"-•f t?1 ™ '*. :«:Tprj-: "Dr. Autfist Koenlg*» Hamburg Breast Tea," writes Mr. F. Batsch, of Horicon, Wis., "enabled me to set rid of an obstinate cough; we feel Tery grateful to the discoverer of this jnedl- i?rt. due." One of the kwi tbtan to nnder- stand Is how such nice grandmothers ~ ,k- as everybody has ever could have been IW^ ,: mother-in-laws. Y; •' i'; Judge Lynch'a ruling* we never ap- % pealed with any success. BACKACHE* l!W*.: Backache is a forenwner a»d ^ one of the most common symp- VrJ. ;• toms of kidney trouble and pwomb displacement* £ HEAD MISS BOLLMAIfS EXPERIENCE. « "Some time ago I was in a very weak condition, my work made me se< nervous and my back ached frightfully £V'- all the time, and I had terrible head- aches. , 44 My mother got a bottle of Liydia B. Pi iik ham's Vegetable Com- | pound for me, and it seemed to i'* . strengthen my back and help me at r'v once, and I did not get so tired as I? ~ before. I continued to take it, and it ' * brought health and strength to me, and I want to thank you for the Saod it has done me." -- Miss KJLTE OLLMAK, 142nd St. & Wales Ave., New York City. --96000forfeit If original of mbotm lltttr proving genuinanesa cannot b* product*. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound cures because it li ^4 Che greatest known remedy for kidney and womb troubles. Every woman who is puzzled •bout her condition should write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Maw.) and tell her all. m- fe; 20 % A Month @81 Everything You Buy That's the amount you can save in? with us regularly. Send 15o trad- coin or stamps for our 1100-page eatalogve. It contains quotations on every tiling you use in lite. Wri te TODAY. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Ohleago 8 V Nursing Mothers Tour chfld U rare to bo tmhcftltfcj CPOM tad irritable--if your own stomach, IfW ot kidneys are deranged. Regular dcMt of Dr. Caldwell's (Laaative) i Syrup Pepsin tlfWWf JftMT ova health ud promote* Sm health and pnth of your child. Doctsn ncoaunead Dr. Caldwell'* Syrup fipli St --Itn Hi and expectant mothers. fOc and $1.00 BotOoa A.11 Druĵ ists mi SIMPLE nd Seek. "The Suty tUtmf *Hbj Man" nf QA asking* PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello, m. U INVESTMENT Tht Preferred Stock of the W.L, Douglas ®<5r Capita! Stock, $2,000,000. IliMKMIOO Preferred Stock. $1,000,000 Common Stodu Shares, $ IOO each. Sold at Par. the W. L» absolutely laf* . . ... - . than a dollar's worth of actual assets. W. Douglas continues •:*, .-S#' ; to own cue-half of Hie business ~ t« tn r#»»n«iti the active head V ^ • '<*•Of the concern. . . v< This business la not an nnde- -i* velopeii prospect. It is a demon- *4 ttrated dividend paver. This is "f the largest business m the world producinir Mon'sUood yearWelt ®v. ""• *' [hand sewed process) eiioes.and ulways been UmirriiSrlyi T.V^y.^; h profitable. The business id&aJe V»" M^iust fierce competition : ;v4^' ¥*> panic, making it a tetter &$t: ** V« festment than any other In dustrial stock. TiVn* has frot been a year in the past twelve when the bustntai » h&s not earned in actual eash much moro than the amonnC necesaary to pay 7* fcnnu&l dividend on the preferred Mock of Sl^OOJ.OOO. Tbe annua business now is Sf'.Ktf 000. it is Uiereasfng rery rapidly, and will equal ®T.ooo 000 for the year 1S08. The faotoryls now turninK out 7800 pairs oi slioes per day, aud an addition to the plant is Wing built whicn will Increase the capacity to 10,000 pairs per day. The reason I am offering the Preferred Stock for aalo li to ^erpetunte the business. Ii you wish to Invest In the best shoe business to th# world, which Is permanent, and receive 7* on your foonev, you can purchase one share or more in this great business. Send money by cashier's check, certified •' oheck« express or P. <>. money orders, made payable to Douglas. Certificate of stock will t»e sent you » jy return n***1 Prospectus jrivinK full infonnat ion free. W. JU DOVGLAJS, Brockioa. MUM. m-. $500 Will b. paid for any emsa that TftL KEITH 8 Liguor, Tobacco and Cisa-retto Kam.diaa in liquid form will not x*;t HIINE WORKINGS Arbitrators Visit the Col- ^lieries and Intemew _ ^^ the Mcn*^. •< - t THROUGH oftmiiGS inquiry Develops the Fac# That a Ton of 'Coal Differs