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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1903, p. 5

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;*«£*? • jW j BEFORE tt/VEH TOR Y SALE\ - " BEQINNINQ DECEMBER a6, 1903. "." .: * MP*. .„ ' * sj^fcp * of Silver ware, T»ble and pocket Cutlery, carving Sets, Shears^4 w ( Razors and ShaVing Supplies, Stoyes and Stove FortUnr©;?:^! Ig^jHata, Caps, Gloves. Mitts, Show*, Clothing, Dress Goods and ' Notions at SPECIAL low prices to reduce stock. - „ ' -||)SnUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,- -Dry Goods, Sh< -Notions. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Corespondents Xtnas; Christmas joy is always found in making others happy. A little gift, no matter what the cost will brighten a persons life for a time, whether oid~ or ypung. When looking for something for the father, mother, brothers, sisters or sweet hearts,* do not fail to call and see oar stock. Beaatifnl line of NOTIONS AND TOYS Books, Toilet Articles, Per­ fumes and all kinds of Toys. Call and see what we have. Yyu will be sur­ p r i s e d . P r i c e s a r e l o w , t o o . . . . . Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. Fancy Grocers J E^ne Confectionary in bojtes. We are head­ quarters fox eyerything in • HOLIDAY CANDIES Broken Christmas candy per pound 10c Fancy Peanut Candy, per pound . .. 12 V* C Fancy Peanut Taffy, per pound 15c Molasses, Strawberry and Vaqilla Taffy, per pound.. 20c Coconut Bon Bons ass'd flavors, per ft> 20c Chocolate and Maple Fudge, per lb .... . 25c Choice ^lixed Candy in 1 lb. boxes 25c Fancy Boil Bons and Chocolates in 1 lb. boxes ; 40C Fancy Bon Bons and Chocolates in* 2 pound ooxes..... 75c Fancy Bon Bons and Chocolates in 3 pound boxes.... $1.00 Fancy Chocolates and Bon Bons in % pound boxes 25c Celebrated Allegretta Chocolates per lb. ..65c Marderlag Shakespeare. "I never hesitate to cut and slash and change any play until it suits me," said Stuart Robson to his legal ad­ viser on one occasion. "I suppose you edit Shakespeare with a blue pencil?" replied the lawyer. "You can Just bet I do." "Then, I imagine, you would plead gailty to an Indictment for murdering the Bard of Avon." "No; I would not, but I would admit dissecting his corpse." SANTA! CLAU5 I has surely made our Store his head- qnarters this year. 'He has left here everything imnginable in the way of novelties and Toys! Tin Toys, Iron Toys, t--Wood Toys. Homes, Carts, Wagons, Sleds, DoIIn, Wheelbarrows, Games and all the little Trinkets that make the Children happy. ft We have many useful articles in jV the 10c department, too, that make ft nice gifts. Call and see the things jj£ Nr. ifld Mrs. Emil Snyder Ostrander^Block, West McHenry. iWlBimilllMI meats! fRfSlI, SAtI & SMOKED NUTS Vegetables and Fruit In Seaaon. It Is my Intertion to Rive all customers the bestf/service pos­ sible. 1 p«y spot cash t >r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus payliiK the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop as a card when ready to sell. KING WOOD. ^ The Httle child of Mr. May, wW haa been qnite ill, is improving. Mrs. Lacy Randall of ti c in ia the guest of her mother, Mrs. a.u:> mf. Remember the Novelty *t \t\ lion^nof W. H. Dodge tu »\-&r eve. Frank Fay of Rick-eli«> I r«f Saturday to visit his u* .t«. i-». Spauidin'g. Demie Ingals, a former resident, now of West Chicago, waa here Monday vis­ iting relatives. Joseph Freund has moved to the farm of Geo. Stevens which hb has rented for the coming year. Frank Harrison of Ong, Nebraska, is here to spending the holidays with rela­ tives and friends. The UnivQrsali8t8 are . preparing an interesting program to be giyen in con­ nection with their Xrnas tree. Mrs. Martin Spanlding leaves "Wed­ nesday for Granville to spend Christmas with her son, Carl Fay, and family. Mrs. J. S. Brown is at Keystone at­ tending her father. Mr. Rngg, an aged gentleman, who is rapidly neaijng