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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1902, p. 5

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Fancy Groceries ./.V. ' And Delicacies Alt kinds of Fresh Fruit . always fee hand -V Prepared For Lent v Best Goods at lowest possible1 prices. Genuine Holland Herring, Salt and Stock­ fish. All kinds of, Canned Pish, Domestic and Foreign Cheese. " Specialties: Richelieu Coffees. Dutch Cocoa, Toast, Boer Mustard, Etc. Will have a full line of Timot^jr, Clover and Garden Seeds beginning of March. Kindly send your orders early. . K* G. DEKKER. Prodace Bichinged. v* Tickets to and from QpMik a tent Medicines! We have a® complete a line of patent medicines on hand as any druggist in the county, probably not in such large quan- tities as others, but what, we have on our shelves is always ifi®1 fresh. Medicines that stand a long time lose their strength and are worthless. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by a Re- 'y't • 'gistered 'Pharmacist. -V'. - • '• *:• i~ • I S c h o o l Supplies! Ringwood, HI' J. S. BROWN & SON. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS. OF. CORRESPONDENTS ___V" - ' Ik \1 A Little Early ii r &<?•" * • :•*: t e ^ ^ v to taTk about spring merchant 'Ui dise, but then you always look c~r ' ' Jji j • • H/ i a few months ahead in making '•-v, a Vv *~s ; up youy mind about new Fur­ niture, Carpets, etc. For the spring trade I will have a jiarger line than ever before of ":V~the latest designs in Carpets and Furniture. Call and see the styles before going else­ where. if'i I $ •»*: i .<•%: Independent lit is conceded on ail sides that the cele­ brated and popular Beers brewed arid bottled on improved and hygienic princi­ ples and known as ' Prima and Burg Brau < are unequalled as the finest table Beers. ^ Prima Tonic, produced by The Indepen­ dent Brewing Association, possesses a fine flavor and taste and is especially rich ;>i|i nourishing constituents and invigorat- lug qualities. " . Pest Beer ^4 nothing but the beet is made by this Brewery. Try it and be convinced. Purity, strength and rich flavor are its ^qualifications, Delivered in barrels, hal- lfles, quarters, eights and cases by JOS. HEIMER, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. -j A g?nt for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of * Hog Cholem Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. * . sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, , Rock Island Plows, Wagons, i • Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, - Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and „ * Machine Oil a Specialty. General - BlKksmittiini Wkes " Hwiys ReisooHie ARE YOU DEAF? ANY HEAD ALL CASES OTF DEAFNESS OR» HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE . . -fc# our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurably ^ HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. a. A, WCRMAR. OF BALTIMORE* SAYS. Baltimore, Md., March 30, 'Gentlemen : -- Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give ytm a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. . „„ni t About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on gettjpg worse, iny hearing in this ear entirel' I underwent a treatment I , |>er of physicians, among otbera, -4>nly an operation could help me. ana even "then cease, but the hearing in tlie affected ear wuu.u « mnr treat- /, I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New \ork paper, and ortei^ your treat • Aifnt After I had used it onlyatew days according to your duections, the noises cea«*u ana iisea>cd «ar has been entirely restored. 1 manic you I u nd e rw eutat re a t rnetSTlor catarrh, for three months, without X^lfmeTh^t of physicians, among other* the most olat the head noises would would belost f^rev After I had used it after five weelii, toi hearing in the tiistra*cu«&r has Very tru^ £ol^,gRMAN 730s. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with yaur usual occupation, "•B!KuE."d YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ILL KINGWOOiD - There will be a social given by the Young People's Union at the home of Prof. F. W. Cole. Miss Hettie Carlson, who has been in Ringwood for some time, returned to Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. W. Beth and her sister, Mies Leone Kelley, visited at Dundee, last week, returning on Friday. Miss Mae and Clarence Euclier of Harvard visited Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen from Saturday until Monday. Scott Harrison of Chicago, who is em­ ployed in one of the offices of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, visited