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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1903, p. 7

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V . V 80 It Goes. Dr. Lyman Abbott says Adam never existed. Probably a few thousand • T;,:iv'rl years from now some iconoclast will ,.;v; be getting up and declaring that Dr. > Abbott was a myth.--Denver Repub- Ml„„„ Farms S4 Per Aora cash* op till paid. tfULILlLL. Slow City, la. man's the noblest work of God.--Pope. CHANGE OF LIFE. OLD HOUSES OF BOSTON ? 1 V I? ARE MARVELS OF BEAVTtf Dignity About the Ancient Structures Which It Is Impossible to Destroy--Architect Says the City Was Built in England by Famous Designers* l. iv:£3v ^ GREAT WEALTH IN' TIMBER. While much of ancient Boston has crumbled to dust there is still enough of it left to fascinate the visitor from other cities. There is one peculiar thing about many of these old colonial houses-- they are not so much destroyed as they are in hiding. One feels sorry, as for an old friend, when he sees these fine old houses given over to Chinese laundries, butcher shops and what not They suggest good people who have fallen upon evil days in their old age. The pathetic note is there, and it sounds tn one's ears with an almost human Intensity. He who would learn more of old Boston architecture would do well to have a talk with William Ralph Enh of permanency, however, the people began to erect wooden frame houses. No one here knew anything about de­ signing, and it was natural that our builders should hark back to the old country. "Yet |rom the very first, some of the houses which looked squalid and cheap from the outside were full of interesting interior details. In almost all the first frame houses there were fine old mantles that are the despair of the modern finisher. In the best homes throughout the country these early colonial dethails are reproduo- ed, not because they are old, but be­ cause they are better than anything modern architects h*Ye been able to devise. "During the Revolutionary period Some sensible advice to women passing through this trying period. The painful and annoying symp­ toms experienced by most women at this period of life are easily over­ come by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It is espe­ cially designed to meet the needs of woman's system at the trying time of change of life. It is no exaggeration to state that Mrs. Pinkliam has over 6000 letters like the following proving the great value of her medicine at such times. " I wish to thank Mrs. Pinkham for what her medicine has done for me. My trouble was chang-e of life. Four years ago my health began to fail, my lie ad began to grow dizzy, my eyes {>ained me, and at times it seemed as f my back would fail me, had terrible pains aeross the kidneys. Hot flashes were very frequent and trying. A friend advised me to try Lydia 3E* Pinkliam's Vegetable Com­ pound. I have taken six bottles of it end am to-day free from those troubles. I cannot speak in high enough terms of the medicine. I recommend it to all and wish every suffering woman would give it a trial."--Bella Ross, 88 Mont- clair Ave., Roslindale, Mass.-- $5000 for­ feit if original of about letttr proving genulninttt tsuwoi it* produced. II A Relic of Margaret 8treeL Type of architecture of 17K-1770i It Cures Colds, Conarhs, SOT* Throat, Croup, Influ­ enza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A rprtsin SMira fr\v> ^Anaii*nnfi/Vt« (M n A certain cure for Consumption in first Btsgea, and a sure relief in advanced stages. L'se at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the fret dose, fold by dea'ers everywhere. Large feottlea cents and 50 cents. JCSTATB. BARGAINS IN MONTANA LAND. I have for sale In Montana several large ranches We!! Irrigated that 1 cim sell from $2.60 to $6 per acre " Oil easy terms. Smaller ranchea $10 to $16 per acre, Well Irrigated and Improved, ('lliuate unsurpassed. Also nil kinds of cattle and nheep. AiMreps W, W. gF-ASLEY, Big Timber, Sweet Grass Ca., Montana. CSNAP IN A SECTION OF IMPROVED AND 450 acres lu crop; 1U0 acres fenced; bal­ ance meadow; all tillable land; soli heavy black loam «lay