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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1903, p. 7

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H $ti< , f*j$ • JS o c o 'flt of •aJ'-J.'l? •25 c c 4> o E o - -V v-il | A CITY DRUG STORE! * **\V: | fhiei MM of an tstabftfebin ent -we - X vi are running and handle everything usually - •- v' •i'.-'found in a first classs City Drug Store and our priced * are within reach of everybody. We are also agents for Hall's - Fire-proof Safes, one of the beet Safes made today and in each case give parfeet satisfaction to the purchaser. Our Soda Fountain'is now - in full operation and we are serving the public with - -- V very toe Ice ^j-eeic arid Soda Water. We sell V ilce Creaa lB foy quantity desired. | Ringwood, 01 J. S. BROWN & SON. 15c and 10c i Nothing in this Store over ten cents. Notice the articles named below. There are hun­ dreds of other useful things not mentioned here. Call and see what we have. Qlass- ware, Clothes Brushes, Books and Eyes by card or yard, Sleeve Holders, Tinware in­ cluding Milk Pans, Stew Pans, Kettles. Pie Tins, etc., all kinds Hair Ornaments and Combs, Elastic Web by the yard, Shaving and Hair Brush­ es, Neck Ties, Linen Collars, Needles and Thread, Crochet Cotton, Handkerchiefs, Nap­ kins, Doilies, all kinds But­ tons, Shoe Strings, Toweling by yard, black and white Lace Yoking, Laces and Aplique Trimmings, Lawns, all Pat­ terns light and dark Calicoes, Ribbon, Stockings, Suspend­ ers, Hats and Caps, Lamps and GHettos | Everything in Notions Nr. and Mrs. Emil Snyder I Ostraoder Block, West McHenry. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our oare in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the pixblic patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections ... INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the Low tot rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers AMERICA'S BEST REMBLItAH WfB Editorially Fearless. Coaclsteatly Republican Always News from all parts of the world. Well-written, original stories. An­ swers to queries on till subjects. Articles on Health, the Home, New Books and on Work About the Farm and Garden. The Weekly Inter (ton THB IHTI* OCUR is a member of the Associated Press and also Is the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun, and special cable of the New York World, be­ sides dally reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout the country. No pen can tell more fully why it is the best paper on earth. « TffflVfPAOf PAPERS « OWE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brtaifui of PC"' from everywhere Hd a perfect feast of special matter. Subscribe for The Plaindealer g and the Weekly Inter Ocean one * year, both papers for - - $2.00 J Half Ratal* to Peoria, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip August 80, 81 and Sep­ tember 1, limited for return until Sept. 8, inclusive, on account of Grand Com- mandery, Knights Templar of Illinois, Annual meeting. Ap^y to Agents Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y. Sept. 1 Read The Plaindealer advertisements- They are interesting. Chicago & North->Vdstern. Effective June 1, 1008 ,«ilc HENRY .rv COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. , 7 4>FFIOE with American National Bank - IJVoodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con- • *-*veyancing. Motley to loan on real estate In £ . -1 Sums of 1600 to tlO,000, time and payment to 'Ch • If"1* i>oprower. Leave Chicago. 3.0") am 8.4."i am I2.:i0 p m.. 3.45 pmji. *1.30 p m.-.. 5.01 p m ... 8.00 a m,..' 9.10 am.... 8.02 p m.... Leave McIIenrjt +7.12 a miJ 7.32 am.... 8.30a m.... 3.00 pm.... 6.17 pm... WIIK DAT TRAIKS. NORTHBOUND1? Via Elfjin.,*... .... Via Des Plaiues..,, Via Eli?in Via Des Plaines... .....Via Des Plaines.., ,...Via Des Plaint*... SUNDAY TRAINS. ,i».-Via Des Plaines ..Tia Des Plaines.. .. ..Via Elgin WSKK DAY TRAlltl. SOUTHBOUND. ...Via Des Plainest.. .... . Viu Elgin....... ...Via Des Plainos.w; Via Elifin....... ..Via De^ Plaines.... • Arrive McHenry ....10.10 a m ....10,10 a m 2.4*5 p m .....4.45 p m .. . .3.00 p m . .