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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1903, p. 7

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Stoves Stoves Stoves ' . - pr-; Now is tbe time to look for your Winter Stores and OSMUJf U ^ BEOS \ is the place to find the largest and best assaortwen^:^ '•}$• ever fchowji in McHENRY. Also a fine assortment of Flans>/.f* 'l'\ nels, Dress Goods and Shoes, which for price and quality,' ,' /' defy competition.^ f . 'osnuN BROS., ndHEMgr, General Hardware, -Dry Goods, - -Shoes --Notions. chool Supplies! EVERYTHING IN PENS, PENCILS, • SLATES, TABLETS, INKS, ETC . . . PVLX. UNK or DR VGSI J. S. Brown & Son, Ring wood Millinery & j Furnishings In connection with or.r 4 and 10 cent department we have put in a large line of new and 'and np to date Millinery i and children's and la- Furnishings! consisting $ Shirt Waists Wrappers Hats, Hoods Etc. if you yon wish to buy a snlt ready made for woman or child we will take your order and guarantee to fill it satis­ factorily. Hundreds of articles at 5c and ioc. ! Nr. and Mrs. Emil Snyder I j Ostrander Block, West McHenry. !;>; BANK This Bank receives deposits, ,buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does * AITOML BAKKDK BUSINESS. We'endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our cart? in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE ;!& First Class Companies, at the Low titrates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* AMERICA'S | BEST | REPUBLICAN PAPER I Editorially PearlcM. i "it- • 2 . CmlitMtly Republican Always * News from all parts of the world. J Well-written, original stories. An- Jf swers to queries on all subjects. Jf Articles on Health, the Home, New Jf Books and on Work About tbe S Farm and Garden. S The Weekly Inter TON | -- -- S the Associated Press and also is the only Western newspaper receivinR tfc the entire telegraphic news service £ of the New York Sun, and special £ cable of the New York World, be- $ sides dally reports from over 2,000 £ special correspondents throughout £ the country, No pen can tell more £ folly why »\ Is the best . paper oa § earth. * - S | K IWfLVf PAOF PAPF(!S H | ' S HM dollar a vear. $ • Brimful of news from everywhere and • S a perfect feast of special matter. J s • % X * | Subscribe for The Plaindealer * Sand the Weekly Inter Ocean one jt year, both papers for - - Sa.oo ^ McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, III. Abstract* of title and con- reyancing. Money to loan on real estate Id Bums of 1600 to 910,000, time and payment tc> •ait borrower. DeWHt's JKUf Salve JOHNSBl'^GH. Vtm. Oefiling and family werein Volo Sunday. Nick Martin of Chicago ia visiting Geo. Nell. John Pitzen of Yolo was here one day last week. f Miss Clara Lay visited Miss Martha Niesen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Britz were Sunday callers in McHenry. Mrs. Wm. Hay of Spring Grove was here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller are the happy parents of a baby boy. Miss Tillie Hetterman is home from Bnrlington, Wis., where she visited friends for a few weeks. Miss Hetterman accompanied by Henry Rossmann's children of Burling­ ton, Wis., are visiting friends here. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 8.45 a m 12.;#) p m. 3.45 p m... 5.01 p m... 9.10 am... 2.08 p m... Leave McHenry. 7.32 am 8.30 am 4.45 pm 6.17 pm.... 7.Hip.... 6.16 p m Effective Oct. 3, 190# WEBK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via Elgin Via Elgin Via Des Plaines Via Des Plalnes.... SUNDAY TRAINS. . ..Via Des Plaines..... Via Elgin WI1K DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Elgin. Via Des Plaines Via Elgin Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin Via Elgin Arrive McHenry ... 10.0s a m 2.45 p tn ...-4.45 p m . . .<1.40 p m ;..1L14 a m ... 4.53pm Arrive Ghlcago. . ..10.10 a m .. .9.35 a m ....7.10 p m 7.50 p ni . ..10,20 a m 8.46 p m Fancy Grocers | i Our stock of Groceries 1 is more complete in | every linp than ever before. If you are haviqg any difficulty in getting what you wish in Fancy Groceries and Provisions at general ; stores or when in need ; of strictly fresh, high- j grade eatables, we in- J vite your inspection of J our stock. We are now J receiving fresh arrivals j of | New (wed foil j of all kinds. j Fancy Irish Mackerel, j large size, per lb... 15c J Ex. large White Fish, J per pound 12£c J Boneless Strip Codfish j per pound 12£c j Boneless Cod in 1 lb. j tablets 10c j New Holland Herring, j extra fat Milkers,, per j pound 7|c J New spiced Herring, j pei pound........ 10c j Fish in Tins , H of all kinds. Good Imported -Bar- J dines, per tin.,.... 