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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1903, p. 5

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&'*r V1*' •' r , . vCov'V-'V v' : : : -PrirT .̂ \ JF :,HJ Vi 'i „ : * ,"T,. r "*V u* -V v • V *• • w T, 1 ^ •; * 1 V-' •>, • « ' ' * » * V ( '* ^ ;7K.fK- . $ 3 • • ]1 fS«s| •-f*j liR < ',&•* i-"i 'Kifi - JTVV >>• '<• j. • 4' ."4 Jr* • M.:\'C-: --tin'* *% l m*9 U >' i * J i VOLUME XXIX. '^®;: •i&iwz McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. WpS NUMBER "m >>*&%•*$ *• • h~ haJP^ILILME i&m'* ft?®3; TO BUY A "Milwaukee" Harvesting Machine WM. BONSLETT Near Depot, West ricHenfy. i Mi IM tf Mm. tmm. !•««. tw •"«*«•. ®* **«• Cwen, Ml «< TVM. 'h have a large number of Pianos, some of which |re pearly new and.will soon be idle,*.which I Bargains ig'^If yoa are in need of a Piano let me figure with you and I will guarantee to save you money. R. H. OWEN H c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S | s '"j** »*t>» 'T. »T« »*fra »Ti .Ti »T« |T| rT| rTi fTi tTi »Ti r*T| A *1' |XI ^ ̂ l4! ll*1 'I1 ll»! lV ^ ll! 'I11" lV l" >! 'l1 *" l«t! 1" > • Remarkable Race of People. In Sumatra there is a very singular race of human beings called the Kubus. They are the most timid and bashful^ people in the world, being too shy to mingle with the other races of the Is­ land. They dwell in the darkest re­ cesses of the mountain forests an4 have seldom been seen by white men. One has never been known to willingly face a stranger. This being the case, their trade with the Malayans is car­ ried on in a very strange way. The trader announces his arrival by beat­ ing a gohg and then retires from the place of rendezvous. T*he shy Kubus then approach, put their forest treaa- ures on the ground, beat the trader's gcng and retreat. The trader then re­ turns and lays his commodities down In quantities sufficient to pay the pur­ chase price of the goods on sale. He then disappears for a second time, this to give the Kubus a chance to re­ turn and consider the bargain. After many withdrawals, approaches, gong beatings, ekui;»n understanding Is ar­ rived at, and each party carries away its bargain. This remarkable race knows nothing of a supreme being, heaven, hell or evil demons. They have no system of marriage and never bury their dead. They live on snakes, ants, bugs, grubs, etc. Prices Riabt! goods Right! Customers Satisfied That's just the way business is conducted at this store. We defy competition even with Depart- « ment Stores or Mail Order Houses. Our Goods are right and Customers are satisfied or they would not come back the second time. We are here to do business, are doing business and will : continue to do so. We attribute our ever increas­ ing trade to courteous treatment of our customers and giving Good furniture at fionest Prices Jacob Justen. Not a Luxury! A Bathroom in the house is not a luxury but a necessity, essential to the health of the family. Tak­ ing a bath in a small basin is better than no bath, but it does not give a person that feeling of cleanliness which follows a plunge Let us give you figures on making this improvement to your home. All work guaranteed. I carry a full line of gas, steam, water valves and repairs of all kinds (KRIS SCHMIDT, Show room opposite Reynold's mill > A A j&.1.4*4 ***** .*t*« .4*. »*•*• .•« A »T« >T» .T« «T« A »•« «*i% »T» A »t^A IWpWjl UJ If J IVI IM 11J IJ.1 l£l 1 ,̂1 1^1 1 ,̂1 1^1 14,1 ̂̂ ̂ Reduced •:X%£ f*r*' on Summer Goods! Summer GooTs must go at a great sacrifice to make room for an immense line of Winter Wearables, Prices have been cut so that anyone can now secure a summer outfit Without iacoBvenience to the pocket .book. JCfote prices: T r : ' ' .t :v-.: - '^^3® Misses Shoes, IB t6%worth $1.80, ...'..lie ' • Embroidery, worth 8c, closing out ®. lfc) Kockford Socks, pair ,9a Boys'Overalls.....7-.,i ' Mens Sateen Cap^I... .4o Ladies Underwear, regular 90c qtud^y, cflop^g ̂• ' 3 for 28t> ; v " Mens' Balbriggan Underwear. 2Us ( 10 Bars best Soap Me Challies, worth 60, dosing @.V, Calicoes, 6 colors, regular 8c goods closing out ^ @ # ̂Turkey Bed Calicoes, regular 8$ aiw4ttgf,jclo«iii« % >̂ : put @ 4c': h Ladies Handkerchiefs, J8?