*..(5.40 p m 0.37 a m ....11.14 am .... 4.53pm Arrive Chicago. ,8.:i5 a m . 10.05 a m .9.35 a m ..5.45 p m ...7.50 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.33am.,.. Via Elgin.10 05am 7.0s p m.„ Via Des Plaines ...8:25 p m 7.51 p m ....Via Elgin............10.15 p m Saturdays only. +Mondaysonly. . r Gilbert Bros. SSS FANCY GROCERS = SPECIAL SALE OF • FANCY / TOILET S O A P Having purchased of the Manufact­ urers a large quan­ tity of fancy Toilet Soap we have made 1 lot of the entire assortment which consists of some of the best known brands of Toilet S6ap always sell­ ing for 25c per box and effer it this week, your choice of 10 gross fancy T O I L E T S O A P packed 3 cakes in box at 10c PER BOX BROOriS! Good 4 sewed par­ lor BrSomfc 18C EACH N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by ow Able Corps of Correspondents BINGWOOD. Miss Ella Spaulding was calling on friends here Monday. Miss Anna Waterman entertained relatives from Nunda Tuesday. Miss Ecuia Watson is spending the week with her cousin at Milwaukee. Miss Ada Carlson spent Sunday at the home of her mother jn Crystal Lake. Miss Mildred Lawson of Elgin is vis iting her cousin, Mrs. Will McCannon. Geo. Adams and sister, Miss Ida, vis­ ited relatives at Wilmot, Wis., on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simmons and daughter are visiting friends in,this vi­ cinity. * Mrs. H. O. Small is spending a few days this week with relatives at Lake Geneva. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutson of Ridge- field were visiting relatives here the first of the week. Rev. Hall, a gospel worker from Chi­ cago, will preach here next Sunday in the M. EL church at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Webster returned Tuesday evening from a week's visit with friends in Chicago and Rockford. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs Frank Martin next week Saturday aft­ ernoon, Aug. 22. There will be election of officers and all superintendents are to give a report of the year's work. Tea will be served. All are requested to be present. Statement of the Ringwood Butter Co. for July: amount milk received, 880,402 lb.; butter made, 38,091 lb money received for butter, $7447.24 money received for buttermilk, $15 av erage price received for butter, .196; average yield for 100 pounds milk, 482 average cost of manufacturing, .009; av­ erage price paid for 100 pounds milk, .808. KMERAL.D PARK. Eid. Farrell of Chicago sprat Sunday here. Miss Lawson entertained a gentleman friend of Chicago Sunday. * Andrew and Adam Miller and families called on Bremer's Sunday last Chas. Cohan and father started for Chicago Wednesday in their automobile Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Chi­ cago are spending a few weeks' vacation here. Mrs. Geo. Schaid and family and Mr. and Mrs. Youngen spent Sunday at Oak Villa. Mrs. Schaid is spending a few days this week with her daughter, Mrs. C. Bremer. Mrs. Jas. Conden and Miss Rnth Mc Carty are visiting at "Weary Rest" cot­ tage this week. Mike Pefcovsky returned to his home in Chicago Sunday evening after spend­ ing a week with Bremer's. Miss Maggie Powers returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday after a few weeks' visit with relatives. C. Bremer and J. A. Stark oame ont Saturday evening and spent Sunday at Bremer's cottage, "Oak Villa," Mrs. Geo. Scribner and family re­ turned to Chicago Saturday after a few weeks' outing at Huck's cottage. Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin, Mrs. M. J Walsh of McHenry and Miss Cooney of Chicago called here Wednesday. Misses Macie Dake and Mae Welsh of Griswald L'1 ke and Anna Frisby visited Miss Margaret Aylward Tuesday. The base ball game between Emerald Park and Griswold Lake resulted in a score of 82 to 18, in favor of Emerald Park. Ed. Larkin of Elgin spent Sunday here. He returned Monday with his family who were spending the summer atR. J. Sutton's. The Misses Cohan and gentleman friends of Chicago spent Snnday at Green cottage. Miss Emily Cohan is spending a week's vacation here. Mrs. Thos. Cooney and son, Leo, and daughter, Miss Ellen, of Chicago, who are spending a few weeks at Lake De­ fiance, visited in this vicinity the fir& of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh of Griswold Lake very pleasantly entertained a number of young ladies last Saturday afternoon in honor of their nieces, Misses Anna and Amy Welsh, of Minnesota. The following were present: Misses Agnes and Lucy Uarey, Katie and Mamie I^nox, Margaret and Lucy Sutton. Sadie and Mary O'Toole, Auna Frisby, Mary Gibbs, Anna and Amy Welsh, May and Hattie Welsh, Macie Dake and Miss Hirshberger. O A S T O R I A . Bain TU A Kind You Have Always Bm|M was a * DeWltt's Ea Salve ; 1 My Hair '*1 had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. 1 pur­ chased a bottle of Ayer's jrlair Vigor and it brought all my hair b*ck again." W. D. Qutnn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain,-- Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al­ ways restores color to gray hair. - • MOC. AM DRUGGIST*. If your drnggist canuot supply yoji, send us one dollar mid we will expi^ss you a bottle. Be aure aud pive the yiuie of your nearest EXIHTSSoflice. Address, J. C. A YER CO., Lowell, Mass. "f SOLON. Harry Osmond was a Chicago business caller Friday^ fid ward Cropl<|y has started to 'build a fine new ba;*n. * Mrs. James Overturn is under the care of Dr. Armstrong. Reuben Turner and wife were trading in Richmond last Week. Mrs. Edward Turner was calling on friends last Saturday. Miss Laura Lichty visited with her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Turner, Friday. Miss Ethel Turner of Hebron was vis* iting relatives and friends last week. Willie Davis spent a couple of days visiting his parents the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Osmond was a caller at Mrs. Geo. Coatdb' the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Westlake and daughter went to Chicago Monday for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Osborne were vis­ iting'with Mrs. Emma Hawthorne last Sunday. Miss Wilnah Trowe of Tryons Grove has been the guest of her sistor, Mrs. A. Meirell. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison of Ridgefield were visitors at Frank Westerman's Saturday. A great many from here attended the Flora De Voes show at Richmond Sat-' urday night. John Moore has gone to Chicago to work as motorman for the street rail­ way company. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cruikshank enter­ tained two young ladies of Greenwood the past week. Miss Maud Cornish is the owner of fine piano purchased of Alden & Byl- dinger of Waukegan. Mrs. Henry Rehorst and daughter, Nellie, of Richmond were recent callers at Mrs. Wm. Turner's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cruikshank of Greenwood were visiting the former's brother, Merritt, recently. Bert Sutton has been helping a gen tleman from Algonquin in purchasing fifty head of Holstein cows. About forty couples attended the dance at the Cropley opera house last Friday and all report a good time. Mr. Smith and family of Ringwood and Mrs. John Hodge of Washington were visitors at Mrs. Jas. T. Hodge's the first of the week. Why is it the baker from Richmond won't sell bread, etc., from his wagon to the people of this village, has been asked by quite a number. What's the matter with the man who is going to put a stock of goods in R. L. Turner's store? That is the question everybody is asking. Mrs. Geo. Hodge and daughters and Mrs. Emma Hawthorne went to Twin Lakes and fished, Monday. It sight to see the fish they oaught. The Christian Union meetings are well attended every Sunday evening Mrs. R. B. Gardner will lead next Sun­ day evening at half past seven o'clock The following named persons were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell last Snnday: Harry Osmond and family, Mrs. Richard Oxtoby, Mrs. Wm. James and