vr r& : i'vt .i> ' i- ' .HfJFfSVIBO FOR FIFTEEN VEAII* _n Complete ty Restored to Health. '*Mrs. P. Braacel, wife of Brunzel, ^ipodE dealer, residence 8111 Grand Are., Braralt, Wash., says: 'Tor fif teen years I suffered1 With terrible pain in my back. 1 experi mented with doc tors and medicines tout got little if any relief. 1 actually be lieve the aching in In my back and through the groin became worse. 1 did not know what it was to enjoy a night's rest and arose in the morn ing keeling tired and nnrefres hed. My differing sometimes was simply indes cribable. Fteaily, I aaw Doan's Kid ney Pills advertised and got a box. After a few doses I told my husband that I was feeling much better and that the pills were doing me good. When I finished that box I felt like a different woman. 1 didn't stop at that, though, 1 continued the treatment until I had taken five boxes. There was no recurrence until a week ago, when I began to feel miserable again," 1 bought another bos and three daya' treatment restored me to health. Doan's Kidney Pills act very effective ly, very promptly, relieve the aching pains and all other annoying difficul ties.' I have recommended them , to many people and will do so when op portunities present themselves. A FREE TRIAL of this great kld- >ney medicine, which cured Mrst Bran* sel, will be mailed to any part of the United States on application. Address, Poster-Uiltoom Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all drwggists, price EO cents per box. Vanity Fair Rig. A thief near Rossie made up a rig ftpom several farms. He secured a horse from one pasture, a harness from tne barn of another fanner, and a carriage from still a third. After driving a short distance the thief left the whole outfit in a desolate part of the road.--Franklin County (N. T.) Forum. Atfk Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to shake into your shoes. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight Shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allea S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Rather Likes His Trade. Capt. Hamilton, the new chief of ficer of the London fire brigade, has attended his first fire. He is said to have fonnd it most interesting and has signified his intention of attend ing others.--Punch. REpTirtE PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNtmS t FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. K? doctor ears It arts gently on the stnmach, llrer and kidneys anil isaplnaiumt laxative. T'ji» drink ia made from herbs. ami ii pren-r»d for use as easily aa tmt. It ib callud "l.auc'a Tea" or LANE S FAMILY MEDICINE All drniwristaor by mail 85 cts. andBOcts. Buy it to day• I.ani'K Fnnily Medicine moTm the bowels each ritiv. In order to be henlthy thisi* •aoeiS&7. Address O. K. Woodward. Le K>ii. N.V. BROMO- SELTZER CURES ALL Headaches 10 GENTS--EVERYWHERE LIGHT ANY MERCHANT can have one or tw ><>f our ntw Bystem lamp# two weeks on KKEE trlnl. If iv>t llie bent thing you ever saw. snd perfectly satlsfacv tory. return It at our ex;> >n*c. I.nmps cost •a.OO euch, civort 100 can He power tight and burn* 30 hours on one gallon of ffaaoleiw. Uses ordinary tfac mantles. We guarantee that • 10-year-old boy can take complete rare of them. Write to-day. f >r UiIk ad. will not appear again. Laiye catiluguu FltEE. THE GIUuSTT LIGHT CO. 91 Erie Street, r. > curt. II'. tew* M lANR MTAXCIAL. FOR bEVtN CuNTS PER SHARE I will sell you stock lu the BIO KAYAK PE- TROLEUM CO., nltn»ie In heart of Kayak oil fleM*. Kayak Island, Ala-ka. Florence Ara a. oil expert cf the l,os AnjrelC'f Consolidated Reflnlnsc Company, hap recommended his compuny to estuhlisb an extensive refluln« ptunt for the cutput from the<e field*. Eastern atd En 'H"h cail'.al Is pouring Into these fields and wonderful re uits nay l>» expee?»d wlihln the next tc r or (iv THE BxO KAYAK P£- TKOLEUM COIIIPANY has « capital r-t..rk of #l,5oo,Ui.O, fully paid, and 1s < Iflcered by prominent, aocee-sful Seattle and Tacoma business men. it ha» lari/e holdings of la.id with one mile water 1'rwtaKtt. and the entire Island recks with 111 seepages a:id fiar flows. This Kt i'k, at this figure Is a