i f -m>. Wj. HM dlftareM ta Tailor is'only in the price, and not in the quality, fit or workmanship. The tai lor charges yon $8 to $5 more for the same Snit or Overcoat. Thia ment yoa can verify by examining the Goods. 4. 1 ITS ^ Ms Royal Blue Rubbers Fur Coats, Caps. Mittens, are warranted to b6 the Underwear, Knit Jackets, best in the ma: ket. Buy a 8weaters, Duck Coats, pair of them and if not Overalls, Etc. - - satisfactory will give you r a new pair" for the old • r Rubbers. - - Groceries, Flonr, Freeh Buckwheat, Graham, Corn Mei^ JOS. W. FREUND, WEST MCHEJNRY. :Vr' % HOLIDAY GOODS ARM WE ARE PREPARING FOR AN UNUSUAL, LARGE HOLIDAY TRADE AND WILL SHOW THE FINEST LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS EVER SHOWN IN TOWN. CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER. YOURS TRULY, M. J. WALSH. 0 % > I? Yes a warehouse full of Farm Machinery, Wagons and Buggies. FOR THE AFTER HARVEST TRADE we have an unusually well selected stock of time saving, labor saving, money saving Implements, which we fully guarantee. It is our aim to be up to date and ever ready to meet, even to anticipate the wants of our most progressive customers. Farmers who consult their best interests buy only . the best of Goods. We sell the FAIRBANKS MORSE GASOLINE ENGINES all sizes. FEED! - FEED! - FEED! We have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Salt, Etc., on which we will not be undersold, whether you want a bag full or a (^ar Load. Come and let us convince you. L West McHenry, 111. WM. BONSLETT. Don't Hesitate! • naturalist, while visiting Great glr, one of those islands of the ocean known as the Celebes or islands, found a cnrious time lodged at the bouse of a rajah. Two bottles were firmly lashed together and fixed In a wooden frame. A quantity of black sand ran from one; bottie into the other tn just half an hour, and when the upper bottle waa empty tbe frame was reversed. Twelve short sticks, marked with notches from one to twelve, were hung upon a string. A hook was placed between the stick bearing the number of notches corre sponding to tbe hour last struck <%nd the one to be struck next. 11M sentry announced the time by striking tbe turn on a large gong. . 32 - 1 i There is no comparison between Tailor made and ready made Clothing and the K difference in price is nothing compared p with the difference in wear. We have K thousands of samples to select from. Just v 1 look at these prices for tailor made clothing: |j Suits. $9 to $40 I Pants, $2.50 to $10.06 .Cleaning, Dyeing and Scouring promptly attended to. Bring in that old Suit and Will make it look like new. - John D. Lodtz. Revol ion .mminerit. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in yonr system is ner vousness, sleeplessness or stomach up sets. Electric Bitten will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu late theJKidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liyer and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and ail the usual attending aches vanish un der its searching and thorough effective ness. Electric Bitters is only 60e, and that is returned if it doesn't give per fect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story. M<-H**nry. and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, druggists. A Roond of PlMumn. The philanthropic lady sat in the midst of the McFadden family, expos tulating with them In a pained voice on the frequency with which thejr chased "the festive can" around the corner to the nearest liquor saloon. "You ought to provide some kind of wholesome amusement for your fam ily," said the philanthropic lady stern ly to the abashed McFadden. "You should do something to lighten the burden of living. Every life needs a little sunshine In it" "Oh, missus," spoke up Miss McFad den, aged thirteen, eagerly, "we has plenty of fun. There's always a fight or somethin' entertainin* goin' on in the tinimint Why. oney last week a gentleman cut a lady's throat and drug her past our door."--Llpplncott's Maga zine. Fight Will be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continanl recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp tom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at • >n^« and four bottles entir-ly cured her." Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. Mc Henry, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Tbe Drngflii Lo»l la Ibaea. Sonu* one In Scandinavia unearthed tlie report of tbe examiners on Dr. Ib sen's papers at his examination for tbe degree of bachelor. It runs as follows: Norwegian, good; Latin prose, good; Latin essay, fairly good; Latin conver sation. moderate; Greek, bad; arithme tic. bad; German, very good; French, good; religious knowledge, good; histo ry and geography, good; Hebrew, good; geometry, good. General remarks: A young man not to be despised. In spite of many "goods," however, Ibsen was plowed owing to bis deficien cies in Greek and arithmetic. He as pired in those days to be a pharmaceu tical chemist and, failing to satisfy the examiners, had to seek some other open ing in life. Good fur Children. The pleasant to take and harmless Oae Minnte Cough Cure gives iminedi a.e relief in all cases of Coughs, Crouj a La Grippe becm se it does not pas* immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at tbe seat of trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by en abling the Inngs to contribute pure life- giving and life-snstaming oxygen to the blood and tisanes. