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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1903, p. 5

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>• ;v :^s Si mr '•-*? H new and complete line of $boe$ for Jltcn, 11? omen and Children, iust received this week. €1>e best thins to atoe for £bristn?a$ presents. Jllso new lines of Dry floods and llotions in Siardwar^, Cable and Pocket Cutlery. McHenry. III. SL 0SMVH BROS. 5J» Si 5* it: $ 1$ s $ if: NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Agent for the Celebrated International | Stock Food ̂ Preventative v of Hog ChtMa Jos. H. liuemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. / sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills,^ . ( Rock Island Plows, Wagons, ; Carriages, Buggies, Wind "Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a General JWacksmitMn# " t= Writes always RussnMC Fancy Grocers. NUTS! ^rplaute, extra fine California, per pound.. 20c •' Imported Maples, per pound.:-...380c Fliberte, per pound. 18c Rr**tl Nuts, per pountf.. 18c r T X L Almonds per poumi • .30*- Pwuu, large, .per pound... *.18c Iflxed Table Nuts, per pound....** 18c Oaconots, large,' each..; 8c Fresh roasted Peanuts, per pound 12Kc Black Walnuts, per quart £c FINE CONFECTIONERY! Chocolates and Boa Bona in H, 1 and 2 pound boxes 25c. 35c, 70c Fipah Peanut Candy, t pounds tor 95c New Dates, per pound -- <10c Nfw Fancy Flgs,per pound .18c A! bargain (n 4 Crown California Seeded BshlBl; lpOund packages Q >0c * S packages for JBc. TMs Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a <NEML imkhk MISBIKS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a •Banner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom- en and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE fft Ylrst Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY* OWEN, ftfatary PuMlc. Banker* McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Wood-lock, III Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Mosey to loan on *aal estate in SODIH of TWO to flO.OM, time and payment to suit uorrower. t lhi« Minute Cough Cure r ftr Coughs, Cokta and Croup, Specialty. . 4 |i |To«ik Her Uttrnlljr. ^ abetli Cady Stnnton was once a piece of advice to a roomful of Young mgn in a little village on the subject of matrimony. "When you marry." she paid, "choose a woman with a spine and a sound set of teeth.** "Good gnicf^ps. Mrs. Stanton." re­ marked oue of her llsteuers in alarm, **do they ever counj without" spines?" Bail Spelllns. One of .the causes to which the prev­ alence of bad spilling among the rising generation is attributed is the fact that the modern Iloman method of pro­ nouncing Latini gives no direct indica­ tion of the pronunciation of the Eng­ lish derivatives and so jio cue to their spelling, as the English sound of Latin words did when it was used. Divide Up Overheard In the Garden of Eden, "You are a nasty, uuan. horrid old thing, so there I" exclaimed Eve. "I suppose next you will threaten to go home to mamma," taunted Adam. Then, realizing the bittern .-ss of na­ ture' s-handieap. Eve burst into tears.-- Philadelphia- R; cord.. HAPPY NEW" YEAR JOHN D. LODTZ. flEATS \ Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season # Having pnn ha*ed the West Side • Market <>t F. Wat- ties, it is my intention to give ii'l cust<liners the best service possible. 1 pay Bpot C4>sb for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paving the low­ est prices, and ' will sell on , ' tb<;sftiue basia. C* .• n ATT HEWS, 1 » /" West Mt-Henry Om Waurte Ceugh Cure FirOMiKCtkbaadCroupi : fflTRAl R. R. Chicago and New 1 Orleans Limited Exclusively a Pullman Train From Chicago FASTER TIME Effective DecembeV ". the Chicago and New Orleans Limited, l:tst vestibule train, will be •pllt ouV't <'Socage. mniiinn trcm Cliicapoto Memphis as a 1 ulin an i | ir train only. Train No 3. tlu; Limited. ciiriyiutr »>tjl> r Pullman sleeping cars. dinin? cur and buffet-library car will leave rhirago daily at 7.<i0p. m. for Memphis. 11 < >t Springs. Nashville. Atlanta, Jacksonville, wild am vine, at New Orleans at 7 40 p in. the next day. No coach pu*ser>gers will he taken on it. they beVng carried to the alxive poitfts on new train No. 2.