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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1901, p. 7

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Current News and Views KNEWAL OF OHINESE EXCLUSION. * Next May the Chinese exclusion acts will expire by limitation, and the fore­ handed people of California are al- ready engaged in a vigorous agitation for their extension. Probably t.M« movement will be successful, but its chances seem to be somewhat jeopar­ dized by the intolerant attitude of some of its supporters. In places where people turn upon the streets to stare , after a quiet Chinese laundryman the source of the intense feeling against his race is not understood, and the Whole opposition to Chinese immigra­ tion is set down to unfounded preju­ dice. The supporters of the present movement would, therefore, do well to •bate the violence of their language, and argue their case on its merits. That there are good reasons for renew­ ing the present laws becomes evident on slight reflection. The objection to unrestricted Chi­ nese immigration rests upon the as­ sumption that a large number of Chi­ namen would come into the country if they could do so freely. The rapid in­ crease in the number of immigrants before the passing of the exclusion acts seems to show that this assump­ tion is just. That the presence of such a large body of Chinamen would be undesirable, at least from the political point of view, is generally admitted. • government is not truly one of the people when there is a vast mass of Inhabitants who are alien sojourners- •nd not citizens. On the other hand, perhaps no one desires to give China­ men the ballot. We already have a great many ignorant voters in our dties, and experience does not Incline ns to increase their number. No one is properly qualified for the suffrage who has not some appreciation of the principles of popular government, and In this one department of life, at least, the Chinaman does not seem to be an apt scholar.--Chicago Tribune. VICE QOV. WRIGHT. There are rumors, emanating from COod sources, that the appointment of I LUKE B. WRIGHT. . Ltike B. Wright as temporary gover­ nor of the Philippine Islands, may eventually be made permanent At present Judge Taft is ill and the duties of the office had, of necessity, to be placed in other hands. As a member of the Philippine Commission, Luke Wright was e natural successor. Now tt Is said that Taft and Gen. Chaffee are not wholly in accord, and that, •ven in the event of the former's speedy recovery, it is not at all certain that he will resume his former posi­ tion. For the present, at least, Luke Wright is an interesting figure in pub­ lic affairs and he may be for some time to come. THE M'KINLEY MEMORIAL. The national association formed to erect a suitable memorial to William McKinley at Canton, Ohio, finds its work Impeded by the project offered by public men and residents of Wash­ ington. The circulation of appeals for both projects tends to confuse the pub- 11c as to which is the proper object of popular contributions. Any doubt upon the subject should be dispelled by a simple statement of the facts. For some years there has been be­ fore Congress a proposal for a great monumental bridge across the Potomac at Washington. The, idea is of un­ doubted merit and in due time some such bridge will be built. Congress for various reasons has not yet made the necessary appropriation. One part of this proposed bridge Is a great tri­ umphal arch, which the Washington committee suggests be built by popular subscription as a memorial to Presi­ dent McKinley. Tnis movement is not in any sense antagonistic to the proposition to erect a monument to the late