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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1902, p. 5

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*flEATS ! Fresh Salt and ^ Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having f purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intentioD to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, th«R paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. HATTHEWS, McHenry. West McHenry. 1902 Crop 50 (ents d Bushel, (ash with ^very Load Pickles Be sure and contract your pickles with Stafford & Gold­ smith Co., as they were the first parties that paid 50c a bushel. Contract at once as we-will take only a limited number of acres. Make your contracts with, and get your seeds from John Buss, or at the following places: Bank of McHenry, McHenrj fel. West McHenry. I" McHenry, III., John P. rv, 111., Simon Stof- fel. West McHenry. III., M. J. Walsh, West Lay, Johnsburgh, III., W. C. Evfinson, West McHe ieiiry. 111. Miller. West McHenry, Ml.. J. E. Cristy. wood. 111.. C. M. Adams, Johnshurgh, 111 ohn J. King STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH West McHenry, 111. CO. CHARLES i FREII Wholesale and retail dealer In I am In the Market For Beef Veal Mutton Hoga and Poultry Qlve me • call and Smoked Meats, Sausdge Mchenry - Illinois AMERICA'S Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. News from all of the world--Well written, original stories--Answers to queries-- Articles on Health, the Home, New Books, and ou Work About the Farm and Garden. The Weekly Infer Ocean Is ajneniber of the Associated Press the only Western Newspaper re­ ceiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and syeclal cable of the New York World -dai ly reports from over 2.000 special correspondents throughout the country. Y E A R O N E D O L L A R Subscribe lor The Flalndealer and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both paper for »i.7S Very Low Kxcursiou Ratei to - • Denver, Colo., Via the North Western Una Excur­ sion tickets will be sold Jnue 22, 28, 24 and 85, with final rt tnrn limit nntil Oct. 81, inclusive, account International S. 8. Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jul 21 Slight injuries often disable a man and canne several days' loss of time and when blood poison develops, sometimes result in tbe loss of a hand or limb. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antiaep tic liniment. When applied to cuts, bruises and burna it causes them to heal quickly and without. maturation, and prevents any danger of blood poison. For sale by all druggists. Fancy Groceries Headquarters for Fire- Works and > Flags $ $ Lowest prices made on PRIVATE LAWN DISPLAYS $ Everything in the way | of Fourth of July | Goods from a 1 PENNY FIRE CRACKER to a 50 CENT SKY ROCKET Call in and get prices before stock is broken. HARPER PURE & MELLOW RICH & DELICATE All For sale liy Loading Dealers I Agent for the I Celebrated •*' International . Stock Food I Preventative I of I Hog Cholera Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Gprn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. Genenl Blicksmitlung Prkes ilwiys ReisoMWe p HILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant Stall 1 & 3. F ulton St. Wholesale Market Chicago, Tllitieis Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, riutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry j Hides, Etc. j Butter and Eggs j This is the oldest house on the street * Tags and price lists ' j furnished on application j COLD STORAGE FREE j NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE, CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 1 TOLO. Mrs.1 Grace Kir wan was a McHenry caller Wednesday. William Marble of Grayslake was a Volo caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Winkle of McHenry Snndayed at Chris Sable 's. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hertel of Fremont visited the latter's parents Sunday. Isabel Ringh of Fremont was the guest of Miss Celia Rosing Sunday. Claude Richardson of Elgin is spend­ ing a week's vacation with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garrison apd children of McHenry were Volo callers Sunday. Mrs. Susan Rosing of Kenosha, is vis­ iting friends and relatives in oar vicinity. Mrs. Sarah Gill and grand-daughter, Laura, of Chicago, spent the past week at Fish Lake. Mrs. Kretchmer and son, Frank, and daughter, Susie, of Grayslake visited at John Stadtfield's Sunday. Mrs. Chris Dillon and sister, . Miss Jessie Benwell, spent a part of the past week with friends in Elgin. Miss Lida Russell is spending her vacation at home after attending school in Waukegan the past year. The Catholic school closed Monday and owing to the rainy weather the picnic was held in the school room. Miss Bessie Clough of Wauconda spent several days of the past week with her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter, Marion, left for Vermont Tuesday morning where they will sDend several weeks with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Vogt of Long Lake, Mr. and Mrs. George Wicks of Grayslake and Mr and Mrs. Mat Glos- son Sundayed at Vogt 's. Misses Jennie Walton and Emma Molidor returned home Friday evening after spending the past week at the teachers' institute in Waukegan. Several from our village attended a surprise party on Rolland ToWnsend Monday evening. Games were ^ayed, ice cream and cake were served and all present report a very pleasant time. The following officers have been elect­ ed for the Sunday school the coming year: C. G. Huson, superintendent; Miss Jennie Walton, assistant superin­ tendent; William Dillon, treasurer, Ella Moore, secretary; Jennie Walton, organist. Communion services were held in the Catholic church Sunday. Those who took their first communion were Rose Dobner, Lizzie Molidor, Millie Miller. Lizzie Pfanestill, Anna Steindoerfer, Barbara Steindoerfer, John Ofling, Martin Weber, Frank Vogt, Willie Frost, Adolph Wagner. ALGONQUIN Henry Nihls visited at Dundee Sunday. Walter Helm is home from Williams Bay. Will Yerkes has been laid up for a week. Dr. Cleavand of Dnndee wfcfea caller Saturday. Mr. Fairchilds of Carpenterfeville was a caller Thursday. . "v Henry Keys of Woodstock TTM calling on friends Monday. Walter Carter came home Saturday from Williams Bay. Mr. McKey went to Chicago Sunday to see his wife and friends. Henry McGraw and Fred Keys were Cary callers Wednesday night. John W. Chewning and John Kelehan made a business trip to St. Charles Fri­ day. Misses Minnie and Emma Nickles spent Saturday night and Sunday at Dundee. John Jurs, Sr. left the factory Monday night and will go to Dundee to open up a saloon. Miss Minnie Carter commenced work at the Elgin Watch factory Friday morning. Mrs. Andrews has been spending a few days in the couniry with Mrs. Bratchler. Mr. McKey left the factory Tuesday night to accept a position as teamster for the B. (1 M. Co. in Chicago. Mrs. William Carter and Mrs. James Robbs attended the Odd Fellows picnic at Pottawatomie park, St. Charles. The B. C. M. Co. factory will take a holiday Friday as a large number want to attend the Odd Fellows picnic at Cary. RIDGEFIKLD. Miss Anna Morse was in Chicago Friday. F. Winegar was in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. R. Morse visited her sister at Elgin last week. W. Levey and Miss Etta Levey visited their brother here last week. Mrs. Keeler and son, Marvin, returned Tuesday from a short visit at Elgin. Mrs. Spaulding of Ringwood visited her son, F. Fay, and tamily Friday. Mrs. L. Simmons visited her sister at Chicago from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. S. Warnock and two children of Chicago visited at D. L. Gibson's Sun­ day. A number from here attended Ladies Aid Society at Mrs. Geo. Wood's at Nunda Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and daughter, Lois, visited his parents at Seneca Sat­ urday and Sunday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lockwood passed into the greater world beyond to be with its beloved master last Friday. The fnneral services were held from the bouse Sunday afternoon, Rev. Shelt officiating. Interment took place in the Greenwood cemetery. Excursion Kat«-» to I>ra Plttliiea Cump Meeting at De* Plainer, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion ticket* will be sold at reduced rates July 14 to :29, inclusive, limited to re­ turn until July 81, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. l-3t WAl'CODNA. • Geo. Parkin of Elgin is visiting with Riellv Hill. Miss Lola Hill of Chicago is visiting at R. Hill's. Ed Mills visited with friends in Mc Henry Sunday. Willie Turner of Grayslake is visiting with friends of this place. Miss Emma Matthews of McHenry is visiting Miss Jennie Brooks. Mrs. J. W. Torrence of Chicago