tv •;WW> $r" &/•». -. *• . ^Sv . ttyi ^;:.t •jm:i winter During January and Febrnnry we will offer bargains in Winter Goods that will interest yon. Onr stock of Winter Suits and Overcoats of this season's cut style and make-up is yet reasonably complete. The price we make yon on them now, is after the holiday kind." We have too many Wool Hose in Men's, Women s and Children 's, are willing to" divide pro fits with you jto nnload. Fur Coats, Fur Robes, Horse Blankets, Duck Coats, Caps, Mittens, Wool Jackets, Sweaters, Flannel Shirts, Etc. Extra large pi unes, 15 pounds for ONE DOLLAR. Dried Apples, Peaches and Apricots. Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn Meal, Yours for Winter Trade, West McHenry, Illinois. JOHN J. MILLER looooao--a--«(I Winter O 4 o # # o o < > o o $ 4 o # o O The same quotations and slaughter in prices of last week will continue all through this month, and each week additional bargains will be added to the list. This week we will offer in addition to other snaps about 200 pairs of up-to-date Shoes all out on the tables in plain view at 50c, 75c and $1.00 for choice, while they last. Now is the tiiae to take advantage of oi^r Cloth ing offer, all going at 50c on the dollar. K . ' '. S H E R M A N S . C H A R E l _ l _ '1' $ $ I|I $ '!• 'I1 'I" 'ft't' 'ft *t' '$'t1 €'"t1 *1' $ $ $ $ t$s i|i •$ I|I I|I iji ijj, ) :?'wp • -r l' * v-'V"' BUY FURNITURE HOW! m- i t Every merchant has a few articles left after the holiday trade which he would be glad to dis pose of at reduced prices, and such is the case at my store. If you wish any article in furniture now is the time to inves " tigate. Call at once and see what I have to offer. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. Jacob M c H E N R Y , J u s t e n I L L I N O I S . m Not Equaled No one can deny that I carry about the "most complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware in this neck o'woods. In tinware, cut lery, etc., you can find every thing imaginable at proper prices 0*; W (jasoline Stoves It will soon be time to consider the oil and gasoline stove prop osition. Bear in mind that you can get just ^hat you want at this store at bottom prices. It-.'. Plumbing and Gas Fitting This is my specialty, and I guar antee every bit of work done. Let me make on estimate on your work. r GEO. SOMMERS. "For Way* That Are Dark.1 "Some years ago," says the advertis ing agent of a tobacco firm quoted by the. Philadelphia Record, "I wished to Introduce among the Chinese a two for ave cigar that my people wt-re heavily Interested In, and I decided to draw up a little <?ard extolling this cigar In Chi nese characters. "I sought out Lo Hen Wong In San Francisco, a very intelligent fellow, and got him to write me a few sen tences in praise of my article. I had what he wrote lithographed and dis tributed the cards by thousands In all the Chinatowns of the United States. They were inscribed with a picture of the cigar, and below were the words: 'Smoke this cigar. It is the best on the market, and two for live is its price.' "That, at least, Is what I thought was the meaning of the Chinese char acter^. I found out, some six months later; my mistake. The words Lo Hen Wong had written and which I had had lithographed were: 'Don't smoke this cigar. It is not good. But the Gong company's cigarettes, for salfe in every Chinatown at 3 cents a package, are excellent.' "Lo Hen Wong had got $10 from me for his work, and I don't know how much he got from the Gong company. We distributed many thousands of the cards before we got on to the trick that had been played on us." Old Namca In London. If London street names are not al ways what they seem, the names of the great parishes usually are. Take Lanj. beth, for instance. That vast district has retained its name practically unal tered since the days of Edward the Confessor, who granted a charter In whichJiX is styled Lambehith. Some Illiterate scribe, who helped In the mak- 4ng of "Domesday," did, indeed, make an effort to obliterate its real name by calling it Lanehel, but his efforts were, fortunately, In vain. William Rufus in another charter named It Lambeth, since when it has kept Its title unsul lied. In the old days Lambehith (from hlthe, a haven) was the great river port whence agricultural produce was fer ried across the^Thames to the more populous country opposite. There are still many "hitbes" left us, such as Queenhithe and Rotherbithe, and, though their original functions have gone, there still remains a shadow to remind us of "their departed glory.-- London Chronicle. {$ ' " ?s&- • p.. te- .'rf € 10% A I Want Your Patronage! It was mentioned in The Plain- dealer recently that merchants de siring your support would ask for it, For many years I have kept a standing invitation in The Plain- dealer, knowing full well that my customers appreciate the attention given then*. I am still asking for your patronage and offer as nice a line of goods as the market affords in Drugs and Medicines. Julia Jl. Story. wrnmmm KKMABKAIILK CURE OF CROUP. A Little Boy'* Life .Saved. i have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I cannot praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Good win, S. D., and when I got borne with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed ev%ry ten minutes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth today.