subsoil. Three miles from two different towns; only ten miles from a good city. 1'rlce $25 per acre Wltn the crop on. l'art cash, balance on time at six Ber cent aiuml lnte rent. Address fie owner, CHAS, fc, 8C0VIXLE, Forman, Sargent Co., North Dakoto. BAD C Al C^O Rcre farm; 80 acres cultivated, aU rUn wlll-C cultivable. Good buildings, timber end water; pood school one mile; post otlice 4 miles. Season for sell.n«, bail health. Will lnrlud" so head erefoniH, hav and equipment.. I'rlee $6,500. F.sisy terms. Address HOQHL. BROWN, Vesta, S. Dakota. Best in the Northwest. Good farms lor one crop or on kalf crop payment?. Hente 1 pays lrrt. Also big bargain tn Canada. E. A. Wadsworth, Lanjrdon, N. Dakota. FOR SALE--800 ACRES BEST LAND In Hrnd Couutv, 8. Dakota, el^ht miles north of Miller. ( ouuty •eat; water the year around ; joins school section; and We have 8 slus'e quarter sections near MI'ter. W e will •ell all or p..i t oi our land vc-y cheap. Small cash pay­ ment; balance on time. A snap; write quick. Inquire CROS^ Li WIISON, 601W. 7th St., Sioux City, Iowa. ELEVEN 820 acres Selected FRAIRIE FARMS. Elchest lilack loam or clay subsoil. Liberal terns; •mall cash payments; wlthlnslx mllesof Grand View, •n the mall line of a Government controlled rail- Way with the lowest rates In the West. Grand View, two years old. 50;) Inhabitants, two banks, fourteen •tores, seven elevators. 1 r_'e s ;w mills, etc. 11mbei •bundant from the near-by Itldlug an 1 I) ck moun­ tains. DICKIE & CO., Bankers, Grand View, Man. mnillPU CUI F Choice farm of 4S0 acres 1 VUlul* OHUt miles from prosperous town. 100 acres under plow. Excellent pasture with run- »lng water. 150 tons of upland hay raised last year; IS •crcs youn'^ trees; pood water, tine buildings. Send foi descriptive circular. I E0. E. GRAY, Appleton, Minn. MISSOURI! MISSOURI I Bates, Cass and Vernon Counties. Write for prices and description of farm land In thes<r •ountles. All sizes for sale. We have pood toll and Water; One corn and Ki ass land. Buy In the corn ano trua belt of Missouri end voueet the best. For full •Information, write. TH£ BUTLER LAND COMPANY, Butler, Bates County, Mo. FREE EXCURSION to all who buy land from UB la •OUTH or NORTH DAKOTA or CANADA. Ilaastlfal souvenir and maps sent on application. WE WANT GOOD AGENTS to help us find buyer*. BLW0OO LAND CO., ST. PAUL, MINN. MI8CELLAXEO US. WE ASK IOO PUBLISHERS to send roaaamplet (Or 10c. 000 for 90c and weekly Farm Field Flresidl t months. International Agency, Lawrence, Kansaa, $100 MAKES $30,000 $100 Invested In Homestnke Mine at lt» Inception a* furod an Interest worth $30,000. 1U00 shares of Call* lout & liocla now ulvc an annual income of fciiUiUJ PM annum. YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Wo now offer you the chance to take some etocfc In • foiupany and property wltti an opportunity equal U lliose above cited. A Utile capital, courage and tl» "(Uatlve used NOW will make you comfortable and tit iependent for the remainder of your life. WE WANT TO SHOW YOU WHY. If you mention tlds paper, we will send you FKEB • llftiidiomely Illustrated booklet explanatory of OOI proposition, showing WHY we can pay very laid profits. A LEADING CLEVELAND BANK WILL INDEMNIFY HOLDERS OF OUR STOCK AGAINST LOS8. fThls also to explained, and we will show you yoe CANNOT loose, and will very probably rain a lar|* fortune. BETTER SEND TO-DAY. ADDRESS IKK UNITED GOLD MINING, MILUM * TUMEL COMPANY (53 The Arcade, CLEVELAND. OHIOl _ Or onr New York agent, fcQBERT Q. ROXTON, M Broadway, New Yortu INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS. ruas raocTTRED under TXS won TA fcAW8 FOR A FEW DOLLARS. Write s. by-laws and forms, VuvtkSS&Z arson, a Boston architect who has riven much time to the colonial period. "It Is a fact," he will tell you, "Bos­ ton was built In England. It was sent over here and set up by our colonial carpenters. The architects of early Boston were Sir Christopher Wren, James Gibhs, Sir William Chambers and a few other masters of that period. "There were no early American architects. In those days we had carpenters and builders only. Batty Lengley's guide and the printed directions of