CHRONOLOGY of THE YEAR. Events of Importance ,That Have Marked the Past Twelve Months. i Two events overshadowed all others In :'"Tflhe first year of the new oontury. One . Itu the assassination of William McKin ley. president _pf the United States, and . the other the death of Queen Victoria, trtlnglng to . a close the longest and In •Many respects the most remarkable reign In British history. Each of the two arrest English-speaking; nations of tfie world was thus called upon to mourn for its highest representative of author ity and to Tape what at one time ml^ht have been a serious crisis in Its affairs; but In wither case was there even the lien-'tolanoe of poMtical or industrial dis turbance or Of governmental instability. Theodore Roosev«.it became presld nt ani Edward VII. klngr precisely m (lie manner prescribed by law and the close of 1901 finds each countiv as u-arq; ll and si-cure as it was twelve months ago. In the United tiie affairs of greatest Importance before the public, aside from the murder of the president, seere the new liay-Punncpfote canal treaty, the Schley Inquiry, the Supreme court decisions in the Insular cases, the formation of the United States SteH cor poration and other glsantlo rombinu ions of capital, the panic in the New York stock market, and the princely gifts to educational Institutions by Arrlrow Car negie, JoHta I) Rockefeller, L). K. Pear sons and others. Tla* V«*r Politically. Politically, the year in the United States was a rather eventful one. Wil liam McKinley began his seeor.d term as president of the United States on the 4th of March, when he was inaugurated with Theo<iore Roosevelt as vice-presi dent. In September he was stricken down by an assassin and Mr. Roosevelt |>ecame the chief executive. No other Changes took place at the time, but In December the postmaster-general, Charles KS. Sm'th, and the secretary of the treas ury, Lyman J. Gage, resigned. ^Henry C. Payne of Milwaukee was chosen to suc ceed the former and l^slie M. Shaw, governor of Iowa, the latter. Work of fifith CongrM*. Among the Important laws enacted at the second session of the 5fith congress Were these: Reorganizing the army on the basis of a force of from 60.000 to 100.000 nl^n; materially reducing the war revenue f^tes; increasing the member ship of the house of representatives from 157 to 3S6 by reapportlrtring the con gressional districts;- abolishing the army canteen. The river and harbor bill, the Nicaragua canal bill and the ship sub sidy bill were measures that failed to pass. mander r»f flying squadron was cen sured In the severest terms. The author declared that the admiral was guilty of dlsobcdlence of orders In falling to pro ceed to Santiago when ordered to do so and that the Brooklyn's famous "loop" was the result of his cowardice. As the historian was connected with the navy department as an employe Ad mlral Schley could not overlook the charges and on the 22d of July wrote a letter to Sec-etary Long asking for an In vestlgatlon. His request was compiled with and a court of three, with Admiral Dewey president, listened to the testl trtony and the arguments of counsel from Pept. 20 until Nov. 7, when the. court took the case under advisement. I>ec. 13 ...c verdict was announced. It was tn two parts, the first signed by all the members of the court and the second by Admiral Dewey alone. Rear-Admirals and Ramsay, comprising a ma jority of the court, condemned Admiral Schley In general terms, but Admiral Dewey In a minority report declared Schley was enjtltled to the credit for the vfftory of Santiago. Secretary Long approved the majority finding and declared that the opinion added by Admiral Dewey was not proper. President Roosevelt ordered the imme diate discharge from the employ of the navy department of Maclay and the or der was carried into effect 11 by powder explosion at Ripault, Prance; 32 by « railroad accident near Bucharest; 7 by flre at Naples; 8 by gas explosion at Newark, N. J.; IS by a cloudburst In Presidio County, Tex.; 60 by a powder explosion in Coaena, Italy, and 15 by a mine accident at Nanaimo, B- C. ' in October 74 were lost In a gale on the Japan coast; 20 by a typhoon at Manila; 80 by a tidal wave In the Sea of Marmora, and 11 by flood in Sicily. In November 170 perished by a storm at Lake Baikal, Siberia; 9 by fire at Hurley, Wis.; 7 by an explosion at Athens, Greece; 9 by mine accident at Pocahontas, W. Va.; 22 by earthquake at Eraeromi; 29 by mine accident at Tei- lurlde, Colo.; 8 by a mine accident at Blueflolds, W. Va.; 7 by a mine accident at Wilkesbarre, Pa.; 30 by boiler explo sion at Detroit, Mich.; 76 by railroad disaster at Seneca, Mich., and 15 by drowning In the Hawaiian Island*. In December 25 were killed by a rail road accident at Kabron, Russia; 20 lost their lives by drowning in Japan; 140 by drowning at Goa, India; 11 by gas explo sion: at Pittsburg, Pa.; 6 by boiler explo sion at Pittsburg, Pa,; 38 by railroad ac cident at Altenbrechen, Germany; 6 by railroad accident at Melcgnano, Italy; 45 by flre at Zacatecas, Mexico; 37 by rail road accident at Liverpool, England; by mine accident. Hartshorn, I. T., THE DISTINGUISHED DEAD Uftt iom for Whom tb« World " Moat-as la Lon(> .V-- United State*. FollowlifSr Is .the year's necrology 6; by waterspout at Saffee, Morocco, 200. The loss of l.'fe by railroad accidents reported by mall and telegraph for 1901 was 3,669, as compared with 4,169 In 1900 and 3,696 in 1899. The number of serious ly Injured was 3,265, as compared with 3.870 in 1«)0 and S.3S6 in 1899. THE FINANCIAL REVIEW. United SUt«i Has Sustained Position of Idthmlan Canal Treaty Signed. The outlook for !he building of an Isth mian canal In the near future became much more promising when on Nov. 18 Lord Pauncefote and Secretary Hay signed a new treaty on behalf of their respective governments. This agreemf-nt superseded