lnivnlttcent " buy" and renin inces may b» sent t > M. Honywill, P. 0. Box 734 Tacoma, W»»h.; or money may be mailed t > London A Siin Frt,iclKC > Bank on acooun: of M. Ilonywlll. p.iyable on delivery to bank of stock to amount ordered. FOR SALE--QUICK 160 acres in S. Da' ota, five miles from j town; 62 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; frame house, 14x24; in artesian I well district, at $d per acre, on reasonable I terms. Write at once before I sell. L. B. WEBSTER, 0WN£8. MITCHELL. S. DAKOTA. A SCHOOL FOR BOYS \ pamphlet deacribtof una »ciiuo! ftud illu*-lr tint with miur faII- /»hoiuffrvi'Mtc » ,t •t.iHCti-i'* ftetil/ tt t r i ujji paper in named. I>r. G. U. White, Prta. Wcllcalrr ll'JU, Mm*. IIRAWING SCKOOL FOR NURSES tMBwMkce.MBt/ HospitalTr&i«ia;Sck«>l forNuni (Incorporated trader the lawg of the State of TVl*con« n> oi.eri free tuition, board and caah allowances • Intelligent w*» i a between the age* of 23 and 85 *r8. Alter gi 'tiuatl .n p nur-es easily cum and S20 to $-5 per ween* lieQuirenveDts fur ilKsk xK O d aiiti pood morai Addwi f1:-Milwaukee County CbeV i W>uwitwtVt4 ? A Cawutioxis Creed 5 »if-- --v-r tHW boy" mM Undt Hlrun. "you ahould learn while yet you're young A. chap can dodge much trouble by a good grip on his tongue. I've noticed that the fellers who wttft Joy keep moot In touch Are those who over gossip urn mo ment very much. Of course, one don't grow with a man of quiet type. Unbosom secrets to htm e'er a bottle or a pipe. Yet, my boy, you're bound f notlee aa your years of youth slip by That the man who keeps hie mouth Ant never gets a blackened eya. •TBiere must be some connection a man who's quick t' speak His thoughts on all occasions • bruised spot on the cheek. For it's chaps who're alters talkln' horse-eense would quite forbid wcoM skin goes Into zön' on their optical1 under lid. It may at first be hard, my btjr, thf stream of talk t* shut, Perhaps by bein' quiet you will mlse a lot o' fun; But there's this sweet compensation which the wise men won't deny: He who's learned t' keep his mouth shut never gets a blackened eye. "An* so, your Uncle Hiram, with aa eye t' your success. Would fain this little lesson on your youthful mind impress: Think twice ere you opinions TQQCh sa things men talk about. An* then--for pity's sakes, say boy, don't ever speak them out! It may look idiotic in a man f smile an* blink. An* never say a word out toed of what he's come f think; But the god of facial beauty's apt f nudge him on the sly. Since the man who keeps his mouth shut never gets a blackened eye!" --BOY FARRELL. GRKKNH In New York Times. Wore Her Widow's Weeds m: INKING OF THE SEDANQ8," "My first church," says a certain eloquent and greatly belored Wash ington clergyman, "was In a small country town, and before I learned the hearts of my parishioners, their ways used to upset my gravity at the most inopportune time. I shall never tar get the first funeral at which I offi ciated. It was that of a man who had been stricken down in the prime of life, leaving a widow, who had been an almost bed-ridden Invalid for years. The services were conducted at the home of the deceased, and when I ap peared I was told that the widow was too ill to leave her bed, so, in order that she might hear my discourse, I was asked to stand near a half-open door which led into her bedroom." I had admired the dead man' for his sturdy Christian qualities, and every word of the eulogy I delivered came straight from my heart. As I went on with my talk I suddenly remembered the widow, and turned toward her door in order that she might hear bet ter. I had not seen her, but as I looked toward her room my eyes fell on her, and for full half a minute I was obliged to bury my face in my handkerchief. She was lying in bed, her arms in their white cambric sleeves stretched out on the counter pane, and on her head was a new mourning bonnet, with a long crepe veil. She was not able to be dressed, but wear a widow's bonnet she could, and did. "My first wedding, too, was an event long to be remembered," went on the same clergyman. "It was per formed at my house, and the bride and bridegroom were perfect strang ers to me. She was fully six feet tall, and broad in proportion, while his head reached scarcely to her shoul ders as they entered the room. I learned afterward that she was ex tremely sensitive about the disparity in their sizes, and I had good reason to believe It, for, as they came for ward to take their places, and the wit nesses began to come in, the bride groom paused and moved a chair for ward. The bride looked . at me in great embarrassment. Then she seat* ed herself resolutely. "Tm feeling faint,' said she. It you don't mind, I think 111 take it ait- ting.