the other architects mentioned were used as text books by the colonial builders. And that to why our homes are so beauti­ ful. "Those masters of the English renaissance were the first great archi- some fine old French houses were re­ produced In wood in this country. Those are the houses we see wearing hip roofs and adorned with stately fluted columns. It was along In 1820 when American builders cut loose from English models. Up to that tlriHe we Jpad na distinctive American architecture. Then we got It with a vengeance. Our first architects weren't satisfied with Roman archi­ tecture as illustrated by the English renaissance. They harked back to the Greek, with the most horrible re­ sults ever seen anywhere. Many of those monstrous examples of "archi­ tecture" are still to be seen in East Cambridge and In Roxbury. They have heavy columns "with pedemented ends. Beyond that I can't describe them other than to say that they are mongrels of the worst type. Where the Heart of the Lumber Belt of the Country Is Located. In the United States the heart of (he lumber belt has moved westward. At the beginning of the last century almost the entire wood supply came from the then untouched forests of the Penobscot river region of Maine. As the wpodsmen cut deep into the heart of the wood the industry was forced to find other fields from which to draw its supply, and the virgin for­ ests of the South and of the states bordering on the Great Lakes were cut into. Although these regions are by no means depleted to-day, the Pacific coast is rapidly becoming the heart of the lumber trade. And what wonder, for in the three states of California, Oregon and Washington there is at least one-third of the entire supply of standing timber In the United States. In figures it amounts to more than 800,000,000,000 feet of uncut wood. The forest reserves and national parks set apart by the United States government within the limits of these three states aggregate an area of 32, 428 square miles, or more than 22 per cent of the total wooded area of the states. In the state of Oregon alone, where a careful examination has been made, the national census officials have estimated the standing timber on these reservations at 55,000,000,000 feet, or one-fourth of the state's total supply.--Review of Reviews. REGISTER OF THE U. USES PE-RU-NA 7T-"' S. TREASURY FOR SUMMER CATARRH Summer Catarrh Afflicts Men and Women, H The Action of Poisons. Mature seems to have provided that no poison which acts externally shall have any effect Internally and vice versa. Thus the most deadly snake venom can be swallowed with impun­ ity, the juice of the stomach presum­ ably decomposing it and rendering it harmless. The Smallest Freemason. Owensboro commandery, Knights Templar, of Owensboro, Ky., conferred the Knight Templar degree on the smallest Mason in the United States, W. D. Everly of Island, Ky., the other night. He Is 40 years old and is 89 Inches tall. - ON. JUDSON W. LYONS, Register of the United States treasury, in a letter from Washington, D. C., says: "1 find Peruna to be an excellent remedy for the ca­ tarrhal affections of spring and summer, and those who suffer from depression front the heat of the summer will find no remedy the equal of Peruna,"--Judson W. Lyons, No man is better known in the financial world than Judson W. Lyons, formerly of Augusta, Ga. His name on every piece of money of recent date his signature one of the most familiar ones in the United States. Two Interesting Letters From Thankful Women. Miss Camilla Char tier, 5 West Lexington St., Baltimore, Md., writes: " Late suppers gradually affect­ ed my digestion and made me a miserable dyspeptic, suffering in­ tensely at times. I took several kinds of medicine which were prescribed by different physicians but sdll continued to suffer. But the trial of one bottle of Peruna convinced me that it would rid me of this trouble, so I continued taking it for several weeks and I was in excellent health, having gained ten pounds."