'* IS'*-'"-'t'Vr v N'1""*"#' "'t"' *"'• : % •'* riMMii 1 i& *s) M ^&S" * ;^ •v s* *-&vV** I !*;&&• For the next 80 days we will give an ••>.'¥ ; extra discount for cash of 20 percent ;^*V$on a^ Winter Suits and Overcoats, to j those asking for it. Any one in need i^iof either, Overcoat or Suit, can not mi'!* afford to overlook this offer. Our cloth - ing stock is very complete, having al ways tried to give good values at for mer price. We are making this special offer to reduce stock and make room for Spring purchases. Will have another car Flour in about a week, of the two winners JERSEY LILY and HARD, TO BEAT, Yours for Trade, 3obn j. miller West ffSefttarVt "Ca^V A&- January Sale! We have many lines of Winter Goods to close •£s>*jut at reduced prices be- # J'-'.}--I 'W't? fore February 1. Men's « heavy Wool Pants, Sweat ers, Duck and Covert Rubberized Coats, Ladie&' Skirts, Wrappers, Shawls, Bed Blankets, Comforters, Etc. Yours Truly, M. J. Walsh. RNZ nx t; mwmmmmmmiMmiumMummmiH IK Plain Facts! /l ^hat we advertise to secure trade and aim to - tandle a grade of goods at prices to keep it. ' "That wise men learn from other men's mistakes ; »^l>iit the fool insists on making his own." ^ JSphat we carry a large line of full warranted ** .pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors and Shears. .That a bad article is dear at any price. CHEAP C /fa dear in the long run. , >0 jjfhat you ought to have one of our Oil Heaters for Comfort and satisfaction. We have some fine ones. A':-; '*^'That a man's worth in the world is estimated according to the value he puts on himself." vS we &M°W you to take one of our Washing Ma chines home for trial and if not satisfactory we •v it back cheerfully. 5 ?'That every day is a little life and our whole life ";r f|s but a day repeated." ' '^That we are headquarters for Dairymen's Sup- T; '^lies, Tank Heaters, Etc. t ^'That there are no greater promisors than they •^/y'fftho have nothing to give." V£-'^>$That we have a line of the nicest Cooking Uten- ^ w^feils, poffee and Tea Pots on the market. ¥ " 4^ ? Respectfully Yours, * -' •#*'1 West McHenry. F. L. ricOflBER. liNIMMNMMNMNMt ! mi $ $ m ;-i $ $ $ $ 1 Save Dollars! You can do it here. We are now ||elling out our entire line of Winter Goods at fifty cents on the Dollar. • .Call and we will prove this to you. liust make room for our line of Summer Goods. Positively the best prices in McHenry county are offered fcere. •' HURWITZ Loctl Teachers' Meeting. There will be a Teachers' Meeting held in the high school room of the Richmond public school building, Sat* onlay, January 34, 1908. The meeting will convene at 9o'clock a. in., promptly. The presence of every teacher in the towns of Burton, Richmond, Hebron, Greenwood and McHenry is earnestly desired. School officials and patrons are not only cordially invited, but are urged to attend thin meeting. Dinner will be served at a moderate expense for all in attendance. Teachers are requested to bring copies of the State Course of Study with them. Following, te the program: ^ 9:00 A. M. Opening exercises. Formation of a permanent organiza tion. Exemplification of Primary Number work. ' t i' • Geography as outlined in Hie State Course. Arithmetic ifi grades below die High School. Intermission. 1:80 P. M. Exemplification of Primary "Reading. --beginning class. History in the Grades. Illinois Pupils' and Teachers' Reading Circle work. One additional topic to be assigned later. These subjects will be presented by local educators. Each presentation may be followed by questions, criticisms and general discussions. Worry. This is easier naid than done, yet it may be of some help to consider the matter- If the causn is something over which you have no control it is obvious that worrying will not help the matter in the least. On the other hand, if within your control you have only to act. W hen you have a cold and fear an attack of Pneumonia, buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Crugh Remedy and use it judiciously and all caupe for worry as to the outcome will quickly disappear. There is no danger of pneumonia when it is used. For sale by all druggists. Will Build Road. Advices from the western part of Lake county are to the effect that a well defined rumor is going the rounds that the contract has been let for th*» building of the electrie railroad project ed from Oak Park to Fox Lake. In view of the fact that a greater portion of the right of way has been secured, that the road has ample financial back ing; and that the report is from good authority it would seem that the towns of DesPlaines, Lake Zurich and Waucon- da as well as the western part of the oounty are to have the road so long ex pected. . The Secret of Long Life. Consists in keeping all the main or gans of the body in . health, regular