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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1903, p. 4

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I r , * « . - • w • - • J * * > < * - - " A 1 „ * ; f ^ ' « • - * : \ < T ' * - > i ' : - * * * * > * , ' v > w . * * " „ . „ « * r r < * ' • * ^ . * j * * • < » *4t.-W^fal|^y«^««* -...-..-•A : ^ .^llt .^t.l^,,ja..^:,r,u. . , - •., frl f . **. . • ••, X it? '•«•-- - ---V. y-fey. •-.«••.•.»•.- -V ' • "-•,, ••••-.•, *J-.- - ^ y-™ .""j*- -"Ik1. ' "•&-* "*• • < A - ";' '> . ••• -.^- .. A^iv^t. *«...,.. -Jt •• r&-: .-••*&*« Tfe McHenry Plainiealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ™ MCHENRY PUMMAUR CONPAHY. 9.K.QWLA9Q**, W. A-Oawrr, J.B.P*B*Y, ,• Pros* o©c» 1T6M1 CHAB. D. SOBDOMMAUR, Editor. • ---- • .. ... ^tMtoe in Ban* Building. Telephooe, No. JBS. Pr'- I fi^-i %v' ^BU months, nets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: W-fiO Three months. 40cU. Thursday* April 16, 1903. TILLAOK KJ.KCTION. Notice is hereby liven that on Tues­ day, the 21st day of April next, at the jcity hall, in the village of McHenry, in the county of McHenry, in the state of Illinois, an election will be held for the following village officers, via: One iresident of the village, three village .igpxusteas, one village clerk and one police J^tnagistrate. Which election will be ' fopened at seven o'clock in the morning will continue open until five o'clock §( fn the afternoon of the same day. - Given under my hand at McHenry, A ' Illinois, the second day of April, A. D,, tttR. JOHN STOFFEL, Village Clerk. I School Caucus. - The legal voters of school district ' jNa 15 are requested to meet at the city ball on Friday, the 17th inst, 4 o'clock v. p. m., to nominate a president of. the ' "board of education, and two members of said board. Per order. RIDOETIELbb F. w^rfanan was in Woodstock Mon­ day. Mrs. 8. Thayer was in Nunda Thurs­ day. E. Cadwallader is working at Racine Wis. F. Tewilllager was in Woodstock Sat­ urday. Mrs. J. B. Lynoh was in Chicago Friday. R. L. Dufield visited his eon at~Elgin Bnnday. Mrs. A. Levey and daughter were in Nunda Thursday. Frank Reed visited his parents Thurs­ day and Friday. Lewis Gibson of Chicago spent Easter with his parents. Mrs. Faye and Mrs. French were in Nunda Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shelt were in ||J" Woodstock Saturday* !§?•>• Miss Lucy Glenncm of Elgin visited p^v.y.jafc F. Hartinan's Sunday. " Myrtle Skinner of Woodstock called v^on relatives here Thursday. D. Merchant attended the funeral-of >£VfV JT. Breed at Nunda Sunday. Mrs. Hudson and daughter, Dora, . iwere at Dundee Wednesday. :;&}< 1 Mrs. Ward and daughter, Zilpha. tosited relatives here Sunday. iff-' ,'r Mrs. EL Jtfceed and daughter, Graoe, '% J I jrere in Woodstock Thursday. F. Small visited his folks at Ring- ; livood Saturday and Sunday. "> •' Mrs. Keeler and son, Marvin, risited '??*%' Elgin Saturday and Sunday. ' Miss Grace Reed visited friends at C o u r t H o u s e N o t e s REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. Harriet H Osmund & hus to Est her M Holmes, pt It 4 blk 5 Richmond ....t SSSOO Citizen's Electric Light & Mfg Oo to Indedendent Arm & I'in Co, It in Nuuda 100 Arvlila Thomas to May G Hale, s 2 rda of It. 5 blk 1, WalkupS addn to Nunda 300 00 Phoebe F Smith to Arvilla Thomas. sK same lot 000 00 Patrick M O'Neill to John D Lodte, Jr. It 7blk 4, Fegeir's addn to McHenry.. 9000 Abial Dike to Henry C Sondrlcker. sJi , sH It I blk 36, Greenwood cemetery... IdOO Andrew J Berlin Swto Fred Ehrke, 3 a in nw se see 32, Nunda 75000 William Williams to William A Am- born, land in sec 29, Greenwood 10890 00 Haltie A Henderson et al to Elmer 8 Gorham, 101 a in sees 25 & 26. Nunda.. 787800 John T Ftsk & w to Henry Meier et al, pt Its 1,11 & 12, blk 2, Nuuda 150000 PROBATE NEW& Estate of Samuel E. Clark. Report of private sale and additional inventory filed. Estate of Henry Wagner, froof of death made. Eva Wagner appointed administratrix. Bond $200. Apprais­ ers appointed, Estate of Peter Freund. Proof of heirship made. Final report approved, administratrix to be discharged on fil­ ing final report. Estate of Jeremiah G. Sherman. Proof of death and petition for probate of will filed. Hearing set for May 4, 1908. Claim day was had in the following estates: Clinton B. Stevens, Elliott Cropley, James W. Hutchinson, Bar­ bara Stegmann, Martin C. Dunbar, Hannah Edkin, Mrs. Jane Philip and Elizabeth Hicks. Estate of Elisha Hubbard, amended, widow's award approved, widow's re­ linquishment and selection and report of condition of real estate filed and ap­ proved and petition to sell real estate filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Ellis Fagerbourg, 89.. .Marengo May Lillian Bell, 19 Marengo Paul Baron, 21 .