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Spec ial' attention Professional, Society V* DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. SURGEON AND OCULIST. Office ana residence ooraer Elus isd Green streets, McHenry. THE MCHENRY PLAIMOEALER •* M- McHBNRY PLAINDEALER (XX IffcHENRY, ILLINOI8. O. H. FEGKRS, M. D. DHT8ICIAN AND SURGEON. McHearv, Z. XV- OfflceatResidence,cornerCourttad Ha streets. Telephone 339. KNIGHT 4c BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1M Washington A street, Chicago, til. % D. T. SMILEY. A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and Mo tary Public. Will give prompt and im mediate attention to alibusiness intrusted to his care. OfBce In Hoy's Block. Woodstock, It NEWS OF THE WORLD Mnltlal, PoMeal, ifngs of Minor I TeM la Paragraph. Bryan has ar- P. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office over Pe^scb's Drug Store. AU*WOBK PUTAININQ TO MODERN DKNCTBTBT Nitrons Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hoars 7:91 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. AuauiT WORK BY APrOIHTMin OUT. Tna m Damn* O* raa Wan 8nm DR. R, G. CHAMBERLIN given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, ., Notary Public. Bankers Office over Healer's Drug Store. Honrs from 1:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREM KEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON (Dcutscher Arxt.) r AMERICA'S BEST * * ifc * * * * * * 8 News from all parts of the world. * Well-written, original stories. An- W 5 swers to queries on all subjects. j* S Articles on Health, the Home, New JS S Books and on Work About the * * Farm and Garden. tttPUBUCAH nm Editorially Fearless. C--sl«t«ntly Republican Always I 1 The Weekly Inter Ocean 1 Spring Grove, Illinois. Goo. Meyers ) Oeneral Teaming ' of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. ncHENRY - . - - - - ILLINOIS. relephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENQ BUFFET Headquarters tor McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Frank Keppler, Jobn Scharres, OS iilfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants Thb Intkw Ocean is a member of the Associated Press and also Is the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun, and special cable of the New York World, be sides daily reports from over 2.000 special correspondents throughout tiie country. No pen can tell more fully why it is tne best paper on earth. ife * * * iH m ik 1 5t IWELVf PAGE PAPERS K S $ ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. * J Brimful of news from everywhere and jj 2 a perfect feast of special matter. | Subscribe for The Plalndealer- * • and the Weekly Inter Ocean one i # year, both papers for - - $2.00 * Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery For P: OXStlMPTIO* Bfie* O CO IIS and - OLD8 SkttlJI A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure with home agents, smooth-tongue strangers sometimes lead people astray. Wist McHenry. - - III. Telephone No. >93. SIMCN STOFFELT Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENEY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of 9500. to $10,000, time and payment to suit borrower. CROUP Creep and Inflammation of the luyu ar* taatantff (•Herod and permanently cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Thlo nevor fulling preacrlstka Of an eminent physician was given the name of ONB MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant relief ba* always followed its usa. It takes effect at tha sest Of the trouble and acts on the Inflamed membranes la. Mead of paaslnr wholly into the stomach and drufglBg m stupafyteg tho system. Gives relief lastaaUy. CURED It destroys the dlseaae rem. clears the phlec* Irawa ovt the lnlammitlon, thus removinc the OSMS tnd curtnr permanently. One Minute Couth Cur* Is perfectly harmless, good for children and they Hke Its taste. Prepared only by E. C. DeWItt & Co., Chlcai* As Ideal rsmedy for children. Do not forget Ike aaaa ONE MINUTE For sale by all Druggists. P H I L I P J A E G E R l | GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE BAT.E OP Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs g This is the oldest house on tbe street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE j£ iM Stall I A 3, Fnlton St. p. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. S f: Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Com Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and 1 Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin Lightning Rod WcrKs! I am agent for the above. We put tbe Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages' If bo more than $000. Call and get full particulars. Geunl Bldcksmitlilng Prices always Reiswubie *>/> ; '&r- -Mf: 1farfotBcei&%ZZ,*t% Hydrocele #L J. TILLOTBON »m«t SyadaUtt Oaraa Vahaaeal*. laubl (Oonnum.) Gur-od In B Day No Cutting or- Patn. Gumrmnlmmd Ourm or Monmy Itmtundmd. 1/A Om/lfin f VnAmr my tmitiauiit this Inaldloua dUeaae 7 ^ rapidly dluppura, P&in ceases almost 4n- Bt&ntiy. The eta^nant blood is drircn from the dilated veins and *H *orenefcfl T&nlshcsand swelling subsides. Every Indication of Varicocele vazxibues and in itn etead comes the pleasure of perfect health. niiiUire ti8Uy,cur«4» Contagious Iliood Poison, Kidney and niadder Troables, Nervous Debility, and allied troubles* y iiH'.hodM of ireatsnient and cure ar© original with me and cannot be ouiaiucd uUewhere. 1 make no experiments. All cases X take I cure. want. I giro a Legal Guarantee to cure you or rsfund ' era I can do for yon. _ -- s be reasonable and fe°rr^dfVCA^^OKE VOu'#°r ^ bon,k.». Certainty of Cure ofChiMaa.«kaM--r ?one3r- Br"What I have done for othf •ublutoiiMS. „„y^7*I*A'or a PTmanent cure will fc Correspondence Confidential Wrtt?m*.your condition fnuy and y<m wui - niiiainII „f „„ wumrir _# />> reoelTe In plain en»«lope a actontiflo and Mullad upon«4)trflc*tlon. Cha, ee* *r bom. t~U"n« U-«oc-Si. book.-d a X TUXOTSON, M. a, a> fuietsoa BetMlat, 84 Dcartora Sinet, CHICAOO. William Jennings rived in Paris. Miss Mabel Knowles has Balled for Japan to be a guest of the famous oriental actress, Sada \acca. The czar and czarina arrived at St. Petersburg from Skieniewice, Russian Poland. Her majesty has completely recovered her health. . The condition of Mrs. -Marlscal, wife of the minister of foreign relations at the City of Mexico, is serious and lit tle hope for her ultimate recovery is entertained. . Mrs. Mariscal is an American woman, being a native of Baltimore. After thirteen years' service as the pastor of the Lafayette Avenue Pres. byterian church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Rev. Dr, David Gregg has' resigned to ac cept the presidency of the Western Theological seminary, Allegheny, Pa. He went to Brooklyn from Boston to succeed Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler in 1890. His resignation will take ef fect Mafch 1. Fire at Auburn,, Ohio, caused a loss of 175,000. The Powers-Miller company store at Newark, Ohio, was burned; loss, |120,- 000. Vernle Alderman, actor, eloped with Bessie Lower, daughter of a Menier, 111., farmer and they were married in Peoria. A man who wishes to remain anony mous has given University college of London $250,000 to be used for the promotion of higher scientific educa tion and research. Eleven coal miners were killed at the Gasson-Laquasse mine at Monteg- ne«, Belgium, through the breaking of a rope by which a cage was being hauled up." The men were precipitat ed to the bottom of the pit and their bodies wera horribly mangled. An agreement has been concluded between the Hamburg-American and the White Star lines, whereby each will provide four steamers for the American Mediterranean service, the Hamburg-American steamers running trom New York and the White Star vessels from Boston. Boston coal teamsters propose to refuse to deliver coal to hotels which have attempted to put nonunion men in the places of the striking cab driv ers. M. Rouman, the French astronomer, noted for his studies of volcanic phe nomena, although a very old man, has taken up his residence on Mount Ve suvius in the hope that the researches he is about to undertake will result in important discoveries. A transfer of a New York stock exchange membership was arranged a t $ 5 7 , 5 0 0 . T h i s i s a n a d v a n c e o f %2- 500 over the last previous transfer. Sumner Swan, a prominent farmer, was shot and mortally wounded by Harrison Fowler, a, brother-in-law, at Barbour8ville, W. Va. Fowler is 62 years of age and owns valuable real estate. After three days' discussion of the government program, as contained In Premier Giolittl's statement, a vote taken in the Italian chamber of dep uties resulted In a government ma