the old Clayton-Bulwer treaty and did not contain the objectionable features of the document which was so amended by the United States senate as to be unacceptable to Great Britain. Its most salient feature was the implied right of this country to fortify the canal whenever it is built. The agreement wrs laid before the senate and was ratified by that body .Dec. 16 by a vote of 72 to 6. The canal commission appointed to inves tigate the two available routes--the Nic aragua and the Panama--reported In favor of the former, and a bill authoriz ing the building of a ship canal at Nic aragua was at once Introduced In the house of representatives. Late In Decem ber It was reported from Paris that the French Panama company was willing to sell its property and rights for $40,000,000. and It is. therefore, possible that the claims of the Panama route will receive serious consideration at the hands of congress. DISASTERS OF THE YEAR. Oar iMolar Proftlsas. Considerable progress toward the set tie- men t of the insular problems was made. The greater portion of the Philippine Islands had been brought under complete control early In the year and the capture of Agulnaldo by Gen. Funston March 23 did a great deal to hasten the work of pacification. On the 4th or July civil government was established with Wil liam H. Taft as the first civil governor. At the same time the military authority In the islands was transferred from Oen. Arthur MacArthur to Gen. A. R. Chaffee. Opposition to United States rule <t not entirely at an end. In Samar fcolomen attacked a detachment of the 9th Infantry Oct. 18. killing ten and wounding six men. Other less disastrous en counters have occurred.^ Tirade wfth New PoMMnlanil. Under a decision of the United States Supreme court rendered Dec. 2 It was lield that the Philippines became domes tic territory immedlute'y upon the rati-- Hcation of the treaty of peace and that In the absence of legislation by congress •duties levied upon the products of the inlands were illegal. It was further held 'that the right of congress to pass laws lor the regulation of the Islands was un- Testrlcted, coming from the constitution Itself. In suhstnnce It was he'd the col lection of duties on products coming from l*orto Rico between the time the treaty •Of Parle went Into efTect and the date when the Foraker tariff act became a law was Illegal; that the island of Porto Rico is a territory appurtenant and be longing to the United States but not a part of the United States within the rev enue clause of the constitution, and that <he Foraker act Is constitutional. filiations wllh Cnba. The relations to exist between the "•United States and Cuba were determined, at least temporarily, by the adoption of the Piatt resolutions by congress In June. Briefly, these provide that the govern ment of thp island shall retain Its Inde pendence of all foreign countries, that the United States may intervene to pre serve such independence, that the acts of the United States during the period of military occupancy shall be ratified, that sanitary plans for the prevention of epi demics shall be ckrHed out and that this country shall be permitted to buy or '.ease naval or coaling stations at points to be agreed upon. On the 21st of February the constitution ss agreed to by the members of the Cuban convention was signed by the members of that body. It Is based large- •y upon that of the United States. Dec SI Gen. Tomaso Estrada Palma was •looted the first president of Cuba. Free trade between Porto Rico and the . Unlteu States went into effect July 25, the anniversary of the landing of the Ameri can troops on the island in 1889. Cl^tf government under the provisions of the Foraker act was established in May, 1900, «ad the first governor was Charles H. Allen. He was succeeded this year by Wlillam H. Hunt, President McKtn1ey*s Murder. The facta In the assasslnaton of Presi dent William McKinley are atill too vividly remembered to require extended mention. He had entered upon his sec ond term under the most favorable aus pices. Everything pertaining to the fu ture seemed bright with promise when, . without a moment's warning, he was shot down by an anarchist. The fatal bullet was fired by Leon Czolgosz while the i president was receiving the public in the T mple of Music at the Pan-American sxpoeltion in Buffalo on the afternoon of y.. Friday, Sept. 6. He lingered until early the morning of the 14th of the Fame *'• month, when he passed away, with the J: words: "God's will, not ours, be done. i < The grief of the people was as deep arid sincere as it was widespread. Telegrams Of condolence came from all parts of the " Civilized world and from persons in all Stations of life. • .The assassin was speedily tried, con victed and the sentence of death execu ted. Czolgosz died In the electric chair ' ;v tot Auburn prison on the morning of ? •'* Oct. S. Bwtwlt Beeotnoa President. Theodore Roosevelt assumed the' office president Sept. 14, the day on whieh ltcKinley died, taking; the oath of office tn Bftftalo. One of hia first public an nouncements was that the policy of bis predecessor would be faithfully ex ecu ted. #e,;- CMtoeTMir. The Schley-Sampson "controversy an to .fcrhich commander was entitled to the credit for ttie destruction of Cervera's y(eei at Santiago reached Its culmination fti July when the third volume of Edgar , 0. Maclay's "History of the United States „ Kavy" was published. In Mils book tha •onduot ot Wlnfleld 8, fabler as Rerurd I* I<onf, and the Number of Death* Involved Excessive. Jacksonville, Fia., was the scene of the most disastrous fire of the year In Amer ica. 0,The greater part of the city was laid in ashes May 3, causing a. total loss of about Another serious fire was that in Montreal, Jan. 28. The loss was $2,500,000. Twenty-eight lives were lost by the burning of the Rochester (N. Y.) orphan