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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1903, p. 7

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New York Central is advertis- g New York as a winter resort, and Riling attention to the fact that New ork has more theatrical and musical ttractions than any other city in the orld, and gives a list of a few of the rincipal actors how on the stage or be seen in its 44 playhouses this rtnter. This list includes: . ^ enry Irving lcliard Mansfield [r8. Leslie Carter to*e Coghlan laude Adams lanche Bates rancls Wilsjg <;v- H. Sotherflt *, >hn Drew axine Klllotj|, t--' yrone Power barlotte Welhe dward MarrJgan argaret Dale »ta Tilley lta Proctor Otis m. Gillette Thomas Q. SeabrooKf Cecelia Loftua Sidney Herbert Mrs. Veamans William Collier Agnes Booth " :i' Kyrle Bellew Jessie Millward Tbarlos Hawtrey , v> William H. Crane. V K. JHDackett Annie Irish J. E. Dodson . Frank Daniels ^ Grace VanStuddlfditl Ethel Barrymore Weber & Fields. In addition to the above attractions, rand opera, under the direction of Mr. "elnrich Conried, will be given during le winter at the Metropolitan Opera louse, and will include some of the great Vagner operas and for the first time 111 lie country, "Parsifal." There will also light opera under the direction let or Herbert, with hundreds of con-' ris and musical Entertainments by far nous artists. Incidentally, attention is called to j© fact that the New York Central ines offer the finest service between »e West and New York with their 8 afns a day from Chicago, 3 from t. Louis, 5 from Cincinnati and 14 -em Buffalo* landing people tn the enter of the hotel, theatre and real* enee portion of the metropolis. 4 • • Scientist Had Told It All. Many humorous stories are told of green" reporters in the various ress clubs of the country, but often hey are too full of Technicalities to e appreciated by those outside the rofession. But one that ought to be early understood is told of a young lan from Indiana, who came to New ork city and secured a position. It as bis first attempt at reporting, and was not found necessary to send iim out of the office until neasly mid* tight, when the city editor learned hat a famous British scientist bad rrived on a belated steamer and was taying at an uptown hotel. "Call on him to-night and get a ood Interview," said the city editor, nd the new reporter started out with rowing hopes. In about an hour he returned to the ffice and found a seat at a vacant esk. As he made no attempt to rite, the city editor called him to is desk and asked: Where is your interview with Mr. I didn't get It," he replied, rather ertly. 'And why?** "Well, he said he Mad told every- ing to the reporter of another paper d had nothing more to say."--De- ember Success. British Army Expenses. The cost of a commission In the ;ritish army is well illustrated In the ase of Lieut, and Riding Master Em- •y of the Royal Irish Lancers, who as just gone into bankruptcy, with .biliUes amounting to $3,670. Twen- •flve years ago he enlisted In the r giment as a private. He gained- an onorary commission In 1894, with an Iowance of $750 to cover his ex- enses. He was called on to spend r new clothes $470, for two horses :50, for transit of family to India, 75, for furnishing quarters, $600, and •r saddlery $100, a total of $1,495, or f45 more than the government al- wed him. To help out he had to go a money lender for a considerable irt of the balance, so that he waa ally insolvent from the day he got is commission. Congressman's Rough Trip. Frank W. Cushman, the picturesque ingressman from Washington, has a freshingly breezy way of express- „ himself at times. .He reached the pital after 7,000 miles of continu- us travel, having been in Alaska try- g a lawsuit when the extra session s called. His 3,000-mile ocean trip ,8 very rough, he and his trunk asing each other around the state- tom most of the time. "Sore?" he id in reply to a question, "I guess am--sore from the umbilicus to the bphrates and from first base to the juator." To the housewife who us not yet tcome acquainted, with the new ings of everyday use in the