president at Canton. President McKinley recom­ mended that Congress construct the bridge across the Potomac, connecting Washington with Arlington, as "a monument to American patriotism," and without doubt the construction of the bridge and memorial arch will be authorized by Congress. WHERE CARROLL DIED. iiJoe Carroll mansion, one of the fa­ ttens old landmarks of Baltimore, is about to be sold at auction. It was in this building hat Charles Jarroll, of Carroll to n, the last sur­ viving sign­ er of the Declarati o n of Independ­ ence, died N o v e mber 14, 1882. The house was built about 1 7 7 0 b y Richard Ca- tan, Charles Carroll's son-in-law, from bricks brought from England for the purpose. This historic structure, in whose rooms the flower of colonial so­ ciety once gathered, is now a tenement house, the abode of Russian Jews. Persons, Placet and Things SCENE OF RESURRECTION. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem was recently the scene of another bloody riot between the par­ tisans of the Greek and the Roman communions. A number of Franciscan priests and a party of Greek priests quarreled over the right to sweep a certain part of the floor of the church • CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPUlr CHER, JERUSALEM. and a sanguinary battle ensued be­ tween the fathers. Five of the Fran­ ciscans were seriously injured. The Turkish guard which regularly keeps the pe!ace between the Christians in this church was overpowered and dis­ armed. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was originally built after the visit ol Empress Helena to Jerusalem. It is supposed to mark the spot where the body of Jesus lay for three days in the tomb. It is an ugly building of mixed architecture, surrounded by a heavy dome. Many relics, supposed to have been connected with the crucifixion, are preserved in the building, and the place Is one of the most interesting sights In Palestine. The Latin and Greek Catholics early began their quarrels over the right to use the church. A Turkish guard has been maintained there for years to keep the peace. A CHUROH IN A TREE. Next to the giants of the Yosemite Valley, California, the largest trees in the world are found In Australia. Of these, a species of the eucalyptus, lo­ cally known as the "red gum-tree," takes the lead. One of these giant MB. A TREE-TRUNK AS A CHURCH, trees in Gippsland, Victoria, was felled at a distance of twenty feet from the ground. The wood of these trees is very Boft when growing, and when newly cut down, but hardens when it is dead. In this tree, while the wood was still soft, the stump was hollowed out, openings for doors and windows were cut, and a roof was placed upon ltr In this way a room was formed, said to be twenty-five feet in breadth, and capable of accommoda­ ting fifty people. Religious services have frequently been held there, the people for miles around assembling out of curiosity; but this curiosity has led to blessing, and & moTemsnt is now on foot for erecting a substantial church. H»d an Tntcroaaaor. The Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman recent­ ly told of one of his friends who was a boyhood companion of Robert Lincoln. He entered the Civil War and went to the front. When Robert Lincoln found that he was a private soldier, he said to a friend, "Write, and tell him to write to me, and I will inter­ cede with father, and get him some­ thing better." The young soldier said: "I never took advantage of the offer, but you do not know what a comfort it was to me. Often after a weary march I would throw myself on the ground and say, 'If it becomes beyond human endurance, I can write to Bob Lincoln and get relief; and I would