^F^" \'%./'-r;w4"'--v^ **"?" &K *-'-'-r-:is Z^*"*:"•-*•• ^ "T'^~ :';>V *:£i':j^-:' .." : '-*• •:;':? ^ ;-\'V/v>A 5;Vv;i,' L^^:^v'•: >':;:riit'^;' i.:; ."' ~"^:^l£^;;.^- \"rt~"'-' • -U "' ""' . , '-; ;' : ie McHenry Ptaintfealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MdftflRY PLAINDEALFR COMPANY. F, K. OBAMQBB. W. A. CBISTT, J. B. PXRRT, Pres. Sec. Treas. CHAS. D. SCHOONMAKER, Editor. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year fl.60 Six months, 75 cts. Three mouths. 40 cts Thursday, March 37, 190a. CORPORATION CAVCrs. The legal voters of the village of Mc- Henry are requested to meet at the vil lage hall on Saturday, March 29, 1902, at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the offices of president board of trustees, three trustees and village clerk and to transact such other business as may properly come before them. CORPORATION COMMITTEE. Annual Town Meeting and Election. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters, residents of the town of Mc Henry, county of McHenry, Illinois, that the annual town meeting and election of officers of said town will take place Tuesday, the,J»t day of ipril, proximo, being~tEe first Tuesday In said month. The election will be held in the following places, viz: First district, congregational church, Ring- wood, 111. Second district, village hall, McHenry, Til. The officers to be elected are: ̂ One town clerk, one assessor, one collector, one commissioner of high ways. The town meeting will open in the village hall, McHenry, at the hour of two p. m. and after choosing a moderator will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropri ate money to defray the necessary ex penses of the town, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meet ing. Polls will be open at 7 o'clock a. an., and close at 5 o'clock p. m. Given under my hand this Jffth day of March, A. D., 1902. CHAS. B. HARMSEN, Town Clerk. SHALL the new bridge be paid for by special assessment or shall the money oome out of the regular corporation fnnds? This is the question to be settled by the new board of trustees, and three new members will be nomi nated next Saturday. ' ON the twentieth of May Cuba will be- flOme an independent government. All kail little Cuba! May her path be Strewn with roses is the wish of every trne American citizen. But she, like all free countries in their infancy, has a stormy sea over which to sail her ship • of state. And many times she will wish herself comfortably tucked away ill one of Uncle Sam'« vest pockets. WHY THEY FAVOR HOPKINS. Even the opposition newspapers were oompelled to admit that Congressman Hopkins was given a most cordial and enthusiastic indorsement by the Repub licans of his own county at the Kane county convention. That body unani mously indorsed his candidacy for the United States senatoiship. It instruct ed the three Republican members from that district to vote for his nomination and election, and it passed a resolution authorizing him to appoint the thirty delegates from Kane county to the state convention. In another resolution adopted unanimously the convention gave the following substantial and satis factory reasons for favoring the eleva tion of Mr. Hopkins to the United States senate: Resolved, that we heartily endorse the candidacy of Hon. A. J. Hopkins for the position of United States senator from this state. He has been our rep- ; resentative in congress for more than sixteen years passed. His record dur ing that period has been a source of pride to the Republicans of this con gressional district. He has carefully guarded and looked after the interests of his constituents, and of the state and county as well. By his faithful and efficient service he has made a Same which is not only creditable to himself, but an honor to his constituents. Be is a native of this state, an able law yer, an earnest advocate and an honest and upright legislator. His long service in the house of representatives has especially qualified him for the position of United States senator, and in com mending him to the people of Illinois for this position we are endorsing a man whose character, ability and experience will reflect credit upon the state in that great legislative body.