the Misses Anna and Ada James of Spring Grove. The Holmes Bros, and Will Wire and family of Hebron and John Haythorne and wife of Richmond were exercising their automobiles on our streets last Sunday and giving their friends a pleasure ride. Come again. KIDOBFIBLIK Mrs. Keese was in Chicago Monday. Miss Nell Giheon was in Woodstock Thursday. A. Skinner and O. Thayer W8re in El­ gin Sunday. Mrs. J. G. Hartman was in Wood­ stock Thursday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited friends at Gary Sunday. Mrs. F. R. Jackman of Woodstock was here Thursday. W. R. Shelt and family visited friends at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Keeler and son, Marvin, are vis­ iting relatives in Chicago. , Miss Lola Lynch and sister, Madelene, were in Janesville Saturday. F. Hudson visited relatives at Mc­ Henry and Ringwood Sunday. Mr*. French of Ringwood visited her son and daughter here last week. Mrs. R. Goddard and daughter, Etta, visited relatives at Greenwood last week. Mrs. B. Terwillager and Miss Florence Mnnroe were in Chicago the first of the week. Miss Julia Hansen of Chicago was the guest of Miss Pearl Hall a few days re­ cently. Mr. Harback of Galesburg, Mich., was calling on old friends here last Thursday. W. R. Shelt and family visited with Rev. Lauck atfd family at McHenry Wednesday. Mrs. Lester and children of Green* wood visited friends here the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mr«- A. Levey and daughter, Lois, visited the farmer'a parents at Seneca Monday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, are visiting their daughter and sister at Green Lake, Wis. Mrs. Hudson and children visited rel­ atives at Ringwood and McHenry from Friday until Tuesday. The ball game between the. Ostend boys and the Ridgefield Hornets Nest has been postponed indefinetly on ac­ count of the Woodman picnic August 15. Very Low lUtei to lteadwood and Lead, S . Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold September 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with very favorable return limits, on account International Mining Congress. Apply to Agents Chicago & J or*-Weatern &>. r •. Sept • Keep the Rascals Off iDon't wait until the flies are as "thick as thieves" before giving the hor­ ses some protection, Purchase enough Fly Nets for all animals now, and when the winged pest becomes troublesome, yon are ready. Good Nets are as cheap to-day as they'll be any time during the wwffT1 Ctttton Mesh Nets Leather Buggy Nets Cord Team Nets Leather Team Nets Burlap Fly Covers 65c each $1.75 each $3.15 pair $5.50 pair SBC each McHenry, III. Gus Carlson. *1 m •v*yj TERRA COTTA. Chas. Lundell was a McHenry visitor Monday. G. M! Norris and son spent Snnday in Elgin. • ' , Mort Wilcox of Nunda mi a recent caller here. Earl Jacobs was a Carpentersville visitor Sunday. • -r. Mrs. Oscar Haider of .Chicago is visit­ ing at Fred Hundt's. <- Mrs. Marshall and children of Nunda were Sunday visitors in this vicinity. Paul Rahutt, Jr.', of Crystal Lake has been assisting H. Stolpe move this week, Several from here took in the Teco band concert at Nunda one evening last week. Misses Edna Colby and Bertha Wing ate of Barreville were on our streets Sunday. Mrs. M. Weisheid of Chioago spent the first of the week with John Haskins and family. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ltindell of Grand Crossing, DL, are visiting at C. A. Lidell's. Mrs. Geo. Petitt of Deerfield Was vis­ iting her brother, Jno. Mulligan, the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watterman and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Norris were Nunda visitors last Thursday. Mrs. CLas. Karstrom returned to the city Thursday, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lidell. The highway commiHsioners are hav­ ing some of the bad pieces of road in this vicinity graveled this week. Herman Stolpe is moving td Crystal Lake this week, where he will open a geueral store in the building which has just been erected by Paul Rauhutt. Success, Herman. G. M. Norris has rented the store building vacated by Herman Stolpe, and with John Marsh of Chicago, for­ mer superintendent of the A. T. C. & C. Co. 