> having coaches only ami leaving < hlcago at 5.2ft p. m. daily and arriving al New Orleans 7.40 p. ra. the next flay. This coacli train will also carry every Wednesday out of Chicago the fan Francisco ICxcaraioii Sleeping Car running vta New Orleans. In addition, the Now Orleans Special. fast day train, vtfth t 'irons;h sleeping and bufTet- librarv cars, and serving all meals in dining car. will leave rhii-ago daily at 10 00 a. m. una arrive at New Orleans at 10 ,Vi next mornfntr, connect inp with the Minset Limited of the !*nuthern Pacific fof Houston. San Antonio and San Kran>Msco. the Sunset Limited lea vine >ew Orleans daily :rt ll.;V" a. m. Tickets aocr furtltfer hlformation of railroad t ick agents. V A. H- HANSCN. r > Gau'i Paiw'r Asent. SPRING GROT^. . Harry Spear of Wilmot was In tow^ Snnday afternoon. J. W. Law son of Park Ridge was here the first t)f the week. . " Dr. Br^mken and dvogeist McLane were at Lake Villa Sunday. Mfs. Kate Shotliff aod family spent Sunday with W\lmot relatives. Marshall Pie<-ce and wife entertained several relatix^*^ Christinas. Collison & Rrv.;. jgs shipped a cajrload of hogs from here Monday evening. Walter Shotlilf went to the city Sun­ day morning to visit with relatives. " Several from this place have been to- Rich mund during the week to view the ruins. < MfS. French of Ringwood spent Christinas here with her son, Edd, and family. t Mr. and Mrs. R^ Oxtoby ̂ ate -Christ­ mas uinuci' with RuLt. Iluuter and fam­ ily at Richmond. r Mfrs. James Neisa, Mabelle and Oliver, j*p£nt Sunday with ^huiond relatives and saw the ruins. Mioses Maggie and Zella Lichty are home from Elgin to s^ieud the holidays with their pareuts. M. W. A. dance at Stoffel's hall. West McHenry, Thursday evening, Jan. 1. Reed s full orchestra. Howard West lake has been having quite a tussle with the neuralgia, but at present is some better. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell were over from Ringwuod to attend the silver wedding Friday evening. Chas. Thompson and son, Dean, from near Richmond called on friends in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. M. W. A. Dance at Stoffel's Hal', West Mclleury, Thursday evening, Jan. 1. Reed's full orchestra. Miss Katie Nett and brother, Ben, of Wiluiot spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with friends in this place. „ Frances James and lady friend drove over from Hebron and spent Snnday afternoon with relatives in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller are the happy parents of a fine baby boy who arrived in time for breakfast Monday morning. Mrs. Bello Coulman and Miss Neva French were over from Wilmot and spent the Sabbath with Mrs. J as. West- lake and family. The many friends of Mrs. Cora West- lake Johnson will be pleased to know that she is nicely settled in the old Walker hotel, now the Johnson House, at IJai \a; J, aud is v. J! pleased with the locati on. . - 1.jOq Nnlk has been the busiest fhan in seven counties siuce he got his new saw ing outfit. Amougst the jobs he has on hand is a large one on the R. B. Cole farm north of town that will take him the greater part of a week to run through. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hatch arrived here last week from Tacoma, Wash and will spend several weeks*visiting relatives and friends. It is nearly thir teen years since they have been here and they note many cbsnges in and around this place. , Our drug store Is now open and we are justly prond of it as it would be a credit to any town. Druggist McClane is a thorough business man and under stands the business perfectly. Anyone wishing anything to be found in an up to-date drag store will do well to call on him: Friday being the twenty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pierce several of their friends and rela tives were invited in^€o help celebrate the occasion. Cards<<tnd music formed the evening's entertainment after which a bountiful lunch was served and to say it was enjoyed, by all is putting it mild­ ly. Twas liKirning when the part) broke up leaving several beantiful piec­ es of silver and a «< rufortaHe Morris chair as slight tokens of their resjiect and wishing that Hilas and Lizzie inigbt live to celebrate their wedding. If yon feel ill and ne< d a pill Wl y not ]inr< base the tistt DeWili V Earl> risers Are little snrpr^er^. Take one--they d«> the re t. W. H. Howell. Houston. Tex.. I have nsed Little Eh?!.