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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1903, p. 5

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; Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! j Now is the time to look for your Winter Stoyeeand OSMU« * BROS', is the place to find the largest and best asesortmefcfc ever shown in McHENRY. Also a fine assortment of nels, Dres»s Goods and Shoes, which for price and quality? defy competition. OS/lUN BROS., HcHENRY, ILL. Genera! Hardware, Dry Goods,----r--Shoes-- Notions. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents | THAT COLD Do not let i t ran unti l i t results in lagrippe or settles on your lungs. Get a good patent remedy and keep it in the honsn at all times during the cold months. We have the best patent remedies on ihe market, which if taken in time may save a large doctor's bill. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a registered Pharmacist TRV PECAN OIL the great remedy for cracked hands, sores, wire cute, etc. It is absolutely guaranteed to be as repraented. RING WOOD, III.. <J« S. BROVA/ISI & SON. | SANTA] jCLAUSj If has surely made our Store his head. ^ 3 quarters this year. Be has left it*: {j* here everything imaginable in the y. 3)i way of novelties and |Toys! | Tin Toys, Iron Toys, # Wood Toys. i U Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleds, jj| Dolls, Wheelbarrows, Games and & §| all the little Trinkets that make sf the Children happy. t* S? We have many useful articles in jg the 10c department, too. that make P nice gifts. Call and see the things. !v; | jj | Nr. and Mrs. [mil Snyder f 53 Ostrander Block, West McHenry. if. Fancy Grocers Oysters Oysters in cans and in bulk. We are direct .re­ ceivers of FRESH OYSTERS from Baltimore. Season is now at hand. When in want of strictly fresh, large Baltimore Oysters give us a call. They are f^r ahead of Oyster stock, such as is usually shipped from Chicago. A trial will convince you Two Standards. One of the strangest illustrations of the ups and downs of fortune comes from Paris. A rich Parisian banker became re­ duced through unlucky investments to the sum of 10,000 francs. That amount was poverty to him, and, overwhelmed by his loss and the hopelessness of the situation, he committed suicide. The 10,000 francs then fell to his brother, who had been for years a pau­ per, estranged from his family. But to him such a sum represented incred­ ible riches, and his reason was over­ thrown. In a moment of delirium he Jumped into the Seine and was drown­ ed. Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi­ ate relief in all cases of Coughs, Croup and La Grippe becaure it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by ei - abling the lnngs to contribute pure life- giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made. Sold by all druggists. VDeals! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit In Season. It Is my Intertlon to Rive all customprs the best service pos­ sible. 1 p«y spot cash f ir hides, poultry and stock of all kluris, thus payiuR the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Bros, of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.60 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] C. L. Turner was in the city Monday. Dr. Bremken was seen on oar streets Monday. Mrs. John Cole was taken seriously ill Saturday. Home made candy at Geo. W. Turn­ er's last Monday. Geo. Mills of Woodstock was a recent caller at H. Dennis'. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson were callers in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and family were Sunday visitors in town. Miss Mabel Smith has returned from a visit with her parents at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Cropley dorve to Chicago Monday and returned Wednee day. Mrs. Peggy Hodge was a welcome visitor with relatives the first of this week. The cream is shipped to Yore in the city again so it will be hard to get butter. A Kirk Crane has returned from Chi­ cago, where he had gone to seek em­ ployment. Will Campbell and family were en tertained at Harry Osmond's Thanks giving day. Mr. and Mrs. Westlake took Thanks­ giving dinner with Mr. Westlake at Spring Grove. Mrs. Isaac Hawthorne of Hebron iB visiting with her daughter-in-law, Mir. Emily Hawthorne. Mrs. Geo. Vogel and mother, Mrs. Cornish, and son, Edwin, were visitors in Elgin and Aurora the latter part of lant week. Mr. and Mrs. John Merrell enter­ tained their son. Arthur, and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Beru Bell and children Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reading enter­ tained Messrs and Mesdauies H. Read­ ing, T. H'dge, Ed. Cropley and John Cole for Thanksgiving dinner. The variety sale and supper given by the Solon Mills school Wednesday even ing, Nov. 35, was well attended and ev­ eryone had a good time. The receipts, which were $17, will be used to pur chase a set of pupils' reading circle books for the school library. £L Fight Will be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continaul rt;couimenda- tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall. Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp­ tom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once aud four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Resley, W. Mc­ Henry, druggists. Price 50c and f 1.00, Trial bottles free. Papa's Heathen. Mamma--Georgie, where Is the 5 cents 1 gave you to put in the contribu­ tion box for the heathen? Georgie--I'm saving It for^Aunt Het­ ty when she comes. "Why?" Georgie--'Cause I beard papa say, "Is the old heathen coming here again?" »«c . 35c Fancy Salmon. 3 cans for Coffee, per lb la, 15, 20, ag, 30, *gc Fancy Rumels Pot atoes, per bu. . 80c T I M E L Y H I N T S ! Unless you wish to be t<'iuptcd do not call at our store. We have an excellent line of groceries, fruits and vegetables that surely look tempting. All first-class goods at right prices. Fancy Cranberries, 2 qts. for.. ... age California Prunes. 4 lbs. for. Fancy Apricots, 3 lbs. for The above a.-e honest prices for honest goods. We sell everything the same way- • PHONE 282 ~ ~ A N T O N S C H N E I D E R . * ! WE ARE MAKING (MAI flfOWS to buy your shoes here be­ cause the persistent en­ deavor of this store is to give you the best for the money. All America are the result of our long search for the best shoe possible to make for that price. In style, in fit, in wear, it is the "what's what" of the shoe world. Let us show it to you. to reduce our stock of Felt Boots and Overs, heavy Dress Goods, Gloves, Mitts, Caps, Etc. Furs from $1.45 and upward. Men's white & colored sweaters in wool, $1.25 to $5.00. Special discounts on Shoes to reduce stock. Wool and fleeced Hos­ iery is being closed out cheap, in some cases the profit has been taken off. * { t * * t t t t t t t t W. C. Evansonl ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTF RINGWOOD. Miss Agnes Stevens spent several days last week in Chicago. The L. T. L. will meet Wednesday with Mrs. C. W. Webster. Geo. Stevens' sale of stock, etc., on Tuesday was well attended. The W. C. T. U. will meet next Sat­ urday with Mrs. J. S. Brown. Mrs. H. Small and daughter, Birdie, were Chicago visitors Friday and Sat­ urday. The Willing Workers will hold their next meeting at the home of Aunt Mary Dodge. Rev. Cormack of McHenry spent Mon­ day and Tuesday calling on friends in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Small of Geneva were guests of the former's parents Thanksgiving day. Wm. Coates, wife, and daughters, Emma and Dora, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Foss at Richmond. Geo. Stevens has rented his farm for the coming year to W. French. Mr. Stevens intends moving his family to Elgin. Chas. Olsen met with a serious acci­ dent Tnesday, his hand coming in con- tad; with a circular saw. Three fingers were badly lacerated, one of which it will be necessary to amputate. One Hunrired Dollars a Mox is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C., places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the pilee for twenty years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hasel with antisep­ tics and mollienta; relieves and perma­ nently cures blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, sores, cute, bruises, ec­ zema, salt rbeum and all skin diseases. Sold by all druggists. VOLO. Mrs. Gill has returned to the city. Lee Huson is sick with the measles. Mrs. Dryer and son, George, of Ivan- hoe intend to move back to Volo. Miss Bessie Dnnnill spent Thanksgiv­ ing at home. She went back to Grays- lake Monday. George Rosing and wife are the proud parents of another little daughter, born November 36. James Brown and wife of Grayslake spent Thanksgiving day with Sid. Rus­ sell and family. Miss Sadie Granger has retnrned home from a few weeks' visit with rela­ tives in Chicago. Mrs. Will Huson and niece, Miss El­ sie Smith, visited relatives in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Dillon has been home for a few days, returning to Waukegan Monday, where she is being treated for eczema and asthma. She is improving very rapidly. , The Ladies' Aid society will have a dime Bocial and bazaar in John Richard­ son's hall, Friday evening, Dec. 18. Proceeds to go towards the pastor's sal­ ary. Everybody welcome. George Huson and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Will Huson spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. L. M. Huson. George Huson moved to Danville Saturday, where he has a poei tion as fireman on the railroad. Coughd, Colds and Constipation. Few people realize when taking cougb medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opiates which are constipating, besides being unsafe, particularly for children. Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar contains no opiates, is safe and snre and will not constipate. It has long been a household favorite for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take and acts promptly. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. 