rather" have his Intercession than that of the Cabinet, because he is a son." Rockefeller*! Wow. Wealth does net always have its own way but meets with humiliating de­ feats. The Standard Oil e o m p « n y may be able to elect leg­ islatures, but i t s h e a d cannot elect a little high­ way commis­ sioner. The income o f Mr. John D. R o ckefeller from the oil company alone will amount to |16,- 000,000 this year. How much he will receive from other Investments is not known, and yet with all this money he cannot sway to his will the voters of one small Westchester county town. This is the drop of wormwood in his cup which takes all the sweetness out ol the honey it contains. This was forcibly illustrated at the recent elec­ tion when the man he opposed with all hla might was triumphantly re-elected. Terrible Greek Fir*. Chemistry holds many secrets, some of which, when they are discovered, will not be found out for the first time Among these is the substance which formed such a terribly effective weapon against fleets hostile to the Greeks and which was known as Greek fire. Noth­ ing known at the present time will do what the substance was reported to do, namely, set fire to ships when brought into contact with water. When Yon Order Baker's Chocolate or Baker's Cocoa examine the package you receive and make sure that it bears the well known trade-mark of the chocolate girl. There are many Imitations of these choice goods on the market. A copy of Miss Parloa's choice recipes ' will be sent free to any housekeeper. Address Walter Baker ft Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. PRINCESS VIROQUA, M. 0, Endorses Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound After Following Its Record For Teai-s. * •• Dear Mrs. Pinkham : --Health is the greatest boon bestowed on human­ ity and therefore anything that can restore lost health is a blessing. I consider Lydia £. Pinkham's Veg­ etable Compound as a blessing to State and Nation. It cures her moth­ ers and daughters and makes them well and strong. PRINCESS VIROQUA. Practicing Phyaiciau and Lecturer.. *• For fifteen years I have noted the •fleet of youF Vegetable Compound in Oaring special diseases of women. " I know of nothing superior for ovarian trouble, barrenness, and it has prevented hundreds of dangerous operations where physicians claimed it was the only chance to get welL Ulceration and inflammation of the womb has been cured in two or three weeks through its use, and as I find it purely an herbal remedy, I unhesitat­ ingly give it my highest endorsement. --Fraternally yours, Db. P. Viboqua, Lansing, Mich."--$6000 forfait Ifabotm (m- tlmonlal It rot gtnulnt. If you an ill do not hesitate to |et a bottle of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs. Pink* lift"* at Lynn; Mass. for special Advice; it is entirely frofe I L L I N O I S F A R . M FIX AX CIA L. M I L L I O N S M A D E I N O I L The greatest millionaire! got their esart In oil. Do you want to make money, too? Thn Callfornli Con­ solidated Oil Company own* fourteen wells yielding oil. and contr a some of the best oil fields In threa different Stales. Stock Is offer, d at 25 cents per share, par 11.00, »*h1 is an absolutely safe Invest- tnent. Dividends have been paid monthly since July on Treasury Stock at the rate of 24 per cent per annum on present price. A few shares will males you rich. This Is positively the last offer of this stock that will ever be made to you at this price. Write W. H. Sherrod & Co., Fiscal Agents, 11C Nassau Street, New York, for prospectus. Refer­ ences. Bankers & Mercantile Agency, New York; Blverslde Bank, New York; American Express Co., New York; Bank of liakerstleld, Bakersfleld, CaL MISCELLANEOUS. 