* "And with as much gravity as I could muster, I married her sitting;" --Washington Post. Site of Ancient Babylon Dr. Frleudrich Delitsch, who has practically one vast garden, northward achieved world-wide renown by his from Babylon, between Hlllel and Bag* oriental researches, recently delivered a lecture at Berlin, at which the Qer- man emperor and empress were pres ent, on his personal observations dur ing his recent six months' journey In Babylon and a comparison of condi tions to-day with those of Biblical times. Ancient Babylon, he said, was the alluvial land of the Euphrates and the Tigris region, about equal in size to the Italy of to-day, and was the gran ary of the ancient world, with a phe nomenal wealth of vegetation and palm forests and olive orchards and vineyards. Canals dug in various di rections served to store the waters and to irrigate the land and at the same time were the avenues of com merce and trade. Indeed, the Baby lon of the Biblical period was the Hol land of antiquity. Every king found his glory in the extension of his water way system, and from the days of Hammurabi through many centuries the work of the ruler in this regard proved to be the greatest blessing to the country. The whole country was dad, according to the wonderful re ports of Xenophon, Ammlanus Marcel- llnus and Zosimus, the last mentioned finding as late as the fifth Christian century vast vineyards and olive groves throughout the land. In the times of the early Arabian califs no fewer than 360 cities and villages are .mentioned by name along these ca nals, and the booty in gold taken here was many hundred weight. Pliny de clares this to have been "the most fruitful land in the East." Now, on the other hand, it is a dreary desert, the playground of the Btorms and winds. In the southern portions there are still Bome remnants of the canals left, but the two famous rivers, Euphrates and Tigris, are no longer connected, and between Bagdad and Bassora a few English steamboats can scarcely force their way. The country is depopulated, poverty and sickness prevail among the Kurds and Che Arabs and no physician is to be found for many miles. The localities in southern Babylonia that were once the centers of the gresft caravan trade are now entirely deserted. A Fine "Health Resort" Orewsome details of a man-eating orgy are furnished in the annual re port on British New Guinea, which has just been presented to the com monwealth parliament. The informa tion is supplied by a resident magis trate, before whom six natives had been brought charged with murder and cannibalism. Two women and a boy were the wit nesses. Laido, one of the women, swore that the people of her village had eaten four neighboring villagers. The victims were two men and two women who had come ashore at Laido's village in a wrecked canoe. They were gotten out of the canoe, said Laido, and a man named Laka- pona speared one of the men. "Then came Taubara," the woman continued. "He took his tomahawk and killed the other man with two blows upon the neck. Warlwarubu then killed a woman with a blow of a tomahawk. He held her hair in one hand and struck her on the neck with a tomahawk held in the other hand. Gilinua then killed the other woman, also by a blow with a tomahawk. "I saW those four people killed, saw witn mine own eyes the four men I have named kill them. When the four persons were dead the people made a big fire and scorched their bodies on it "Then they cut pieces . off with knives and put these pieces into pots and cooked them. And when they were cooked the people--and there were many--sat down and ate of the