his mother Saturday and Sunday. Ringwood at last is the proud possessor of a meat market. _ Last Saturday Fred Thorne of Richmond opened 'hia doors for patronage. It is his intentions to carry a full asd choice line of fresh and salt meats. . :•> J. W. Cristy-was called to Los Ange­ les, Cal., cn Friday on account of the death of his sisters, Mrs. Wakefield and Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Cri9ty intends to have the bodies shipped to Massachu­ setts, where they will be interred at their last place of residence. . La Grippe Quickly Cured. "In tho winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with' a severe attack of what is called La Grippe," says F. L Hewitt, a prominent druggist of Win- field, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.- It broke np the cold and stopped the coughing like magicf and l have never since been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a cold and ward off any threatened attack of pheumonia. It is pleasant to tarire, too, which makes it the most de­ sirable and one of the most popular preparations in nse for these ailmentB. For sale by Jnlia A. Story and G. W. Bealey. EMERALD PARK. Miss Mabel Doherty spent Wednesday with Miss Sutton.. R. J. Walsh of Nunda called on] friends here Sunday. Miss Mary Parsley of Barrevilte visited Mrs. Ed. Sutton Wednesday. Mike Kenealy of Chicago visited his sister, Mnt. Ed. Sutton, Sunday. Misfe Minnie Knox of McHenry spent a couple of days last week at W. Bol­ ter's. Misses Annie Fleming and Mayme Knox spent Wednesday evening at J. B. Fiisby's. Mr. and Mra. Jay Doherty of Hocom- ville were visiting at R. J. Sutton's Wednesday. Mesdames Thos. Burke and Schaefer of McHenry visited • Mrs. J. B. Frisby one day last week. Miss Kathryn Walsh returned to her home Saturday after spending a couple of weeks in Nunda. Messrs. Elmer Francisco and Lynn Cristy and Miss Mildred Stevens of Mc­ Henry visited Miss Knox's school Friday afternoon. • Miss Rose Parsley and John Parsley of Barreville and Miss Philips of South Dakota were visitors at Ed. Sutton's Sunday afternoon. Miss Mayme Costello of Elgin spent a couple of days last week with her grand­ parents here, her brother Robert return ing to Elgin with her. About 80 of the young friends of Miss May and Mike Sutton planned a fare well surprise on them at their home Monday evening, March, 8. Games were played and refreshments served, after which all departed wishing them a pleasant trip to their new home in South Dakota. A pleasant evening was en­ joyed by those present. Pneumonia Can be Prevented. This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Cham­ berlain 's Cough Remedy. This remedy was extensively used during the epi demies of la grippe' of. the past few years, and not a single case has ever been reported that did not recover or that resulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. For sale by Jnlia A. Story and G. W. Besley. HABREVILLE. J. J. Hunter was in Chicago Friday. Earnest Hill called at Chas. Durkee's Thursday. Geo. Shales of Nunda is working for A. T. Wingate. * Mrs. V. C. Goodwin returned to her home in Elgin Wednesday. Miss Ada Phillips of South Dakota is visiting with relatives here. C. T. Matthews bought a horse at Gil­ bert Station one day last week. Walter McMillan of Sharori; Wis., vis­ ited at John J. Hunter's last week. Earnest Hill will work for Wm. Kel­ ler at Prairie Grove the coming year. E. C. Jewett and Frank Jackman of. Woodstock were business callers here Monday. John A. Parsley retnrned Wednesday from a three weeks' visit with relatives in South Dakota Chas. Gibbs intends to go to-Soutfi Dakota with Edward Sutton and family, who have purchased a farm there. A number from here attended a sur­ prise party on Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sutton near McHenry Monday evening. James McNish has been in Nunda the pa*t week caring for her sister. Miss ictoria Connell, who is very ill with inenmonia. . tow. Dr. Dawson Of Wauponda was a Yolo caller Sunday. Mr. mid Mrs. John Rosing were in McHenry on business Saturday. .i C. G. Huson spent the latter part of the week with friends in Waukegan. A. J. Raymond attended the supervi­ sors meeting in Waukegan this week. Hereafter there will be services in the M. E. church Sunday evenings con­ ducted by the Epworth League. Fred Converse came from his home in South Dakota Saturday to spend the summer with his sister, Mrs. Joseph Vogt One of William Coseman's little children ""was quite severely burned Son- day. Dr. Rossdeutscher was called, but the child died Monday. Those moving from this vicinity are John Dowe who