* Riser my family for ««>ns t i|>wti« ii, su k hewd ache, etc. To their use I am mdeb'ed for the health of my family. Julia j». Story- McHenry. G W Besley. West •McHenry. i fi . I- The \VI*e. ' "Suppose 1 :iu absoliit?ly per­ fect woman," she remarked sharply. "Do you know what you'd do then?" "No." answer;*! h.-T husband. "What?" "T:;u'd gr wl because you htfd-noth­ ing to growl about." ddeti w rites-- Pills it. Very AVIIIius. **You asked her father for her hand*" "Yes." , "And he refused you?" "No, ho didn't. He said ! couHMiave both of them."--Cleveland Plain Deal- !• One a* Bnd a* tbe Othert '"Poverty, is no disgrace." said the yonng woman with idi as of her own. "No." said Mrs. Cr.mrocks. "it's no disrraee. but it certainly is extremely unfashionable."--AVa>hiu;.ton Star. BIHOWOOa S. H. Beatty drove to Woodstock Sat­ urday. Mrs. Del Abbott of Ostend was 'a vis itor Jhere Saturday. M. W. A. dance at Stoffel's hall, West McHenry, Thursday evening, Jan. 1 Reed s f nil orchestra. Mrs. R. McClean and daughter spent Christmas in and around Ringv^od vis­ iting friends and acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johonnott of **Terra Haute, Ind., are being entet- taiued at the home of N. D. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Fay of Ridgefield are visiting Mr. Fay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. B. Spaulding, this week. • Mrs. Richard Lawson, who has been visiting relatives and friends here, re­ turned to her home in Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCannon and Mrs. R. Lawson spent Christmas at the home of L. A. McCannon near Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beth and eon, Max­ well, spent Christmas with relatives at Dundee. They returned home Friday evening. The Salvation Army band which has been holding meetihgaat McHenry came to Ring wood Sunday. They will hold meetings at the M. E. church, begin uing Wednesday evening and continuing, for a week. Mrs. Sarah Dodge died early Snnday morning December 10, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Lawson, in Park Ridge, where she has made her home for several years. Mrs. Dodge (nee) Ritterbush was born in Edom, Vt., in May 1818; she was 86 years old at her death. She was united in marriage to Amos Dodge and they soon moved west and located on the old homestead about oue and one-quarter miles north of Ringwood where they lesided until her husband's death in July 1884, Surviv­ ing her are four children: Irwin, of El- myra. Neb.; Mrs. H. Potter, Fairfield, Neb.; Mrs. John Lawson, Park Ridge, 111., and Wm A. Dodge of this village. The funeral was held in this village in tbe M. EL church on Tuesday at 10:80 a. in. Rtft. Pate of Park Ridge officiated. The body was interred in tbe Ringwood cemetery. The Binging was furnished by Lon Bishop, Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. W E. Smith. The pall bearers were: % Marsh, H O. Small, Bli Chase. M. M. Chase, Wm. Harrison and J. 8. Brown. The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers in the late war wrote "firsay'thn» f-tr Scratches, Bmises, Cuts, Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen'B Arnica Salve is the best in tbe world. Same for Burns, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 35c at Julia A. Story'* drug store. EMKRAtl) PARK. Miss Mamie Knox was on the siok list a few days last week. Miss Irene Frisby is spending her va­ cation at her home here. A large ciowd enjoyed the fine skat­ ing on the river here Sunday. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry vis­ ited MiBs Lucy Sutton Snnday and Mon­ day. Miss Nellie Frisby of Chicago is spending the holidays with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John R Smith visited the former's parents north of McHenry Sunday. Chas Gibbs, who returned from S. Dakota last week, was calling on friends here Sunday. Messrs. Jerry and Ed. Farrell of Chi­ cago spent Christmas day with the" Misses Avlward. Mrs. H. Felmeten and children re­ turned Friday from a few days' visit with relatives in Chicago. Miss Margaret Walsh and Thoe. F. Wttlsl' of Chicago spent a few days last week with their parents here. Robt. E. Barton. wh> it attending l usin« ss college at Elgin, is spending H week's vacation at hoiue here. Misses Alice ^nd Mar}' Sutton and Ed Larkiu of Elgin spent Christina- with R. J Snttou and family. Misses Mauie aid Lda Ay 1 ward ot Elgin "ere h<me for Christmas, the Imuii r nuiaiiiiiig uutil Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Larliiti aud children retuine to,their home in Elgin Monday after « IIMI,ill's Msit at R. J. Sutton's Miss Mamie Cosiello and brother. JHS., of Elgin are spending a week's va­ cation with their grand-parents, Mr. •mil Mrs. P. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby spent a day recently with thi ir daughter. Mrs John Walsh, at Fox Lake. Master Ray Walsh returned with them and will s|>end a few weeks here. BIIUiU« Colic PirirnlMl. Takv a double dose of Chamberlain's Cholic. Cholern and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the di­ sease appears aud a threatened attack niav be rt arded off. Hundreds of people who are subject to attacks ot bilijjos colic use the remedy in this way ^i'h i»erfect snt t-ess. For sale by all drug gists. ' Oil* Le :er. • Mrs. Wi.b r y--\V. must give some sort of affair, dear, if only to maintain our posl ion. With l-by--I st:p;-OFe you wont it to cost as much as pes1 ible? "Oh. m re than .hs.t!"--Life. if * :m - ;W', . " between X Damascus is undovi' tedly the oldest existing city in the world. Benares and Constantinople, exclusive of Chinese towns, come next in point of age. Mrs. W. S. Harrison of Hastings, Neb , writes: "Send me a 50c jar otf "Mother's Salve" at once, as my little boy is snhject to cronp, and this is the best thing I ever nsed. The weather is favorable for croup and I nev*r want to be without it." E**y to use. Qoiek act. For sale by N. H. Petesch. • - aMJ profit? Is A visit JLO the store "fcill make, it so. Here are things which are pleasant to see and pr6fitable $o buy. The Horse and Carriage owner will appr&> ciate their beauty, usefulness and good quality; PLUSH CARRIAGE ROBES, WHIPS, ET0i are a few of the things Worthy of special ootiog?: because we are selling at special prices. ^4 Gus. Carlson.2 'Ha Hit It. c 'I hear yon are going to marry old Broadacres." • "Yes." "For land's sake!"" Baltimore American. The Real Mtanlai. 'Ennui," said the cynical codger, "to the polite name for laziness. It means 'doing nothing and too tired to stop.'" --Baltimore Herald. DeWitt's ffiSS Salvs Far l 7. Iff*7'. •v.. fe- Jf fc --'4. TOLO. - Wm. Rosing transacted business in Chicago Monday. Paul Averry of Oak Park is spending this week with relatives. Vaughn Filch of Waukeganis visit­ ing at Chris Dillon's this week. Rose and Lee Huson spent the latter part of the week with relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Parker attended the banquet at Ivauhoe Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Albert Raught spent the holidays with friends and relatives in Waukegan. Elmer Francisco and Mildred Stevens of Ringwood were the guests of Rose Huson Sunday. M. W ,A. dance at Stoffel's hall. West McHenry, Thursday eyening, Jan. 1. Reed full orchestra. Misses Helen Raymond and Bessie Dunnill are enjoying a week's vacation from their school dutieB. Jake Wirtz has moved his family to his home near Lily Lake and Mr. Kept moved into the house vacated by him Frank Sexton was called to Elgin last week to tbe bedside of bis daughter, Rosie, * ho is very Biok with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Frost and son of Kenosha, and Arthur Frost of Chicago are spending this week with their par­ ents. Better than a Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud bound on the affected parts, is better than a plas ter for a lame back and for pains in the side and chest. Pain Balm has no su­ perior as a liniment for the relief ot deep seated, muscular aud rheumatic pains. For sale by all drnggista. A Timely Tuple. At this season of coughs and told it is well to know that Foley's lloney anu Xar is the greatest ibrout aud iuug rem­ edy. It cures quickly and prevents serious results from a cold. Sold by N. H. Peteech._ WOODSTOCK. W. J. Morey ot Nunda was calling on friends in this city Monday. William Harvey visited at Belvidere tbe latter part of iast