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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1902, p. 8

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mm wm&m 'Pi The Clothing Business has been a specialty with us for a number of years, and this Pall we have tried to outdo fprmer efforts. Our assortment is certainly very large, ranging in Children's from four years old to Men's largest sizes in either Suits or Overcoats, in the latest Cloth and make-up. Our stock was bought early, thus having the largest line to select from, and by saving all discounts are ill shape to name you prices that are the lowest, consistent with good Material and Workmanship. LEATHER and RUBBER FOOTWEAR i This Fall has been a trying one on Shoe Leather. Ours are mads by Selz Schwab & Co. and they have stood the test well. Our Royal Blue Shoes need no recommend. All sizes, either Rubber or Leather. Horse Blankets, Fur Plush and Wool Lap Robes. Underwear, Duck Coats, Gloves and Mittens, Fur Coats, Wool Caps, Groceries and Flour. Yours for Fall Trade, WEST NcffWRT, UflKMS. J. * n «Ti A A A A A A »Ti A ^ A A m A A «T> A A tT» »Tt This is the Placet to buy your Furniture. I carry one of the largest and most complete lines of general Furniture in the county at the lowest pos­ sible prices. If you are in want of any­ thing in the line of Chairs, Tables, Steel and Wood ^ed Steads, Couches, Parlor and Chamber Stijits, Lace Curtains, Car­ pets or Rugs, this is the place you can get them. Don't give your order to the Chi­ cago Mail Order House, but come to me as I think I can sell just as cheap as they can considing the quality of goods, and in fact, I have demonstrated this in a number of instances. Undertaking and embalming promptly attended to. JACOB JUSTEN. !i& FALL AND WINTEK «KIDS We are showing a large line of Ladies' Dress and Walking Skirts in all new weaves and colors, finely tailored and trimmed. An elegant assortment of fancy Waist Patterns in French Flannels, Silks and Wool Corded Velvets, Metal - ic Velvets, Etc. Dress Goods in the newest and most popular weaves and colors. Flanneletes, Outing and Tennis Flannels. Underwear, all grades and sizes, at popular prices in Cotton, Fleeced Lined and Wool. Hats, Caps and Gloves, Covert and Duck Coats, Shirts, Overalls and Jumpers. Our Shoe Stock is the most complete in town, all kinds and the mogt up-to-date styles ranging from $5 cents to $4.50. Clothing made to ileasure! We have about one thousand samples to select from in Foreign and Domestic Cloths. A perfect fit guaranteed. Yours Truly, Rev. Irt It. Hick*' 1903 Alumnae. To say that this splendid work of sci­ ence and art is finer and better than ev­ er, is stating it mildly. The demand for it is far beyond all previous years. To say that such results, reaching through thirty years, are not based up­ on sound sense and usefulness, is an in­ sult to the intelligence of the millions. Prof. Hicks, through this great Alma- & e and 1U famous family and scientif ic journal, World and Works, is doing a work for the whole people not ap­ proached by any other man or publica­ tion. A fair test will prove this to any reasonable peison. Added to the most luminous course in astronomy for 1903, forecasts of storms and weather are giy en, as never before, for every day in the year, alt charmingly illustrated with nearly two hundred engravings. The price of single Almanac, including post­ age and mailing, is thirty cents. Word and Works with the Almanac is $1.00 a year. Write to Word and Works -Pub­ lishing Co., 2201 Locust Street, St. Lou­ is, Mo., and prove to yourself their great value. The He#t Remedy for Croup, (From the Atchison. Ivan.. Daily Globe.) This is the season when every woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in tbe middle of the night by a whoop from one of thft children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in a case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in a case of burglars. There used to be Hn old-fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive-syrup and tolu, but some mod­ ern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It ranees the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soon as the croupy cough ap­ pears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Professional Pride. Newspaper men, from great editors down to rural fg&rrespondents, are proud of their profession, although not all sit as secure as John Black, for many years tbe of the London Chronicle. Black supported the Melbourne ad­ ministration in his paper, yet he never asked a favor of any of the ministers. On one occasion Lord Melbourne said to him: You are the only man in England who forgets that I am prime minister." How so, my