CHEAP EXCURSIONS} TO THE SOUTH. • •/£;On October l-'Oth, the Kansas City Southern Rail-way (Port Arthur Route) ,• Will run a cheap excursion from Kansas City and all stations in Missouri and Kansas to Lake Charles, Shrev^port, Beaumont and Port Arthur. The rate for the round trip will be $15.00. limited to. 21 days from date of sale, good to £top« orer on going trip at all points en route, provided final destination is reached J a* side of 15 days from date of sale. ThiS exceptionally low rate, together with lih •ral stopover privileges allowed, should Insure a gTeat crowd, especially In view of the fact that this is the most delight* ful season of the year to visit the South* land. Similar low rates will probably bd placed in effect from points north and «ast of Kansas City. Ask your ticket •Cent. .Every effort will b« made by the com pany to secure the safety and comfort of Its patrons. All inquiries relative to de sirable locations to visit or other informa- 8On will be cheerfully furnished. Address tier S. G. Warner, G. P. & T. A., V. E, Roesler, T. P. & 1. A., or J. H. Morris, T, W. A., Kansas City, Mo." 8. G. WARNER, p.* >.?• ••••*•,, :?,i Respectfully. - *-- £ Only the Truth. , "Crawfoot saw an ad that said for -{I# cents they'd tell you how to own •• ^ Vpvr own automobile." '"What was the reply?" "They told him to buy one." All Up to Date Housekeepers t> Defiance Cold Water Starch, because It better, and 4 os. more of It for --"t , Money. ' A locomotive testing laboratory ' will be a feature of the transportation teilding at the world's fair. ^•To some people truth Is stranger than fiction because they have so little to do with the former. The deficit on account of the British postal telegraph is $4,500,000 for the year. Do Your Clothes Look YellowT Then use Defiance Starch. It will keep (hem white--16 os. for 10 cents. Brazil's crop of coffee this year •quals fifteen-sixteenths of the world's .consumption. BEpT'te |f£KE PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Iff doctor asys It set* gently on the stomach. 1W*» •ad kidneys nrul is a pl»*awuit laxative. Tiii* drink is Blftde from h«H>s, and is prepared for u|o a* euily a# Ui. It la called *4J,au<°8 Tea." or LANE S FAMILY MEDICINE •ii drupgfat* or by mail 25 ctn, find fiO cts. Buy it to w- IJIMIP'H Family Mrdioinc mores tbo P«\VHH each <1RV. In order to be thy thisi® IKMU7. Addraoa. O. F. Woodward. Le K/w. N. Y. W. L. DOUGLAS *3.83 & *3 SHOES" You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $31 They oqual those that have boon cost ing you from $4.00 to $5.00. The im mense salo of W. L. Douglas shoos proves . their superiority over all other makes. Sold by ratail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for nauio and price on bottom. That Doaglns use* 0©r- •snColt proves there is value in Dons;la« shoen. Corona is the highest ffrnde Pat.Leather lomle. • Fast Color Evrlett used. r .r Our $4 Gilt Ettge Line rannot be equalled at any price. flhoes by mall, 25 rents extra. Illustrated Catalog free. W. t. DOlf.'LAK, Brockton. Mass. S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER There Is no Beauty that Can stand the disfigurement af had teeth, 'fake care of your teeth. Only one way-- S0Z0D0NT FREE TO WOMEN! PAXTINE To prove the healing and Cleansmg power of faxtlne Toilet Antiseptic we will mail a large trial package with book of Instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample, but a large package, enough to con vince anyone of its value. . Women all over the country i are praising Paxtine for what .it has -lone in local treat- 'ment of female Ills, caring til Inflammation and discharges, wonderfc". as a cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar •nd whiten the teeth, Send today; a postal card trill do. Sol d bjr druggists or sent postpaid bv u, SO Hita, large box. Satisfaction guaranteed^ XBK K. 1'AXTON CO.. Boston, Mill • 14 Colnmbua Ave. G O N O W ! OCTOBER 20th TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY THERE AND BACK AT LOW RATES S20 CHICAGO $18 CINCINNATI •IS ST. LOUI3 $15 KANSAS CITY Proportionate Rate* from Intermediate Points, Stop-overs. Final Limit, Nov. 10. MISSOURI, KANSAS& TEXAS I'T. Ask Nearest Ticket Agent Or write O. W. BMiTH, H. P. A., 313 Marquette Bldg., CHICAGO Rlpan* Tabules are the best dys pepsia medicine ever made. A I hundred