his life'8 end. Amos Smith succeeded in catching the thief who entered his house one night about two weeks ago and stole a purse containing about fifty dollars The guilty party is a Bohemian about eighteen years of age who was in the employ of Mr. Smith this fall and is now confined in the Woodstock jail awaiting the action of the grand jnry. One of our young men living near town had quite a serious mishap on Snn day night. His horse, which was hitched \o a post in front of the house where the young man was being entertained by his best girl, grew tired of waiting and took French leave for home, bnt soon came in contact with a telephone pole and left the buggy minus two wheels and otherwise seriously damaged. Good for Children. Tbe pleasant to take and harmless One Minnte Cough Cure gives itpnierii ate relief in all cases of Coughs, Cronp and La Grippe liecause it does not pass immediately in*o the stomach, but. takes effect right at the seat of trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and snofhes nd cures permanently by en abling the lungs to contribute fWe life- giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made Sold by all druggists. OSTKNI). The telephone is on the road. Frank and Charlie Abbott are con necting their homes with a private tele phone. A small amount'of rain has changed our stow into ioa. Look well to yonr ways, or your underpinning may pla\ you false. M. D. Hoy of Woodstock slipped on the icy pavement and fractured his hip He has been quite feeble all the fall and is well along in years. The ladies of the Cherry Valley Sew­ ing circle will give their annnal surprise oyster supper for their husbands at th home of Mr and Mrs. Chas. Florida on January 7, 1904. Cherry Valley Sewing circle met with Mrs. Homer Clemens December 17. for dinner. On account of the cold weath­ er there were but few out, but all joyed a pleasant time. ( Mrs. E. M. Brass has retnrned to her home in May field, Kan Her niece. Mrs. Leda Brown, accompanied her for a visit of indefinite length, hoping the change may improve her health We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs, John Walsh; a sad 1 >-*< to the fam ily. Our acquaintance was for only a few months, but as we pa-*«e i her home we were always greeted with a kind word. We shall miss her, and our sym­ pathy goes out to the bereaved husband and children. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of appr«»aching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner­ vousness, sleeplessness or stomach np- sets. Electric Bitters v ill quickly < is- member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu­ late the Kidneys and Bowels, stiiunlate the Liver and clarify tbe blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all tbe u*ual attending aches vanii-h un­ der its searching and thorough etlecti e ness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is retnrned if it doesn't trive i er- fect satisfaction. Guaranteed i y J lia A. Story, McH- nry. and G. W. L«stey, \V. McHenry, druggists. SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity deaitfoo to subscribe for The I^Mutdealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $150 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Mrs. Botny is'visiting with Mrs. Geo. YogeL < Mrs. C. Wooster has been on the sick list for a week. Geo. Vogel shipped a carload of Stock from Ringwood Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson called on friends here Saturday. " Mrs. D. W Lichty and daughter vis­ ited with Mrs. C. L. Turner Monday. Remember the Red Cross meeting next Saturday evening at Sutton's hall. The Nippersink camp of R. N. A. elected their new officers for the ensuing year. Geo. Vogel, John Collison, Bert Sut­ ton and H. Christian were in Woodstock Monday. , Chet Osborn, Gey. Elfers and Ed. Ay 1 ward transacted bnsiness in Chicago Monday. Remember the 2nd of Jannary at Cropley's o(iera house and be there in fall