lie Nclienry Plaiodedler PUBL$UE1> EVERY THURSDAY BY THE McHCHRY PLAINDCALER COMPANY. F. K. GRANGER. W. A. CRUSTY. J. B. PERRY, ,.<L Pres. . Bee. Tre^.„;, s, '" OEAS. D. SOHOOHMA***, Edltor. ,v • ©fee In Bank Building. Telephone, &o. tit* TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year.. .... 81x month*, fmM : -- ".two .Three months. 40 eta. October it 1903. GROVE ITEMS {People of Spring Grove and vicinity ^Wiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money vith Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, our correspond ent. The subscrijtfion price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] J. O. McLean spent the Sabbath at Lake Villa. £. A. French entertained his brother the first of the week. : Otto Pease entertained a brother and cousin from Chicago Sunday. Anton Schaffer did carpenter work St Fox Lake the last of the week. Mrs. Irving Overton and little dauglj* ter visited Solon relatives Sunday. • Mrs. Mary Carey spent last week Thursday with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pierce visited'He bron relatives the first of the week. Mesdames C. B. Cole and R. A. Ox toby were McHenry callers Tuesday. J. W. Sanborn transacted business at the county seat last week Thursday. Miss Clara Andrews spent several days recently with Grayslake friends. Mrs. Sarah Wilson entertained sever al Richmond ladies one day last week. Mrs. Cora Richardson and daughter, Ena, did shopping in the big city Satur day. Mr. Conn and Miss Stone of Hebron called on friends here Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Janette Turner spent several days last week with Solon relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conway from south of McHenry were callers here Monday. Mrs. C. L. Turner of Solon called on her sister, Mrs. D. W. Lichty, one day last week. AttorneyE. V. Orvis of Waukegan attended to business in this vicinity the ftrst of the week. Miss Annie Kemler attended the fu- . Aeral of her aunt, Mrs, Nett, at Wilmot Monday morning. '* Mr. and Mrs. J. F- Thompson of Wil mot spent the Sabbath with B. A. Stevens and family. Oliver Neish went to Woodstock Sun- , day where he has accepted a position in the typewriter factory. * Attorney Edd Welsh was down from Waukesha the first of the week attend ing to things at the farm. The farmers have begun harvesting ! tfieir corn and report a much better drop than they at first expected. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman went to Chicago Monday evening to attend the funeral of a brother's child. - At the annual election of officer^ for creamery association, Joe Eatner and Steve Huff were elected as direct- 4IB and John Qubracht secretary. While sawing wood one day last tieek, Jack Harris had his foot badly injured by a large log rolling on it. .Dr. Bremken is taking charge of the fractured member. The eupper given by the ladies of the , JBbglish Prairie Cemetery society, at the lUtll last week Thursday was a grand •access. The proceeds of the evening footed up to just $10.86. These sup pers are becoming very popular and all Who attend are sure of a fine supper a v pood social time and at the same time ate helping a noble cause. - Several of Mrs. W. R. James' friends •nd neighbors gathered at her home ' last Friday evening and gave her a genuine surprise, that day bring her birthday anniversay. The evening was .aftent in games and social chat. Delici ous refreshments were served and the Iftour to depart-}for| home came all to soon. Mrs. James was presented with a beautiful rocking chair as a slight token <» respect SOCIAL. There will be a necktie social at the town hall in Spring Grove on Oct. 2. Ladies will make two neckties just alike, put one in the lunch-box and the other around their neck. The lunch- box&Rftll be sold to the highest bidder, who upon finding his tie will proceed to capture as his partner for supper, the young lady with the Corresponding- tie. There will be lots of fun for all. A fine program is in preparrtion. The pro ceeds will be for the benefit of the Sunday school. The program is to be arranged without a committee, and will be both unique and entertaining. SUNDAY SCHOOL. At the regular election of officers at the Sunday sch ol last Sunday the old officers were all re-elected. Miss Ella Richardson received the Bible class prize, Geo. Richardson and Glen Esh each received a solid gold prize, and eight others received valuable prises. The prizes vtfere all awarded either for faithfulness or diligence and the young people should feel proud of this success ful quarter. TERRA COTTA. Geo. Bay. Jr., is visiting at S. B. Leisner's this week. W. F. Wilcox moved to W. McHenry the first of the week. J. H. Gracv and son. Royal, visited in Chicago Saturday. H. Stolpe was down from Crystal Lake for a few hours Saturday. Miss Ethel Baer of Chicago is spend ing the week at Emil Steffler's. Tom Ames was doing jury duty at Woodstock the first of