millions of thein have been sold In the United State# In a single year. Constipation. heart burn, sick headache, dizziness, bad breath, mire throat, and- every ni nes* arlsfne from a disordered •tomarh are relieved or cured by Hlpan* Tabu lea Ose will generally clve relief within twenty tuln- ote» The flve-cent package Is enough for ordinary occasions. All druggists sell'hem. Ran? who formerly smoked 10<Cigars now smoke 8TRAIGHT54 CIGAR Tour Jobber or dirivt from Factory, l'eorlm* JIU KIDDER'S PASTILLES. ^"-Asthma. Sold l>y all 1 n ut'trisi j, or by maii. S5 cents. BrO>VELI, tt CO., Wra. Ohaxletiuwn. MASS. WE CURE CANCER AT HOME NO KNIFE. NO PAIN. NO PLASTER. Rook and testimonials KliKK. MASON CANCER INSTITUTE, :«C W. 42nd St.. HEW YOKJL CHAMPION TRUSS EASY TO FIT. EASY TO WEAR. Advice. BOOKLET FKKE. Ask Your Physic . .... - Philadelphia Truss Co.. 610 Locust St.. Phila.. Pa. 64.0 ACfE FARM AND RANCH--Plentj of w " (tood water; fair Improvements; 810 per aero If sold at once, part time Addrpcti O. C. KIPPENBROCX. H^hmore, South Dakota. âEssaaaamsnam In time. 8oM by draniata. C O N S U M P T I O N y '•ST:* m RUTH BRYAN'S ENGAGEMENT TO v WILLIAM H. LEAVITT ANNOVNCED i-r' ' K ffl Miss Rath Bryan': nounced. ement to Wm. H. Leavitt has been formally FINDS AND KILL3 TARANTULA. Venomous Insect Had Terrorized Fam ily for Six Months. An ugly, venomous tarantula from the tropics was dispatched at the home of William Zink, in Gloucester City, after it had terrorized the family for six months, says a Philadelphia dispatch. Zink was a former fruit dealer, and one day half a year ago, while he was handling a bunch of bananas, the huge spider hopped out and stretched itself. Zink and mem bers of his family searched for the in sect for some time, without avail, and then concluded that it had escaped. Not long after, however, the tarantula was discovered in the house, and again chase was given it, but once more it escaped by hiding. At Intervals ever since the taran tula had been seen at various places through the dwelling, but in every in stance it managed to elude its pur suers. It soon got to be a reign of ter ror in the house, and the inmates shivered at tne slightest sound. Just as he and his wife were aris ing this morning Zink once more caught sight of the tarantula as it clung to a picture frame in his bed room. "Ha!" cried Zink. "I have you at last," and he leaped wildly toward the ceiling. The huge insect dropped behind the picture frame and mysteriously dis appeared. Sure that he was on the trail, Zink determined to rid the house of the creature, and continued the search. Finally, after two hours of unceasing scrutiny, he came upon the tarantula crouched in a crevice in the wall, where it may have hidden all these months. After a terrible battle Zink killed it and proudly exhibits the hairy body at his home. It measure3 over five inches across its legs. CLAIRVOYANTS IN A TRUST. Seers to Combine to Investigate 8toek Market. The clairvoyants of New York have formed a trust, or what serves the purpose of such an organization, even if It does not deserve to be called by that name. Unlike the Chinese laun dry trust, its object is not to fix prices. The trust of the seers has another purpose. All of the members are noti fied by the head officer that certain stocks are to be recommended to clients seeking enlightenment as to the best means of investing their money. Sometimes Beveral companies are on the list. Dally reports are made by the presi dent to the members as to what the nature of their advice should be. Of course, this combination does not work only for the benefit of the companies. The clairvoyants get their rakeoff. But, naturally, they do not profit so much as the companies, one of which made $60,000 last year through this branch of its business. Is Opposed to Consolidation. Rev. Dr. David O. Downey of Brook lyn Is leading the "New York confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal church in a fight against the proposed consolidation of the Methodist book concerns :n thio country. The p'an cor templates t combine of the sev eral publishing houses, the capital ptock to be from $15,000,000 to $20,- 000,000, cr.d the establishment to be located at some point in the middle west. Dr. Downey thinks this savors too much of trust methods and evi dences that the interests of the