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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1903, p. 4

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ppp^ppg-v •V)$rJ- ^ --jn-^r^y-y *7^YR. »s Itie Nclieory Pliuleiler PUBLISHED EVSEY THURSDAY BY TBI MtHMRr PlAIHDtAltK COMPANY. F. K. GRANOBH. W. A. OBISTY. J. B. PERRY, t®v«v FRTM. S«o» Trea*. nuiiL b. SOHoonmAMB, Editor. Qfllce in Bank Building. Telephone, No. *7*. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year ..• Six months, 75 CT*. «•» Tine months. 40 cts Thursday, September 10, 1903. t StOCKFQRD contractors are offering ten dollars bonus to workmen who will go to that city, and good wages at all time* ( It's Republican prosperity. You can't change it. SOME people can never view any qvfastion from two aides and will never concede that the other fellow may be in the right. If they see good work being done and are capable of appreciating it they are careful not to openly give praise. But should things not be done to suit their taste a howl goes np that shows unmistakable signs of natural churlishness or a narrow mind. Such people are commonly called "kickers" or "knockers." No one can be a "knocker" and a good citizen. !U& THE action of the officials at Danville will have a marked effect on mob law and lynching parties in Illinois. The sheriff established a precedent when he bravely held the mob at bay before the prison doors, and later swore out war­ rants for the arrest of the ring leader. The jury h«w nobly upheld and support­ ed the sheriff by convicting the ring leader of the lynching party that took the negro's life and convicting twelve of the fourteen indicted for endeavoring to break into the jail. The effect this letpen will have on mob law in the future remains to be seen. The chances arte that it will end that kind of busi­ ness in the neighborhood of Danville, at least. The country needs a few more Sheriff Whitlocks, ' • Distress After Eating Cored. ; Judge W. T. Holland of Greensburg, XA., who is well and favorably known, says: "Two years ago I suffered great­ ly from indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, lasting for an hour or so, and my nights were restless. I concluded to try Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me completely. Now my sleep is refresh­ ing and digestion perfect." Sold by all druggists. Spiders Like Maalc. 4":, A violinist says spiders are notori- Ttnd historically fond of music. At qs»e of his performances the concert hall -Was made disagreeable by a sud­ den invasion of spaders, which were drawn by his violin out from the cracks and crannies of the ancient building. They crawled about the floor and on to the stage, and he could see the annoyed audience stamping on the Insects. The writer adds that he has known a small garden snake to be at­ tracted by piano playing and a young to whisk his tail and prance about mo^fe gleefully at the first notes of a Frencn "horn. His neck would curve ' about proudly, his hoofs tread lightly and his ears wag Joyously when the tooting began, and he never quieted down till the music ceased. Peculiar Privileges. The speaker of the house of commons has several peculiar privileges. Every year he receives a gift from the master of the buckhounds of a buck and doe . killed in the royal preserves. This cus­ tom goes back so far that there is no record of it Later in the year the apeaker receives another tribute from a different source. The donors on the second occasion are the (ploth Workers' company of London, whip send to the speaker of the house of commons and to several of his majesty's ministers a generous width of the beat broadcloth ;^ ^^be found in England, SPRING GROVE ITEMS [People of Spring 'Jrove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Mrs. R A. Oxtoby, our correspond­ ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] Lawn social Friday evening. Gome. Martin Steffes' new ho«se is ready for the masons. J. H. Richardson of Richmond called on friends here Saturday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole of Rich­ mond were in town Sunday. Principal E. A. Truax was a Chicago visitor the last of the week. Col. J. G. Wilson of Burlington was in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hesse entertained Burlington relatives Sunday. Peter Nimskern was a Kenosha visitor from Wednesday until Friday. Anton Schaffer attended to business at Fox Lake the first of the week. . Pra Leadon of Round Lake spent the first of the week hers with friends. Miss Delia Lichty. entertained com­ pany from Elgin the first of the week. J. W. Westlake of Chicago visited his parents here from Saturday till Tuesday. Mrs. W. R. James and daughter,. An­ nie, were McHenry callers Monday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Wilson of Rich­ mond visited relatives here Sunday evening. H. M. Hasting and J. Collison of Rich­ mond attended to business here the first of the week. Burnett & Mittendorf of Antioch are treating Otto Hesse's house to anew coat of paint. 