market id who is reasonably satisfied with e old, we would suggest that a trial Defiance Cold Water Starch be ade at once. Not alone because It guaranteed by the manufacturers be superior to any other brand, ; because each 10c package con* ins 16 ozs., while all the other kinds mtain but 12 oxs. It is safe to say iat the lady who once uses Defiance irch will ude no other. Quality id quantity must win. Annual "Class Baby." According to e time-honorei custom Bowdoin college, in Maipe, each »ss adopts the first child born to any Its members and gives its "class iby" a handsome present. To Wll- im Leavltt Watson, Jr., eon of Mr. id Mrs. William Watson, Portland, longs the honor of being the class by of 1902. Volunteer for Foreign Missions. Bishop Anderson stated at a meet- g held in Brooklyn a few days ago it 9.000 of the young men in the lieges have volunteered for foreign ssion work, of whom 3.000 are now the field. 4.000 are preparing for e work and the others were ready if e churches would seed them out. A Rare Good Thing. •Amusing ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, ana n truly sari would not have been without so long, had I known the relief it would 'e my aching feet. I think it a rare pood ngfor anyone having sore or tired feet.-- •s. Matilda Holtwert, Providence. R. L** Id by all Druggists. 2i>c Ask to-day. man worth $5,000,000 to-day Is no :her. as related to the aggregate ilth of the United States, than a in worth $370,000 in 1850. Dr. Prances Dickinson will probably glad in future to let the men wear e whiskers exclusively. He who can take advice is some- es superior to -him who can give --Von Knebel. ' * As a moth gnaws a garment, so th envy consume a man.--Chrysos Colombia has a population,*! ftbqet 100,000. Including Indians. ; f • " $5,000,000 OFFICE BUILDING TO BE ERECTED IN NEW YORK w rm ' S&f W' 8 I New Trinity Building. Work oa the New Trinity building wU be begun about May 1. It will take the place of the old Trinity build­ ing, No. Ill Broadway, one of the land­ marks of this city. The proposed building will be owned by the One Hundred and Eleven Broadway Company, a subsidiary company of the United States Realty and Construction Company. It will be twenty stories, not Including the towers, and its architecture will har­ monize with its surroundings. The windows on the south side of the building will overlook Trinity church­ yard, the east windows Broadway, the north windows Thames street, and Ihe west windows Trinity place. It is said that the total cost of the site and building will represent an outlay of $5,000,000.--New York Tribune. PLATT SILENCED THE BORE. New York Senator Refused to Discuss Question of Age. Senator Piatt of Connecticut was riding in a Washington street car the Other day, when a well-meaning bore with whom he is well acquainted came In and endeavored to open a conver­ sation. "How is Senator Hawley these days?" inquired the newcomer. "I haven't heard from him in some time," answered the senator. "I under­ stand he is quite ill," continued the other, "but, then, he is pretty old to be in the senate anyhow." Senator Piatt gazed straight ahead as he re­ plied: "Well, as. I am only about a year younger than Senator Hawley I won't discuss that with you." Which put an end to the conversation. Milner a Newspaper Man. Lord Milner, at present British high colnmissioner for South Africa, began life as a newspaper man. his first work being done for the Pall Mall Gazette. His writings attracted the attention 6t Lord Goschen, who procured for the young journalist a good post un­ der the government of Egypt. Ever since that time he has been in tlie public service, and now occupies one of the most responsible positions un­ der the crown. The office of colonial secretary was pressed upon him by Mr. Balfour, but he preferred to re­ main in South Africa. BRIDE FOR SPANI 3T KING. to Youthful Bavarian Princess Said Have Been Selected. According to the Spanish news­ papers a project is on foot for the mar­ riage of King Alfonso to his cousin, Princess Marie del Pilar of Bavaria. The princess, who is 13 years old, is jaaTvozstf jzuzt <F the only daughter of Prince