10c j Norwegian smoked sar- 1 dines, per tin...... 15c ] Brook Trout, 3 pound | tins, per tin 25c " Smoked Herring, kip- j pered in tomato' sauce, per tin 20c J Fancy boneless Herring J | in glass Jars, per jar 10c ] \ Canned Salmon, a good ] one, 3 cans for 25c j McRenry, Illinois CtliiMMMMMNMMHM N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents RINOWOOD. Birdie Small syewt Sunday with her parents here! *• s / Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd were Wood­ stock visitors last week. J. E. Cristy is holding a special sale on linen and underwear this week. Mesdames L. C. Mead and O. C. Ta bor were Chicago visitors last week. Grandma Brown is a guest at the home of Seymour W his ton at Tryon 8 Corners. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hanly of McHen­ ry were callers at J. Y. Buckland's Son- day evening. Mrs. A. E. Holmes* who has been quite sick the past week, is muph im­ proved at this writing. Rev. Lauck preached his farewell sermon Sunday. He goes Wednesday to attend the conference now in session at Anrora. H. Simmons of Chicago, who repre­ sents the Illinois Home for Orphans, oc­ cupied the pulpit at the M. E. church Snnday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Birke of Chicago, who have spent the summer at the German Village, near McHenry, were here look­ ing over the grounds at J. V. Back- land 's recently. Dr. Karl Streah of Chicago spent several hours with J. V. Buckland Snn­ day. The doctor contemplates build­ ing a sanitarium on the A. L. Howe farm near McHenry. KiHKKALU PARK. Harry Bacon of Chicagcf spent Snnday with friends here. ' v Thos. A. Frisbyof Elgin spent Sun­ day with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited Jno. Knox and family Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Berkircher and H. Ber- kircher were Wauconda visitors Snnday. Misses Anna Frisby and Mary Gibbs spent a day last week at John Walsh's, near Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flahorty of Elgin spent last week visiting relatives in this vicinity. Messrs. Vincent and Clyde Martin of Wauconda were calleris in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. Richard Ay 1 ward had the misfortune to cut his hand quite severely while cat­ ting corn Tuesday. Miss Margaret Sutton returned Snn­ day from a two weeks' visit with Chi­ cago and Elgin relatives. Miss Nellie Frisby is spending a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Givens, at McHenry. - Mac Sutton started last Tuesday for South Dakota, where he will visit with relatives for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday here. They closed Oak Villa cottage for the reason Monday. Miss Ella Ross of Lyons, la., who has been spending the past few weeks at John Armstrong's, returned with them to River Forest Wednesday. John Armstrong spent a few days the first of this week here. Wednesday he closed his cottage, after a long season, and went with his family to their new home at River Forest. S. W. Kerr, a prominent business man of Hurricane, Wis,, says, "Yonr cough medicine, Harts' Honey and Hore hound, is a good seller and seams to give excellent satisfaction." Harts' Honey and Horehound contains no opium or other stupefying drugs and is the best medicine in existence today for Croup and Whooping Cough and the only safe one to giye to small children. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. Sold by G. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. Rfty Years tfas Standard lamvis 1h§ flror Md idii to tn« htalihfulntss of th« fotd. PRICE BAKING POWDER OO. CHiOAOO SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiritt; to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turii er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cento for six months. Eld.] Dr. Herrick of Hebron made a call here Monday. t Ed. Cropley has been very sick the past few days. Little Sam was selling dress patterns around Solon Tuesday, John Strang was in town recently buying cattle and hogs. Willie Turner of Chicago is visiting relatives at Solon and Hebron. Miss Hattie and Charley Westlake were Twin Lake visitors Monday. Mrs. Frank Wester man has been a Chicago visitor the past few days. George Frey and family were visitors at Geneva Lake the first of the week. Will Sherman has been painting Ed. Cropley'8 house and it looks very neat. Mesdatnes Chas. Wooster and Fuller are entertaining their mother from In­ diana. Miss Etta Patterson has returned to stay with her sister after a two years' visit in Montana. Harry Osmond and Mr. Campbell and families were visitors at Fred Wilson's, near Fox river, Sunday. Geo. Vogel, Wm. Overton, E. T/ Mo- near, Bert Sutton and others from this place were at McHeury Inst Saturday. Grandma Cornish entertained about 50 of her relatives and friends one day last week in nonor of her 66th birthday. P.. K. Wright, Richmond's under­ taker, was here Sunday and.took charge of the body of Andrew lie, a