9 Mrs. Martin McGuire of Chicago vis­ ited relatives in this vicinity several days last week. • A big crowd attended the dance in M. H. Cole's new barn on English Praire Tuesday night J. J. Freund and Dr. Bremken at­ tended the state fair at Milwaukee Mon­ day and Tuesday. Mrs. E. S. French and sister, Mrs. Lisco, spent several days recently with Chicago relatives. The dance given by the Red Cross was not very largely attended but all report a very good time. Miss Katie Nett of Wilmot spent the last of the week here with her cousins, the Misses Carey. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson from near Richmond visited Mrs. J. M. Westlake Snnday afternoon. Large crowds left this station last Thursday and Friday morning bound for the Libertyville fair. Mrs. Hesse and nephew, Gussie Kin- nander, of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hesse recently. Miss Sarah Haldeman of Richmond visited her sister, Mrs. J. M. Westlake, from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Neish and Mabelle spent Saturday and Sunday at Richmond, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peacock. Joseph Coates and his mother of Ring- wood were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eld. Hopper one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gould moved to Hebron Monday where Mr. Gould has secured a position in the Condensing f&efcwy. A. Young, who was soliciting for the Volunteers of America in this vicinity, is now very ill in* the hospital at Mil­ waukee. A large crowd attended the ball game here the first of the week and excitement ran high. The score was 5 to 4 in favor of Wilmot. Mrs. Mary Williams of Antioch and Mrs. Nellie Savage and children of Channel Lake are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Will Volbrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen were over from Wilinot Saturday evening calling on friends and attended the medicine show, J. M. Westlake, Andrew Neish and Nick Freund returned from their north­ ern trip Monday. J. W. Sanborn, who went with them, stopped at Oskaloosa, Iowa, for a few dayt<' visit with his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Orvis, and family. The Illinois Concert and Comedy Co. left here Snnday morning for Ringwood where they will be this week. They entertained large crowds every night while here and all seemed satisfied with the various programs they presented. Miss Maggie Rauen received the major­ ity of votes as being the most popular young lady and received the diamond ring. * A lawn social for the benefit of the Spring Grove school will be held on the school lawn Friday evening of this week. The committee in charge have prepared an excellent program, brjmful of fun and laughter, consisting of songs, recitations, tableaux, the felinophone, etc., which will be given on the porch at eight o'clock. The last number on the program is ice cream and cake, ten cents. Doctors Could Not Help Her. "I had kidney trouble for ydars," writes Mrs. Raymond Connor of Shel- ton, Wash., "and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and the very first dose gave me relief, and I am now cured. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood, and unless they do this, good health is impossible. Sold by G. W. Besley. Very tow Rates to Baltimore, Md„ Via the North-Western Line, Excur­ sion tickets will be sold Sept. 17, 18 and 19, with very favorable return limits, on account annual meeting I. O. Xfc F. Grand Lodge. Apply to Agents Chica­ go & North-Wes tern R'y.1 Sept. 19 Cured Heninrrhaces of the Langs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hem­ orrhages," writes Ks M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents serious results from a cold. Refuse substitutes. Sold by G. W. Besley. It Wu On. Mistress--I told you half an hour ago to turn on the gas in the parlor, Brldg- et Bridget--Sure, an' I did, mum. Don't yes shmell it?--London Fun. 'quire of It. Dangeroai, The Maid--Shall I dust the brlc-a- fcrac, mum? The Mistress--Not today, Nam. don't think wc can afford it. KM We lUk, Hoax--11 just heard soft* news that: Seems too good to be true. Joax--That's too bad. -- Philadelphia1 Record. . Feet Swollen to Immense 81M. "I had kidney trouble so bad," writes J. J. Cox of Valley View, Ky., "that I could not work, my feet were swollen to immense size and I was confined to my bed and physicians were unable to give me relief. My doctor finally pre­ scribed Foley's Kidney Cure, Which made a well man of me." Avoid seri- OUB results of kidney or bladder disorder by taking Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by G. W. Besley. Read The Plaindealer "want1' ads. SToni The Kind You Have Want Column. All advertisement* Inserted urnlor this hem I at the follinvlntf Klvc lines or less, ifi rent* for Hint lUHfi-tion: 15 cents for each insertion. Morv than live linen, Ti cents » line for first Insertion, uld 3 cent* ft line fur additional insertions. 