and Prin­ cess Louis Ferdinand of Bavaria. Her mother was the Infanta Marie de la Paz of Spain, sister of King Alfonso's father. Record Continuous Trip. Frank Seaman of New York city is believed to have taken, with his fam­ ily. the longest continuous private car trip ever made. His vacation during the past summer and fall lasted a little over a quarter of a year. His log book is decidedly interesting and the following is a summary: Time, 101 dayB from New York; traveled in car over 14,500 miles; traveled by boats over 450 miles; traveled on horseback over 150 miles; traveled in stages over 300 miles; im eighteen states and Mexico. Filipino Youths at <Yale. Another Filipino has just arrived at Kale and entered the law department of the university. He is Juan B. Al- egre, and he has already received a liberal cosmopolitan education. He has been through the schools of Ma­ nila and upon his graduation went to fcpain, where he was graduated from the University of Barcelona. He later studied in London. He has been sent to Yf|le to complete his law educa­ tion. ' There are three Filipino stu- ' ' i GREAT LAWYER 18 DEAD. (• Passing of Frederie R. Coudert Loss to American Bar. Frederic R. Coudert, the well known lawyer of New York, died at Washing­ ton Dec. 20 from an affection of the heart, with which he had suffered for several years. He was 71 years old. JTREDE2IC COUDEPT Mr. Coudert, with his Wife and an unmarried daughter, was spending the winter in Washington, where he hoped to escape the severity of the climate of his home city, New York. By the death of Frederic Rene Cou­ dert the American bar is deprived of orife of its ablest members. He was a foremost authority on international law and his briefs in matters of na­ tional and world-wide importance have won him fame for profound learning and masterly logic. He was a wise diplomat and a brilliant speaker, especially clever in after-dinner talk. His reputation as a lawyer and a man of spotless integrity was as well at­ tested abroad as in this country. He was born in New York city March 1, 1832. His father, a son of France, was driven from his native land because of his participation in the effort to seat the due de Relch- stadt, son of the first Napoleon, on the throne. The father, who was poor, taught a French school in New York and gave the boy Frederic his personal attention as to his education, advanc­ ing him so rapidly, that at 14 lie en­ tered Columbia college. "Mr. Coudert began the practice of law with his brothers, Charles and Louis Leon Coudert, the firm ever after being known as Coudert Broth­ ers. It was the legal representative of the Vatican and of the French govern­ ment and had branches in London and Paris. Mr. Coudert was a member of the Venezuelan boundary commission and of the fur seal arbitration commission and was a delegate to the congress on Ihe law of nations. .Napied for British Soldier. Considerable opposition to the nam­ ing of a street in Lexington, Mass., in honor of Earl Percy, who commanded the troops covering the retreat of the British from Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, developed at a meet­ ing of the town council the other night. On the representation that Percy was friendly to the colonies, though carrying out his orders as a soldier should, the opponents of the proposition were outvoted4 -Mrs. Mary A. Livermore Eighty-three. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, the distin­ guished woman suffragist, social re­ former and lecturer, has just observed her eighty-third birthday at her home in Melrose, Mass. One feature of the celebraJon was the wedding of her private secretary, Miss Adelaide Johns Witherington, to C. William Boynton. WHEN NIAGARA RAN DRY. TVrte* Has the Mighty Flood Been , Dammed by the Ice, On the 29th of March, 1848, Niagara ran dry as a result of a great ice jam at the entrance to the river near Buf­ falo. At that time the ice swept down the lake in such quantities that a jam of unusual proportions was created at the entrance to the river. So ef­ fective was the ice jam that no water passed around After the falls had drained the river channel the spectacle of the falls ruiming dry was developed. There were many remarkable Sights, and residents of the locality ventured to places that they had neves expected to reach. Horses were driven far out in the river bed. and the most distant points in midstream knew the sound of footsteps. Millers, when called in the morning, were amazed at the in­ formation that there was no water pi the river. People left Table Rock/on the Canadian side, and walked along the brink of the Horseshoe F^.11 One- third of the way over to Goat Island. On March 22.1903, a similar condition existed.