in Weight, From 2+ 800 to 3,100 Pounds Seared 9f the M«n. ' •'» « Scran ton, Pa., dispatch: The anthra cite strike commissions Appointed by President Roosevelt made a tour of tbe extreme upper coal field and saw every step taken in the production of roal from the time it Is blasted from the ground up to the point where it is £e&t to market The arbitrators returned to their ho tel griray and tir£d after eight busy hours of observation and investigation. The trip wits a novelty to most of the commissioners, some of whom never having been in the hard coal region. The commissioners displayed the greatest interest in every feature of coal mining. They had to endure many discomforts, make their way through wet places in the mines, crawl along some of the gangways in the work ings, and pass through clouds of coal dust in the breakers. Notwithstanding this their eagerness for information tras not diminished and they expect to put in another hard day's work in this vicinity. Spalding Asks Questions. Bishop Spalding asked more ques tions than any one of the others. He was usually in the center of a group of commissioners, and asked many questions of those who are employed in and about the mines. All the com missioners were good listeners but poor talkers on any feature of their investigation. When the party arrived at Forest City a crowd, in which were some mine workers, was gathered. A short drive was taken through the town to give the commissioners an opportu nity to view the homes of the mine workers, and then the entire party was bundled into three small cars and hauled to the No. 2 shaft, s mile dis tant down the valley. As the mine was wot and dirty the company officials provided rubber overshoes, overalls, jumpers and miners' caps for the entire party. Judge Oray and Bishop Spalding were the first to don the uniform of the miner and good-naturedly took the re marks thrust at them by their col leagues as to whether or not they be longed to the union. 8ee Miners Work. After the party had been rigged out and provided with miners' lamps the descent of the 160-foot shaft was made. At the foot of the shaft the president and another member of the Forest City local union of the miners' organization joined the party. The hospital at that point was Inspected, and then the commissioners got into a train of six mine cars and were hauled a mile and a half under ground. The commissioners went down a plane to wha,t is known as a thin vein of coal, where they saw miners fire a blast; On the return journey to the foot of the shaft Bishop Spalding came across a Lithuanian boy who was employed as a doortender. His face was black from coal dirt, but the bishop noUced his handsome features. He asked the boy many questions as to his age, the character of his work, and the wages he received. The other commission ers also plied the boy with questions. 8llght Mishap. Near the shaft on the return Jour ney the car in which Judge Gray, Gen. Wilson and Messrs. Clark and Park er were seated jumped the track and the four occupants were slightly shaken up. Miners quickly placed the car on the track and again started them off with a hearty goodby. The commissioners held a brief ex- ecuUve session in their car, at which they discussed matters relating to the further movements of the arbitrators. The arbitrators had an Interesting time at the Coalbrook breaker at Car- bondale. They went to the top of the great black building and inspected all the machinery down to the ground. They were much interested in the men and boyS who are ^employed in picking slate and "boney" from the coal. From the breaker the now tired commis sioners were escorted to the chute where the coal, fresh out of the mine, is sent to tbe breaker by means of a "conveyor." How Many Pounds in Ton? A few feet away is the place where the cars of coal are weighed. Mr. Clark inquired how many pounds con stituted * ton at. tliiR colliery. Supt. Kryden of the Ontario and Western thought it was about 2,800 pounds, but District President Nicholls'said it was a litUe over 3,100 pounds. The two began to discuss this. Mr. Nichoils ?aid that, granting that 2,800 was cor rect, these figures" are too high. He caid when the companies fixed 2,800 pounds to constitute a ton so as to get out of it 