p - \ww ir* rw! r •iWss ^-W^ ' |?2y"'- ft • ••?;••••. (?. a ;'r4u. $2'- TO TAKE COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER is not so may, but when yon are dresssed in one of our Sum mer finite it helps yon a long way towards being at ease, ovtn in July and August weather. Our Mgp's Linen Suits at $3.10 give yon $5.00 worth of solid comfort Then we have some a little better for a kind of dress up in Bine Worsted, Striped and Plain Blue Serge Goods, (not lined.) They dress you as well as Tailor Made, and cost abont one-half as much. Hot Weather Suits for little fellows, ages.4 to 14, at 50C to $1*00* You should see then. The kind of Shoes we sell make you forget the old saying, "I hate to break in a new Shoe in Hot Weather." Try a pair of them now. We expect a • a of Flour every day, Jersey Eily * id f)ird tO Bc4rt, and it was bought on the right side of the Market too. Yours for Hot Weather Business, J O H N J . M I L L E R W E S T H c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S . waeBMoBO*-- Pldin and Shadowy facts DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES. MODERATE must be separated before the truth of some statements about clothing is reached, but ours can be accepted with out the proverbial grain or salt Oar MadetoMeasure Suits are just what we say they are, the best value obtainable. Garments made here are exquisitely cut and tailored and fit perfectly. Samples of our work may be seen on the best dressed men in town. John D. Lodtz To dive Value in all articles and all lines is the funda mental principle of our business. This covers all branches and is applied to the small things as well as the large. It's application to our stock of Druggist Sundries is particularly noticeable. The coet of these articles singly is really trifling, bat in the aggregate it amounts to consider able and we show how a saving can be effected. N.'H. Petesch, McHenry, 111. Druggist. * 1 We will slaughter prices on many lines of Summer Goods in order to move them out quickly. Such as Ladies' Shirt Waists, some 50c values, sale price 25c. Lawns and Dimities, Ladies' Wrappers in Lawns, Percales, all kinds of Straw Hats, Men's and Boy's Wool Hats in all colors and shapes, Boy's and Children's Caps, Oxfords and Slippers. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH £ m * s m + m * m m * * * * *» * m m * m m m m m m m m m + 5 * m m m m » i;;. AAAAAAl>AiLiLJLA .^.ja.xx JL JL M.. JL A. A. A. A. A. A I CLOSING ou r » ^SUMMER GOODS! To make room for the large Fall and Winter stock we will clon; out our entire stock of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices. As we have done in the past we still continue to lead them all in low girioes for first-class Goods. qnA^inm tpij jndgf for ynnwait Men's Suit*, dark colors, good wear ing clothes, worth from |6 to U Hen's dress pants, worth f5, closing out at 48.50 Men's Underwear, Shirt and Draw ers at 21c Men's Dress Shirts, worth 75c at.... -Ste Men's every day Shirts at a6c Men's Suspenders, per pair 10c Boy's Shirts, alien from 12 to 14 at.. .He Boy's and Youth's, Overalls, sices from 26 to 32, per pair 35c Children 's Stockings, sires 6% to »H at .. ioe Ladles' Gauze Underwear at JOr Mosquito Netting, per yd Fine lace, worth 'd% to 4c per yard. closing out at 2c Extra wide cream colored lace, worth 15 to 20c per y. rd, closing out at hc Embroidery, per yard *• Machine Thread, best @ 4c Lawns, per yard T%c Calicoes, worth 7cpar yasd i4 ?c Toweling, Muslin, OaliooM aodjOUig hams at very lowest prices. THE SAVINGS BANK, West McHenry. J. HURWITZ, Prop. Vour choice of.any Wrapper in tbt Roust for 75 formerly sold at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 S. S. Chapell, McHenry, 111. i BEAUTIFUL , PISTAKEE{ l a n d F O X R I V E R R E S O R T S j i I TO PRODUCE HARMONY. Plstakee Bay. The boat parade last Sunday was a grand sight, nearly all the yachts of the club being in line. There was a good breeze that made the sails stand out i» nice shape. In the regular race Saturday between the first class boats Harriet H. came in fi&t with Mavis second. In the second class Pistakee won; with Claribel second. Emily G. also entered the race but was disabled and could not finish. The illuminated parade Saturday eve ning was worth going miles to see and many people from a distance enjoyed the spectacle. About fifty boats were in line all beautifully lighted with or iental lanternB and other gay lights. After the boats were all in the club members and guests repaired to the club house where dancing was indulged in until a late hour. Trial races to decide upon a Pistakee representative at the regatta at Pewau- kee Lake were sailed last Wednesday and Thursday, Mavis winning both races, a surprise to eyeryone. Four races had been sailed to decide this matter and Harriet H. won put in three of them, breaking her tiller pin in the fourth. But it seems that the owner of Mavis was not satisfied and the two last races were arranged to fully de cide. The wind was not favorable for Harriet H. and she lost Mavis was sa iled by Anthony E. Seyel. 