flesh." Had these people done her people any injury? Ladio was asked. No, she said; it was deliberate, cold-blood ed murder. "Let us kill these people" one of the murderers had said, "but no one is to talk about it, because of the police and the government that will come and punish us." In view of this occurrence it is in teresting to note that N«w Guinea Is officially recommended to colonizers as a charming health resort." Know Yalue of Sleep "There Is one thing about life in the Philippines that a Uusy man finds agreeable if he is not in the army," said a retired soldier, "and that is the way in which he is allowed to sleep at all times and in all places undis turbed. The Tired Tims of the great race of tramps would find the islands a paradise in this respect. "One of the rudest acts in the esti mation of the native is to step over a sleeping person, or in any way inter fere with his repose. Sleeping, with them, Is a very important matter, and is Invested with solemnity, almost They are strongly averse to waking a sleeper, as they hold the idea that during sleep the soul is absent from the body, and if they suddenly call you from sleep the soul may not have time to return to Its tenement, the body. There are blood-curdling le gends of men who have revenged vpon their enemies by exiling their souls in this manner. "If you would call upon a native and you are told that he is asleep, you may as well go about your other busi ness, for you will not get to him until, at Ids own good time, he awakens. "When you go to sleep, in order to get a servant to arouse you at a given time you must give him the strictest orders to that effect before you turn in. Then, if he obeys you at all, he will stand by your Side and whisper, 'Senor! Senor?' repeating the word a little louder each time until you are half awake, when he will go back to the low note, and again grad ually raise his voice until you are fully conscious. It is an ideal way in wh'ch to be called from sleep, if you are in no hurry, and a man shouM never be in a hurry in the Philip* pines; the climate Is not adapted to activity. But it surely is a great place Adventurous Frenchman Set Up Mon archy for Himself. M. Jacques Lebaudy's reported as sumption of the title of emperor of the Sahara calls to mind the proclivity of adventurou.8 Frenchmen to indulge 'in ambitions of this soil. Fifteen years ago tnere arrived in London M. de Mayrema, who. had formerly been an official in Cochin China, but entered himself at tne hotel where he stayed as "Marie I., king of the Sedangs." The king of the Sedangs had quite a gay time of it in London, as he had sold Beveral concessions in Paris and was simply rolling in money. He was re peating the operations in England when the French government issued a warning against him and he returned to the far east. Meanwhile the people of the Sedangs, who had really elected him king on his own suggestion were also cautioned by the Tonquin author ities to have no more to do with him. The king went to Hongkong, where he called on the governor and offered him the "Grand Cordon de FOrdre de Sedang," which was not accepted, however. He died afterward from a snakebite on an island off the coast of Siam. GRATEFUL, HAPPY The Popular Tax. Judge Giegerich has never been ac cused of tax dodging, yet a recent epirram of hit shows how clearly he understands the feeling of the aver age gian on this subject. He was re cently talking vith Lawyer Michael Harris when the term "a popular tax" was used "Is cher«» s't-h a t?ung as *a popular t®x'?" suggested Harris. "Jh, yen" replied the Judre. "I kr:ow one variety of taxes that aj-e ex tremely popular." "What art tliejr?" asked Ft *lis, in ou-nrise "Those paid by other o-« : W an swered his honor.--New York World. Muriel Armitag Lions Like Lavender. Sprinkle a little lavender water in a lion's cage and he is happy. Lion tamers frequently perfume them selves with lavender. There Is no rec ord of a lion's ever having attacked a trainer who had taken the precaution of using this perfume. Horses are also delighted with certain perfumes --among others, with the oil of rho- Qium. Well, We Know What She Means. We have a drum in our midst and if there is anything to be enjoyed it is a drum used by an eight-year-old boy and with that added to his screaming is certainly pleasant.