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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1903, p. 5

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&' I ¥l "-J? vv /.{ ;V. kLr p&'-^ . .W * •. • ' ... „. „ $ Stoves, Hardware, Shoes* I • ;f!>ry Goods and Notions! 1 N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S | invite inspection .-jjjjur prices will please of our lines in these Goods, you and so will the Goods*" Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents Blanket Sa Osmun Bros., McHenry. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine! It is also a fact that a bottle- of good Cough and Cold Remedy will prevent sickness and even death. Don't let that Cold run nntil it is necessary to call in a Doctor. We have the best known guaranteed patent remedies in the market. USE PECAN OIL "'for Chapped Hands, Wire Cats, .Bruises. Etc. t It is sooth­ ing and heals snrely and quickly. Try it and yon will never again be without it. kingwood, III. JL S. BROWN & SON. y Fancy Grocers t x Headquarters for Everything in the Fish Linel Fancy Smoked Finnan Haddles, per pound.... 12 1-2 Cents. Fattcy Smoked Iceland Halibut Steak per *•.. 1&- Cents. Vancjr Smoked Blood Bed Salmon, per pound 12 1-2 Cents. Fancy Smoked Yarmouth Bloaters, per dozen 20 Cents. Large Scalied Herring, smoked, per box 25 Cents. Extra fancy middle strip Codfish, perfectly boneless, per pouiid 12 1-2 Cents. Large Norway Mackerel, per pound 15 Cents. Largs No. 1 White Fish, per pound 12 1-2 Cents. Sew Holland Herring, Milkers, per pound... 7 1-2 Cents. Mew Shore Herring, per pound 6 1-2 Cents. Fancy Spiced Herring, 10 pound pails 85 Cents. Fancy Spiced Herring in bulk, per pound 10 Cents. New Mllchners Holland Herring in 14 pouud kegs, per keg $1.00. Special in Canned Sal­ mon--as Cases 100 Dozen For this week we will sell a good Salmon in 1 pound cans at 4 cans for. 25 Cents. Every Can Guaranteed! This Bank receive? deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Comiianies, at the Low •at rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY &OWENi Notary Public. Bankers MoHUNRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County 'State Bank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of t800 to il0,000, time and payment to WOODSTOCK. Henry Burdick was visiting in Chica­ go the first of the week. Wm. Auiborn of West McHenry was in town on business last Saturday. Dr. W. H. Doolittle was called to Nunda on professional business last Sat­ urday. Lewis Vogel, W. E. Wire and G. W. Conn, Jr., constituted the Hebron dele­ gation to this city Saturday. Mrs. James Northrop was visiting with her granddaughter, Miss Fannie, at Evanston the first of the week, J. H. Floyd, who is studying law in the office of Frank Joslyn at Elgin, vis­ ited with his family in this city Sunday. Auctioneer J. S. Jones of Capron was calling on his parents and fraMs b&re Monday and was a caller at tms office; Mrs. C. Van Slyke returned to he(r home in Indiana last Saturday, after a visit of four weeks with Mrs. L. Link- letter. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Wright left on Monday for a trip to Florida and the South, expecting to be gone about six we ks. E. C. Jewett, county treasurer, went to Springfield Tuesday to attend a meet­ ing of the county treasurers of the state and to witness the Legislature in ses­ sion. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Lemmers and son, Ervin, of Hebron passed Sunday with relatives and friends in this city. Mr. Lemmers is making a success of his paper, The Tribune. Mrs. Yolney S. Anderson left on Tuesday for Rock Island, where she will make her home in the future, and. where her husband has a good position as fireman on the Rock Island railway. Their household goods were shipped some time ago. "What's the matter, old man? Been losing on wheat?" "No, not that, for­ got to take Rocky Mountain Tea last night. Wife said I'd be sick today. 35 cents. G. W. Besley." HEATS! Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market ot F. Wat­ tles, it is tuy intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. flATTHEWS, West McHenry SPRING GROVK. John Karles was a Chicago visitor Friday. B. A. Stevens transacted business at Elgin Monday. Dr. Breuiken transacted business in Chicago recently. George Eckert was over from the county seat last week. , * James and John Westlake were home from Lake Villa recently, Dr. and Mrs. Darby were over from Wilmot the last of the week. Arthur Pierce of Hebron is yisiting relatives and friends in this place L. J. Nulk attended to business mat­ ters in Chicago the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bell were over from Ring wood Saturday afternoon. Thos. Cole and sister, Anna, were Richmond callers Monday afternoon. Fred Pierce has returned from a lengthy visit with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wilson of Rich­ mond called on relatives here Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Selim Pierce visited with Genoa Junction relatives Sunday. Alfred Richardson and family of New Lisbon, Wis , are visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss May Sweet of Rockford has bee' visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past few days. John Wagner our street commissioner has made some much needed repairs ou our side walks. Miss Bird Hodge of Solon spent Sat­ urday and Sunday with her friend, Miss Lillian Sanborn. Mrs. Lucinda Wilson of Wabash, Neb., has-speut the last week with rela tives in this place. Mrs. Libbie Smith of Elgin has been spending several days with her sisler, Mrs. D. W. Lichty. Miss Anna Cole went to the city Tues­ day morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. H. Churchill and daughter, Luella, traded with Richmond mer­ chants Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James visited their son, Joseph and family, at Beloit from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Neish and daughter, Belle, and Mrs. Kate Shotliff visited friends at Richmond Saturday. Mesdatnes L. Scherff and E. Coulman of Wilni'jt spent the Sabbath beue with Mrs. J. M. Westlake and family. Mr. and Mrs. C G. Andrews, W. C. Moss and F. L. Hatch attended to legal business at the county seat last Friday. Mesdames E. G. Turner and R. A . Oxloby attended installation of the W. R C. officers at Richmond last week Thursday. Miss Alice Reading and Dr. Bremken have been beautifying the drop curtain for the front of the stage in our R. N. A. hall. The work is beautifully done. Mrs. Libbie Bell was over from Ring- wood the last of the week helping care for her son, Duane, who has been very sick at the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. C. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Turner, Mrs. W l£. Colby and son Harold, Mrs. Man Gary, Miss Edna Pierce and F. L. Hatch were among those who went to Wood stock Tuesday. John Waspi has been snffering terri bly the past few days, caused from an abscess near the optical nerve. Di Bremken opened the abscess and the patient is resting some easier at this writing. There was a reunion of the Richard son family Snnday at the hotne of Jesse B., the old Richardson home, when brothers and sisters, who had not al been together for nearly fifteen yean- met and recalled the good old times now past and gone but still so fresh ii their memory, when once spoken of Thirty-three of the relatives were pre? ent during the (lay and the occasion will long be remembered with pleasure- by all who were there. DrTTItt 'H Witch Hazel Salve. The only positive cure for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles cuts, burns, bruises, eczema and all abrasions of the rkin. DeWitt'sis the only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel--all others are counterfeits. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is made to cure--counterfeits are made to sell. Jnlia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Bes­ ley, West McHenry. TIU BUFFALO BOTTLING WORKS M. L. WORSTS, Proprietor. ' Manufacture all kinds of pure and ^ high grade Carbonate Beverages. TFve Buffalo Spring Mineral Walter the most, effective of the Natural Medical Waters and strikingly superior to Lithia Tablets in Bl ight's Disease, Albuminura, Cal­ culi, Gout, Rheumatism, Inflam­ mation of the Bladder, Appendi­ citis and all Renal Complications. M. L. WORTS, • MCHENRY, ILL. KIN G WOOD. An itef» box lias Inrn placed in the Rlnff- woo<l postoftice for the con venieneoof persons wishing to contribute to tin- KinKWood corre­ spondence column in tne IMsiindeuier. If you know of :iny news that should IKS published justdrop » note in theboxand t be correspond- dent will collect the same Tuesday evening of e;icli week. J. EL Cristy received a car of anthra cite Saturday. W m. Reed has sold one of his farms to Frank Peet. This farm is known as the Jim Reed farm and brought $60 an acre. J. S Brown, oar enterprising drug­ gist, has sold a small house safe to W Hohenstein, who will have a safe recep­ tacle for valuable papers. Miss Leach of Nunda, who has a class in elocution here, did not arrive on Wednesday as anticipated by her pupils, >o tne of whom were keenly disappoint­ ed. E. Ingls, familiarly