08TKXD. Winter is here--quite a flurry of the beautiful snow. Stinging cold, frosty, winter weather, altho the shn is shining bright. Corn husking i<< still the order of the day. some not stopping on Thanksgiv ing day. improving all the fine weather. Christmas time will soon be here The children are all talking and plan­ ning for Xmas time May none be dis­ appointed and all have a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. Messrs. and Mesdames Robt. Richard­ son and Gny Harrison of this plac> and Laverne Thompson of Chicago took dinner with Mrs. Isabelle Richardson in Woodstock Thanksgiving day. Our school closed Wednesday after­ noon for Thanksgiving with exercises, speaking, einging, drawings on the blackboard, a very fine program in­ deed, showing that they had not been idle while at school, and was worthy a better attendance than it received. S. G. Lincoln, wife and son spent Thanksgiving with relatives and also attended the oyster supper at Chas. Florida's, managed by Ethel and Leila Abbott. About twenty-five grown peo­ ple and a dozen children were present. To say they all enjoyed themselves would express it mildly. O. N. Brass and wife, with some of their children and grandchildren, and a few immediate relatives, met at Chas. Florida's Thanksgiving day and ate turkey dinner„in honor of Mrs. E. M. Brass of Mayfield, Kas. A very pleas­ ant afternoon and evening was spent, and not nntil nearly midnight did the merry party break up. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Opatanot a lap robe of good size and sufficient weight is required. There's some that will just suit you in this fine line of • -fM! Carriage R.obes Fancy Plush Robes, heavy weight, different designs, from $3.50 to $7.50 Robber lined Plush Robes at $3 00 to $3.50 Waterproof Black Dnck, fancy lining $2.00 * Stable Blankets from 75c to $a.$o each. McHenry, III. Qus Carlson •i SPRING GROVE ITEMS [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiriug to subscribe for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money with Mrs R. A. Ostoby, our correspond­ ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] James Neish was a Solon visitor Tues­ day. Lillian Sanborne was a Cary visitor last week. John Westlake wa9 a visitor here Thursday. John Bell of Ringwopd was a visitor here Tuesday. Oliver Neish visited his patents here over Sunday. Dr. Bremken spent Thursday and Fri­ day in the city. Walter Shotliff visited Chicago the first of the week. Miss Mabel Neish was a McHenry vis­ itor Saturday evening. C T Haydecker of Waukegan visited here last Wednesday. Helen Moss visited Chicago relatives several days last week. James Palmer was a passenger for Chicago Snnday morning. Jesse Weingert visited at D. W. Lichty's Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter of Rich­ mond visited here Tnesduy. James McLean spent Thanksgiving with his family at Lake Villa. Ray Moss and Panl Neish were Ring- wood visitors Sunday evening. Mrs. M. Young and brother have moved into Matt Steffin's house. Mrs. John Coates and son, Charles, visited Mrs Ed. Hopper Sundav. Allison Trnax spent the last of the week with his parents at Nunda. Grace Hopper visited with Ringwood relatives several days last week. Mrs. Alice Cole has been very ill the past week but at this writing is improv­ ing. Misses Emma and Sarah Shales of Wilmot spent Thanksgiving with Alex Anderson. Miss Laura Lichty has closed a verj successful term of school and has re­ turned home. Miss Myrtle Harnish of Genoa June - tion visited her sister, Mrs. Edward French, Suuday. Miss Dora Glossmar of Chicago spent several days last week with J. B. Rich­ ardson .ind family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carr, Fred and Mrs. Frank Hatch were passengers for Chicago Tuesday morning. Miss Imogene Meredith, who has beer visiting her brother here the past montli has returned to her home. Mrs. Ida Stnedley and Dr. Einniii Warreu of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with W. C. Moss and family. The play, "Tony the Convict," given here Thursday evening, was well at­ tended, about* 100 seats„being sold. The Christian Endeavor meeting next Sunday evening will be led by Misset- Helen Moss and Grace Hopper. Topic: "Heroes of Faith." Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews and son, Frank, and daughter, Marian, Seliui Pierce and George Fuller left here Tues­ day morning for Arkansas. Urr Andlcnce. "How are you getting on with your music, my dear?" inquired a lady of her niece. "Well, of course." replied the niece diffidently, "It wouldn't be proper of me to compliment myself, but some of the neighbors have told me they have stayed awake at night for houre listen­ ing to my playing." Fifty Years (he Standard m th« flavor ana adds to 9 healthfulnest of th« food. PftiCC BAKING POWDER PO. OHIOAOO Winter Bargatn^ Every Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hat in our store to be sold at a big dis­ count. Ladies' Flounced Fleece Lined Petticoats 75c; Men's Fancy Silk Muf­ flers, lined backs, 25c: Ladies' Bust Form Corsets 25c; Electric Seal Boas 69 and 83c; Special Sale of Ladies & Misses Wool Jackets, well made and lined, worth up to $5.00, at'$1.98; In­ fants' All Wool Eiderdown Jackets 25c; 200 pairs Men's Heavy Working Pants 79c, f Wool Trousers 98c; Boys' Heavy Reefer Coats $1.29; Boys' Canvas Coats 87 and 95c; Boys' Heaviest Fleeced Un­ derwear 30c; Ladies, Tailor-made Suits, all wool, silk lined garments, $15 00 to $20.00 Suits, $9.65, $10.95 and $18.69. Bargains in Men's Suits--20 Men's Suits, good dark wool goods, $10.00 makes for $7.85; 85 suits, in good sizes and colors, such as commonly retail for $8.50 and $9.00, at $6.50. Ladies' Fan­ cy Sweaters $2,00; Men's Felts and Overs $1.79; Heavy Canvas Leggings 39c; Men's Heavy Duck Coats with fur oollar $1.29. LADIES' JACKET BARGAINS. The late season and our late purchase enable us to offer these bargains. La­ dies' All Wool Loose cut Collarless Coat8$4.95; Assorted Colors in all wool satin lined Jackets, trimmed and plain, $5.49?