-Y*g Lawns, Dimities and all Summer Dress Goods will be closed out at almost i regular price. - Big. bargains in West McHenlry. J: PURELY PERSONAL j* Very BemwlMblc Care of Dlarrhosa " About six years ago for the first time in my life I bad a sudden and se­ vere attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief but it came back again and again, and for six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to see an advetise- ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testi­ monial of a man who had been enred by it. The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wonderful. I could hard­ ly believe that I was well again, or be­ lieve it oould be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cored me". For sale by all druggists. Very Low Bates to California and Return Via the Chicago & North-Western R'y August 1 to 14, to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with final return until Octo­ ber 15, inclusive, accnunt National En­ campment G. A. R. Three trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car excursions. Spe­ cial G. A. R. train will leave Chicago 10.80 p. m., Tuesday, Aug. 11; DeKalb, 12.10 a. m., Wednesday, Aug. 12; Clin­ ton, 3.50 a. m.; Cedar Rapids, 6.20a. m.; Marshalltown, 8.25 a. m.; BoOne, 10.80 a. in., arriving at Omaha, 2.00 p. m., leaving Omaha 8.80 p. m. and running via Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Salt Lake City. For itinerary, il­ lustrated folder and full particulars, apply to Agents Chicago & North­ western R'y. Aug. 14 Read Tbii Through, for It's All True. The chief causes of a disordered di­ gestion are rapid and irregular eating, improper mastication of the food, over­ loading the Btomach, the use of too much liquids with meals, violent exer­ cise immediately after eating, or a cold settled in the stomach and bow­ els. The latter is a very common cause, and any person who has become ill from any of tbe above causes will be pleased to learn that Re-Go Tonic Lax ative Syrup, an herbal compound and pleasant liqnid medicine, is a qnick and certain cure for all diseases caused by a disordered digestion. Re-Go never fails to cure Constipation, Indigestion, Bil­ iousness, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Heart Born and Dyspepsia. It is an agreeable laxative and tonic for all, and especially adapted for children and delicate women. 25c, 50c and $100 bottles sold by G. W. Bealey, druggist. West McHenry. ExcursioBgRatea to ChMtaaqa* Assembly at Sycamore, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at rednced rates July 31 and Angust 1, limited for re­ turn until August 11, inclusive. Other dates of sale and limits on certificate plan. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 1 Catarrh of the Stomach. When the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that fails & digest, it decays and inflames the mu­ cous. membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secrete, mucin, instead of the natural juices of diges­ tion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. "For years I suffered with Catarrh of the Stomach, caused by in­ digestion. Doctors and medicines failed to cure me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia cure." J. R. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by all druggists. Investments In Southern Ijindi. Such investments are not speculative The South is not a new country. Market and shipping facilities are ade­ quate and first class. The climate is mild and favorable. Notwithstanding these and other advantages, southern lands are selling far below their real value, and at present prices net large returns on the investment. For a free set of Circulars Nos. 1 to 10, inclusive, concerning the possibilities of lands in Kentucky, West Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana, on and near the Illinois Central Railroad, for homeseekers and investors, address the undersigned. J. F. MERRY, Asa't Gen'l Pase'r Agt, Thihrinne. Inws. . • • vsmtfv-r--' v ' Mrs. Ben Buss was a Chicago visitor Monday. Dr. H. T. Brown was a visitor in the city Saturday. Geo. Rothermel and son, Joe, 'ifere in the city Friday. Attorney V. S. Lumley of Woodstock was a Friday caller. H* F. Eldredge spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago.' Nellie Newman is visiting Mrs. Clark Hall at Ringwood. Miss Minnie Feltx visited in Chicago the last of the week. ' JFrack Kimball was a Chicago passen­ ger Monday morning. F. L. Carr of Wauconda was a Mc­ Henry caller Saturday. L. E. Traver was a Harvard visitor Saturday and Sunday. Miss Clara Hall of Chicago is visiting her uncle, Frank Cobb. John Knox witnessed the ball game at Woodstock last Saturday. John Bolger of Woodstock called on McHenry friends last Friday Miss Mae Fegers has been a guest tCt the home of Dr. G. H. Fegers. Dr. Armstrong of Richmond made a professional call here Tuesday. Miss Frances Buss left for Chicago Tuesday for a weeks' vacation. C. R. Thurlwell and Frank Shelton of Chicago were Sunday callers. 