2,000 pounds of pure coal the operators did not" sell pea coal in the market. Now they have a market for pea coal and about three other sizes below it, and the miners' ton of 2,800 pounds has not been decreased. Judge Gray was an interested listener to the discussion. WOULD CL08E BERLIN SALOON8 I cure, either with or without the pa tient'* knowledge; 60c a it *1. Table* fatm alaa Oaaraatead by all druggists. Writ* ML & a una. a ail Monro* at.. XcOado. Ofcl* Claim Excise Laws Would Wipe Out 15,000 Drinking Place*. Berlin cable: In order to induce the reichstag not to pass the new ex cise laws the Berlin Saloonkeepers' league has prepared a great petition which states that the proposed bill will compel 15,000 out of Berlin's 19,- 000 saloons to close. It is also pointed out that this will cause serious loss to those engaged In the liquor Industry, and to hundreds of landlords. SAVED A LIFE. • GraUtude promotes publicity, sad its no wonder people testify when life Is saved. Every reader with a bad back , is In danger, for bad backs are but kidney ills and neglect may prove, fatal. Neglected backache is quickly fol lowed by too frequent urinary dis charges, retention of the urine, pain ful urinaUon, Diabetes, Bright's dls- Read how all such troubles da be cured. Case No. 84,520.--Mr. Walter Mc Laughlin of S022 Jacob street, Wheel ing, W. Va., a machine hand working at J. A. Holiday & Son's planing mill, says: "I firmly believe had I not used Doan's Kidney Pills when I did I would not be alive now. I was in a terrible condition, and although I took quarts, of medicine and was attended by doctors, I got no better, but worse. Friends spoke of my bad appearance, and thousands knew about it. I could hardly get around and felt and looked like a dead man rather than a living one. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the Logan Drug Co.'s store, were a blessing to me; half a box relieved me; three boxes entirely cured me." A free trial of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr McLaughlin will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. A Child's Comment. •^ry lit! sleep a her sleep a few nights ago to gi> on a journey. While she was dressing she slipped behind a heavy window curtain to look at the star*. "Is It the middle of the night?" she asked. On being told that it was die said: "Then thafs It When I first looked out the stars were twinkling so I couldn't tell whether they were Just coming out or just going away, but now I know. They are just chang ing from yesterday to to-morrow!" 6UPERB DINING CAR SERVICE. Experienced travelers say that the meals served in the Dining Cars on the New York Central are the best they have ever found in the East or West Our whole country is represented in the menus. Oranges from Florida, shad from North Carolina, breakfast food from Minnesota, potatoes from Utah, water from the Adirondack Moun tains, wine from Missouri and Cali fornia, In addition to the finest im ported wines and cigars from Cuba, Porto Rico and Manila, representing a variety and excellence of service that compares favorably with that of the best hotels. FOUR DAILY TRAIN8 TO 8T. PAUL-MINNEAPOLI8. Via 6hteago A Northwestern Railway. Leave Chicago 9 a. m., 6: SO p. m. (the Northwestern Limited, electric lighted throughout), 8 p. m., and 10 p. m. Fast schedules. Most complete and luxurious equipment In the West Dining csr service unequaled. For tickets, reservations and descriptive pamphlets, apply to your nearest Uck- et agent or address W. B. Knlskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, 111. A Lsrgc Map of the United 8tate« and Mexico. size 19%xl35%, Is being distributed by the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. It Is printed in five colors, and shows all of the principal railways and the largest clUes and towns. Copy will be mailed to any address upon receipt of a two-ceni stamp. Address Briard F. Hill, North ern Pass. Agt, 350 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111., or W. L. Danley, Gen. Pass Agt, Nashville, Tenn. Lady Somerset's Busy Life. Lady Henry Somerset, the English temperance reformer, is now fifty-two but does not look her years. She has been since 1890 president of the Brit ish Women's Temperance Association, which