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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Nov 1903, p. 10

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iKiifiW rTiffif TTii* NOW 15 THE TIME TO GET A SUIT OR OVERCOAT! WE HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS BOYS' SUITS $5.00 to $12.00 $5.00 to $15.00 $2.00 to $7.00 $1.50 to $7.00 FUR GOATS! Bo not buy a Fur Coat until yon have seen oar $15.00 Far Gnats. They certainly are the best for the money th*t yon have seen. SELZ ROYAL BLUE RUBBERS are warranted to be tne best in the market. Bny a pair of them and if not satisfactory will give yon a ne^pair for the old rub­ bers. ' -- FELT BOOTS from $1.75 to $2.75 for the Felt and Overs. JOS. W. FREUND, WEST McHENRY. H E L P W A N T E D All the men, women and children in .this vicinity to help move onr large stock of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Flannels, Blankets, Underwear, Dress Skirts, Walking Skirts, Underskirtp, Silk Shirt Waists, Dress Shoes, School Shoes, Heavy Shoes, Felt Boots and Rubbers. Overshoes, Gloves, Mittens, Caps, Men's Pants, Overalls, Jackets, Heavy Lined Coats, Sweaters, Mackintoshes and Rain Coats. SUITS AND OVERCOATS made to your measure Correct In Style, Fit and Quality. Over 1000 Samples to select from. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Full Cream Cheese, Pickles, Sauces. Catsups, Etc., in bottles. Maple Syrup, Corn Syrup, Buckwheat, Graham, Corn Meal, Flour at lowest prices for first- class Goods. M. J. Walsh, Goods delivered promptly. - Phone, 363. I f t ' * Yes a warehouse full of Farm Machinery, Wagons and Buggies. FOR THE AFTER HARVEST TRADE we have an unusually well selected stock of time saving, labor saving, money saving Implfments, which we fullyl^arantee. It is our aim to be up to date and ever ready to meet, even to anticipate the wants of our most progressive customers. Farmers who consult their best interests buy only the best of Goods. We sell the FAIRBANKS MORSE GASOLINE ENGINES all sizes. FEED! - FEED! - FEED! We have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Salt, Etc., on which we will not be undersold, whether you want a bag full or a Car Load. Come and let us convince you. West McHenry, 111. WM. BONSLETT. naGKteaGKS I Don't Hesitafg! i g . There is no comparison between Tailor . t || made and ready made Clothing and the f| difference in price is nothing compared # ^ with the difference in wear. We have § thousands of samples to select from. 'j' .'1 ~ ™ irum, JUSI loo!, nt Ui(w prices for tailor madeclothtng: Suits, $9 to $40 Pants, $2.50 to $10.00 Cleaning, Dyeing and Scouring promptly attended to. Bring in that old Suit and wei will make it look like new. Jphn D. Lodtz. Walt Wkltmaa m JoaratUrt, Walt Whitman was not much of ft journalist. He had too much repose. His employers called it laxincss. He was concerned with permanences. The nearer to nature, the more repose. Trees and hills do not dance except for urging. Whitman, elemental, strong, placid, bovine, did not urge them. In the Brooklyn Eagle office Whit­ man Is a clearer memory than in the office of its contemporary. Yet It is oddly hard to secure facts. There is a general and joking reference to his serenity as idleness. He was not a typical newspaper man, for he was not to be pressed or hurried, and In our day of precision and speed be would have been impossible. He nev£r felt that stress from which the veriest bo hemian suffers. He did not want mon­ ey enough to work hard for It. One of the coterie of writers and actors which used to squander its much wit and lit­ tle wealth at PfafTs tells me that of the whole party Whitman was the only one who was never tipsy and never "broke." < He always had a market somewhere for fugitive writings. Edi­ tors were friendly to him. He drank his beer with the rest, but its effect was to make him thoughtful, even sad, while the others were merry. Accord­ ing to that narrator, he was an easy borrower, though it does not appear that he asked for large amounts or made needless delays in his repay­ ments.--Charles M. Skinner in Atlan­ tic. " • • How He Won Her. "Then you will be a sister to me?" "That is all I can be." He paused and looked at her thought­ fully. I already have seven sisters," he said, "and I am not quite sure I can make room for you. They are very kind to me, and on several occasions my socks have been darned a half doz­ en times in the same spot. They are so thoughtful too. Each of them has pick­ ed but a wife for me; but, strange to say, not one of them mentioned you. Of course you won't feel hurt if I add that there is a general and deep rooted im­ pression among them that you are not half good enough for me. Sisters are like that sometimes, you know." The girl flushed hotly. "Not good enough!" she cried. "I'll show them. Consider my refusal With­ drawn." And so she married the foxy fellow out of spite and made him very happy. --•Cleveland Plain Dealer. Hta Estimate of Fr«ude. Hannis Taylor, In his argument be­ fore the Alaskan boundary commis­ sion, told a story of Edward A. Free­ man, the English historian, whom he knew well. On one occasion, when dining with him at a hotel in St. Louis, Mr. Taylor innocently asked him, "Mr. Freeman, what is your estimate of Froude as a historian?" Said Mr. Tay­ lor: "He looked at me In a strange kind of way, and then he replied: 'I will tell you what I think about Froude. If ever you