bridge builder for the C. M. & St. P., who was killed by the train. The remains were sent to Mr. He's home at Shanon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hodge, old settlers of the town of Richmond, were somewhat surprised Tuesday when about 40 of their relatives gathered at their home in honor of their 55th wed­ ding anniversary. The occasion will be long remembered by those who were present and it is hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Hodge may live to see many more such days. Many beautiful presents were left as tokens of esteem. After having a picture taken of the group by Miss Alioe Reading the company de­ parted for their homes feeling well paid for having such a gathering BAKRKVIIXB. Miss Clara Thompson spent Friday in Chicago. Ed. Fleming of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives herel John Hunter and Richard Fleming were Emerald Park visitors Sunday. Fred Wilmington of Nunda was call ing on friends here one evening last week. Miss Frances Fleming spent last Fri day and Saturday with Miss Clara Thompson. Capt. Chas. Tryon of Woodstock was here a few days this week on the dis trict drainage survey. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lock wood are soon to move here from Chicago Mr. Lock wood will work for Mr. Gracy on the farm. [Too late for last week.] Elmer Wilmington spent last Spnday with relatives at Nunda. Frank Griswold of Ringwood spent few days at Thos. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Bratzler of Algonquin called on Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fleming of Woodstock were calling on relatives here Sunday. HOUMN BVILLK. . Mrs. Hallabiflni visited at Mrs. Silver's Friday. David Powers visited at John Phalens Sunday. Mrs. J. K^ox of McHenry was a caller ire last week. MrTai here and Mrs. John Zenk visited rel atives here Sunday. Mrs. Laughlin of McHenry visited at Wm. Doherty's Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Willey and children called on Mrs. F. Hobart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hose of Woodstock vis ited at Fred Willey's Thursday. Mrs. B. F. Peck and Miss Iva Hoffman returned home from Ohio Saturday. |£Misses Bridget and Mary Doherty •pent Sunday afternoon at W. Power's. Frank McMillan spent Sunday even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. Mrs. Henry McMillan and Miss Iva Hoffman were Woodstock visitors Tues­ day. Miss Georgia Thompson of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Henry Mc Millan. I T O R I A . •Tfia Kind You Have Alt' Bean tin TQiJ Have Always Harness^Snaps for ticket berth From Chicago Daily, Sept. 15 to Nov. 30* via the Santa Fe One-way second class tickets, good in , v tourist Sleepers. Stop-overs in California Remember it's "Santa Fe all the w^y" from Chicago through to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Atchlsop, Topdu 6. Santa Fe v--' J. M. McConr*«ll. ' G«n. Agt., 109 Ad&mt St., 4* • d "snaps" in harness for horse owners. There's 'complete stock of all the little things required in $he harness room and stable--Rivets, Hooks, Ter- > itets, Hame Trimmings, Harness Menders and snaps Of every variety. Breast Chains, Heel Chains and Trace Chains, too, of the best design and quality. Besides selling all kinds of light, medium and heavy harness at moderate prices we can supply such parts as may be needed for repairs. McHenry, III. Gus Carlson . ' H.* SPRING GROVE ITEMS [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiriug to subscribe for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money with Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, our correspond­ ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed. ] David Shales and family are moving to Wilmot. J. O. McLean spent the Sabbath at Lake Villa- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby spent the Sabbath with Antioch friends. W. W. Lichty has gone to the city to resume his veterinary studies. Dr. Bremken attended to business in Chicago one day recently. Mrs. J. W. Bell of Ringwood visited relatives here last Saturday. Miss Sarah Wilson ie spending several days with Waukegan relatives. John Westlake of Chicago spent the first of the week in this vicinity. John Lawson of Park Ridge visited at Wm. Harris' the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pierce entertained Keystone relatives one day last week. Mrs. E. E. Wright of Wilmot was a pleasant caller here the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Carey and daughter, Lucy, were McHenry visitors the last of the week. < Jesse Wingert of Chicago spent Sat­ urday night and Sunday here with friends. Mart Hoffman, Jr. of Bassetts, Wis., called on friends in this place Monday morning. Mrs Lissie Neish and Miss Mabefle attended to business at