church are becoming more material than spir itual. He declares that "against this tone of materialism I wish to enter an emphatic protest." Plans Cathedral for Denver. Undaunted by the difiiculty which Bishop Potter of New Y6?k is having In getting money to carry on con struction of the great catnedral there, Bishop Olmsted of the Colorado Epis copal diocese is planning a similarly notable structure in Denver. It will be begun in November next and his plan is that only a small portion that can be used be now erected and ad ditions made in subsequent years. His idea is similar to that of Bishop Pot ter and Bishop Doans of Albany to erect a building which it may take 150 years to complete, not to be a parish church, but a center of congregation for the whole diocese. RUTH BRYAN TO WED SOON. Engagement Ends Plans to Join Hull House Workers. Ruth Bryan, the eldest daughter of William Jennings Bryan, has aban doned her plan to join Miss Jane Addams in social settlement work at Hull House, Chicago, since she has decided to wed William H. Leavitt, an artist, whose home is in Newport, R. I. Announcement of her engagement was made at a house pifrty of the University of Nebraska chapter of the Delta Gamma sorority. The wedding will take place in October at the Bry an home in Lincoln,'Neb. Miss Bryan met Mr. Leavitt while the latter was in Lincpin several months ago, painting a fqll-sized like ness of Mr. Bryan. They were seen frequently driving in each other's com pany during Mr. Leavitt's stay in the Nebraska city. Miss Bryan Is tall, stately, and a fa vorite in her social circle. MRS. MAYBRICK'S VAST WEALTH. Imprisoned Woman the Heiress to Fortune of $7,000,000. According to the statement of her lawyer, Daniel S. Decker, Mrs. Flor ence Maybrick, when she comes out of prison in England, will be heir to about $7,000,000. While her mother, the Baroness de Roques, lives, Mrs. Maybrick will be dependent upon her bounty, as this estate must be held together, but on her death it will become the property, outright, of Mrs. Maybrick. "We have already recovered a good President's Cousin Wins Lawsuit. J. Emelin Roosevelt, cousin to the president, has gained a victory over the commissioners of highway of Oyster Bay, in their fight to compel him to do away with the pier erected for his own and the presidents ac commodation. The matter was de cided by Justiee Herrick, when he handed down a decision continuing the injunction restraining the high way commissioners from interfering with the dock. The decision will re main Jorpe until the case is reached oti the trial of the issue. Establishing Alaskan Missions. Bishop T. P. Rowe of the Episcopal church for the diocese of Alaska, is now on the Yukon river visiting and establishing new missions. The bish op will remain on Seward peninsula during the coming winter, traveling from place to place in a dog team. He will be accompanied during his long stay by Mr. Chlsholm, a divinity student. Nome will probably be the prelate's headquarters for , the next few months. hps noen*T criAYa&cK ' part of the lands in Virginia," said Mr. Decker, "because they were deeded away without proper authority. Darius Blake Holbrook, Mrs. Maybrick's grandfather, owned immense tracts there and in West Virginia and we have recently found that he also own ed valuable property in Fourteenth street, near Broadway, New York." W. K. Vanderbiit's Pun. There is a punster in the Vanderbllt family. A day or two ago William K., Jr., dashed out of the Grand Central station in New York, though a pouring rain, into an institution of which he is a director. "Great Jupiter Pluvius," he exclaimed, "this Is a deluge. Over there at the station even the locomo tives came in ringing wet." Position for Educated Negro. George W. Crawford, the negro who was graduated from Yale last June and won the Townsend oration prize, has been appointed a clerk in the probate court &t New Haven. Conn. Will Be Like Old Times. Judge South of Tacony, a suburb of Philadelphia, owns a handsome home, with large grounds. In one corner of the lawn he has had erected an exact duplicate of the log cabin in which he was born many years ago on the Ohio river about forty mile3 above Cincin nati. The coming winter he is going to give some old-fashioned entertain ments in the log house, with tne usual accompaniments of roasted apples and