72 lncbea for For particulars, audress, Q. K. Son, 3509 Calumet Ave., Chit-Ago. NOW TO foe" L5 0° RuB-8,ze Smith. FflR DELIVERED 1'KICKS on Idaho Red rWll Cedar, 80 feet and fborter. telephone poles, bridge piles, flan poles or heavy derrick timbers, write to O. YV. Firkins & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. flur Fiachswa* Fountain Pen, equal to any (2.50 (Jul riSSHISWflj one for 25c. per dozen. HILL M'F'Q CO.. 2143 I-exIngton Avenue, New York. flllD CDCPIAITV Advertising apents for Mall UUn »r KwlNIa I I Order business at lnime. We start you rleht. To Insure success advertise with ua. Our terms are rleht. Write m for particulars. WAL- TEK n. HOW VliD CO.. 1S3-1SSDearborn St.. Chicago COR S4LE. Entire or part Interest In U. 8. Patent r - window AHurliment." Cheaply manufactured. Muke ffer. Addivss. K. O. Bniton. Chicago. TCI CCD1DUY Absolutely Free Instruction to ICLCWiHril I nil pupils enrolling now; tavaatt- gate UB. I'hlixro ftrbool of Tplwrtphy. IW DurkMS Mb NO GUESS NEEDED. When you weigh on a Jones 800 Lb. Sea)* PRICE *8 OO. FULL PARTICULARS. JONES (HE PATS THE FREIGHT.) BINGHAMTON. N. Y. Quito, in South America, is the only larp town at a hight of over 9.000 . ; |Nt above see level. • ! AT* T« Qtef ABm*s It la the only enro ?or Swollen. Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken irto the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad­ dress Allen S.»01mBted, LeRoy, N. T. BIbl* Society** Final Decision. After many years* consideration the British and Foreign Bible society has decided to alter its laws so as to en­ able it to circulate the revised version of the Bible as well as the anthortaed version of 1611. Vint Foetal Woman la Baftead. In 1870 women were for the first time introduced in the postal service of England. In 1871 there were 1,000 thus employed, and today there are in .the British Isles about 36,000 postmis­ tresses and clerks. Wacara tka Bltiest Waterfall. Niagara, though not the highest waterfall, holds the record for size. Thirty-two million tons of water roll over the cliff in the course of a single hour. Canada'a Forests. Canada's forests are found to be equal to supplying the world with pulp wood alone for $40 years, on the basis of 1,500,000 tons of manufactured pulp a year. To Core a Cold in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. A boy never tells his troubles to a man who wears whiskers.--Chicago News. Ms*. Wlnalow'a Soothing Dynsp. far children teething, aoftena the gums, redaoaa h- flammatloa, allays pain, caret wind colic. SSca'JotUe. Souvenir cups are the latest fad, the Jewelers say. Have you seen Mrs. Austin's new dress? The child who is seen and not heard remains to be seen. One of the streets In Canton, China, is occupied entirely by druggists and dentists. Plto'i Oameaniiot be too highly spoken at as a oough cure.--J. W. O Beubn. 832 Third Am* K., Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan. ft. 10OQi The gifted bride is the one that gets me presents.--Philadelphia Record. Have you seen Mrs. Austin's new drsssT To borrow divinei is hu^ian --to pay back is -Buys Boreas tff tits TouhJ. D. P. Slmjwoa, a horae buyer m northwestern Kansas, has adopted a new plan of buying horses. He pays so much a pound. Good drivers are quoted at 11 cents per pound, farm horses 10 cents and ordinary plugs 5 cents. A. G. Jones, the governor of Nova Scotia, is reported to have twice de­ clined the honor of knighthood, of­ fered while the Duke of Cornwall and York was in Canada. The well posted druggist advises you to use Wizard Oil for pain, for he knows what it has done. The Pope has taken the name and works of Galileo from the Index Ex- purgatorlus. Have