Solon Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. R. Pierce and Miss Fdna Pierce were Richmond callers one day last week. Attorney D. T. Smiley of Woodstock attended to legal business here the last of the week. Mrs. Frank Waterman and sons left for their new home in the South Tues­ day morning. Mesdames J. M. Westlake and R. A. Oxtoby visited Wilmot friends last Fri­ day afternoon. John Nett, one of Wilmot's leading business men, wm calling on friends here Thursday. Mesdaines James and Irving Overton and babies visited Solon relatives the last of the week. Jas. Pierce was np from Pistakee Bay and visited his parents and friends one day last week. Mrs. Ben Williarus spent one day last week with her sister, Mrs. Eugene Sar age, at Channel Lake. John Karls was in tbe eity Tuesday purchasing another large supply of clothing for the store. Mr. and Mrs Ray Gould were down From Hebron and spent the Sabbath here with their parents. Misses Nettie Motley. Edna Pierce and little Francis Ereun l were Solon callers Monday afternoon. Miss Lora Lichty, who is teaching near Crystal Lake, spent Saturday and Snnday with her parents here. Mrs. Jabez Motley and daughter. Miss Nettie, of English Prairie called on friends here Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Pierce enter tained a gentleman friend from Bassetts Station, Wis., last Friday afternoon. The necktie social last Friday night was well attended and a nice little sum was added to tbe Sunday school treas ury. Mr. and Mrs. Selim Pierce, Miss Lil­ lian Sanborn and Prof. E. A. Truax took a pleasure trip to Chicago Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Torboss drove down from Hebron in their anto Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. George Gould. R. V. Thompson a"d bride have re­ turned from the West and will soon be at home to their friends on their farm just east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osmond and children of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and children of Solon spent the Sabbath at Fred Wilson's. The worst storm of the season visited this vicinity Tuesday night. The wind blew a perfect gale and tbe rain fell in torrents until after midnight. Tbe sec­ tion men were kept busy nearly all nightjtgeping the track in repair and setting out danger signals to guard against accidents. Tbe following was taken from the Waukegan Daily Sun of October 1: "This noon Attorney Elmer Oryisenter- taiued members of the Illinois Abstract company at the Summit Hotel at a game dinner. He had just returned from a hunt at Grass Lake and brought back about "l twenty-five ducka." Elmer has many friends here who will be glad to hear of his success as a sportsman' as wall as a soldien and attorney. Of course we believed him when he said he killed all those ducks himself. ' -:v?. '• • j Excnrstoa Ticket* to St. Paul and Mtnne- <- apolls and Return. will be sold by the North-Western Line daily until November 80; 1903, from ^i^Henry, 111., at $15.84 for the round trip, limited to return until December 15. 190?- Apply to Agents Chicago & North-Wcrtern fif. <**.«!. a.; The Way to Save Money. Find the p'ace wherein dollar goes farthest and put your dollar in that place. Read advertisements, but not the ads of just one man; read the other fellow's, too Compare their prices and then their goods. Remember price alone doesn't mean much. Follow these rules and you will save money--and we will get your business. Ladies' All Wool Fall Eton Jackets 98c; Good Fleeced Hose If) and 18c per pair; 825 pair Men's } Wool Pants, gen­ uine $1 50 and $1.75 goods; 98c and $1.29; Ladies' 50 inch Boas, with six tails, 6oc; Handsome 72 in. Double Fnr Scarfs $1.79; Men's Canvas Coats, with fur col­ lars, $1.29; Men's Entire Overall6 Suits 49c; 600 pairs Ladies' and Children's Double All Wool Mittens 10c per pair. Sample Underwear Values- from one to four garments of each kind i off from regular prices. Ladies' Fancy Double Flounced Petticoats 49c; a good absolutely safe 22 cal. Rifle $1.88; Men's Extra Quality Pat. Leather Shoes $2.69; Ladies' t Wool Walking Skirts $1.49; Fancy Dress Skirts $1.98 and $2 69; Baby Jackets, all wool, 25c; Special Flannelettes 8c per yd. Men's Fall Overcoats (only 86 on sale) all wool, new style, $4.69 and $4 95. Remember, we pay car fare both ways if yon trade $10.00 and show round* trip R^R. Ticket. The trip to Dundee costs you nothing and we guarantee a saving on your goods. C. F, HALL CO.. Dnndee, 111. Broke Into His House. S. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by in­ vasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he'8 entirely cured. They're guar­ anteed to cure. 