nuts, cider and genuine pioneer merry making. Legend Saya Bashi-Bazouk Drove Tut Adam and Evo "Present occurrences In Macedonia remind me of a story contained in a small volume published in Arabic," said Cope Whitehouse. ' "It concerns the Bashi-Bazouk. * "After Allah had ordered Adam and l£ve out of Eden he went back to Paradise. A short time afterward a Seraph, passing that way, saw them etill in the Garden. He came back to heaven and, having reported their dis obedience, was directed to return to tell them to leave at once. So he went. Thereupon Eve said: " 'We are going, but we have to pack ntf.' "A little later a Cherub had a simi lar experience and Allah told Gabriel to take the matter in hand. "Then Eve wept and said: " 'Can't you see we're going; we're getting ready as fast as we can. You have no right to . hurry a woman.' "So Gabriel reported the state of affairs to Allah, who sent for Bashi- Bazouk. Then the Bashi-Bazouk descended, and, entering Eden, said: " 'Adam, Eve, get' "And they got"--New York Times. "1 Found It So." MeCormick, 111., Sept. 28.--Miss Ethel Bradshaw of this place has writ ten a letter, which is remarkable for the character of the statements it contains. As her letter will be read with Interest, and probably with profit by many women, it has been thought advisable to publish it in %art. Among other things Miss Bradshaw says:-- "I had Kidney Trouble with the various unpleasant symptoms which always ̂ ome with that disease, and I have found a cure. I would strongly advise all who may be suffering with any form of Kidney Complaint to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, a remedy which I have found to be entirely satisfac tory. "This remedy Is within the reach of all, and it is all that it is recom mended to be. I found it so, and there fore feel It my duty to tell others about it" Dr. Dunaway of Benton,. 111., uses Dodd's Kidney Pills in his regular practice, and says they are the best medicine for Kidney Troubles. He claims they will cure Diabetes in the last stages. Corroboration. Brasher wasn't exactly a misogyn ist but he was forever harping on the subject of women, and particular ly on their whims and foibles. He declared they did not seem to be guided by reason, and summed up their status by saying they were 'queer.' Meeting Parker the other day, he started off as usual on the caprices and frailties of the fair sex, and re marked incidentally: "Now, I haven't the least doubt Parker that when two women get to gether they talk about the most fool ish thing in the world." "I don't say that, Brasher," was the reply, "but here is what actual ly happened yesterday. I was riding down town behind two young women in one of the cross seats of the 'L,' when my ear caught your name. I couldn't help listening and, honest, Brasher, I heard them talking about you all the vway from Harlem to the City Hall!" Notable Russian Statesman. Prince Khilkoff, the Czar's minister of railroads, is perhaps the least Rus sian looking man in Russia. He is the greatest railway builder in the world, and during the eight years he has held his present position almost 13,000 miles have been constructed--more than one- third the railway mileage of the Rus sian empire. To him is due the Si berian railway construction and the fact that Russia is far more formid able in the far east than ever before. A privy councillor, a member of the ministry, and a strong man, Prince Khilkoff has great weight in the coun cils at St. Petersburg. To Teach Household Economy. On her wedding day the women of Roumania gave the crown princess a sum of money with which she was to buy a present. That was ten years ago and now the money thus received amounts to $60,000. With this sum the princess has just bought an estate at Jassy, where will be opened a school of household economy. Sanitarium for Consumptives. Pletro Cartonl has given $200,000 to found a sanitarium for tuberculosis patients at Rome in memory of his two The Best Results in Starching can be obtained only by uning Defiance Starch, besides getting 4 oz. more for same money--no cooking required. Whoever pays you more court than he is accustomed to pay, eithet" Intends to deceive you or finds you necessary to him.