jority of 167, surpassing all expecta tions, especially considering that the Socialists, Republicans and Radicals, together with the Conservatives, were in opposition to tbe cabinet. The president received a committee representing the National Congress of Mothers' clubs. The visitors, number ing about twenty, were received in the east room of the White House by appointment, the president shaking hands with each one. At Marshalltown, Iowa, Judge Burn-" ham sentenced N. A. Carmean, for merly president of the Rhoades-Car- mean Buggy company, to two years in the penitentiary at Fort Madison. Carmean was convicted on the charge of embezzlement. Joseph Mayor, ex-burgomaster of % erammergau, who was famous .as the impersonator of Christus in the "Passion -Play" of 1870, 1880 and 1890, and who was the choir leader in the performance in 1900, is dead at Mu nich. The Crucible club of Pittsburg, Pa., presented a loving cup to Gen. Nelson A. Miles. The wedding of Prince Alexander of Teck and Princeus Alice of Albany has been set for the first week in February at St. George's chapel, Wind sor castle. Prof. Rheinhold Begas, the sculptor, once Emperor William's favorite, but reputed of recent months to have lost the emperor's good will, has received the cross of the Hohenzollern order set in diamonds, with an autograph letter from the emperor, thanking the professor for his work in concoction with the sarcophagus of tbe Empress Frederick. Janitors discovered a stick of nitro glycerin, fitted with an electrical ex plosive appliance, just outside the door of the Des Moines, Iowa, Nation al bank. It was evident that someone, presumably safeblowers, had attempt ed to effect an entrance, but were frightened away. ' United States Consul General Hol- loway, who has been 111 ever since his arrival In Halifax, N. 8., has recov ered sufficiently to be able to leave tbe hospital and go to his hotel. Jerry Simpson has declared for Judge Parker for president, William C. Hook of Leavenworth Kan., was sworn in at Kansas City In the United States court as Circuit judge of the Eighth judicial district, succeeding Judge Henry C. Caldwell of Little Rock, Ark. The ceremony, which was brief, but impressive, was" performed by Judge F. Phillips. The Hyperion theater, New Haven. Conn., has been engaged by local Dem ocrats for Jan. 11, when William J. Bryan will deliver a lecture on "the value of an ideal." It is expected tbe occasion will mark the opening of an active campaign in N®w England. * John Spires, a married man, killed Lina Perkins, a school girl aged 15, with a dagger at Winslow, N. and then killed himself. Jealousy was the motive. Dennis Walker, a cowboy on the Spade ranch, near Ellsworth, Neb., killed a companion named Cummins, Inflicting -Injuries frith a club. Walker escaped on a horse. Miami Military institute, German- town, Ohio, burned; loss, $30,000. President O. G. Brown and Dr. W. K. Brown, dean of the trustees, at once secured temporary quarters. South Sharon, Pa., is to be made the greatest tinplate producing center In the world. When the plans of the American Tinplate -company are car ried out the plant there will consist of seventy hot mills, giving employ ment to nearly 6,000 hands. *The pres ent plant consists of twenty mills and fifty more are to be added. J. G. Butler, Jr., chairman of the Bessemer Pig Iron assoclatldn, said regarding tbe 6utput of pig iron that the blast furnaces tributary to the Lake Superior ore region, with a total daily capacity of 37,000 tons, or a yearly capacity of 14,000,000 tons; show up to Dec. 1 sixty-five furnaces in blast and ninety-one furnaces out of blast, or an idle capacity of 87- per cent of the whole region. Dr. William Burt, head of the Amer ican Methodist mission In Italy, has returned to Rome from England, wnere he has been in the Interests of the home of refuge for retired clergy men. Dr. Burt's visit was for the purpose of arousing Interest in the home and of collecting funds for its. increasing needs. A son of John D. Spreckels, multi millionaire, is selling steamship tick ets In his father's office. The fires have been lighted in both thei Lawrence and Shenango glass fac tories in Newcastle under orders from the general superintendent of the American Window Glass company. Over 600 glass workers, who have been idle since late last winter, are affected. The plant of tbe - American