-Harvard Martha Retzleft, 19. Harvard Wm. Krause, 32 Huntley Angusta Mauske, 24 " Clarence V. Loudenbeck, 26 Union Alvina Marie Peters 28 Marengo John Frances Donovan, 27 Alden CeceliaM. Conway, 26 ..Harvard Fred Long, 24 Nunda Minnie Peaplow, 23 Crystal Lake Manley Sparkes, 23 Nunda Lydia Yonder Heide, 88 " Want Column. All adverti**cmentH inserted under thi* head at the following rate?: Vive linos or lea*. 45 runts for first insertion; !5 centw for each *ub#eqiient insertion. More than five lines. 5 cents a line for lirnt insertion, and 3 ctnts a line for additional insertions. T7*ARM FOR SALE--Consisting of 214 anres, £ 2K miles from McHenry, with or without live stock and farm tools. Inquire of F. K. Granger, West McHenry. Ill- ; WANTED--I want representatives every­where. to write names and addresses and to mail out advertising of my Brunswick IMano and one-minute piano player. No ex­ perience require.d Good wages paid weekly for all or spare time. Send stamp for partic­ ulars. Cronkright, Wholesale Piano Dealer, Pittsburg, Pa. 36-St. VTANAGER WANTED -Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably known House of solid financial standing. $30.00 straight, cash salary and ex­ penses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money ad­ vanced; position permanent. Address Thom­ as Cooper, Manager, 1030 Oaxton Bldg., Chi­ cago. 3Xr7t •?IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO. ^ o-q«OttbbOMO - - • • « . - "DEAL ESTATE, Real Estate, Real Estate! iv Buyers, Sellers. Kenters, we can suit you. Murphy & lanes, Woodstock III. 38-tf. OEED FORSALE-^tO bushels No. 1 clover! seed at $7.00 per bu. 100 bushels Prime ! Timothy seed at $2.00 per bu. Inquire of I 38-6t* J. C. LADD, Ringwood, 111, ! XjVDR SALE--Eggs for hatching from best; strains of thorough bred poultry. Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs, 31.0C per 13:1'ekin Duck j Eggs, $1.00 per 11: Tolonse Geese eggs, 20 cents • each. Monmouth Bronze Turkey eggs. 35 ct«. j each. MRS. H. M. PENNINGTON, | jm-38 West McHenry. TX7"ANTED--Stock to pasture. Inquire of \ ' * PACI. RIKQEH, Kettle Farm. 3t* w Palatine and Chicago this week. L Jayne of the Oliver factory spent Sunday with his wife and daughter. Mies Sadie Wood of Nunda visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Erie Siinner of Wis., visited his cou&ns here Thursday and Friday. Mr. Faye and daughters visited rel­ atives at Ringwood Saturday and Sun day. T. Simons of Chicago visited his brother and family the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Merchant and son of .Woodstock visited their parents here Sunday. H. Thayer, wife and Mrs. Thayer's . mother of Chicago visited at F. Thayer's Sunday. Sam Winock and family of Minne­ apolis, Minn., vibited at D. L Gibson's ft?" Saturday. i|y About ten from here attended Snn- ! " day's meeting at Woodstock Tuesday ' v evening. j[ Misses Lola Lynch and Nettie Shelt visited with Mrs. E. W. Merchant Tues- ^ A '4*y and Wednesday. •. - / CMy Bimdlw 1B Great Dnund. • When colds and grip are preyalent prV 'Hhe quickest and surest remedies are in ivfts &reat dernaud. Mr. Joseph D. Williams, Aft McDnff, Va., says that he waa cured jfy of a very deep and lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy after trying several other prep­ arations with no effect For sale by all : dniggista. to New Orleuu, La., v Via the North-Western Line. Excur- • aicm tickets will be sold for one fare for round trip April 11,12 and 18, limited lljlf 'or Te^tirn by special extension until April 30, inclusive, on account of Annu al Convention National Manufacturers' Association. Apply to agents Chicago ft North-Western R'y. Apl. 11, WOODSTOCK. Chas. Kern and John Rinehold of Algonquin were in this city on busi­ ness last Friday. Claude Bee be of Milwaukee was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoy from Thursday till Monday. The nse of soft coal the past winter has made business lively for the painters and paper-hangers this spring. Attorney C. P. Barnes was taken with the measles last Sunday and has since been confined to the house with that "kid" disease. Misses Blanche and Alice Bunker were home from college for Easter, the* latter being accompanied by her college chum, Miss Madge Miller. _ The rehearsals for "Pinafore" are being pushed with great vigor by Conductor Carroll and it is hoped to