--Miss Camilla Chartier. Summer Catarrh. Mrs. Kate Bohn, 1119 Wiiiouehby Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: 7 ' "When I wrote you I was troubled with frequent headaches, dizzy, strange feeling in the head, sleeplessness, sinking feelings, faintness and numbness. Sometimes I had heartburn. My food would rise to my throat after every meal, and my bowels were very irregular. "I wrote you for advice, and I now take pleasure in informing you that my improve­ ment is very great indeed. I did "not ex­ pect to improve so quickly after suffering TORTURING DISFIGURING "• ire* Skin, Scalp and Blood Humours' . ; ; From Pimples to Senfoity From Infancy to Jkgi Speedily Gored Rtrtiewi yj When All Else Fails. :1 Hon. Judson W. Lyons. for five long years. I am feeling very good and strong. I thank you so much for Pe­ runa. I shall recommend it to all suffering with the effects of catarrh, and I consider it a household blessing. I shall never be without Peruna." For those phases of catarrh peculiar to summer, Peruna will be found efficacious. Peruna cures catarrh in all phases and stages. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac­ tory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state­ ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. GRIPPE HURT KIDNEYS. the lingering results of La Grippe remain with the kidneys for a lonr tine. They suffer from over exertion and the heavy drugs of Qrlppe medi­ cines. Doan'a Kidney Pills overcome this condition. AURORA, NEW MEXICO.--I received Ae free sample of Doan's Kidney Pills which I ordered for a girl nine years old ;hat was suffering with bed wetting, and »he improved very fast. The pills acted iirectly on the bladder in her Case and (topped the trouble. J. C. LCCEBO. Richmond J\ m o -J BATTLE CREEK, MICH.--My husband received the sample of Doan's Kidney Pills and has taken two more boxes ana feels like a new man. He is a fireman on the Grand Trunk It. R., and the work is bard on the kidneys. Mrs. GEO. GIFFORD. PLINY, W. VA. -- The free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills acted so well with me, I wrote Ilooff, the druggist, at Point Pleasant, to send me three boxes, with the result I have gained in weight, as well as entirely rid of my kidney trouble. My water had become very offensive and con­ tained a white sediment and cloudy. I would have to get up six and seven times during the night, and then the voiding would dribble and cause frequent at­ tempts, but, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills, they have regulated all that, and 1 cannot Braise them too much. JAS. A. LAKH AIT Aching backs are eased. Hip, back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sedi­ ment, high colored, pain in passing, drib­ bling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan's Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, dizziness. fDoan$ Kidney Pills/ MUCl SO CIMS. A tv«.c\*\<; v«*. YwmTt fnmr USTW roara-Miuinui Oo., Buffalo, N. Y. Pteaae mail me free trial box Doaa* Kidnor riii*. Name. PRBBI Mall this cou pon with your address for free trial box. W E S T E R N C A N A D A IB attracting more attention than any other dlatrlAt Bi the world. " The Granary of the World." M Tha Land of Boa* Vine." The Natural Feeding Grounda for Stocks Area under crop in 1908 . . , 1,987,330 acre*. Yield 190* ..... 117,938,761 bushels. Abundance of Water; Fuel Plentiful; Building Material Cheep; Good Gras« for pasture nnd hay; a fertile soil; a suffi­ cient rainfall and a climate giving en assured and adequate eoason of growth. HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE, tlio only charge for which le $10 for making entry. Close to Churches, Schools etc. Kallwaye tap all •ettled districts. Send for AtlsB and other literature to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, Or to <J. J. Broughton, 430 Oulncy lluildlng, Chicago, J. C. Duncan, lio im 6,frig Four IildK.. Indianapolis, Ind., or T O.Currle,Callahan Bldfj., Milwaukee, Wif., the authorized Canadian Government Agents, who will supply yoa Trltb certificate giving yon reduce<< railway rates, etc. i m The agonizing Itching and borntsg e# '•} the skin, as in Eczema; the frtghtfal' •c&li&g, as In psoriasis; the loss of hahr. and crusting of the scalp, &» in acalled' V head; the facial disfigurements, as i» acne and