Steel Foundry company at Sharon has closed down pending a settlement of the scale. The men have been asked to accept a 10 per cent reduction. About 700 men are idle. The Boone, Witch Hazel, McGovern and Midland No. 3 mines of the Pitts burg and Buffalo Coal company at Washington, Pa., have closed down because of the closing of lake naviga tion and a falling off in the demand. Five hundred men are made idle. An attachment was filed by the' United States government through the district attorney's office in'Bos ton on all the property of Charles A. Baitler and Simon Burman, who were arrested in October, charged with smuggling laces, but who defaulted when their cases were called in court. The real estate and personal property ol the men so far attached is valued at $20,000. Acting Finance Minister Pleske of Russia is said to havo been granted a prolonged leave o'f absence and .it is reported that M. Kobeko, a member of the council of the empire, will replace him. While reciting in a high school at Alexandria, Ind., May Runyan, the 16- year-old daughter of Dr. J. F. Run yan, was stricken with heart failure and died Instantly. * ' A jury in the United States district court at Los Angeles has rendered a verdict of $27,500 against the Scufb- ern Pacific company in the euit of Mrs. Cora Vernon for $60",000 as com pensation for the death of her hus band. The nationalist members* of the French chamber of deputies held a meeting at which they adopted a reso lution criticising the government's ac tion in the revision of the Dreyfus case, Baying they regarded it as a political move preliminary to a judi cial step, "which only the dhemies of the country could make", and affirm ing that the nationalists purpose to continue the struggle against Drey fus. After being out eight hours, the jury in the case of John Blnegar, charged with the murder of Jacob Bieneman at Peoria, 111., returned a- verdict finding Binegar guilty of man slaughter. Following a quarrel in "a saloon, where Binegar was bartender, he struck Bieneman several blows, killing him almost Instantly. The trusteed of Trinity collegfe, Charlotte, N. C., refu3ed to accept the resignation of Prof. J. S. Bassett, who recently declared Booker T. Washing ton was the greatest man born in the South in a hundred xears, save Gen. Lee. This caused much dissatisfac tion among the patrons of the college, and many protests against retaining his connection with the institution. William Stevenson, a Cass county pioneer, celebrated his 90th .birthday anniversary at Virginia, 111., Dec. 2, al3o the forty-first anniversary of the marriage of his daughter, Mrs. Jobn Bergen. William Herring, a farmer near Sparta, Wis., was blown to pieces by dynamite in his house. He was stand ing by the kitchen stove with three sticks of dynamite In his hand Vrhen the explosion occurred. His sister was in the same room, but escaped in jury. City officials of St. Paul, Minn., are' preparing an ordinance to quarantine consumptives. Gov. La Follette approved the action of tbe state board of control to estab lish an artlsian school for the blind at Milwaukee.. Sweden's famous literary prize, founded by Herr Nobel, will be divided between Bjarnstjerne 6jornson and Ibsen, Dec. 10. Each will receive 75,- 000 kroner ($20,000). Ibsen is seri ously ill at present If he should die Bjornson will be awarded the whole amount. HIDDEN PICTURE MIZZLE, "Ind the boy who la cpmlng for water. POLITICAL ISSUES STIR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE Charles D. Purroy was retired as chief of the fire department of New York on his own application, on ac count of years of service, and will re ceive half pay during tbe remainder of ~.s life. Deputy Chief Charles W. Cruger was detailed as acting chief. Prairie fires are raging In the west em part of Caddo county, Oklahoma, south of tbe Washita, river. Many homes are reported to hav* been Churned between' Fort Cobb and Ana- darko. Tbe fire took a swath from Ave to six miles wide, destroying er 'ling In Its path. Oiscusa the Relation of Democrats and Republicans Toward Exist ing Conditions. / . Friday, Dec. 4. The House was in session only five minutes. Mr. Hunter (Ky.) and Mr. Nevia (Ohio) were sworn in;as mem bers. Representative Wachter of Maryland introduced a bill making Aprfl 1*4 of each year a legal holiday, to be-known as "Martyrs' day," in com