--Orrin E.Dualap, in Book- lovers Mlgazine. • N\r. Grover's Case. Frederika, la., Dec. 28.--Mr. A. S. Grover Is now 74 years of age. For the last 30 years he has suffered a great deal of sickness and, although he is a temperate rnao and never used spir­ its of any kind, his kidneys- had trou­ bled him very much. He said: "I was told I had Diabetes and my symptoms corresponded exactly to those of a young n\£n who died of Dia­ betes in this neighborhood. My feet and limbs were bloated quite a little. "I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pflls and at last determined to try them. I took in all ten boxes before I was well and now I can truthfully say that I am all right. The bloating is gone from my feet and legs. I have gained eight pounds tn weight and can sleep well at night and every symptom of my trou­ ble Is gone. "It is pome time now since I was cured and I have not the slightest return of any symptom of the old trouble." Richest Church in the World. The Orthodox Church of Russia is said to be enormously rich. It is es­ timated that the national debt of Russia, which amounts to $1,000,000,- 000, could easily be paid by the church and yet leave It not altogether impov­ erished. One of its great sources of income la the sale of consecratcd can­ dles. Thus the Cathedral of Kasan, In St. Petersburg, during the last Eas­ ter season, sold no fewer than 33,092 consecrated wax candles at prices ranging from three kopeCks to one rouble apiece. Tktn li more Catarrh la thf* Mctton of (ha emmtry thn all otbnr dluwM put together, and until the l&st yeiir« vm to t'S lucur^-Me. For a yrest itniny yours doctors pronounced it a local ilIn­ due auil promirlhed local reinmlle*, and l>y constantly falling to cure with Uxjat trentuirnt. uronmiuccd It InctirnWfi, Science hn« proven catarrh to ho a con­ stitutional d *eus« suit tlieraforo I't'ijiilrss constitu­ tional trcHtmeni Il»ll'« C»t4rrU C.irc, manufactured by K J Cheuey & iV.. Toledo, Ohio. I* theonly con­ stitutional cure on the markot. It I* ta'<eu Intern illy Indole* from 10 drops U> a teaspoonful. " acts di­ rectly on the blood and tuncou* surfaces of the sy*««m. They olTer one hundred dollars for any cane It falla to euro. Scud for clrcula'1s aud te»tlmon1als. Address K. J. CllKN KY * CO~<TOM*». O. ' Sold by Dru(tg1*ta ?5c. •all's Family Tula are the best. Kaiser Smokes a Pipe. Kmperor William has takeu to smok­ ing a most elaborate pipe, which was specially prepared in Havana. He in­ herits the smoking habit from his father, who was a great smoker of the well-known student type, such as Uis- marrk substituted for cigars toward the end of his life. The old emperor neither smoked nor snuffed, although the latter habit was adopted by Fred­ erick the Great. Extremes of Temperature. On the same day last week that the mercury registered 10 below and there was six inches of snow on the ground at Mohawk. N. H., a man tu Fry© in the same state picked twenty-five dau- deliou blossoms. IM.00 per M. Lswis' "Single Binder," itraijzht 5c cl^ar. costs mora thau other brands, but t.hi^ price gives the dealer a fair troflt -- aud t he smoker «)wU' Factory.^Peoria, 111. better cigar. To understand everything would b£ to pardon everything.--Madame de Stael. Mrs. Austin's Quick raising buckwheat makes tender, crispy, brown rake*. Your ftOoer can tell yea all about It. Shoveling snow Is a pleasant Job for about a minute and * half. President Makes {Children Happy. President Roosrvelt sent Miss Sarah C. Provost, the principal of the Gove Neck school at Oyster Bayl a check sufficiently large to give every pupil » DO YOU COUCH D O N / ' T D E L A Y KE<*PS BALSAM ftCaree Colds, Conehs. 