read anything he writes read it with care. Read it over and over again and fix it in your mind so that you will never forget it, for then you will know one thing for certain, and that is that by no possibility did It ever happen in that way.' " CASTOR IA Fox Infants and Children. lit Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Coughs "My wifehad a deep-s°atedcough for three years. I parchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, at:d it cured her com­ pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that re­ lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones I The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for s i x ty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Three ilits: 25c., 5#c.. $1 All 4rtrpfM<. Consult your doctor. If he nays take it, then do a* he «ay*. If he tells you not to take It, then don't take It. He knows. Leave it with him. Wi> nut willing. J. C. AYEK CO., I.owell, Mass. rt'< .\r • I have a very Over- Come | in and get my price on Pur Goats. large/issortment of all kinds and know I can save you money. If you are thinking of buying one don't fail to see what I have and get my price. Every Coat guaranteed. If in need of anything in Winter Goods I would be pleased to figure with you. I want your trade and will try ta make it an in­ ducement for you to trade with me. Don't forget I have the agency for "Ball Band" Felt find Overs. "Snag Proof" ft>ot wear. "Staley" all Wool Underwear and the best of every- thing in winter wear. My prices are right. The Best is Always the Cheapest S. S. CHAPELL % V6 Auction. Having sold my farm, the old Moses Beach place, I will sell on the premises, 2 miles east of Burton's Bridge and 8 miles sooth west of Wanconda, on Sat­ urday, Nov. 28, 1908, commencing at 10 o'clock sharp, 50 head of cattle--20 cows, new milkers and springers, and 30 head of cattle coming 3 years old; 10 head of horsefe--bay team, wt. 2600, in foal by Qoebec; gray team, wt. 2400; bay horse, wt. 1100; bay horse, wt. 1100; bay colt, 1 year old; bay colt, 1 year old; bay colt 6 months old, all by Quebec. Gray horse, wt 1200; 11 shoats; 60 tons clover hay in stack; 50 tons upland hay; 20 acres corq in shock; stack of straw; 800 bushels oats; 2 sulky plows; 4 walk ing plows; seeder; 8-section roller; har row; corn planter; pulverizer; 2 sulky cultivators; McCorniick mower; 1 small cultivator; hay rake; 2 hay racks; Mc- Cormick grain harvester; milk wagon; 12 milk can9: corn harvester; 2 lumber wagons; 2 truck wagons; single baggy; 2 sets bob sleighs; 2 sets heavy harness; steam cooker; feed cutter and grinder; tread power; stationary engine and<boil- er; 80 rods hog fence, besides a quantity of other articles. Usual free lunch at noon; TERMS: $10 and under, cash; on sums of $10, 12 months' time, at 6 per cent, or 2 per cent off for cash. No property removed until settled for. Ap proved notes. J FREY, Proprietor. H. B. Throop, Auctioneer. The Bent Remedy for Croup. [F rom the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.] -This is the season when the woman who kno^s the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in ^ase of burglars. There used to be an old-fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and toln, but. some mod­ ern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soom as the cronpy conerh appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and it is pleasant and safe to take. Tor sale by all druggists. The Rhodana Sldna. An amusing story told by Hood de­ scribes how a country nurseryman made a large sum out of sales of a simple little flower which be sold un der the name of the Rhodum sidus. This charming name proved quite an at­ traction to the ladies, and the flower became the rage of the season. It was one of those freaks of fashion for which there Is no accounting. At length a botanist who found that the plant was not an uncommon weed requested tc know where the nurseryman got the name from. He elicited the following reply: "I found this flower In the road beside us, so christened it the Rhodua •idus." Wntchea Slower at Night. "Ym know that the vital energies are •t lower ebb at night than in the day­ time," said an old watchmaker. "Would you believe that some watches--espe­ cially the cheaper ones--are similarly affected? "You know a good watchmaker al­ ways wants several days in which to regulate a timepiece. That' is because the only way to regulate it properly is to compare it with a chronometer at the same hour every day. Otherwise the variations in the speed of the watch will baffle his efforts. "The man to whom I was apprenticed told me this, and I thought the idea ab­ surd. We were working late one night and he called my attention to a lot of watches that were regulated and ready to deliver. It was near midnight, and every watch was slow. The better timepieces had lagged behind some sec­ onds. The cheaper watches were a minute or more out of the way. Next morning every one of the lot was ex­ actly right. "The fact is you can regulate a watch to make exactly twenty-four hours a day, but you can't persuade it to make Just sixty minutes in each of the twen­ ty-four hours. Why this is DO one can tell."