rlnsrworm; the awfnl safRw^Jfp ing of infants, and anxiety of wonn'v^ out parents, as in milk crust, tetter salt rheum,--all demand a remedy ot ^§3 almost superhuman virtues to success- fully cope with them. That Cuticurs M Soap, Ointment and Resolvent are such stands proven beyond all donbt. Ne V statement is made regarding them that ill $ Is not justified by the strongest evl- Wg dence The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, th« ^ certainty of speedy and permanent cure, ' 4^ the absolute safety and great economy* ' have made them the standard ski* cures, blood purifiers and humour rem*> dies of the civilized word. Bathe the affected parts with bot ' water and Cuticura Soap, to cleaasethe ^ surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without rubbing, and apply Cuticura Oint- i meut freely, to allay Itching, irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal,, and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent, to ,' .* 1 cool and cleanse the blood. This com- ® f| plete local and constitutional treatment If-i-3 affords Instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczem* *v,ii and other itching, burning and s^aly humours of the skin, scalp and blbod, and points to a speedy, permanent economical cure when all else fails. <:$$. '••Ml m Bold throufhont the world. Cntlcnr* R •erm of Coated Pill«.2.V:. ptr •irnt, tOc., So.p. ?Sc. I >ppoU : London, .. gq.l Ptrig, 5 RuedetaPalx; Ronton, 1 ^ Coiui rotter Drue* Chtm. Corp, 8olc Proprlefora. for "How to Cur« f>»ry llomon- mwAu Bute. Medical Advice Free.--Strictly Confidential. nnv WITH NERVES U N S I K U N O THAT ACHE • WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER take TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS. A Richmond Street Dwelling. Date of erection not known. tects of the world who had their ideas pnt tn wood. The old world built •rerythlng In stone; that is, every­ thing that embodied the thought of AN Architect. "But In this country timber was plentiful. The first houses of the settlers were, of course, rude affairs, built of logs, or roughly hewn timbers. As soon as the colony gave assurance STRONG ARMY FOR MEXICO. Troops Under President Dlas Will Soon Number 200,000. President Diaz does not believe in limiting his military establishment. Although the republic has long been at peace, he is pursuing a policy of military expansion which seemSylike- ly to develop a highly efficient system of national defense. It is the desire of President Diaz that within two years the Mexican government shall be able on short notice to mobilize an army of 200,000 thoroughly trained and perfectly equipped soldiers. To make this result possible more than tOO,000 boys^and young men are now receiving regular daily miliary In­ struction in 11,000 public schools of Mexico and the army will he recruited from their number. This pragram for the creation of a greater Mexican army is supplemented with plans for a larger naval estab­ lishment, two vessels for which are now under construction. In this de­ velopment of her military resources Mexico is following the natural policy of enlightened nations. It la believed ".after this period of chaos" our architects fell hack on French roof style, the Jueen Anne house and other eccentricities. We are now back to the old colonial style after a century of. wandering in the wilder­ ness. And we haven't returned to that type because it Is old, but be­ cause it looks better and is better."-- Boston Journal. In some quarters that the integrity of Mexican institutions will be severely tested when President Diaz retires from office and that a strong govern­ ment, including an effective military establishment, will be needed to pro­ tect the republic against serious in­ ternal disorder. It is possible with Yview to providing for such an emer­ gency that the present movement for a large and trustworthy army has been instituted. INCORPORATE UNDER ARIZONA LAWS Most liberal corporation laws in the United States. No franchise tax or exhorbltant fees. Prirate property exempt from corporate debt. Par of stock made any amount. No limit on capitalization. Stock made nonassessable for any