--Hull Beacon. Destroy Porpoises. The work of destroying porpoises, which swarm on the Breton coast and devour large quantities of fish, is still going on. You never hear any one complain about "Defiance Starch." There is none to equal it in quality and quan tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your money. Cheese at thirteen cents a pound is more economical && food than meat at the same price. The supply of jungle animals i* never equal to the demand of menag eries. tlraa1 to sleep." It's hard for some to suspect evil as it is for others to suspect good. To Care a Cold in One day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund mcmey if it fails to cure. 25c. A man's knowledge Is to little or no purpose unless he utilizes It. Try me just once and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. A thing of beauty Is a joy until the neighbors get on to the cost Sirs. Wlnslow's Soothing Sjrup.' for children teeming, soften* me kh.ih, r^once* h* OammaUor. allays paln.curea wind co«lc. 25c a jout* The way to make a man forget a favor is to do him one. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color 8ilk, Wool and Cotton at one boiling. The fish story is generally weighed and found wanting. W. L. DOUGLAS *3.25 &'3 SHOES iuS!! You can save from ^3 to &S yearly by wearing \7. L. Douglas ^3.50 or .r3 shoes. They equal tliose that liave boon cost ing you from 94.00 to jib.OO The im mense sale of YV. L. Douglas aliocs proves their superiority over all other makes. Soli by rjtail shoo dealers everywhere. Look for na.no and prico on bottom. That Douglas u*e* Cor ona Colt prorM there is value In Uo'I'^Ism Miopn. Corona In the hi7lift«t grade Pit.Leillier nia'le. Fa*t C'tlnr h'r/c/rt* usrr f. L .. Qjrt4GHt £dyt Line "innot beenualled a' any prlct. Khoea br mall, S3 renta extra. Illantrati>4 Catalag free. W. L. DOKiLAS, Brockton, Kaaa. ELLIOTT'S DURABLE ASPHALT COATING Is pan A*Phalt combined with piviciMd&tBwed Oil and Fine Cnjitsote t wo^d pre ervailve.) Maile la Ul.ick. Maroon, and Dark Gr^en, and Is tbe l)3st a:id im>Ki durable coating for a tin, Bhlnple, or felt rix;f POJ3IBLE TO MAKE. Will add at least 10 yeurj to the life < t a new or old ren t. Kt'ips biff leaks permanently. A perfect c jatlnj? f jr all lrjn work or f rtlie lnsldo and out of TO d or lr.m water tanka. b ian. etc. lioqulrcs n > cUIll t > apply It. C ists but little more tbaa a cbcap oil or coal tar paint. WRITE FOR LITTLK BOOX AND FREE SAMPLES with name of neareit ajeaL ELLIOTT VARNISH WORKS Halstsd and Fulton So., Chicago. WAMTED-TRAVELING SALESMAN ta this county. Our men are making from $7S to tlM • month selling our Household and Stock Remedies and Flavoring Extract* direct to consumers. Ex clusive territory. Goods are furnished on credit. NO CASH OUTLAY. Pleasant, profitable, lifelong position*. No experience necessary; va teach yoa. Write for Information. Doa't delay. Incorporated. TIM I. D. CONFER MEDICAL COMPANY, ORANQEVILLE, ILL. THANK PE-RU-NA FOR THEIR RECOVERY AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING. Miss Muriel Armitage, 36 Greenwood Ave , Detroit, Mich., District Organizer of the Royal Templars of Temperance, in a recent letter, says : " I think that a woman naturally shrinks from making her troubles public, but restored health has meant so much to me that I feel for the sake of other suffering women it is my duty to tell what Peruna has done for me. " I suffered for five years with nterine irregularities, which brought on hysteria and made me a physical wreck. I tried doctors from the different schools of medicine, but without any perceptible change in my condition. In my despair I called on an old nurse, who advised me to try Peruna, and promised good re sults if I would persist and take it reg ularly. I thought this was the least 1 could do and procured a bottle. I knew as soon as I began taking it that it was affecting me differently from anything I had used before, and so I kept on tak ing it. I kept this up for six months, and steadily gained strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles i considered myself entirely cured. I am a grateful, happy woman to-day."