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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1902, p. 8

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••<£&.. j'-'.-V 'Vj'^A';:,,,., , -»i t. . ^;4xCi>X' av&yMtmk- FOR HIRED MEN, |h» fivptof --lCanfltk- «i.':jpnaai apw:.'«lMuiiBM tU^M» ffiace, the hired help not excepted, and a great ':i i&any want to lay in a supply of Working Cloth- ' Ifcg. We have made a special provision tor this ^ flocasion patting in a very large line of the f*}; ',1* io'V above goods of the '••"• WARRANTED NOT RIP KDnxSl I * A liifc AssartneH 4 latter m feller Ms Hr Sfffeg We*! We expect our invoice of Spring and Summer Olothing for Men, Boys and Children this week. (-£*£•• The Goods are sold under a guarantee as to perfect workmanship and fit Oar line was neve^r so * large. We save all discounts by paying casfc for all Goods, and it will be to yonr interest to see V/;"•» Ofir line before buying or placing an ortlet for ^>ur Spring Suit Another Carof Jersey Lily Flour just is, try * Sack. , FISH FOR LENT. |inn for Spring Trade, kv?L« y^m 2060 Rolls of the Late Wfr-Z *•'& • -.•> '4 & • "fen"""" ^ - i ' i • judt arrived, r We are prepared to show you oiife of the best stocks of Wall Paper ih the n " ^ c « » » » » a b ^ w i i a n d e x a m i n e o t t r l i n e ' * ^ • * ' " prices never w®£e as Jow '•'£?•£•• ?c&* ^Sr'?<S ape m a n • v . . . ~ - J T ~ . v 7 " """" ' •'v'V^ • '•<& .>•> ,i- ̂ I West McHenry, Illinoi JOHN J. MILLER Sold by All Newsdealers furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song sad Muaic a vast volume of Mew, Choice Copyright Compositions by the moat pop- olv atxthors. 64 Faces of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental--a 1 Complete Pieces for Piano--Once s Month for 10 C o a t # . Y e a r l y S u b s c r i p t i o n , $ 9 . 0 0 . I f ] will Mpd na the name and address of F Piano or Organ Plajao, we will send 70a a eofff of tbe Magasliie Free. j. w. rcrPEii, Pubiishon Wgktaa Locust Sts.„ nillcdelpkla, pa. fvoa An BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS DcaiGNa COPVRIOHT* &C. Anyone aendlaf a aketch and description naf MleUf aaoartain oar opinion free whether en ftwroon to probably patentable. Commnnles- ttMeetrtctiyeonBdentttL Handbook on Patents "k? aastfreeTCftdeat ^cr for^rlmfjp«t«mt*. Patent* Ufeai tttrouati Mann a Co. itcaii siriilasttet, iitliontaiqe, In the f Scfcattffe American. Ahaadenmelr lllualialed weekly. Iunrest cbw ealeUoa of any aelenUflc looraaL Terma, U a raact Conr montba, fl. 8old by all newidealen. Co '• Hew York fiandi O«oe.« F St. WadHnston. D. C. ritlr* NOTHINd fO WEAR BUT CLOTHES, and if these are not right one mig)ifc ae well not try to be in it. OUR MADE-TO-ORDER €LOTH^Q is the kind that a man will wear with pleasure and satisfaction. The gar­ ments reflect credit upon the wearer's good taste. We are showing a new line of Imported and Domestic Summer Suitings. Perfect fitting suits to order from these at $17 50. J. D. L0DTZ. Wfcy HeDMaM Jmm*. Here Is one that a youug man who knows a good story when he hears It heard one railroad man tell another In a depot up the line the other day: "We picked up a new Irishman somewhere up country asi' set him to work brakin' on a construction train et 3 cents a mile for wages. One day when him an' me was on the train she got away on one of them mountain grades, an' the first thing we knowed she was flyin' down the track at about ninety miles an hour, with uothin' in sight but the ditch an' the happy hunt- ill' grounds, when we come to the end. I twisted 'em down as hard as J could, all along the tops, an' then of a sudden I see Mike crawlin' along toward the end of one of the cars on all fours, with his face the color of milk. I thought he was gettin' ready to jump, an' I see his finish if he did. "'Mike,' I says, for heaven's sake don't jumpr "He clamps > his fingers on the run- n|n' board to give him a , chance to torn round an' lookjnl at me, con­ temptuous, answers! " 'Jump, is it?' Do yea think I'd'be afther jumpin' an'- me makin' money as fast as 1 am?"