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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Aug 1902, p. 7

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. 0 ' ' vr*K<-" . Knights Pythias Biennial Meeting. ' For this gathering in San Francisco la. August next excursion tickets will "be sold via the Chicago Milwaukee ft 8t Paul Ry. from Chicago to San .Francisco or Lot Angeles for $50 for the round trip with final return limit September SO. The "Chicago, Milwaukee & StPaul" railway is the Short Line between Chicago and Omaha. Two through trains daily in each direction with th^ best Slecptnn Car and Dining Car Service, and all regular travelers know and appreciate the merits of the Chi­ cago, Milwaukee tt St Paul Railway'* Short Line between the East and the iWest Tim* tables, maps and information famished on application to P. A Mil­ ter, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. V$em Still Hope. A lad was carrying for a golf player simply could do nothing right. The player kept steadily dropping be­ hind and at last appealed to the cad­ die. "It's useless continuing," he •aid, "I cam never win now. What do you think?" *Td go on," said the fcoy. "Bat took at the score." "Yes, but he might drop dead," said the *oy„ ¥20.00 OCEAN TRIP. Chicago to New York, through Vir­ ginia Mountain and seashore resorts to Norfolk, Va., thence Old Dominion Liine steamers. Meals and berths free from Norfolk. Address N. W. P. Agt., Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., 284 Clark St., Chicago, ni. Colonial Fighters In Africa. Mr. Chamberlain has informed a correspondent that Canada contrib­ uted 7,300 men and Australia and New Zealand 32,000 men for service in South Africa. Enables the Blind to Write. W. J. Ryan, a blind man in Milwau­ kee, has Invented a writing frame with wire lines, to enable blind per­ sons to write with evenness and sym­ metry. Not Dependent on a Single Train. The New York Central Lines have •hole flying batteries of trains con­ necting the centers of population and the gateways of commerce. United States Left Out. In the $4,458,000 worth of goods im­ ported by the Congo Free State last year Belgium had the largest share, and the United States none. INSIST ON UKTTINO IT. { Seme grocers say they don't keep De- lance Starch because they have a stock n hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know •annot be sold to a customer who has •nee used the 16 oz. plcg. Defiance Starch Cor same money. In One-Twentieth of a Minute. It takes about three seconds for a message to go from one end of the Atlantic cable to the other. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others. Never make a "poor mouth" If you want a rich man's favor. Look pros­ perous or plucky. X un rare Piso's Cure for Consumption ssTod sty life three years ago.--Mrs. Thos. Romas, Mfcple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1900. Many a woman thinks a man is all right because his diamond ring's true. EITQ permanently otired. No flta or nerronneM after first day's line of Dr. Kline's OrvatNerr* Res tor- tSeod for FBKK S8.00 trial bottle and treatlMb B. H. Kmne, Ltd., SSt Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa The awkward man may not be slow, yet he always wants a day of grace. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Price25c. Better to be in a minority and right than in a majority and wrong. Hall's Catarrh Cure Xb a constitutional cure. Price, 75a It Is sometimes easier to touch a man's heart than his pocket I* YOU USE BAIL BLUB, Get Red Cross Ball Blue, the best Ball Blue. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents. Marriage statistics show that wom­ en are very easily pleased. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing; Syrup.' For children teething, softens the jurat, reduces 1b- femmfctton,allays pain, cures wind colic. 