is visiting at Mrs. F. L. Carr's. Mrs. Scraton and daughter, Eva, of Chicago are staying at B. K. Duers. Fred Baseley is employed in Charley Lamphere's livery barn at McHenry. V edder Stone and Miss Matther, daughter of Anthony Matther of this place were married last week. M. S. Ford has sold his interest in a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia and is now among friends of thiB place. Earle Harrison and Pearl Pratt of Chicago are enjoying Jtheir vacation this week. The former is employed at Marshall Field's and the latter at the Pennington Typewriter factory. The Wauconda Juniors defeated the Libertyville team on the home grounds last Thursday by a score of 14 to 11. The game was rather slow on account of lack of practice on both sides, Those who attended the Institute at Waukegan last week from here were Misses May Dailey, Florence Grace, Grace Mullen, Mary Freund, Estella Grace, Lilah Golding, Ethel Duers, Lillian Tidmarsh, Percy Davelin, Katie Freund and Jennie Sennot. Need More Help. Often the over-taxed organs of diges­ tion cry out for help by Dyspepsia's pains. Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. King's new Life Pills. They aregentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 25c at Julia A. tory 's drug storn. HABRKVII.I.K. Thos. Thompson was a Nunda caller Saturday. Gib Burnett of Griswold Lake vfas a Sunday caller here. Albert Martin of Chicago is working for Wm. Van Natta. Wm. Thybony of Chicago spent Sun­ day with relatives here. Miss Lena Church spent Friday after­ noon with Miss Clara Thompson. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James McNish Tuesday, June 24. V. C. Goodwin of Elgin spent a few days last week with relatives here. Dr. an<l Mrs H. F Be»be of McHenry were driving on our streets Tuesday. Earnest W. Thybony of Chicago will spend the summer with Henry Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Campbell of Nunda called on relatives here recently. Mrs. Lee Lockwood of Chicago is vis­ iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby. Miss Bessie Baboock of Prairie Grove spent Snnday with" Miss Isabelle Mat­ thews. Mr. and M.-a Chas. T. Matthews x>f l'rairie <-trove spent Sunday afternoon at J. Fleming's. Misses Elsie and Florence Howe of McHenry were calling in this vicinity Monday afternoon. Mrs. L. A Trezise returned to Chi­ cago Sunday evening after spending a week at Thos. Thompson's. Ed. Fleming returned to his work in Chicago Monday after a week's visit with friends and relatives here. About eighteen months ago Mr. W. S. Manning, of Albany, N. Y., widely known in trade circles asthe representa­ tive of the Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a protracted attack of diarrhoea. "I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," he eays, "and obtained immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend this medicine to those similarly affected. Sold by all druggists. EMERALD PARK. D. W. Hill of Chicago Sundayed here. Mrs. Chas. Berkircher is spending this week in Chicago. Edwin Fleming of Chicago visited friends in this vicinity Sunday. Messrs. C. Bremer and J. A. Stark of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday here. Master Lawrence Huck of Chicago is spending the summer with his grand­ parents here. Thos. Kane and Misses May and Nellie Noonan of Ringwood called on friends here Sunday. Miss Margaret Walsh and Elmer Walsh of Chicago are spending a few weeks at ?. Walsh's. Miss Lizzie Glossen of McHenry spent a few days here last week with her friend, Miss Delia Bremer. W. K. Burns and family of Chicago came out to their summer home Satur­ day and will remain for the season. Chas. A Cohan of Chicago is out this week getting things ready for his folks, who will occupy the cottage the last of the week. Ed. Sutton left on Tuesday morning for South Dakota after & week's visit among friends here. He was accom­ panied by Jas. Gibbs. The ' Emeralds" played the Ringwood team Sunday on the home grounds and were defeated. The rain discouraged the boys, many of the best players giv­ ing up. The score being 31 to 30. Mrs. Jno. Powers and Mrs. W. C. Thiers and children came up from Elgin Saturday and will occupy the house ("Supothi Cottage") recently vacated bv Ed- Sutton, during the summer months. ^ I'<>Ui tli of July Excursion Itiiteu, Via the. North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at low rates to points