The McHenry Plaindeiler PUBLISHED EVEItV THURSDAY BY THE McHEflftT PLAINDEAIER (0MPA1IY. F. K. ORANGE*. W. A. CRIBTT, J. B. PcftRY, pres. Soc. Treas. CHAR. D. SOBOOHMAKEK. Editor. OflBee in Bank Building. Telephone, No. ZTt. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION: 5&»e .v«w o-v Six months. 75 eta. Three months. 40ct> H; &A' ite k ;.n, jys$$ Thursday* December 17, 1903. I'tut KK; KKSE>TA riVK. 1 hereby announce mysrlf a« a .rai)di<- date for the office of Representa tive from this iii«tri<-t subject to th« action of the Republican Conventions and ask the sppport of the Reput>li<-ai< , voters of McHenry connty for uiy nowi- | nation. Very respectfully, : J. H. URACY. ftoWIE says tha* a wall most b» IjaUt around Zion City to shut oat th» wicked outside world Why not bn one of the Sooth S«H island* and sav the 1 xpense of building a wall TLe World is willing. THR original Elijah ascended to the havens, so the Bible tells us Dowie. or Elijah III, *vill not ascend, bat tl • chances are that he will some day "j.o np." And then his many followers will "onme ilown" hard. B'ATHf NO INJURIOUS. At last hobos have discovered a tra< friend in Dr. John Dill Robertson. No more need they heed the scoffing of the better ele ment over their natural fear of water. In a lecture before members of his profession in Chicago last week Dr. Robertson spoke as follows: "When people leave off bathing there will be little or nothing for the docton- to do. Pneumonia, colds, and a hun dred other ills result from the foolish habit of washing the body. "To bathe is to be dirty,' for you there by ma|ce a sewer of the skin. Blood, at ' tracted by the skin, gives np products that should be left to seek a natural out let, and soils the skin. "I have not taken a bath for two ^ "years. I keep clean by changi g all my clothiug once a day. Coming from a tubercular family, ten years agio I was obliged to give up bathing because T rV s •; took cold too trequently. It was yean- jpov." before I could overcome the bath hab* it, but now I not only do not bathe my self, but I ha\ e a number of patients who have come to accept my views as rational. "If a body of philanthropists were to visit the Ghetto and induce the inhabit ants of that region to take daily baths, they would in many ways be murderers. They would increase the death rate threefold. A nation becomes weak and retrogrades in consequence of bathing." : " '* Coach*, Cold* and Cwnntlpatioa. Few people realize when taking congb medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that, they contain opiates which are constipating, besides lieing unsafe, particularly for children. Foley's Hon ey and Tar contains no opiates, is safe and sure and will not constipate. It has long been a household favorite foi coughs, colds, cronp and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take and acts promptly. Sold by G. W. Bedey, W. McHenry. .• f^ wm tsmti?. fw(-s;;w:-sv :T ] "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble* Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid- - * neys. If the child urin- ^ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased conation of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a raa^rininiatffivjr r..r^ sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of 8w»«un ing all about it. including many ' of th« thousands of testimonial letter- received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer SL CO.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Liquozone Cost $ 100,000 ^et We Will Buy a SOc. Bottle and Give it to You. All adrertinementx inserted under thi* bead at tin 'vllowtnff rate*: Fivp line* or le**, 25 cents for flt>t n.->ert»on; 15 oenta for each subs-equmt insertion Hurt- than five lines, 5 cents a line for first Insertion, and 3 rent* a line fur additional insertions. T^OR SALE--On account of other business E The Commercial Hotel and furniture, steam heat. K&S. artesian water, etc. A snap for a quick buyer. Belter than a farm as ai> Nvestment. Act today. Address, GEO. E SMITH, Byron 111. Please mention this papn 23-tf. VKTE BAVE FOK RENT the Brieg Still farn * * one-half mile east of Woodstock, con gtsting of 157 acres of laud. Fine buildings, one of the best farms in our vicinity, cash rent price, $000.00. 