the week. Francis Baer was visiting at E. Stef- fiin's the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway and children spent Sunday at Jos. Buss*. Ellis D. Gates was out from the city and spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. A. F. Chamberlain of Canton, 111., has been visiting at C. L. Buck's this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gates have re turned from a three weeks' sojourn at Mobile, Ala. Misses May and Lizzie Ames are at tending the centennial celebration in Chicago this week. Geo. Smith went to Chicago Saturday to view the illumination that evening. He returned Sunday. Mrs. Rogers of Austin was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan and family the first of the week. Mrs. C. A. Lidell was hooked by a cow Saturday, which gave her quite a shaking up but did not seriously hurt her. Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Munson returned to their home in Kenton, O., after a two weeks' visit at H. Magoon's and P. F. Hunt's. Among those who took in the "Prison City" excursion from here Thursday were Lon Erickson, Ed. Siabold, Ray McMillan, C. B. Buck and Earl Jacobs. Deficit of $3,000. At* meeting of the executive com mittee of the McHenry County Fair association, held in Woodstock last week, it was found there was a deficit of $3,000. This amount will be pro vided for by the management giving notes, endorsed by thirty of the officers and members of the association through out the county. These will be negot i ated this week and all the bills paid at once. The liberality of some of the officers and friends of the association is not only highly commendable, but very en couraging to the association. H. T. Thompson of Marenejo, who had charge of the dining hall, donated his expense bills and premiums, amounting to $80. Fremont Hoy, treasurer of the associa- ation, gave his salary and expenses, amounting to $62, to the association. In addition to these evidences of liberal- it}" and generosity, several laborers and others having accounts against the as sociation, are donating all or a portion of their accounts, and many premium holders have likewise signified rheir in tention to do likewise with the amounts due them:--Marengo News. Anxious Momenta. Some of the most anxious hours of a mother's life are those when the little ones of t£& household have the croup. There is no other medicine so effective in this terrible malady as Foley's Hon ey and Tar. It is a household favorite for throat and lung troubles, and as it contains no opiates or other poisons it can be safely given. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, 111. A Familiar Subject. Wife (after returning from church)-- You should have been in church this morning. We had a beautiful sermon. Husband--I'll bet you can't repeat the text Wife--Yes, I can. It Was the tenth verse of the sixteenth chapter of Kze- kiel, "I girded thee. about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk." Husband--Hu^! It is no wonder yon remember it Riches. That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy beings; that man is the rich est who, having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest helpful influence, both per sonal and by means of his possessions, over the lives of others.--John Ruskin. Selflebneee.. Selfishness in some form Is at the foundation of most of our unhappiness and misery. If we could analyze all the suffering in the world and trace it back to its first cause we should prob ably find that selfishness was the great est factor in creating It. EAST FOX LAKE. Mrs. Walter Atwell is convalescent. Mrs. Robert Hook and Mrs. Sorenson are on the'sick list. Mrs. C. Hall and daughters of Grays lake were callers here last Tuesday. Corn b'nding is in ^progress now, al though the most of it is rather green. M. L. Galiger and daughter, Grace, were Fort Hill visitors Friday after noon. Fred A. Galiger has returned to the School of the Evangelists at Kimberlin Heights, Tenn. Jessie Hook got her arm broken last Monday evening. Dr. Shaffer reduced the fracture and she is doing nicely. Misses Nina Hobart and Mary Brott of McHenry county were the guests of Miss Grace Galiger for several days last week. Broke Into His House. 8. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt, wa% robbed of his customary health by in vasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guar anteed to cure. 25c at Julia A. Sto: McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W Henry, drug stores. She Paid For Virtue. "My dear," said a lady to a friend who was complaining of a servant "you can't expect all the virtues for $12." "But I pay $15," was the practical response. * Diplomats get more profit by listen ing than by talking even when they talk well.