on the North-Western System within 200 miles of welling station. July 8 and 4, good returning until July 7, inclusive. Apply t agents Chicago A: North-Western R'y. 51-8t WKETjl \ Be in Time 3a-: Don't wait until the horses lose fleeh befo>e giving them the pro- tection of FLY NETS Their cost is not high. We are sel'.ing ' hem at prices ranging from 75 cents to $3.50, full heavy cotton team nets, $2.5*> per pair; heaTy twisted cord nets, $3.00 per pair; russet nets, *1.15 each; black leather nets $1.75 each. These are of excellent quality and will wear well. McHenry and West McHenry. Bus. Carlson. Hall'x Ruyaltle Valuer. Lot of 2000 wash waists, samples and odd lots, less than half regular price*!, 49c, 69c, 98c. All wool walking skirts, 1500 to choose from atfl.49, $1.98, $2.25. SUITS. $3.95 buys a man s all wool serge lined suit, new up-to-date goods and colors. $5.00. $8.50 for regular $H and $10 suits. These are of the best makes, all wool, serge lined, and have rein­ forced collars and shoulders. We bought from the Mfg. Co. over 2000 suits for spot cash, see, compare, ex­ amine in every way, get other prices. PANTS. Lot of 600 prs. men's pants bought from a factory at less than the cost of the material we offer at 79c, 9bc and $1.29. WATCLL KOH IT. The Sam Kneller stock of Monroe, Wis., will be put on sale sometime this month. The stock invoiced at $20,000. We bought from the sheriff at 50c on the dollar. Former costs will not be considered. C. F. HALL CO Dundee, 111. C H U R C H E S , I ' M V E U S A M S T . F. W M II.I.K.R MJ. Walsh H. t\ Mtvtc Dr. M. T. Hrnwn Supt. of ^ Assistant .Wll.I . IMi Mrs. J atnos R. fVrr}- Mrs. F. RONS Mrs. W. A. Cristy. . I 'ASTOK President Clerk Treasurer 1 Mrs. Eu'.ina Phillip* W. A. Cristy WOHKEKS President Seo - t»tarv Treasurer Y. P. C. I: Miss Julia A. Story Miss Bernlece I'erry Jl 'NIOR Y P Mrs. Anna Hyrd Mrs. E. H. IViWIns Miss Irene MeOinhe] May Ileebe Kannle (irunner. Florence Criinier.. ,Services: Stated Sermon. Sutitay School. Y. I\ C. L' Junior V. P. C. I President . . . . . . S e c r e t a r y r Superintendent Asslstant'and Orf?at..M . I'reslc nt . . . . . Vice President Treasurer Secretary 10.^0 a tii 11 45 *i m 7.00 p tu 4.00 TORIA. (The Kind You Haw Always Bought o B«ara the Signature of WOODSTOCK. Horse sale next Wednesday. The session of tbe Rockford Chatau- qua Assembly will open on August 24. The Democratic congressional conven­ tion will be ht Id "ftt Aurora on Saturday, July 5. The Woodstock Guards will give a grand ball in the Armory Hall on Friday evening, Jnly 4. (*ood music. The "Olivers" and the* "Chicago Edgars" will play an exciting game at the fair grounds on the afternoon of July 4. The price of farm lands in this section of the county is soaring upwards and otters of sf(S0 per acre have been refused in severs! lr.-taiu <-K The bail game on Saturday afternoon between the "Olivers" and Lao "Joliet Spaniards" resulted in a victory for the former on a fcorp of 2 to 0. A continuous vaudeville | erforruance will be given at the Opera House on July 4, beginning at 1~ o'clock noon and continuing until 12 p. in. Rev. J. 13m traiu was installed as pas t >r of the German Lutheran church in l lis city last. Sunday. The service- < "re ini;ressiv.- n- < 1 in' and ; large congregation was present. L. Jessen now has a new deliyery wagon for his milk route which is a beauty. The top is nicely painted and lettered, and the outfit is an evidence that Mr. Jessen is doing a big business ()scar Oleson was taken seriously ill last week Friday evening and his con dition was serious for several days, but under the treatment of Dr. Windmiller he has almost entirely recovered from the illness. June was the coldest and wettest month known in years, and the rain of Sunday niglit was the heaviest of the season. Considerable damage resulted in lodging oats which iB just heading out and lodged oats will not fill properly. If a Man Lie to You, And say some other salve, ointment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns,- Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcere, Cuts, Scalds. Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the l>est and cheapest. 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Tough Floor. Mrs. Youngbride--I've come to com­ plain of thai flour you sent me. Grocer--What was tbe matter with It? Mrs. Youngbride--It was tough. I made a pie with It, nnd It was as much as my husband could do to cut it.