is now the largest association of its kind In England. In 1892 she was president of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union, and in 1898 held sway over 500,000 women as president of the International Asso ciation. HoW* Vktar W<5 oSer One Hundred Dollars reward for any esse of Catarrh tlxat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Q We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by 'their llria. West&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Waidlng, Kinnun A Marvin, wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, aot- tlig directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces Of the system. Testimonials sent frefc Prios |5o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Aim's JTamily fills aro tbe best Three of a Kind. Ella--Bella told me that yon teM her that secret I told you not to tell her. Stella--She's a mean thing--I told her not to tell you I told her. Ella--Well! I told her I wouldn't tell you she told me--so dont tell her I did. •MharGni's SwMt Powta* forCMdns Successfully used by Mother Gray, nuree fn the Children's Home in New York. Cures Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Pestroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Ad- trass Allan 8. Olmsted. Leitoy, H. Y. A man feels like a boy again when he imprisons a bee in a trumpet flower; but he knows he is the same old fool when the Insect gets In its work. Hives m • terribls torment to the little folks, and to some older ones. Easily cured. Doan's Ointment never tails. ln«tant re lief, permanent cure. At any drug store, SO oeuts. Money doesn't always bring happi ness, but it makes a man feel like shouting hallelula once in a while. In a campaign of education It Is Often difficult toylistinguish between aM-dei pedagogues iemagogues. DEFIANCK STARCH should be In eve-" household, none so food, besides 4 or more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. The principle of fly fishing, love making and advertising Is the same. Mrs. Austin's Pancakes will helpjtoatonssln •hat lost appetite. At grocers. Hotel reglsters are somstfmss great Bars. •• • '• -"• %A1. EXCURSIONS TO THE SOUTH. The Chicago a Eastern Illinois Railroad have announced a series of excursions to the South, which should prove popular with the traveling pub lic. They are so arranged as to best suit the needs of "the various classes of travel and In all cases are available for transportation on the daily fast through trains of the Chicago ft East ern Illinois R. R. and its southern connecUng lines. Thev homeseeker, the colonist and the tourist have all been provided for. The rates vary according to the length of time the traveler wishes to devote to the trip and in all cases liberal stopover privileges are grant ed. Detailed Information canv be ob tained on application to nearest C. & E. I. R. R. ticket agent or to W. H. Richardson, Genl Passgr. Agt., Chicago, 111. There are many excellent maga zines but none exactly like "The Pil grim." You may get a magazine that Interests the women ^aiid girls, but there is not much in it for the father and brothers. Or, you can get a man's magazine, all politics and business. Or, you can get magazines just for the children. But "The Pilgrim" aims to have something to Interest ivery member of the family. Opportunities and Business Chances Never were greater or more attracUve than sow in the Great Southwest-- Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Texas. If you're Interested, write for par ticulars. James Barker, Gen'l Pass.. & Tkt Agt, M., K. & T. Ry., 520 Wain- wrlght Bldg., St Louis. 8killed Workmen 8caree. There are 3,000 window glass pots in the country, but owing to the lim ited number of skilled workmen it is only possible to operate 2,300 pots. No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, pure and good without the world being better for it without somebody being helped and comforted by the very existence of this goodness.--Phillips Brooks. Don't you know that Denance Starch besides being absolutely superior to any other, is put up 16 ounces in pack age and sells at same price as 12-ounce packages of other kinds? When a man dies they who survive him ask what property bas he left behind. The angel «who bends over the dying man asks what good deeds he has sent before him.