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. Mc Henry, drug stores. LOOKING AHEAD Ptrsoita In tho Early Stages of Kl*» nay Diseases Should Waste m -4": .Tims In Making thslt " ;i\ Kldnsys Right ' . s If you dont stop that pain In the baa^ some of these days you are extremely liable to have Bright's Disease or soms other form of kidney trouble. You ars Just as much in danger If you have dry­ ness of the skin, headaches, restlessness unusual appetite and great thirst, or it you notice a sediment or cloudiness In tfct urine or other urinary irregularities. Folky's Kidney Ccbb makes the k)A* neys right, and whenever there ars any Indications that these organs ars In ths least way disturbed, It should be taken promptly and regularly until all symp­ toms of kidney trouble have disappeared. This preparation is composed of the best known remedies employed by kidney specialists, and it eannot help but curs every form of kidney trouble if takes early. Thousands have testified ts tfab fact. In even the most hopeless nssrs It will always afford relief. Dr. Geo. Ewing, of Smith's Grove, Ky, writes: MFor years I have been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarged prostate gland. I used everything known to the profession with- out relief, until I was induced to on Foley's Kid war Ock*. After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved cured. I prescribe It now daily in my practice and heartily recommend Its uss to all physicians for such troubles, for I can honestly state I havs prescribed It It hundrsds of cases with perfect snooeet?* G. W. BESLEY, $eet McHenry. m 5 LIVER TROUBLES "IAnd Thedford'n Black-Draught • (food medicine for liver disease. It cured my .-on after ho had spoilt $100 with doctors. It is all the med­ icine I take."--MR8. CAROLINA MAETIN, Parkeraburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg­ ularly go to vour dni(®iflt and secure a package of Tlredford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im­ purities and strengthen the kid­ neys. A "torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick­ ness and contagion. Weak kid­ neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent Eackage of Thedford's Black-'raught should always be kept in the house. irnms i FRETI C • . "I need Thedford's Blaok- DTaught for liver and kidney com­ plaints and found nothing to nwl ft "-WILLIAM OOFFMAN. hlehead, 111. ' Mar- THEDFORD'S DLACK- DRAUGHT I is la ts* Market Far BmA Veal (lottos Hogs and Poultry Qlve aw a cell v Wholesale and retail V -W -:V' •• ' W '<•&£*' Vv|' ' j ^ f- * 4 -V& *#••< - ^ d- , I * V" 1 f =-',v . ;i 'l4 W ' " A Smoked Meats, McHenry - Illinois Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery ForC I)\SIMPT10J( p.i.. orOCl8 and " j||M A Perfect For AU Throat and Cure; X^ung Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial Bottles free. Illinois Central ft. ff. OF INTEREST TO STOCKHOLDERS -v>; i>M Transportation to Attend the AMuiat Meeting nt Chicago. Public noth-e is hereby Riven that the wgu- >f tlM». Jonipuny will titt In'Id at its offices in Chicago, Illinois, on Wea* 'by Riv hir annual nioctiiiK of the stockholders of tin :ik < Illinois Central Railroad Com nesday, October 81, 1903. at twelve o'clock noon. ' To permit personal attendance at meeting there wil l be issued to each holder ' one or more shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Railroad Company as regist­ ered on the books of the company at the close of business on Tuesday, September ?.*, l'JOi, who is of full age, a ticket enabling him, or lier,- to travel free over the Company's Lines froae the station on the Illinois Central KailroaS nearest to his or her registered addre>,s to Chicago and return, such ticket to befjood f<Mf the journey to Chicago only iluriuirthe fo«» * days Immediately preceding, and the day ox . the meeting, auu for the return journey from Chicago only on the day of the meetiug. ani the four days immediately following , whel properly countersigned anu s! iiusauvss hours--that is to say. nf stamped during say. between U.-.Htjlu* aud e. si.--In the office of the Assist ant. Secretary, Mk. W. U. Bbiten, in Chicago. SucS^. ticket may Ik* ohtainetl by any holder of suk'Is ri -gistereo as a l« tve . on appl i i ing, to Uie President- of the Company -f, icatiou. in w r i &» iti Clil» cago. Facti application must state the fu® ?- -a. name and address of the stockholder exactly' 'ir- as giveu i'n his or her certificate of st«H'k. ti»> " setlier with the number and date of such eertii*" ficate. No more than one person will be i'ar* > f;.^ rietl free in respect to any one liolding <?•£•». stix-k as rcgibtereil ou the books of the Coni v iiltj pany. A. G. HACKS TAFF. ^ i Oct 1# Secretary^ Best for Business 6!c a day Bast far I Il*a tha /nfict ttrnct that reaches nojwka*--llulfa why it's the greatest service -- the beat for you, CHICAGO TELEPHONE COHMHT 1 ' ' -i'H , • - ' S r . y i ' - • - . , • *.±.l

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