memoration of the death of Abraham Lincoln. Representative Llvernash of' California introduced a Joint resolu tion "defining the intention of the United States concerning the Isthmus of Panama." It disclaims on the part of the United States any intention to impair Colombian sovereignty or to support the Republic of Panama against Colombia, or to interfere in tbe relations between Colombia and Pan ama. Representative Burgers of Texas introduced a bill to lessen the damage of the cotton boll weevil, di recting the Secretary of Agriculture to appoint a cotton commission in his department .to include residents of the states-of Texas and Louisiana to study the problem.' The bill appropriates $250,000 for this purpose. At 12:05 p. m. the House adjourned. The Senate was in session only fif teen minutes. The. business trans acted was purely of a routine char acter. It has been considered prob able that a resolution for tbe adjourn ment of the extra session of Congress would be brought in, but none was of fered, and a session was provided for Saturday' with the hope that an ad journment agreement may be reached by that time. Senator Mitchell intro duced a bill providing that every car rier in the < rural free delivery mail service, in addition to his salary fixed by law, shall receive $260 a year for subsistence. At 12:15 o'clock the Sen ate adjourned. Saturday, Dec. 5. When the senate met to-day it adopted a motion to. adjourn until 11:30 Mqnday. This will afford an op portunity to pass a concurrent reso lution for the sine die adjournment in case an agreement of that kind is made between the two houses. The resolution introduced by Mr. Morgan providing for an investigation of the charge .that the transcontinental rail roads have been interfering unduly in tbe Isthmian canal question was called up and referred to the commit tee on contingent expenses of the sen ate. The senate adjourned at 12:10 p. m. ' When the bouse convened the speak er announced the* bouse committees. Mr. Williams, tbe minority leader, asked unanimous consent that an hour be given to a general discussion, thir ty minutes to each side. Mr. Rus sell (Dem., Texas)- was recognized. Replying to Mr. Hepburn and quoting statistics, he charged that the wealth of tbe country in consequence of the policy of the dominant party had been concentrated in the hands of a few people. Mr. -Dearmond (Dem., Mo.) said that on each of the sixteen most important committees the Republi cans have eleven members and the Democrats six. This, he said, was un just and unfair and an outrage to a minority. He introduced a resolution amending the rules to add an addi tional Democratic member to all the large committees. Mr. Martin (Rep., S. D.). reviewed the operation of the various Democratic and Republican tariffs and said if the Democrats ever wished again to assume the reins of government some other issue would have to be advanced. Mr. Olmste&d (Rep., Pa.) said that Mr. Clark al- Bryan's Daughter I* Hurt. Humansville, Mo., special: - William H. Leavitt and his wife, who is Will- lam J. Bryan's daughter, were thrown from a trap In a runaway here. Mr. ueavltt suffered a fractured arm and Mrs. Leavitt was o.oly slightly bruised: ready had predicted a Democratic president and house In 1904, and add ed that if this should prove true it would drive a hundred million dollars Into hiding within thirty days. Mr. Williams (Dem., Miss) challenged a statement by Mr. Olmstead that wagea were never higher than now. Mr. Hepburn (Rep., Iowa) replied to Mr. Russell (Texas), and Mr% Payne re* ferred to the criticisms of the commit tee assignments made by Mr. Dear mond. He reviewed the record to show that the speaker had not de parted from precedents. Representa tive Overstreet introduced a resolu tion giving the committee on postof- flees and post roads authority to re quest the postmaster general to send to that committee all papers connect ed with the recent investigation of that department. Representative Badge of Ohio introduced a bill re pealing the duty on hides. At 1:40 p. m. the house adjourned. YOUTH INVADES WOMAN'8 BALL College Boy In Dresses and at-Coed Are Suspended for Prank. Ann Arbor, Mloh., special: An up per classman of the University of Michigan, who In the disguise of a negress got Into a fancy dress party where all tbe guests were supposed to be women, was suspended from