asylum Jan. 8; nineteen persons were killed In a furniture-house fire in Philadelphia, Oct. 26, and 100 or more were lost in a great oil flre at Baku, Russia. Feb. 5. •Tornadoes, cyclones and floods were fortunately few In mnnber compared to other years. The worst disaster of this sort was a storm and flood In the Elk- horn valley of West Virginia June 23. Between fifty and sixty lives Were lost and property to the value of about 91,000,- 000 was destroyed. The following 13 a list of the most prominent disasters In 1901: In January 10 were killed by an explo sion at Lei-Tung, China; 8 by a fire at Minneapolis; 6 by a railroad accident at Mlkala, Austria: 20 by a panic at Tokyo, Japan; 120 by a blizzard in south Russia; 50 by the capsizing of a barge off the coast of Madagascar; 400 by a storm on the coast of Japan; 70 by an explosion at Hang Chow, China; »• by a boiler ex plosion at Recklinghausen Bohemia; and 35*by a hurricane at TruuOJhem, Nor way. In February 87 persons perished in a mine accident at Durang*, Mexico; 392 by a storm on the coast of China; 6 by an explosion at Guilford, England; 7 by railroad accident in. New South Wales: 60 by a mine accident in Cumberland, b! C., and 5 at HermosiHo. Mexico; 21* by fire at Tokyo. Japan; 40 by storm at Odessa, Russia; 6 by flre at Birmingham, England; and 32 by a mine accident at Kemmerer, Wyo. In Marph 50 persons were killed by an explosion in China: 7 by explosion In Spain; 30 by a railroad accident at Wa- lovo, Russia; 17 by a mine accident at Yaborl, Japan; 10 by mine accident at Gilsenklrche. Prussia; 8 by cyclone in Texas; 16 by a cyclone in Arkansas; 10 by boiler explosion in Chicago: 8 by an a\alanche at Lake Como; 20 by flood In Bolivia; 15 by bursting of a dam at Bo logna, Italy; 9 by a railroad accident In New South Wales; 18 by cyclone.-at Bir mingham, Ala., and 6 by a mine acci dent in Fayette Co., Ala. In April 26 lost thfelr lives by a mine ac cident In the Transvaal; 6 by a hotel flre at St. Mary's. W. Va.; 12 by cyclone In the Canary Islands; 25 by an explosion at Grleshelm, Germany; 18 by a mine acci dent at HOinu, Belgium; 20 by a snow slide in Alaska; 1 by a railroad acci dent In Pekln; 8 by flre at St. Jean. France; 6 by a railroad accident at Cale- don, South Africa, and 15 by the fall of church in Albania. In May 35 perished by flre at Amreell, India; 100 by a ferryboat disaster on the Dnieper River; 7 by flre In Chicago; 6 by an avalanche In Alaska; 130 by a boiler explosion In China; 8 by an avalanche in Switzerland; 7 by a mine accident in Fairmont, W. Va.; 15 by an avalanche at Avacenza, Italy; 28 by flre at Sohendorf, Bohemia; 14 by floods In Tennessee; 30 by an explosion at Cape Town; 73 by a mine accident at Langhewydd, Wales; 21 by a mine accident at Wolsenburg. Prussia; 181 by volcanic eruption in Java; 7 by a trolley car accident in Albany. N. T.; 21 by a mine accident in Dayton, Tenn.; 29 by drowning at Manana Island, and 7 by drowning In Schuylkill River. In June 70 lives were lost by flre on the Tehuantepec Isthmus; 8 by a mine accident at Iron Mountain, Mich.; 9 by railroad accident In Pretoria; 9 by dy namlte explosion at BInghamton, N. Y. 7 by a cyclone in Oklahoma; 16 by a mine accident at Jacob's Creek, Pa.; 12 by flre at St. Petersburg; 15 by explosion'in cart ridge factory, Paris; 9 by a cyclone at Naper, Neb.; 24 by explosion at Pater- son, N. J.; and 10 by flood in Elkhorn Valley, W. Va. In July 11 were killed by a lightning stroke in Chicago; 4,000 by a flood at Kiang So, China; 800 by earthquake at Lung King, China: 7 by drowning acci dent in Baden; 4 by a storm at Haiti; 9 by collapse of a bridge at Springfield Pa.; 6 by drowning at Savannah, Ga. 700 by volcanic eruption In Java; 16 by oil explosion at Stockholm; 26 by flood In the Danube River; 40 by oil explosion at Batoum, and 7 by fire at Louisville, Ky In August 17 perished by collapse of wharf at Tamplco, Mexico; 8 by a gaso line explosion in Philadelphia; 20,000 by flood in China; 100 by flre at Wttebsk. Russia; 10 by flre at Cleveland, O.; 6 by floods in Louisiana; 7 by explosion at steel works, Youngstown, O.; 5 by flre In Philadelphia, Pa.; 6 by a dynamite explosion in Herkimer, N. Y.; 6 by a hur rlcane at Vlltorego-Jilota, Spain, and by fire In Brooklyn. N. Y. In September 10 were killed by a mine explosion at Caerphilly. Wales; S by boiler explosion at Oakland, N. J.; 17 by drowning off coast of Brittany; 6 by mine accident at Newcastle, Colo.; 23 by drowning in the Kulpa River. Croatia Leader of the World, A review of the financial history of I he past year should make every Amerl* can's heart thrill with pride. For if in 1900 the United States fought Its way to a position as the financial leader of the world, the last year saw this country so fortify Itself in the first place that Its pre-eminence In the financial matters of the world is assured for an Indefinite per iod to come. Not only was the money center of the world made permanent In Wall street during the year, but the Invasion of the markets of the world by this country that had been gathering In Btrength for ten yeart was likewise pushed during 1901 with such success that this country may now fairly lay claim to the industrial supremacy of the globe. The extent of our invasion of foreign markets during 1901 may be judged from the figures contained in the annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury. The foreign commerce in merchandise for the Hi™' Z?ar 1901 showed a decrease of *0̂ ™ imports and an increase of •Hi.281,909 In exports when compared with the preceding year. Comparing the fig ures of 1901 with those of 1891, there Is a decrease of 121.744,031 in imports and an Increase of >603,284,181 In exports. The Im ports of the year 1901 were $823,172,165 and the exports 11,487,764,991, making the ex cess of exports over imports $664,592,826. Both the total exports and the excess ?L.eXE0rtS over Imports were greater In 1901 than In any preceding year in the history of our commerce. To say that the country has prospered during 1901 Is a weak statement of the, facts. The floodttde of prosperity has tolled ahead for the past twelvemonth with ever-Increasing strength, and with no indications that the ebb Is to come. The government's finances have profited much during the past year. Revenues of the government from all sources for the last fiscal year were >693,316,530.92, *nd .