--pourtenay. ji i Microscopic experiments have shown that the electrically made steel is not different in any way from cruci ble steel. The Massachusetts Fish Commis sion has planted 80,000 lobsters. Race suicide is evidently a long way off. When You Buy 8tarch boy Psflaaa^end get the best, 16 os. tor 10 eaata. Once used, always used. It's blooming hard luck when a man has to take quinine with his whisky. I do not believe Pise's Cure for Consumptloa has an equal for coughs acd colds.--JOHN F Boraa, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 6.19001 Clearly the automobile is to be classed as a deadly weapon. f|T6 permanently en-ed. No nt»or nerrmisne« tW l l l w h r s t d a y ' s u s e 0 1 D r . K l i n e ' s O r e a t N e r r e H e i « t o i * •r. Bend for KRKK trial bottle and tre&titfe fta. K. H. K14311, Ltd., Ml Arch titieet, ftkiladelpbi*, The cocoacut palm has leaves near ly thirty feet long. Btops the C^onKli anfl Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet#. PHce25& The constitution of Mexico forbids monopolies. Bin. WlnaloW* Soothing Byrnp.' for children leeiliinn. soften* tueKU'ii#. reoncea In- BamoiaUoR.u:layipola.curea wind co'lc. 23c a JGU1& WORN OUT, DRAGGED OUT, Ave Most Women In Summer. --4*c-rq-na is a Tonic Efficiency. Mrs. Tressie Nelson, 422 Brpad St., Nashville, Tenn., writes: V "As Peruaa has done me a world of szood, I feel la duty bouad to tell of It, la hopes that It may meet the eye of some woman who has suf fered as I have. " For five years / really did aot kaow what a perfectly well day was, and if / did not have headache, f bad backache or a pain some- where and really life was not worth the effort I made to keep going. "A good friend advised me to use Peruna and I was glad to try any thing, and I am very phased to say that six bottles made a new woman of me and I have no more pains and life looks bright agala."--Airs. Trestle ftclson. JOSEPHINE MORRIS, 236 Carroll St, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: " Peruna is a fine medicine to take any time of the year, but I have found it espec ially helpful to withstand the wear and tear of the hot weather. I have taken it now for two summers and feel that it has kept my system free from malaria, and also kept me from having that worn-out, dragged out look which so many women have. " I therefore have no hesitancy in saying that I think it is the finest tonic in the world."--Josephine Morris. Peruna is irequently used as a mitigation of the effects of hot weather. What a bath is to the skin, Peruna is to the mucous membranes. Bathing keeps the skin healthy, Pernna makes the mucous mem branes clean and healthy. With the skin and mucous membranes in good working order, hot weather can be withstood with very little suffering. Frequent bathing with an occasional use of Peruna is sure to mitigate the terrors of hot weather. Many ladies have discovered that the depression of hot weather and the rigors they have been in the habit of at tributing to malaria, quickly disappear when they use Peruna. This is why Pe runa is so popular with them. Peruna provides clean mucous membranes, and the clean mucous membranes do the rest. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. ii.'?. are generally the "result of some form of stomach trouble. Dyspepsia, Indigestion , Consti pation, Nervousness, Headaches, Kidney and Liver Complaints, in duce an' 'all gone" feeling, depressed spirits, loss of sleep and appetite. Don't feel blue. Be healthy and happy. Dr. Caldwell 's Syrup Pepsirv (A Laxative) makes healthy stomachs. Get a 50c or $1 bottle at your drug gist's today. It will make you your old self again. A trial bottle sent fr«« if your druggist hasn't it. PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY. Montlcello, Ilia. GET A GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARIC OCT TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE fT ANtt THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT fT. DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. IT IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU ASK FOR IT SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. MANUFACTURED BV The DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NEB. There Is a laughter tiuti is far more hitter than crying. JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR makes top of the market'butter. In Algeria the horses outnumber the human befng3. TEXAS RICE LANDS If Interested In Rice