1'eter Sender farm of 100 acres; on shares oi ;ash to a responsible tenant. D. B. Truax farm of 212 acres; cash or oi shares to a responsible teuant. Charles Blakeslee farm of 184 acres; goo< farm--rent. $500.00. LCMLIY, WHITESIDE & MURPHY, 23-tf. Woodstock, III XTTANTED--SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHAK- * * acter and good reputation in each stati one in this county required) to represent an. id vertise old established and wealthy busl u-ss house of s(.lid tinuncial standing. Salar\ CI.00 weekly with expenses additional, all layable In cash direct every Wednesday frou lead offices. Horse and carriage furnislie* when necessary. References. Enclose self addressed envelope. Colonial, 332 Dearborn street, Chicago. fM6t GV)B SALE--Choice 2-year-old Holstein r bull--gentle and orderly. Also lot of choice heifers. P. K. Granger. 16-tl 1&:C The Cfceekerfcerrr. The leaves of the wlntergreen. • •mall plant, whose bright red berries, about the size of peas, are sold on the streets under the name of teaberry, have long been used for tea, says the Philadelphia Press. From this it takes the name by which it is known In Pennsylvania. New Euglunders. for some uuknown reason, call it checker- berry. The foliage Is very aromatic, and people who like a dash of splcinesa in their drink have sometimes added its flavor to real tea. It is near of kin and similar in taste to the creeping snowberry. a small, del icate vine abundant in the great bogs and mossy woods of the north and AJ- leghany regions, and this Is also ap proved by mountain palates as a sub- stitute.for tea. Thoreau in "The Maine Woods" tells of his Indian guide bringing it into camp one night and recommending it as the best of all substitutes for tea. "It'has a slight checkerberry flavor." he records, "and we both agreed that It was hett(*r than the black tea we had brought. We thought it a discovery and that' it might be dried and sold in tbe shops." A Costly Mistake. • Blunders are sometimes very expen sive Occasionally life itself is tbe price of A mistake, hot von'II never he wrong if yon tak* Dr Kiriif's New Life Pills for i)vr(**p8iH, Dizziness, Headache, Liv*ir or Bowel troubles. They a<e gentle yet thorough. 25c, at Julia A. JBtory s, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, McHenry, r'mii stores. T'««» "Merulsl^r't" Appetite. T'ie minister of a kirk In a rather remi/e iMiiuiry parish in Scotland, with his elder, went a long Journey for I'.ie. ."'catechising" of an old parish ioneiv Tlie walk was long and arduous, and when they arrived at their destina tion their appetites, to say the least, were somewhat "keen." and they did Justice to tlie meal which the old pa rishioner offered them. "Now. Janet •aid the minister, when he and hia companion hud for awhile finished eat ing. "we will begin the serious busi ness. r»o you remember the text for last Sunday?" "Aye. 1 mind it well,' replied Janet. "It was about the mir acle of tbe looTes and the fishes.' "And hnve you pondered the subject duriug the meek. Janet?" continued the minister. ""'Pcpd have 1, sir." said the woman, "and I'm thinkin' tbe noo thai if you and tbe elder had been there they wadna' have taken up aae mony ' basketfuls." --.-- ̂ H': Jfctpd Th© pUrindotor "want" ads. Want Column. r OST--On road between Lily Lake and Pls- *-* takee Bay, gold chain bracelet. Finder please leave same at this office and receive reward. -Jf* CH)R RENT CHEAP--The Meyers farm, ly- f ing on the east side of Pistakee lake. Apply to Fisher & Mann. Elgin, III. Mar. 1* TJ^ARM FOR BALE--Containing tS3 acres. c Black soil, clay sabsoi'. One-half mile west of West McHenry. 