--State Journal. -^<~Tax Books Are Returned. Richmond Gazette: The office of the oounty treasurer at Woodstock has been a busy place for the past week or ten days, the tax collectors having returned t their books. The last one was turned in Tuesday and we are indebted to Guy XL Still, the efficient deputy treasurer, .tor the following tigures, giving the levy for each town and the amount of 'delinquent tax returned . WOUUHTOOK. Horse sale Wednesday, April 9. Township election next Tuesday. City caucus at the city hall Saturday evening. Wm. Wollayer ia now clerking at B. S. Austin's store. Judge O. H. Gillmore spent the latter part of last week in Dakota. Loren Woodard of Marengo was in this city on business Monday. Ladies' Easter ball in Murphy's hall on Monday evening, March 81. Wm. Cook of Chicago spent Sunday at his old home in Seneca township. Edward Nelson spent the latter part of last week with friends in Chicago. Frank Sweeney of Hartland has ac cepted a position with J. D. Donovan. Excavating for the new building on Main street was commenced last week. Jerry Quinlan of Chicago spent Sun day with his mother and sisters in this city. Alderman A. J. Cannon spent Satur day and Sunday with his family in this city. Miss Edith Aastin was the guest of relatives in Chicago the first of the week. A- P. Lymburner came from Morris, 111., to spend Sunday with his family in this city. . N. R. Buckley of Clinton Junction, Wis., called on friends here briefly on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Clancy and son visited relatives and friends in Chicago this week. The Guards' dance on Thursday even ing, April 3, will be the event of the coming month. Mrs. M. Wurtzinger returned Sunday from a month's visit with relatives and friends in Iowa. Charles Pose of Chicago spent Satur day and Sunday with his brother and sister in this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDowell were called to Toledo, Ohio, last week by the death of her father. Capt. C. H. Tryon was called to Big' Foot on Monday to do surveying for parties at that place. School closed on Wednesday for the spring vacation and will open for the new term next Monday. Attorney D. T. Smiley spent the lat ter part of last week at Pistakee Bay on a hunting expedition. P. B. Huganout of Chicago jvas here the latter part of last week to look at farm lands in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dill left on Mon day last for Lincoln, Neb., where they will make their future home. George and Fred Wiedrich and John Oleson of Richmond township were here on business last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bayrd and two children of Greenwood township are yisiting with relatives in Chicago. Malte Schwabe's new building on Benton street is nearly completed and will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wilson left the first of the week for Carlton, HI., where they will make their future home. Mrs. Thos. Green, while in a demen ted condition, on Saturday night wan dered up the railroad track west of town: was struck by a train and instant ly killed. The Vice of Nagging Clouds the happiness of the home but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melahcholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used it, and be come healthy and happy. Try it. Only 50c. Julia A. Story guarantees satis faction. C. F. Hall Co., Dundee. Latest creations in ladies' hats. Mil linery opening this week. 500 ladies' silk Waists at f 1.29 each. 2,000 ladies' dress and walking skirts at $1.98, $2.49 and $8.98. A new line of corsets, black, white and drab, 98c value, at 49c. Silk clippings 5c per paper sack full. Fancy trimming braids lc per yd. Children's Ribbed hose, sizes 5i to 9^, 7c. Victoria crochet cotton, lc per ball. Ladies' very fancy hdkfs, 10c. All silk ribbons, num bers 9, 12 and 16, 5c per yd. 5 000 yds. fancy laces 5, 4 and 8c per yd. Best apron Ginghams 5Jc per yd. Women's ribbed top hose, 25c value, 10c. Her kimer county cream cheese 15c per lb. XXXX coffee 9jc per lb. Choice evapo&ted apples 12c per lb. Car fare both ways refunded if you trade $10.00 and show round trip ticket. Now's the time, spring time. Take Rocky Mountain Tea; keeps the whole family well. A great medicine for spring tiredness. 