to God, its hem broid- l^^ered with living flowers of hope and faith, its fruit the peace which pass- human understanding, its White. .. r .v._ • "$&*>•' j • . ' 1.^, '!--^ "• • ^ "Aguinkldo: A Narrative of FUipino % Ambitions," by Edwin Wildman, is a v.^f -4)ook of exceptional interest written by man who, as special correspondent jLti the Philippines, had opportunity " ijand occasion to be very near to the Filipino dictator ai^d t« kAAW hia -a^'memorable story. • ' 1 ̂ |vf While the prpportlote of ma'e cirfal- ials has increased considerably in ' ̂ ' "fctermany since 1882, that of female of- ' ̂ "fenders has remained' stationary. ' - ---- - The report of the Geological Survey (fehowed the total vHfl'e" of -minerals roduoed in this country in 1900 to be 1,070,108 8^9. , M»* PncVwheat has a world Wide reputation on account of Its parity «•*- and genuine Buckwheat flavor. Don't for- the name. *et ROBERT BOWD. tions in Newfoundland placed Sir Rob­ ert at the helm and his administration tua been highly satisfactory, i'J ^ ' SPANISH-AMERICAN RKPDBtltft The address at the opening of the JPan-American conference in Mexico City was made by Senor Ignacio Ma- risal, the Mexican minister of foreign „affairs. He said among other things:* ^'There Is no doubt whatever of the sentiment of friendship and sympathy, cultivated to such a high degree by our northern neighborhood, among the representatives of the three Ameri­ cas." This may have been a mere po­ litical phrase. It is more likely that its object was to let it be known that Mexico at least discredits entirely these reports that the United States desires to extend its power at the ex­ pense of the Spanish-American rep^^ lies. Ever since the Spanish war and the acquisition of Porto Rico many European journals have been assuring these republicans that the United States has designs on them. It - has not Ita only desire is that they may 'lie well governed and prosperous. Nevertheless, this flood of advice from Europe may have made an impression on some of the small and suspicious republics of this hemisphere. If that be so, the remarks of Senor Mariscal nay tend to remove that impression. If Mexico, bordering on this country, does not apprehend American aggress­ ion, the republics to the south of .Mex­ ico ueeu have iio fears. Pioneer la Women's Club*. "JTW originator of the women's club work in the United States is Mrs. Con- r stance F. Runcie, a resident of St. Jo­ seph, Mich. Mrs. Runcie is a widow of the late Dr. C. F. Runcie, who was considered the most eloquent pastor in the state. He died a dozen years ago while .sorting . as .pastor. It was forty-three year ago in the Tillage of New Harmony, Ind., that the first club was organized. The or­ ganisation was designated Runcie as the Minerva club. by JCrs. Maaad After HaiiMk Senator tfanna's secretary says sinoe 1896 600 children have named after the senato A A French farmer ifife made expert ments which show-'uiat caterpillars aiptdr Uaek ebjoeta,- ^ire attraoted ta numbers by white. Poshing the Perambulator. Haskina--"I saw your husband today In a biagca* suit I didn't think hiai®fj|«." Xtt. Strohgtt1nd-i-"My dear, that was nek a bicycle suit, Although it might properly be called a 'wheeling suit' You see, I want "him to be ap­ propriately garbed when he takes ba­ by for an airing."--Philadelphia Press. i '•If f V'-v. ' Lu(Mt la the WoaM. Walter Baker 4k" Co., Ltd., D&rtftes- ter, Mass., are the largest manufactur­ ers of cocoa and chocolate in the world. They received a gold medal from the Paris exposition of last year. This year they have received three gold medals from the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. Their goods are the atandard for purity and excellence. i nai pai'KAge c nan vj Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, A Uar*a COOMICDM. Harris--"If you knew he was lying, why didnt you tell him so?" Buck-- "What would have been the use? He knew he\was lying, fast enough, and he would jiot have felt so pleasant to­ ward me if I had let him know I knew it, too.