uniform. Mrs. Emily Hawthorne and Miss Celia Thomas visited relatives at He­ bron Sunday. A numbei of our young ladies walked to Spring Grove Tuesday in order to get a ride back on the train. Mrs. Nellie Phillips and children ol Chicago are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Christian. Reuben Turner's new house is near ing completion and he will move into it about the first of the new year. Now, don't be borrowing The Plain- dealer of your neighbors, bnt call on Allie Turner and she will send in yonr subscription for it. Miss Celia Th-tmas of Iowa, who has i>een engaged as a teacher in that state for a number of y^ars, is visiting rela­ tives and friends-in this vicinity. A. Stephens, agent for Loverleg & 3rowne, wholesale grocers of Chicago, will soon deliver a car of groceries at this depot, which he has sold the people in this vicinity. M rs. J. Dalton was a visitor in Solor Vfills Sunday. From here she took th» l<>n<*.ay mornitig train for a visit ii> \Vo wistrn k and" Dodgeville, Wis., for he rest of the winter. There will be a Christmas tree with exercises at the M. E. church Thursday -yening; also at the schoolhonse Wed­ nesday after noon, given by the teacher, Miss F oy Halderman, and pupilsf Que Hun«lr«*d DollHm a Hoi is tSe value H A. Tisdale. Snmmerton. S C., places on DeWitt's Witch Haze1 Salve. He says: "I had the piles for twenty years. I tried many doctors *n I m^di< ines. but all failed except De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antisep­ tics and • mollients: relieves and perma­ nently enres blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, sores, cnts, bruises, ec zeiua, salt rhentn an 1 all skin diseates. Sold by all druggists. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M HENRY, ILL. MMMMHMMNMNMM 4 1 TONY SCHNEIDER'S place is headquarters for Christmas CANDY and NUTS. The cleanest and freshest stock that money can buy. Call' and be convinced. Candy in bulk at all prices. Bet^ef Grades in one pound Boxes. BANANAS AND ORANGES and\all the delicacies that Santa Claus uses in filling the* Stockings of the little ones. NEAR RIVER BRIDGE rtcHENRY. Bronchitis " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. A l l s e r i o u s l u n g troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first i n a s i n g l e n i g h t " w i t h Ayer's Cherry Pectorah Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Tkn^aiMS : 2Sc.. Mc., SI. All druuUta. OniMlt your doctor. If he »»ys take !t, then do u be If be tells you not to take It. then dem't. talte It. Ho knows. I.eave it with liim. We art- willinn- .1. C. A V Kit I'jL).. Lowell, Mass. YOLO. Will Hu«on was in Chicago Friday. A Merry Xrnas and Happy New Year to all. Mrs A J. Raymond has been on the sick list. Mrs. .Tan. Kirwan has been ignite sick the past few days. John Richardson and Will Roaing were in Chicago Monday. Mrs, J. Vogt visited relatives in Chi­ cago a few days last week. t Miss Bessie Dnnnill of Grayslake »s spenHine the holidays at home. Nick Bovvers of Elgin visited relatives and friends here the past few days. Mrs. L. M. Hnson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Rnssel. in Chics go. Frank Hironimns and Miss Harriet ols " ent to Missouii last Sunday J Raymond transacted business ir ^aukegan laat Wednesday and Thnrs day. Mrs. R. Ootnpton has b»»en staying with her sister. Mi«« McConitv,in Ivan- hoe. She returned homa* with Mrs <"Y>mpton Fridnv. « Cnngrh*, Col«i« and Onnotlpxtlna. Few people reslijse when taking enno'*" nedicines other than Foley's Honev that thev mntsin onistes x*hirv sr«» rr»Ti»tif»atire\ besides l>eing nnsnf" nnrHrnlsrlv for fbildren. Foley's r- #v and Tar cants ins^no opiates, is ss^e snre and "'ill not fonstipste T< long been a hon«eb<ild favorite coritfbs. colds, cro~'p and all throat an'1 lnpg troubles. It is pleasant to talr« a"d arts promptly. Sold by G W Besley. W. McFenry The F|r»» Applicxnt. Hannah Ritt. a hlind person who h« been a ronntv charge, is the first an nMcant for tbe $150 pension allowed blind people nnder the recent act Vsrislatnre. Wednesday she made ap plication and the board ordered that ar exHmination be given her at once to see if she was entitled to the pension The law says that, each oountv mns' give-a pension'of $150 a year to ever' blind person in the confine* of th< county, if the inevne of such person is j less than $200 a year. It is understood ; there are several eliuible people for the ' pension in McHenrv conntv.