ac tion, and in quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Electrio Bitters regu late stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curing kidney troubles, female complaints, nervous diseases, constipation dyspepsia and ma laria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. • Only 50c, guaranteed by Julia A. Story, druggist. It has been rumored. recently that in all probability the McHenrv Creamery would be shut down owing to the small amount of milk received, but the pres ent outlook does not point to an early closing of the plant. The buttermaker. Herman Kambolz, informs us that he is working up between six and seven thousand pounds of milk each day which is a much larger run than many creameries enjoy. Herman is doing th^ work alone, and says there is enough to keep him bttsy at least. The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to DeWitt's Little Early Risers. H. Williams, San Antonio, Tex,, writes: Little Early Riser Pills are the beat I ever used in my family. I unhes itatingly recommend them to everybody They cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, jaundice, malaria and all other liver troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. 4JOOKING BACKWARD. 'tHEBfORDj BuatOMUGOTl ŝmitno", ItHU PubltikMl la The Pl*tnd«4)*r « Quarter of • Oeutnry Ago. Utoder the above heading we will give a brief synopsis each week, if possible, of the news ss published in The Plain- dealer twenty-five years ago. The items below were taken from the issueof Jan uary 38, 1878. Very mild weather. . Social dance at Schreiner's hall, Jan uary 28. ^ . A ' 'blind pig" worries the oiticena of Richmond. ; s .. Two passenger trains a day pass Mo- Henry station. The drama "The Last Loaf" pre sented by local talent. O. H. Judkins, a former landlord of the Riverside, visiting in town. C. T. Eldredge cut his hand in % se vere manner while butchering a calf. Jas. Walsh took premium at poultry show in Chicago with his game birds. Thirteen pounds of light brown sugar for $1.00 offered by Bucklin & Stevens. All interested in bringing out the can tata of "Esther" are requested to meet at Bishop's hall. Thos. Knox exhibits a freak of natnre in the shape of a calf with two lower jaws and two tongues, Shedd & Co. commenced /tatting ice, employing forty hands and loading two cars per hour with ice 7* inches thick. The same company is also putting up an ice house one hundred and fifty feet square. , In the spelling report of S. D. Bald win's A class, for the two weeks ending January 18, 1878, the following names appeared: Kate Kilter, Jennie Fran cisco, Annie Bonslett, Jennie Searles, Etta Beers, Mabel Smith, Addie Alex ander, Win. Gilbert, Eloise Waite, Al- mon Granger, Carl Ralston. Paul Brown, Eugene Perkins. Chas. Slafter, Effie Tilton, Grace Owen, Ella Lumm, Stella Beckwith, Clara Wightman, Jen nie Beers, Gerti^ Bonslett. The following "ads" and business cards appeared in The Plaindealer: H. T. Brown, physician; E. A. Beers, phy-. sician; O. J. Howard, physician; F. J. Barbian, cigar manufacturer; W. S. Prickett, attorney; Richard Bishop, at torney; Geo. A. Bucklin, notary public; Robt. Wright, shoemaker; E. M. Owen, farm machinery; Geo. Schreiner, saloon and restaurant; J. Bonslett, same; Peter Leickem, watch and clock repairing; F. Kleifgen & Son, painting; A. A. Rice, dentist; Jos. Wiedeman, restaurant; E. Perkins, wagonmaker; C. W. Cox, den tist; Dr. Samuel Sherman, electropathy; M. Engeln, gunsmith; H. E. Wightman, livery; O. W.Qwen, watchmaker; Sauer & Becker, merchant tailors; Henry Col by, druggist; A. M. White, bowling al ley; Perry & Martin, general tndse.; Henry Miller, marble works, Johns- burgh; Ward & Gale, mschine shop; R. Waite, meat market; J. Story, hard ware; Bucklin & Stevens, grcoeries; R. Bishop, feed mill; Smith, Aldrich & Haythorn, general tndse.; P. D. Smith, general mdse.; F. G. Mayes, tailor; John I. Story, furnitnre. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a dis covery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor O. H. Downey, of Chu rn busco.Ind. "I wish to state, he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible rem edy that I have ever known for Coughs, Uolds and Grip. It's invaluable to peo ple with weak lungs. Having this won derful medicine no one need dread Pneu monia or Consumption. Its relief is in stant and cure certain." Julia A. Story guarantees every 50c and $1.00 bottle, and gives trial bottles free. Elgin mo. John Walton was a Fremont caller Monday. Frank Sexton returned from Monday. Harvey Gardinier spent Saturday in Round Out. Mrs. Jack Frost visited at Wauconda the first of this week. Miss Kate Howe of McHenry was a pleasant caller Saturday. Constipation isnothin than a cloggincr of the r more | Dwels' &l6i and nothingle8g'than vital stag nation or death if not relieved. If every constipated sufferer could realize that he iB allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and manv other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved. Thed- ford's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get the origi nal Thedford's Black-Draugnt, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Bold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. •organ, Ark., M25, 13tl. I canot wwml Thedford's Black* Draught too hl*Mf 1 keep U la mj h*«M all the tlai aad hart aied It for tke last tea yean. 1 aerer gare mr eklldrea any «tk«r laxative. 