week. "Doc" F re man passed Sunday with his relatives and friends in Elgin. Mrs, Guy C. Lemmers of Hebron was visiting with relatives here Monday. A. E. South wo£th of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday with relatives. Miss Margaret Donnelly was home from Chicago Saturday aud Sunday. George Stebbins has gone to Elbnrn to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Miss Lucy Glennon of Elgin was vis­ iting with her parents in this city pari of last week. Mrs. C. F. Ellsworth of Chicago spent iast Friday at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. D Lemmers. Geo. F. Eckert and wife returned last Friday from a visit with his sister, Mrs. Henry Hacker, in C hicago, Attorney Frank Spitzer of Fond du Lac, Wis., was visiting with his wife and her parents here last week. Mr. aud Mrs. J. C Oliver have moved • uto the new house on South street re­ cently erected by L. B. Coinpton. Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Graves of Genoa Jc. spent most of last week at the home it their daughter, Mrs. Theo. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown aud fam­ ily of Kenosha, Wis,, are spending a few days at*the home ot J. C. Brewer. Mr. aud Mrs. Minor Lock wood aud iiss Helen Sauford passeo a day or two 1 i^tw^ek as guests ot Mrs Julia Lines atHiebrou. .vlessrs. aud M&dames W. H. and E. O, Burger left ou Monday for Pasadena, iJal., where they will pass the remain­ der o the winter. M»*s. Fred vVindmueller and sons of Milwaukee have been spending a few days at 'he home of Dr. Emil Wind mneller in-tbis city. Mrs. W. G. Waite returned to her home in Milwaukee last Saturday after a visit of severtl days wit'i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, and other friends here. Mr. aud Mrs. Howard J. Brubaker ire- turned last Saturday from a visit of a few days with their relatives and frieuds at Freeport. They report their brother Harry as rap.dly ou the gain. The Oliver Typewriter Co. has pur­ chased all of the foreign patents on their machine, on which they bad been paying royalties of about $15,000 per year, tbe purchasing price being about $100,001*, so that they now own every pat. nt on the machine and are in shape to secure all the profits. O. Alibee of Union was in town last Sa turday. _ He is one tbe pioneers of McHenry connty, and will be remtm- bered as luring been for many years one of the oeet auctioneers in Northern Illinois. • * • CouglM, Coldt, and Constipation. Few people realize when taking cough medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opiates which are constipating besides being unsafe, particularly for children. Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar coutains no opiates, is safe and sure and will mrt constipate. Sold byN. H. Potee<&J^ -r BARREVIU.E. A. C. Matthews of McHenry tecent caller here. Th >9. Thompson was a caller at Wm. Van Natta's, Jr., at Slooutn's Lake Sat­ urday. Misses Louise and Minnie Lehman spent Christmas day with Miss Ella Krouse. Mrs. Anna Matthews and Mrs. 8. Hanson called at Wm. Van Natta's at Slocum's Lake Monday. Mrs. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, called on friends at SlocntuV Lake Monday afternoon. Chas. Gibbs returned to his home here Christmas day after eight months spent in Sioux Falls, S. D. M. W. A. dance at Stoffel's Hall. West McHenry, Thursday evening. Jan. 1. Reed'8 full orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell and daughter, Mollie, of Nunda spent Xmai- day with Mrs. Henry Wilmington. Freland Arthur Wilmington spent Tueslayand Wednesday of last week wiiU relatives and friends at Lake Vil ia. Mi^s Gertrude Turner came out from the city Sunday to spend the holidays with her mother and grand-parents here. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter and daughter, Edna, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Wm. Van Natta at Slocum s Lake. A few of the young people from here attended tbe dance at Wanconda on ChristmaB night and all report a splen did time, C. W. Starritt of Gary was calling on friends here Sunday He met with quite a painful accident while running a switch engine at that place one day last week and will be unable to go to work for some time. His fireman was also injured slighlly. Foils A Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physic­ ians were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,"but was completely cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Curt constipation, sick headache. 