--Sentinel. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen­ sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never he wrong if yon take Dr. King's New Life Pilla ( for Dyspepsia. Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 95c, at Julia A. j Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Lesley's, W. McHenry, ding stores. I tk Up to Christmas we will keep our stock well supplied with everything in the line of HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS that one would be likely to want for their own use <-r for presentation to friends. There's a fine line of Lap Robes, Whips, Etc , from which pleasing gifts can he selected. Besides these we have a charming variety of SLEIGH BELLS Body Straps from $1.35 to $3.35 Shaft Chime Bells from 45c to $a.oo "Swedish Bells on Straps $3.35 and $3.50 G U S C A R L S O N JOCTNSBURGH. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitt, a baby boy. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Maggie Adams 'was a Chicago passenger Tuesday. John P. Lay transacted business in Chic&go Wednesday. Mrs. Jos.^ Heimer and son, Charles, ailed on friends here Friday. Georgie Nell is spending his Christ­ mas vacatiou with his parents. Mrs. Mat Niesen called on Jos. B. Ruemann and family Sunday afternoon. Misses Lena and Christina Miller and Eva Haemann visited Miss Emma Bug- ner Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Karls and little daughter of Spring Grove, called on friends here Sunday. Qnite a number of McHenry people attended the funeral of Mrs. Anna Simons here Sunday. Miss Emma Bugner was the gnest of her sister, Mrs. Jos. J. Freund, at Ringwood, a few days the past week. Mrs. Anna Simon, who died at Elgin Thursday, wr« buried here Sunday afternoon. Rev Fr. Mehring officiating. Mr. and Mrs Barney Simons ol Chicago attended the funeral of the former's step mother, Mrs. Anna Sim­ ons, here Snnday. Chris Blake was surprised by n nnm ber of friends Snnday evening. Those present were: Mr and Mrs. Hliber Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Mat \onugen, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Niesen, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake, Mr. aud Mrs. Johu King, Jt hi P. Lay, Annie ngner. Barbara Schmitt •v; --Cleveland Plain Dealar. Patting In His Coal. "Put In any coal yet? "Yes. I just deposited fifteen scut­ tles in tbe safe deposit vaulta."--New York Evening Journal. Toys at I etesc'.i's. 2825 Keeley St., Chicago, III., Oct,, 8,1902. I suffered with falling and con­ gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groine. I suf­ fered terribly at the time of men­ struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but I had never tried Wine of Cardui, that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had tbi> right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearimg down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak­ ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa­ tient she is on the road to health. Far advice in cases' requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. WINECARDUI Kural Fr©« Delivery. Rural free delivery carriers hope to receive an increase tin pay from the pres­ ent congress, an'd no one doubts that they deserve it Six hundred dollars is a fairly good salary f<>r a working man, bat wheh out of that su n he must pay for the keep of at least two horses, buy a mail wagon and keep up repairs on