--Portland . Orego- nian. Mid-Winter Sale! fc/ fe" !jy T £'k '-.ri Everything in the Winter Goods line • will be sold at cost o» less to make room for our Spring goods. You can secure some rare bargains in warm Footwear, Gloves, Mittens, Cape, Underwear, Duck Coats, Heavy Pants, Flannels Blankets and Ladies Wrap­ pers, some of the $1.00 grades marked down to 50c. We mean to close out everything in the above line and will sell them regardless of former price or profits. SOeed* Delivered Promptly. Long distance 'phone No. *63. V M. J. WALSH m m m m * m m m m m m m m m * * m m m m ; m m m m m I s- m s * $ * 31 i * m m m 9 # m *j ' atiin, THE TEST OF TIME I^OR many years the people of )ic- Henry have been purchasing good »S$liable goods at this ̂ tore, and ui- . variably have all wrongs been made right when any complaint hw been pade. My stock of drugs and patent . medicines is just as complete as evei* i i^nd in notions everything imaginable <*n be found on my counters and shelves. I have an exceptionally fine line of stationary and schbpl wjpglies. :':v; iVM'/ZJ-, ' % t- if rf: jSj JULIA;. A. STORY r *-* [A. Mr, ••• Itfflf ITfFTTHHimMHHinMllJi A Boatoja ^rrnnalntloa. ^ Littte Enaerson--Mamma, I find no marginal note in elucidation of this ex­ pression, which I observe frequently to occur in my volume of "Fairy Tale Classics," "With bated breath." What is the proper interpretation of the phrase? Maniraar--"With bated breath," my son, commonly occurs in fairy tales. Your father often returns from pisca­ torial excursions with bated breath. The phrase in such Instances, however, has no significance as applyinK to the bait employed to allure the fish, but is merely an elastic term of dubious meaning and suspicious origin, utilized, as I have already intimated, simply be­ cause of the sanction which it has gain­ ed by customary usage in fairy tales generally. Do yon comprehend, Emer­ son? Little Bmemoo-^Perfectly, mamma.-- Judge. Celaellaaeei af Date* Attention has often been called to the curious fact of the date Sept. 8 fig­ uring so largely in the history of Oliver Cromwell. That very dominating man was born on Sept. 3, 1699; he won the battle of Dunbar Sept. 3, 1650; that of Worcester Sept 3, 1661, and he died Sept 3, 1668. But we have lately come across some coincidences of dates which, so far as we know, have not been noticed before. The number 88 seems to have had fatal influence on the Stuarts. Robert II., the first Stu­ art king* died in 1388; James II. was killed at the siege of Roxburghe Cas­ tle, 1488; Mary, queen of Scots, was beheaded in Fotherlngay, 1588 (new style); James VII. (II. of England) was dethroned in 1688; Bonny Prince Charlie died in Rome, 1788, and with him died the last hope* of the Jacob­ ites. Feline DeftaTUf, "Oh, Horace," wailed his youBffWife, "I have Just found .out that Ajax, our beautiful Angora cat has been leading a double life!" "That makes eighteen, I suppose," said Horace. "What has he been do* ing?" "You know I letbim out every morn­ ing, because he seems to want to go and play out of doors. Well, I have discovered that he goes over to the Robinsons and lets them feed bUn aiM) pet bin."--Chicago Tribune. / The Betel Nat. Betel nuts, the produce of the areca palm, are chiefly used as a masticatory by the natives of the east They are too small to be applied to many orna­ mental uses, but are occasionally em­ ployed by the turner and wrought into lxtuda for bracelets, small rosary coses and other little fancy articles. In the Museum of Economic Botany at Kew there is a walking stick made of these nuts, sliced, mounted or supported on an iron center. - • Coo> Disease to*. "Too know," said the orang ootang, "that man is descended from a mon* key." "Yes," answered the chimpanzee "and his descent has been very great. But let us set it down to his credit that he tries to rise again. Every now and then you hear of some man who is do> ing his best to ptake a uionkey of him- s^iL"--Washington Star. Qalek Wor|. .$>' editor is terribly •towilf'iilMk iny manuscript" "Think «o? Why, I know the time he went through twelve stories in less than a minute." "Gracious! When was tbat7f* "When the elevator broke."