8ore Throat, Cronp, Infln- SMS, Whooping Cotign, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption It* stages, •ltd a sure relief Id advanced stajjee. t ee at once. You will see the excellent etteri after taking Ihe flrst dose. Sold t>y des tv» everywhere. bottles Sj ceutd ami 50 na ihe Largs Wisdom Soap (Granulated) Do next week' s washing with it. You'll be surprised N All Grocers DISTRESSING, CHOKING ASTHMA. DR. HEED'S ASTHMA REMEDY CURES OR MONEY RETURNED. #8 00 s Botttsi a Bottts* for $t 00. DIED REMEDY CO.. - Rock*ord. III. LIFE •v "i > • -'A-", • mm lt> Viewtof Atlantic City si lt« best mailed to anyone leDdiug u» asm* and sddretf of two or ruort frleods who are tulTerlng from Catarrh. J. C. RICKEV & CO. 114 6 t., Phil. ei« t iT.Ifciu L i' I sat Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. Vm | time. SoM by dnuctsts. r J C O N S U M P T I O N • • • > * . Remembered His Training. It is many years since Senator Gal- linger of New Hampshire turned over his medical practice to his son, but he has not forgotten the healing art. This was shown when a man in the Senate end of the capitol fell In con­ vulsions. . No mcdical aid was near, but some one suggested that Senator G&llinger was a physician and might give valuable assistance in the emer­ gency. Forthwith he came, dispersed the crowd that had gathered about the stricken man and removed him to a comfortable room. Half an hour after, after some as diligent work as he ever did In his professional days. Dr. Gallinger had his jpaiient in nor­ mal condition again ^and permitted him to depart Then the senstfor re­ sumed his place in the legislative chamber. SISTERS OP CHARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrh--A Congressman's Letter. ' 1 Mother Gr*y*» Sweet Powders for ChOdNa Successfully iisihI by Mother Orav, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishn«*ss, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, niovo irnd regnlaintbe Bowelsand Destroy Worms?Over M.OOOtes­ timonials. At. all Druggists. 2Tkj. Sample FKEE. Address A. S. Oluisted, ljeRoy,N.Y. The globe trolling record 1s now held by James Willis Sayre. who made the circuitous eXcursiou in lifty-four days and nine hours. He says that he traveled 19,500 miles, spent $S19, used no special conveyauccs or privileges, carried no letters of Introduction and used no couricr. Mo chromos or cheap pk^mlnms, but a better quality and one:rt[Tfd more of Defiance Starch for thfe same price of other slair.hcs. ^ At a government experiment station MZ pairs of pigeons reared 4,400 squabs In a year, making a profit of 11.50 a pair. Superior quality ana extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all other*. There lives not a man on earth who has not in him the power to do good. TMto's Core for ConfttimpMnn la an Infallible medicine for coughs mmI ooldx. -- N. W. tU>OU« Ocean Qrvve. N. J., tVb. I?. IWQ. If a man be endued with a generous mind, that is the beat kind of nobility. To Cnro a Cold in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. All drncgiaU refund uioney if it fails to cure. S&o. No book can be so good as to be profitable when negllgeutly read Perfectly simple and simply perfect K dyeiug with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Guard against that vanity which courts a compliment, or is fed by it Mrs. Wltiilow'i Soothing Sjrmp. Tor children tieMilut;. soften* th«K«tii(, reduces t»- OammaUou, allays pain, cures wind collo. SftcsbotUo. Govern your passions or otherwise they will govern you.