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and say* there is no better congh remedy made. Sold by ail druggists. Arctic Tropic Bwiet*. Sunsets in tbe tropics as 1 have wit nessed them, although full of rich col orings. cannot vie with tbe color har monies of the poles. Even the nights of the tropics, full as tbey are of beau ty and richness of color, are not com parable with those of the arctic night, when tbe moon is of a brilliance incon ceivable to southern eyes, and the sun, although hidden during the long night, makes its presence felt by an orange radiance at the southern horizon at noon, and on starlit nights the snow crystals give out a shimmering glow. The tropical blue sea has a charm which the green of tbe south Atlantic lacks entirely.--Frank Wllbert Stokes in Century. The Best Chance you will have this season to buy Winter Goods at so low & price. I bought too heavy and must reduce stock in some way and the quickest way is to sell so cheap that you will buy whether in need of anything or not. Notice these prices. From now until DECEMBER 18th, the following prices hold good: t Men 8 $8.50 all wool Pants - - - » Men's $8.00 all wool Pants - - - - ° • Men'P $2.50 all wool Pants - - - - Men's $21.25 all wool Pants - - - - Men's |2.00 all wool Pants • • - Men's $1.25 i wool Pants . - - - - - - Men's 90c best Denim Overalls - - - Men's 85c best Denim Overalls - - - - Men's 50c best Bib Overalls - - - - - Men 's extraheavy all wool Sweaters, any color, formerly $2.50, Men's extra heavy all wool Sweaters, any color, formerly $2.25, Men's extra heavy all wool Sweaters, any color, formerly $2.00, Men's extra heavy all wool Sweaters, any color, formerly $1.50, Men's extra heavy all wool Sweaters, any color, formerly $1 00, Men'8 extra heavy cotton Sweaters, any color, formerly .50, Boys' all wool Sweaters, formerly $1.00, now Boys' cotton Sweaters, formerly 50c, now • • - Men's all wool cardigan Jackets, black or brown, formerly $3.50 Men's and Boys' Mittens and Gloves, formerly $1.00, now Men's and Boys' Mittens and Gloves, formerly 75c, now Men's and Boys' Mittens and Gloves, formerly 50c, now Fancy all wool Vestings, formerly 75c, now Fancy Cotton Vestings, formerly 18c, now Best Apron GinghamB, formerly 80, now Best extra heavy fleeced Tennis flannel, formerly 10c, now Beet extra heavy yd-wide Flannelette, all oolors, formerly 15c, American A Grain Bags, each .... Ladies' $8.00 Shoes Ladies' $2 50 Shoes - - Ladies' $2.00 Shoes ; Men's $4.00 Shoes ...... Men's $8.00 Shoes - - - . • Men's $2.00 Shoes - Men's $1.50 Shoes ...... Heavy fleeced Flanneltett Wrappers, formerly $1.00 and $1.95, C o t t o n B a t t s , f o r m e r l y 2 0 c . n o w . . . . . Cotton Batts, formerly 16c, now Cotton Batts, formerly 10c, now $2,198 2.55 2.18 1.92 1.65 1.Q0 78 .78 .45 now 1.98 now 1.75 now 1.65 now 1.23 now .80 now .48 .82 .42 now 1.98 .82 .64 43 .55 .15 • 7f now .12 .16 2.55 2.15 1 80 8 50 2.55 1.80 1.24 now .87 .16 .14 - -84 90 per cent, off on Ribbons. 10 per cent, off on all Yarns. 15 per cent, off on Underwear. 10 per cent, off any Hat in stock. 20 per cent off on all Duck Coats. 10 per cent, off on all China Dishes. 10 per cent, off on all Bed Comforters. 10 per cent, off on any Fur Coat in stock. 10 per cent, off on all Neckties and Col lars. lO per cent, off on all Men's and Boys' Caps. 15 per cent off on any wool Dress Goods in stock. 60 pair Boy's Leather Boots at 38} per cent. off. 10 per cent, off on all wool or cot ton Bed Blankets. 30 per cent, off on all sbeep-lined Dnck Coats, full length. 10 per cent, off on all wool Oversbirts in blaok, blue or brown. 10 per cent, off on all Felts, Overs, Over shoes and warm lined Shoes. 10 per cent, off on all Knit Gloves, Mit tens, Fascinators, stocking caps or tams About $100 worth of all odds and ends in Gents all wool Underwear 25 per off. The finest stock of Linen T >weH Dres ser Scarfs, Table Linen and Napkins in town at 124 per cent, off regular price. Ik Remember this is no fake sale. The goods will show their marked price and we will give exactly the discount we advertise. We have not marked up a dollars worth of gpods in the hoiise. Thefe discounts are bonified prices and are frank to say you were never offered BETTER or GREATER BARGAINS in McHenry before. 