---Boston Transcript - The only scale wltti ball bearfags. A A A ^$-62 Li^v CHICAGO i oe oniy iciie wiin WII v BORDER ft SELLECK CO 4#-?aLakB8t* Poor cbatupleigrh! "Why, pa, this is roast beef," ex- i claimed little Willie at-dinner on the evening when Mr. Chumpleigh was present as the guest of honor. "Of course," said the.father. **Wh;ii of thatr* * 'r "Why, you told ma this Morning that you' were going to being a but­ ton-head* home for dinner this even­ ing."--Philadelphia Press. ; Yoxes aa Household YMe» " The latest craze among the Paris­ ian ladies is that of foxes, or rather fox cubs, as household pets. They are so largely in request that the little creatures are for sale now in the streets. ' ' HEAVES III HORSES Th<? renowned Mineral _ _ _ Heave Itomedy, a sure and sare cure lor heav«** and puii>Hmnrv diseases In horwea. A 9* will ou»e an ordinary ca*e of heavea. A $5 order IK to cuix'1 any caae of heaves, mutter how !onj< stiutdinpr. or<5er Bent pOf*t|)»i<1 and £> order express paid, with full directions, on ret^ipi or |»rie^. liive it a TKiAL. S«>ld only »»y MINERAL HEAVE RE** ED < COMPANY, Nos 5\)J & 504 Fourth Ave t P»ttBbiJrj?,Pac WORKiNGMEN A COIT FARM HOW, 40 acren, Texas Co., Mo. 2 -- miles to R. H, town of bar,Tent. 3 room house. barn, out buildings, nice Or* Coard,ftne spring; g «>d netghboi h«itxl; 7 nrrescultl* a'an< € oa>i ' linger: M tillable. Perfect title, s down, "t&Jant e to suit. LOTT 'THE LAND MAN,'* Kansas City,Mo. -L0 T O I N V E S T O R S ! Money Invested In Sheep and Cattle In Montana 1( »»ie ana pays SO percent. A imali Inreetment now »ro*s into large flock In few years. Write for par­ t i c u l a r s . M O N T A N A C O - O P E B A T I v B RANCH CO, GKEAT FAl^ ( (i«FI.KV;oS I'OWDKR. Pure, harm ess. perfect Send frwj sample bt ittnn CO., Chicago, IlL A PERFECT LIQUID DENTIFRICE FOR THE 1SETH BREfiT» f T H K iwfcst for Cbswpkcw Corks. There is a steady demand tor dis­ carded champagne corks, the price be­ ing half a cent each. In swell cafes they go to the porter who cleans up the room and sets things to rights be­ hind the bar. In small ginmills they are the perquisite of the. bartender, who does his own cleaning up.--New York Press. • r 21' EACH S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER HALL& RUCKEL New YORK A R E Y O U A l ^ X I Fl'Tl:HK--love. marrl»(i«>. miHiey himlno-H. etc . 10c. date ..f lilriU. KOX snd «uiun, tor jir.iB|.t-c(i) of the comli>K year. .1. M!m n Hi>\ Y. Sprlitvfleld. O. ImoortJin' tn 'a*; «n orders for i" Mo- Klnlt •ybDuksai "titer term* than you now Ket. Men- iioa terras offered, author of b > a:.-.1 firm y<>u work write todsy. Addrew P.O. Bo* 444 Hacamoud, Ind. NEW DISCOVERY: gives quick relief and cures worst esses. Book of testimonials and 10 DATS' treatment RU. SB. II. H. tiRXKN'S BON, Bra S. Allaata, fla. HAMDSAMF AMERICAN LADY, MDEPEA* •innHDumk eutiy rich, wauu good honest koabsod. Addrsss MM. E. 87 Msrket St., Cbloaiu, IlL ^AJ ((, / \ •• j. |J for the rfpntiktion of W. L. Douglas$3.00aun 6bo?8 tor style, comfort and wexir has excelled all olher niakes !K>ld at thes^ This ex­ cellent reputation \v.\& been won bx merit alone. shoeshavj' to givr i>et-t^r tion tlian other $3.(0 and $3..