the university with tbe coed that took bim to the ball. The party was given by the Woman's league of the univer sity Just before Thanksgiving and men were not allowed to attend. The man in question was escorted by one* of tbe prominent coeds and did not arouse suspicion till he began to dance. When Dean Jordan espied the negress Bhe concluded the dancer was not graceful enough for a woman and forced "her" to unmask. The double suspension was the result. DROP IN THE IRON ORE TRADE Shipments. From Ashland Lea* This Year Than Last. Ashland, Wis., dispatch: The iron ore shipping season at this port has closed with a total loss of 2,823,119 tons sent forward. This is a falling ofT compared with last year of 730,- 000 tons. It Is believed to be due largely to the fact that vessels during the greater pnrt of the seasou were engaged in making good the defi ciency in coal stocks at upper lake ports caused by the miners' strike of the year before. Two hundred million feet of lumber was shipped from Ash land during the season, a decrease of 27,000,000 feet compared with last year. PROVES TO BE A POOR HUNTER Governor Durbin cf Indiana Cauaea Comment by Error. » Douglas, Ga., speelal: Gov. Durbin of Indiana, who is now bunting In Coffee county, displayed his marks manship by shooting a borse when he aimed at one of a covey of Georgia quail. The governor, in company with Joe Brewer, a local sportsman, had fine shooting all day until his bad shot caused tbe steed they were driving to run away. He and Brewer had to walk several miles through tbe swamps back to camp, which tbey did not reach until 10 o'clock at night. Kill Border Bandits. Douglas, Ariz., dispatch: Twelve •Mexican rurales surrounded three bor der bandits who were encamped south vof here on tbe international line and shot them down without quarter. MoClure Dislikes Sentence. Tipton, Ind., special: Jesse McClure, who murdered his two small children, has been taken to pirlson to begin his life sentence. McClure hoped he would 'je hanged. His wife refused to bid aim goodby. . 6et Verdict for 93,000. - Pana, 111., dispatch: Arnold Broad- man of Pana was given a verdict of $3,000 against the city of Pana tor damages on account of a burn by aa •lecuie light wire on the Btreet. Charges Against Consul. Washington dispatch: ' Serious charges against Cousul John Good- now at Shanghai have been filed with the department of state, and he is hastening to Washington to answer them. Copsul Jobn Fowler, whose post is (me Foo, China, Is also bound to Washington with the avowed Inten tion of obtaining Mr. Goodnow's of ficial scalp. Red Hat for Ireland. Rome cablegram: Bellamy Storer, American ambassador at Vienna, has so strongly recommended Archbishop Ireland to the Pope for promotion to the red hat that His Holiness haB been induced to promise to consider Ireland. Throws Wrong Switch. Frankfort. Ind., special: On account of a crossing tender throwing the wrong switch a Clover Leaf freight train was wrecked. Brakeman Everett Sims was badly injured by jumping. Bank Robbers Get $15,000t. Johannesburg cable: The Robin son bank at Randfontein was attacked by a gang of masked men, who, after gagging the manager and his assist ants, secured $15,000. The robbers escaped. Palls for $100,000. * Boston special: The firm of Irving O. Downing a Co., importers of goat skins and morocco, has made an slgnment. The liabilities. It la thought, will &ot exceed $100,000. WILLIAM M. SFRINGER gr < DI£S AT WASHINGTON^ Former Congressman From lllinoi%^ Panes Away After a Short 111- (teas at Nation'a Capital. ^ ^ Washington special: William springer, former representative froml • .. Illinois, a Democratic leader conspicu+|;if; ous in the house during the forty-c ;c': fourth and fifty-third congresses, in-^c" elusive, and once chairman of th« ways and means committee of th« house, died at his residence In Wash* ington. He was 64 years old. His death was due to pneumonia contracts ed in Chicago Thanksgiving day. Heil was attending a dinner there and waa4- suddenly taken with a violent chilly * | He left Chicago the following day andfcf^ff arrived here seriously ill. His famsjj^' Ily physician was immediately sum--'^:; moned, but Mr. Springer grew stead->Hjt ily worse. His condition became criti{! v leal and a radical change for worae|»j took place. He sank rapidly and dledP^V' at 3:25 o'clock Friday