1X7ANTED--Four or five cords of good ** stove wood. Will pay what It is worth. Inquire at this office. JStf. Xj^Oli SALE OU TRADE--Two seated buggy unrl U. ttiirfAv. in irrvwl PNIWL|ti<tn. HUVA Sam'l McDonald, Mofienry. KOt no use for them and will sellchea live stock. or trade for 7tf TTH)R SALE--Two full-blood 12-months-old Holsteln bulls. Inquire of 9-4t* H. L. WATERMAN, Ringwood, 111. T3V3R SALE--One bay horse, wt. 1240, one A bay mare, wt. 1450. Both are young, sound, and good workers In any harness. Otf Gallon WM.BONSLETT. TXT^NTEIV--SBVKRAT, ** actor iind good re PBBSON8 OF CHAR* putiition in eacli state (one In this county required) to represent and advertise old established and wealthy busi­ ness house of solid financial standing. Salary 121.00 weekly with expenses additional, all •payable in cash direct every Wednesday from fiead offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self addressed envelope. Colonial, 8H2 Dearborn street, Chicago. 9-16t "IJ^OR RENT--A few very desirable rooms In the rear of my office. Private entrance, city water, sewage, etc. Single gentleman preferred. Terms upon application. 10-tf F. C. Ross, D. D. 8. TltT ANTED--Some land, also another piece ** on or near water front. Full descrip­ tion, lowest cash price. A. J. KRALL, 10-2t 471 N. Wood St., Chicago. s PRING CHICKENS--I have a number of the barred Plymouth Rocks for sale at market prices, either for table use or breed­ ing purposes, Call early. It. C, L. PIKE, McHenry, 111. "DOOMS FOR RENT--for small family with- out children. For further particulars lu­ ll BNBT MCOMBKR, McHenry, 111, "17*013 ND^-A purse containing a sum of money *• The loser may have same by calling at Bank of McHenry and prove ownership. It. XT*STRAY PONIES--Three stray ponies came -LV to my place Tuesday. Owner can have same by paying all charges. » CLAUDE HUT SON. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys* Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Ail the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches andrheu- matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be" traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin­ ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz­ es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home of swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when wrMng Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. §\' > ft I For particular coffee drinkers we recommend The COFFEE of quality. Ask about the Coupons. W. C. EVANSON . . • -.--Trs* llllTTf IT WINS THE RACE v ^ Light,j 5L .B̂ L7? IF 7™ NOT> *OOD U In Store for you. beauUfu! Bread, Rolls, CaKea and Pica that havo juat the right flavor and finish, will grace your table If yoj pse Ben Hur Flour. Whether you work with brain or muscle, or better ati« if you work with both, you need gch, fine, wholesome Bread to do your work well and bring out the best efforts that are in you. The richest, finest, most wholesome loaf that ever came out of any oven is made from Ben Hur Flour. It contains mora putriment than bread made from other flour and keeps light and moist longer. Ben Hur Flour costs no more, and even) »acK used means a saving to the man who pays the bills. We never have to argue with a housewife whj ' FK&s used Ben Hur. It does its owti arguing. Tell your grocer to send a MCK next time you order flourj maoe by IVoyal Milling Co •• Minneapolis.Minn. FREE.-The adventure* of the " BEN*HUR DOUGH BOYS," In full bright colors with rhymes and pictures arranged to entertain and delight the children. wllt?9 «clit to any address upon receipt of 8c In stamps (to pay cost of mailing , and the card or bllf head of any local retail grocer who does not sell BEN-HUR Flovr, Address ROYAL MILLING COMPANY, Minneapolis, Minn. Mention t»»« paper r "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO,1 •w IPWMPB»0»POnoaai>ODOOBI [ No Special have ilo special sale on, but endeavor to make it object for Pepple to trade here at all times. Our gtnall profits Business is steadily increasing, due to the fact' that We do a cash Business, believing in quick sales -and Of course we have Remnants* and ,'vodds and ends on hand at anytime of the year which ^* . itre close out at cost or below. At this time there *re several Shirt Waiste left which will be sold at ' "actual cost. \ OtiiF ^Grocery Department is complete in staple and fancy Goods. Call and see u^. We,pay the highest market prices for