lord?" inquired Black, supposing that he bad been inadver­ tently disrespectful. "Because,replied Melbourne, "you are tbe only man I know who never asks a favor of me." "I have no favor to ask," said Black quietly. "I have no favor to ask any one in the world! Yon are prime min­ ister of England, but I am editor of the Morning Chronicle, and I would not change places with the proudest man in England--not even, my lord, with you." Weeplnar at a Weddln*. A Chinese marriage is all ceremony-- ao talk, uo levity and much crying. The solemnity of a funeral prevails. After the exchange uf presents the bride la dressed with much care In a red gown, brocade or silk. If she can get it; her eyelashes are pah.ted a deep black, and she wears a heavy red veil attached to a scarlet headdress, from which imitation pearls are pendent over the forehead. A feast 1b spread upon a table, to wlilch the blushing brfde is led by five of her best female friends. They are seated at the table, but no one eats. Tbe utmost silence prevails, when, finally, the mother leads off in a cry. the maids follow and the bride echoes in the chorus. Then all the bridesmaids leave the table and the disconsolate mother takes a seat beside the chair of state where the bride sits. The bridegroom now enters, with four of his best men. The men pick up tbe throne on which the bride aits, and, preceded by the bridegroom, form in procession and walk around the room or Into an adjoining parlor, signifying that he is carrying her away to his own home. The guests then throw rice at the happy couple, a cus­ tom we have borrowed from the heathen. $ ^There is no Place 'ike Home K - 1 : ' a®. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against.a hot stove which burned him severely. . The child was in great agony and his: mother could do nothing to pacify hftn. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Kellar, Pa. Pain^B.-lm is an anticeptic liniment and especially valu­ able for burns, cuts, bruises an^ spraifts. For sale by all druggists. Long distance 'phone No. 363. M. J. WALSH I * 1 - IMPORTANT TO CASH TRADERS! I Owing to the rainy weather and consequent failure to attend our Sale we announce a continuance of Sale Prices on all Goods advertised until such Goods are closed out. This in particular refers to Dress Goods, Shoes, \Blankets, Underwear, Rubber Goods, Etc. Jackets that are left may be yours at half price. Plenty of yard-wide Muslin i|t 4c, prints of standard quality 4^c. Miss Ida. M. Snyder* Treasurer of tbe Brooklyn East End Art Club. " If women would pay more attention to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and if tney would observe results they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they an given credit for. " In consulting with my druggist he ad­ vised McElree's Wine of Carduiand Thed- ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for s new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." W n.e of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions and is a most as­ tonishing tonic for women. It cures scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg­ ular and painful menstruation, falling of the womb, whiten and fluoding. U is helpful when approaching woman­ hood, during pregnancy, alter child­ birth and in change of life. It fre­ quently brings a dear baby to homes that have been barren for years. Ail druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. One Minute C«urh Car* Is the only harmless cotlgh cure that gives quick relief. Cures Couphs. Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, Asthma, LaGrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, sayB Gertrude E. Fenner, Muncie, Iud., and contracted a severe cold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist reccomended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bot tie brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, re­ lieves the cough at once, draws out the inflammation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for children. Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. A Pltek Uka. Trinidad, an Island In the south At­ lantic opposite the mouth of the Ori­ noco, Is famous for Its plteh. There are districts where there is pitch ev­ erywhere. The beach Is pitch, and ao are the "rocks," some of which have been carried off to supply Paris and New York with tar pavements. At La Brea pineapples grow to perfection in a brown soil which is half pitch. But the wonder of the Isle Is the pitch lake a mile and a half In circumference. As it lies glittering In the sun It looks like a vast bed of monstrous mush­ rooms. aU black and of all kinds of shape and sice, some measuring as mueh as fifty feet across. The space between these unlovely