-- Miss Muriel Armitage. Peruna cures catarrh of the pelvic organs with the same surety as it cures catarrh of the head. Peruna has be come renowned as a positive cure for female ai^nents simply because the ail ments are mostly due to catarrh. Ca tarrh is the cause of the trouble. Peruna cures the catarrh. The symp toms disappear. URAL US IAT&. FARM3 farms, FARMS, fw mm rnnma, Cook,MelIcnryandl>»lt«ttO»«»Uea7Bj to 6i> miles from Chicago. FlnO near pjjd towns, churches nnd schools. -- :k9 i ranging In price from S65 to $100 per »«r*. IJbaral term*. Address BESFTNEK. & WEAVER, IfsMlMllIn *11 FOR SALE--Choice California Property. A acres nemllpfrom town In thickly aetttad frail district. ..1 acres In peaches, apricots and TtMA,«niabearing, nrst c!b«r ronaltlon. Fine drrln" plant. IaaonaVKlO. Price $6,COO. Liberal terms. 0. KKU-DjE^ FlriMr, Cat. FOR SALE -- The best stock fans la North Dakota, 2 u relies from Kapolct s. cn S00R.H. Con tains 2,900 acres, 1,9S0 deeded, lja>waco Insiart land. <* ';>d bulldlngfi, windmill and at or. 4Mtuubayi 81,000 personal propert v. IVoe £10.500, batf cash| balance time. H. F. MERSDORF, H&paJaoa, X. D. ©ill a ti •SUrrfi-. TEXAS PANHANDLE LANDS. Com« to Ochiltree County, tfaa Banner of The Panhandle. Kvrellent School LaaA, aelS at $1 per acre end Pat. n ed land a;. $3, H an, baV ance 1,2 and S years at bjt Interest, iio droi#tirs hara visited U3 In SO years of settlement. Small grains and etock do equally aa well bere ai rn $3 land In other parts of «tate. and land Is fast being settled np .D by prosperous fanner . Write mf r fall particulars ana ln«tirnc;Ions. WHIPPO & PERRY, Ochiltree, Tezafc Female Weakness is Pelvic / Catarrh. Always Half Sick are the Women Who Have Pelvio Catarrh. Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to pro gress, will affect the whole body. Catarrh without nervousness is very rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand. What is so distressing a sight as a poor half-sick, nervous woman, suffering from tne many almost unbearable symptoms of pelvic catarrh ? She does not consider herself ill enough to go to bed, but she i: far from being able to do her work withou the greatest exhaustion. This is a ver common sight and is almost always doe tc pelvic catarrh. It is worse than foolish for so mam women to suffer year after with a disease that can be permanently cured. Peruna cures catarrh permanently. I cures old chronic cases as well as a sligh attack, the only difference being in tht length of time that it should take to effeci a cure. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna; writ< at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and he will be pleasec to give you his valuable advice gratis. RED RIVER VALLEY FARMS FOR SALE AND TO RENT. 1 have over 200 of the finest farms in the RED RIVER VALLEY of North Dakota and Minnesota, for sale or rent, of all sizes from 160 acres to 2,000 acres to each farm, with fine buildings. Most of these farms are located along streams, having all the way from 10 to 50 acres of fine timber. They are all near to railroad towns. Most of thjm are located in Cass, Traill and Steele Counties, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota. I do not sell any lands in the northern or western parts of this state, nor in Canada, where drought and frost happen so often. Farmers in those remote parts of North Dakota and Canad » have to pay too much freight on farm products to make farming protitable. The farms that I have for sale are located from 220 to 30J miles from Duluth, which is as good a grain market as Chicago, on account of water transportation. You will save commission by coming to me direct, instead cf buy ing yonr land through an agent. When you get hero, 1 will show you tine farm buildings,'fine level rich lands, no stone, alkali o r sand, and also fine crops of all kinds, including as food com crops as you have ever seen in the State of Illinois. For further information, write to or call on JOHN WYMAN. FARGO. NORTH DAKOTA. Who's Afraid The