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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1903, p. 8

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'- >,! v*; .'Vv -\ • w. *" •;•'«• f > •"'•/ ."t'W -••' -V'. - >: "- *• -. *"i r',r ¥ ' ""• ?-" ' '.' '"'*' ' .I '*.-!-. . - I' . > . .• ... ̂ y . ... , ... ,. .... . ,... ̂ .. e". .. . . ... : . .. ....... u.,̂ . _ . ,. " " / '*•'" ' " ' W' i -. - (®L Summer liCLOTHI NG •bout Skater there are more new Suite bought and worn tfcijis any other month in the year. We know this by past exper­ ience. Our Spring Stock is here. The suits are laid out on the counter for your inspection, not a sample 8 or 4 inches equate, but the entire Suit. The material and workmanship is guaran­ teed. They are BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH, thus saving all dis­ counts. They are shipped in by freight in lots (not single Suits , by express.) We pay no rent, it costs us no more to do business than anybody else, not as much as a great many. Bring in the little boy, the big boy, the young man or the old man, we aan fit them all with up-to-date Clothing. Will you give us a trial? It costs you about one-half the price of tailor made. We are still selling SELZ LEATHER AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR. Expect smother car of Jersey Lily and Hard to Beat Flour ti0|- week. All kinds of Garden and Field Seeds. Tows tor Spring Tra$fc ' . JOHN J. MILLER West McHenry, Illinois. HOW TALL ARE YOU? '^,|on don't know, come in to see us and we'll put yott under the "INTERNATIONAL" HEIGHT MEASURING DEVICE •ad tell yon to the fraction of an inch. Incidentally we'll show you the " INTERNATIONAL " line ef •amides comprising over six hundred el the nobbiest and newist patterns for Men's wear. k The International Tailoring Co. OF New YORK AND CHICAGO is the largest and most reliable tailoring concern In ths world. The clothes made by them fit perfectly and cost little. Let us semi in a trial order for you and we know youll always wear "INTERNATIONAL1* garments thereafter. Men's Soft Shirts in endless variety from 50c to $2.00 We bought a sample line and can save you 25 per tNgut. Our stock of SPRING SHOES is the finest we have ever shown, all the new­ est styles and leathers. Hats for Spring and Summer New Dress Goods, Goods, Ginghams, Silks, Mercerized Flannels, Etc. L O C A L B R I E F S New AOs This M. J. Walsh 'I . F. L. McOmber J . H n r w i t s ' ' • ' ^ i 'V'<; ' Jicob Justen '* 4'\i: • F. A. Bohlander >' ' >Y sV 1 m C a r l s o n ' v ' ' ' A - ..„ .... D. Lodlz Chris Schmidt ^ >• J. S. Brown & Son. tlgln Butter Market. On the board of trade butter firm at 27} cents. Offerings were 98 tubs, on which bids of 27 jc were re­ fused. The output for the week was 508,300 pounds. i , Village election next Tuesday. Timothy & clover seed. See want ad. A new floor is being laid in St. Pat­ rick's church. Timothy and clover seed tar % sale: Wm. Bonslett. 42-2t The Fox Rivet. Valley Medical Association Is in session at Elgin this week, A special 'meeting of the board of supervisors will be held *1 Woodstock on Monday, April 20. Paul Isherbood is getting along nicely at the hospital in Chicago, and will soon be able to leave his bed. Plenty of chance for mud slinging now--in more ways than one. It will undoubtedly clear up next Tuesday. Will Wentworth has rented the house now occupied by C. D. Schoonmaker, owned by Mrs. Carey, of Spring Grove. Jos. Heimer will give a dance in the McHenry House hall on Wednesday evening, April 29. Watch for posters. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Eli Brink on Friday afternoon of this week at two o'clock. All job work neatly and quickly done at the Plaindealer office and the prices are always right. Ask those who have tried us. Issac Fairweather is filling his ware­ house with farm machinery andb ggies this week, Mr Bonslett having moved into the planing mill. Weather the past week has been anything but favorable for farmers. Plowing is impossible^ and many still have unhusked corn standing in the field. We have all dne respect for. the roost­ er that is ambitious enough to arouse himself at four o'clock in the morning, but there is no occasion for him to perch on the fence under our window and crow about it. J. H. Miller has: recentlyerected in Woodlawn cemetery a fine monument for I. N. PowelL In the Catholic cem­ etery adjoining monuments were also placed for Christina Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schaefer. Easter finery was not much in evidence We have just finished taking inventory and have a few odds and ends to close out at a big discount. Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Misses' and Boys' Shoes. Some lines at 25 per cent, discount. Ladies' Skirts and Wrappers at nearly l&lf price. Yours truly, J. Walsh. w W ' ' • fa' mf. Farm Implements! As the final test of "Shamrock" was on the block so the final test of the JOHN DEERE PLOW is in the field. The plow that performs the most work and the best work with the least man and horse labor; the Plow whose mechani­ cal construction insures greatest endurance and longest wear with least com- p l i c a t i o n o f parts; that is the Plow for the progressive far­ mer and it is A L L B I G H T because it's a D E E R E _ Near Depot. We sell The Deere Walldsg Plows, Riding Plows, Single and Oangs, Breaking Plow*, Seeders, Corn Plant­ ers Corn Cultivators Disk Har­ rows, Hay Rakes and Hay Lqaders The Superior Grain Drill! The most accurate dill in use. It sows grain even and with relia­ bility. If you are going to buy, talk with us--we will save you money and this drill will save yon lots of extra work. Wagons are advancing in price. If yon want a first-class wagon yon will save a dollar or two by NOW. Buggies and Surries! We now have on our sample floor the largest assortment of buggies and Surries in steel and rubber tires ever shown in THIS CITY. All are of first-class makes and all ARE WAKRENTED to be as re­ presented. Call and examineotir goods and get prices before bay­ ing elsewhere. WM. BONSIETT. Sunday, and even the new spring over­ coats looked out of place. The farmer with his fur coat did not appear un­ comfortable. Never mind, ladies, it will not always be thus. Mrs. Dermont received a check for $2,000 last week in full payment of the policy held by John Dermont in the M. W. A. Mrs. Dermont feels very grateful to the Woodmen for the promptness with which the money was paid. It speaks well for that order. Half a million dollars a day is what it will cost Uncle Sam to carry the mail the coming year. The appro­ priation for the fiscal year beginning next July will be $158,000,000. The postal appropiation is the largest single expenditure made by the government. Dr. Hiram H. Bay wishes to announce to his numerous friends and acquaint­ ances that he has located at Nunda and is prepared to attend calls night or day. Telephone number 8. He is a Bon of Geo. P. Bay, of Chicago, and grand-Bon of the late Rasmus H. Buck, of Terra Cotta. Ben Adams, who resides np the river, shot a. loon Monday morning which is a fine specimen. It measures fifty-three inches from tip to tip of the wings, and thirty-one inches from the tip of the bill fco the tail, weighing eight pounds. The bird is now at Geo. W. Besley's store and will probably be mounted by Chas. Harrison, who is an excellent taxidermist. The old antiquated porch "or wood awning which has for years graced the front of the store occupied by S. S. Chapell will soon be removed and in its place an up-to-date canvas awning will be placed, It will greatly improve the outward appearance of the store and make the interior much lighter and brighter, thus showing the goods off to much better advantage. Robbed The Grave. A startling incident, is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me np. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitti>x\s; to my great joy, the first bottle iiutde a decided improvement. I con- tinned their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim," No one should fail to try them. Only 60 cents, guaranteed, by Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W, Besley, West McHenry. Very Low Bates to California and Retuf-n, Via the North-Western Line. First- class round-trip tickets on sale May 8d and 12th to 18th, to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Fayorable limits and Btop-over privileges and choice of routes. The Overland limited, most luxurious train in the world, leaves Chicago daily 8:00 p. m. Less than three days en route. Drawing room and compart­ ment sleeping cirs, observation cars, dining cars, buffet-library cars (barber and