25ca!x>tU& A grain of must is worth more thnp a pound of should. Try me just once and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. Strong Impulses name for energy. are but another Some Health and Pleasure Res<A^% Hunting and Fishing Places. Few lines of railway in the United States have so many places of resort for health and pleasure seekers and for sportsmen, as has the Kansas City Southern railway, the great commer­ cial thoroughfare between Kansatf City, Mo., and the Gulf of Mexicow Among the health and pleasure rfr sorts noted for their attractive scenery or their medicinal waters, are the following: Neosho, Mo., a park like little city of 3,000 people, with magnesia waters valuable In the cure of rheumatism, kidney troubles, skin and blood dseases. Noel, Mo., is a very attractive little village In McDonald county, sit­ uated In a nook In the Ozark moun­ tains on the Elk or Cowskin river, one of the best fishing streams In Missouri. The surrounding scenery Is magnificent Slloam Springs, Ark., Is a fam- Qps health and pleasure resort, having numerous springs of excellent water, far-famed for the cure of rheu­ matism, stomach diseases, catarrh, liver complaint, paralysis, nerroua prostration, neuralgia, etc., etc. Sulphur Springs, Ark., Is in Benton county and is well arranged for the comfort of visitors, having hotel ac­ commodations and cottage rooms for about 100 people, the rates varying from $3.50to $7.00 per week. The springs are specifics In the cure of catarrh of the stomach, malaria, gout, rheumatism, tuberculosis, and kidney trouble. Mena, Ark., has an altitude of 1,500 feet above sea level and has 3,000 in­ habitants. It has magnificent moun­ tain scenery and a most admirable summer climate. The Bethesda springs, three miles from town, are noted for their cures of scrofula and blood diseases. Baker Springs, Ark., Is twelve miles east of Wickes station. Ark. Their altitude Is about 2,000 feet in the most picturesque part of the Ozark moun­ tains. The springs are sulphur and have great curative powers in stomach trouble. The Boggs Springs are at Ascetls P. O. in Polk County, Ark., and are reached by way of Hatton station. The scenery Is that common to the Ozark mountains. The four or five springs are noted for their cure of dropsy, Bright's disease, diabetes, torpid liver, kidney trouble and dis­ eases peculiar to women. The winter resorts are principally on the Gulf coast, though Mena, Arlc, and Ft Smith, Texarkana and Shreve- port La., also offer many attractions in the way of a pleasant winter cli­ mate. Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange and Lake Charles, all on lakes or navigable Avers, are ideal resorts. In mid-winter the weather is balmy .and spring-like, and open air exer­ cise is possible all winter. There are splendid opportunities for boating, sailing, rowing and aquatic diversions of all kinds and of game and fish there is an abundance. The hotel accommodations at all these points are good and range in price from $1 to $2 per day and from $3.50 to $7.00 per week. The list of hunting and fishing places is a long one. Small game such as quail and rabbits are abund­ ant at all the stations between Kansas City and the Arkansas State line. South of Joplln, Mo., turkeys, squlr> rels and deer can be added to the list South of Ft Smith, particularly near Mena, Hatton, Grannlss, De Queen, turkeys, deer, bear, wildcats, etc., are abundant, also in the pine woods from Shreveport south to Beaumont. Geese and ducks in season are found in all the waters along the line, but from Shreveport south they are found by millions during the winter months. Good fishing can be had almost any­ where on the line. In Lake Sabine both fresh and salt water fish are found in the greatest abundance. Herring, mullet, stingrays, sea cat, trout, flounders and other edible and game fish abound, as well as great tarpons, alligator gars and large fish. A few miles out in the gulf there is a plentl- tude of red fish, red snappers, sharks, tarpon pompano, menhaden and other fish. In the waters near the Gulf there is hardly a place where fish and feathered game cannot be found In almost countless numbers. Those who are interested in either health or pleasure rftSfcrts or hunting or fishing, can gain accurate information on the subject by addressing S. G. Warner, the General Passenger Agent, at Kan­ sas City, Mo. BORN ON A PULLMAN CHILD BEGIN3 LIFE UNDER STRANGE CIRCUMSTANCES. ^ Conductor Arose Grandly to the Emergency, and Passengers Helped Out--Husband and Father Some­ what Surprised. It Depends. Organist (Just before service)--- "What shall I play, Mr. Goodthynge?" Absent-minded Clergyman--"What kind of a hand have you got?" Odd Incidents occur in the life of a Pullman conductor which educate him to be an all-round, handy man, says a writer in the New York Press. On the Erie, near Buffalo, Conductor F. S. Mosher was informed that a woman In one of his cars was ill and needed a doctor. As a search through the entire train failed to discover either a physician or surgeon, the conductor felt it a duty to offer his services. The woman was on the way to Chi­ cago to see a dying sister, and ex­ pected