>xp*1nditiires for the same pr-riod were $621,598,546.54, showing a surplus of $77,- 717,984.38. Compared with the fiscal year the receipts for 1901' Increased $29 - 721,099.74, There was an increase of $22*- 253,561.44 In expenditures. The private moneyed interests, as gauged by the condition of the New York associated banks, have an equally happy story to tell. During the year th» New York banks gained In deposit* $66^(80,600 and in loans $61,507,000. LARGE SUMS GIVEN AWAY. Liberal Donations Made tu> Cttmrttable and Educational Imputations. The year 1899 was a record-breaker- In donations and bequests made education al institutions, libraries and art museums, charities, churches and religious enter prises, and to towns and oities for tl»e public benefit and entertainment, the total reaching the colossal sum. of' TW.- 749,966, while the year 1900 was a close sec ond, the total being $62.461,3W. Both these years must now give wa* to 1901; whlefe is the record-breaker of the centuries>. The total of Its gifts reaches $123,888,732, an amount which may properly be called "colossal." The world has never befbre known such generosity as tbls In a. sto gie year. The century has opened well for education, art culture, religion, and humanity. Of the total amount stated above there has been given to educational Institu tions the princely sum. of ?«8.850,961 to charities, $22,217,470; to# churches, $6,2*%.- 489; to museums and art galleries, $11,- 133,112; and to Ubrantes. $15,388,732. Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Jan* U Stanford and others contributed sums running up into the millions. The greatest single contri bution was that of Mrs. Stanford, who gave the Stanford university property t© the value of $3O,OOOtQO0. Mr. Carnegie founded scores ef libraries throughout the United States, gave $10,000,000 to the Scotch universities and ot£«red the SSBIS sum to the United States for the cause of higher education. In the west Dr. D. K. Pearsons, of Chicago cuiiUiiued his liberal giving to the smaller c«lleges. The total contributions made for li braries dm ring the year outside ofl those made by Mr. Carnegie amount t« $e,37*.- 200. Including Ws, the total is th» extra ordinary sum, sX $15,237,700. W»n of the World. The war' which has most conapfetiously engaged public attention during the year has been tbe Boer war. It has now as sumed the form of guerilla warfare, and the new year opens with serious losses Inflicted upon British arms. In addition to the South African struggle there has been the customary number of revolu tions in Central America, and a more or less sanguinary conflict between Venesue- la and Colombia. The pending trouble between Argentina and Chile may be set tled by ' arbitration. The Chinese has been closed by treaty. In the Philippines desultory warfare with strolling bands of natives continues. The list of casualties, including killed and wounded, for the year Is as follows: Abyssinia, 7,000; South Africa, 5,377; Arabia, 5,144; Venezuela, 2,- Colombla, 2,588; China, 1,604; Africa, 1,261; Philippines, 968; Mexico, 421; Corea, 315; Sumatra, 283; Java, 65; Albania, 54; Bulgaria, 44; Macedonia, 24. Tfes total losses for the year are 27,681, as com pared with 133,878 in 1900. Aldrlch, Louis, autor. June 17. Armour, Phtllp D.. packer, capitalist and philanthropes', Jan. 6. Archer, Frederick, organist, Oct. 22. Babcock, Maltbie D., clergyman, Jan. 25. Fiatchelden. Gen. Richard N., Jan. 4. Belknap, Hugh R., paymaster, Nov. 12. Bickerdyke, Mrs. Mary A., civil war nurse, Nov. 8. Blair, Jabob B., Jurist, Feb. 12; Boutelle, Charles A., congresiMtpa, May Bradbury, James W., ex-senator, Jan. 6. Brewer, Mark 8.. member of the United States civil service commission, March 18. Brodie, Steve, bridge-Jumper, Jan. SI. Broslus, Marriott, congressman, March IS. Bunce, Francis M., rear-admiral, Oct. 19. Rutterfleld, Gen. D., soldier, July 17. Cammack, A. C., broker, Feb. 5. Cannon, George Q., mormon church lead er, April 12. Cheney, P. C., ex-minister to Switzer land, June 19. Cook, Joseph, Boston clergyman and lec* turer, June 25. Cramp, Henry W., shipbuilder, Oct. S. Croly, Mrs. Jennie C, ("Jennie June"). author, Dec. 23. Cumberland, George W., actor, June 6. Cushlng, Samuel T., brigadier-general, retired, July 21. Daly, Dr. William H., surgeon, Jiine^d. Deacon, Edward Parker, Boston million aire, July 5. • . Delrnorjico, Charles C., restaurant pro prietor, Sept. 20. Donnelly, Ignatius, author, Jan. & Donahue,, Patrick, editor, March 18. Edwards, Dr. Arthur, editor, March 20. Elklns, Henry King, lumberman, July 20- Ellicott, Henry J., sculptor, Feb. 11. Evans, R. G., attorney, Aug. 25. Evarts, William M:, lawyer, Feb. 28. Flshback, William P., lawyer, Jan. 15. Flsk, Franklin W., founder of the Chi cago Theological seminary, July 4. Fi8ke, John, eminent historian, July 4. Gage, Mrs. Lyman J., May 17. • Goode, John, botanist, Nov. 17. Gray. Elisha, telephone inventor, Jan. 2L Harkness, W. H„ scientist, July 10. Harrison, Benjamin, ex-presldent of the United States, March IS. Haverly, "Jack," manager of minstrel companies, Sept. 28. Hay, Adelbert S., son of Secretary Hay, June 23. Howgate, Henry W., captain In army charged with heavy embezzlement, June 1. Hunt, George, ex-attorney-general of I l linois, March 17. Irwin, John, rear admiral, retired1, Jttfy 28. Kimball, Edward, "church-debt raiser," June 5. Kyle, James H., United States semrtor, July 1. Ladue, Joseph, founder of Dawson1 City, Jane 26. Leary, Richard P., captain U. •. navy, Dec. 27. Le Ccfnte, Joseph, scientist, Juty 6. Llttlejohn, Abram L., bishop, Aug. SI Lorlllard, Pierre, capitalist, July 7. Ludlow, IJrlg-Gen. William, Aug. 30. McClurg, Alexander C., bookseller and' publisher, April 15. Meehan, Thomas, horticulturist, Nov. 19. Michler, Lieut.