1 tklak I eoaid •ever k* able to work wltkoat It on acooaat of kelti# wltfc , co--tlaatloa. Your mcdlclaa la ! all that Mops >m ap. 0. B. leVAMLAJID. the past week with friends at Wauoon- da. 4 Misses Carrie and Lizzie Worts of Fremont spent Friday with Mrs. Chas. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and son of Lake's Corners were Volo callers last Thursday. Mrs. Jane Converse returned home Mcnday after a several weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago. Mesdames Miller and Rothermel of McHenry spent Thursday with their sister, Mrs. James Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hironimus and daughter visited with relatives in Wan- kegan the latter part of the week- Mrs. George Rosing and Miss Celia Rosing spent Friday in Rockefeller with the former'8 sister, Mrs. WeHs. Several of the young people from our village, attended a surprise party on Jos eph Davies of Round Lake Friday ev ening. Miss Elsie Smith was tbe victim of a surprise party Friday evening given by the "Jolly Rebels." Those present re port a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it bibck in plaoe as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had been Chamberlain's Pain Balm adver tised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several day?. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommend ed it to many others. For sale by fcll druggists. O Bears the fltgnatuo T O X t l A . > The Kind You Have Always Boqgk GET FORTY PER CENT. Creditors of tl>« Sanda Creamorlaa to Ipi# . • •. Paid In Pvt. A settlement with creditors of the Elgin creamery is near at hand. Judge Kohlsaat in the United States District court Monday approved Referee in Bank ruptcy Wean's recommendations in re gard to a composition of claims, and by this arrangement tbe creditors will re- ceiye 40 per cent of the money due them. The American Trust and Savings bank, receiver of the defunct crncern, will begin paying these claims in a short time. The bankruptcy proceedings against the creameiy company were begun in the Federal court last August. After ward about 10,000 creditors in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa filed their claims, amounting to several hundred thousands of dollars. The sale of the dairies brought the money which is now to be dis tributed. ' IJnconMoloas From Cronp, ' During a sudden and terrifflc attack of croup our little girl was unconscious from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, postmaster, Chester, Mich., and a dose of One Minute Cough Cure was admin istered and repeated often. It reduced the swelling and infiamation, cut the mucus and shortly tbe child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, and all Lung and Throat troubles. One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contrib ute pure, health-giving oxygen to the blood. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. BeSley, West McHenry. ...:.* • -- A Fronty Strike. Five hundred employes of £fee Knick erbocker Ice Company employed in the ice houses at Powers Lake, in the west ern part of Kenosha county, went out on strike Tuesday of last week, de manding an increase of twenty-five cents a day in wages. They got the raise the next day. The ice crop will not wait for the deliberations of a board of arbitration. About fifty men at Crystal Lake, working for the same company, went out last week, but the matter was soon settled. One Hundred Dollar* Bex is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C., places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 30 years. I tried many doctors and medicine®, but all failed except DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of the healing proper ties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics em ollients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum and all skin diseases. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Bas^y, W«a| M c H e n r y . . V . ' 8ave the Hlrda. *• •*'* We should offer as many inducements as possible for the birds to make their home with ns during their all too brief summer visit. Never, mind if they do get a little of the ,fruit. Passing the sentimental an^^ aesthetic side of bird life as associated with man and viewed from purely an economic standpoint, the birds should be protected and fos tered, as they stand directly between man and a horde of insect pests which if not kept in subjection would speedily paralyze all of man's efforts in both agriculture and horticulture. There are ten birds in England where there is one here and England is one of the most productive countries on ti\e face ot tfee earth. Killed by m. Dead Man. In the second Afghan war an English officer, a well known swordsman, rode out to tackle an Afghan chief who, after the fashion of his countrymen, had challenged all and sundry to a fight. Both were mounted. Tliey rode round each other, watching an opportu nity, and the Englishman found his Just a little too soon. He rode at the Afghan and ran him through the heart just as he was swinging" his heavy sword above his head. Th6 Afghan died, but the sword came down and split the officer's skull. The man was, of course, dead, but the weight of the sword brought down by hi§ falling Miss Pearl Fisher spent a few daysH^f1' was enoughto^ettheblow home. Didn't Have a Chance. A N^w York man tells this story of a friend who was very fond of field sports and possessed a fine pair of red Irish setters. One night he visited a fashionable gambling establishment, taking tbe dogs with him. He sat down to enjoy supper, when the pro prietor, who was very fond of shoot ing, remarked: "Those are very fine animals,. Mf. Blank. Are they broke?" "Heavens! No," was tbe response. "They haven't .been In here five min utes." 'A* Uafortnnate Select!**. A mcihber of Brother Dickey's con gregation said to him: "Dey's so many chillun in my fambly we got tired lookin' roun' fer names fer 'em, so we done name de twin gals Poverty en Riches." "You done wrong," said Brother Dickey. "You'll never git 'em off ytf han's--baxe all men '11 quote de Bible on you en say, 'Gimme neither Poverty nor Riches!* "--Atlanta Constitution. A Scientific Discovery. Kodol does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itselt, even when but slightly disordered or over loaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of di gestion and does the work of the stom ach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscle* of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, rare blood. Julia A. Story, McHenry/G. W. Besley, West McHenry. . CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tli Kind You Have Always Height Bears the Signature of •ft Big ̂15HE >€ still going on with Bigger Bargain • • • - than ever; The People of McHenry ^ and surrounding country never had ja. j u - better chance to pick up good Goods One Week niore ol :£v* .> y the rush bf trading that we enjoyed last week and our Winter Stock will look* slitii. Don't Jptit it off but drop 'ill while you have a. g^ood -assortment of everything to pick from. If in need of a Pur Coat or anything in WoqI Goods for winter wear we can fit yoii, . Oflt with the be^t at prices which Surprise you. I will not carry any Winter Goods over Summer if low . . V l'::-- "u. ;"<.• prices will sdl th^m. 'Gome andrbe convinced. . -j>•,o ^ ."H>s : V - * - . r r »• t & S. S. CHAPELL a Ht BUOYS III Yes, and so do all children and grown people enjoy a thorough bath occasionally, and the only «t»y to get one is in a good bath tab. No family should be with out one if they wish to keep their bodies clean. The tub is much more satisfactory than the bowl. lean furnish, a tub end set it lip in your house at a .very reasonable price. QtUand get figures. \ " CHRIS SCHMIDT. Attractive Auction Bills at this office J ^\VAy vVV CASTOR IA the Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has bee* in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of , - and has been made nnder his per* jCJ&TJ' / sonal supervision since its hifanqy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good*' are bat( Experiments that trifle witli and endanger the health of _ Inltota and Children--Bxperienee agalast JExperimetiMt " .What is CASTOR IA _ • v.' * j Cwtoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, goric, Drops ai>d Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neitlier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms* and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. - Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation a and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ^ Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and nntuml fllflflPi " f a The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend*' :> ̂ CENUINK CASTOR IA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of " • • . The Kind You Hare Always Boaght In Use For Over 30 Years. > rr wwmt arosrr. hkw ton orr». $•> 4 : IRT "F% 7 SI mm. L&T . • ,v....>.*<! M