to be joined in Buffalo by her husband. When Mosher went to her berth he made a highly interesting find--a babe, a tiny girl. Mother and daughter seemed to be doing nicely. Faithful to first principles as a rail­ road man, he looked at his watch, counted the rail-joints for twenty-one seconds, and estimated that the speed of the train waa sixty miles an hour. "Don't worry," he said to the mother. "I have two of these at my own home, and I know something about handling 'em. Let me have her. She needs some clothes." After giv­ ing the baby a warm bath in the lava­ tory, he looked through the linen closet for something soft to wrap her in, but everything there was starched. Eight or ten commercial travelers were in the car. "Here, boys," he called out, "we've got the Erie's baby to feed and clothe and name. Open your grips and shell out tfie softest garments you've got" In an Instant the entire car was a-bustle with In­ terest in Miss Mahoney. One drum­ mer had a fine silk handkerchief, an­ other a camel's hair muffler, another a suit of flaccid merino underwear, while the rest had cambric night­ shirts that had been laundered until they were as flocculent as fleece. These articles were eagerly contrib­ uted. The night shirts were torn Into strips a foot wide and tenderly the little form was enveloped. A petti­ coat was, made of the underwear, a dress of the mufBer and a shirtwaist of the handkerchief. Thus clothed and in a really jovial frame of mind. Miss Mahoney was delivered over tj her mother. The next duty waa bestowing a name suited to the oc­ casion, and "Dr." Godfather Mosher proved equal to the emergency. The mother's name was Nora, the grand­ mother s Camellia, the car in which the child was born the Cisco, the town through which the train passed at the birth Judson, and tha family name Mahoney. So the young lady was named Nora Camellia Cisco Jud­ son Mahoney, and that name she bears to-day. At Buffalo a handsome young man entered the forward Pullman and asked the conductor if he had among his passengers a woman of the name of Mahoney. "Two of 'em," replied Mosher; "they're in the rear car, the Cisco." "Two?" said the stranger. "I'm looking for only one, my wife, Mrs. Charles Mahoney." "Well, I've two of 'em back here, and both of 'em are yours." "What do you mean, man?" "What I say. If you don't believe it, come back and look." Lead­ ing the way to the berth occupied by Mrs. and Miss Mahoney he drew aside the curtain. The husband staggered back, gasping: "My God, how did that happen!" .WHAT HIS WIFE THOUGH*; Truly No Man Is a Hero In lils Own Household. The speech of Senate r Pettus of Ala­ bama, in which he ' -ud his respects to "orators," will be ong remembered In the Senate. That portion of his speech was plainly impromptu, but ar­ riving at the psychological moment it convulses the entire Senate and the galleries. Senator Depew walked wildly about the Chamber swinging his arms over his head, while the President pro tempore, Mr. Frye, laid down his gavel, threw himself back in his chair, while the tears streamed down his cheeks. Senator Pettus was warmly con­ gratulated by his colleagues of both parties. When one of these, on the next day, shook his hand, and declared the speech "epochmaking," Senator Pettus gravely replied: "Well, I don't know about that; it depends on the point of view. When I got home last night I found my wife reading the afternoon paper. She glanced up and said: "I see you have been over there in the Senate making an old fool of yourself.* "New York Times. gg: Physicians Puzzled. St Aubert, Mo., Aug. 4th.--Mr. E. R. Langendorfer of this place suf­ fered very severely with a peculiar case of Kidney Trouble which com­ pletely baffled the skill of the local physicians and instead of getting any better he waa gradually growing worse. He says: "A friend advised me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and after I had used two boxes I was entirely cured and have not since had the slightest symptoms of the re­ turn of my trouble. "I had tried all the surrounding physicians but they did me no good and instead of getting better I grew worse till I used Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I can sincerely say to everyone suffering with Kidney Trouble that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure them for they cured me satisfactorily and completely when all the doctors had failed." A Deception. Columbus was sixty days out at sea when one of his rivals importuned the king. "Your majesty," he cried, "I