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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1903, p. 8

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wmm ' r ' :i . r "* */v./ " i - 7»>vf «P mmam WW': - m*$>. ) •i t , PLOW SHOES in all rises, quality, styles and Prices in heavy, med- J iwn and soft Leathers, made in Creed more, Creoles ' and Bals with the name SELZ stamped on the Shoe. That means COMFORT AND SATISFACTORY WEAR for the monqy they cost yon. S E L Z ' R O Y A L B L U E S H O E is too well advertised to need any comment for a Dress Shoe. We carry them in all the new Leathers and styles. See onr line of new Hats in latest shapes. Onr Summer Underwear in fancy stripes will please yon. See them, the prices are right While onr spring trade of Clothing has been quite satisfactory, we still haye enongh Suits to fit all comers. You shonld bear in mind that oar prioes are about one-half what yon pay for made to order Goods. <v J^resh Groceries in Every Two Weeks Field Seed Corn. Samples to try if yon wish. Yoiurs for Spring Trade, J^est McHenry. John J. Miller. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS > Promwllapi of the Spoeiat la*, »»OS. Continued from page four. iife*, WE AliE AGENTS If OK AJX'JJ CAliliY IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OP Deere Plows Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, Cultivators, Hay Loaders, Etc. There are MORE DEERE PLANTERS in use than any other two makes manufactured. It works on the Edge Selection Principle; has a powerful Spring Lift; is equipped with an Automatic Reel; has a Sight Feed and will outlive any other Planter be­ cause of its simplicity. That farmers appreciate the fact that the "NEW DEERE" has the most ac­ curate Drop is shown by the rapidly increasing sales. Call and see the ' NEW DEERE" on exhibi­ tion and get a booklet describing the Planters in detail. At the same time examine our large stock of up-to-date Buggies and Surries in Steel and Rubber Tires Near Depot. Wfl. BONSLETT. made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. <'hatrman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your conimltt*© on public imiUiliiKS would ben leave to submit, the fol­ lowing report on t he matters before thetn: They have caused the sheriff's office and the front room of the county clerk's office in the court house to be painted and decorated throughout. Thev have also had four up­ stairs bodrtx>ms in sheriff's residence repaint­ ed. Also repaired roof 011 jail building, and made several minor repairs in court house and Jail. The tot al cost of which was 9173.36. Your committee would further report that the circuit clerk is much in need or another room and a number of changes and improve­ ments are necessary in the county clerk's of­ fice and with that end in view they have en­ gaged Architect \V. W. Abel of Elgin to sub­ mit the most feasible plans for the contem­ plated changes and Improvements at the April meeting of this board. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES LAKK. ('hm. JOHN BALDOCK, JOHN WEI.TZLKK. »: The committee on elections made the following report, which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the selection of judges of elec­ tion to till vacancies iu different towns and polling places, would beg leave to submit the K>1 lowing report on the matters before them: F. 1). I'erkins. Seneca: H. E. Whipple, Dun­ ham; M. Long. Greenwood: Simon Stoffol, Mc- Henry. 1st prtvinct. All of winch is respectfully submitted. The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of Geo. \V. Oouu, count v superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have exam­ ined said report and accompanying vouchers aud find t he same correct, and recommend that the amount due the superintendent, be allowed. All of which Is respectfully submitted. 11. M. TURNBB, Ctani., BKN THBOOP, J. H. <'AMM>\V, M. LONG. JOHN BALDOCK, The committee on lands made the following report, which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the resolutions regarding the l>oard of supervisors to quit claim certain lands in section IT, range 9, of McHenry county, to Mat. J. and Johu J. Pitzen, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: The committhe are of the opinion that it is expedient in view of the evidence presented to them, and from all the circumstances sur­ rounding the case thnt the Imard empower the county clerk to execute a quit claim deed of the premises described iu said resolution to said Mathias J. I'itzen and John J. Pitzen. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. D. PERKINS, Ohm, J. M. MARKS, N. BHOTZMAN. The committee on finance made no report but referred the matter of an appropriation of $2000 for tbe manufact­ urers building at the fair grounds to the full board. F. L. Hatch, president, Geo. A. Hunt, secretary and Fremout Hoy, treasurer, respectively., appeared before the board and made earnest and forcible pleas for the appropriation. Sup. Desmond moved that the sum of two thousand dollars (32000) be appropriated for the purpose of erecting a building on the grounds known as the fair grounds, owned by county of McHenry and now leased to the Mc­ Henry County Agricultural society and des­ cribed in Deed Record 39 on page 012 as fol­ lows, to-wit: Commencing on the section line, five (!>) chains and "fifty-five (55) links north of the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of section No. five (f>). township No. forty-four (44) north, of range No. seven (7), east of the third principal meridian, thence running west forty-eight (4f) rods, thence north thirty-three and one third (.Wti) rods, thence east forty-eight. (4,s) rods to the section line, thence south on said section line thirty- three and one third (334) rods to the place of beginning, containing ten (10) acres; such building to be known as the Manufacturers building and said building when erected to be used exclusively by the McHenry County Agricultural society for exhibition purposes and be subject to all the terms of a certain lease given and executed by M. D. Hoy, clerk of Mcllenry county, dated December 4,1872, and recorded iu book 51, ou page 581, of mort- fages. McHenry county recorder's office, and urtlier, that said McHenry County Agricul­ tural society keep the said building well in­ sured in a responsible Insurance company and at all times keep the same in good repair. Said motion being duly seconded and the ays and nays being called for, resulted as fol­ lows: Ayes--Sups. Marks, Whipple, Lake, Baldock, Desmond, Perkins, Calbow, \Velt- zien, McConnell, Long, Turner, Covell, Hatch. Stoffel. Throop, 15; nays, Sup. Brotzman, 1. The chairmau thereupon declared the motion carried. Sup. Desmond moved that the chair appoint a committee of three members of the board to act in conjunction with the executive com­ mittee of the Mcllenry County Agricultural society in supervising the erection of the manufact urers' building and expenditures of the appropriation made therefore. Motion being duly seconded, was carried. Chairman appointed as such a committee, Sups. Desmond, McConnel and Long. Sup. lxnig mo.ved that the county clerk be authorized to draw orders on said appro­ priation of two thousand dollars for said : manufacturers' building in such amounts and at such times as lie nniy be requested to do so on the writ ten order of said committee. Mo­ tion being duly seconded, was carried. . The following named persons were selected to serve as grind jurors at the regular May term, 1908. circuit court of McHenry county, Illinois, and on motion of Sup. Desmond, the listWas approved and the clerk of the board in­ structed to certify the same to the clerk of the circuit court of McHenry i county. Illinois, to-wit: Riley, James Edwards; Marengo, O. H. Lin- j coin and Glen Haven; Dunham, G. R. Lan-: ning; Chemung. Lyle E. Axteli and M. J. Em­ erson; Aldou, F. S. Smith; Hartland, J. J. i Carroll; Seneca. Delos Diggins; Coral, Henry SViili.tms; Grafton, 1). Glazier; l)orr, B. S. ' Austin aud E. B. Losee; Greenwood, C. H. Thompson; Hebron, Ira E. Hyde; Richmond, F. E. Holmes; Burton, William Seaver; Nun- da, O. M. Hale mid W. P. St. Clair; Algomium, E. A. Ford and W. W. DlKe; Mcllenry, Ber­ nard Harrison and J. C. Ladd. | Sup. Long offered the following res- ] olution and moved its adoption, to-wit:! Carried. j RESOLVED, that the sum of twenty-Ave dol- ' lars ($25) each, be paid to the newspapers of McHenry county, having a circulation at least of 400 within the county, for publishing the proceedings Of the Ixiara for the current year, and that copies of the papers contain­ ing said proceedings be furnished the county clerk. | The special committee to whom was referred the drafting of suitable reso­ lutions on the death of Sup. Clark, sub- j mitted the following resolutions which j were adopted, by a rising vote, to-wit: \ Mr. Chairman aud Gentlemen of the Board I of Supervisors: Your committee appointed for the purpose of presenting to this board suitable resolutions on the death of S. E. I Clark, late member of the board from the township of Greenwood and for many rears an honored member thereof, would beg leave to submit the following: WHEREAS, Since the last meeting of this board it has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Universe to remove from among us by death, Mr. S. E. Clark, who has been for many years an honored member of this board; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That in the death of Mr. Clark, the board of supervisors has lost a true and faithful member, ever vigilant for the inter­ ests of the county and true to every trust committed to him. RFSOLVEO, That in his death we each feel that, we have lost a person\1 friend. RESOLVED, That we deeply sympathize with the ;ifilleted friends, and be it further RESOLVED, Thatthese resolutions be spread upon the records and made a part of the min­ utes of this meeting of the board of supervis­ ors. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. DESMOND, Ohm., JAMES LAKE, H. M.TURNER. NO other business appearing. Sup. Desmond moved the board adjourn. Carried. L. E. MENTCH, Chairman. Attest--G. F. RUSHTON, Clerk. If you arejooking for seed corn, Hu n- ;arian and Millet 'seed, call at Wm. Bonslett's elevator. 2t- 'JVo-not that!\ mamma says she wants Dr. Caldwell's ( L A X A T I V E , ) Syrup Pepsin 'cause brother and 1 like it ^--it's so good." Mrs. C. Fiery, IOTJ IP. Mourn Strut, Dteatur, ///., •mrttti: "Gentlemen: --My little girl, aged eight raonthi, had been troubled tince birth with constipation, and reading of your valuable medicine I concluded to try it; and I can recommend it highly to mothers for immediate relief. Only two fifty-cent bottle* curcd my baby." rOt/A VKUGGIST SELLS IT. If h* doesn't, write w for a free tampls sad our book of CMumonitlh Pepsin Syrup Company MouHoelio, 111. " A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I hand­ ed hiin a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after using it he need not pay a cent for it," says -C. P. Rav- der, of Pattens Mills, N. "tf".. "A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, 'give me another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want it in the house all the time for it cured me.' " For sale by all druggists. Job work of all kinds neatly done at j this office. CHARLES <L FRETT Wholesale sad retail dealer lb I am la th« Market For Beef Veal riutton Hogs and Poultry Qlve me a call Md Smoked Meats, Sausajje McHenry - Illinois mm dress « i i t i i i t i i t Now is the time and this is the place to find all the new Novelties in Ginghams, Percales Dim­ ities, Lawns, Organdies, Etc., for Summer Wear. All fresh new stock just in. Come In. while the selection is best. .See the new Shoes d.nd fancy Hose in all colors and plain with open work ef­ fect for Men, Women and Children. Large tine of WRAPPERS Hid SHIRTWAISTS in new designs for Spring. In Gents Fur­ nishings we lead them all. Drop in and let us show you the latest in HATS, (APS, NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, FANCY HOSE, SHOES UNDERWEAR^ ETC The stock is large, Sel­ ection good and Prices always right. We have the best assortment of everything for Spring and Summer Wear ever in--a call will convince you. t t t t t t t t t •••••••••••••••••••••••••IT McacflMtaeoea Commencing Sat- 8S urday, May 9th FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SALE Continuing for ONE WEEK We will offer many Bargains which will interest your Pocket Book ARTISTIC TAILORING " International" STYLE IS EX­ CLUSIVE and worth In itself m o r e t h a n passing con- s i d e r a t i o n . Men of partic­ u l a r t a s t e s will do well to examine the International Tailoring Co.'s s t y l e s a n d prices. The addition­ al satisfaction obtained from garments o f their make, is really money i n y o u r pocket. DROP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF OVER 500 MAGNIFICENT SAMPLES OF THE LATEST FABRICS AND DESIGNS. m Men's Wool Pants, all sizes, will be sold at 35 per cent. Discount. ^ Men's Common Sense and Dress Shoes, all sizes, the $1.50 and $1.65 grade, sale price $1.00 Men's and Boys' tan, brown and oxblood Shoes at Half Price. Men's Fedora Hats, in pearl, brown, tan and black at 35 Per Cent. Discount. Men's fancy Dress Shirts, the $1.00 grade, sale price '. 75C Men's fancy Negligee Shirts in endless variety for $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 worth up to $2.25 This is the finest line ever shown in town. 3 Cans, 2 pounds, fancy Table Peaches for ...25c 3 Cans, 8 pounds, Pie Peaches for 25c 3 Cans, 8 pounds, Royal Blue Baked Beans for... 25c 3 Cans, 3 pounds, fancy Pears for.. 25c 3 Cans, 2 pounds, good quality Corn for 25C 3 Cans, 2 pounds, good quality Peas for 2£)C 8 Cans. 1 pound; Jam, worth 18c e^ch, for 25C 1 pound good Plug Tobacco for 2c)C 1 pound good Smoking Tobacco for 15C 1 Op 8 pounds good Corn Starch for 2 Packages Yeast Cakes for One-half Gallon Pail fancy Syrup for.. 15C ' -J We have many other good Bargains to offer in odds and ends of Stock which will be closed out regardless of cost. Ladies Dress and Walking Skirts, $3.35 to $4^00, worth up to $5.50. Ladies' Wrappers from 50c up to $1.00, former price $1.00 to $1.50. Mercerized Silk Ginghams in fancy patterns and stripes suitable for Waists. Cham- bray Ginghams in plain and fancy. Mercerized fancy Madras in neat stripes. All colors in Taffeta Silks for Waists or Skirts at Cor­ net Prices. We have a few fancy Waist Patterns in striped Taffeta Silk at 75c and $1.00, sale price per yard 60c S3 S3 S3 S3 & S3 S3 & S3 S3 S3 98 S3 SS S3 S3 S3 CO £3 S3 S3 S3 S3 M. J. Walsh, West flcHenry

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