childish confidence which this illustration portrays shows exactly the confidence of everyone qrho has ever used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin (A Laxative) Perhaps no medicine ever put on the market has met with such phenomenal cures and the output of our laboratory has increased steadily 500 per cent every year. This speaks volumns for Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin which is positively guaranteed to cure dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, malaria and all troubles arising from the Stomach (excepting cancer) and if you will purchase a SO cent or $1.00 bottle from your druggist it will be a complete revelation to you. Heads off biliousness, induces sound and refreshing sleep, cures nervousness, and is praised by women in all parts of the country. We win be glad to sand yon a sample bottle and a llttla booklet on stomach troablas if yoa will send as a postal PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY. Monticello( 111. I Every tidy housekeeper appreciates nicely starched clothes and linens. No starch under the sun gives go good a finish as Defiance Starch. It is absolutely free of the chemicals which other starches contain. It never sticks to the iron or causes the clothes to break. It does not rot them. For 10 cents you get 16 ounces of the best starch that cm be made. Get Defiance. TOE DEFIANCE 5TARCH*C0.. OMAHA} NEB. Do You Wont a Fine Home in 6outh» eastern North Dakota? We hare one of the beat st >clc and grain farms In the fairness James Rlrei Valley. Located 2^ mile* from tho dry of Oakea on"Soo," Northwestern and Northern Pacific Bjr"a. Farm contains 640 acres, ainencod,240 acres cultivat ed, balance pasture. Guod bouse, large barns, gran ary, machinery, buggy *n(1 cattle sheds, utndmUIa, etc. Liberal terms (fronted. For full DsrUcGlaia address BALDWIN & WALTON, Cakes, H. Dakota. I PAY SPOT CASH FOB BOUNTY Land Warrants Iwaed to soldier* of any war. WrH» m« at SUM. FRANK H. KEGEit. Bartb Block. Dearer. Ootab @®0®«99«e«9•«••••••»«• • IMPROVED FAF.MS--No. D«kota ft Hlnaerrtsu £ •The place f r CENTERS wiili email me*ns.® • 91.C00 to $2,000 secure* .ji Improved farm with* • goad buH'llujrs,roudy for ooca^accy; baiaoes to® • suit purchaser. Moot fertile country til the world, • • Lands of No. 1. Northern hard wheat. The oesu-* S !nn stock couairy cf North America vrfecre every- a 0 tiling cau be raised. Close to creameriea, (lieeMg Af'ictortpx, good school^ charchea ana market.^ a "Write fur particulars. Korch Amerioaa Laa4 ttm Q Colonization Co., 5OS-505 Budicott Blign 8U Ful T 'i&W , % . 'I 'A3 'Ap- % CHOICE FARMS IN WESTER! CIH10I. Close to Market, Schauta and Charchaa, la watt settled and Improved districts at from $8.00 to $12.06 per acre ou ea*y terms. tVrl'e t'lrpart'cn- )«r*. H. AMKRLftKP, FARGO, H. DAKOTA. 320 ACRES FOR $720.00. SVe can Bell you 160 acres of land la Western North Dakota where y» u can pet free eaal, good water and gix d soil for $4.60 per acre, easy termB, and locate you on a JPi acre homestead Quit renting, come to Dakota and become rich, ranching and farming. Write to DAXOTA-KAHITOBA LAUD CO, 146 Endtcott Building, ST. PATH* HD1T. CHEAP HONES IN SOVTH DAKOTA. Say* John! Writ# tor pi tea Mrt to-tty It D. U FITZGERALD. Yankton. So. Dalfe LANDS FOR SALE IN PINE COUNTY, MINNESOTA. We own 80,000 acre* of the best «tock land that can be found. Vegetable* mid all grain* gTuwa in abundance. Midway between tt. Paul and Dalatb. Price 99 to $13 per acre. Address T. P. HANNA LAND CO. Agenta wanted. 333 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul. THE VERY BEST LANDS IN THE VERY BEST STATE. We can sell yon farm landi In large er mall tracts that will please you and make yo« Kooay, at from (13.60 to $85.00 per acre. Easy terms. Why pay rent when you c»n own a farm T (Jail on or write UNI01? LAUD ft LOAN COMPANY. Huron. South Dakota. t FREE TRIP TO SOUTH DAKOTA buyers of No ~thwestern Land Co., Mitchell* S« D. Deal illiect with own ers and save II to K aa acre, middleman's c »n nls-ii,>n. R'VXVJ acres choice laud is C0KN BELT, $3 t i $40. Farmers have grown wealiliy on the o land*. Why pay #3 to >5 an acre or