you seen Mrs. Austin's new dress? Some men's idea of being a Christian is to look solemn. ...CURfcS... FISTULA, POLL EV0, In 4 to H> weeks. W)i?n just formiuk: u«ualiv cures without in four weeks. Hutuane and easy to give. °rice, so eta. By mail, 60 eta. Treatise free upon application CLGOSE & STAII, ClBiniStS, 28 -Stme St..Ginf.seo, to, FREE A NMn $1 Trcatmct of Dr. O. Pfcelps Brown*s Great Remedy for Ffcs.Epilepay and all Nervous Diseases. Address e. WIN BROWS. M ItmHv. Mentor**, IX S0Z0D0RT TOOTH POWDER Th« bist that Monty and AFo Expsrlenco can product, fcw At all stores, or by mail for the price. HALL A RUCKEU NEW YORK. FIRST, LAST AND OKLT CHANCE The Bnrbourav ilia «• Cumberland Valley Oaa & Oil Co., main office Hlueiiciil. West Vs.. owns ieaseg on 6,000 acres In Knox and Whitley Counties. Kentucky, the recopnlzed oil basin of Kentucky, a;i of which Is proven oil territory, oil baa i.e«n struck and esti­ mated 60 to IW barrels per day on adjoining lands. GCSHKK only abort distance from our propertv. "We own lmest and best machinery, but need money to drill wells, hence for l<> duys only, we will fell 50,000 shares 6lock, par value tl.oo paid up and non-assess- •bleforis cents per share. WK Gl"AUAN'TF.E TO STKIKE OIL OB RKF.UND MONEY. Make re­ mittance to K. T. OLIVES, Seej. it Treanurer, (Investigation requested.) ttluetleld, W. Ya, HOWE SGALES BEST In Yhe World OWE Al L KINDS FOR ALL PURPOSES Write V-/y/ Free Catalog. The onlv scale with ball bearings, BORDER & SELLECK CO •"CHICACO* >4 OAfiattl srond'aeer Wtone oar Company la at work. TIM 'M MWlm left fctai Owing orer 110 '.QOO.IM. He has paM kte d.bta aad has a fcw.OOO.oj tni « owa tbrea tinea MM property be doe A »OMlMr ia bulldiag sow for our ore. You can join as at a "1 eort and doable yonr money. Addreo, J. M. MY11U. Bnterorlse Block. TVnvor, G<£<V nDHDfiV NEW DISCOVERY: rives U • %1 quick reiiel a:,d cart*, worst cases. Book of testimonials and io days* treatment ran. Da. il ii. bun's ams, b.i k. itiuu. AOKXTS. Cuts ail bizes of skirt*including floaaeei Can use without Instructions. Ma >nhr>a Si.t Circular Distributor*, f< per MM0; stamp. Parisian Chemical Co.,.Newport, ] Agents Found Agents Wanted X O I N U E S T O R S t Money forested in Sheop and Cattia la Montana Is safe and pays SO per cent. A wnall Invest meat now grows Into isrRe flock In few years. Write for par­ ticular. MONTANA CO-OPERATIVE BANCH CO.. GREAT lALLij, MONT. KAMn^nUF AMERICAN LADY, indepe.m- nanHOwmb ently rich, wants good honest hUaband. Address ERIE, 87 Market St.,Chicago, 111 • OA OO PROFIT MONTHLY by investing $20 toSIOO. Send for plan. CHARLKS DKNUAV OOMPAJT, advisor; Broktn, La Ball* St., CUeac* D C ELI C 1 M JOHN W. MORRIS EsllOlvIl Washington, I). C. Succesafulty Prosecutes Claims* • Late Principal Examiner U. S. Pension Pureau. J|3yra.lnclvll v. nr; 15 adjudlcatlngclalms: atty.since 8 AH Hah,ts. Specialty30years. Free IT 1 Kwl Trial. Pr. Marsh, Qulncy, Mich. [Thompson's Eys Watsr It afflicted with aor. ere*, oae Money MakerTO,OOdeoMl*| neapoiU; MliK-'ai wiilkeaoMj eat T. sells for 25e. Sample outfit lor, addiea* JDwnMI tic Mfg. Co.»(flieml»« Dept.) MmnfapoUa>--tltl I arfli fn Travsl f,!ld Collect In this state forataH Lfltljf IU laulC! fantnrer; salary H0.00 montMjf I begin Bend references an J id.iresseo envelope atMM Secretary !>IacBrady, 8tar lildp., t'blaaa Alivays something new. Jmtl artlc'.cs you need for the HoUdanMy our agents colnlnc monev. sell everywhere, Botraak Wrlto fit. >nce for t)arti.'ui;ir». bOCISSCITLT Ct.,CM^S ABEHTS MAKE $500.00 PER MONTH 7L"% rights for my smolreless gunpowder. Patented.Caa W made for lOcperlh. hanlw ire rtore wlliiJaytSs shop right. Grcnie«t money "inker on eartli. Pardee lars free. J. A. STK AN -KT. PiiHwaqa.Dakota. Agents make $10 Dai!; full instructions, sent for !0c. C.ill or write lEOH M'F'(t OO.. '.s:t-lfl5 Hearh^ni f jii. BIBLE STVDY MADE EASY. "Hie Oreat Tree Chart glvea the whole pltn of denruiun In a beaut'ful Tree. Price, t'.oi). Ag^Bta wanted. 