can dis­ prove his globular theories. How about the Harlem flat? You can't get round in that." Chagrined beyond measure at being so deceived, Ferdinand instantly dis­ patched a torpedo boat destroyer to bring the unhappy navigator back in chains. ATOW UOJV'T IRISHMAN HAD ONE, TOO. His Story Soon Turned the Laugh on the Other Fellow. A story of Milesian coloring is told by a Philadelphia citizen, who says he heard it while watching the ex­ cavating for conduits by the laborers of the Keystone Telephone company. Working side by side were an Irish­ man and a negro. The latter, paus­ ing to light his pipe, winked at the spectators, and, his eyes dancing with mischief, asked: "Dennis, did you ever hear de story of de two holes in the ground?" "No--I nlwlr did," was the reply. "Well! Well!" was the black's re­ sponse, as he resumed shoveling. The roar of laughter that followed from the other workmen angered the Irishman for a minute. Another min­ ute was devoted, patiently, to ascer­ taining the point of the retort Then, stopping as though to hitch up his overalls, he too, winked knowingly at the spectators and some of his fel­ lows, and asked: "Talkln* uv wells, naygur, did yez ever hear how we dig thim in Oire- land?" "Doan' think I ever did, Dennis," said the negro. "That so? Why, we go to wor-rk and dig a long trench, just lolke this we be* wor-rkin' In now, and thin we all gets togither an' up-ends it"-- Philadelphia Times. To the housewile wno has not yet become acquainted with the new things of everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once. Not alone because it is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to anv other brand, but becnnsn par-h 10c package contains 16 ozs., while all the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It is safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and Quantity must win. In Times of Peace. Germany drills this year 63,400 re­ serve troops, nearly double as many as she drilled two years ago. THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED IT will use no other. Defiance Cold Water Starch has no equal In Quantity or Qual­ ity--It os. for ID cents. Other brands contain only 12 os. Most of us keep out of mischief as long as we can keep out of getting caught at It TEIiLOW CLOTHES ARK UNSIGHTLY. Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue. All grocers sell large 3 os. package, 5 cents. All the world loves a lover--except sometimes the girl the lover loves. w ard's Big Bargain Book ards off high prices, by holssallng goods to all. orth a dollar. Ill savs you many dollars. It contains orsr lt009»aff*a quoting whole­ sale prices on 70,W© different articles--17,000 illustrations are used to help you under­ stand what the foods look like. Bend 15 ?«nts for catmlorne and learn how to make our dollars do the work of fire. warm CHICAGO The house t'iiut tells the truth. "The Bilhorn Telescope Or$40. A Msrveloui Invention Which Bests Them AIL An Instrument of great Tftlllo »L(1 OMpcclallj adapted for the home, the church, the Sunday- •choal, the Young Peo- plee" Society and MImI arle* everywhere. A Beaten by One. A well-known Glasgow dlvlno re­ lated the following anecdote, showing that the ready wit of a countryman was more than a match for him. He was going to the country for his holidays, and was lii a railway train, when a young man entered. In a short time the two commenced a conversa­ tion, in the course of which the cler­ gyman asked the youth what he worked at. "I am a coupler, sir," was the reply. "A coupler! So am I," replied the minister, with a laugh. The youth looked at him for a min­ ute or so, then burst into a fit of laughter, and said: "Oh, I see; ye're a meenister; ye mairry folk. But I gang farther than ye dae, I baith couple and uncouple." The clergyman laughed heartily, and acknowledged that the youth had the better of the sally. Why Philip Sobbed. Little Philip was taken to the sea­ shore for a week and he enjoyed the life immensely the first two days. He ran around on the beach until his face was sunburned and he was a bright red. Then the skin began peeling off and Itched dreadfully. His mother was awakened at night by hearing the boy sobbing, and she called to know what was the matter. "The paper is coming off my face," sobbed the little fellow. Italian Astronomer Honored. Signor Schiaparelli, the Milan as­ tronomer, has been elected an asso­ ciate of the French Academy of Science in the room of the late Baron Nordenskiold. Rich Coal Fields in Poland. New