%0 s!iot*s tn>f-;\aso Iks reputation for , the best £3.0 'ami $.1.50 shwu must lx» n)a:n- t'alnwl. The standard lias always so hlch that tlie wearer receives more value torhtsmon^y in the \V. U Duuplns-$:'.uj and $ shoes tlian he can elsewhere. W. F I>ouplns makes and sella jnore $^.oo and fS.r»o 6hoeatl] any other two manufacturers in the world. Frint €?ol€»r^_ KvrlcU lined. W. L. DousIm IS a»4 IT.&OILMM an uda •f t W uae HLFRH icr*4T tentber* IMI hk IS U4 90 IHOFI, M4 m« Jurt u (W4 la rrrrj war. C -.TAtOO TtZK. Sold by C3 Douglas starts in Amrric-tn cities seffinQdirrrt fremfaciort to «f(arer «/ one profit; and tht best shoe dealers everwehert, U'W «1>oa llTlai; W. 1. tunglts skflttvHh UM u4 yrko it>npr<t 01 boiioai. Shoes sent any­ where on receipt of prire and sf. addi­ tional for carriage. Tako mensure- monta of foot as shown; state styla V»- desired; size and width -- ngnnl'y worn; plain or cap toe; heary, medlam, or light soles. W. L, SOUCIBA- ®r*)ckton, Tlftiss DROPSY C FOR COMFORT USE LEHMAN OVER 150,000 IN USE. _ Cost of Heatlnff only to per dw.' Beaters and fuel of *11 Carriage, Htri- ware Dealers. Don't fail to send forelrculer telling more about them. LEHMAN BROS., Mfrs., 10 Bond St, New York. JAMES W. ERRINGER, Mention this papor whon writing. Gen. West Sslas *gt. 297 Wsbash Am., Ch5cay>, IU. HEN RIDING OR DRIVING CARRIAGE sai' SLElfiX HEATERS Th» Vint IMUS of ths Hmw )|s(tilss. The publishers announce that their new m:iKazir.€, Country Life in America, has found a welcome of unexpected propor­ tions and enthusiasm. Not only does the Idea of Country Life in America appeal to all who love the country, but the name of the editor, I.. H. Bailey, of Cornell, ffives solid assurance that the magazine will be popular, interesting, beautiful wttd of high utandard. Mne. Pompadour's Wonderfal Library. A recently discovered catalogue of the library of Madame Pompadour, which was sold at auction in 1766, enumerates 266 theological works, 76 legal, 511 pertaining to natural his­ tory, 3,434 to belles l«ttres, and 4,812 historical works. As we come toward the Christmas holl> days, larger space In the magaslnes Is given to fiction. The Cosmopolitan in­ cludes a tragic story of the Mexican foot­ hills by ThomaB A. Janvier, a very clcver society atory by Carolyn Wells, one Of the Old French Romances by Richard be Galllenne, an unusually interestttigr Indian narrative by H. T. George, and a weird gtoiy by S. R. Crockett. „ JM Bbsst* for Psa*lbkim, , sheets of steel for pen making are, in their original condition, eight feet long and three feet wide. From these strips are cut wide enough to permit of the cutting of three or four pens. An too laterested in hsrias * Uttlt moMf, Ami 00 apwmrd (Invested without aajr effort on roar part) «aro for you a permanent cash income, bigger evsiy week than s whole year's led*I Interest upon tke same amount? If so, Head as your name and address. So speculation or gnHilillGK s<-beine, but ledUmSte budlness." v!r»t-clM« refer ne«< tn snjr psrt of tiM Vntted States. E. J. Am |.l, Betwlst Buildtag, Gt. Louis, Mo. Philosophy triumphs easily orer past, and over future evils, but pres­ ent evils triumph over phUosophy.- La Rouchefoucauld. • PUTNAM FADRIiESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle (ex­ cept jjrottn and purple). Sold by drug<- giste, 10c. p«r pai*kag«. In New Orleans last year seventy- eight persons died from the effects of gunshot wounds. p»t<o's Cure for 'oasfisiBt-ca is *" tofalltblb aiod cine (or eougbs acd colds.--N. W. &4MUIU Ocean Grotre, N. J., T--;, I'i. IflOO. , To lie nowhere 14 better than to tsll the truth everywhere. N<§. VrtMiew'H R> oflilaff Syrup. For chiidreu lecuiini;. rotten* ine K'nns, reduces ln> Summation, allays pala, cures wind colic. 