eggs, efe. . Successor to S- StofffeL Wast McHenry. - F, A. BOHLANDER §o«oooo< (OOOPPOPPPOWM >--»oo| | C. II. FEGERS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UKGEON. McHenry. *• 111. Office at Residence, corner Court KOU Elm Stre<Jj£. Telephone 333. cm you m ii? Then if it's anything in <£he Hardware line you have not called on us. There is nothing that we do not sell and have on hand at all times, from the smallest Tack to the largest Coal Stoves. By the way our Coal Stoves and Wood Heat­ ers will soon be on exhibition. Watch - for announcement. ' ^ F. L. McOmber ION BRANU FRONT IN. BACK ITT M. LIONICK. ANTIAQUA FINIM. PATENTED MAY 27,1908. LION BRAND between the "LION BRAND" Col- TRADE ARK &n(j two.for.a.qUarter Collars of other brands is aptly shown in the illustrations. The Lionick Col­ lar shown is finished by theantiaqua process and is absolutely perspir­ ation proof,--it will keep clean lon­ ger, will not crack, blister or spot, looks better than any two for 25 cent Collar made. The patent band always keeps the lock locked while Collars made by other manufacturers often look like the lower illustration. The moral points to "LION BRAND" if you desire to appear well. Remember, we only charge 15 cents each or 25c for two of these excellent Collars. We offer you special inducements in School Shoes for the Boy or Girl or both. Stylish wearers at ; moderate price should find favor witl you. Look over our skirtswhen you come' W. C. EVANSON. Your Own Price All Summer Goods are being closed out at your own price. Price so low that the goods must go if you will only call and see them. We wish to make room for ouf LARGE FALL STOCK which will arrive soon. Do not buy until you see our Goods and note the record breaking prices. v-v' ; * ; / • ' »- West McHenry* J. Hvirwite. Professional, Society and Businesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. DHY8ICIAN, SURGEON AND UCULtBT. *• Office and residence earner EUa Mtd Green streets, McHenry. V.-l'-.'-i •^Mjg v ANIGHT & BBOWN. .. '*.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 W&sblnstoa "• street, Chicago, III. D. T. SMILEY, ATTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No "• tary Public. Will give prompt and Im­ mediate, attention to all business intrusted to hucare. Office In Hoy 's Block. Woodstock, II 0$ B1. C. ROSS. JJ. r>. s. Office over Petescb's Drug Store. AWW08K PKBTAIKINQ TO MODERN DEHTIFOFB*. /Nitrous Oxid Gas..for Extracting. % Houij^7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. ^ S0MDAT WOkK BT •PPOIRTMim OftiV. TKB WAW pnrin on THE WEST 8n>A DR. R. ft. CHAMBERLIN . OfllceoiSftP , t Hours from Beslev's Draft' Storfe. 8:30 a. m. to 5:80 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON (Deotwher AnU Sprlnf Orovc, llttnols. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - - ^ - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 1714. LAJIBERT Q. SENQ BUFFET . Headquarters for McHenry and McHenrjr county visitors. > Prank Keppler, John 5charre«, 02 b iftb Ave.. Chicago. Attendants H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General Ia- snrance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure witn home agents, smooth-tongue strangers sometimes lead people astray. , WIST MCHEWBY. - - ox, Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. SOCIETIES, MASONIC. MCHEHRT LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. •- 8. 8. CHAPELL, W. M. C. B. THUBLWEUL. Secy. W; (To. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. O. Q. the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hull. MRS. MARY COBB. Chief Ranger. MRS. MATILDA MEVEUS, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Staf­ fers Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H.C. MKAD Clerk. O. O. P. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Ilall. ANTON ENUKLN, Chief Raafqp. JOHN NEIBS, Recording Secretary. Louis OEHTKL, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees* John Heipaer; A^iton Engeln. Ben Lau«r. O. O. F. Meetings St. Patrick Court No. 746. G. O. If. held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, C. R. Walter Bolger. R. 8. •------MfiBitliiMliri--liiM • HARPER wwsxr Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now air over the World. ?or sale by All Leading Dealers CROUP and inflamm«tloe af fllo hryn an tertMttr and Mrnaaantly cored tor tto taaa al Ol* MicaCwe. Tills MW WH sitrWll shnktaa wu »hw tte same of ONI MINUTE COUCH CURB because tnataol. raiaf Wb ihmra followed Its aaa. It takea effect at the aaakaf ko trouble and acta oa (he Mlamed manhnnas k»- Maad of paaatewhoMy Ms tte stomach a^ dnw«lw »Ifilastbewaw. ClvearaSaHiitnlli. CURED J0no Mtmte Coach Cere li WmfcCe MINUTE Fur sale by sU i>rujarist«. Ifi] " • V >.&£(•• • T -.1^

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