h;is rented a farm near Wamxmda and Joseph Vogt who has rented H. Gilbert's farm. Our little village was somewhat alarmed Friday morning when it was discovered that robbers had stolen a horse and buggy belonging to John Dowe, entered the meat market, stole all the money in the money draper, then entered John Rosing's store and took, many things from there. The horse and buggy were found in Barring- ton Saturday but no trace of the robbe*» has been found. Covering :";fdr -PI e- ? MM U and ;! «Beastg r,5fcfr Lit Relies and ilorse Bluets a subject we are harping on just now. - We know a number of people who would , %uy both if they fully realized the excellent Values we offer. Come and look at the Plush Robes at $3.50 and our $I.S0 Horse Blanket* TheyH start you thinking. ' ̂ ̂ :SBfflrjQUS. "CARLSON M: Danger of Cold* and La Grippe The greatest possible danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pheumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoid-, ed. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseas­ es, we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in phneumonia, which shows conclucively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treat­ ment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For Sale by Julia A. Story, and G. W. Bealey. , JOHN&BCROH. Jacob Meyers made a business trip to Elgin Friday. Many from here attehded the caucus at McHenry Saturday. George Shaid and family of Volo vis­ ited relatives here Sunday. . John S. Freund and wife entertained friends and relatives Sunday. Miss Helen Schumacher of Racine is visiting relatives here at present. C. M. Adams sold his farm of 78 acres to Martin F, Smith for $90 an acre. Cris Braemer and wife of Chicago visited relatives and friends here Sun­ day. Hubert Klapperich returned Friday from Texas where he expects to buy land. Math Ganger ifc tearing down his 'old house. He will erect a new one in its place. Mrs. Scheid returned Saturday after visiting several weeks with relatives and friends in Chicago. Now's the time, spring time. Take Rocky Mountain Tea; keeps the whole family well. A great medicine for spring tiredness. 85 cts. G. W. Besley. WACCONDA. Z. H. Osmun of Nunda was hereMon day. Jack Taggart has moved into the old meat market building. Miss Lola Turnbull, who hqp been on the sick list for the past week, is re­ covering. Mrs. John Mullen, who has been vis­ iting relatives in Chicago, returned home Monday. Messrs. E. W. Brooks, George Glynch and J. W. Torrance went to Waukegan Monday to do jury service. M. S. Ford and daughter, Lida, who have Bpent several months jn Atlanta, Georgia, returned to our village Mon­ day. Dr. J. S. Reynolds of Chicago is again OSTEND. A. Amborn was at McHenry Sun- |N» T Surgeon'* Knife Not Needed. Surgery is no louger necessary to cure pile*. DeWitt's Witch Ha2el Salve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex­ pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wonnds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it is unequaled. Beware of counterfeits. Jnlia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, "•r among old-friends. Dr. Reynolds is a veternary surgeon and has praceioed* here for many years. Al. Jones and family moved to ihe farm recently vacated by E. W. Cooke. Mr. Cooke moved to the Rummel farm vwhich he has just purchased. Clarence Goodiioh, who has been em ployed by- Wm. Clough for the past year, started Monday morning for North Dakato. He intends to spend a year there with relatives. The McHenry Dramatic company, who were to give a play here Saturday even­ ing, failed to come on account of bad weather. Many people regret this as the drama "The Convict's Daughter" given by them some time ago was well played. € Members of Che M. W. A. and R/N. A. will give a drama Saturday evening, March 8, in the Woodmen hall entitled Woodmen's Wives" or "What Insur­ ance did for Melvina." Admission 26c, reserved seats, 85c, children, 15a Every­ body come and encourrge home talent. A surprise party was given on Miss Laura Harris Tuesday evening at the home of Will Harris. Progressive carom and blind reading were the amusements of the evening after which a fine supper was served. Those present were: Misses Marion Freeman, Dora Monroe, Lula Glynch, Ruby Cooke, Edith Brand, Orpha Darrel and Messrs. George Harris, Ed. Mills, E. Duers, George Jepson tmd Will Shaw. ' A gymnastic and literary club has just been organized and under the super­ visors of Rev. F. L. Lapham bids due to become a fine place of enjoyment. The 1st meeting was held Tuesday evening and the following officers elected: Elmer Duers, president; Chester