's factory here, will conduct a1 gen­ eral store. They expect to receive their supply of goods the first of next week. HOLCOMBVILliK. Eddie Carrol was a Nunda caller Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fred Powers was a caller at Thos. Powers'Tuesday. • Wm. Doherty and family spent Snn­ day with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. K. Knoblanch enter­ tained company from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scbroeder of Nunda called on their son, Will, Sun­ day. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove visited her grandmother and sister here Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Powers and grand­ daughter, Miss Hattie Welch, spent Sat­ urday at Griswold Lake. Francis, James and Miss Laura Thomas of Hebron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. Mrs. Mary Mason and daughter, Miss Cora, retnrned to their home in Rich­ mond after a three weeks' visit here with relatives. VOLO. Miss Mary Kepple of Elgin is the guest of her cousin, Rose Huson. Miss Margaret Granger of Chicago is visiting her parents at Fish Lake. Chris<J)illon returned home Saturday after spending a few days in Chicago. Miss Helen Raymond spent the past week with relatives and friends at Wau- conda. Miss Lola Smith of Iowa and Miss May Smith of Hebron were the gu®8*8 of Miss Jennie Walton this week. Misses Flossie and Minnie Wilson re­ turned to their home in Chicago Thurs­ day after visiting their aunt, Mrs. George Benw8ll. There will be no services in the M. E. church Sunday, August 16, on aocount of the Sunday School Convention to be held at Fox Lake. JOHNSBUBGH. Miss Emma Bugner visited McHenry friends Tuesday. Joe Miller of Ringwood was a Johns- burgh caller this week. John Munch of Ringwood wss a Jbbnsburgh caller this week. Miss Helen Michels spent Monday afternoon with Joe Michels. Misses Eva and Maggie Hoemann vis­ ited McHenry friends Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Buhr and chil­ dren spent Sunday at Jos. Michels*. Nick Freund of Spring Grove visited his mother, Mrs. Susan Freund, Sunday. George Nell accompanied Miss Ella Martin to her home in Chicago Monday. Mrs.- Mat Bauer aud children of Chi­ cago is visiting her mother, Mrs. Britz, this week. A number of Mrs. Joe J. Freund's friends pleasantly surprised her Monday, August 10, in honor of her 23rd birth­ day. A fine supper was served by Mrs. Freund and at a late hour the company adjourned to their respective homes, all pronouncing a most enjoyable time. Those present were: Messrs. *and Mea­ ds mes John King, Peter Niesen, Joe Thelen, John, August and Steve Hoff, Peter Freund. Stephen H. Schmitt, Will Kattner, Mat Jnngen, Hubert Michels, Jacob J. Freund, Peter Weber, Peter M. Freund, Nick Schmitt, Mrs. A. Bugner, Messrs. Jacob and John Freund, Nick Schmitt, John A. Bugner, Joe and Jacob Schaefer, Misses Maggie King, Anna Holfbauer, Rosa Tonyan, Annie Freund, Emma Bugner and Katie Holf. Excursion Tickets to County Ftttr > Woodstock, 1114 Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates Aug. 24 to 88, in­ clusive, limited to return until Aug. 29, inclusive. Apply to Agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Ang. 28 O A S T O R I A , BMTI tu /y the Kind You Have Always BagM Signature of DR. COOK ON # BLADDIR TROUBLES Blsdter troubles make life aJiawlftlfc those who suffer from them, and nn7ea they are promptly overcome they are cer­ tain to cause serious conditions. Inflam­ mation of the bladder Is becoming mora and more oommon and when neglected it develops ulceration and this may be fol­ lowed by perforation and death. The irri­ table condition that demands frequent evacuation during the night as well as day time, is a source of great mortification and dlacomcomfort to old and young. Dr. Cook, of Chicago, an authority (Ml kidney and bladder troubles, sayss "It is impossible to