-- Philadelphia Tress. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. S. W. Lauek. Pastor Preaching. Sunday 11:00 a. m. and h:00 p. in. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Prof. E. C. Fisher Superintendent Prayer Mooting, Wednesday, 7:00 r m. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. C. ColUy, ' President, Mrs. E. Wheeler. Seotetary. IWA Cordial invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Sunday services: Low Moss at S:00 a. m.; High Mass and Sermon at 10:00 a. m.; Sunday School at 2:00 u. m.; Vesper Services and Uen- edictlon at 2:30 p. m. REV. M. W. BAHTH, Pastor. ST. PATH ICR'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday Services at • a. rt.. and 10 a.. Vespers at 3 p. m.. Sunday School at 11:30 a. m. RKV. FATHICH O'NEII.. I'astor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, .Tohnshurp have services on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at a o'clock p. m. RKV. FATHER MICH RING. Pastor CEMETERY BOARD. The officers of the board of trustees follows: President. S. S. Chapell: Treasurer, (). N. Owen; Secretary, Uoht. Sherburne Address all communications to the secretary. Jnry Doty M He Foand It. **I hear you were on Jury duty all last week." "Yes." "Tedious, wasn't It?" "It certainly was trying.**--Philadel­ phia Record. Singular. "My entire clerical force went out on strike yesterday," said Bluffman. "That so?" replied the caustic man. 'What was his grievance?"--Philadel­ phia Tress. Portland Cement Delivered at McHenry at $2.50 per barrel. WM. BELL. l-'actory and .residence. No. V(9 nill Avenue Office, room 2. McBrlde hli)ck, Douirlus Are €LGIN, ILLINOIS Con«.ectf^ns CHICAGO MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL OMAHA NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA And 25,000 other points 1 perfect local service. Rates 5c ber liy CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Water thrown upon tco In the arctic regions will shiver It Just as boiling water breaks glass. This Is because the ice is so much colder than tbe wa­ ter. DON'T BE FOOLEDI Tcke tbf genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA ."iude only hv Rla^i >R Medk c -?e <V., /"ad son Wis. M k-jeps you .veil, i.'ur trad* ronrk cut on each package, r.i^. .x.iU. iVovir sol4 in bulk. Accept no sub«tt> SOMOMTIC '.HI tute. Ack your druggist* hus- Her Cooking. She--You say she won three bands by her cooking? Lie--Thafs what she did. "But how did she get rid of the hus­ bands after she won them?" "Oh, I believe her cooking had SoTiie- thlng to do with that too."--ilonkera Statesman. Tbe Motto That Salted. "It would be helpful to you," said the prison visitor, "if you could take gome motto and try to live up to it." "That's 1 ;ht," replied the convict "I'd like to select, for instance, 'We are here today and gone tomorrow.' " Flattery Is often a traffic of mutual meanness, - here, although both par­ ties intend deception, neither is de­ ceived.--Colton. P T&et thing ] Thest the baby is most like- | ly nervous, and fretful, and doesn't gain in weight. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the sigrnatnre of and has been made under his per­ son a 1 supervision since its inftuiey. Allow 110 one to deceive you in thlfb All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health olT Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment* What Is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverish 11 ess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Coustipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop* The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tbe Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought fin Use For Over 30 Years. : eCWTAUft OOtlMNV. ¥V tiTHEtT, NC, a gain from the start 9 Send for a fret sample, i SCOTT BOWNE. Chemists, S| 4 JOMIJ Pearl Street , New York. R " 50c. and |i 00; all druggists. • kit-* to t* * frC-C-C-tfr •*»*** ***•«*< Do You Paint? i If you do, bear In mind that we carry the beet brand of luaflj - mixed paints in the county. All colore and shade#--ready for the" brnsh. The beauty of these paints is that anyone that knowe enough to ply the brush can use them. We oarry a full line of Varnishes, Etc. which are>old>t .thepow eftjpossi blejprices. If yon want a Spring Tonicjcall on us! Ringwood, 111. BROWN & SON. Oils,

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