.'V5i ^ now here to ^ay for a while At least, but we can help make life as comfortable as possible bj^s^ipplytng youwith the right .kind of "" ~ " "" \}&M* .v>~ Ai.*&£,'*£• • i '.&!? Wt •JW". [ot Weather $5 &> 'V flight weight and light colored Suits for Men 411 sizes at $5.50 per Suit. Little Boy's Suits, 3 to 8 years old, 50c each. Under- f., '. wear, the hot weather kind, to fit Men, \ p^f ' Women and Children. Men's Negligfee , W flirts, Straw Hats, Low Shoes, Sun Um- '11^ brellas, etc. Mason Fruit Jars and Rub- ' bers, *11 sines. Pure Groceries, Jersey VV lily and Hard to Beat Flour. * ' * < % V ; V * ' ~ \ v. • ' • % ' v v Yours fdr H^ leather Trade, West McHenry^ .iitV 4tlol\lli J* Miller. m : - Sv: ,• # • '»• • r £v-'. - i.-w> tei? • :>•£'?? f- HOT WEATHER NECESSITIES Ladies' Shirt Waists in white and fancies, all sizes, from 50c to $2.25. Our line of Dimities, Lawns, Organdies, Mercurized Goods, Silk Gauze and India Linens is very complete and are selling fast at cut prices. Slippers, Sandals and Oxfords. Men's soft, cool Negligee Shirts in all colors and sizes. Straw Hats, Umbrellas Parasols, Fans. Gauze Underwear in large variety of colors "and grades to fit all sizes. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Can ned Goods, Flour, Etc., of the best and purest qualily. Goods delivered prompt ly. Yours truly, 8>& 1.; 5 *'•' r LKT fe- ft: l'": ^ M. J. Walsh. m Very inw Rate* ;to California nntl Ret urn Via the Chicago & North Western R'y Anprnst 1 to 14, to Los Angeles And San Francisco, with final return until Octo ber 15, inclusive, aeon nut National En campment G. A. E. Three trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through without change. Daily and personally, condnoted tonrist oar excursions. Spe cial G. A. R. train will leave Chicago 10.80 p. m., Tuesday, Aug. 11; DeKalb, 12.10 a. m., "Wednesday, Ang. 12; Clin ton, 3.50 a. m.; Cedar Rapids, 6.20a. m.; Marshall town, 8.25 a. m.; Boone, 10.80 a. m., arriving at Omaha. 2.00 p.^ra., leaving Omaha 3.80 p. m. and running via Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Salt Lake City. For itinerary, il lustrated folder and full particulars, apply to Agents Chicago & North western. R'y. Aug. 14 The Foundation of Health. Nourishment is the foundation of health--life--strength. Kodol Dyspep- Cure is the one great medicine that en ables the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and 'transform all foods into the kind of blood that nour ishes the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest. Indigestion, Dys pepsia and all disorders of the stomach and digestive organs are cured by the use of K odol. Sold by all druggists. Excursion Rafanft to Chantanqoa Assembly at Sycamore, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates July 31 and August 1, limited for re turn until August 11, inclusive. Other dates of sale and limits on certificate plan. Apply to agents' Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 1 Catarrh of t he Stomach. When the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and inflames the mu cous membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secrete mncifi, instead of the natural juices of diges tion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. "For years I suffered with. Catarrh of the Stomach, caused by in digestion. Doctors and medicines failed to cure me until I used K9dol Dyspepsia cure." J. R. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by all druggists. Very Loir Rates to Pittsburgh, Pa., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold August 1, 2 and with very favorable return limits, on account of C. T. A. U. Convention. Apply to ageatB Chicago & North-West ern R'y. __ Aug. 1 No Falite Claims. The proprietors of Folev's Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a "sure care for consumption." They do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in ad vanced cases, but do - positively assert that it will cure in the earlier stages and never fails to give comfort and re lief in the worst cases. -Foley's Honey and Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Refuse sub stitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. O A 8 T O R I A . Bear* th* /9 Kind You Have Always Signature of Commencing this week we will dispose of all our Summer Goods, rather than carry over through the Winter, at cents on the $i.oo We ft&sp have a few rare Bargains in Goods. Just note these: io bars good Soap 25c White Overalls White Jackets 29c 39c M J. H U R . W I T Z . V AAA • ^ ^ ^ ̂ A A A A j¥m J¥* A A A «•> A A A A A • - - v y y v y r T T j r * 4 r * X r v t r * j r ^ i j i r * X ! * T l i ^ X r v t * * X r 0' i , PW Farmers! Alt AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED-* L O C A L B R I E F S Elgin Butter Market. There is no change in the price of butter. The quotation committee de cided on 20 cents steady as the market price of butter. No offerings were made. The ontput |pr the district was 832,900 pounds. Weeds, weeds, weeds everywhere! Why not trim them close to the ground? Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Oep. Frisby, Wednesday, July i5, a boy. All doing nicely. ' The Northern Lakes Ice Co. has set tled with the insurance company for $3'i,000, covering about half the loss oc casioned by the fire at Pistakee. A new building will be constructed this fall Why toil all day when Maple city Self-Washing Soap is waiting and will ing to do half of your work for you. In the end it will save you money, time and temper. Quarterly conference will be held at the M. E. church in this village Friday, July 81, at ten o'clock a. m. Presiding Elder Earngy will be present. Rev. Earngy will preach at Ringwocd on, the Sunday afternoon following, August 2. The total wealth of the world is esti mated at $400,000,000,000. According to the above figures 400 Rockefellers would make a financial world. But they would not occupy any more ground space after dkith than their coachmen. The party of yonng men from Elgin who have been camping at Emerald Park aver that they will soon return for another outing. Now what do you suppose is the principal attraction? Of course the girls have no guess coming. The Plaindealer job department has recently been replenished with a series of the latest style type for calling cards, business cards, invitations and fine sta tionery. , Remember that our work in this line is second only to steel engrav ing. _. Chris Schmitt is putting in an Eagle Acetylene gas plant for Stephen Smith at Johusburgh. Mr. Scbmitt has also taken the contract for plumbing the house recently built by Wm. McRoberts on*Hog Back island. It will be an "all lead" job. ' The Plaindealer consists of ten i pages this week. McHenry merchants fully realize that advertising does pay, and we must give them plenty of .advertis ing space. With ten pages we can handle the ads and still give subscribers all the news. John Stoffel turned over the affairs of th% West McHenry postoffice to E C. Mead Monday morning and all docu ments from that office will hereafter be signed "H. C. Mead, P. M." 'Mr. Stoffel will assist the new postmaster the balance of the week. Hatry Ames and Charles Hahn gath ered lillies on the pond Monday and for some unaccountable reason the boat capsized. In an instant the yonng men Jim Dumps and wife invariably " Force " for Sunday evening tea, When cook went out that afternooo. M 'Tis but a saucer and a spoon To wash--a task not grim-- And all are pleased," lughad " Saany Jim." RCE Eu<dj'.t&£cn* Oral pieties everybody In every w*y. home sad Uks gAuroacM." W--11 If so you ought to appreciate anything that will jbelp you save it. Miff flfOSBM BIlWAIH) MOWOtS which rank among the beat makes in^the Country and I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Farmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices and you'll never regret it. Will soon have a car load of Twine. The best way to save time It {ft tare* Chicago Telephone were floundering in six inches of water, two fe^t of weeds and 'steen feet of soft mud. They reached shore alive--any one who has seen the pond can imagine the condition of their garments. Rain fell in torrents last Friday even ing and the streets resembled a minia ture river at one time. Several tons of sand was washed into the tail race be low Reynold's mill, almost cutting off the flow. Most of the obstruction has since been washed down the stream howeyer. The Woodstock Sentinel begins Vol- urae forty-eight this week. The Senti nel hAs been a good paper for many years and is today one of the neatest, and most cleanly edited paper in the state. W. W. Chandler, the manager, knows a few things about printing and newspaper work in general. F. J. Herbes will open a steam heat ing, plumbing and repair shop the last of this week. His work shop will be on the John Herbes property, four blocks east of the depot, until he is able to find desirable location for his business. Mr. Herbes comes here well recommend ed as a reliable and up-to-date mechanic. tt, H. Owen, who succeeds his father, O. W. Owen, in the piano business, has contracted for advertising space in The Plaindealer and starts off this week with a balf page. Mr. Owen has sold three or fonr pianos in the past week. He is a hustler and for-reasons stated in his adv. will make a success of the ven ture. ^ Geo. Nell will give the second of a series of dances at his Columbia Park pavilion ne*t Wednesday evening, July 23. Schaefer's Johnsburgh orchestra will furnish the music. In case of rail*- the pavilion can be enclosed in a few minutes, keeping the interior as dry as any hall. Manager Frank Ward of the Stafford & Goldsmith pickle factory has every thing cleaned up about the place ready for receiving cucumbers. There were not many acres contracted this year, but *a goodly supply is expected how ever. A good crop is anticipated, the weather having been favorable. The boat "Island Queen" came down from Fox Lake last Saturday with a party of excursionists. Capt. Shontz is proprietor of the boat. He intends to make several trips from fdcHenry to the lotns beds just as soon as the flow ers are in bloom, if he can be assured that enongh will go to make it pay. Mrs. Jos. Heimer received a letter from Mrs. Geo. Som'mers, who resides at Worth, 111., Yesterday morning in which she states that she is in very poor health. She has many friendB here who hope to hear better news soon. The members of the old card club, of which Mrs.