put the production on early in May. Miss Belle Kimball, who has been teaching in the Chicago schools for nearly ten years, passed last Friday at the home of her father, J. M. Kimball, in this city. Fred Dow left on Monday for Seattle, Wash., where he will prepare for the departure of the Casa de Paga Hy­ draulic Gold mining representatives to Nome early in May. A. R. Murphy was able to be down town for a short time last Saturday, for the first time in several weeks, hay­ ing been confined to the house with a severe attack of grippe. Peter Senger has signed an agree­ ment for the purchase of the residence of S. L Hart in the northern part of the city, including several acres of ground, the agreed price being $4800 or thereabouts. Mrs. Horace Taylor went to Chicago last week Thursday, where an opera­ tion was performed at a hospital, and on Sunday Mr. Taylor received word that she was very low and proceeded at once to her bedside. Woodstock needs another factory, and the citizens should at once inaug­ urate a movement toward seenring one. We have one good one, but should not depend upon one for our future pros perity. It would be much wiser to have several. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates, and will not constipate like nearly all other cough medicines. Re­ fuse substitutes. Sold by N. H. Peteech. •i W-- Half RstM to N«w Orleans. La., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip May 1, 2, 8 and 4, limit­ ed for return by special extension until May 80, inclusiye, on account of Annual meeting American Medical Association Apply to agents Chicago & North Weatern By ' May S. >••1 Talmt, Mrs. Bruce--Really, Mr. Hamilton's acting is the greatest I ever saw. Mrs. Scott--It's good in its way, but you should see my Johnny when he is simulating a stay-away-from-school fcsadschst--Bxchange. |"*IRL WANTED--To do general housework. ' Address, J. 11. FAY, Dundee, 111. iltf j OEED POTATOES FOR SALE-^8ix Weeks I 0 and Pingroe for extra earlv. Pat'sChoicel and World's Fair for late. 50c per bushel, 41-2t* Bradford Smith. McHenry. OEI'D POTATOES--I have for sale about 25 ^ bushels of the Early Ohio, 10 bushels of Early Six Weeks and 10 bushels Early Victor, at 75 cents per bushel. Jos. Heimer. 41-2t BARBER SHOP FIXTURES for sale, In­cluding chair, glass, commode, cup rack, razors, shears, clippers, stove, 8 chairs, etc. All modern and in good repair. Inquire of 43-3t* 11. F. EI.DRKDGE, W. McHenry. "l^STRAY--100-pound Poland China shoat came to my place on April 7. Owner can have same by proving property, paying for its keep and this adv. .J. B. Frisby. * It fpIMOTHY and clover seed for sale, J- WM. KONHT.KTT WM. BONSLETT. «-2t Vf ACHINERY-1 have for sale a good plan- er, matching machine and circular saw with frame. Price for the three, $300. Call and see the machines. S. REYNOLDS. 42tf HAY FOR SALE-- About 30 tons tame and wild hay will be sold tn barn; also one Western steam cooker for sale cheap. In­ quire of Jos. N. Miller. It* BAST FOX LAKE Mrs. Wm. Snyder was on our streets Sunday. Herbert Nelson visited in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hucker of Lake Vil­ la visited at E. Snyder's Sunday. E. T. Cleveland and E. F. Galiger were among Monday's Chicago visitors. Oh! What weather! Mud and rain everywhere, Mud! Muddier! Muddi­ est! Mrs. F. L Galiger and daughters visited Dighton friends Saturday night and Sunday. There was an unnsually large num­ ber out from the. city last Sunday on account of its being the last of the duck hunting season. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves yon ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, add^gtiaranteed to give satisfaction by. Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. DeWitt's «"'«» Haul Salve FOP PlleSi Burn* Sores* Open the door, let in the air, x The winds are sweet, the flowers are fair, Joy is abroad in the world for me, Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. Half-Sick " I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848 . Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood - purifying and nerve- strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand- a r d f a m i l y m e d i c i n e , Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. $i.M a Mtk. ah druuuts. the pessimist gets to heaven, first move will be to look about for firs escapes. -- Saturday Evening Ask your doctor what be tlihiks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He knows all about this unuid old family medicine Follow his advico&ud we will be satisfied. J. C. A.TKU Co.. Lowell, Mass SOET CORE Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are ound in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Scad for free sample. 