coal fields which have been opened up in Poland may, it Is stated, lead to Warsaw developing Into one of the foremost manufacturing cities In Europe. HAMLIN'S WIZARD OIL " EARACHE ALU DRUOGIST5 SET 1_L IT KIDDER^ASTIUES, SIOW ELL A CO., Hfra. relief for Asthma. Sold by Ml Dmirglstt, or by mail. :U> r^nla. Oh&rlesto\rn« ED U CATIONAL. $ .I ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. (One mile we»t of the University of Notre Dame.) Thorough English and Clawlcal Education, Including Greek. Lnlln. French and German. On completing the full course of studies, students receive tlie Regular Collegiate Degrees. The Conservatory of Music Is conducted on the plan of the best Classical Conservatories of Europe. The Art Department is modelled after the best Art Schools of Europe. Preparatory and Minim Department*. Pu- Slls are here carefully prepared for the Aca-emlo and Advanced Courses. Gymnasium un­ der direction of Graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Bookkeeping, Phonog­ raphy and Typewriting extra. Every variety of Fanoy Needlework taught. For oatalogue ad­ dress DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY. St Marr'a Academy. Notre Dime P. O., very helpful for tlie chil­ dren and new bet Inner*. Send for Catalogs* and be convinced of fut we »ay. BILHORN BROS., 66 Fifth Ave., Chicago, III Don't forget when you order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more "yellow" looking clothes. no more cracking or breaking. It doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satis­ faction or you get your money back. Th« cost Is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tnc beit starch made. Of other starches you get but la ounces. Now ,don't forget. It's aj your grocers. > fWWFACTtrREbn&V THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA, NEB. Why They Paid Their Bills. At a debating society some time ago the Irish question was discussed. An English doctor was sustaining the ar­ gument that the Irish were naturally a depraved and dishonest race. At Liverpool he said he had 300 Irish patients on his books and of these only thirty paid him for attendance. "Sorr," said an Irishman who rose with flushed cheek to defend his coun­ trymen--"sorr, there is never an ef­ fect without a cvise. There is never a phenomenon that does not admit of an explanation. How can we explain the astounding phenomenon to which tha doctor has called our attention? He finds an explanation In the natural depravity of Irish nature; I, sorr, have another explanation to offer, and it la this: The thirty patients recovered!" Emerson and His EMaya. Emerson is reported ofteo to have /pent from six months to a year In the composition of one or two short essays. His object was the conden* satlon of the greatest possible thought Into the fewest number of words. 'l • • WHY NOT LEARN OSTEOPATHY THE PAYING PROFESSION? Snceesa from the atart. No itarvatlon period. Le­ gally Incorporated, and glre diploma and confer degree of D. o. The course Is second to none, and we want you to Investigate. Yqu may liave the compleu courte and two years In a regular medical collets for the one tuition. We bare a Post Graduate Course f«r phyaleiwu. Bead for uew catalog--free. Under our supervision In the Ravenswood thic Sanitarium 49€ Sunnyiide At*. , Cklcaf*. laa most beautiful suburb, within a few minutes fro* heart of city, but very restful and quiet. Afl clasaea of cases treated wlitiout medicine or lulfe. If you ar* nerrous or 111, write for particulars. Illinois C«Ue(e •f Osteopathy, 494 Sunnyside Ave., Ohitaf*. MISCEI LA V£0US. CALIFdMiTGOLD MINE DEVELOPED AND EQUIPPED. The Macedonia Mining & Milling Co. with nslupB In P roTldence Mouuulue, Baa Beruardlao ury btoolc at xfto per shar«, par ralua 11.00, fully puld and non-assessable, for the purpose »f Increasing present pluut and output. This Is an unusual opportunity for legitimate specu­ lation and Investment on tb. ground loor In apro- d'iclnc mine, uuder experienced masafement. Write for full Information to MACEDONIA Ml If Ufa * MIL LEU B 00. BUck. Lm Aarelaa, Cal Statb Bank A Trust Co. I Lob Angeles, ( California. $3&$3^S SHOES S Established 1876. For more than a quarter of a century the reputation of W. L. Douplas Bhoes for style, com­ fort, and wear has excelled all other makes. A trial will convince you. W. L. DOUCLAS $4 SHO£S CANNOT BE EXCELLED. 11,108,8201 isifsau $2,340,000 hst Imported and American leathers, Heyl't Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlci Kid, Corona Celt, Nat. Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets used. Caution f Tlle irenulne have W. L. DOUGLAS" name ajnd price stamped on bottoau Shoet by mail, 25c. extra. Illut. Catalog free. W. L. DOUOLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. BE4L ESTATE. PAR QAI F--240 Acre* of the Tory best lows r Mil «nbb soli, l mils t > Rensett, school boaMon oornrr of ianil. This Is a bargain; ••• per acre. Also I6U Acr««-4 miles to county-seat, house 18x18-1 and im stories li gti, addition llxiu, cellar, horse barn 15x36. cow barn 86x32, lean-to 48H4, hog bouse,granary, cor.i crib, milk house, wood and buggy sbeds, chicken house, a.I well fenced. Kural free delivery. A snap at S51 per acre. Write H. O. HAUOIN, Kensett, Iowa. Missouri Farms From ] s25i^)rtAc#re0'00 T. COONY, Edina, Mo. CONGRESSMAN ALDRIGH ENDORSES THE TONIC, PERIINA. Says: «It Will Boild Up a Depleted System Rapidly." Hon. W. P. Aldrich, Congressman from Alabama, writes from Washing­ ton, D. C. "This is to certify that Peruna, man­ ufactured by The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, O., has been used in my family with success, It is a fine tonic end will build up a depleted system rapidly. 1 can recommend it to those who need a safe vegetable remedy for debility."--W. F. Aldrich. H. S. Emory, Vice Chancellor and Master of Arms, K. P.'s, of Omaha, Neb., writes from 213 North Sixteenth street, the following words of praise for Peruna as a tonic, ile says: Catarrh of Stomach. "It is with pleasure I recommend Pe- riuca as a tonic of unusual merit. A large number of prominent members of the different Orders with which I have been connected hare been cured by the use of Peruna of cases of catarrh of the stomach and head; also in kidney com­ plaint and weakness of the pelrio or­ gans. ^ "It tones up the system, aids diges­ tion, induces sleep, and is well worthy the confidence of sufferers of the a bore complaints. 'V-H. S. Emory. Nervous Debility. Everyone who is in the least degree subject to nervousness, sleeplessness, prostration, mental fatigue or nervous debility in any form, finds the hot weather of June, July and August very hard to bear, if not dangerous. Hon. W. F. AWriclL The only safe course to take is to keep the blood pure,digestion good, and sleep regular. No remedy equals, in all re~ 'Spects, Peruna for these purposes. If the system is run down and weakened by catarrh, Peruna renovates and juvenates the nerves and brain. A book on the catarrhal diseases of summer will be mailed to any address* upon request, by the Peruna Medietas Co., Columbus, Ohio. The above testimonials are only two of 50,000 letters received touching the merits of Peruna as a catarrhal toni& No more useful remedy to tone up tk« system has ever been devised by tb« medical profession. Cut This Out for R_eference lt May Not Appear Again. OmA Auditorium M (ontest July 1,1902, to October 28, 1902. $5,000.00 » THEumvEssnr OFKOTRE DMIE, NOTRK DAME. INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classic. Letters, Eco- Pharmacy. Law. CIvl|I Mechanical and Bte<> trical Engineering, Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Comncrdal Courses. Rooms Free to all students who have com­ pleted the studies required for admission Into the Junior or Senior Year of auy of tho Collegi­ ate Courses. Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to studants overaeventeen preparing forColleglateCourses A limited number of Candidates for the Eocle- slastlcal state will bo received at special rates. St. Edward's Hull, for boys under 13 years. Is unique in the completeness of its equipment. The 59th Year will open September 9, 1902. Catalogue* free Address RBV. A. MORRISSEY, C. 8. C.. President. V Tickets Twenty-five Cents V* One Thousand and One Prices Each Ticket Entitles the Purchaser to One Share of Com­ mon Stock in the Omaha Auditorium Company and to Two Chances to Win a Prize. CAPITAL PRIZE , IN GOLD 9 5 Contributed by the Defi­ ance Sta.rch Company of Omaha-Seven Hundred and Three Smaller Cash Prizes, Ranging from $2.50 to $50.00 f Other Prizes.--House and lot in Omaha, value, $3,500; Omaha City Lot, $700; Grand Kimball Piano; Chapel Organ; round trip tickets to cities on the Pacific Coast, Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, and the Inland Pleasure Resorts; Sealskin Garments; Buggies, Saddles, Sets of Double and Single Har­ ness, Engines, Guns, Silver and Glass Tableware, and many other useful and ornamental articles. SIX Mnr* Srjni-Mnnthly Sntr.lal P.jkH Pri7»« Awarding of Regular Prizes.