~-PbUa delphia Press. r.fl. Arnold Actlvo, ; F. G. Arnold, secretary of the Wood­ stock Fair and Trotting Aesodation and also secretary of the Wiseonsin-Illnois circuit, with seven othee representatives bf the different tracks in the circuit, imet at Janesville last week to make arrangements for the ooming season. Mr. Arnold was the leading spirit pres­ ent, the others being Geo. L. Harring­ ton, of Elkhorn, A G. Asdikian, repre­ senting the Chicago Horsemen, N. B. Manor, of Amboy, and representatives from Waukeshaw, Beaver Dam, the Wisconsin state fair Association and Berlin., v The gentlemen propose to the Janes­ ville men that they can have the dates usually given the West Side Driving Club, of Chicago, which are the open­ ing dates of the meeting, being the second Tuesday of August. The re­ maining places in the circuit and the rotation of meetings, will be Beloit, Woodstock, Waukeshaw, Wisconsin State fair, Elkhorn, Berlin and Bever Dam. . « Practically Starving. "After using a few bottled of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per­ fect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble," says J. R. Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111. "Be­ fore using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ordinary meal without, intense suffering. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give relief." You'don't have to diet. Eat any good food yon want, but don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will always digest it for yon! Julia A Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West Mc- Henry. . • St. Charles Chronicle; It is not gen­ erally known, but it is a fact that the First Congregational church in Elgin is conceded to have the largest member­ ship of any Congregational church in the United States, west of Brooklyn. Dr. Chalmers is the pastor. Daring his pastorate in the, church which is about a year, 'four hundred members have joined. In all the membership numbers 2,350. At the meetings of the men's club the attendance numbers in the neighborhood of 1.000. The club meets every two weeks. Could Mot Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cnre is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liqui­ fies the mucous, draws ont the inflama- tion and removes the cause of the dis­ ease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. 'One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. 'My wife could not get her breath and was relived by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Richmond Gazette: The prospects for a new M. E. church are becoming brighter each day and if we mistake not, before the snows of another winter shall have come we shall see a fine new house of worship in the place of the old church. -- ./*. For the Complexion. The complexion always suffer* from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impurities from the body appear in the form of un-r sightly eruptions. DeWitt's Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy cqpdition and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness. They were just what I needed. I am feeling better now than in years. Never gripe or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle. The very beet pills. Julia A Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Advertised Letters. Lfalt of letters remaining mi^)a4 for in the post office at McHenry, ni., March 1, 1902: Mr. S. Rasonusson Ed. Kirst Emerald' E. W. Moore . ...... When calling for above foTOfo^fliMe ttj advertised. R. Waite, p. if. CASTOR! A For Inlka$e and Children. niKMYN Ran Almyt Bn(H Bears the m* . mvl O ^ Would Smash the Club. If members of the "Hay Fever As­ sociation" would nse Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady,-and Asthma, the kind that baffles the dectors-it wholly drives from the system- Thousands of once hope­ less sufferers from Consumption, Pnen monia, Bronchitis owe their li\ es and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves little onee from Cronp and Whooping Cough and is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c,$1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story'a