-Col. Francis, May 29. Moore, JoTrn, bishop, July 30. Moran, EcFward. artist, June 9. Mount, Jamea A., ex-governor of Indi ana, Jan. K. McKinley, William, president of the United1 SHaites, Sept. 14. Negltey, MaJ. -Gen. James S., Aug. 7. Nictiiwsoni William it., bishop, June 7. Nicolay, Jbhtr 6., private secretary to Abraham Llinewln, Sept. 26. NInde, William* X., bishop, Jan. 2. Nordhoffl, Chartes, author, July 14. Peavey, Franlk H.r elevator owner, Dec. 30. Phelps, Thomas F., rear admiral, retired, Jan; 10. Phillips, Jfease J., Illinois Supreme court. Judge, Feb; 1& Pierce, Gilbert A, ex-Untted States sen ator, Feb. IS* Plllsbnry, Jbhij* ex-governor of Min nesota, Otrt*. 18. Plngree, Hazeir 8v„ ex-governor of Mich igan, June 18. Porter, Fitz* Jbnv geweral. May 21. Raab, Henry, ex-stfperintendent of pub lic instruction* of llrnois, March 13. Rearick, Pet&r A., mr admiral, retired, Feb. 9. Rogers, Jacobs lbcomothre manufacturer, July 2. Ruggles, Gen. Jl Bf.„ veteran, Feb. 9. Safford, Truman' E, astronomer, June 13. Salisbury, Edward1 nr., orientalist. Feb. C. Samford. Wllllkm governor of Ala bama, June 11: Shaw, Col. Albert IDl, ex-commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. Feb. 10. Sewell. William Ji., malted States senator, Dec. 27. SHIlman, B«mjamlbi V., lawyer. New York, Jan. It Snow, Lorenzo; hea* of the mormon church, Oct. 10J Starr, Eliza. Alllpn̂ writer, Sept. t. Stokes, Edward 8i. stayer of James Flsk, NOV. 2: Studebaker. Clem, manufacturer. Nor. 27. Tanner, Jbhni Hi, eat-governor of Illinois, May 2* Thompson, Muuirfeey author, Feb. 1&. Trenholm,. William L., ex-comptroller of the oiirrenc*.. Jan. 11. Turchln, Jnhn> B.„ general In tbe civil war, June 19-. Uhl. Edwin F1., ex-asslstant secretary of state, May IT. Walte, Davis H., ex-governor of Colo rado, Nov. JT. >. Walker, Aldaee F.. railway man. April 12. Whipple, Henry B.. bishop. 8ept. 16. White, Stephen M., ex-United States senr ator, Feb. 12. WlgKer, W. M., blBhop, Jan. 6. Wlldman. Rounsevllle, ex-consul to Hong kong, Feb. 22. Wilson, Jere, lawyer, Sept, 24. Woods, Wlillam A., United State* Cir cuit court Judge, June 29. Teatman, James B., philanthropist, July 7. iynchlngs in the tast seventeen years may be of value to those ^n«fag3<.l in the study of this branch of criminology: 1885 184; 1886, 138; 1887, 122; 1888, 142; 1889, 176; 1890, 127; 1891, 182; 1892, 235; 1S93, 200; 1894 190; 1895. 171; 1896, 31; 1897. 166; 1898 1S7; 1899, 107; 1900, J15; 1901, J36. : The lynchings in the various states and territories were as follows: Ala bama, 15; Arkansas, 6; California, 6; Col orado, 0; Connecticut, 0; Delaware, 0; Florida, 7; Georgia. 14; Idaho. 1; Illinois, 0; Indiana, 1; Iowa, 0; Kansas, 2; Ken tucky, 7; Louisiana, 15; Maine, 0; Mary land, 0; Massachusetts, 0; Michigan, 0; Minnesota, 0; Mississippi, 16; Missouri, 6; Montana, 4; Nebraska, 0; New Jersey, 0; New Hampshire, 0; New York, 0; Nevada. 0; North Carolina, 1; North Dakota, 0; Ohio, 0; Oregon, 0; Pennsylvania, 0; Rhode Island, 0; South Carolina, 5; South Dakota. 0; Tennessee, 12; Texas, 11; Ver mont, 0; Virginia, 2; West Virginia, 2; Wisconsin, 0; Washington, 0; Wyoming, 0; Arizona, 1; District of Columbia, 0; New Mexico, 0; Utah, 0; Indian Territory, 1; Oklahoma, 2; Alaska, 0. FIRE LOSSES WERE GREAT. *•n* Has Been Very Hard on Snraacs Companies. 4t» In- Embesilements of 190X, The record of embezzling, forgery, de faulting, and bank wreckage for 1901 shows a small decrease as compared with that of 1900.The total is $4,085,569, as com pared with $4,660,134 in 1900. The state ment of dishonesty by months is as fol lows: January, $315,186; February, $75,500; March, $413,136: April, $507,185; May, $368,- 074; June, $89,000; July, $179,306; August, $197,892; September, $121,400; October, 90S,- 232; November, $458,758; December, $860,- 300. The losses are distributed as follows Stolen by public officials. $696,945; from banks, $1,513,496; by agents,, $227,700; for geries, $354,000; from loan associations, $266,316; by postmasters, $18,134; mlscel laneous stealings, $1,008,977. M u Loss of Llf« by Epidemics. The loss of life by epidemic diseases has fallen off considerably as compared with 1900. The ravages of the plague have increased, the number of victims in 1901 being a little over 38,000, as compared with 20,000 in 1900. Cholera, however, has greatly decreased in fatality. Its victims in 1901 being about 5,000, as compared with about 60,000 in 1900. The total of deaths In 1900 owing to the Indian famine reached the large sum of about 579,600. It is difficult to make any accurate list of statistics of this kind, but, roughly estimated, the cholera and plague last year claimed about 43,000 victims. No re turns have been made of the fatalities by famine In India and Wuwrta. -t v>v. June The year has been especially hard on the flre insurance companies, because it has come immediately after another year Of disaster. Losess were heavy in 1900, many companies were foiccd to quit the business, and those that held on did so in the belief that the worst had been passed and that better conditions were inevita ble. Instead of that, the losses for the year in the United States are $20,000,000 greater than in 1300. The result has been a number of rein surances, retirements and amalgamation* of companies unprecedented since the year of the Chicago flre, when so jnany companies were ruined. Fourteen stock companies