1 SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists, *09-415 Pearl Street. New York. 50c. and 91.00; all druggiaU. BLACK-DRAUGHT! ORIGINAL UVER MED1CINEI A sallow complexion, dizziness, biliousness ana a coated toncxie are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, f ive immediate warning by pain, ut liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at tne start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's Black-Draught never fails to bene­ fit diseased liver and -weakened kid­ neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of. fever and ague. It is a certain preventive or cholera and Eright's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re­ inforced by Thedford's Black- Draught thousands of itersons have d^velt immune in the midst of yel­ low fever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than^ Thedford's Black- Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mullins, S. C, March 10,1901. I fuvs used Thedford's Black-Draught for three years and I have not had toco to a doctor since E have been taking It. It is the best medicine for me that Is on the market for liver and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. fe have just y$ceivdd fresh stock of the latest designs in, wait-.. - 'r 5 paper. Not an old roll in the lot, V'V" * -ths old ;stuff was . closed' completely long ago.. If you ia-j tend to paper those rooms bear us . #*->"-i ; ^ *n ^ costs nothing to loojf at the designs,- so come and ei-.: amine them. Prices every 'i *<• - : ' Suocmar to 0. Stoffef. West McHenry. Pi A BOH LANDER MM 0»\ Very Low Rates to Dedication Ceremonies of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., Via the North-Western Line. Ex­ cursion tickets will be sold for the above occasion April 29, 30 and May l^and on account of Good Roads Convention on April 26 and 27, all with return limit until May 4, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Westeru R'y. May 1 Bears tha ^ int) MMMOU Have AIW8)fl TOIIIA. The Kind You Have Always FANCY GROCERS SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN Gentlemen! Please calf in and look over opr Sample Cloths The most stylish in color and fineness ever made np in Suits, Pants and Vest®. Only $11.60 to $25 a Suit, A fit or no sale. Repairing, Altering and Cleaning done in neat style. E. Lawlus, Tailor to the Trade. M Ms 25 boxes extra fancy im­ ported Cluster Layer Rai­ sins (each bunch tied with ribbon) about 5 pounds in box at 65 Cents per Box We make this remarkably low price on these Goods to dispose of them quickly --fhey are worth fully $1.00 per box. Fancy Evaporated Apri­ cots (Royal) per ft... 12$c Fancy Evaporated Cali­ fornia Peaches (Crawford) per pound .10c 8 pounds for 25c Good Oregon Prones, large size per pound... 5c 25 pounds for $1,00 Extra fancy Santa Cl$ra Prunes, per pound 12^o Large size 20 to pound. Fancy SantaClara Prunes, 40 and 50, per pound. .10o 3 pounds for 25c Extra fancy evaporated Apples, 8 pounds for. .25c Califoruia Figs in 1 pound brick :10c New London Layer Figs per pound 18c Extra fancy Turkey pulled Figs in 1 and 2 pound bas­ kets, each 20c and 85c Walnuts, Napels, lb. .20c Fancy California Walnuts per pound ...20c Filberts, per pound... .18c Brazil Nuts, per lb 18c California IXL Almonds per pound .20c Large soft shell Almonds, per pound 20c Large. Pecans, per ft. .15c Fresh Coconuts and Pea­ nuts. The new Breakfast Food XCE LO ready to eat, 2 packages A BUND MAN Mm BE EXCUSED for passing by a good thing, but that is no excuse for you. Don't forget that the man who is wise uses good paint, and the statement that there is nothing as good as Crown Cottage Colors is a correct one. It will .cover more surface than any ether paint, and every can is guaranteed by the manufacturers, as follows: We Guarantee That when properly applied on a surface h proper condition, CROWN COTTAGE COLORS will give better results than any other paint (including white lead) and in all cases where it does not, and it is the fault of the material used, we will do the work over again at our expense. "BradleyVrooman Co. ITorSaleByl West McHenry. ft JU McOjiiber u ^ . .jwnrti- • . »• v'+. for. .25c imeememmeienini Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery Csls?* "*0!