85c at Jul­ ia A. Story's drug store. Witty Retorta. When the celebrated physician Sir Henry Holland told Sydney Smith that he had failed to kill either one of a brace of pheasants that had risen with­ in easy range near the latter's home, the witty divine asked, "Why did you not prescribe for them?" One day Sir Henry was engaged to a hot argument with "Bobus" Smith, a barrister, concerning the merits of their respective professions. "You will admit," said Sir Henry, "that your profession does not make angels of men." "No," retorted Smith, "there you have the best of it." "•m Vj¥" CHANGE OF LIFE < Between the Agea of Forty and Fifty to a Critical Time of Ufa for bath UEii Aiiii Wyyij KMnay Diseases Cau*e Many R eat Pin During thia Perilous Period It Is not generally known that the bo£toc of men as well as women usually rasderge great changes between the ages of iorif r and fifty. With some the period com­ mences earlier and with others It la ex* tended later. With all it is marked by the overloading of the blood with impnrltlM arising from the marked changes that are taking place. The kidneys that filter th* blood often become weak during this period, and the poisons they should have eliminated are carried everywhere wttk the blood, causing a train of symptoms that Indicate certain death thalr cause is removed. Here are some of the Indications that the kidneys are overburdened and break* Ing down: flashes of heat over the face or . body, backache, headache, tired feelings indigestion, nervousness, heaviness and pains in the feet and legs, swelling of the' feet and ankles, chilly sensations, loss of weight, irregular flow of urine, which may be cloudy or give a sediment on standing, hot and dry skin, coated tongue. When any of the above symptoms are noticed, then look out for the kidneys. We know of nothing so certain to act as the right thing in the right plaoe as FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB. It is composed o f t h e b e s t k n o w n a g e n t s r e c o m m e n d e d ' ' J by the highest authorities on kidney ̂ troubles. It ts an honest preparation and ' one that is thoroughly reliable la all e N. H. PETESCH. jrfv r'rr' Petesch's White Pine Cough 8yrtip. Consumption Salt pork is a famous old» fashioned remedy for con­ sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott's Emulsion is the mod­ ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most rehned of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, v/hich is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some­ thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hvpophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sure that this picture la the form tf a label is on th« wrapper of every bottle of EmuUion you bur. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Peart St., N. Y. 50c. and $i;_alljruggist^ Wholesale and ntail| dealer In aai la tte -r >1 McHenry - Illinois The Anstocrot among the Whiskies of the Old School. W ithont a gee r For sale by Ail Leading Dealers mm ana Pleasure Health Willi NIDKAl SPRIK6S IN THE HILLY REGION OF WESTERN KENTUCKY SOUTHERNILLINOIS O N THE L I N E O F T H S \ ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILR OAD There are sewn regularly . es tal lbhvd' " health and pleasure resorts, with ni eflieiual * liters ns a feature, anil havm* hotel teciiu- 11 cxiations. that aie located as uientUt.ed above, i d the line of or eoutisuous to t be Illi­ nois t entral. They are: Hardin Springs. Gravi-on springs. 1 aw sou ^priugs. I 'erultafti, PpriVgs mid i. s^riiins. uud t 'real Springs and l>i\ou Springs. 111. Send to the undersigned for u fi*e copy of an illus­ trated book describing them all. A. U. HAN!>0>,U. 1*. A. 111. wnt. R. K., Chicago. 111. O O N'T BE FOOLED! Take the geuuiuc, origiaai ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA Made only by Madisoti cine Co.. Madison^ Wis. It keep# yoti »tll. Of trmt» mark cut on eadk package* price, 35 <tob« Ntw aaiA in huil^.. •***«{

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