--Hanoti>ux. Want Column. All a4vertiH*>tm>nts inserted under this head av the followinf? rat*'*: Five linen or lesn, 86 cents for first insertion: 15 <««*nts for each subnequent insertion. More than tivo lines, 5 fi-ntH a line for llrnt insertion, and 3 cent* a line for additional Insertions. TJ^ANTEL)--SEVERAL PERSONS O» CHAB- * * actor and good reputation in each state (one In this county required) to represent and advertise old established and wealthy busi ness house of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self addressed envelope, street, Chicago. Colonial. 3H2 Dearborn o-iet T3V)R SALE-One bay horse, wt. 1240, one x bay mare, wt. 1150. Both are young, sound, and good workers in any harness. 9 tf Call on- WM.BON8I.ETT. T^OR SALE--130-acre farm X inile south of x McHenry. Inquire of 13-3t* Jos. SCHAJMB. Xpoii SALE--A few choice heifers. In num- -1- bers to suit the purchaser and prices to suit the times. - Inquire of F. K. GRANGER, 13-2t* West McHenry. pOTTAGE FOR RENT-A v cot.tiiire. wit.h collar und . Ible pii „ months up to the first of April. Rent |30. 13tf Villas cottage, with cellar and barn, at Howell's Will rent to reliable five-room farm Lrn. at H( arty for winter "EV3R RENT--Six room house In West Mc- -1- Henry; cellar, good water In house and all conveniences. Also good barn. Inquire of FRED SCHNORR, W. McHenry. 14-tf T7VOR SALE--80 acres, improved, Tnneau Co., " Wis., 31,500; 130 acres, improved, Juneau county, Wis., $2,000: SO acres. Improved, Ju neau county. Wis., $1,000. Cheap fare. In quire of 11. A. ROWLEY, Nunda, 111. Xj^OUND-- Lady's Jacket, in road on streets of McHenry. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. Gall at F. J. Herbws' residence, McHenry. Excursion Bates to Peoria (111.) Corn Expo sition and Carnival, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates Oct. 14 to 24, inclusive, limited to re turn until Oct. 26, inclusive. Apply to Agents Chicago North-Western R'y Oct. 24. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, die- courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney -trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder, trouble, and both heed the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar stees. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home of Swauip Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this„paper. STORING. jry's, Mc- Clean, Sanitary, Airy Storerooms are used while ageing. Dudley's Famous Coffees One secret of the delicious flavor of these coffees is the absolute freedom from mold or taint due to dampness or foul aic- Light, airy storerooms are used -- not dark, damp basements -- and great care is taken to keep pure air circulating through these rooms at all times. An even temperature is also maintained. RESULT -- Most delicious aroma and flavor ever found in coffee. They cost no more than ordinary cofiees. M. J. WALSH. HOLD KXOM NIVK1.V IN T1II8 CITY BY "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.' I )Beeii>wfeo<eaei HKMKKTOOOOOOSY >><L lire Vou Satisfied with the Shoes you have been wearing? Do they give gdod service? If not, let us sell you a pair. We know the business from the "heel" up and guarantee -every Shoe that goes out to be as re presented. New fall stock is now in, consisting of the best in Calf, Kangaroo, Vici Kid, Enamels and Patent Leather. Shoes for all--men, women and Children. The most complete line in McHenry. Fall Dress Goods Our line is complete. Fancy Waistings and Suit ings and everything, in Dress Goods. ^Ladies should not fail to see the display, also the new Pall Hats. Everything in Children's Headwear. A PULL lIlNE OF SWEATERS. w^ns^w.8"*"- F. A. BOH LANDER fA Penivy *S«ved if! sx Penivy** Yo\ir will be- tOMivCed by dollars i^yoxi use. BEN-HUR FLOUR • fr, • Jr..";. I-'* Vsack of Ben Hur Flour and see how much longer it lasts thiftthe flour you been using. Then figure out how many sacks less Ben Hur woutif be required to supp \your family for a year and you will see what Ben Hur can do for you as a money savci Economy is only oneof the good things which Ben Hur Flour will brine to your home 7--rrs > Light Bread which keeps fresh and mpist for a long period, Dainty Rolls that you never saw the cqijlil of before, and the* Choicest Cake and Pies are the results of its use. A poor cook does better with Ben Hut" than with an other flour. A good cook who has worked hard to make light Bread and tempting dainties from lour which dl not have tbd'toodness in it, will be delighted with the magical results obtained by Ben Hrr.' When we buy wheat to make Ben Hur Flour we select the choicest grain grown in the great Northwest. Before thft toheat Is crushed it is thoroughly washed by special machinery- After it is made into f. jur it is handled and packed in In spected cars by intelligent men oMife-Iong experience, and every barrel is tested before it leaves our mills. All this because we want every pouod of Ben Hur Flour to increase our reputation for" quality and .economyt, Ben. Hue Flour, costs you 00 more than Jbe inferior kind. If it isn't better you need not buy it again. M A D E