35 cts. G.W. Besley st Snaps * t $ We have not purchased a new stock of wall paper this spring, as it is our intention to close out everything in that line. We have many "beautiful designs of the better grade of paper which will be sold at cheap-grade prices. Of course the line is broken, but you may find just what you want and the prices will please you. Call early and make a selec tion. It will be to your interest. Remember the bes tglrades at prices you have been pay ing for t>ie cheap. Timothy and Clover Seeds! and Clover Seed of the very best which you can secure in any We have Timothy quantity. West McMenry, 111. Simon Stoffel. Want Column. TpOR SALE-A typewriter, cheap; callgrnph in porffM't condition. Dacy Lumber Co., Woodstock. 111. 3S-2s« tjX)li SALE--Cottage. furnished or unfur- ^ niched, at Pistakee Bay. xltuuted be tween Bald Knob and Koht. SehiOssle's cot tage. Apply to Mrs. I'aul Uerding, 42 St "'luce. C" Jai i ies I ' 'liic-ago, 111. 32 tf fj>OH SALE--Choice building lots in Hanly's second addition to McHeury. Iuquire of Hanly BIDS. 34-3UI* ARM l'\)R KENT < '(insisting of 175 acres. iVpply at Bank of Mcllenry* 37tf. F "C>OK SALE -Estey organ, in excellent re- -1- pair. Will be sold at very reasonable price. Inquire of MRS. .IN.IA BISHOP. 3tt-3t* LOST--Bet ween John Stoffel'»residence and the Park Hotel, a brown pocket book, containing a trifle over a dollar. Kinder please leave at this office. 'M;'- /Marengo.. J)unham... Alden * Hartland $•.»>* Seneca ,. "'Coral ' Grafton Dorr ; * Greenwood. . ••^"Hebron ^Richmond.. jBuvtoa ^'gcHeoiy... ;:/v JNundft Algonquin.. *v* * sfS m Levy. Del. I 6933 83 % 161 47 247U4 60 927 23 6225 79 78 SO . 28321 68 546 <;u 8484 81 31 6842 19 355 74 8717 14 291 25 . 8877 48 219 63 11802 22 822 47 80788 26 1595 •> . 8214 38 212 22 . 11794 38 448 t i f i . 98*0 31 68 <;•» . 2639 51 41 . 17231 13 998 t>2 . 15888 49 1874 54 . 19798 28 808 11 Rocky Mountain Tea taken now will Jkeep the whole family well. If it fails, . .bring it back and get your cash. 85cts. W. Besley. if. r. fag • fr CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the gignature of w • » i;-.: ' *$/>'• I Coughed " 1 had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured." R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cureineverydrop. Three sizes ; 25c., 5k., $1. All dragfists. Consult your doctor. If be say* tuk<- i t . then do as be says . I f l ie t e l l s you no t to take It. thnn don't talce It. He known. Leave it with him. We arc wil l ing. J. C. AVKli CO.. Lowell. Mai*. F°K Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to So. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, And to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writ ing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. SA LE-AlK)nt 7 or h tons of clover and timothy hay. Inquire of WM. MtTStiiiovE. 3»-2t* Homo of Swamp-Root . WAVCONDA. L. E. Golding is visiting his parents of this village. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Daers spent Fri day in Chicago. F. C. Taggart of Waukegan spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Asel Stevens of Wau kegan are visiting with friends and rel atives here. Nearly all our sportsmen are shooting fish now days and some fine pickerel have been shot. Andrew Blanck is now the night watch, Geo. Hapke having resigned his position some time ago. Misses Avis Cooke and Lida Ford re turned from Chicago Monday after spending a few days with friends. George Harrh%^'ho has been employed by M. W. Hughes\in the hardware busi ness has decided lo learn the baker trade and will go to Richmond the first of April. He is now taking a short va cation. A drama entitled "The Danger