WtdtePteeConghSyrnpcnrei^f Browaluc'i Fatuity Davotlea, People who praised or loved or no­ ticed Browning's only child found the direct rop.d to his heart Even those who only spoke With him <of "Pen" were at * once his friends and worthy of attention and interest He said to me many years ago while awaiting anxiously the result of his son's ear­ nest art studies: "Do you know, dear friend, if - ±he thing were possible, I would renounce all personal ambition and would de­ stroy every line I ever wrote If by so doing I could see fame and honor heaped on my Robert's head." What a proof are these words of an intense nature devoid of all egotism! In his boy he saw the image of the wife whom be adored, literally, adored, for, as I felt, the thought of her as an angel in heaven was never out of his mind. He wore a small gold ring on his watch chain. "This was hers," he said. "Can you fancy that tiny fin­ ger? Can you believe that a womah could wear such a circlet as this? It is a child's." The only other souvenir on his chain was a coin placed there years ago, the date 1848, a piece of the first money struck by Manin in Venice to record the freedom from Austrian dominion. "I love this coin," he said, "as she would have loved it You know what she felt and wrote about united Italy," --The Late Mrs. Arthur Bronson in Century Magazine. • Story of Gladstone. Once in-Gladstone's later life when a uestion of great delicacy and difficulty ras coming on in the bouse of com­ mons and everybody expected to see him watchful and alert and perhaps fidgety over it he deliberately com­ posed himself to sleep on the treasury bench and enjoyed a refreshing nap till the time came, for blm to speak, when, with no apparent effort, he awoke, delivered a speech in which he said exactly what was needed and not a word more and sat down, leaving his opponents so puzzled by the safe and guarded generalities in which he had half expressed and half reserved his views that the subject dropped in a short time because no one could find in his words anything to lay hold of. It was often remarked that the greater the emergency the more composed and the more completely equal to it did he Tfc* Clutperon la -Weliwfy . The chaperon is an important person in Samoa. She is the constant com­ panion of the taupou, or village guide, who is appointed to entertain stran­ gers and show them the .various sights. Each village in Samoa elects a girl for this office, and It is necessary that she should be the daughter of a chief. Her house is provided for her by the village, and (she is surrounded by a court of native girls. No man who lives in the village is allowed to enter the sacred precincts, and the taupou goes nowhere without an elderly wom­ an. If the taupou resigns her office, the chief can appoint, anqtjaer damsgl^ of high degree. ' . LItIbk One Day mt a -'V A certain lady met with a serious ae~ "ddent, which necessitated a very pain­ ful operation and many mouths' con­ finement tp her bed, says one of our exchanges!' When the physician-had finished his work and was about tak­ ing his leave, the patient asked, "Doc­ tor, how long Rhall I have to lie here helpless?" * 'Oh, only a day at a time," was the cheery answer. And the poor sufferer was not only comforted for the mo­ ment but many times through the suc­ ceeding weary weeks did the thought "Only a day at a time," come back with Its quieting influence. Printing nnd IllutfatlaS. The first printing press in tlie^United States begau its civilizing work at Cambridge, Mass., lr* Harvard univer­ sity in 1639. The first American made illustration, it is still believed, is in Tully's Almanac of Boston in 1698. The first American copperplate portrait published in this country was in In­ crease Mather's "Icbabod." published in 1703. The first three engravers were Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin and Isaiah Thomas, who d 1st 1 nguished^iPn eelf at the battle of I^exington. ; The J oenrber C. F. Hall Co., Dundee. Some special prices will be worth your reading. All colors of mercerized sa­ teen at 25c per yard. A new line of boys' caps at 19, 25 and 49 cents, juBtin. Blue label velveteen skirt binding 2c per bolt. Children's ribbed hose, sizes 5| to 9, 7c, Men's black cotton hose 80. China silk, 39, 45 and 49 cents per yard. Fleisher's knitting yarn, 22c. Infants' button shoes, 35 and 50c. Ladies' mer­ cerized sateen underskirts 35 and 49c. Ladies' all wool walking skirts (marked down from $4.69)now $1.98. PillBbury's best flour, 95c. Regular 60c Japan tea, 40c. Arbuckle's coffee. 