same, the salary is not to much. Presi­ dent Roosevelt recommended that the sum should be increaReil. The plan is to increase the ij&fory^abont $150 a year and give carrieia permission to act as agents for express companies. The Lone Star State. Down in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M. Ha Her is the head. Mr. Haller, on one of bis trips east to bay goods, said to a friend who w s with him in the palace car, "Here, take one of these Little Early Risers and you will be up early in the morning, feeling good." For the "dark brown" t • te, headache, and that logy feeling DeWrt's Little Early Ris­ ers are the best pills to nse. Sold by all druggists. LOOKING AHEAD Paraona In th* Early Stages of KM* bay Dlssaass Should Wast* a* Tim* In Making tfc*lr Kldnaya Right If job 4on*t stop that pals la the back, some of these days you are extremely liable to have Bright^ Disease or some other form of kidney trouble. You are Just as muoh In danger If you have dry­ ness of the skin, headaches, restlessness onusual appetite and great thirst, or II yon notice a sediment or cloudiness In the orlne or other urinary irregularities. Folxt's Kidnxt Curb makes the kid­ neys right, end whenever there are any Indications that these organs are In th* least way disturbed, It should be taken promptly and regularly antll all symp* toms of kidney trouble hare disappeared. This preparation is composed of the best known remedies employed by kidney specialists, and it eannot help but care every form of kidney trouble If taken early. Thousands have testified to this fact In even the most hopeless cases It will always afford relief. Dr. Geo. Ewing, of Smith's Grove, Ky, writes: "For years I have been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarged prostate gland. I osed everything known to the profession with­ out relief, until I was induced to use Foley's Kidney Curb. After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured. I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recommend Its use to all physicians for such troubles, for I can honestly state I have prescribed It lo hundreds of cases with perfect success." G. W. BESLEY. West Mcbenry. Half Rates to Portland, Ortgei,. aaMMi; turn. Via the North-Western Line. Excnr- sion tickets will be sold Jan. 6 to 9, in- r ^ elusive, with very favorable retartt ;: 1 limits, on account of convention of Na-J- tional Live Stock association. Apply to . Agents Chicago & North'Western R'y.. v:'v" Dec. 31 v~ ': ANNOUNCEMENTS! ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. S Direct to Havana' VI11 Illinois < ontr,al K. K. to New Orleans ai»d the wet-lily Southern 1'aoiflc S. S. "IxMisiunHf* to HuviiiiM. Leave ('luca^o ami Circiniiutli- *rl«laj morning, leave st. Louis un<i' Louis??-. villi* 1-rirtay noon, arrive New Orleans ̂ »atul>- • day 10.00 a. 111.. leave Saturday 2.00 p. m.. af* ' rlviiin at Havana Monday morning. Rouni*-* -! trip and one-way through tickets at unusually r\ . low rates. Free Illinois Central R. R. lllus* > 'J ' trated l-'older on Cuba, giving all particulars « on application. » ? • OCEAN ST E AM SHI PS FROM NEW ORLEANS Ocean steamship sailings from New Orleans for .Mexico, faiiaiim. Central and South Amer»".7 ica. West indies and Kurope conciS'-ly set forth in a special folder issued by the Illinois Send^( ;or a copy. (HARLES i ERET1 Wholesale and retail dealer In - a spe Central R. H. flFXICO T<)»r?of all Mexico via llliuoH I IL.AIVO central K. R„ under escort of CALIFORNIA JS'SSSSSTSi American Iourist. Association. Quincv Ruild- ing. 11H Adams St., Chicago, leaves Chicago, lannary 2(1. Select ulieniele Limited. AS! exclusive privileges, independent traveL Special Pullman Vestibule Train, Drawing K<x.ins. with the largest Dining Car iu tile • world, and the famous Open Top (>t>s"rvati<M) ( ar. I'liiliiiM. Special llaggage Car. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. Specin1 Tours of Mexico ami California via1 the Illinois ( entral and New Orleans under' . the auspices of Ravn.ond & \\ hitcoiub, will* leave Chicago. Friday. Fell. IS. aud St. IaiuII, Saturday, Feb I i. llM. for Mexico and Call- - fornia via New Orleans, including a stop-ovop for the Marrli (Iras; also from Chicago F'ridi^*' Ma -ch 4th, and St. Louis Saturday March o® for California, via the Illinois Central and New Orleans. Entire trips made In special private vestibule trains of Huest Pullman*, with dining car service. Fascinating trips, complete in every detail. -- Illinois Central Weekly E.xcursiofis to Call- . £< fornia. Excursion Cars throuuh to Los Ange^r1 les and San Francisco as follows:. Via New ! Orleans and the Southern Route every \Veai nesday from Chicago; ever* Tuesday fro® Cincinnati. Via cniaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Chicago. MARDI OKAS < HMU. Jor it excursion rates will be in effect-^ New Orleans on special dates which yoiUf ;.s local ticket agent will be able to advise you.- NEW ORLEANS the tourist, to visit. Winter tourist rates now \ In effect. Double daily service and fast steam- heated vestibule trains with throuuh sleeping > cars, buffet-library-smoking car service ana all meals enroute in dining cars. Ask for aat illustrated liook on New Orleuns. .-j" G U L F P O R T , M I S & • "Elie Oreat Southern Hotel, at (Julfport. Miss^, - ' '1 on the Mexican Oulf Coast, has STu- rooms sin* mm suite, with or without bath. Steals •'r heatt electric light, hot. and cola running water, ami telephone in every room. Keachttia ' , via Memphis and the Illinois Central's faSS morning trains, carrying sleeping and buffet- ilmiry cars, with a single change, on sauw< train en route at Memphis, into through" - sleeping car to (Julfport. Send for illustrates folder describing Gulfpoi t and the hotel, Fl OPIHA Through "Dixie Flyer" :* ^ Sleeping Car Lines St*. . l-ouis to Jackson villi; aud Chit-ago to Nastl* .ifeS- ville, the latter connecting en route wit#"'. '*? through Jacksonville car from St. Louis. Route via Nashville, Chattanooga and Allan* t.a. Hot Springs^ Ark rhroiigh Sleeplmr Car betwetTl Chicago lot Springs, carried on the Ceutral's fai Pullman vestibule "Limited" train. S-nd fi b<Kik descrihinn this most interesting of health* ind pleasure resorts, /%;' . „ f % FUll Pdfticuldrs t '° l , ,"er i , 'nK all of the abovS ing a I L'an Ik' h•'d of agents of tha. Illinois Central, or by adilressim: the nearest A if the undersigned representatives of the l '•Central." A.H.HANSON, F. P. A., Chlcaco. 1»L \<1F • I. Fi MERRY, A. G. P. A., Uubuque, lowasiS i? April 1. / ' Mutton Hog* •nd Poultry dive • • call BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Med Meats, Saiis^ McHenry - Illinois TRADt Mark* Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvone spmllng a sketch mid description m»y qnlckly ascertain onr opinion free whether au Invention Is probably patentable, ('omuiuiilc*. tions strictly cniitl<feiitl»l. HANDBflflK oil Patents lent tree. OMcst nuoncy fur securui|tpatent*. Patents taken through .Muim A Co. ItWlTC *ptTia( notict, without cbnrire. In the Scientific Jfmcricmt. A handsomeiv iilii'trated wivklv. I inrest cir- Ciiliitioil of anv (..'leiiliuo journal. '! i-rnis, $3 a four months, tt. S0I4 bfall ni'wsdealera. J 0g t36lBn»ihwy, ?ranch office. 635 F 8t_.Washington. D. V California * Fast through trains daily over the Chicago, Union Pacific & North-Western Line. Direct route and excellent train service. Two trains a day to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland Through service of Pullman compamnen;. Ji.iwins-rooin an.! to* sleeping cars. Dining cars, library anj ofc-M.-r.juon cats, builei ing and free reclining chair cars. Daily and Parstuily Csnductad Eicwsiits Fm ticket* sad informition apply to afcn** r4 The Norlh-Westera Use or address W. B. Kniskern. P T.M C. 4 N. W. RY. Chicago f - I m ill ^'(1 • -.'̂ 1 ...-V * .

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