--New York Times. Circus BaalaeM. Mamma--Oh, see, Willie! Your Uttle brother can stand all alone. Aren't you glad? Willie (aged six)--Sure. Now I can get him to bold an apple on his head while 1 shoot it off. with my bow and arrow, can't 1? Woman and Her Books. It is the book a woman marks that Is the only true index to her character. This conclusion has been arrived at after a long and persistent study of the sex. A woman never marks a book openly, as a man does, with a flourish of marginal notes and references convey­ ing the impression that he is conversant with other books besides this one. He who has a pencil always bandy will think nothing of using it on any and all occasions. It is like entering the holy of holies to read books that some women have marked. It is a violent rending asunder of the veil which she hangs before the door of her heart. The marks with which a woman scores her favorite passages at eighteen will be effaced at twenty, and she must have changed but little to leave those of twenty uneffaced at twenty-flve.--New York World. "Yon want to marry my daughter, do you? ^Well, I'm free to say you're the most impudent upstart that- ever"-- "Yes. you're free to say It because you're her dad. If you wasn't I'd knock you old bead oflTo you!"--Chica­ go Tribune. * la the Honeymoon. Adoring Bride--Jack, darling, la this Wednesday or Thursday? Doting Groom--I think tt's Friday dearest. j > "Of tbla week?"--Life. . Base envy withers at another's Joy and hates the excellence it 'cannot reach.--Thomson. - Read The Plaindealer "want" ada. "rtie fterf Cbhiter. The qnestlon is often asked, says the Lancet, without a satisfactory answer being supplied. Why do lobsters and certain shrimps and prawns turn red on boiling? One reason may be that the black pigment of the lobster Is an iron compound In the lower state of oxidation, 'Which boiling oxidizes to the higher state. Red human hair is said to owe its brilliance to iron exist* lng in the higher oxidized state, and by means of reducing agents, such aa pyrogallic acid or nutgall, the color may be modified. In short, oxygen la a great painter and probably account* for the beautiful autumnal tints of plant life. Wtillsv to Help Him. Clerk--I am to be married ahortly. Couldn't you manage to increase my salary a little? Employer--Couldn't, really. But I'll -tell you what I'll do for you, my boy. I'll shorten your hours during the Aral three months, so that you can spend your evenings at heme, and after that I'll lengthen them again so that y*Q will have an excuse to get away. CASTOR IA Power of the United State* Senate. The senate is today the most power­ ful single chamber in any legislative body in the world, but this power, which is shown daily by 'the wide at­ tention to all that is said and done in the senate of the United States, is not the product of selfish and cunning usur­ pations on the part of au ambitious body. It is due to the original consti­ tution of the senate, to the fact that the senate represents, states, to the pow­ ers conferred upon it at the outset by the makers of the constitution, to its permanency of organization and to the combination of legislative, executive and judicial functions which sets it apart from all other legislative bodies. Without the assent of the senate no { bill can become law. no office can be filled, no treaty ratified.--Henry Cabot Lodge in Scribner's., The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has b< In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in thfeb All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ** are baft Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against £xperlnwai What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It .contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotte substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm* and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural atoeg* The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA AtWAta Bears the Signature of OA.STORX. Bears the Signature yf The Kind You Haw Always Bought S T O H Z . Bern the _ yf The Kind You Have Always Try the "Want ad" column. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. VIM eCNTftUI* MMHR. W HVMMT «TMKT. MCW TOM OfTT. GALVANIZED STEEL THESE^CUTS represent our Galvlnized Steel Tanks for Milk Cooling, Stock Watering, Storage, Etc., Etc. They are made of the best Appolo Galvanized Steel. At the bottom they are securely riveted between two pieces of onfe-inch Steel. At the top they are supported by fipayy Apgle Steel and well soldered together. The life of a Galvanise^ Steel Tank as we make them, in ordinary use, will be twenty years. We put on outlets for pipe connections free of charge. We make these Tanks in any size or shape at the lowest prices. „ - -- OUR GUARANTEE --4 We guarantee every Tank we put out to be perfect in every way and to stand the pressure they are intended for. We also make Smoke Stacks and everything in the Sheet Metal Line. MANUFACTURED AUD SOLD BY - . M. Engeln Son ILLINOIS. Here is the Farmer's MONEY MAKER. A Feed Cooker that will burn anything and cook every, thing. Fire box is 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. Capacity of Tank, 4 barrels. This Cooker will boil 4 barrels of water in 30 minutes. Fire can be held in it constantly, day and night, with very little fuel. It is made of the best heavy Galvanized Steel with heavy Sheet Steel Fire Box, fur­ nished with 2 lengths of Stove Pipe, Damper and Spark Arrester. We also make these Cookers in large sizes to order. Stop Cocks put in for lead* ing off hot water. Price Complete $16.00.

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