known as "Den uy,"departed for West Chicago Mon­ day, where he is now employed by the Northwestern R, R. in transferring freight. The party goers called on Miss Agnes Carey last Friday evening and found her a genial and pleasant hostess. The p-irty was well attended and all present had the usual good time. The following pupils had an average of 90 per cent or above for the month of January: Florence Carey. Anna Carey. Agnes Carey, Carroll Cristy, Mae Cris­ ty, Clara Smith, Zillah Stevens, Vera Alams. H. A. Beard of Rochelle, an agent for rhe Victor Lock and Safe Co., visited liingwood Saturday. He is disposing of the safety deposit boxes in the large fire and burglar proof safe recently pur­ chased by J. E. Cristy. J E. Cristy, our leading merchant, departed for the South Tuesday morn­ ing for a stay of about three weeks. He was accompanied bv his wife and daughter, Mae, sons, Kennet and Jay, tnd Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harsh, who re­ side about one and one-half miles south »>f Ring wood. They will make their headquarters at Biloxi, Miss. The following article was contributed by Mrs. H. W. Allen: "The Universalist people have been folding a series of evening services in Woodman hall during the past week.' State Snperintendent J. S. Cook, D. D., of Galesbuag, was present and preached nvery evening except Wednesday. Dr. Cook is a pleasant and forceful speaker and pleads with telling effect that the Christ spirit shall animate our lives and mould and shape our characters. At the closing service on Sunday evening twelve new members were received in­ to the church. It may be said of this lust that the services served as the oc­ casion rather than the cause; as, for the most, part the candinates were persons to whom the Universalist interpretation of Jesus' teachings and mission are not lew, and to whom church membership has for some time past appealed strong ly both as a duty and a privilege. The services and the example of these friends cannot bnt react helpfully to tne whole community. Last Wednesday eveuing a small gathering of Woodmen met at the M W. A. baU and listened to Mr. Mc Allen of Sterling, Mo,, who is one of the lect urers the Woodmen are sending c the country to speak npon re-organiza tion and re-adjustment. He spoke for fully three hours and presented many plans and several different tabulated tables whereby the order might be placed upon a firm financial basis for ill time, while its stability might be recognized throughout the world Most all of the rates and plans as shown and explained tend to create a reserve fund which wonld positively meet all obligations, thereby insuring each and every policy-holder the face value of his holdings. This certainly would be commendable and a praise-worthy un­ let taking if it were not for the extreme­ ly high rate which re-organization will eventually bring. Thus the mass of members Will be sacrificed for the few, because the largest majority must nec­ essarily let their family protection lapse as it would be almost impossible to carry the amounts they now carry without denying themselves some of the necessities of life From now until February 1 I will sell all STORM, SQUARE and STABLE BLANKETS, FUR and-PLUSH ROBES FOR 75 CENTS ON THE This is a snap and one that you should take advantage of. Call and see the Goods. Qus. Carlson, flcHenry, II Baby sleeps and grows while mamma rests if Rocky Mountain Tea is given. It's the greatest baby medicine ever offered loving mothers. 85 cents. G, W. Besley. EMERALD PABK. Thos. F. Walsh of Chicago visited his parents here over Sunday. Bernard J. Frisby was a pleasant vis­ itor in Barreville Sunday evening. Miss Emma Givens of Elgin visited her mother south of here over Sunday. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry npent Sunday afternoon with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs of Solon pent a day the last of the week at Geo. Walmsley's. MM F. J. Ward of McHenry was a pleasaqt visitor at R. J. Sutton's Wednesday. Rev. Father Foley of McHenry was calling on friends in this vicinity Mon­ day afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith visited with the former's parents north of Mc­ Henry Thursday, Mrs. Wm Welch and Miss Etta Pow­ ers of Griswold Lake visitsd Mrs. J. B. Frisby Sunday afternoon. The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Walm- sley of Griswold Lake will be pleased to hear that she is getting along yery nice­ ly at this writing. O A S T O R I A . Beuithe _ Kind Yuu Have_Always BamfH fiignaius TERRA COTTA. "Poems yon ought to know. "--Snow Boun^L