Signal" will be given by the pupils of the high school Friday evening, April 4. There will also be a flag drill by the pupils of Miss Green's room. Full cast of charac ter next week. Sunday evening Will Huson of Volo discovered two men asleep in bis barn. His suspicions became arouse i and Monday morning he secured a constable and had them flrrested. On their per sons was found a gnn and large chisel and in the road a file, drills, fuse and* explosive of some kind. They now oc cupy the cells of the calaboose. A hearing was given them Monday after noon by E. W. Brooks and they will be held until further word is heard from Waukegan. PlanoR at a Great Reduction. Chicago's leading music house, Lyon & Healy, has just bought for a fraction of their usual cost, the surplus stock of several Eastern piano manufacturers. These splendid pianos will be offered without reserve until all are sold. Also they offer a wareroom full of slightly- used and second-hand pianos, including instruments of the following well- known makes: Sterling, Huntington, Chase, Vose, Fischer, Webor, Chicker- ing, Steinway, Knabe, Hardman, Kurtzman, New England, etc., etc. In Square Pianos there fine-toned in struments of all the leading makes at $25, $40, $60, and upwards. In Upright pianos neat instruments at $100, $130, $140, $150, $165, $100, $200, and up wards. In Parlor and Concert Grands some nice specimens at $250, and up wards. Nearly all these pianos were intended to sell for much more than these sale prices. This is an opportun ity that will not occur again. Immedi ate attention is therefore neceseflfry. Lyon & Healy will send a list and full particulars upon application. Any piano not proving entirely satisfactory may be returned at their expense. Ad dress simply, Lyon & Healy, Chicago. Distance is no obstable in taking ad vantage of this remarkable chaqce to obtain a piano, for, in proportion to the savings to be made, the freight charges are insignificant. Write t^o-dar. La Grippe Quickly Cured. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe," says F. L. Hewitt, a prominent druggist of Win- field, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a cold and ward off any threatened attack of pheumonia. It is pleasant to ta><e, too, which makes it the most de sirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailments For sale by Jnlia A. Story and Q. W. Besley. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25"cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. G. W. BESLEY AND J^LIA A. STOTY. May 21. _v O A S T O T t T A . Bam th» _/} Tto Kind You Have Always Bought r F R O M ey's picture tin tags, root Str. tso ta es A L S O S.SOO TASS. F R O M tags. SO TAGS. 25 TAG* 90 T4*S, KAZO# ST/fOf* TOOl MK0U ami raoa. €0 rAoS 14-0 TAGS. fQJt ft tic cur r$§AC€9. turret* tprAcs. 2.000 TAGS $(/*A* &*£U w*0Ol*S . €9 MS. m SAir AXO *£**£* 9tr. J T*C4. TAPi MfASVJff, K\SO/Wtr 0U0$(* rotten ro? °t'j* rcsAceo 20 TAGS. trim wmo sgr. SPLrr&AMBQQ FJSNiNG J1QD 24-0 TAGS, ftur s£r . siLve* platco vary tsoe rac 3 FOR 10 CENTS eo mss. «m rsas fQunrA/N PC* MATCH BOX 85 TAG*. &TA43 exttos srr 200 TASS TAGS AND'FLORODORA'BANDS ARE OF EQUAL VALLTE AWD MAY BE ASSORTED. ./ taucr. rtnrsAHOMHU. Our New Illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 includes many articles not shown here. It contains the most attractive bfet of Presents ever offered for Tags, and will be seut by mail on receipt of postage--two cents. Our offer of Presents tot Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 190a. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO. Write your name and address plainly oil outside of package containing Tags, and forward Tags by registered mail, or express prepaid Be sure to have your package securely wrapped, so that Tags will not be lost in transit. Sena Tags aud requests for PresetMs (also requests for C. Hy. BROWN} 4 2 4 1 Folsom Ave., St, Louis, Mo. mm IS TAS*. MAKUN MJ-iiillM suor GUN. &OOO. T* £3. f>7APl/,V M*CAZ'H£ MfU JO/jo CALMER. IfiOO TA6S. RtMINGrOK DOUBie-OARMll HAMMCHieSS SHOT CtM, JOOO F46S. frtfLl. iooo