| length Silk Lined Coats, various styles, $6.49; Children's All Wool Eider­ down Cloaks 98c. Prices good only while the stock lasts, as we cannot du­ plicate these qualities. To customers coming from McHenry, tradiug $10.00 and showing round trip R. R. tickets, we refund full car fare both ways. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. O.A. BMKOI BJgnatiu* S rX* O III ̂ The Kind You Have Always An ad in The Plaindealer "want' umn will bring results. col The Luue Star Slate. Down in Texas at Yoakum is a bi^ dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M. Haller is the head. Mr. Haller, on onf of his trips east to buy goods, said to a friend who v -,s with him in the palace car, "Here, 1 ke one of these Little Early Risers HI 1 you will be up early in the moaning, feeling good. " For the "dark brown" t ;-.te, headache, and that logy feeling DeV j t's Little Early Rii- ers are the best pills to use. Sold by all druggists. LIVER TROUBLES "I find Thedford's Black-Draught a food medicine for liver disease. Itemed my son after he had spent WOO with doctors. It is all the med­ icine i take."--MBS. CAROLINE MABTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg­ ularly go to your drujmist and secure a package of Tlredford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black- Draught will cleanse the bowels of im­ purities and strengthen the kid- nevs. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick­ ness and contagion. Weak kid­ neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent package of Thedford's Black- Draught should always be kept in the house. "I used Thedford's Black Draught for liver and kidney com­ plaints and found nothing to excel ft."--WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar- blehead, IIL THEDFORD'5 BLACK- DRAUGHT Danger loTravelers Trainmen and People who Travel A dreat geal Liable to Greater Dangers than from Accidents Thousands mora dl# srery year frosi diseases incurred by riding on the ears than from accidents. Life Itself Is often the price that must be paid by such pep- sons as railroad conductors, engineer^ brake men, commercial travelers and others who spend the greater part af their lives on the cars. Their fate Is kidney trouble of sniae kind. Constant motion jars the kidneys that are kept in place In the body by del* icate attachments and causes Dlabeta^ Albuminuria, Bright's Disease, Train­ men's Disease and all other kldnqy troubles. During recent years traveling men hate been informing one another of the bene* fits they can secure by using FOLST^S KIDNEY CURE. It Is a compound of tike best agents known to kidney speciallsti and as a cure for all kidney troubles II has never been equaled. Reports have been received of remarkable cures effeofr ed by it, and even the worst and moil hopeless cases have been greatly relieved by its use. QEO. H. HAUSAK, of Lima, Ohio, write! as follows: "lama locomotive engineer on the L. E. A W. R. R. Constant vibra­ tion of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got ne relief until I used FOLEY'S KIDNEY Cum^ and I gladly recommend it to traini who are generally afflicted as I waa." G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. £ss:. OIARLES G. fRtn Wholesale and retail dealer In Olv« •« a call ill Smoked Meats, Saasafe McHenry - Illinois BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HAUE DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C» '< Anj one sending a sketch and description iii4» quickK' iiM i'i tain our opinion free whether jfc* Invention is probably patentable. Ooruiuunicfc- tions strietly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patenja aent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents.7^ Patent a taken through Slunn & Co. receipt tpeeial notice, without chiitve. in tho Scientific HmeiKait A handsomely w.vkly. largest mlatton of aiiv H.-IOIIIIIII! Journal. Terms, $3* voir; four months, $L Sold by all newsdeadenL MIINN & 0Q 361 Broadway. Naw York Brooch Office, 025 F Wuaiiin^tsQ, IX C. iti Ai »^i At «^i i^t t1^> i^i iti ill ill ill ifj 1*1 if i I * J i^i IIJ I*1 ^ ! Sacrifice Sale! December i to 5 Inclusive. For this sale we will sell the following Goods at wholesole cost price or less: White and colored Cotton Flannels, all grades of Tennis Flannels, Eiderdown and Dress Flannels, all Wool and Cotton aud Cotton Mixed Flannels, all grades Flannelettes, Women's and Child­ ren's Hoods and Fascinators, Women's and Children's Leather Shoes, Women's and Children's Warm Shoes, Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Shoes, Men's and Boys' Caps, Men's and Boys' J>uck Coats and many other articles in stock. Bear in mind that the prices named on these articles will be, in most cases, less than cost to us. Hope you can be with us at this time. Very Truly", • " Ringwood, Illinois. J* E. CRI5TY.

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