--Horace. For the real pood old buckwheat flavor, buy Mrs Austin':* Buckwheat aud don't forget the uaiue. Every season has some peculiar fool­ ishness attached to it. In every country of the civilized world Sisters of Charity, are known. Not only do they minister to the spiritual and intel­ lectual needs of the charges committed to their care, but they also minister to their bodily needs. With so many children lo take care of and to protect frotn climate and disease, these wise and pr udent Sisters have iound Peruna a never tailing safeguard. Dr. llartm»n receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United States. A recommend tecently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows: Dr. S. B Hnrlmnn, Cottimhm, Ohior Dear Sin -"The young girl who used the Peruna was suffering front laryngi­ tis„ and loss of voice. The result ot the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after further usa of the medicine we hope to be able to say she is entirely cured. Sisters of Charity. The young girl was nnder the care of the Sisters of Charity ^nd used Peruna for catarrh of the throat with good result* as the above letter testifies. Send to the Peruna Medirine Co., Co­ lumbus, Ohio, for a free |to»k written by Dr. Hartinau. l>»vld MeeUlKon. The following letter is from Congressman Meekison, of Napoleon, Ohio: The Peruna Medicine Co., Cohnnbns, O.t Gentlemen: "I have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited there­ by frotn my ca- tarrhof the head, and leel encour­ aged to believe t h a t i t s c o n ­ tinued use will fully eradicate a disease of thirty years" standing."--F>avid Meekison. l)r. Hartinan, one of the best knows; physicians and smgeons in the United- Slates, was the first man to formulate Peruna. It was through his genius and ' perseverance that it was introduced to ths medical profession of this country. If yon do not derive prompt and aatfa^ factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartinan, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased lo give yon his valuable advica gratis. ' Address Pr. ITartman, President of Tke Hartinan Sanitarinm. Columbus, O. Ask Your Druggist for a free Peruna Almanac for 1904. ybunsfora Clear Head" c BROHO-SELTZERA lUr' JS J?i: Have You indigestion, Dyspepsia, Stomssch, Liver or Mcrve 1 roubto* ur ConmtIpmtIon? CHYLO WILL CURE YOU ;r • Not a icmiy reltcl lint a pfiinitiicitt vine. IT IS THE REAL DYSPEPSIA CURE 'chvlo i* nol a patent medicine, 'but Is a prescription wluch has m;ul<r famous one of ihe world's KimtcM alomach specialists, who has UM^ it iu his practice for ty vears. curing thousand* from these .Irea.ttiil affection*. We itre an iHtaltive thut Chylo will cure any one suffering from Indirection. Dyspepsia. .Stomach. Netv* Tionolea, ot LSUtliMtlSii, Sick llcadachc. Turpid l . iver, ^r utty of th«> -uuilar diaoi.lers, thai nFfOSIT Wo will send 30 days treatment on trial* required It the treatment does not help vou moa tlmn anything you have ever mo I hrtore. *'f will Mfver .Von to P->v if « yon. we shall exprct you lo puy u» fi w It certainly i~ a lair oiler, and one wc»>otiM nol alfoid to make il we weiriuM positive CnyM W1U do IOrAminnf/lr Stln localise it cures Indigestion Indigestion is the Cause of_ apprndicili* hi< ai*aa a mfitylO prevents S*ppenOICItlS CitH>c.s the Ii.iestities lo ictum many imuiiig matin* which^ when not removed, piodnce this ilrend m.iTndy. No such mailer cau l>e rc'taiued when Cliylo is used Therefore Chylo is a sine preventive oi »ppt'tidiciiis You need not diet when taking Ohylom SSj"' stTrugthriia the nerve?* and oiirrs a>! *iwrdn«* arising ftoiu mm asstntiUiuui ol ll»c* uhxI. Chvlo makes pale, nervou* people wt ll ami Send us your name and address today aud we will send vou the wdays trratmriit. 10 Ih? paid for provide?! it helps you. Keiu«*nil»er. if it does not l«enetit you hv Hie oi>1 the v> days, we shall not u-k you to pay us « cent. You caiiuoi aff jut lo let tins oppbrti-uity pass by. Address THE OHTLO COM PA MY 24 GO Cmlummt 4r«mw Chicago ^ csr Looking for a Homo 7 Then why not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of Western m If! mfficient to support i population of 50,000.000 or ovt-, ? The immigration foi th# pmi ywfi bat been phenomenal. FREE HomosUad Lands •mUt accessible, while other Unds may be wir chased from Railway and Land Companies. The (ram snd grszing lands of Western Canada are lbs best on the coniinent. producing the best srain. snd cattle ifed on grass alone) ready for market. Markets . Schools , Railways tnd all other conditions make Western Ctasilk M eo»l- i»ble spot for tlie settler. Write to Superintendent Immisration.Ottawa.Cw sda. for a descriptive Atlas, and other information, or to the authorized Canadian Government Asent-- C.). Broutfhion. No. 4.V) Cuincv Building. Chicago. 