17-tf JOHN M. WALSH. CHARMS FOR]SALE OR RENT- I havefo L sale or rent two good (arms, near Mr- lenry. For full particulars address 17-tf H. C. MKAD, w. McHenry, 111. tXT ANTED--Faithful person to travel for * * well established house In a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Lo- •al territory. Salary $20.00 per week witli ex penses additional, all Davablt; in cash each >eek. Money for expenses advanced. Port ion permanent. Business successful ant ushing. Standard House. Xtt) Dearborn !St •hlcago. XO-lot C*OR SALE--My store and stock of general' *• merchandise; one feed elevator and coal sheds, with good trade in feed, grain, seeds. ;ult, cement, coal, etc; one ten room house. *ood barn and three acres of land. All of ibove for sale, and will sell separately or to gether as purchaser may deslr*'. An espec "v good opportunity fc tablished business ally good opportunity for investing In an "s- led business. J. E. Cur STY, ffi-tf Ring wood, 111. CpOR SA LE--Half Interest, or the whole, ot L two stern wheel steamboats, with an es iblished trade. Will sell cheap. Getting to< Id for the work. Address, John Anderson, h Wlce Place, Chicago. III. 23-4t. ,17 ANTED AT ONCE: Managers--1200 p« i ** month. Ver» reliable. No fnterferem • vltli business. Teache.i-s, ltKlgeuien. businef; •len Investigate. Write A. W. WATSON, 4-2t* 122K-55 State St., Chicag' . G^OR KENT -Al»»»iit twenty ai'res of good *• farm land, lying in the town of Burton, ne and one li i f miles south of Spring Grove. !'V>r further infonr.atlnn inquire of 24-tf Mits MAKY K. ADAMS. W. McHenry. Out- H tin dred Dullarn n Hoi i« the valne H. A. Tisdale, Summertot, S. C., places on DeWitt's Witch Haz< Salve. He says: "'I had the piles foi twenty years I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured ine." It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antisep tics and mollients; relieves and peruin- nently cores blind, bleeding, itching awl protruding piles, sores. cnt«, brn'ses, ec zema, salt rbenm and all skin diseases Sold by all druggists. A "Solder Oaiioon. Tremendous spiders can be seen in the forests of Java, the webs of these creatures being so strong that it some times requires a knife to cut through them. A Texas spider weaves a balloon four feet long and two feet wide, which It fastens to a tree by a single thread, then marches on board with its little ones, cuts the thread, and away goes tlM air sM» to distant place to make a new home. This company, composed of business, professional ana medical men of ability, Eiid $ioo,ooo for tlie right to make iquozone. That is the highest price ever paid for the rights in one country on any scientific discovery. It was paid by ns, after years of experiment with it, be cause Liquozone alone can kill inside germs without killing the tissues,, too. Nothing else can destroy the cause of any germ disease. Liquid Oxygen. Liquozone is simply liquid oxygen--no drugs, no alcohol in it. It is the dis covery of Pauli, the great German chem ist, who spent 20 years on it. His object was to get such an excess of oxygen in staple form into the blood that no germ could live in any membrane or tissue. Liquozone does that. We spend 14 days in making each bottle of it, but the result is a germicide so certain that we publish on every bottle an offer of $1,000 tor a disease germ that it cannot kill. Kills All Germs. Any drug that kills germs is a poison to you and it cannot be taken internally. Medicine never destroys inside germs. Liquozone kills them with oxygen--a tonic to you- the very source of vitality. It kills them because germs are vegetables, and an excess of oxygen--the very life of an animal--is deadly to vegetable matter. Liguozone is employed in the largest hospitals, and prescribed by the best physicians, the world over. It is essen tial in any germ disease, for the cause must be destroyed, and nothing else can do it. Liquozone then acts as a tonic to bring back a condition of perfect health; for oxygen is Nature's greatest tonic. Its effects are exhilarating, purifying, vitaliz ing. It does something that all the skill in the world cannot do without it. Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. All thatmedicinecan do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germ3, and such results are indirect and un certain. Liquozone kills the gerins, wherever they are, and the results are in evitable. By destroying tlie cause of the trouble, it invariably ends the disease, and forever. Asthma Abscess--Anemls Bronchitis Blond I'olcon Bright's Disease Bowel Troubles OVniehs--Cold« Consumption Colic--Croup Constipation Catarrh--Canner Dysentery-- Dlar-hea Dandruff--Dro Dyspepsia Eczema--Eryslpeias Hav Fever--Influenza Kidney Diseases La (irlppe Lmicorrliea Liver Troubles Malaria Neuralgia Many Heart Troubles Plies--Pneumonia Pleurisy-- Quinsy Itneumatism Skin Diseases 8c rof ula--Syph I lis Stomach Troubles Throat Troubles Tuberculosis Fevers--Gall Stones Tumors--Ulcers Goitre--Gout Varicocele Gonorrhea-- Gleet Women's Diseases All diseases that begin with fever--all inflam mation--all catarrh--all contaelous diseases--all the results of Impure or poisoned blood. In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vltal- Lzur, accomplishing what no drugs cut do. SOc. Bottle Free. If you need Liquozone, and have never tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an order on your local druggist for a full-size bottle, and we will pay your druggist ourselves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince you; to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it to-day, for it places you under no obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 50c. and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for this offer may not appear again. Fill out the blanks and mail It to the Liquid Ozone Co., 221-2^9 E. Klnzle St., Chicago. My disease Is I have never tried Liquozone, but If you will supply me a COo. bottle free I will takalt. 3 H G F K Ohve fall wddregg--write plainly. dlonderland! Thats is just what the children think when they enter our Store and no doubt they fully expect to see Santa Claus him self there beiug so many beautiful things suitable for Gifts in sight There is absolutely nothing lacking in the Toy Department. 4 Dolls, Games, Wagons, Horses, Furniture, Tool Chests and To^s, Toys Everywhere. - Bring the children in and let them see all tlie pretty things. They will enjoy it. We have a complete, line of Novelties in Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Etc. - Any physician or hospital not yet usinf Uqs zone will be gladly supplied for a test. 1 PROBATE NEWS j REAL ESTATE TKANSKEKS. Prank J Barblan to Elnorc W Howe. wH lots 10 & 11, blk 8, McHenry. west side Fox river $450 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lncins Burton, 25 Chemung Vlay Brown, 20 Lawrence George W. Coreon, 27...... .Woodstock OoCothy Christina Zimpleman, 21 " Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Mionte Congh Cure gives immedi ate relief in all cases of Conghs, Croup and La Grippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of trouble. It Iraws out the inflammation, heals and soothes find cures permanently by en abling the lungs to contribute pure life- giving aud life sustaining oxygen to the >lood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Oelia, Tex , prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made. Sold by all druggists. Auction Sale of Real Kutate. The following real estate and person al property of the Peter ny and Ger trude May estate will be sold at pnMic auction at the old homestead, in the northeast part of Johnsburgh, on Satur day, December 26, $03, commencing at one o'clock p. m : 105 acres of land, one piece of 58 acres being under culti vation and lying in section 18, near the village of Johnsbnrgh; one piece, con sisting of 12 V acres and another of 89 acres lying in section 5, all being in township 45, range 9. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Eight tons corn, 65 bags oats, 9 bajfs rye, quantity fire wood, quantity house hold furniture. TEKMS CASH. 24-3t. JOHN HUKMANN, Attoruev. •letter titan a Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on the affected parts is better than a plas ter for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has 110 snpe rior as a liniment for the relief of ileep seitel, muscular and rheumatic pains. For nale bv all drnggi«t.s. Boy * lift* Mtved fruin .tl, uiui-m>i»un Cninp "Mv little boy had a sovere attack of ui "inbranous croup and only got relief after taking Foley's Honey and Tar." says C. W. Lynch, a prominent citizen of Winchester. Ind. He got relief aft er the 6<wt dose and I f*el that it sared the life of my