B Y ̂ ROYAL MILLING CO., MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. ' ptflJV The"adventures of the "BEN-HUR DOUGH BOYS," in fult bright colors witfi rhymes and pictures arranged to entertain and delight the children, will be sent to any address upon receipt of 8 cents in stamps (to pav cost of mailing), and the card or bill bead of.any local retail grocer who doe* not sell UEN-fiUR Flour. Address ROYAL MILLING COMPANY, Minneapolis, Mian. : ' | ^ M e n t i o n t h i s p a p e r . Farmers! -I AM AGENT tfOK THE CELEBRATED- HHIlllE and OSBORNE BIRDERS AND MOWERS which femong the best makes in the country And I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Parmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices and you'll never regret it. Will flbon have a car load of Twine. siuuiiSUUluiIliaftllllllAIAaiAllllllllAlllki^lllAlifeftlAfellAftlliyiAIIAIIftllllllftlllllUiiU&iUI nlWWIWfWWIHWWWnwniTmTfnnilTinnnnfinTirwinnwnm^Tnifnii>iiiiiiniT> New styles for fall are here, in 5uits Skirts Jackets Capes Wrappers Sweaters Shoes Dress goods Everything complete PRICES ALWAYS CORRECT W, C. EVANSON. ur Fall Stock is now here and ready for your inapeottoa. We have bought a larger and better stock of Pall and Winter Goods this year than ever before, owing to the increasing pat ronage. Why is it that people from all over the county come to do their buying of us? |t is simply because we sell our goods at the lowest possible prices and deal |lonestly. Drop in and look over our stock whether you intend to buy or not. We are iflways pleased to show our Goods. West McHenry. J. Hvirwitz. =»F= Professional, Society a.nd Businesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHFSIOIAN, 8UKGEON AND OOTJLIOT. V Office and residence earner Elta MM Green streets, McHenry. C. II. K'E(JERS, Mi D. y pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHenry. *- 111. Office at Residence, corner Court and fl9&g$rf>ei$. Xeleyhoue SJ3. • y I^NIGIITABBOWN, ATTORNEYS AT' LAW. 100Washington "• street, Chicago, III. D. T. SMILEY. A TTORP^EY, Counselor, Solicitor and No tary I ublic. Will give prompt and im mediate attention to all business 111 trusted to his care. Office in Hoy's Blpdt. Woodstock, II " F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office over l'etesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAININU K) MODEItN OKNTI8TRT Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. : Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. SUNDAY, WORK BY APPOWTMjtNT OWXjY. THE NEW DENTIST ON THE WEST UNA DR.i R. G. CHAMBERLXN Office over Hoars from Beslev's Drug Store. 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMkEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Dcutscher A ret.) Spring Grove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. HcHENRY ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitoro. Prank Keppier, John Scbtrns, 92 Mfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure with home agents, smooth-tongue strangers sometimes lead people astray. WEST MCHENRY. - - III. , Telephone No. 393. " SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LOOGK, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays In each month-. S. S. CI1APELL, W. M. C. R. THURLWELL. Socy. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F., meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MAHY Conn, Chief Ranger. MRS. MATILDA MEVEUS. ST.rret.arv. M. W. A. --Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Stof- feTs Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. C. MEAD Clerk. C. O. F. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month In Forester Hall. ANTON ENOELN, Chief Rauger. JOHN NEISS, Recording Secretary. Louis OERTJKL, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. KAHBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees- John Heluier, Anton En gel n. Ben Lauer. O. O. F. 8t. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each mouth in Forester Hall. James Hughes, C. R. Walter IJolger. R. S. Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now all over the World. For sale by All Leading Dealers CROUP Croup and Inflammation of the larynx ar* I Mttevad and permanently cured by the u»s ol On* ttlouM Cough Cure. This naver tatting prescription Df an eminsnt phys!clan_was el von tha name of ONB MINUT E. COUGH UUKt because insiani relief oaa ilwqra followed Its ua*. It takea effect at the aaat«f the trouble and acts 00 the Inflamed membranes (tead of paaslnt wholly Into the stomach and dnicgtag Mr MmMfytat tha system. Clrea re Be/ Instantly. CURED It destroys the dlssase term, dsars th. pfcletia Imrsovt the Inflammation, thus removing the MM and curtnc permanently. One Minute Couch Csre It perfectly Harmless, (ood for children and they like Nfe lute. Prepared only by E.C. DeWitt St Co., Chlcan, to Meatranedy for children. Do not fortet the ONE MINUTE For sale by all Druggist*. .A VJ!' Ml •k'.-. AT