and eight mutuals have re tired absolutely from the field, beside e great number of small mutual and as sessment companies. Scores of other companies have retired from the West, the South or both, or have materially pe- strlcted their writings in the section* of the country where they had suffered most. As a result business men needing large amounts of Insurance have been unable to get it, and a horde off wildcat com panies and irresponsible Lloyds have been started, to prey upon the necessities of the people. The losses for the entire year are put at $152,084,414, as against $130,023*000 in 1900,' and $119,696,000 In 1899. Life insurance has closed the4 most pros perous year in its history. The people have been prosperous and have been in vesting their money liberally ifai endow ment policies and ordinary Hfe* policies for the benefit of their families. It is be lieved that' the total of new business written during the year by the legwl re serve companies will b* $1,600,000,OO0j and tha;t their insurance in force will amount to $7,500,000,000. One company alone* Urns written over $300,000,000. GIL & - Chatham, Mass., Life-Savers Rescue the Endicott and Her Crewpw*??,": EXCITING FIGHT FOR Mailors on the Coal Schooner Suffer Intensely Ilnrlng a Day and • Half--- In a MewthwMt blisssrd OJT «»p« Cod, - , , u . .. Chathaift, Mass., dispatch: The crew of tbe Ctiatham Life-saving.Station re turned at noon after u day and a hah of exposure in assisting the crew o. the schooner Emma D. Endicott, Cap taiu Rogers, bound from New York fo. Portland with a cargo of coal. Cap tain Rogers said he left New York Sun day night, and everything was all well untli Tuesday night, wnen he struck the northwest blizzard ten miles north of Cape Cod. The boom was'loosened and let down onto the long boat BO that the mlzzen mast also worked loose from its socket and threatened to carry away all the masts by the board. The vessel was being headed about and worked back off Chatham. The sail ors suffered greatly from the intense cold. They were kept constantly at the pomps as the vessel was leaking. When the life-savers reached the Endi cott mm pump bad given out and the vessel was almost sinking. Rescue Wa* Perils--. Captai-i* Eidridge of tbe llfo-Mving j crew said on hia return: "Nobody ashore can form any idea of the condition of the elements when Wt rounded, usder'th* stera of the schooner and attempted to board her. cludsA to start vlth them, T)ut MtV the understanding that they shouUl take asslKtauce from the first towboal. ^ whose services could be secured. tU "The tug Buccaneer came from Boah>'* ~'J ton^and after assisting the disable^ Lackawanna until noon, came to nganjj - • g agreed to tow the Endicott to Portlanjl for $300, after first towing us undcaf . s the beach. Captain Rogers and hit .' 'f crew were much gratified, as the vessel ,-x was really in no condition to go ti£ sea, and I hesitated before deciding to ' ' >% venture the lives of my crew around the cape in her." " ; ' ; ¥ Bishop Wants Bl* Pud. "V; The announcement was made at Bo#> ,3 ^ ton Sunday by the Rt-Rev. Charles j- Brent, D. D., formerly rector of * Stephen's Church, that city, who wa*.,/' * consecrated bishop of the Philippine- Islands last month by the Episcopal : Church, that he had decided to issu# ' an appeal to the church In the 0nite$£, t- % S t a t e s f o r a f u n d o f ? 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 , w i t f i ' J T which to endow the new jurisdiction. Kills M«n with Hia Fists, I11 a quarrel over hia child, LeongfrC, Shelgren of Cherokee, la., was kille&: by blows of the fists delivered bjr.'"- Frank B. Ferguson, who gave himself' up to the police, claiming he struclli^ Shelgren hi self-defense. Ferguson^,': wont to Siotut City from Chicago,* ^ Bobson to It J* reported Ala.,, tjoat Captain Richmond P 1 n'er Politics. , trom Montgomery^ son will soon resign fronj the navjr^^ and eater poiftlcs. It is said he will -' \ ( oppose- Congressman Joh$ - head of the sixth district. % ? ' SV Two* Fwmw Bejttti at Dswsoi, Two persons have died as a result of, the severe weather near Dawson, according; to advices brought to Van* couver, B,. <SI,, by the steamer Amur, The temperature has beta tor low a» 60 degrees below zem. CROWDED CONDITIONS IN A BIG> GHX BUSINESS OP RAH- Tkwtte RewlptS Knarmou^ aim, illlw of Ifew Vraek Laid.,\ Keeping- pace with the general protyjji^. Ity oC the eoontry, railway building' the United States during the year 1901^ has- exceeded that of any previous year since 18S0, wh«# &,6?0 miles of new lines were completed, and the record for that year might haive been surpassed had the steel mills been> abi* ts> furnish the nec essary. oarisi The records- of the Railway Age for 1901' sliow Willi ife; returns thus inr received not less than 5,057 miles of track have been laid' on' 332 lime* in 43 states and territories. With- the exception^ off Pennsylvania there has been1 little building: In the east ern and New England' states, but there has^ been much important work in all other sections-ofr the country, the great est activity being shown in the- southwest The construction, west" ot title Mississippi River has amounted to 3^1877 miles, and the states east of the Mississippi and south of. the Ohio have added 891 miles, making an total off 4i0TO milks* btrfTt in the states south of the-Ohio and' west of the Mississippi; Official report* to the interstate com merce commission; for the flsaal year end ed June- 30, 1901, show gross earnings of all the steam railroads ln> the United States were $1,578^64,20?, or an average of $8,211 per mile. The previous year the gross earnings were $1,487,044,814'. The net earnings the past fiscal year were $553,- 007,924, or $35,677,213' more tHaot in the previous fiscal year. The amount of divi dends to stockholders last year was $121,- 108,637, which- Is- $13,000,000" more- than