bath), electric lighted throughout. Three trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car excursions to California, Washington and Oregon. For particulars apply to ticket agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. May 16 8EVERE ATTACK OF GRIP Cnnd bf One Bottle of Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. lime Will Demonstrate the value Of Garments de­ signed, cut and made in our shop. Tailoring with us is not a game of chance. Ab­ solutely certain and satisfac­ tory results are achieved through skill, knowledge,good taste and perfect methods. PRICES ARE RIGHT JOHN D. LODTZ „ "When I bad an attack of grip 4ast winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says Frank W. Perry, Editor of the Enterprise, Shortsville. N. Y. "This is the honest trnth. I at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a teaspoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most ag- greeable surprise is putting it very mild­ ly. I had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply be­ cause I had never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the rem­ edy caused it to not only be of less dur­ ation, but the pains were far less se vere, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu. For sale by all druggists. Homeaeekers' Excursion to the Northwent West and Southwest, and ColwnlBt Low Bates West, Via the North-Western Line Excur­ sion Tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chairs and "The Best of Everything," For full particulars ap­ ply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'y- . A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lees- ville, Ind. when W. H. Brown of that plaee, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. He writes: "] endured insufferable agonies from Asth ma, but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia. Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c, and $1.00. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenry The Plaindealer subscription list oon- innes to grow. Quit borrowing and subrcribe. -=»• CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tkt Kind Ym Han Always Bought PURELY PERSONAL PIJA IKDBA I.ISR ITEM BOXES. For the convenience of contributors to the personal columns, Item boxes have been placed in the West McHenry post office and near The Plaindealer door. If you know of any item of news drop a note in one of the boxes with your name signed and accept our thanks Items must be in before Wednesday noou of each week. Will Blook wss« Nunda visitor Mon­ day. Miss Celia Frisby, of Nunda, spent Easter in McHenry. Misses Eate and Florence Howe were Chicago callers Saturday. Mrs. John Niesen was a Chicago visitor several days last week. Jack Miller, the cigar maker, * spent Sunday with his mother in Chicago- Geo. Curtis went to Elgin Saturday to spend a few days with his family. Misses Mary and Lizzie Turner were Chicago visitors the first of the week.- Peter Wasnowski, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parent^ }n this village. Miss Lena Voss, of Lake Geneva, was the guest of Miss Martha Wolff Sun­ day. Miss Stejla Nordquist was a guest at the hoine of Miss Nellie Clemens Snn- day. A. G. Eldredge and wife, of Algon­ quin, vuited McHenry relatives Sup- day. Orton Gilbert has seen rod a position with the Chicago Telephone Co.. la Chi­ cago. s : Mrs. Eva Quigley, of Chicago, visit­ ed her father, Philip Hanperisch, this week. Miss Celia Miller, of Kenosha, is vis­ iting at the home of her father, Henry Miller. - Miss Mamie Savage, of Elgin, was the guest of Miss Delia Heimer over Sunday. Everett Hunter was ont from Chicago this week looking after his interests at ftosedale. - A. K. Nordquist, of Milwaukee, spent a few days the first of the week with home folks. Miss Celia Powers, of Elgin, visited the Misses Dora and Lena Stoffel here over Sunday. Mrs. N. H. Pike returned this week after a several weeks* sojourn in the western stateB. Frank Simmon, of Chicago, is visiting relatives and friends in and around Mc­ Henry this week. John Trapp, of Chicago, was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Heimer Sunday. Gotlieb Boley has given np his position in Wisconsin and will remain in Mo- Henry for a time. J. Cooney and Miss Edith Wright, of Woodstock, were McHenry callers Sunday evening. Mrs. W. F. Gallaher