find a tingle ifssl that Is a specific for this class of troubles, because there are so many different struc­ tures Involved in the organs. However we are able to combine the best known remedies and obtain most excellent n> suits. The preparation known as FOLEY'S KIDNXY CURB is an ideal combination. I use it exenslvely in my practice and find It can be employed successfully In every form of kidney and bladder trouble." FOLEY'S KIDHBY CURB Is an honest preparation. It is not a decootlon of some hitherto unknown root or herb claimed to be a cure-all. Common sense tells ua that such preparations have but little 11 any value. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURH con­ tains all the best known agents used by kidney and bladder specialists combined In a manner that renders them most effeo> aOA an/1 rvlAnsAMf in IT A TM AMAH *Y» A * V uuu JJ1VUUHUV w «aAVt AU OTOU IUO UlUM hopeless cases its use gives relief and when taken in time cannot help but core every fonn of kidney or bladder boobls N. H. PETESCH (HARLES i fRETT Wholesale aad retail dealer In •v. pijm 222 South Peoria St.. CHICAGO, III., Oct. 7,1902. Eight months ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit dowu nearly all the time. My stomach was so weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much that my throat ana lungs were raw and sore. The doctors pro­ nounced it Bright's disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de- Biro to live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. . I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer­ ing if they but knew of its value. atv* wm "• call J. Mother's Ear A MM M MOriW*'* MA* i VNM mummimm Mm tmPAmr, aho im rum MOMTMB THAT CON* UTOM THAT TIMK, SCOTT'S EMULSION SUPPUKB THK UXTHA BTMKNGTH An If NOumiuHMmMT mo HKceamAftr «• THE MKALTH OF mQTH MQTH5H AM9 GUILD. Send for frM ample SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemfcts, 499^15 Pearl Street, New Ynfc. 50c. and $1 .00; all druggists. Don't yon want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. Tou pan have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to­ day? WINE*CARDUI Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery ForfS1 vei NSTHPTION M- orous ud A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Tnrig Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trim! Bottlw flria. Hi ft [INSIST UPON HAVING! THE GENUINE^ MURRAY & LANMANS FLORIDA WATER THE HOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF.TOILET AND BATH. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT , , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THX SALS OF ^ Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. TagB and price lists fnrnish^d oa application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS^ | Stall 1 ft 3. PeltM St. Wholesale Market. % Varicocele Hydrocele Cured to Stmy \Owred k» 3 Dmys 1/iH s*» Under my triMtn^ot tbif Insidious db«*si w%0mmM»rnm rapidJv Pwd almost tot itMtly. Ttw iUaeiLiAUt b lood is driven trooi the dilated to in* aud all •oren«. .<- vu:»»cIlvand tfweiiiug indu-alU'tt of Y*ricoc«lB vanish*.'* aud in it* ste ad Ike pleasure of pvrfovfc : I cure to stay cured. Contagious* Itiood Poiscta* KMM3TU4 Bladder Trouble** K«rvuu« Debility, aud ftlllad, llOiMMi Mymothodsiof trx-fcUuciU aud cure art? ori^tual with DMMdciBIOlll obtaimxl liu*ko 110 exjx'riuu'utci. All ca^t'9 1 Hk* 19U%> H. J. TILLOTSON, M.D. Certainty of Cure O UU RLUTE 4 >'JU _ __ _ . ,f youir tiwti v. t What 1 nav* don© for other* I can do (of )•% The Specialist ©f Chicago, * hu^|« charge for a permftucut curv will b«j rea»oxmkto mmm Ou«Tini».,lf. Eiisb.abeu Isw, |JO ulure than Ton will be wilting to nor for benefits Con« I0"""4"1*'1 ferred. 1 CAN CVRK VOU »t lloiiie. Correspondence Confidential 22 honest opinion of your case, FREE of Charge* My homo is My books iMKUrai mailed FREE upon application. H. J. TILLOTSON. M. D.. 5M Tilletsoa BalMlaf, U Dewkera Street. CtUCAOO. r?c* -t- "• •. m jFS'M.^ LW ma-

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