2 pounds for 19c. We are selling out our entire stock of men's overcoats and ladies jackets at positively less than, it coats to make them. Bear in mind our special induce­ ments" .to ont-of-town customenand comer:, , ' * The Vice of Nagging Clouds tjie happiness of the home but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melahcholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers, from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used it, and be­ come healthy and happy. Try it. Only 50c. Julia A. Story guarantees satis­ faction. The Tongue ... fr'- •» '7 ' will tell tie conditions of tlw5 stomach and if that is disordered it is a sure indication that some Tonic or Blood Medicine /y'\ V, -fV' C/ is needed to restore the system to a healthy condition. Our SarsaparUla is what you need. Try a bottle and be convinced* 50 cents per bottle H. PETE5CH, Justen Block, McHenry, 111, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hav? Aiways Bought IfflmnmthiHnniiiiiiiiniimiiiuiuimiiuiui.iuiiuiimiUitiiiiiUkmuiiiiiiiiuiuiint AVfcgetable PrepatationforAs- ula sof lN*AN IS / ( HiLDKLN Promotes DigesKon.Cheeiful- ness and Rest.Conlains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Wot Karc OTIC ĵ eafouijatsiMVSLPiramK Seul~ 4!lx. SennA * SmUt- In Aperlecl Remedy forConstipa- arrnoea Fion, Sour Stotaach.Di Worms .Convulsions, Fever is h- ness and Loss OF SLEEB Simile Signature of . ^ r ? Thirty Years lioLJHEW "YORK. - V I V» m o n t h s o I ( I ) ) D n s i S - J j C 1 i\ I S EXACT COPY Qf WRAPPER THE CENTAt 4cw Yo*fi etrr. Sohlsy-Santiago i mv QEommk edward graham. , SoiU '.Y SANTIAGO Japaneae Festival's. Japanese festivals are easily re- menTbered: First of first month, the new year; third of third mouth, feast of dolls, for girls; fifth of fifth month, feast of flags, for boys; seventh of sev­ enth month, the day for the god and; goddess of love. Tonnbota; ninth of ninth month, the "escape to the mouu- tain,rt~"fhe feast of chrysanthemums. The latter is not now generally ob­ served. Can't Keep it Secret, Tfce splendid work of Dr. KJtfigV New Life Pills is daily ooming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con­ stipation, Siok Headache, Biliousnsss, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them. 25c at Julia A. Story s drug stojre. Tka latrapM AaesaUMd Tnm wwnwy «" »bo %ri tk« 0. a S. Sre#Uys««rtWJ** *1!" *2 aaeoth, of tfca Ottfc pk,tof>MU takei bj tk< iitku dirii(tlw l|kL Thm Mmmt SmnmmUmmml M mf thm Omy' Ins th* blockade wi Sea^ TOLL* FOR TU nut TIM**- B«nttw YosHan ftCMfeut- ( CoMtiiif u aatosieab asSarawnaet hm account of the hatUafcy ias^A«a,lrH Saklay. "The ffcete of the aterr ef the movementa and op«raUosa ef the FWm Seeadro. aa the Mthor telle them In tWa keek are carreet." j --W. S. SCHLKT. An Interntlng narnUra of fa,ta. Cxplaiue th, a*. "R«troffr»d, U»r,m*nt;M th* "Loop;" th, "CoaUaeJ fiaMie." **<i Mttla* caaclulTeir araijr tdiuu raltaf ] ef the Oosrt of IaqabT- •ULDiayc-»nr. el (acta, laavaa tha tat lilndii that aanlafflaaraaaaS aCaartef la* raetfSMM iMr NpaMtasa, tf MMStMPVT S0OS1V1LT el NOT *•*. tstassisos vttffsc&s: (osabjeo* baa evar beaai before tke Ifre ataaner Uwhleh Adariral has &7the7ew»aSSf puMte that baa isteraated everybody as . baoa treated, ana the American peosla Kara mt tamUagm* This booktMla yrrea aaa aa ua ayew»aaasea »» It. Koek la aelllog' Liberal coamlsalona. .Ootttju^lwote now ready\_ _Send^Nr*ea Ska wild ^ S-oeat ataapa for caaTsaalsc outSV ACT QUICX. Now la the lloae to rie«§i.S®, $1.75, ^2.25, $2.75, «xefwfi( ti siyic Of AQEHTS I W.B.OOHKEV OOHUNUir WANTED | Mb MSMere, fWMfa

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