-- JOKL DEMONT, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by Julia A. Story and (i. W. B«s- ley. How to Make Chop For those who like or who think they would like the famous Chinese dish, chop suey, the following recipe, which any Intelligent housewife can follow, was given by W. E. S. Fales, for'S^yer- al years vice consul ut Amoy: "For four persons two chickens' liv ers, two chickens' gizzards, one pound young, clean pork cut into small pieces, half an ounce of green root ginger and two stalks of celery. Saute this in a frying pan over a hot fire, adding four table spoonfuls of olive oil, one table- spoonful of vinegar, half a cupful of h'dllng water, one teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, half a teaspoon ful of salt, black and red pepper to tunte and a dash of cloves and cinna mon. When nearly done, add a small can of mushrooms, half a cupful of ei ther bean sprouts or French green peas or string beans chopped fine or aspara gus tips. The see-yu sauce w^lch Is eaten with this delectable dish can be procured at any Chinese grocery." The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Joe Blake farm, Sand 1-2 miles south of .Tohnsburgh and one mile north of McHenry, on the Ringwood road, on Wednesday, January 15, 1902, commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property: Eighteen choice cows; new milkers Hnd close springehs, Holstein bull, com ing 8 years old, bay mare, 10 years old, weight 1400, bay mare, 9 years old, weight 1200, sacking cult, 8 months old, Checkrower corn planter, three-section roller, walking plow, Tiger cultivator, three-section drag, one-horse rake, single buggy, truck wagon, Champion mower. 3 milk cans, set of light bob sleighs, 500 bushels corn in crib, 20 loads of corn stalks, 100 bnshels of oats, 5 bushels of yellow dent seed corn, 8 tons timothy hay. Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sale: All fnms of $10 and nnder, cash; over £hat amourit a credit of six months will be given on bankable notes with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. No property removed until settled for. AUG. HUFF. GEO. VOGEL, Auctioneer. JOHRT H. MILLER, Clerk. A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy,• Fainting and DizzySpells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes " Mrs. I'liebi Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress my self, but Fiectric Bitters wholly cured me, and, though 78 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improyes Ap petite, gives perfect health. Otaly 50c at Julia A. Story's drug store. " Bfc Prepared. Daniel Webster once told a friend that his great speech In reply to Hayne, which Is the high water mark of modern eloquence, but which at the time was supposed to have been deliv ered without preparation, had been substantially prepared long before. When called upon suddenly to reply to the fiery Carolinian's attacks, which so alarmed the New Englanders at the capital, he was entirely at ease and ready for the fray, for, as he said, he had "only to turn to his notes tucked away In a pigeonhole," and refresh bis recollection. "If Ilayne," he said, "had tried to tnake a speech to (it my notes", he could not have hit them better. No pian Is Inspired by the occasion. I never was," CASTOR IA For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughB are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The frst dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistant use. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's. Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Left aad Right Llmba. Physiologists and scientists In gen eral have been making some curious experiments with a view to determine the relative length and strength of "right and left limbs," Fifty and nlne- tentbs per cent of the men examined bad the fight arm stronger than the left, 10.4 per cent bad the tw4" arms of equal length and strength, and 32.7 per cent had the left arm stronger than the right. Of Women, 40,9 per cent had the right arm stronger than the left, and 24.5 per cent had the left stronger than the right.--Loudon Fam ily Doctor. Where Smoking Is a Crlm*. There is one country in the world where It Is considered a crime to smoke. Abyssinia is th<~ n gion, and the law forbidding tobacco dates from the year 1042. It was at first merely Intended to prevent priests from smok ing In the churches, but It was takeu too literally, and nowadays even for eigners have to be careful not to be peen smoking. Strnnge Facta A|*oat An I Have you ever noticed that all anl» which chew the cud are cloven footed? Also that most of those which drink water by suction are herbivorous, the carnivorous variety lapping it with the tongue, like the cat. dog. tiger, etc. Sheep have no teeth In thQ. upper Jaw, and tortoises and turtles are without altogether, Unlike ihost animals, horses have no eyebrowsJ and hares are minus eye lids. C<|asequently the eyes of the lat ter caniiot be shut, and a thin mem branous substance covers them when asleep. The eye of the owl Is also very peculiar, seeing that It is Immovably fixed in Its socket and cannot stir In any direction. To compensate for this seeming disadvantage it can turn Its bead almost completely round without moving its body. If you were to keep a frog's mouth open many minutes, it would soon die.'fts owing to Its peculiar construction it can only breathe with the mouth closed. On the other hand, fishes are com pelled to keep opening and closing their mouths in order to. give their respira tory organs full play. It Is also a strange fact that the deer has addi tional breathing places besides the nos trils, as if nature had foreseen his great need of free respiration when forced to flee before the hounds. Snakes usually have their teeth in the head, but one variety In Africa, whose prin cipal food is eggs, Is provided with a substitute for them In its Atomach, DM He Underatand f A well known Edinburgh professor Often t'ecii i'»v u l In l.t;; Ject that when the noon bell rang he seemed quite oblivious of the fact and kept the class for several minutes. Cer tain restless spirfts among the stu dents decided to give him a gentle hint, so they bought an alarm clock. London Tit-Bits tells tli©_ result. The clock, set to alarm at precisely 12 o'clock, was placed on the profess or's desk. As was anticipated, he be gan his lecture without observing the clock. But when the noon hour struck the alarm went off with a startling crash. Even those not in the secret appreci ated the joke. There was a round of applause. The professor smilingly waited until the alarm and *the ap plause ceased and then said: "Young gentlemen, I'thank you for this gift. I had forgotten It w& my