9 R. L. §cott and family are entertain­ ing Miss Edith Richardson of Chicago. Miss Lillian Schofield of Spring Grove visited Miss Marie Freuud Wednesday. Mrs. K. G. Dekker and children of Chicago are visiting in McHenry this week. Mrs. Halpin returned to Chicago Fri­ day after a month's visit at L. J.New­ man's. L. W. Jackson and Miss Roeiaa Rey­ nolds spent Thursday with Wauconda friends. Miss Lucretia Kays' of Evanston is staying with Miss Nellie Clemens for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Perry drove ov­ er to Marengo Saturday, returning Sun­ day evening. Star Brink, who has been sojourning in the western states, is at home for a few weeks' visit. Mrs. T. Kimball of Nunda was a Sun­ day visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith. f Misses Mary Hammes of Chicago and Lillian Schofield of Spring Grove visited Miss Anna Frennd last Week. -Paul Wooster, Carl Mead, Ada Rich­ ards and Lottto Dotten of Woodstock were McHenry visitors Sunday. Misses Amie and Anna Welch of Glencoe, Minn., are spending a month's vacation with Miss Mae Welch. Mrs. George Schueneman and child­ ren of Waukegan visited her sister, Mrs. C. Hapke several days this week. Mi8. G. W. Besley and daughter, Mrs. R. O. Lamphere spent a few days in Waukegan the first of the week. Edward Eden and Harvey Morgan of Chicago were Sunday guests of Misses Edna Story and Vera Fitzsiminons. Misses Lillie Scheid of Nunda and Myrtle Scot of Elgin visited the for mer's uncle, M. Justen, and wife Sun­ day. . ' Mrs. Ben Sherman and sister, Mrs. Frank Jackman of Chicago visited their brother, John Morse, at Janesville, Wis. last week. ^ Mrs. M. D. Smalley and daughter of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Engeln. Andy Kearns returned to his home in Chicago Sunday evening, after a few days' visit at the home .Af his sister, Mrs. Frank Ward. >s Chas. Orre, Messrs. Johnson and Nel­ son and families of Chicago, all person­ al friends of J. D. Lodtz, are camping at McCollum's lake this week. Miss Cornelia Gage of Morgan Park and Miss Dana Hunphery of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks with their cousin, Mrs. H. E. Clemens. City Electrician Amory Had sail, City Attorney J."E. Stott, T. G. Sager and E. Crawford of Genoa, HI., made a brief call at the editor's home Sunday. Mrs. Byrd, a valued employe of The Plaindealer, is enjoying a well-earned vacation thi6 week. As a consequence all the work of the offioe devolves on the editor and job man. Merle Vasey of Oak Park accompanied by his sister, Florence and friend Miss Adaline Livermore spent Sunday with R. Waite and family. Miss Florence remained for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. F.' C. Going and daugh­ ters, Mayme and Lyda, Miss Mary Jae­ ger, Miss Bel Gallaher, Miss Etta Simes, Chas. Hahn, Harry Ames and Photog­ rapher Cress camped at lake Defiance last week. P. K. Wright, undertaker, and editor of the Gazette at Richmond, was here Friday making arrangements with the Rosedale florist for bis supplies in funeral designs. Of course Mr. Wright called on The Plaindealer, and we al­ ways enjoy his visits. A. C. Matthews was in the city Mon­ day looking up the different routes to the Pacific coast. He intends to leaye for tiie state of Washington next week with hopes of regaining his health. If the climate proves •beneficial he will send for his family ami locate there per- Frank Cobb was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Mollshan and daughter. Ella, spent Tuesday in Chicago. Harry Slafter of Berryville, Wis., it visiting G. W. Colby and family. Miss Maude Bennett is enjoying her vacation at Pistakee and McHenry. Mrs. J. A. Bennett is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. D. F. Hanly. Frank Spurling and Herman Kam- holz were Qricago visitors the first of the week. Miss Ethel Stiles of Oak Park is viMt- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. MuOmber. Linns Newman went to Chicago Fri­ day to see bis father in law, B. A. Ford,; who is quite sick. • Mrs. Ben Sherman has been entertain­ ing her brother, John Morse, of Janes­ ville, Wis., this week. Misses Katie Pitt and Franoea Elfer- ing of Libertyville visited Mr. and Mrs. Mike Justen Saturday. , Mesdames C. C. Colby, Peterson and Miss Josie Gage visited N. E. Colby and family at Spring Grove Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Simpson and son, Willie, have returned home from a visit with relatives at Grayslake and Rouhdout. Cartoonist Taylor of the Chicago Daily News has been in McHenry the past week making sketches of the beautiful natural scenry to be found here. F. L. McOmber and family, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Mead and Miss Ethel 8tilea drove to Lake Geneva