boy." ,Sold by G. W. Besley, druggist. W. McHenry. ftweiw of 6raig« Leaves. One of the remarkable Industries of Paraguay is the preparation of essence of orange leaves. More than 150 years ago the Jesuit priests, who then ruled that secluded country, imported orange seeds and planted "groves, which have now become immense forests, filled with small establishments for extract ing the essence, which Is exported to France and the Dnlted States for use In soap and perfumery making. It is also employed by the natives of Paraguay as a healing ointment sad a PROFIT The matter of feed Is oi tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children ? Are they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label ui on the wrapper of evtry bottle of Emulsion you bu/. Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Mc. sad 1 iU druggists. ^Vegetable PreparationforAs- simiia l ing (lie Foot! andReg ula - ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,1Cheerful ness anc! riest.Conlains neither Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. NOT NAHC OTIC. Jl»a/teafOIdJ)rSAMUELPITCNKR. HtmfJtM Seal' sltx S' j,t:a * jirwse Scr ti * /Jyjtk-v.w/rt - fir Ciu/>n?ialfSiBtftt * HANN STOD. - Cfari/ii'il Wntny;"?i riavor. A perfect Remedy forConslipa- fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Fcvensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature NEW YORK At'b months olil J) Dosfp -J5-C1 N I S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use for Over Thirty Years Is your family worth c a day to you 9 Successor" to S. Stoffol. West MoHenry. F. A. BOHLANDER am nnr- onr miiow< 1 ! When You Build No matter whether it be a mansion, cottage, barn or shed, let ns give you figures on tbe material. Oar prices are as low as any and we handle everything needed in the construction of Buildings. I Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, | Cement, Lime, Etc. Also large stock of Brick, 1 Tile and Fence Wire. Hard and Soft Coal. S i { FEED, GRAIN AND FLOUR 1 £ Can sell feed in any quantity to suit the purchaser at low- fi est market prices. We also buy and sell all kinds of j Giain. WHITE SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try a £ sack and be convinced. We wish to thank tlie people of 5 this vicinity for the patronage of the past and hope by 1 dealing and honest prices to retain their patronage. j WILBUR LUHBER CO. | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. WWW WW.V WWN WWW'WWWtfMW WWWWWWW/WW WWWJWIVWVWW WW A j^i A A itf iffaiti A i*fri > tfri tfe ifri 1^1 «!*« a A ^ ly ly ty Tyrty iy ill i|] til if l ttl ill ww ew Pianos •.•son A protector that will protect your family night and day is the CHICAGO TELEPHONE Cost but 5 oonts per day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY r- tatim! stoves Something that is of great interest to those who are in need of a Heater. This special otfer is holding for a limited time only. SEE THE STOVES! F. L. McOMBER West Side Hardware. which I can GUARANTEE for TEN YEARS from $150 up. Good used Pianos from $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from $3.00 to $4.00 a month. Six months rent allowed on purchase. I have a few second hand Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains or rent for $1.00 a month. PIANO TUNINQ AND REPAIRING at reasonable prices. First Class Work Only. McHenry. R. H. OWEN. > A A >1*1 A «^» A A A A A A >^i A A A »•* A iTx * t>i *iy »x» w ix* "x* *r *ir "X *x ^ ̂ Christmas Furniture! That's what is now taking up our entire attention. Our display this year is larger,and hetter than any previous effort owing to the greater demand. Peo ple are becoming moreear'eful in selecting Gifts and buy presents that are both ornamental and useful. We invite everybody, especially the ladies, to call and look over our handsome line of Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Center Tables, Rockers, Couches, Deskfr, Side Boards, Steel and Wood Bed Steads, Parlor Suits, Book Cases, Lace Curtains, Carpets and Rugs. For the little folks we have a big display of Wagons, Sleds, Hobby Horses and everything Iti tlie way of CHRISTHAS T0VS. JACOB JUSTEN IK'* ^ l$¥;.' kiv:' ,&Vr