--Mahomet Hundreds of lives saved every year by having Dr. Thomas' Eclec.tric Oil in the house just when it is needed. Cures croup, burns, cuts, wounds of every sort A sneak in the church, a button In the collecUon box and a worm In a peach are three of a kind. Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounces In a package. 10 cents. One-third more starch for same money. A cynic is a man who would make a fool of himself in the society he satirizes. ST. JACOBS OH POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND PAIN. Fruit Farm^Sale 40 Miles from Salt Lake City. JI1Q A or no I 100 bearing fruit. 8 years *r£0 Alii CO• old, balanoe excellent fruit lan i. all under cultivation 20 acres Bartlett pears, -"0 acrcs fall and winter apples, 10 acres prunes, 20 acres peaches, principally EUbertas, 15 acres Muscat and foreign grapes 15 acres nectarines, cherries, apricois, plums, fancy fruits, berries. Elevation 4f>00 feet: climate unexcelled. No danper from frosts, being protected by mountains ana canyons. Best water rights in the state and supply inexhaustible. Provo river runs alongside farm. Railroad station on farm. Uneiceileu home markets -- Gait Lake City and adjacent, mining oamps fur nish never failing demand for more than can be raised, at good prices. Apiary with 100 stands Italian bees. Three good dwell ings and substantial outbuildings. Farm well stocked. Ample supply of Implements, tools and equipments. Perfect title guar anteed; noincumberanoe. Everything will bear closest Inspection. All Inquiries care fully answered and full Information sup plied on request. Address ELLSWORTH FRUIT FARM. S12 DOOLV SLOOK, SALT LAICS OITY, UTAH M O L E S T O R Y ! KK WE CLOTHE YOU H\DOWN TO THE FEET WITH WATERPROOF .OILED CLOTHING •6 : BETTEJt < KNOWN i we BETTER .MADE 3U WANT _ BEST >ULLY BACKED 8YOUR GUARANTEE ASK YOUR DEALER. PREC CATALOGUES or GAftfttNTS AND MATS A. J.TOWER CO .&OSTQN.MAS>.JJ fiSH BRK$ OLDEST NEWSBOY IN THE UNITED STATES. A familiar figure seen around the Chicago & Alton depot at Joliet, Illi nois, every morning when the Kansas City train arrives at 6:55 a m., is the oldest newsboy (or rather news man) in the United States. Mr. Orsa- mus Page has been selling newspapers in Joliet since the World's Fair, In 1893, never missing a single day, or failing to meet the early trains. Page was born in 1809, being 93 years of age, and retains his vigor to such an extent that he is able to rise every morning at four ! o'clock and deliver thirty or forty papers before the early Chicago & Alton train arrives. This is particularly remarkable, from the fact that this "newsboy" has but one leg. Mr. Page comes from very long- lived parents and grandparents--his father dying at eighty-nine, his mother at ninety-eight, while his grandfather lived to be one hundred and two, and his grandmother one hundred and five. He began life as a farmer, then engaged In driving stock east from Iowa, as early as 1848. He then turn ed his attention to railroad work, and had several contracts for grading on the Chicago & Alton Railway, near Springfield, Illinois, in 1857. After working a number of years on the railway, he again went to farming, and it was at this time that he lost his leg, it being crushed In a thresh ing machine. Just before "retiring" to sell news papers, by which means he is able to support his family, he was engaged In selling coal at Joliet An article on "The Presidency," by Theodore Roosevelt, written by him before he had even been nominated for the vice-presidency, which will ap pear In the Nov. 6th Issue of the Youth s Companion, will prove to be of great public interest "Did I understand yon to say that your friend Is a literary man?" "No; I merely said that he had written one of the successful novels of the day."