5. S. CHAPELL s-3C- The Lone Star Stale. Down in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M Bailer is the head. Mr. Haller, on one of bis trips east to buy goods, said to a friend who w \s with him in the palace car, "Here, take one of these Little Early Risers and you will be np early in the morning feeling good." For the dark brown" friate, headache, and that logy feeling DeWi t's Little Early Ris ers are the best pills to use. Sold by all druggists. Aa Aaaehrcalaa*. An American lady visited Stratford- on-Avon lately and "gushed" even above the usual high water mark of American fervor. She had not recover ed from the attack when she reached tbe railway station, for she remarked to a friend as they walked on to tbe platform. "And to think that It was from this very platform tbe immortal neyed to London!" / Coughed " I had a most stubborn cough for many years, it deprived me of sleep and 1 grew very thin. I then tried Ayer^s Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured. R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try It. There's cure in every drop. Three iiz*s . 2k., Mc., fl. Ail 4nif|Ut*. f'on.uit your doctor If he take it. thru 'In »* be »»y». If lie tell? tou Tift tu take It, tb«a don't take it. lie kuuwi. Leave I t w t t b h l fu . W e »r«( •* t i l i n g J. C. A TICK Co., Ixiwell, Mail. !!••••• SoM by iattln, A euttom that has existed for several centuries Is still maintained In some towns on the lower Itbine. Early in the year, on aoction day. the town crier or clerk call* all the young people to gether and to the highest bidder sells tbe privilege of dancing with tbe chflr sen girl, ami l>er only, during the entlrs year that follow*. The fees flow into the poblle poor box. Co«tgft«, fi«M» and Contitfpitttan. Few people realiz* when taking cough medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opiates which are constipating, beeldee lifting unsafe, {particularly for children. Foley's Hon- ny and Tar contain* no opiates, is safe and sure an<l will not ronstipate. It has long been a b'»o»*bold favorite for •xraghs, cold-, cror p and all throat a*d lung trouble-.. it in pUwoant to take »nd act* promptly. Hold by Gh W. besley, W. iJ c Henry. A Frightened Horse, Running like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are everyday occur* renoes. It behooyee everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cnts, Sores. Eczema and Piles disappear qnickly under its soothing effect. 26c, at Julia A. Story's, McHen ry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. It will be good news to tbe mothers of small children to learn that cronp can be prevented. The first sign of cronp is hoarseness. A day or two before the at tack tbe child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rougb cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or bard would depart whenever be Joar-j&ven after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of cronp. In this way all anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to tale. For sale by all druggists. Job work of all kinds neatly done at this office. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never he wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepeia, Disziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 26c, at Julia A, Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, dru« stores. ProTtkiat. dear, he caught W in his I'rmma mf Hito. "Is jrovr sou JtmU doing weU In the city?" "I should say be is," answered ̂Farm er Corntossol. "He >>ought a gold brick the first diiy be waa there an' come home an' sold it to me for twice what it cost him. I tell you, that boQ^f Jai enterprise."--Washington Star. "Tea. Ams"- "How shocking!" --"and was jua£ going to kiss me"-- "How awfully horrid!" --"when ma came In tbe room.** "Oh, bow provoking!" A Glatto*. papaA-Tommy. you mustn't eat sa much. Everybody will be calling yon a little "glutton." Do you know what that Is? Tommy1--I suppose It's a big glutton's little boy.--Philadelphia Ledger. PnlrtrlMd lagar. If men are the salt of the eitth. women are undoubtedly the sugar. Old maids are brown sugar, good na- tured matrons are loaf sugar aqd pretty girls the She pulverized sugtir. Paas the pulverized sugar, please.-- (Ala.) Hot Blast Some people are slow, but sure, but Ifs different with clocks.--Philadelphia Record. OASTOniA. iMntba ^gTha Kind You Hiw Alwiyi imH Blfn*t*» d N. H. PETE5CH JEWELRY -DRUGG1ST- PERFUHERY STATIONERY A-A A A^A A A^A A A ••A A A A 1^.1 TXTTIi To persons whose trade amounts to $12.00 be tween Saturday, Efecember 5, and Christmas I will give as a premium, absolutely free, a beautiful Rug worth $2.00. Bear in mind also that during that time our usual low prices will prevail, on all goods. It is an absolute fact, and no one can disprove it, that our prices are lower than can be found in any store in McHenry county. The above is an offer that you should not overlook. J. HURWITZ, WEST HcHENRY. «T» fTi [*r» iti ."t*. A |*ti 1*1*1 [I*! if, iti iti t*!*, A .*ti .t. .t. ••>. A A A i V T lJ.' 'J.1 'J,1 \J.' 'J.' V 'J.' J. 'JT1*' 'I' l4- '• T V li' ,*1 lXM Ifor the appetite It is sometimes necessary for a person to indulge in some del icacy to "sharpen" the appetite Something in the way of Fruits, perhaps, is what you m-ed. We have a complete lipe. We also have a nice stock of Dned Fruits and Seasonable Vegetables that go well this time o' year. Telephone your order and we will guarantee to fill it satisfactorily. Telephone No. 301. Qlve us • Trial. JOHN STOFFEL.