birthday. An alarm clock is something' my wife has needed for our servant for a long time." It is a very kind remem brance on your part." Then he went on with the demonstration which had been interrupted by the alarm, and the students were never quite able to sat isfy themselves whether the professor understood the joke or not. Bears the Signature of 444 A Preeoeloua Yoaagater. Tommy--Mamma, the teacher It's wrong to wouud any tiling. His Mother--Yes, dear. Tommy--Well, papa wound the dock last night--Jewelers' Weekly. To keep boys off the street corners furnish them with ft room to their lik ing and make thplr bpy friends wel come to It. • In Holland no landlord baa the power {>( raising the rent or of evicting a tw •at JPnjr jwr iribaeriptfcai Children Kspeclally Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected often result in olood poisoning. Children are especial ly liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve 1b unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure eure for piles. "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cored my baby of eczema after two physicians gave her up," writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind." The sores were so bad she soiled two to fiye .dresses a day." Julia A. Story, Mc Henry ; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. BMntlw The Kind You Ham Always Ewflrt Child Worth Million*. "My child is worth n iilions to mer" s a y s M a r y B i r d o f H a r r i s b u r g , P a . , y e t 1 would have lost her by. croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolute ly safe cough cure which acts im mediately. The youngest child cai take it with entire safety. The littl< ones like the taste and remember hov often it helped them. Every family should l.ave a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this t>eas*u especially it may be needed suddenly Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W.Beeley, West McHenry. An (Jitaaual Race. An unusual race was advertised to be rui^at Ripon, in Yorkshire, in 1725: "The Lady's Plate, of £15 value, by any horse that was no more than five years old the last grass. Women to be the riders. Each to pay a guinea en trance. Three heats and twice round the common for a heat." Ireland has 408 ablebodied persons to 1,000 |nhabltauts, Scotland 4S4 and England 432. The hardest thing to find is an hon est partner for a swindle. A profitable Investment. '"I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bed hall my time," says E. Demick, Somerville, Ind. "I spent about #1,000 and never could get anything to help me. until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I bav* taken a few bottles and am entirely well." You don't live by what you eat. but by wh%t you digest and assimulate. If your stomach doesn't digest yom food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach % work by digesting the food. You don'l have to diet. Eat all yon Want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. T O R I A . • The Kind You Have Afways Baoghi o Bears th* Bignatu* of Let ns speak of man as we find hiqa, And censnre only what we can see, Remembering that no one can be perfect Unless he uses Bock? Mountain Tea. 0 , V . B e e k y * • ^ • • IHliyilliH.litiimiumtmimmuiirtroMMunimiMuuuiiunmtitttiunuiiiimuimi AVfcgetable Preparalionfor As similating ItaeFoodandReg da ting the Stomachs andBowels of L N K \ M S / ( H L L D H H N Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and RestContains neilher Opium,Morplune nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Xteye •fOUDrSANUELPtTQOR fatmpkM iW' sflx. Senna * RotktUf SmUt -j4nise Serd * JM&ermiMt -BiCtaU»utkS$im* HiffpSead-Clatfod Jhagr WnkryrttttfUmr. A perfect Remedy forConstipa- Fiort, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature _of. NEW YORK. A L B 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 H • » C » 1 C L )j D o s m - J jC i i\ l s EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. CASTORU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CASTORU TMK C-KNTAt NEW YORK OfTV. ANY HEAD YOU ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS ORCHARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by OUT new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES GEASE IMMEDIATELY. A. WERNIAN, OF BALTIMORE. 8AY8: BALTIMORE. Md., March 30, 15W, ^ Gentlemen:--Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give JWU a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost :ny hearing in this ear entirely. ... j _ I underwent a treatment tor catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num« ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who tola me thai only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would ' ;ien cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. __ . . I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treatj ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased. an*l to-day, after five weckst, iny hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank yoa heartily aad begUo remain Very tru£ RMAN ^ g Broadway> Baltimore. Md. Our treatment dost not interfere with your usual occupation* at a nomiaai r«<*t. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL Bxaminatiou and advice tree. DAILY EXCURSIONS To CALIFORNIA . T Th/ough first-class and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points In California and Oregon every day in the year from Chicago. PERSONALLY COHDIKTED fXCURSIOSS Every Tuesday and Thursday., LOWEST RATES, FINEST SCENERY. SHORTEST TIME ON THE ROAD • Only route by which you can leave home any day In the week and travel in tourist cars on fast trains all the way. For descriptive pamphlets and full information inquire of nearest agent. (fcicafj & Mwestern p HILIPJAEGER General Commission merchant Y*- Stall 1 ft 8, Fulton S&t JfbQleMle Market .r ' gWcijt, Hthrii liven to the t Dressed Beef, Hutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Etc. Batter and Eggs This i» the Tags and price lists furnished on i COLD STORAGE ;'S....