--Philadelphia Bulletin. goneT Headachet Btomacb out of order? Simply a case of torpid liver. Burdock Blood Bitters will make a new maa or woman of you. According to the present plans twenty-seven new ships will soon be constructed for Great Britain's navy. To Care a Gold in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Only a dog can lick the hand that smites, and perhaps the trait Is only creditable in a dog. With the march of civilization come innumerable chances to make a dis honest living. Ita. Austin's famous Pancake floor is la town--fresh and delicious as ever. Genius is a freak of glad nature in good humor. HAMLIN'S WFZARD OIL BURNS,SCALD5 A L L . D R U G G I S T S S E L L I T RK.4L ESTATE. I 8KL<1> PBOl'KRTY evorvwhere. If yon want • to bny or sell res! estate or a mietnem, CALVIN i OK11ES, Kalamazoo, ' > X i . PE-RU-NA CURES CATARRH OF KIDNEYS EVERY TIME. ipflj lowers DANGEROUS KIDNEY DISEASES CURED Pe-ru-aa Creatine a National Sensation in the Con of Cforonic Ailments of tbe Kidneys. Major T. K. Mars, of the First Wiscon sin Cavalry regiment, writes from 142S Dunning street, Chicago, HL, the fol lowing1 letter: 'Foryears / suffered with catarrh of the Sidneys contracted In ths army. Medicine did not help me any until a comrado who had been helped by Pe- runa advised me to try It I bought some at once, and soon found blessed relief. I kept taking It four months, and am now well and strong and feel better than / have done for the past twenty yean, thanks to Peruoa."'-- T. H. Mars. Mr. John Vance, of Hartford City, Ind., says: "My kidney trouble is much better. I have improved so much that everybody wants to know what medi cine I am using. I recommend Peruna to evervbody and some have commenced to use it. The folks all say that if Dr. Hartman's medicine cures me it must be great."--John Vance, Mr. J. Brake, of Petrolea, Ontario, Canada, writes: "Four years ago I had m severe attack of Bright's disease, which brought me so low the doctor said nothing more could be done for me. i began to take Peruna and Manalln, and In three months I was a well man and have continued ao ever since. "•••J. Brake. At the appearance of the first symptom of kidney trouble, Peruna should b e t a k e n . This remedy s t r i k e s a t o n c e t h e very root of the disease. It at once re lieves the ca tarrhal kid neys of the s t a g n a n t b l o o d , p r e - v e n t i n g the escape of serum from t h e b l o o d . | Peruna stimulates the kidneys excrete from the blood the aecumu* lating poison, and thus prevents the < c o n v u l s i o n s w h i c h a r e s u r e t o f o l l o w i f . , the poisons are allowed to remain. 1% . ' gives great vigor to the heart's actio* 1 and digestive system, both of which are' ,}';•• apt to fail rapidly in this disease. *1$ Peruna cures catarrh of the kidneys " §1*. s i m p l y b e c a u s e i t c u r e s c a t a r r h w h e r e * , ' ^ i f i ever located. If you do not derive prompt and sat* ̂ isfactory results from the use of Pe* runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman^ J ., giving a full statement of your caas and he will be pleased to give yuu hi# valuable advice gratis. ! v Address Dr. Hartman, President at The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,Ol»;y •' ••••MMRI I Pain Won't Trouble you I Only Keep a Bottle of ] MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT IN THE HOUSE. For SIXTY YEAR.S It has Pswved the BEST LINIMENT for MAN o* BEAST. my plan. "cu. BUY A GOOD IOWA FARM. ISO acres, 12,500 lit ^oini Improvements, S60 IM leo aorei, <3,000 In £ocxl Improvement*, S70 acra. 879 aoret, M.OOO la good Improvements, S7B acre. AH good land in Eastern Iowa. Write for map and list of other farms for »alo, rent, and exchange. Uood Iowa farm morttfuces for sale. Northern Iowa l.and Co., Independence. Iowa, G O L D M I N E S . I T W f , R •flverforfull particulars. 1>K.F.W. KROKNKS, Ballioad Building, Denver. Colorado. Evert Evert Kvert Kvert Kver# Kver# Evert Kvert Evert Ever# Ever® Evert Evert Evert MISCELLANEOUS. Make Money Quick. Im out Something New And TTiefok Send Sketch Or Model. Obtain Our Keport A* To Patentability, Free. Inventors Guide Mailed Free To All. " * ii! 'C'.'E V E KT A* bo'."