use »M t >#125 land wlieu land coating less than one third will produce as much ? Full particulars forths asklatj. Write to-day. LAND SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA^ 1st ani 3rd Tuesdays ia August and 8ept*mher, at 1$ Fare plus $3, on _____ ATT. RAILROADS LEADING TO S10UX FALLS, the imnr ipoll< of the BIO SIOUX VALLEY, Cotne and brill ? y.iur friends and vie v our Immense crop*, fine cil nate, soil, markets, schools, churches, etc., and give u« an opportunity to convince you that we bave the finest lauds for tne least money of any k* eallty la the U. S. Hundreds of eastern farmeriand touMn^-9 men have bought from us, and without aa escepil m, all huve mada mo icy and many have be come rich. Hillroad fare refunded to purchasers. Buy yur tickets to Shut FalK taking receipt for money paid to ticket ajjent. Lauds fr .m $10 to $40 per acre *lio*-n free of charge. (Honorable auents wanted In every town toBoliett buyers for our cheap F. C. WHITEHOUSE & CO., The Old Reliable Land Firm. Noma Offioe. SIOUX FALLS. SO. DAK. ' .-•ms ' • *} j-*?. „ -v.-'u'L • "•0^ A? : f;| "'i .' j J a Vvl I •V iff " ^ i h , : * : v DOLLAR WHEAT It von want a farm in the "dollar wheat bolt" write for our booklet--"I.AND WEALTH," giving de scriptions of the nneet In the west. If you want to sell your land we obtain highest prices for it. Our booklet--"Ho* W*DoIr" free. Don t buy or sell land till you see u*. Varland Land & Inf. Co. ST. Pant, Munt. IRRIGATED GOVERNMENT -- • • HOMESTEADS ttcle Sam is rich enough to give vt ail <tjarm. 1HJ ja The names and ad- YW MX. Ill I 1* B 1 d rates of alt per-w V •» I « • mm sons, who desire to Locate Home«t»Bd8 on th<> Gov jrnrn ->nt La">d» in tiia Croat valleys of the West, « luvh. urd ln^aiiires advocated by The National lrri^atU Association, would be made avatUthlo f«>r fcorne- 8 oacA entry and settlement by th »con«t"i»etii>n of Btoracre ve.^rvo rs and uiain line Cfcuaia hj th* ..tttio.ial Government. The Poll is of unsurpassed fertility and productiveness i i crops of small p aios wlu<*h will hare o p.aoti -ally unlimited market in China and Japan. It jrr to p"rfeciion ait the fruits, svaases and vegetables, aud alfalfa for stock raising, whica «lit bo o »e of the great industries of reci -c. (J 'Id. silver* copper, leftJ, iron, coal, petroieum »nd tf?u!x?r Ahoond in she diftVw.6 si^etiors, snd ininlog and limiberi"ip will make a larre and pn>- ftinbte local h:>me m -rket for II ftirm products. The requirements of tiie ORIE-tf /AX» TRADE and tho corWruc ion of Ha ional Irr-fracion Works wiil brlnu* about the r* pM ••-•f v'. rv^ ion by a prosperou po 'illation of farmers, stock r isers, miners, merehanfci.eto .*»>d it UsoMy to aid sett ers that we desire to correap^nd with them. Send name ani ad *ress br nnil with ssf?Ml droo&ed itauiped enveiope or rep.jr to George H. Maxwett, Ex^cuiive Chairman, The National Irrigation Association, 1707 Fiiher Building. Chicago. ttadlicted wit •ara wres, ̂ ^ncmpson'# Lye ha is* U M P T I O N PISO'S CURE FO «E CURE CANCER AT HOME NO KNIFE. NO PAIN. NO PLASTEK. liuok and t etlmonlili KKE.-. KAS)N CANCER INSTITUTE, 120 W. land St.. BliW It „ CHICS WHEII ILL FLSE FIILSv, Beat Cougb Syrup. Taates Good. U» In time. Bold by druccUta. FREE TO WOMEN! Id j>;ovo the aad cieanstiw P1"1* r -t i'astiiMl loilrt A i>tiacpt io we will mail a largu trial paikktM witb book of instruclioM ubsoliitrlv trr+. This is uot u tiuy sample, but a larp* r;icka^f. enough to * »o- vsnce anyone ol its t»1u& Wom^n all over the country Lire praising Paitine for what ii has *»one iu lo< »l 'ml- uipi't jf frnLnle I la, * irtnj all infUmruLition aud discuarvt's. woctlT '.' as« cleansiu-' vau-in:»l douche for sore throat, nasal caCDirh. us a mouth wasi and to remove tartaa and whiten .he teeth. Send tciav - a postal oaKl Wul do. t»oittbTdraKK**tsnraent po»tpal<l hjna» 84 Mitt*. I»rjte box. Satisfaction * J »rmut T11JK K. 1 AXTON CO.. Has torn, "" 414 C«"--^bu» Av*. W. N. U. CHICAGO. No. S7, 1908. CHAMPiGN TRUSS WOR*11WCTH^erORT, M TOOK Pkplclu'i Ad<rlc«. BUOtLUiT rKKK. Oa^ a* li--t It, nitla, h< Wneu Ar.sv>enug Advurusmu«aai j Kindly lUntlos Tfcto Pisa l i , J l ' , a , , , . c •3' V'