Gold- ing, vice president; Leo Maiman, secre­ tary and Lee Brown, treasurer. The club occupy the room recently vacated by the girls' gym and social cluiy;* ' w. day. Robert Richardson was at Woodstock Monday. * - Quite a few tturned out to tbe caucus last Saturday. < , Mr. and Mra. B. garrison were at McHenry Monday. v ^ George Thomas and daughter, C&llie, were at MpHenry Monday. Warren Thomas and nephew, Elbert, were as McHenry Saturday. Misses Callie and Ella Thomas were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. Irish and family have moved from here to West McHenry. Ed. Wallace has a six-wheeled wagon employed in hauling timbers for his new barn. Mrs. Arthur Severs of West MoHenry was visiting at Mrs. Bernard Harrison's last Friday. We are informed that Chas. Dates will occuy the house recently vacated by Ed. Pierce. Mrs. Warren Thomas and son, Emil, are recovering from an attack of measles. The latter is nearly well. Robt. Carr and family have recently moved into the house vacatsd by Jos. Botts. They will ran the farm this year. How to Cure the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as direct­ ed and a quick recovery is sure to fol­ low. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to reenlt in pneu­ monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for the grip, not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. RIDOEFIKLD. E. B. Smith was in Woodstock Mon­ day. Miss Emma Eichkoff spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Lola Lynch viaited friends at Harvard Saturday. ' Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Shelt were in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Dessie Lyons of Chicago visited her parents Saturday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Roy, were in Woodstock Monday. T.J. Wells of Chicago was in this vicinity the first of the week. J. Still and Mr. Olmstead were in Woodstock on business Saturday. C. Hoy's cousin came out from Chi­ cago and spent Sunday with him. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant of Woodstock visited their parents here Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and children visited her daughter and sister at Woodstock Thursday. s Mrs. Cere Jayne and daughter, Irene, of Crystal Lake and Mrs. F. Jackman of Woodstock visited at W. H. Monroe's Tuesday and Wednesday. SPRING GROVE. Jessie Wingate was a visitor at D. Lichty's Monday. fJ Simon Stoffel of McHenry was a caller here last week. Miss Lucy Cary spent jifft of last week at Wilmot. Miss Ruth Overton of Solon was a vis­ itor here last week. Francis Jamee of Hebron spent Sun­ day with his parents here. Miss Alice Hastings is gaining in health and able to fide out Mr. Wooster of Solon paoved to the Cole tenant house Saturday John Carr and wife attended the mar­ riage of their son, Leon, in Chicago last week. Robert Godfrey will spend the coming week with his uncle, A. Richardson, in Wisconsin. Chase Cole and wife were called west Mondav by the serious illness of Mrs. Cole's sister. * Miss Myrtie Coquelette of Richmond spent last week with her sister, Mra. Selim Pierce. W. C. Moss, Selim Pierce and E. Orris were delegates to the county convention at Woodstock Tuesday. Peter Nelson has moved from the Peter Bower place to Henry Wheeler's fairm in the Washington district Blaster will be observed by the M. E. Sunday school by a cantata given by the Sunday school entitled "Life's Morn­ ing." All are urged to be present. It will be given in the evening at the usual hour of service. In last week's issue we omitted to men­ tion the fine time the young people en­ joyed as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Colby Thursday evening, February 20, it being the 18th anniven^ryx>f their son Ralph's birthday. Wm. Watts is receiving a large amount of lumber and is placing Otto Hesse's and Lewis Nulks' on their respective lots. He also received an order for the lumber for W. Monear's new house that he will build in Solon. The play entitled " Wives of the Wood­ men" or "What the Woodmen did for Melvina" was given to an appreciative audience last Friday evening. Though a very Btormy evening the receipts were $14 and at the urgent request of many will be repeated next Friday evening. iA -- Rocky Mountain Tea taken now will keep the whole family welL If it fails, it backhand get yottr cash. 85 etas. I Hosiery Sale | Of a most extraordinary effect for your benefit | & $ IOC. for Wool or fleeced 'fill sold. We also in­ clude our "Bl^ck Cat" brand lor Ladies dor* next Saturday at the same price, ; * j - ^ • . /. v., Allc|OV The Shoe Sale wil continue ' ' ' ' - 'i V:;. • during >1 A ' 'ii /^J^CUSTOM 5HAPES v weeki.