111. : T. O. Currie. Room 12. Callahan Building. Mil­ waukee. Wis ; M. V. Mclnoes. No. 6 Avenus Thr stei Block. Detroit. Mich. 1 Friend CLEANER BRUNSWICK'S EASYBRIGHT SAVES LABOR AND HEALTH) MAKES HOUSEWORK EASY. ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED. Cleans sod polishes Silverware. Gold. Nickel. Tinwsre and all other metals equal to new. Cleans and polishes Furniture, Pianos and *11 varnished or painted woodwork and restores the lustre; keeps floors and tables white: cleans all cloth fabrics, carpets, rugs, lace curtains, gloves and wearing apparsl. Used in the gen* era! washing, it whitens your clothes, removes sll stains and makes washing easy. Contains no scid. lye or grit. Harms nothing; helps everything. Indorsed by the United States Government Nsvy Department. Used exten­ sively throughout tne world. No bousewi fe can afford to be without BRUNSWICK 'S EASYBRIGHT. Ask your dealers; they are supplied by Jobbers, ot tend 26 CUttl lor trial caa. prepaid. BBUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. CHICAAO. IU. Early in die man^ng, late *t night, or whenever used, Defitocc Starch will be found always the same, always the best. Insist on having it, the most iat your money. Satisfaction or money back guaranteed. It is manufactured under the latest improved condi­ tions. It is up-to-date. It b the best. We give no premiums.' We seO 16 ounces of the best starch made for 10 cents. Other brands arc 12 ounces for 10 cents ,with a tin whistle. Manufactured by TOE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Neb. P X̂ro!inE g I ANTISEPTIC E FOR WOMEN A Boston physician's dis­ covery which cleanses and heals all inflammation of the mucous membrane wherever located. In local treatment of female Dls Pax tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all disease germs which cause inflammation and discharges. Thousandsof letters from women prove that it Is the greatest cure foor leucorrhoea ever discovered. Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore mouth and sore eye^, because these diseases are all caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane. For cleansing, whitening and pre­ serving the tet'th we challenge the world to produce its equal. Physicians and specialists everywhere prescribe and endorse Paxtine, and thou­ sandsof testimonial letters proveits value. At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts. A large trial package and book of Instructions absolutely free. Write The R. Paxton Co., Dept. 5 Boston, Mass. :V;'~ pv t i MISCELLAX KO US. fCAPSICUM VASELINE I (rcT rr 1* ror i at-?tbi * tvbis) A substitute for and si:;>e; ;or to mu^iai J or e".r ether piaster, and will not blister the lua^t delicate skin. The p^iil-allaying and curanv» qwulities of this auk la ate wonderful. 1c v>>;i stop the toothache at once, and relieve head­ ache *:id sciatica. We recommend il as the bf^t and safest external counter-irritant know ;i alio as an external remedy for pain? in the ciis 'se and stomach and nil rheumatic, neuralgic *£d gouty complaints. A trial will prova what we claim for ic and it will be found tot>eii>-iu able in the household. Many people say "it is the best of all your prepaiatious." Price IS cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us in postage stamps w* will send you a tube by mail. No a.-ticl? shoul4 be accepted by the public unless the MB* ca'ries our label, as otherwise it is net cenaiM. CHESEBVOl OH MFO. CO.. 17 bt»te Sueet. Ntw Voaa CITT MONEY! MONEY! Made etay d ring your lettur* moment* by our new and lateat •Tiiem Write for full particular*, Incloaln* Vc stamp £il>er«l piopc^USiti to a p«rtr ID each township. Addreaa FUSCH BROb.. Lincoln, III* I Securi Enploymefit for the Unemployed •omatMrvbereyt>aar«. Write AcloMKWffr booklet glTtacplkM. K*bt Dawaw. rartfaaita, Thorapsen't Eyt tfattir W. N. U CHICAGO, No. 1. 1904. Wl : / • v'eiirS When Answering Advertt*em«Mtii nn^ly Mention Tl»to , .j. ; ; . , S C: 1 -

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