- Sommers was also a member, are particularly anxious. Mrs. J. D. Smith, secretary of the Domestic Science club, informs us that there will be no more meetings of the club until the last Tuesday in Septem ber. The members will be entertaining company or going away themselves during the next two months, making it impossible to give the work the proper attention. The Illinois Comedy and Concert Co. give prizes Tuesday night to the oldest gentleman and lady in the audience. The ladies' prise, a silver berry spoon, was awarded to Mrs. Kate Lawrence's mother, while E. B. Perkins carried away the gentleman's prize, silver s< and pepper shakers. A number of children from Chicago will arrive at Ringwood and McHenry today for a two weeks' outing, under the management of the Chicago.Bureau <of Charities and Daily'News Fresh Air Fund. The children range in age from Six to fourteen years. Their homes are in the tenement house districts of the «ity whtre pure air is nnknown. Peo ple opening their homes for these un liortunates are doing an act of kindness jthat can not be over estimated. Some person (we know not who) ran his horse down Waukegan street Satur day night, at about nine o'clock, and it was going at an unlawful clip. The person was taking chances in' driving that way past the scribe's mansion, but he UBed good judgment in waiting until after dark. If someone was going for a a doctor the act is of course excusable. Your • iay CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Coru Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Inland Plows, Wagons, -- Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills*. r?vv,/Well Supplies, Harness Oil* Paint Oil and wk. (. jjji/ 'I jfc- «*•»- . ' «.< '(v"a { V ** --achine Oil a Specialty. . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeieeeeeee Rod Winks! I am agent tor the abora - We put the Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than IfiOQ. UaU and get fall particulars. Ocieril BlKksnitMii Prices ilwiys Reuwtte A large nninber of fish were fonnd dead and dying in the mill pond near the dam Motlday, and the cause is mystery. The most likely theory is that the fish are killed by being dashed into the rocks along the shore dnring the storms. San fish, suckers ^nd small black bass were found. Before noon Monday the dead fish had nearly all dis appeared. creating another mystery. An exchange remarks that many woman parades up the church aisle in anew and stylish hat and gown, fol lowed by h©r husband in a threadbare coat and last year's hat. Yes, and many a man parades down the street with his tank full of beer and a cigar between bis teeth, whose wife hasn' had a hat or coat in 'steen years and who daily works over the washtub to gain a livelihood for herself and chil d r e n . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Persons leaving news notes in the Plaindealer item boxes shonld sign their names, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. The small boys and others not so small get fresh occa sionally and stuff the boxes with un signed fictitious items. The only way we can prevent making mistakes is to notice none but the signed items. It is •necessary for out own protection that this rule is strictly adhered to, with no exceptions. Wi&S: Bronchitis for Twenty Years. Mis. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111 writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar, which is a BUM ena" Sold by N. H. Potasca, ^ 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ̂ j$. •. .. •; i |-v.. - The Summer Season is now at its height,"fbtrfc there will be at least three months move of warm, si^ltjryr weather,<ancl to be comfortable you 'intyst wear ibe proper kind of Clothing. Our line of Summer Goods is still unbroken, although thousands of yards of 1 goods have gone out of the Store. If you have pui off buying a Summer Dress call at this, store now* and ask for Bargains. ^We are offering some Goods at a discount of ten per cer_t. See those pretty patterns in t FRENCH GINGHAMS CHAHBRAY MADRAS I, DIMITIES LAWNS CRASH AND DUCK GRENADINES and DOTTED SWISS. t-V W-i Pope Leo We have a limited supply of large colored Portraits of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII which are selling at 25 cents each. They are taken from one of the . lat est Photographs arid ^re a perfect likeness. Call before the supply is exhausted. Chapell J. H. Miller 5 DeaJer in GRANITE AND MARBLE Headstones. Markers. Posts? MONUMENTS I Etc. Etc. My large number of Designs are of the latest styles and you should not fail to see them. It is my constant aim to please my custo mers and I guarantee all my work and material to be A No. 1 and at the lowest living prices. Kindly drop me a line and I will be pleased to call on you with my samples. McHenry, 5 Illinois^jj The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature oC and has been made tinder his per*» sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in tliisw jUl Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-sood" are but Experiments that triile with and endanger t-lie health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiuientb What is CASTORIA Otastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare" goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti® jpubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worml And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Win<| ^fjolic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatio^ lind Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates thO "Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleei* •The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. oENvpi CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bo In Use For Over 30 Years. THC eCfVTAUII OOMMMP, TV HURMV CTACCT, NCW YOMC CITY. •-vK ^ j#-