Tuesday and en< joyed a steamboat ride around the lake., John Doherty and Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. M. J. Walsh. If.r. and Mrs. W. F. Burk of Chicago are spending the week there. Mrs. Osmun and family returned this week from DesPlaines where they have been attending the camp meeting. Mrs. Osmun's health greatly benefitted by the outing. . Harry Eldredge, who has been filling the position of milk inspector at the Borden plant in this village, has gone to Auburn, Washington, where he 1 beeg given an important position in the Borden condensing factory. Harry has won his promotion by strict attention to business. The fact that he is a young man of irreproachable character has al­ so contributed to his suocesa. Mr. J. R. Clow, a large dealer in merchandise at Alma, I1L, under date of March 10,1908, writes, "I have been handling Re-Go and Harts' Honey and Horehound about one year and havd found them to be good sellers. They have given the best of satisfaction to the trade. I have not had one com- plaint and have had many speak highly of both preparations. I use Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup and Harts' Hon< ey and Horehound in my own family.' Our readers cannot make a mistake in buying Harts' Honey and Horehound as it is a certain cure for Colds, Coughs, Croup and all Throat and Lung diseas­ es. Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is the best medicine in existence for the pos­ itive cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Try it for the children. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles sold by G. W. Bealey, druggist, W. McHenry. Special Excursion Rates to Colorado, Utah and the Mlack Bills,, Via the North-Western Line. Begin­ ning June 1st excursion tickets will be sold to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueb­ lo, Salt Lake City, Hot Springs, Dead wood, Lead and Custer, S. D„ etc. good to return until October 81. A splendid opportunity is offered for an enjoyable vacation trip. Several fine trains via the North-Western Line daily. Apply to agents Chicago ft North-Western R'y. August IS. A Surgical Operation. is always dangerous--do not submit to the surgeon's knife until you haye tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will cure when everything else fails--it has done this in thousands of cases. Here is one of them: I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by different specialists and used many remedies, but obtained no relief nntil I used DeWitt's Witch Has* el Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the piles since.--H. A. Tisdale, Summerton. S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Has- el Salve. Sold by all druggists. Very Low Rates to Pittsburgh, Pa., Via tbe North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold August 1, 2 and 8. with very favorable return limits, on account of C. T. A. U. Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-West­ ern R'y. • ' 1 Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for peraist- ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equalled. Joe Golobick, of of Colusa, Calif., writes, "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Rheu­ matism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it com­ pletely relieved and cured me." Just as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Sat­ isfaction guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc- Heniy, druggists. Read The Plaindealer adYMrtflpaMBfefc Thej fue wtere*tin£. v;;$£ ;1 0' Z) A Farm All Your Own! There are at present exceptional opportunities lor. homeseekers in the Great Southwest and California.. Low-rate roiind-trip homeseekers' and one-way settlers' tickets, first and third Tuesdays each month, over the Santa Fe to Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arison*, Oklahoma and Texas. Very low round-trip excursion rates California July and August. ' r Write and tell us where yoa think of going. We will* send yon land litera­ ture and information about good farm lands at low prices. Values In csr- : tain portions of the Southwest. Bare to advance. Let us tell yon about It* Santa F* Railway S&ntdL Fe r • r\ eral' 'assengar > f f 1 c • , t H I c a g o 'V vV* rtt) "D. D. D„" the astoalshlngly effective new Skin disease prescription Eczema, Salt Rheum, Barbers' Itch, Erysipelas--all eruptions, scaly diseases and parasitic affections of the skir positively cleared away in a hurry. A clean, pleat* : : ant liquid (non-greasy) externally applied--sponged or sopped over the part# lostaatly slops all irritation. Soon clears out absolutely all affected irwnflifjnn'i (AN it a «IM dtand WMV witt too bottUt.) ECZEMA. The photograph showing the terrible eczematous condition of this bright little girl before she began the use of the D. D. D. Remedy and the one after treatment is enough to convince the most skeptical of the value of this wonderful remedy. These photographs can be seen at our store. 