Mrs. Chas. Lidell was a Nunda yisitor Friday. Mrs, B. F. Peck is reported on the sick list. J. H Gracy made a business trip to Woodstock Monday. Miss Laura Mason spent Snnday at her home in Richmond. Willie Schumann was a Chicago vis­ itor the first of the week. Mrs. H. D. Hull of Nunda was a Sat­ urday visitor at the home of J. H. Gracy. Mrs. S. B. Leisner spent Friday with her daughters, Alice and Florence, at Nunda. Mrs. J. H. Gracy accompanied by Mrs. H. D. Hull of Nunda spent Tues­ day at Woodstock. M. I. Kenbler, traveling salesman for McNeil & Higgins Co., Chicago, made a business call here Mouday. Thos. Church, Royal Gracy, Chas. Buck and Clyde Starritt took the after­ noon train Friday for The Crossing. Miss Freya Foerster has been num beied with the sick the past week being unable to attend school at Crystal Lake. The A. T. C. & C. Co. received several cars of coal last week which were at once utilized in their boilers in place of fuel oil. Mrs. Albert Jacobs came home from Elgin Friday morning returning on the afternoon train. Her mother is still very low. John Phalin spent Candlemas Day in the smoky city returning thesattie even­ ing in time to see bis shadow--and the next day it snowed. Mrs. Heidier returned to her home in the city Saturday afternoon after a pleasant visit of nearly a month with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hundt. Mr. and Mrs. John Whiston wfent to Richmond Saturday to attend the fu­ neral of the former's sister, Mrs. Milan Hicks, which was held Sunday. They remained for a few days' visit with rela­ tives, returning Tnesday. The C. & N. W. R'y. liaye a gang of men, comprising the section forces be tween Williams Bay and Crystal Lake, engaged on this portion of their line this week laying the new 72 pound steel, which is being put in from the Wiscon­ sin Division switch at Crystal Lake north to the end of this division. Real Bargains Special lots to sell at low prices. Lot of 250 strictly all wool house jackets, samples, worth from $1.50 to $2.25, beautifully trimmed, we offer at 49c, 69c, 98c, $1.29. Ladies' ribbed top fleeced hose at 13c. Recuced prices on all jackets. Ladies' good jacke^ lined and well made, at $2.73. Infants all wool jackets at 25c. Lot of high grade wrappers made of the best quality, flannelette and beautifully trimmed worth from $1.25 to $1.75 we offer at «9c. 800 samples of ladies' ties now 10c, 15c, 25c. Men's Overcoat prices reduced. High grade coats at $7.98, $8.98 and $9.98 Silk lined ladies' jackets now $4.98 and $5.98. Lot of 1500 ladies' fine belts v/e offer at 10c, 15c, 19c. None worth less than 25c, 700 Taffeta silk waists in blk. and colors we offer now at $1.98. Misses jackets sizes 12 to 18 with fur collar reduced now to $3.78. Under­ skirt sale. Entire stock. See the spec­ ials at 49c. 87c, 495C. „ Good toilet soap at lc. Lot of Boys' suits special values now $1.28 C. F, HALL CO., Dundee, 111. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in mv family. I have uot words to express my confidence in this remedy.--Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by all druggists. Ocftued. She--Dear, you have crushed and al­ most suffocated me. What kind of s hug do you call that? He--That's a Metropolitan street rail­ way hug.--New York Life. Falmouth Is probably the oldest port fn England. It was used by the Phoeni­ cians at least 2,500 years ago. CHARLES k FRETT Wholesale and retail] dealer In The scratch of a pin may caase the luss of a limb or even death when blood "poison results from the injury. All danger from this may be avoided, how ­ ever. by promptly applying Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and nnequalled as a quick healing lin­ iment for cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by all druggists. I «m In the Market For Beef Veal riutton Hog* and Poultry a call DANGER COMING Men* that Point to Bright** ooooor othor Fatal Forms ^ ;'j of Kidney Troublo. ' ~f , There are thousands of persons wlistK; /" unconsciously In danger of the fate has lately befallen so many of our most V prominent men and women who have died from kidney trouble. These diseases are N alarmingly on the increase, and they coma " * on so insidiously that few realize their '^M -I condition till life Is actually in dinger, Ml In the early stages of kidney disease : M there may be headache, backache, un- . f natural appetite, bad taste in the mouth, dry or furred tongue, thirst, dry skin or Y V * strong perspiration, sediment in the urine, or unnatural feelings in various parts of the body. Don't expect all thesof signs to show themselves. As soon as yoa notice any of them, commence at onco '• the use of FOLEY'S KIDNKT CUBK. THOMAS MAPLE, Blrbeck, I1L, writes: ̂ "I had a very bad case of kidney tronbla and my back pained me so I could not straighten up. The doctor's treatment ^ did me no good. I saw FOLEY'S KIDNKT CCBB advertised and took one bottle - J' which cured me and I have not been W% affected since. I gladly recommend thfi remedy." ^ It is a simple thing to make your kid- • 1. neys right when they are not badly affect- ed; but it is not so easy after destruction i; • has set in. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB will "~- cure every form of kidney and bladder trouble If taken early and it will give re- lief even in the most hopeless cases. It Is an honest preparation and will do all that is claimed for it. - - ^ N. H. PETESCH. V •• DO N'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi* cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trad*; mark cut on each package. , Price, 3s cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept s<i Mibsti*' tiita. Aak your dmagUt- 'h -S Md RIDGKFIKL1>. F. S. Morse was in Nunda Tuesday. B. R. Morse was in Chicago Friday. Mrs. C. M. Keeler was in Nunda Tues­ day. Mrs. G. Hartman wasin Nunda Tues day. Mrs. A. Levey was 'Ifi Woodstock Monday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited her daughter at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Blanche Lynch is spending a few dayB with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and daughter visited relatives at Seneca Sunday. Miss Anna Morse of Oak Park spent Friday and Saturday at B. R. Morse's Mr. and Mrs. W. Gregory left Tue.s day for an extended visit in California Mrs. C. Bergstrand and daughter of Nunda were calling on friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hndson and children are visiting relatives at McHenry and Ringwood. C, Thayer and R. Still of the Oliver Typewriter Factory spent Sunday with their parents. Mrs. Wells and Miss Mildred Morse and sister, Katherine, were in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mr. Hansen came out from Chicago Sunday and expects to make a few re­ pairs on his home here. Don't forget chat there is to be a Shadow Social in the basement of the church Friday evening, February 6. Everybody come. Miss Katherine Morse entertained dozeh of her little friends at her hoitK Saturday afternoon from two nntil five. After indulging in various games dainty refreshments, consisting of sandwicht^, cake, ice cream and candy, were served. A short while later the children depart­ ed for their various homes. McHenry - Illinois CROUP Croup and Inflammation of the larynx v* Instantly i relieved and permanently cured by the use of On* .-v 'S.•••va Minute Cough Cure. This never failing prescription I J St an eminent physician was given the name of ONE 'A- " l MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant relief has r*.. always followed its use. It takes effect at the seat of V the trouble and acts on the Inflamed membranes In- ' 'v i Itead of passing wholly Into the stomach and drugging or stupefying the system. Gives relief instantly. ? *1 CURED.1 , It destroys the (Rsease germ, clears the phlegm and - ^ " Inwsout the inflammation, thus removing the cause ind curing permanently. One Minute Couph Cure Is perfectly harmless, good for children and they like Its taste. Prepared only by E. C. DcWitt St Co., Chicago An ideal remedy for children. Do not forget theoUMt ONE MINUTE Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the oth­ er fresh and rosy. Whence the differ­ ence? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to main tain it. By gently arousing the lay.v organs they compel g.x»d digestion and ward off constipation. Try them. Onlv 35c. at Julia A. Story's, druggist. O Bear* the Signature d B T O R I A . rThe Kind You IIIUB Aivsays Bought Julia A. Storv IQU (J W. woeril BlttksaitMng Johnsburgh, Illinois sells Corn Shelters and Tread PowerB, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and ReisuiMf Hog Cholera Machine Specialty. Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, Hutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs General Commission merchant This is the oldest house XPN the street Tags and price lists furnished on application Stall 1 & 3, Fulton Wholesale Market COLD STORAGE Chicago, -'•T& Best for Business Best fer Residence It s the perftct service that why it'? the greatest service rtaekes tverywktrt--tbMni the best for CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY

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