* * mI" A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money baekir a fail*. Trial Bottles fr««. Furniture! This is the time of year when many young people are joined in the holy bonds of ma­ trimony and are prepairing for house-keep­ ing. In making up the household you must have Furniture and here is the right place to get it. We handle one of the largest and best lines of general Furniture in the County and put our prices where we can, with a Clear conscience, defy any and all competion, -be it in the city or county, con­ sidering quality of course. We do even more than thtit in favor of our customer. If you buy ailything here in th6 Furniture^ line, no matter what it may be, and it is not exactly as we represent it to you, well, (as the fellow says) you all know where I live, bring it back and we will replace it. JACOB JUSTEN. ^ >$» t$» t$i ifr i$t tfr »t» $ »$' 'fr '$» $ 'ft $ *3> «$» 'fr «3> 'I1 'I' I We are Prepared to supply yemr *#ants in Spring afid Summer Merchandise. The weather has not been favor­ able for such goods to be sure, but better days are coming when Summer Goods will be in de- • mand. Bear in mind that we have a large stock of seasonable Goods and our -*V Prices are Lower . . ' , r - X - ' : . • than other store can qtfo^fce. Oome see tjie Goods and get prices. For the wet weather you may want Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Coats Or Umbrellas. We have them at rock bottom price*.;. ' -ar^i ' ' ' ' * ' ' - . " . •'S'.'V' West Mcfteliry. J. HURWITZ. Professional, Society V and Businesss Cards 3 DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. ^'V., 1 pHYSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCCLIUT." / t *• Office and residence corner Elui arut"' , , Green streets, McHenry. ^ t r--" ! C. H. FEGEB8, M. D. A TTOENEY8 _ "• street, Chldago, III. KNIGHT & BROWN. . ^ AT LAW. 100 WWHLNGM^ * D. T. SMIT.RV: his care. Office in Hoy's Block, Woodstock, II TM WW DBKTIBT OK THK WIST ; ». G. OHAMBERLIN Office over Uourafram ^^ Bealev's Drug Store. 8:» a. m. to 5:38 -- . r •• ,, : ,#*- • , f50NWA,y & RAINET ; RINGWOOD, ILL. ^ r) ^tfewn Fittings, Wind Mills, Steel an&r Wood Tanks, Fane Machinery. WELL WORK A SPECIALTY. ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. * - . ' <*" ' * PHYSICIAN AND SURUEOM . v - (D*titocb«r Arzt.) Spring Qrov^ Illinois. Goo. •. IN/1 eyer^i General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Orading. IcHENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 451. „ LAilBERT Q. 5ENQ BUFFET Headqnarters r McHenry and McHenry bounty visitors. John SCIMITM, 92 Hfth Ave.. Chicago. BarJTeqtffr. REAL ESTATE ttaftns, Lots, etc., bought and BDMU Insurance, both Fire and Life. Ageilt- for ^tna Life Insurance Co. C. R. THURLWELL, ' ! Oy^f Chapel!'B Store. McHep^, fit " H, C. MEAD, * Justice of the Peace and General In-' sorance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insami with home agents, smooth-tongne strangen' sometimes lead people astray. . ' WJBSI MCHENKY. - - III. C. R. THURLWELL Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor, Col­ lections, Real Estate, Etc. Office over Chapell's store. McitENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. F. C. ROSS, D, D. S. McHenry Illinois Over Petesch'& Drug 8tc*e, next to Bank. Telephone No. 293. SIMON STOrrEl Insurance Agent for all classed of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, IlllaoU. JBOCIETIKS. 7^ MASONIC. MCHBNRY LODOE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and foUTth Mondays in each month. S. S. CHAPELL, W. M. 0. R. TnuB£wBt4i. Secy. W.O.O.F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, \V. C. O. F.,meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Ranger, Mas. MATILDA Mavnr- «------ - 1 • M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Stof- fel's Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. C. MJCAD, Clerk. O. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month in Forester llall. ANTON ENOKLN, Chief Range*. JOHN J1EIS8, Recording Secretary. Loois OEBTEL, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees- John Heimer, Anton Engeln. Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, O. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, O. R. Waiter Bolger. R. S. HEATS I Fresh Salt and Smoked. nw •. .' 'X • • ' T- •• < • V*1' .•••*< "titer Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having • purchased the West Side -V ; ' Market of F. Wat- Jties, it is my intention •\ jbp give all customers the Wftt service ixjssible. I pay Spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thua paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on thesaflee baaia A, C. ilATTHEWS, ,. Wept

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