* &KADING PATENT ATTORNEYS (16 NINTH STREET, N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. llllfCCTADC stand up and make ten thousand invcaiun* dollars. First class brick factory hulldlnfr In Buffalo, with power,forty thousand feetof floor will bo Hold forllfty cents on the dollar. Address JOHH KINGoTOH, 6 Henry Bt., Buffalo, N. Y. Constipation Will Undermine Your Health. Mull's Grape Tonic Cures Constipation. When the sewer of a city becomes stopped up, the refuse backs into the streets where it decays and rots, spreading disease- creating germs throughout the eutjre city, idf IB MULL'S GRAPE TOMIC to a crushed fruit tonlo-laxative which permanently cures the affliction. v The tonic properties contained in the grape . go into every afflicted tissue and creates stnnglb and health. It will quickly restore lost flesh and make rich, red blood. As a laxative its action is immediate and posi tive, gentle and natural. Mull's Grape Tonic Is guaranteed or money osck. Send ICc. to Lightning Medicine Co~ Bock Island, 111., for large sample bottle. All druggists sell regular sized bottles for 50 eta. Au epifiemic of sickness follows. It is the same way when the bowels fail to work. The undigested food backs into the system and there it rots and decays. From this festering mass the blood saps up all the dis ease germs, and at every heart beat curies them to every tis6ue,justasthe waterworks of a city forces impure water into every house. The only way to cure a condition like this is to cure the constipation. Fills and the ordinary cathartics will do no good. n AS | f A money making meat rwV% wHIaEi business in a very busy town. 50 miles from Clilosico. Business lias clenred 11700 last year above expenses. Business Is in good runnlnK order. A very roo I chance for lively business man. Will eell whole business or hulf interest, lteuson for selling, have other buslnessout of town. Address B, Chicago Union Adv. Co.,225 Dearborn St.,Chicago, Is Absolutely guaranteed to Cure Blood Poison &Rhe KISKO permanent cure. Your money back if it does. Write any bank in Chattanooga as to our respo bility. Address for free booklet and full information THE KISKO MEDICINE CO., Chattanoofls. Ti 1 In all Its forms. We do this because the medicine has b( oughly tested for 27 years, and in no case has it failed to 8AYE YOUR EYES ! Most reliable invention •verput before wearers of eyeglasses. Would von bine comfort? Would you savo your eyes the strain Incident al to wearing glasses? Send for complete sample and description booklet. Enclose 10c for packing, postage, etc. Agents wunted. Glasseue Mfg. Co., bilelle, N. J. •10.65 SKIVING MACHINE. None better;8 moa. trial; all attachments;20 yearsguarantee;catalog free. H. F. Schlueter * Co., 1400 Elm St.,Cincinnati,Of Ufa Cfarl Vnn ln * business from which the Income Wo wloll I Ull of money has no end. Honest business; pleasant work guaranteed; do not delay; write today en closing stamp. The Starter Co., Rock Rapids, Iowa. GOOD LUCK comes to those who wear their blrthstono. Sen 1 12 mats, date of birth for a beauti ful Blrthetone Stickpin, or S1.00 for pin and Astro logical character reading, telling how beat to succeed In business, bo happy and well. Address KISMET VOVXXTY 00., Vtftr 0, South Berwick Kama. ONE DOLLAR FOR THREE RiHSS. We wantnAmesand addresses of your friends, and ae uu inducement for you to fiend them to us we will reproduce from any photograph vou send u« THIS GOLD ELATED BROOCH, beau- tlfully HAND puintcd^ superior to the (1.35 grades of other makes, for the names and only- U5c. Photos returned uninJortxL Write for catalogue. UNIQUE MINIATURE MFQ.OO., Ixe XX Inchet. Dept. C* L. Rochester, Pa. FlHEj! 5/IRQ5 Thompson's Eye Water Via Dubuqne, Waterloo and Albert Lea. Fast Vestibule Night train with through Sleeping Car, Buffet-Library Car and Free Reclining Chair Car. Dining Car Service en route. Tickets of agents ol*L C. B. R. and connecting lines. A. n. HANSOM, O. P. CHioaoo. 4 * * * GET A GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARJC OCT TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT. DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST-AND MORE OF IT FOR TBI CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT If YOU J ASK FOR IT. SATISFACTION OK MONEY BACK. MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NE& NEW DTscovnrt utf ao4 c»*e». Boo'» • ! I'-'ilsaoJ 10 BAH' nUkJK. Dz.H li 6SU£iS,B«a W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 45, 1 $25 ON 5 TON IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVC Wo make all kinds ol scales. I Also B.8. Pumps and Windmills. BCCKMAN BROS.. DCS M01NE8. lOUM* 510.00 DmU Crt|MNftr«]U 4&C« K**U» Hty^rds £.e. Fr*iii*- » BlyMMiUWMa Aasvertos idwrtln-- iMriM ni> r«i«