the dlvident payment*-the previous: year. BUSINESS CONSOLIDATION Iocnulnt TemUnef. Silom* to Form Combinations- of' Ok^llftl. The feature of the Industrial situation of the year, was the continuation, of the tendency to. form. great combinations of capital: or trusta. In; the first eight months the aggregate oanltaib of the new corporations, organized was $2,467,355,000, as against $1,865,650,000 for the same pe riod in 1900. The most gigantic of the combinations effected was that known as the United States Steel: corporation, hav ing a. capital oft $l,100,i)00>00(fc its chief organizer wa» J: Pierpoai Morgan. The companies- entering; the- trust were the Cariietsle,. Federal. AitMnlcan StePi an(j Wire, National Tube, American Bridge, National, Aiuui-lcan S«eet Steel, Ameri can Tlnplate, American, Ste*J Hoop, Lake Superior Gonsolld&tedi Iron mines and the Shelby Steel Tube. Some of the other, combinations brought about were the Al- lis-Chalmens,. Amalgamated Copper, Ar>t erlcan Can. Am< rie«n Locomotive, Amer ican Flow, Consolidated Tobacco, North> American Trust, United Box, Board and Paper. United1 States Shlpbulding and.the Korfchern Sscttrlties companies. Foreign. Abdurrahman, ameer. Oct. 1. Allan, Andrew, steamship 87. Audi an, Edmond, composer. Aug. 18. Besant, Sir Walter, author. June 9. Broglle, Due deT statesman, Jan. 19. Buchanan, Robert \V.. poet, June 9. Conquest, George, playwright. May 14. Crlspl. Francesco, statesman, Aug. 11. D'Oyly, Carte, produoor of light operas, April S. Errazurts, Federlgo, president of Chile, July 11. Ex-Empress Frederick, Aug. 5. Oourko, field marshal, Jan. 29. Greenaway, Kate, artist, Nov. ®. Halll Rlfat Pasha, grand vlzer of Tur key, Nov. 9. Henderson, John, shipbuilder, July a. Hohenlohe, Prince von, German states man, July &. Hoshl Toru, Japanese statesman, June 21. Kruger, Mrs. Paul, July 21. Li Huns Chang, Chinese statesman. Nov. 7. Milan I., ex-klng of Servla, Feb. 1L Murat, Prince Joachim Napoleon, Oct. tl. Nordenskjold, Baron Adolf Erik, explor er, Aug. 9. Orleans. Prince Henry of, explorer, Aug. 9. Ormerod, -Miss Bleanor A., scientist, July 19. Pretorius, Martinqs Wessel, first presi dent of' "the Transvaal republic. May 19. RothflcWW. Wllh^lm von, head of the great banking house, Jan. 25. Rummel, Franz, pianist, in Germany. Staincr, WiUiam, bishop of Oxford, April 22. Tanner. Dr. Charles K. D.. Irish states man. Sept. 7. Verdi, Gulseppe. composer, Jan. XI. Victoria, Queen, Jan. 2T. Tonge, Charlotte M.. author, March H LYNCHINOS IN 1901. KxMStloos Dm to Popular BxdtMMst Show an Increase. Tha lynchings reported in 1900 showed an Increase of eight over those of 1899. A still further Increase must be noted this year-- an Increase in brutality as well as in number--the record standing 107 In 1899, 115 In 1900 and 135 in 1901. The fol- IoiMbc tabla showing tbe number at | saalt, 1; and train robbery ̂)* CHIEF SPORTING EVENTS AncriMM ttatformly Successful 9«or Th«lr Foreign Opponents*. Sporting events of Importance lnoh*ded the races for the America's cup, resulting in another victory for the An»eriean yacht the Columbia over Sir Thomas Lip- ton's Shamrock II.. Sept. 28 aAd Oct. 8 and 4; the defeat of an English team of trapshooters by Americans aA Hendon, England, In June; the winning of the world's sculling championship by George- Towns of Australia at Rat Portage, Ont„ Sept. 7, and the decision of the interna tional committee at Paris, May 21, that the next Olympian games are to tabs place In Chicago in 1904. Pittsburg w»n the championship In the National Base ball league and Chicago was first in the American league. In the east Harvard was the undisputed football champion, while In the west the honors were divid ed between Wisconsin and Michigan. In horse racing the feature of the season was the trotting of a mile In 2^4 by Cresceus at Columbus, O.. Aug. 2. Strikes Only Slightly DlituHtlagk Strikes were a somewhat disturbing factor in the Industrial world. May 20 the machinists in some of the largest plants In the country struck for a nlns^hour day without reduction in wages. About 20,- 000 men went out. In several cases they were successful, but In others their places were filled with other men. On the 15th of July a strike of iron, steel and tin workers was ordered in some of the mills of the United States Steel corporation to compel the adoption of the union scale. Seventy-five thousand men were effected. Growing out of the strike was that or dered by President Shatter of the Amal gamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, In August. This ended In Sep tember In failure. Strikes involving riots and loss of life occurred in Albany, N. Y.; In the Telluride mlnos, in Colorado; among the teamsters in Ban Fx$jw4*00 and tbe miners In Kentucky. •• KODEIi 0V ATX £CTTTA.1L> BLOCK €T TENEMENTSON rTHE: HMJTT SIDE* ' NEW TORK. From ther report- of ttitf tienemmxt house commission: The Block; is1 bounded' by.' Chrystie^Forsytdi,. CknaJ and" Bayard streets. \ It includes* thirty-nine tenement houses,, oantain- lng 605" different' apartments-tor 2,7811 persons. OI. these, 2,315 are' more than' five years: oft age, and. 466 less! than* five years. Hiere are 1^588^ rooms,, and only 264 water eloaete in the tttook.. There is not' on® bath in: the'entire- block. Only:, forty apartments, are: supplied with, hot water. Them are 441 dark rooms,. Having, no ventilation to the outer air, and no light, air air except that derivedc! ffaxnt other. roonuK. There are 636 rooma getting-, their- sole light and air from dfiirk and' nar row airshafts. During the last, five- years there have beem. recorded thirty^ two cases of tuberculosis from: this block, and during the past year thir teen cases of diphtheria. During the- past five years 665 different, applica tions for charitable relief- have com» from this block. The groas rentals de