--Tlie $5,000 Capital Prize and 1,000 other Regular Prizes will be Awarded in the order of their Value to the 1,001 Persons making the 1,001 closest estimates of the total number of votes which will be cast for a l l c a n d i d a t e s f o r g o v e r n o r i n N e w Y o r k S t a t e , N o v e m b e r 4 , 1902. These are the figures for the last five elections and will aid you in making your estimates: 1891, 1,165,085; 1894. 1.275,671; 1896, 1,434,046; 1898, 1,359,190; 1900, 1,556,520. What will the figures be this year? Awarding of Semi-monthly Special Cash Prizes.--These prizes will each be not less than $50, nor more than $500, and will be paid every two weeks during the progress of the con­ test. They will be paid to the persons making the closest estimates, during the two weeks preceding each date, of the amount of the bank clearings of the city of Omaha on August 16, September 1, September 16, October 1, October 16, and November 1. Ttoese figures of the bank clearings of Omaha on dates named will assist you in making your estimates 1901: July 1, $1,233,488; July 16, $1,063,599; August 1st, $823,138; August 16th, $1,036,132; September 1st. $1,171,613; September 16th, $1,127,988; October 1st, $955. 266; October 16th, $1,030,742; November 1st, $1,205,423. 1902: July 1st, $1,061^057; July 16th, $1,137,004. NOW Is the Time to Send in Your Estimates.^--One Person Stands Just as Good a Chance as Any Other Person to Make Prize Winning Estimates. An Estimate Made Now is as Likely to Win $5,000 or One of the Other 1,000 Regular Prizes as One Made in October, For No One Can Tell the Number of Votes Cast Until After They are Counted. Con­ test Closes October 28. Some one is going to win $5,000 for twenty-five cots. Why not you? And others are going to win 1,006 other reg­ ular and special prizes ranging from $2.50 to $3,500. You may be one of them if you make an estimate. DON'T FORGET THE SPECIAL CASH PRJZES AWARDED EVERY TWO WEEKS Such Opportunities are not often offered--a share of stock and two chances to win big prizes for iwenty-iive cents. But remember that a dozen hooks will catch more fish than one hook. One ticket and two estimates are good, bat a dozen tickets and two dozen estimates are better, and will more likely land one of the big or some of the smaller prizes. Send in your Quarters and your Estimates--and Better Send Them in Now. Address all letters to THE OMAHA AUDITORIUM CO.. Hoom A, Now York Life Building, Onukkft. Responsible Agents Wanted In Evary Town. Cut This Out for Refet encs--It May Not Appear AaLgtvui. Koom 8^1 Bullaid Reference: aliforntm. PFR^fllK de»lrlnK »> l0,'*te ln Northwestern rklliiung Oregon nhould write Jor Information to J.B. Godfrey,Agent,8t.HeUm,Oregon. C A D M F O R S A L E • ' " 1 » • W• Now S'^o to«ettle e«t»l ACRES, I •r,C.n. Mo. i *t«. I will j your fare. C ' F . SBIBKLE, BloomingKn, 111. California BANK Pocket Dictionary Koontz & 0«., 416 W, M*nro« 8t., ChiOAfO, 1U« Rupture iayMttta re<Mlpt«ll lmfOT- I Kleguit nMi; blc prvflta. Write tor Information.' i BMHtiLSLihlfciLLIhMlfll . Iilitnw TT J. Bisks, Boi 14, Lumno Company, Iwitoa, ILL Tl AOEXTS. TRUQTUVORTUY Young Kei and Woman Wtated inUOl nuninl to like orders and do collecting for resprailblc bouse; $80 monthly guaranteed. Ad- drrus VV . A. Kitohio C.aytonAve., Medford, Xast. Mftyni (Dry Powder) Fire Extinguisher. •nu/%Ul>Agouti wanted everywhere. Kicluslva territory free. 8(8 Ea»t 36th St., Chicago, 111. ^PY in^ KTerj^County^ai^ l^xolualve _Afent. $5,000 IN COLD-FREE For IS Trade Marka Cut from lOc Packagaa of DEPIANCE 8taroh To everyone who will ssnd to the Auditor­ ium Co. or the Ds- lluae Starch Co., Omiha, Neb.,' If trade marks cut from 10 ot. •r II os packages of DEFIANCE STARCH will be sent sa iM- tortum Btcok sa4 Guessing ticket whteh sells for X cts glvta* you a (MM ta this great eoatsat la $6,000 IN OOLD or some ons of the 1.M0 other prises. If you cannot est Deflaaoo IKnh of your grocer we will ssad It to yon (Depress prepaid including MM ticket upon reoslpt of the price ot the etarch. The Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nebratk* Bisdon,aS. CURfci> WHERtAlL , Beet Syrutv. TeMee Good. U#e | lu tiiiiei. So?<l bt dr"fTt»t.i Fanm for **le on ra«T tertnt. or eicnaSfS, ta Is* Seb.. ISlnu. or S. 1'. J. Mi-Id*.'!. Sioux CKT, MIS W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 32, 1M2L Vies ttsvtritj ii~r{ir<sc^: Aeatfea IMs r«ec. , ' •?\-M • m . T- '*"1 lis 1 • ;•••?&•

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