31. I.. HKRT, Marion, Imiiaaa. C4*Vas8KB8 and Rgeais wantlcg aalde llne. write Dr. Kussey.221 Chen-y St.. Toledo. O., for partlcalM*. A r C M T Q ? S E N D I S C E N T S f c i T o * I* I O « BKST SKU.IJJO ARTICLE oat. Tonr money back If nut -ut tailed. AddrWa CWA». L. ARCHBOLD. Decatur. Ind, "CI APVC cniBrLow nmw* OLhuA O Flu«hes sediment tud strile water <Mtl from bottom, good water krid. Tfc* r«n»fr'»HM«yes<st alaiple, cheap, durable: m mtIM. Addresawtth •tamp. THI m.tri ««tv a mCMi m>. W. N, U. CHICAGO, NO. 47, lOOlT Whet Aaswerlag Mvertisemate flsilj • Heitioa Tftls r«pe& ^TOBACCOTAGS NOV 30™ F R O M tt /TAZO* STKOr. H E A L I' J f - T A T l C . RiRRilMQ Sn ^outh Dakota Farina. For bar* onnonino (talus In Somli Dakota farm lands write or call on W, I,. PALMKK & CO., Carthagre, South Dakota. We offer Investors choice e% farm loans (gunrunteed) at par and accured Interest. FiRII €AI C. OR KENT. My 40 80-120 and 160 • SI1W wHLfc) acre highly improved black loain •oil farm*, all bargains, 3:> and 42 miles from Chicago on C. A N.-W. 1{>. W isconsin Division. Buyeri only, answer. Am owner. P. J. DOLAN, 8*41 W. 48tti Street, Chicago. FOK SALE CHEAP 500 Acres, 4"^ miles from Albany, Whiteside County, mostly level, rich black aull, uLiuui 250 tttros under cultivation, will sell alt or part for tM.00 per acre. All well fenced, good Improvements. Towndson A Nutter,Mollne,IlL WE HAVE S O U T H E R N F A R M and TIMBER. LANDS of all grades FOR. SALE 0 TVJ liberal termo, write ns about what joa waat and we will set it for you. VALLEY UND AND COLONIZATION CO., No. 39 Porter Bldg^ Meiuphla, Trmi. FARM owner, wanting cash purchasers send full description of farm. KKYNOLDS, 111 LaSall«8t., Chirac*- FIME* Section Land threo miles from city. Buildings 1 IHL cost <20.000. F. <i. WKimiT, Cwl»r Fall., Iowa. JiORTH DAKOTA LAND ^H«dro., S Dakota and get a home on easy terms. We can sell you a home so your yearly payments will be less than yoa pay for rent. For prices, terms, crop report*, etc., ad­ dress NEFF A liOTHEK. Devils Lake, N. Dakota. SPtrr MM000 F/SMNC HOD HUT ser su VCIR PLATCD FOUHTUM PCM MArCH aOK CMILO'i SER STAR HORSE SHOE "SPEARHEAD" STANDARD NAVY ft ^ | ^ ^ PIPER HEIDSIECK BOOTJACK DRUMMOND'NATURAL LEAF OLD PEACHY HONEY HOBBY SPUN ROLL' U0LLYTAR ERICE.GREENVILLE GRANGERTWIST 2 Gjuhum Tmsr fas being equifto on* of others montioiwf. ** Good Luck," " Cross Bow," " Old Honesty,** ••Master Workman," "Sickle," •• Brandywine," •• Planet," " Neptune," " Razor," " Tennessee Cross Tte,** •• Ole Varginy,*' TA05 MAY ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS. O u r n e w i l l u s t r a t e d CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 wfll InchriU many articles not ahowa her*. It will contain tba most attractive List of Present! aver offered for Tag% and will bo sent by mail on receipt of poatage--two cents. ^ (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, ipos.) Our offer of Prsseats for T ŝ will expire Nov. 30th, 19**. 1902 en MM. /SO TAGS. 3S rtes »uut*MVAT*O»fiKt cttrratM**. mtrmtrnm MAW: sue**s*TU 4t U *Air AMO ser. as« SATSVR:. Win "TCMU WUWC HI MO MOSTT COfmfflEKTAX. TOBACCO COMFANY. Write your name and address ftuinly on outside of packages containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to 3$ C. My. BROWN, 424-1 Folsona Ave., 5t Loois, Mo. wucr. RIFU •M " 'T':- .V * "

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