objects Is filled with oily water. In parts of the lake the pitch is quite liquid, and the ground all round is full of pitch and coaly stuff to a depth of hundreds of teat Th* Woman tdith a Beaut if at Complexion to dM woman whs** dmfci portray dw glow of haalffc. Th« tedrataiy lift tt •mm women nukn it tbtolutcly com*. mtj far th*m to aaitt atture in A* fcartiai of digweiee is • J That's whf Dr. Caldwell's (bntlw) Syfup Pepsin b 00 popehrwitii Aeweewof An» ta. It u • gratia eomctiv* luouk% triamhring (hb liver uJ M> htalthy icrixi--fcww ao hMciictNQ, •» «MMtipMioii,ao Mmnuwn <a«iC * «Mha glow of btakh. ALL. OKUQGim) A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black­ smith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheu­ matism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed hiB taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neural­ gia, Nervousness, improve digestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50 cts. at Julia A. Story's drug store Til* Merry Wa«. Butklne--I don't know that yoo ever met my wife? Wisbtn--Can't aay that I ever met her, but I have seen her many times. By tbe way, saw her kissing a man 00 your back stoop t'other evening. Butklns--Saw my wife kissing • n? What do you mean by such a j as that? >in--Just what 1 say. that's all. Butkins-- You actually mean it? If 1 knew who tbe rascal was, I'd-- Wbto-Don't get excited. It fM you, of course. Supposed you'd know that at race.--Boston Transcript. WINE^CARDUI Cared of Pile* After 40 Year*. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for over forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacera­ tions, eczema, tetter, salt rheum and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on the package--all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. What He Sold. One of the witnesses In a ease In a Dublin court was asked. "Did you eell Major Studdert a horse?" "No, sor." "Did your father sell Major Studdert a horse?" *Wo. sor." 11 Did your grand­ father sell him a horse?" "No, sor." "Well, then, did any member of your family sell Major Studdert anything?" "Yes, sor." "Who did. then?" "1 did, sor." "And what did you sell Major Studdert?" "I sold blm a mare, sor." The counsel aat down, and the couft roared. A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least a half dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." Sold by N. H. Petesch. C. Evanson. »Wi A BATH ROOM in your home is not a luxury, but a necessity. Those who^have this auxiliary to their hoL^__ would never be without om^ Story, McH^ft: again. We furnish all fixturesT®^5£Z;__/_ complete and do nice neat work at moderate prices. If yon con­ template putting in a, bath let me figure with you. CHRIS SCHJUDT, ncHBNRV, ILLINOIS. •pii boob aad « •TW 9m7 a Tank| Mw.* P«paln Syrup C<fmp**jr Jfwtfmlla. flHn-tjt Trade at Home. There is no excuse for a person buying the necessities of life in Chicago thin fall. The home merchants all have a larger and better stock of winter goods than ever before. Ah, but you say, "I can buy so much cheaper in Chicago." That is a mistaken idea. You go to Chicago to trade without even looking oyer the local stock or asking prices. Try this once and compare the Chicago and Mc­ Henry prices, at the same time keeping close tab on the quality of the goods the merchants offer. No one ever gains anything by shunning the home indus­ tries. They do an injustice to them­ selves, hurt their town and come out the small end of the horn. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking into a blazing home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping in­ mates from death. Fancied security, and death neaq. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suf fering, death, and doctor's bills. A tear spoonful stops a late cough, persistent use tbe most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by Julia A. Story. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. ' Tke bcUUa, "Geisha," the professional girl en­ tertainer of Japan, Is by no means to be confounded with "geinin," says Japan and America. The word geisha really means actor, "gel" meaning a play or entertainment of any sort, and "sha" means a person. For Instance, 1-sha means physician, and so on. The word really means what "actor" does in English, but It has come to mean only those girls in Japan who are trained to entertain by dancing and singing to the shamisen and koto, the usual musical instruments for light en­ tertainments, and they also are trained to converse agreeably on topics of the day. "Geinin," on the other hand, while It really means the same thing as geisha, has now <?ome to be applied to artists, in a higher sense. A Thanksgiving Dinner. Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks in­ flame tbe mucious membranes lining the stomach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, producing a swelling after eat­ ing, heartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves the inflammation, protects the nerves and cures the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing and sweetening tha glands of the stomach. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. • A sitoar of Chart** Jaain A gambling story Is told of Charles James Fox tt^t rather reflects on hie honor. He was one of the urdent ad- mirers of Mrs. Crewe, a noted beauty of her day, and it Is reluted that a gentleman lost a considerable sum to this lady at play and, being obliged to leave town suddenly, gave Mr. Fox tbe money to pay ber. begging blm to apol­ ogize to her for his not having paid the debt of honor In person. Fox lost ev­ ery shilling of It before morning. Mrs. Crewe often met the supposed debtor afterward and, surprised that he never noticed the circumstances, .at length delicately hinted the matter to him. "Bless me!" said be. "1 paid the mon­ ey to Mr. Fox three months ago." "Oh, did you, sir?" said Mrs. Crewe good naturedly. "Then probably be paid me and 1 forgot It." If you are bilious and seeking advisers, Take DeWitt's Little Early Risers,. Jost before going to bed. You will find on the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow-- That's all; just enough said. These famous pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Their tonic effect gives strength to the glands, preventing a retarn of the disorder. Julia A. ry;G. W. Besley, W. Mc- Paper Cutter For Hale. We have for sale a twenty-two inch Paragon paper cutter. Is good as new, having been used but little. Price $40. Address The Plaindealer for particulars tf Agent lor the Eagle Acetylene Oai Machine. I furnUh the entire »Mt- There is no cough medicine so popu­ lar as Foley's Honey and Tar. It oon- tains no opiates or poisons and never feUatpoas* M4fcp)i. EL 't;; , ^ v -y =• to do your fall trading and there is no place like Chapell'8 to find a cotaplete stock of Winter Wearables^ We would like especially to call your attention to our large line. of ' 'Staley" Under- "wew, the best on the market; Those who have worn these goods will say that they are the best, and they cost no more than the other brands. Buy your Underwear now, be prepared when Jack Frost makes his appearance. In Caps for Men, Women and Children, Hats, Gloves, Mittens, Dress Goods, Flannels, Bed Blankets, Comfort­ ables, Sweaters. Etc., we positively have the largest stock in McHenry. W'B* We Defy Department Stores and Mail Order Houses to beat us on the same class of Goods. Besides we give you better treatment. If the Goods you purchase of us are not satisfactory we are always ready to make it right. If you will call and see • the goods you will be convinced that we can fit. you out for the winter. in everything and the prices will suit. Farmers and Teamsters should call and see .that fine line of Sheepskin- lined Duck Coats in half and full lengths. Not as expensive as a Fur Coat, but nearly 9s warm and not as cumbersome. If a Fur Coat is pre­ ferred we have them in all sizes and prices. No Dairyman should be without one. Friday and Saturday Next I will offer 1500 yards of best Outing Flannel in all colors, striped, plaids and plain, sells the , world over at 10 cents per yard, while it lasts at 7 l-2c per yard s. S. CHAPELL. > McHenry, Illinois. i A A ITI m tti iti fti A ^ »•» »•« A A Aa A A A A , 'J' 'J1 1^1 ̂ ^ ly 1^1 IJ,I IJI III 111 if! ill ill ill ill ill 1 % GOT A COLD? If yon have, something should be done at once to prevent sickness. Don't let a cold or cough run until serious complications result We have all the beet known guaranteed remedies for coughs, colds, etc. Use them in time and save doctor's bills and perhaps a long siege of sickness. USE PECAN OIL for Chapped Hands, Wire Cats, Ete. It Is guaranteed to intra, back it not satisfactory. Money Ring wood, 111. J. 5. BROWN & SON. CTIWlWHWl miumM.amHMuu" ASfegetable Preparalionfor As­ similating the Food andfietf ula- tiag the Stoinacbs and Bowels of CASTORIA For Infants and Children^ The Kind You Have Always Bought Im a m s < m i d h i n Promotes DSgeslion.Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion. Sour Stouvach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jcverish- i\es9 and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature^' NEW* YORK. < I N ! S EXACT COPY W WriAPKR In . Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 1 •Tfc, th* Cf*T»u» OOWPANV Rtw von* am. ills A tflii offi " ' V $ . :• • • * r s . y • >

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