purpose. No amount of stock required to be subscribed. No state control. No state examination of books. Legislature cannot repeal yonr charter. Keep office any where. Do business anywhere. We attend to all business and pay all fees, and charge but a few dollars in ̂ ny case. Send three stamps for booklet of information and codified annotated corporation laws. Prtibcrve this add, U will appeal one week only. Correspondence solicited. A013M S WANTED iu every city hi the United States. Liberal commissions. Addre r ARIZONA CORPORATION CHARTER CO., Moniiian Bldg., Pheorilx, Arizona LOCOMOTOIt ATAXIA CON'QUEEKD AT LASTBT DR. CHASE'S BLOOD AND WERVE FOOD. Write me about your case. Advice mul i;roof ofonrwl HEE. 08. CHASE, 224N.I Oth St..PH!I ADap«U w? BIG raoney wade selling oar new article* for beautl- ~ w lying the complexion. Immensenummersellers. SP*"J.i"*Irle(l 8Ull uaed. Sample, with particulars, 10c. AMKR1CAJM WAl?iJE CO., Short Beach. Conn. nPOPQY NEW DISCOVERY: gives Si^ S* S I quick relief and cures worst c«HeB. Jtookof testimonials and 10 DAYS' treatment VK££. Dr.H.H.GREEK S SOHB.Box B.Atlanta.G» FREE TO WOMEN! lifl'idlUJ To prove the beanoTwfc cleansing power of ihtMH*' ftMPMPM Toilet Antlseptfte BUKHH mail a large trial ill ^ In book of I lIH Fll Absolutely free. HI KjA lIH a tiny sample, bl I I »1(11 Package, enough to' llll llll vince anyone of Hs 1111, M Women all over tin are praising Paxtinef- has done in local' of female : all inflammation and discharges, WMWU», cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, i C&Ukrrh, a UiOiitli wiisli uQu uC rCIT"r"'1 * and whiten the teeth, Send today: a i will do. t Bold by druggists or ient poet paid by ML W Saata, lar£<> box. Satisfaction (aansnsl THE B. I'AXTON CO., Boston, Mall. 814 Colombo* ATS, •3*! a tllae&E omfeifoi aal ! WE CURK CANCER AT HOME If afflicted with •or* «jn NO KNIFE, NO PAIN, NO PUSTEB. > ^ Book and testimonials FRSK. «• 4 XA8QN CANCER IKSTITUT .̂ • v A. ISO W, 42nd St., NEW TORS. '.?$$ •M Thompsons Eyt Vatw W. N. U. CHICAGO, No. 23, 1903. ^ When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Papon . ^ Mow tfoea ttala strike ysa ISr m 4 Days Lake Trip $13 Chicago to EtcssabB, M|ck. aad Hetarn. 7 Days Lake Trip $25 Chicago to HSCILIuuc Sslanil uail ltetura. MEAL8 AND BERTH INCLUDED. •usksgon or Grand Havoa S2.75 aad rotara frsa Ckltat* ^ .... ' ,*v:4 • % 1 m p. Write gbouiift, H.O. DAVIS, O.P.A* Ohloago, (II* GOODRICH Li n e STEAM L R c Mothers, do you know liMU-" Theatrical Note. "Uncls Josb," said a young man In the Grand Central station, "I am aw­ fully glad to see you In New York. Let me take your bag and we will go and get something to eat, and after I have, secured you a room we will go down to the Academy and see "The Suburban." "Gosh all beeswax," replied the el­ derly relative, "I've lived all my life in the country and I don't want to see anything suburban. Can't we go somewhere and enjoy one of those lod-fashioned panoramas of the antediluvian world?" -- Now York "N. that a perfectly healthy baby never cries. When the little ©nifc does ; there's something wrong, and generally it's the stomach. Paregoriq, Soothing Syrups, Cordials, Teething Syrups and Pain Killers contain opium and morphine. Don't use them. They are harmful--costly too. Such drugs constipate and derange the digestive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin (A Laxative) f is pleasant to take, augments and supplies the natural digestive ferment acts as a gentle laxative, makes and keeps babies in health and good humor. A trial will convince you. h OnTLtsn t For constipation I weald cheerfully recotndksnd Dr. Caldwell's Syrnp Popsli^ Mj Httk iirl wJ 1 troubled since felrth with constipation, and readin« of your 11 **"1**^* 1t Sttiim fftr |iairJ'~" --»-* Oaiir two taa-coat bottles cured «nj babr. RIPSJIK •/ AIUV EST A. --ISII MM [ cooclnded to try it, aad 1 caa i lias. C. PLOSBT. MIS W. Maoaa Straat, DiriWfc Your druggist sells it bottla FREJS. 50 cast and $1 bottles. II sot send as his nam* aad wa will sand sample It is economy Is boy the $1 na s 'p PEPSIN SYRVP CO.. Monticello, lUs^ Va S. £ ̂

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