%;v.^ , II I. • \ 1 :,v| "A1- • >,* -.0% m f HILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant Stall 1 & 8, FultoirBt. Wholesale Market ^W1 ebfcaso* Illinois Special attention given to the sjOe. of , jDressed Beef,, rtutton , Hogs, Veal, Poultry • ^llldes, Etc. ... . Butter and Ens ' >.«/ This is the oldest hon8e< on the street Tags and price lists , \ furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE S»«S«NM««MM•••#•••«HM IMIIllll -•;rn i i WASTONISHING.OFFER!! CEngEO whiskey For many years WabaTtaoMoarWfcUklM and Ctfu* to WfeoU**l«raoelj and oar brand saroprefotrod bjrlhom, as they are superior to ail others. Id 4 erder to fiva the Consumer the benefit of tho tary* profits of Dealer and Middleman, we hare decided to now sell direct to tha Consumer our BmI PeMlar BraaAs of Whiskies and Clears at lass than wholt^le prlccs. 14 BFiUTIPUL PBIIEt PBEE With «r»ry quirtflMtU of our h»ini W 7--r wtt <>»»-- atjCU*i r»r»By« »iid on* box of onr justly nhbrtlid fnih* CmWa lut-iwl lU ilM •anu CaWa SfMlmU,w« will «<vo AMOUTRLT HtBI ona of tho hand- •omoct op»n faca, aitra haavT nlckal tal'i Wate boa madt.naa Mpl Maa wind ana aat, (aonlno Amorlean nmonl aad COM, baat tUaakaapar « aarth. dow not taralih and will last a llfatfa*. 1 aztri Ma Vhona Maor-•ehaum Piaa, 1 (unina Naarachava Cigar Boldar, 1 (main* lamtUia i Holdar, 1 p ratty loathar Tobaoeo powk, 1 alacast axtr* lui nlckal match hox,l pair paarl caff buttona, 1 hall top oollar bntton. 1 nttk- 1 JawalrV haaTily 14k fold platad. All theaa 14 ploeaa with oaabo* of oni moos Cuban Spoeials and ana mart tiittlaof ottliw Wyarold ftmi tr dab Fvra Rya cannot ha boafkl far laaa than ttl.W. Wa a^ltha tla holdar, I pair slaara battoaa, t doobla ehaln and ana boautifnl «h*m. Ml JawalrV fa moos Cub City Clab Para kyaeansotbaboafkl far I Whlakoy and a«ara W •• M C O. D. with pTMtanof a* cludln(thal4prisaaforVlllaV HlvlnlutiM, while Whlatay anddt*rsalsnocoatBoraUiaawaaakfa*eMaatiralot OnWIkhrli an AhaalaUlyrara IQyaar aWKja and oar Wpw liaalai Wn In*-•a*a.alaar >»nM,Bada to oat own factory. Thaaa clfara ara far bottat han anythfnc «v«r adrartlaad bofora Wa O--raalaa fta|iilita«nwM a *l" • ••••_ m wananymintavaraavamaMDorora. <ia --iiaasaa mi|m»ii»wi mmtmgmm Uaxafyiraat I An btrm Pranlna of an olacant rocko* knlfa wtlh two Madaa, I aarft-aaraar, 1 •a rapraaaatad. inKE i (taaaeattar, If «i tT Is aaat tn adranoa wHh ordar. Oaada aaat ia Hate.** wholeaala Prloa Lid* of Uqnon and Clnra. lnpoulUi a v. s. DisxamibuxBtBoxiNa co.-»«pt. Ordac t»daj. XL, est North Clark St, Ohlnpt,ia & Save •• - v Your • Dollars Gentlemen, call in and you will see the most beautiful Sample Cloths for Suitings Clothes will be spunged and made up by Journeyman Union Tailors in first-class style. E. LAWLUS, TAILOR. flEATS I Fresh 5alt and Smoked. f;. Vegetables and Fruit in Season v" Having 14 purchased the West Side- Market of F. Wafc- ties, it is my intention ^ to give all customers the? best service possible. I pa spot cash for hides, poultry ^ and stock of all kinds, thas paying the low-; eet prices, ai will sell on the same •-;i,;' basis. ¥5 * y 11'^- McHENRY COUNTY ABSfRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank. Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con- vcviiiiciiitf. Money to Iohii on rosl festsW in sums of iSoo u> ©0,000, time and i»ayment to suit uorrowor. Chicago & North-Western. Effective September K. 1861. VEKK DAY THA 11*8. NOBTH BOUND M^/SfinPV Ohloitgo. , M«S,l5SnPy" 7 25 u m Via Kljrin 10.00 a in m*)it at Via Des I'lalnes 10.00 a m .. Via Dos l'laiam 5.00 p m Via Eliiin 6.47 p m .. Via I>t's PUiines 5.47 p m SUNDAY TttAUIS. Via Elgin lU4am ..Via I>es I'lai VUEIkIU, WUK DAY TRAIIIS. SOUTH BOUND. c^eago. Via IK-s tMuln<W tf.30 it ni .Via Klgin..' 10.10am k>s Plainer. 9.30 a m ElK'in 5.45 p m p oi, 4.00 p m.. 5.01 p m.. S.45 a m.. 9.10 am.. 2.ttt p m.. iaw:::::::;nj4am MDpm Leard Mcilearj ;.;c a m.. r.asa a.. S.^ta ill.. a.07 p m.. tSSS;:: Fan Maa af (Mk Fbk at aU Ua^a ittring the cold weather/ * A. C. flATTHEWS, ^ McHenry. * West McHenry ̂ ila ' * -w-v tern • v, •7'W i'V Kodol Dyspepsia Curt Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of tt> digestants and digests all ktnae Of food. It gives instant relidfaroiWVtC fails to cure. It allows jou to set all the food you want. The iaofitlMlittie stomachs can take its itSQSei thousauds of djspeptios ha've. cured after everything Slfl onequulled for tho storau ren with weak stomachs i First dose relieves. A diet Cures all sti Pr^gir^ <1 on I y Julia A. tjtorjr aa4 U • J _ Peteech's headache powder*.'

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