4 •ii, * t j ' • * £ 9/ 4mykttr •/ Mr. Mom Harimum. ptrmantnflv ami ofabadtkim m/Ur two botth* only of Mb D. D. T>. z>r«*criptwn ) We vouch for these facts* Tkgp have been proven to us beyond the possibility of doubt. Q. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, III. • SOIM weeks sco tbe astonishing record of this prescription--prove", to as BY li oMssvMenoe--induaed us to gl*e it our unqualified recoaimeiutauon to the public. tenD. O. D. has cured so maay who obtained it from us that its record with us has lly equal to its previous history. We have not seen a sinple instance of disatuKiintmen seems to do the work erery time. In nine cases out of ten, manifestation* on the skin an [adlseaees--not blood diseases. Many purchasers formerly miserable, thinking: they had a bad blood disease, have found it was merely a skin affection and have cleared it all away with this prescription. Asr^tr all the known reliable specific medical influences for different ailments we kMV very few dlaooTgrleeto^arta ip in effect as this D. D. D. prescription in its quick conquest ,-^pj M A FEW CURBS OP WELL-KNOWN PARTIES. CMeago, April T, WGB. Mthluolayd*aglit«rbef&n getting bar boar »•» rrodMlly Kettini; •otfciac mwim to do Iktr any food, although ---- - ItateM but without we triad <ur«nat •wUrtaw ItowaaM aerate* " I wm askad to toy a "1 ism **f tisTf hern tTYTTTbitfl for skiu and tried a great vnriety of remedies .ind curfl% with no apitireni relief. lK)ot>>ia mere uu*bl« to benefit me In any way. A friend of mine ve nwt bottle of your I>. 1> P- reiuedy to try. r cIVre t|M contents of the llrst tiottle were consumed ! «uu gtaS to say your remrdy tuid proved entirely mciafaetotJP and hail cured me. • ^ I take prt at pleasure lt» recommending it to all aS(i e»er> one suffer intr from any disease ol the skin." . Sincerely voui^. JOHN* 1>. K V'(IOT. (A w'eil kniiown Chicago busiii- ^ uian j "AtD. D. D. remedy cured m« of Lick . Ruber t two weeks. 1 had bathed and treated at Hoc Sp Ark. torsi* weeks. The hot waters irritated made me worse. My body wa*COT»r*d with e. from head to root." r - , : ;*v . QKO. UEBKBT.KOk MtirdSt., ChioacQ., ̂ HHTt':- was a sight to look of your D. I>. D. Ito«tr, which 1 dM, a»d to mj anrprlse it worked woadanaahertkaaeeoad day,aad before the bottle waa --pCy »he waaahaortcured. The second bottle Ma^teartr eared har. IwtlthlcMy recommend your ftotody to«ay w anferlac with akin ditteaaa; the S*et Ml aaaaot aay Moaffc for It." * tafjN ararr earoeei I u, yours very truly, W. KLIXZHiXKB, «M FUltoore strwu _ . .• «Wd to toy that the bottle of medicine fSratoWll by yoa la July hut has beea of (treat beneilt to ma. 1 aa> BOW free from the annoyance heretofore pfllnd front Beaftma oil my ankle*. I have also --red a Mud of mine who had two or three tpote^oa blafeee." W. J. roOTNER- 8t. Paul, Mlaa fbt PreeMent and Oaaeial Manager of Urea* Marihara Expreea Co. *Thatweaderfnl dlwoiait the I). 1) I>. remedy. and M o( a bad eaaa of Icirma of long nandm*-, which tha pbyrtBtana eoald not cure. I cheerfully •toGIWiad It to all H1»0-- • Wlcte<l with am- kind of KtaHMMa." K. WOOD^AKI). (Ex-Mayor), Cairo, IU. Iks preparation is beinir used by most of tbe skin specialists. It ts compounded MiK trtfim solely by the D. D. D. Comî ny. 70 Dearborn Street, Chicatro. It is utilised by every ventral family physician who tea taken tbe trouble to iBTMtfMI • *e work it is aeeosipUshin?. "" It is usod ia the CDok County Hospital. Chicago. It will el ear off any parasitic break in the skin in from f days* to 00 days' tine. If you have a skin dieranB visit the above agents and see proofs that will oakt MS a happier human being. tl.00 buys this prescription--already marts ap in sealed bottles--with authentic lahal :vifj < rf • Chtoatfo, April t» | 1 ?ot9flme kind of a skin di.<e;tso iu * barker ami i tried a hall Wattle or your D. U. U. Ken 1 must suj it cleared my skin tlue. 1 asked for a sai ve and be 5 ti ie i> D D. woiiM IM be«<t thir.^r for me. I thought the prio« % too niui-h, but i t I ever have any Kind of a ipim 1 urn willing to ^>ay tvn muoU- 11_ it the betit retiiniy in the wor'd for any kiu*i of %fl di5»*acx-. Yotu-s truly, MUNK W KOL1A 11 rr-i-itriitir AVf •S.;' Q. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, 11L . • .. . • w tL -h.

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