attended the Grand Opera in Chicago Saturday and Monday evenings. Mrs/ Earl Mead, of' Oak Park, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McOmber, this week. Wayne Woodburn, of Chicago, visit­ ed his parents this week and enjoyed a day of duck hunting. Chas. Lasch was out from Chicago this week and succeeded in bagging a goodly number of ducks. Mrs. Jas. B. Perry returned last night from Emporia, Kansas, where the lit* tended the funeral of her sister. Frank Masquelet, Henry L. Hertz and son, Louis, came out from Chicago last night to look after their property at the resorts. Mrs. W. C. Evanson returned from Palatine the first of the week. She was detained there all last week on account of sickness.. Rev. Stackable, of Chicago, 'formerly assistant at St. Patrick's church in this village, enjoyed a few day's hunting in this yicinity the first of the week. Miss Lizzie Weber, who is employed in the hotel conducted by Geo. Richards at Kirkland, 111., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Weber, over Bug- day. • Miss Maggie Jnsten went to Spring Grove Sunday to play the organ in the Catholic church of that place, the organist Mrs, Anna Kattner, being on the sick list. Milo Howe, of St. Charles, spent Sun­ day with his family at the home of C. S. Howard. Mr. Howe is employed in the piano factory at the place men­ tioned above. W. D. Wenthworth took his little girl to Chicago yesterday for treatment. Mr. Wenthworth has hopes that she will soon be able to walk without the aid of braces at the ankles. W. E. Bradley, of Ringwood, one of J, El Cristy's efficient salesmen, was in McHenry Saturday. Mr. Bradley has been laid up with an attack of rheu­ matism the past three weeks. Lucas Disbrow, of Alden, visited his daughter, Mrs. Bradford Smith, and family, from Friday to Monday. Mr. Disbrow is an old settler in McHenry county, having Uved in Alden for sixty- five years. Miss Nellie Clemens, accompanied by Misses Florence and Ruth Gold, stud­ ents at the Northwestern University, enjoyed a few days' vacation at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Clemens. Ed. Manley, of Harvard, and John Douglass, of Hebron, were here Friday, making the trip in the former's auto­ mobile. Mr. Manley, who deals in autos has one or two prospective cus­ tomers in this village. E. R. Gilbert, of Chicago, called on McHenry friends the first of the week. Mr. Gilbert renewed his subscription to The Plaindealer, saying that he conld not keep house without it. He has good taste and an interest in his old home. > Pnenmonia is Bobbed of It* Terrors By Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and strengthens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitute* .SpM .$•' Bf Petesck V-\; ... ".V ->*a * USPS NEW GOODS ARE HERE. £Yix. . •>. .»?• Never before have there been so maay neat patterns in Washable Goods as this Spring. Over 2000 yards of the latest Novelties 1* rtjv-' i f " " X H/--, s- r-sjii. <C 1 ^ Sf ^ II ;^riU do yon g&od to ' v V " ' " see '•M t&'V , ' * 1< I f * • \ - them. last colors. It don't pay to make "tip cheap stuff that will all fade out when ban get the best pn earth f&r ?• m. V' -*VA V . io Cents A Yard Ml ft •m IN SHOES m SIW J""' we lefad theni all. Att: elegant selections. " V ' in all grades at the right price. member be guarante^eje^y jwir sold. Call and sefe the line. •b- • • V r# ' V . ' • > MP 0*® M- x? : >(• k fc.. m-c-e •••••••••••••••••••••••••• J. H. Miller Dealer in GRANITE AND MARBLE Headstones, Markers* Posts* MONUMENTS - Etc** Eto* 5 My large number of Designs are of the latest styles and you should not fail to see them. It is my constant aim to please .my custo­ mers and I guarantee all my jrork and material to be A No. 1 and at the lowest living prices, kindly drop me a line and I will. be pleased to call o|i jon wjth my samples. - , _ McHenry* 5 Illinois. PriTiirHlTW iiiliuiiliiiTu AVegetable PrcpataUonfor As­ similating (tic Food andReguia- ting the Stomachs and Bowels of l \ i \ N I S ; ' ( H 1 1 1 ) K h N Promotes DigesHon.Cheeifuh iW" jUx.Sm*0 ttetAtiH Srnim- A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. EXACT COPY OR WRAPPER CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Bears the Signature of CASTORIA TH« CCttTAVff VMS m .M K -•W •M-

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