Culture Imreitlgate ray 30,000 acre tr»ct Of laml locked In must l^rtlle rice producing Bcclloa of 1 ^0 iiiiic wc8t of iluu.toa. HiKb pftlris, vtterwl tram ibilJow vtllt. BplcodUt railroad facilities. Big crop n»w harvesting at large proflt. Land told at prices aod term* to auii. Join ose of our cbeap excursion*. Write quick for rates, dates, etc. JOHN LINDERHOLM, - Chestervllle, Texas, Or Room I, No. 234 La Saila Straat, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR BOUNTY Land Warrants t«pnrrt n of any -war. "Write mp nt once. FI1ANK H. KEGKK, ISarth Block, Denver. Colo. WELLES' BUREAU or IMFORMATIOM DUnCHU s.,,,p]|eg riil.iliio Infor mation on any suMect--Business, .Hedl- cine, Art, (society, Singe, Personal, Any- thiuK, Anywhere*. l:einic TEN CENTS with Bend Tor "circular. 135 Lake St., CHICAGO ii Right Along A good thing lives and takes on new life, and so . - /V* Vi 11 Uf r. -,v riW nf •pear? ft. IRAK MAJW. The Old RalUMa St Jacobs Oil !: keeps right along curing Pains and Aches*. Price 85c. and OOe* Hnnrl Rivpr OREGON LANDS FOR SAL* IIUUU niTCl) A rn>acre. rolling, farm; 2-iioryjiar® finished house; cuibulldings; Irrigating ditch creck thrjiipti lar.d; ascres bearing strawberries,oi* chard and meadow, line fruit land; 4 miles from town j ruralinalldelivery. ITice.tlil Dec. l,lK3,S4,500t afwr, «.->.(,»!. Terms, tf>x) down, t.'OO Dec. 1; balanca in annual payments, 5 years. Interest Otter country pnd city )nr<l f^r faie br JOHN JLLLAIID HEKPEB.SCN, Hoed Hirer, Oi«f» CALIFORNIA LANDS: If yon are interested, I nave them fcr tale, ail tlzed tracts, at all prices,good value*, and on ca- y terrr;g. "Wrl;e me wliat yoawant, and hi TV-lnuoh Y( u want to Invest, and X will glT* you full particulars an to reuulu. THOS. H. THOMPSON, Tulare, California. Cheap Homes on Easy Terms K inducements to hemeseekers tban any state. "We raise ell kinds of fruits, grains, prunes and vegetables^ "We have fine -water. p< f,d health, no Kv.-amp^, chilfc, negros, rou^h characters, cyciones < r bilzzarda. 81x months free schorls; chnrcheg and p •, d society. Free range for stock; short wlrtere. Missouri matt 10 cms; farm lists free. CAEOOL REAL ESTAXB COBTPAHY, Cabool, Texas County, Missouri, ET A DIM C& FOR SALE--We have themranc- • **•• ** iiipr fn m ft to2\0 acres each,in th* famous Fruit Felt i f ilichipan, at prices frun 910 to S£oO per »ere. Fruit rahing pays enor mous profits. Loca ed In the rain belt,ir.aktngcrop failure unknown ; freight only 8 hours by boat, or rail to Chleapo'a great market; fen lie roll, beautiful lakes, summer resorts, fine flchlne. Write at one* for descriptive ca-alojrue of pricos. EAJCTE& IRAKE CO., Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Xichigaa. FAEK LOANS AUD REAL ESTATE-I bare for pale asectli n of high frradc. unimproved Ked Rive* Valley Land, Mar-hall County, Minn. Gord locution, soil and water; S'i'i per a« re. Will make lean so you can Mil your present farm for cash andbuyttM above which is just as good land as tlins y n now own. A. M. DRESEACH, - Rochester, MLnn. ELEGANT IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE- 1 ,(JOOacres--i u Incultlvatlou, 1 X'X> 1 n^ra?.s• plenty good water; located in Phillips Co., Kansas, 7 mltea from Logan; grasswlil take StX) cattle now; price, S12.RO per acre. If not »old before wheat low ing time, 1 rrll! reed ?;i the wheat crop oest year a* rent. Ttere will be 200 acres or more in wheat. Writ* for full particulars to J. B, HICKS, Lo^in, Kantaa, No. I.--Farm S.r0 acres-90 eercs summer fallow, ready forcn-p next spring; about acres of balaoc* could be broken; the remainder Is excellent hay an4 pasture land: enly 2*4 miles from town and elevator*, belling price $5,000, half cpsh dow n. the balance on easy terms of payr. ent. This le certainly a banral* f >ramanvrhowaiitsm1iedfarm1ng. No. 2.- Farm 640 acres--Sitnete In fatt-ed "I.i\ u Creek restrict,** This is virgin prairie ar.d cannot be excelled forquaV ity of soil, belling price $8,CC0; half eath t»4.i>00) down; the balance In three anuual payments. I bar* several other farms for sale in tlio best wheat dis tricts of Manitoba and the Northweft Territories. For further particulars .ind Jlvtof other pn periies apply to Fred, Brook, Bank of Commerce Block, Elgin, r* Improved Ranch for Sale.