25c • hot US. It it easy to d&piae--to understand is much better. -• For the real, aood old Buckwheat flavor,, buy MrB. Austin's Buckwheat and don't forget the name. The brave man thinks of himself lMt OHIO MADE SHOES! We have the output.of a factor*: and will send by mail # f CB prepaid, tor only.... # I b V V LADIES' FINE VICI-KID •OLIO LEATHER SHOES lace or button. Kid or patent tip, C. D, E or EB, sizes i!H to & These are up-to- i<1 inclose f 1 <J6. Money refunded | •tory. Address SCHUeOEL BR0Sm P.O. Bex 2a24>MC<ny(il date, snappv Shot's. State size, width ana tin ai not satisfactory. Address DESIR $8.00 Forthis AT YOUW STATION. Warranted Acci-rate Otlitrr 1-gualiy low. "touv OF THE MAKER Janes (He p»y» UM> Kreifht.) BnoaAjRoa, N. Y. Wa M n R u m n n n u a i SclifUik iUfiAR'1- wlih otberi{i,>certe-' uud mdse.atco| price*. TaluM* rwnnnlu tieetone# cu:.»"mer?. Scud eU'Lit y-ct. BiaiaM toro ir <:>?al<>|f'ie df..ii:JuK our bl( b*r^mii!.aiid i.i'w (o order. We rebate 16-eis. oa flrnt (,-n x ery onler «o cstsp losne c..t>u voun'ithliiif. H y \t >in/ r'nr W,J, WAMBKI MKaCA.XTUJC CO.. lui'K>rter« & JobberaflnOMt ( FK EE A Fall-8l*e $1 Tr«*sl»ra( of Dr. O. . Pbeljis Brown's <_»reat K^ui©<iy for Pfls. Eptl«psv and »li Ncrroiis A^dre o. raiinnm«iiimi»ij. •--CURES.** ~ FISTULA, POLL EYNL, In 4 to 16 *eekn. \V1MII JUET (mniiiK usually tun* without discharuiiig. in fnur wcrts, Bomaiie :md ea#y to- clre. ®liw, 60 ds. By mail. 60 da Trtutlse free u|«m application GL0U8E k STiii, chemists, 38 8TATE ST., BENUEO. ILL iCIl V WAICT *OBTH SHmsdetoonlerfartOs l swindle; I Or lirlags full Informs* ttau. Dressmakers' ASS'D, 1UM Superior M.,Toledo,0. "W\ 111 AA Habits. Specialty 80 years, Fres Wr IUIvl Trial. Dr.Uanii,Qulncy,Hick, LANDS J Anrthlnn yon want, fr^m clock lands at E AlfilAIFFD'Q I IPPIIQC M E C H A N I C S ,E N G I N E E R ^ ^ numccn O LlUCndC FIREMEN, ELECTRICIANS,ekl m 40-paRe pamphlet containing Questions asked by Examining Board of Engineers. SENT FREE. FIREMEN. ELECTRICIANS,EM. sked by Examining Board of Engineers. Ct ORGE f\. ZELLF.R, Publish*# Room 596. 18 South Four h St., St. Louis. Ma. _ ~ whi'a' lauds at « J5 per sore. Write ant. W. a. kKIXOUU, UKATTOK, N. D. tr arttloted with sore eras, use IThoMptoa't l|« Vattr i w. N, U. CHIOAQO, NO. 48, IMI.| FREE ̂TOBACCOTAGS 1MOV. 30™ P R O M tO TAtS smor. .fV» tOtOTAS Kuan*MtKm nm rioc rotAcc*. SfvrBAMS08 f/SHINC ROD Z+OTAfS. rnjr srr auvc* platcd ruutnuti rc* <tt TACS HATCH mox. STAR HORSESHOE "SPEARHEAD" STANDARD NAVY "J.T. PIPER HEIDSIECK BOOTJACK DRUMMOND'NATURALlEAf OLD PEACH&HONEY" HOBBY SPUN ROLL JOLLY TAR" E.RICE.6REENVILLE GRANGERTWIST £ Qmm Twist Ta6s twmg equal to one of others mentiontf. "Good Luck," "Cross Bow," "Old Honesty," ••Master Workman," "Sickle," "Brandywine," "Planet," "Neptune," "Rar "Tenn«ss<* Cross Tie," " Ole Varfiny." a TA05 MAY BB ASSORTED IN SECURINO PRESENTS. RNSO TA4S. /M»M tmmmi TAt*. srMcrMi/cn/arrzwee* IliH miTre*K*u* Imamr ***** SUSA* SMTU TMTAR wntr stir A*0 MSW« *iT. iwac o'CKti wmmi n mr/00 str tMLO't aer Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 will include many articles not shown here. It will contain the most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and will be sent by mail on receipt of postage--two cents. (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January ist, lpot.) Our offer off Preseats for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1903. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Write your name and address plsimfy on outaide of packages containing Tags, an^send them and requests for Presents to C. Hy. BROWN, stx tMa. MM. MTRIM MABAZJHI mru. 30/^0 CAUBtM. 1000 T44S. MA/fum MMAtm* ««•r tu* m*rt*G7CV BOUBIS HAfiHtL #4MM£#i£SS J400 M$$, *A*U* 0Xft£. M H (SOA

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