0 International Village. G. S. Magnusen and wife were visitors last week. Mrs. G. Hunter has been quite ill],the past week. Chas. Ritzel of Chicago spent Sunday at E. Hunter's. Mrs. Loletti was in Chicago a few days last week.J Mr. Anderson »nd family are sojourn ing at the Rosedale. Mr. and Mrs. Masson spent Sunday at the Pleasure Club Hotel. Mr. Scowe and family of Chicago will spend a month at the hotel. H. M. Jensen transacted business ip Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday. Paul Wickert of Chicago, spept Bpp- day with his family at the Hunter cot tage. In compliance with her physician's advice Mrs. C. Eskelsen has given up her summer hopie here and returned to Chicago. She fras beep jll ever since coming to the cottpgp, pwjpg to tf»p dampness. * ^ Bach's Hummer Resort. The last week was an exceptionally pleasant one to the guests at 3uch's Summer Resort. The fishing has beep a source of great pleasure to the guests at this resort. Win. Dippe and Chas. Zemke the veteran fishermen from Chi cago have probably been piore success ful than any other fisherpoefi. Among their catches have beep a bass weigh ing over five pounds, another weighing nearly four pounds apd quite a few two pounders. Harry P. Lippert will spend a few weeks looking after his farming interests. Among the late arrivals at this resort are the following: George H. Sunderlaye au4 wife, Miss Ida Sun- derlaye, Edwin R. jBoii#, Mias ftosie Boitz, Emil Noiian, A. p. Q$fpapyer, Wm. Dippe, Harry R. Lippert, H. Zemke, Hepry Lueck, Wm. Breyts- praak Ktvemide House. The Riverside has enjoyed a good run the past week and fishing has beep good. Several good fish being lauded by tfee guests. The following registered: P. Coepler and wife, Loais#, J©y, and Eliz abeth Boecher, Mrs. O, A. Thorp and family, Anna Milsen, William J. Bogan, Thos. T. O'Connell, John Bolder, R. Winger, N. J. Weil, R. W. Taylor and wife, H. M. Price, Geo. W. Eunieh and wife, all of Chicago; E. B. Losee, D. J. Olmstead, W. T. Karles and wife, of Woodstock; Geo. S. Foote, F. W. Mead, of Elgin; Geo. Hermann and wife, Waukegan; F. E. Blackmail, wife and mother and Jo* Willie, of Lake Bluff. Emerald Park E. J. Cohan spent Sunday at Green cottage. Wm'. Burns of Chicago Sundayed with his folks here. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. J. Condon went to Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blum are at the John Armstrong cottage. Mrs. Chas. Berkircher is spending this week with Chicago triende. Mr. and Mrs. Filmeton are entertain ing Chicago friends this week. Chas. Cohan leads in the weekly fish ing honors with a 4i pound bass. Miss Margaret Collins of Chicago is spending a few weeks at H. Degen's. Misses Ruth and Orrel Thiers re turned to their home in Elgin Saturday. C. Bremer of Chicago spent a pleasant Sunday with his family at "Oak Villa." Miss Carrie Pommerry of Chicago is spending a week at the Burns cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and J. B. Heaney spent Wednesday in Chicago. Misses Maud and Mayme Carey of Spring Grove visited Miss Mayme Knox Sunday. Mrs. Schaid of Johnsburgh is spend ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bremer. W. C. Thiers came up from Elgin Saturday and drove back accompanied by his wife Sunday. The Emeralds played the Ostend boys Sunday and were again victorious, the score being 11 to 10. Messrs. D. W. Hill and W. K. Burns of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with their families here. Mr. Mwa J R TPmcjHw atiil Mr and Mrs. Alley of Chicago spent Tues day at Jno. Walsh's at Fox Lake. Miss Margaret Aylward began work at H. Clemen's Monday after spending several months at her home here. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Her many friends are always glad to see her. Mr. Bremer's mother and sister re turned to their home in Chicago after a pleasant two weeks' visit at his summer home. Miss Nellie Noonan of Ringwood and Mise Lucy Noonap apd Thos. Noonap of Chicago wppe calling on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Pevosky returned to her home in Chicago Sunday evening after spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. C. Bremer. Miss Macie Dake, who has been visit- ipg the past week path Misses Appa frisby apd Mae Wplsh, returped to her home in Chicago Monday. Paul Armstrong and family of Chica go arrived at their sumnier home Satur day. Hff- Arpistropg returned to the city Monday leayipg hjs family here for the remainder of the season. In a spirited | mile boat race Friday afternoon Mr. Condon was defeated by J. p. Heaney. The exciting finish .evoked great applause. Mr. Condon was sfrofce oar at Harverd while there. fh« Mcfinnry Hou»p. The MpHenpry House is picking up some of ite old tipie business, many having enjoyed a short opting there the past week. Among them wpre: Rudolph Lipk and family, P. W. Maack, Johp Spjitfc, E. p. Mopor, Chas. Kessler, Os- Leyine, Pr. Richards, Paul Acke- mann. Br^edfteld, Chas. Voelker, Chas. M. Christopher, Harry H. Huff, E. C. Donald, A. Sterhler, Mrs. Wald- man, J. V. Sullivan, Harry Cushing, M. J. Cushing, Mrs. M. Shobaro, Jda Henroth, Nellie Richards, Mrs. WHUib, p. H. Cushing, Mrs. A. Cush ing, Johp Ko?HfP£, Dr. L. Magpert, Mrs. Chris Rejttyel ap4 chjldrpp, of Chi cago; C. Faplijmd, Grass Lake; H. Hall Ctorfc), Mjay^ood; A. 4. Tobias, New York; Q. P. Golfs, Elgin. Orpm, Jos. Masquelat spent a few days at the cottage the past waek> Miss Gertie Masquelet returned from her southern (rip last Saturday. The Jauseti family returned to Chica go this week after a pleasant outing. t'H., m Mis (Hjfrl pju-eatenad. "While picnicking lai*t jwonifc pjy 11- year-old boy was poisoned by some or plant," nays W. H. Dibble, of Sioux City, la. "He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid he would loose his sight. Finally a neighbor recommended De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him and in a few days he was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, insect bites, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of counterfeits. Julia Story, McHenry; Q. W- Besley, West Mf.Hanij Bids Wan tad Sealed bids will be received up to pjght o'clock p. in., September 1, 190.', Jtojr construction of about 10,000 feet of tar sidewalks ip th# village of Mc.- Henry. Plans apd specifications or any other information cap be obtained by calling on or addressing the undersigned. Bids received after stated time cannot be considered. It is the intention of the board to award the contract to the low est responsible bidder, but the right to reject any or all bids is reserved. S. S. CHAPELL, Chin. Sidewalk Com. Leave orders BITWRHV for ice cream at The Befall Coal Dealers In this Section Form an Organisation. Lake Geneva Herald: What is known as the Lake Geneva District Association of Retail Coal Dealers, was organized here on the 17th of July. It includes all the retail qoal dealers on the St. Paul road between Burlington and Darien; the dealers Detween William's Bay and McHenry; between Harvard and Genoa Junction on the Northwestern. The object is to produce harmony among the members, and keep the price of coal the same all over the district. Geo. W. Eldredge, of Richmond was chosen president, L. H. Haggart, of Lake Geneva, secretary. The first meeting of the association was held in Harvard yesterday. To My Friends. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for seveial months. Upon be ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and worda cannot tell the good it has done me A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it.--Geo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol digiests any good food you eat. Take a dose after meals. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. The Oriental Parades. A feature of the great Bostock-Ferari Mighty Midway is its Oriental parades about the show grounds, which never fail to please and interest everybody and invaribly proves a most potent in spiration to keep enthusiasm at blood heat. They are truly a dazgling, be wildering, soul-stirring spectacle of sun- bright radiance, pomp and glory. Huge elephants, harnessed with gold aurl jeweled trappings, sure-footed camels, g;iudy in the gay glean of the Syrian de sert; magnificient Arab steads that are as peerless specimens of horse flesh as their riders art-horsemen. The patient donkeys and their native Egyptian drivers; queer bands of Oriental nations, playing the (to them) inspiring strains of their national airs; jungle guides, hunters and warriors from India, Arabia, t eylon, Egypt, Malta, Java, Africa and the remotest recesses of the earth's forests and wildest lands; Roman •hariots, as were used in the days of Nero--all will be seen at the Elks Carni val at Elgin. Makes the fireg of life burn yrith a steady glow. Jiepewg the golden, hap py days of youth. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. Very Lo^r flatea to. Put-ln-Bay, Ohio, (on I>ake Erie, near S»ndfi»ky.) The North-Western Line will sell ex cursion tickets August 10 to 1$, inclus ive, (but not to reach Chicago or Mil waukee earlier than August 11, or later than August 14), limited to leave Put in-Bay not later than August 18, on ac count of KnightB of Columbus Outing. Apply to agents Chicago apd North- Western R'y, ^MEDFOROj MK-MMH k'Wiwnoi1 Constipation is nothing more , than a clogging of the bowels and nothing less than vital stag- n^tiqp or death if not relieved. If every cpnstipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his iiystem, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. {Ieadacbes, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear wnen consti pated bowels are relieved. Tlied- ford's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get the origi nal Thedford's Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold bvftU druggists in 25 cent and $1,00 packages; • Morgan, Ark., Mar 25, l#fll. 1 iminot rci onitiicnil Tlirufonl's Black- Pruiichl loolil^lilj. 1 keep It tu my huute nil the time ami have u*c<l It for (lie last ten yeurK, -V nuT«r gave niy children any other laxative, I think I rnijltl never be able to work without It ou account of being troubled wllh constipation. Your medicine Is , all that keep* «e ap. C. B. IcFABLAM). WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. V. 8. Department of Aerieulture Report Week Ending: Auguet 4, 1002. The weather during the past week has been warm, and generally fair and favorable for farm work, though light showers occurred over most of state and; heavy rams in a few localities. Having, harvesting and threshing have been pushed rapidly during the week and a great deal of this work has been accom plished. Considerable wheat has been threshed during the week. A good average yield continues to be turned out. In many localities of the central district the yield is very heavy. Oat harvest is well advanced in the northern district. In many places it has been completed and threshing has begun. In many fields the ground is so wet that the crop cannot be harvested, and it will probably be lost. The average yield, howeyer, will be good. In the central and southern districts a great deal of the crop has been threshed and a good aver age yield is being turned out. Under the favorable conditions of the past week corn has made excellent progress and the prospect for a large crop is very favorable. In the northern and central districts its condition is very fine, but in the southern district the prospect is not so favorable, though a good yield is an ticipated in that district. Look Pleasant, Please. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, O., can do so now, though for years he couldn't, because he sufferered untold agony from the worst kind of indiges tion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for hitn that he declares they are a godsend to to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach trouples. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole sys tem. Try them. Only 50c. Goaranteed by Julia A. Story, druggist. Kxcurslon Kates to Chitiitauqua Assembly at Kockford, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold within a 50-mile /adius, on two dates, August 14 and 22, limited to return until August 28, inclus ive. Reduced rates on certificate plan, within a radius of 75 miles, apply for sale of tickets op August 18 to 27, inclus ive. Apply to agents Chicago and North-Western R'y. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. OF INTEREST TO STOCKHOLDERS. Free Transportntion to Attend the Special and Annual Meeting* at Chicago. Public notice Is hereby Riven that n special meotiiiK of the stockholders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held at the Company's office in Chicago. Illinois, on Fri day, AunuM 21). HHia, Ht eleven o'clock In tlu forenoon; also that the regular annual meet- in^ of the stockholders of the Company will be held at It* offices in Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday. October 15, HMKJ, at noon, To permit personal attendance at Uicm meetings there will be Issued to each holder of one or more shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Railroad Company a* registered on the books of the Company at the close of business on Frlduy,August 1, WOU. and to stock holders of record on Friday, Sep tember 10, UlQSJj a ticket enabling him. or her. to travel free over the Company's Lines from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered addres-. iu Chicago and return, such ticket to lie good for the journey to Chicago only during the four days immediately .proceeding, and tin day of the meeting, and for the return Journey from Chicago only ou the day of t he meeting, and the four days immediately following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours that U to say. be tween y;00 A. M. and 5:0<> i'- -w.-- iu the office of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. U. Ran EN, in Chicago. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above, on appli cation, in writing, to the President of the Company in Chicago. Kacii application must state the full aame and address of the stock holder exactly as given iu his or her certifi cate of stock, together with the number and date of such certificate. No more than one person will be carried free in respect to any one holding of stock as registered on the !xx)ks of the Company. A. G. HACK STAFF, Secretary. Health and Pleasure Resorts WITH MEDICAL SPRINGS (tN THE HILLY RBQION OF WESTERN KENTUCKY SOUTHERN0 ILLINOIS ON THE UN« OP THI ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD There are seven regularly established health and p'easure resortedwith medicinal waters as a f ature, and hj/vlng hot-el accom modations, tiiiit are UxVited as mentioned above, on the line of or omitlguous to the Illi nois Central. They ilrvf. Hardin Springs, (irayson Springs, Duwsop Springs, Cerulean Sprtngs and CrittendrTi Springs, K^., and ('real Springs and Dixon Springs, III. Send to t he undersigned for a free copy of an Illus trated book describing them ail. A. H. HANSON, U. 1'. A. 111. Cent. R. R., ChlcaRO. 111. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A WORD TO YOU. Do you want to know where the next threat land boom will be, and where yon can make plenty of money? If so write the undersigned for a circular telling "All about it." J. F. MKRRY. Ass't Gen'l Pass'r Agent, Illinois Central Rflilroftrtj i* and Gas Fitter I " VW1% •»* *s-- aS • ,:tiw ' SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Bath room outfits complete. All work guar anteed und at reasonable prices. Gtve me a chance to figure on your work. Leave order at Matthews market, West MeQenrj or cal phone H0Z. Chris Schmidt This Bank receives deposits, bays and sella Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and do^g.A -- -- GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entru&ted to our care in A manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan y on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Biafcer*. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tha digestanta and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A dkit unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DEWITT AOa. Chicago The $1. bottle contains2% times the 50c. suet lulia A.Storv aarl G W. Hosley MOM LIVES ARE SAVED ...BY I'SING... Dr. King's New Discovery, ....FOR.... Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively Cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds* Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. MORAY, Prloe 50c. A $1. Trial Bottle Free. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE TBAOE MAAM DESIGNS ~ ' COPYRIGHTS 4kc. >•-«iit" ppikIImk a Pkolrlt «nd description may QuloMy assert.tin (>nr opinum free whether an Invoiitlon is probaMy patentahlo. Comniunlrw- tUms KI rtct ly conBdcnt lul. 11 midbook ou Patent* sent froo. airon.-y for socuririj; patents. takci' tMriinch Munn .{• Co. rtioatva it n.'fU't, w -.tliout charge, lutlu Scientific American A I,.uul etihu. »nely Illustrated weekly. I.nrcest dr->>f nny NclentlUo Journal. Tortus, $3 a yc r. ; t.M-.r mom lis, $L Sold by all newsdoaleni. fi ':'V ,