--Ranch for sale about T miles north of IH'l Rio. Tex.; 40.000 a errs, all under pood 5-\vire fence: half deeded.balance leaded. One of the best Improved ranches between San Antonio ant El Paso.Tex. An abundance of » ater.n ell distributed over tho range; 1 400 head of improved cows and Be»- eral hundred calves for sale with thersnrh.oraep*- ratcly Forprice.tcrms.etc..write Box£7,I>t'lKio,Ter. Fine rami lor Sale: balance ttmbcrnnd fine pasture; good improvement* and water; near school and prosperous town iEse* naba^; everything tlrft-Cass; hni r other Interests de manding mv attentl< n. Vrtcn $7,500. Tenn arranged If detlred. Address JACOB JElrSEN, Eecaoaba, Mick BARGAINS IN MINNESOTA AND SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS TERMS EASV. Buy while within yoitr reaelk. Agents wanted t•> pr'n-ure aeeker*. Write for full purtlealai*. H0RSWILL S LAND AGENCY, WATERTOWN, S. DAK. GOOD HOMES--GOOD HOMES In Morton Co., N. Dakota. $6 to$lC per.*v, One crop puys for best f.irm in North west. Plenty water. Splendid stock and dairy country. Abundunce of roul. Rail roads, towns, markets, churches, schools. Come, see, and believe. Add. J.H. RV ck, Treas. State M inn., < r Good Homes L.ind Co., 514 Kndlcott Bldg.,St. Paul, Minn. GOOD HOMES GOOD HOMES Kield lift himself because heili'l not go to The Pioneer Land Co. FOR SALE--!?,000acre* of Improved farming lands In Lac Qui Parte Co.,Minn. These lands are a choice lot and Lac Qui Tarie la one of the best countiesia this State. We have also 47,000 acres of carefully te- lectcd wild and improred lands In &.ir;;eaut and PUkey counties. No. Dak. For p.irtlouiars. write Th» Pioneer Land Co., 503-80# Manhattan B!dg., St Fan! IF YOU WANT A 000D FARM WHERE ONE CROP WILL PAY FOR THE LAND, come to RANSOM COUNTY, N. D., where jam can see this kind of a crop tills year, and as fine land aa there is in the world, at from SI8.00 to S2S«Qp per acre. For fnr'her particulars cull oa or Writ* ROURKK'B LAND, LOAN & INSURANCE AGJSMK LIBSON, NORTH DAKOTA. By b nying rich farm land* In SOUTH DAKOTA, The best soil; puro water; healthful climate. We raise corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye. timothy and clover. Tb* flnePt laud for horses, cattle, sheep •ndbo^x. 200 creameries, wakait 100,000 arret) from the MinnesotallM to tiM Missouri River. Wrtt^ ua. BLOOM & MARTIN Agents wanted. W atertowm, 8. Bak. MICHIGAN LAND8 40 aerst or 40,000 acrt* I*rg« and small tracts. WboleMte and retail, for f r u i t raisi n g, stock raisin* and general farming. 100 percent profit in special bargain* Send for circular!. Michigan land Association, Miafstet, Welu IMPROVED FARMS WHK buildings, $10,00 to $2^9% RAW LANDS $5.00to$lM®> ,r% 'WESTERN LAND CO., «• Mam St., Winnipeg, Canada* Central South Dakota Farm Lattflr and Stock Ranohos I'luu^y^anfth" art.'-'lan and natuiv.l t»s belt region and tribatary I » the Capital of tUe State. Soli a deep black loam and unexcelled In quality. Splendid native grassea and corn, wheat and oats successfully grown. South Dakota wi;ia;:aln maintain this year her high peneral crop average. Choice lauds for sale at prices : :ui£tnfc from $8.00 to $1&.00 per acre. N<> better Held for In vestment than the low priced of Ctvitrtl Soath Dakota. Established 1838. WILLIAM W. WAXT1, dealer in Western Farm Lands. Blunt, South•> fr-rty RANCHING FROF0SITIOK! Just A) r.iticj ivest«f Winnipeg enl frontlnj? oa a deep fresh tor lake \\ hich contains several Mndsoffl'b. 10 acrts bush, 49 seres meadow, balance prairie. No ><Une; tood soil. One sail* from Mutton. Price $3,800. joining lirproved farm held at »a5 per acre. OAKES LAND CO. H6 Main £t.s Wiaaipeg, *•* DOLLAR WHEAT If ron want a farm in the "dollar wheat belt" writj for our booklet--"J.AN1> WEALTH," giving de scriptions of the finest in tho West. If you want to eell your land wo obtain Inchest prices for it. Ou. booklet--"How W*DO1T' - free. Don t buy or aelS land till you see us. VirlaDdLaod&lBv.Co. ST. PAUL, M IKN , & liX • t f In (Ct'ii^t: specia! inducement* on 50,009 cf stock and amiculuirai lands in Cass. CiowWi Aitkin. Becker, Hubbard and licit:aim coubuM either to actual settlers or for investment, iu scnaM or large tracts, for the neit r.inet* days. V«9 libera] discounts, Will be pleased to k«M parti«a Interested. 316-318 ENDICOTT BLDO, B. Si BARTLETT. ST. PAUL, Gen. M*n«r»r, Min» W. N. u. CHICAGO, N6. 40, 1903, When Answering Advertisements