morning. Mr. Springer's wife and son, Chap lain R. W. Springer, U. S. A., who has been stationed at Fort Washing ton, but . who was summoned home when his father's condition became serious, were at the bedside during the distinguished patient's dying hours. Mr. Springer has been a resi dent of this city during the last few years, following his retirement from congress, and has followed the prac tice of law begun at Springfield, 111., before his congressional career - be-' gan. has represented many of the, Indian claims before the interior de partment and before the federal and local courts here. TWO BOYS TO ONE GIRL IS KANSAS' BIRTH RATE Two-Thlrda of the New Arrlvala Are of the Male 8ex and 8uperati« tious Predict War. Leavenworth, Kan., special: "Prof. Schenck outdone." That is what pny-' siclans in the Missouri valley are say ing In regard to tbe climate of Kan sas, and especially Leavenworth coun ty. Within the last six months over two-thirds of the births reported to the secretary of the board of health have been boys and one physician, Dr. R. L. Igel, reports that out of twenty confinement cases he has been called upon to attend nineteen of them have been boys. The birth of a girl la so unusual as to create com ment. What the cause of this strange situ ation is no one knows. The old col ored women who claim to be able to solve all mysteries say: "It means wah. Befoah these chilen are 21 years old this country will have wah." Even the white population have been heard to express the same opin ion. It may be the climate, but whatever it is Leavenworth county people are considering the advisability of send ing an Invitation to the czar and czar ina of Russia td" come here and visit for a little while. Then perhaps the czar's hopes may be realized. AIMS BLOW AT THE OLD UNION New Organization of Iron-Worker*, to Oppoae Parks' Asaociation. New York dispatch: Another blow was aimed at Sam Parks' old union of iron-workers by the new union organ ized by the employers to take the place of the strikers. Tbe new house- smiths' union took the initial step to form an international organization of iron-workers in opposition to the one of which Frank Buchanan is president. This action is taken because of tbe strikes called by Buchanan throughout the country to aid Parks' union. These strikes, however, have proved fizzles. LATEST CASH MARKET REPORT WHEAT. Chicago--No. 2 red. 84@85%c. New York--No. 2 red, 83%c. St. Louis--No. 2 red. 91c. Kansas City--No. 2 hard, 72©78e. Milwaukee--No. 1 northern, Minneapolis--No. 1 northern, 81C. Duluth--No. 1 northern, 89%c. CORN. Chicago--No. 2. 42,/ic. New York--No. 2, 4134®43c. St. Louis--No. 2, WVfcc. Kansas City--No. 2 mixed, U0S1HO Peoria--No. 3, 42Vic. OAT3. Chicago--Standard, 37^c. New York--No. 2, 41%4Sc. St. Louis--No. 2, 36^c. Kansas City--No. 2 white, MflBe. CATTLE. Chicago--$1.75 @*5. S5. St. Louis--$2.20@6.50. Kansas City--J1.G0@6. Omaha--J1.50@5;15. HOGS. Chicago--$4.10@4.70. St. Lou Is--$4.20@4.57V4- Kansas City--$4.40@4.60. Omaha--$1.20 fiM.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS. Chicago--J2@ 5.75. Kansas City--$2.75@o. St. Lauis--*24#5.66. Omaha--$2@6. Dynamite Explosion. Kokomo, Ind., dispatch: Two hun dred and fifty pounds of dynamite at the quarries of the Kokomo, Marlon and Western Traction company ex ploded. Though one mile away every building in Kokomo was shaken and many windows shattered. A dos- en persons were slightly injured by flying glasa. Accepts Carnegie Offer. Philadelphia dispatch: After many months of consideration the council's committee on libraries and museums has decided to accept Andrew Car negie's offer of $1,500,000 for the tion of thirty branch libraries. Admits Smuggling Cigars. Washington dispatch: Louis Kemp- ner, former superintendent of the reg istry system in the postoffice, accused of having received cigars from Cuba by mail without paying duty, admits it. War Budget Is Heavy. Belgrade cable: The budget to be iubmltted by the minister of war. Colo nel AndreJevltch, will be a heavy one.' It asks parliament for a grant of 10,- 000,000 francs for the purchase of arm- »meats. Train Crew Is Killed. Dover, Del., special - A Pennsylvania railroad freight train on the Delaware railroad was blown up by dyimmlta. All the crew were killed and Sfteea ears were destroyed. . 'iV.rv. - • mailto:2.20@6.50 mailto:4.10@4.70 mailto:4.40@4.60