rived from the. block, amount to-" $1,113,964 a year. Thla block is not one of the worst iti^the^otty^ .bsiti mere ly typical. The seas, were running so wildly, that it became necessary to jump for. h«r rail one at a tinie pulled aboard, almost as if. we were rescued, rather than rescuers. The vessel, was- in a deplorable condition. Thee injjired, frozen and worn-out men presented such .a pitiahla appearance that, we fiar- got all about, our own tussle with: the storm. When we arrived an boardi the pump became choked and useless,. but we.soon gained, on. the water, wltit the other two. beoause the vessel did not strain so badly- when we anchosed. "I. signaled, the tug Laakawanaa to come alongside^, wiiich she did,, hut the captain said, it mas impossible tor him tp do any thin* toward savJnK prop erty lh. such a gale.. He wouid take off the men from any distressed ves sel and* do anything la. bis power to save Ufa, but such at caging hurri cane it was useless to attempt to tow in vessels. He had lost bi& o>wn anchor and chain, and had alt h.« could do to. take care of himself and his barges*. He said he would lay by us and be_ ready to respond to any signal to sa,yft. lira* Ugtl Executions |» 1MV " " The number of legal executions In U01 was 118, as compared with 119 in 1900, 121 In 1800. 109 In 1898, 127 in 1697. 123 In 1896. 182 in 1896, 191 In 1894, 126 In U», and 1W In 1892. There were 82 hanged In tbe South and 86 In the North, of whom 71 were negroes and 47 whites. The crimes for which they were executed were: Murder, 107; crim inal assault, 9; attempted ootelnal aa* tw Half, "The tug, Dudley Prar came along-- side and her captain said substantially the same thin**- Those tugs w.ere kept; busy too* for within anotljpr hour there were in the vicinity Dour, otter vessels with signals flying, fpr assis tance. \ ' "W% remained on the soboo&sr- ail night, and when the Wind: moderated this morning offered to help get her under way. In her dilapidated condi tion, however, the «cew refused to start in her unless w« would, go with them to Boston or Portland. They begged to remain. I ftnalif con- E»geno Carter* llUlwW«k bwd. Eugene Carter,, the sioteA billiard player, is dead at Chicago Carter's career as a billiard player covered a long period and few if any of the players In the world to-day could boast of aa successful a one as his. Carter was born in Toledo, O., May 25. 1851. When sixteen years of age Carter moved to Chicago and started to work In the biriard room of "Harry" Doty oa Randolph street, and it waa here he acquired his first knowledge of billiards. . H(litis Lnw to-Meet: Opposition. There will be a conference of the officers of the National Guard,of. the> United States In Washington in. the- near future to consider the measure prepared at the. War Department, proi- Vidlng for tae reOgauizaiion of. the militia. Thfere is consi<Sfcrablfe opposi tion to the measure, and Secretary Boot has determined h$ will notLsend: the proposed bill to Congress until, the officers of the militia have-had an. opportunity to present their views. The officers contend that considerable legislation is needed! but; Secretary Root: not. thinkv so. Ffo^takes the ground that little legislations needed! andlthis to be of character to make more de&nite the power off tbe federal government overr the railltia. T&e * officials of the Wbr Department see- lrt tftis question t&e weakest feature-of thfk militia system and are convinced. that it demand*, the urgent attention, ofi ©ingress. Smallp«sr Outbreak.. KmiA 1 Sieoreg of tysraons v&o attended' tf»e» . Quoeral of Jitftn Ryan* a lad who died ; at the Lincoln (111.) ^pylum. *QP feeble- ! minded children, ara being vaccinated*. owing to tlje genernl beliejf that death, was cameif by smallpox. The report; that in tfre institution t&ere are 10& cases wait not knjjwn alt Bloocotngtoa until aftiir the cp^ket had been- opeiw<# ..., and the. body viewed. The death c*r-, <•../• tiflcate. was marked "Chicken pas,'^; and thso undertaker h»dfc inscribed "Not* to be opened"' on the box. The. fam-' ~ ily disregarded; this instruction,, inno-»*^^^~ centJEy, being unaware of the plague In *he Lincoln asylum. But one case _-T^|-sr of smallpox exists tn this city, but . there 1b much twr over an outbreak. Btos* 8»M to Be Free. The London Telegraph's Sofia eor« "Epidemic In Michigan City, m Michigan City, Ind.. dispitch: Bi tween 1,000 and 2,000 persons in this city are afflicted with "water cholera." The local health officers assert that the epidemic 1& caused by the action of the water company during the recent cold weather in furnishing its customers with water pumped from the harbor of Lake Michigan at a .place not more than 1,300 feet from the emptying point of the main city sewer. • report to this effect has been made to the lndl- iuia state board of health. • f ••afe- >1*$' respondent says that an unconfirmed rumor is current there to the effect that Misa Stone and her companion, " 5* ^ Mme Tsilka, were released Wednesday,^; on Turkish territory by their captors. ; Those who negotiated for their release ' i; consented to the brigands' stipulation ^ that the women should maintain ab-?/;>^ solute silence respecting their captors. It this promise is broken the briganda r threaten to wreak vengeance on the American missionary establlshmaat. | Boy to Prison for SO Tears. ' Winfield, Kas..dispatch: Clyde Moore. the 17-year-old boy convicted of mur-„ der in the second degree for killing C. Ii. Wiltberger, a farmer, near here ̂ last April for his money, has been^^'^si^ sentenced to twenty years in the pen-Jf i •'W' ltentiary. He received the verdict - with a smile. The prisoner's attorney % pleaded for a reform school sentence, but Judge McBride said the boy was sufficiently mature to know what he ̂ was doing when he committed tha c r i m e . m ^ ^ ' - r „ t ' w v ** T fo V > f