"r* \ „ *'» v * - v -- r ! c-" " **• ̂ iy' \ 1 " „*"• ̂ Z. % ? f ~ T*< v ; •*#*•"' :;£V-.->•.•• - : * • ' ' > ' • ; v ? :• - • * * - 5 . „ ' . * . ' . u / . - v > ' ? » v * ; • a - * . » IW4U,. J pi >>:• ••X\-><. * 'X,tv ••; ' '. <o|.* lp# ??v 1 i'*33>>: • %, •: r>M . *v - .few---J !»« . , &-W*. 'i\̂ :.A feu gW\- Ry, * &-,' * J^y'."\ \?£- i;s :• / jr' ?•> ••'^4',^. ' -.'*• - ' f! '4 "'•»_• V' -J ' •^"4r ' ' M%0 VtV->. •-> out Winter Suits, Overcoats, Woolen Pants, Duck Coats, Underwear, Felt Boots, Fur Coats, Etc., to make room for our Spring Line. f 12.50 Overcoats at $10.00 f 10.00 Overcoats at - $8.00 $8.00 Overcoats at - $6.00 : $15 .00 Suits at - - $12.00 f 12.00 Suits at - - $10.00 $10.00 Suits at - $8.00 $8.00 Suits at - . - $6.00 $13.00 Fur Coats at - $l l .OO $19.00 Fur Coats at $16.50 $1.75 Men's Rubbers for Felts $ 1.25 Jos. Ul. Freund. j New kkiI Old Wonder*. The 8«»ven world wonders of antiquity wore: The pyrnmidH, Babylon's gardens, MiuiboIuh' tomb, the temple of Diana, the t-olossiiB of Rhodes, Jupiter's statue by rhidiHH and the Pharos of Egypt, or, as some substitute, the palace of Cyrus. The seven wonders of the middle apes wore: The coliseum of Rome, the catacombs of Alexandria, the great wall of China, Stonehenge, the leaning tower of Pisa, the porcelain tower of Nankin and the mosque of St. Sophia at Constantinople. The seven wonders of the new world are: Niagara falls, the Mammoth cave. Old Faithful, the tireless geyser In Yellowstone park; the big trees (se quoiu> of California, the Grand canyon of the Colorado, the great fresh water lakes and the Great Salt lake. PhIiih In the Stomach. Like tooth ache, this is not a danger ous, but a decidedly unpleasant ailment. Persons who are subject to attacks of it will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking a dose or two of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrboeia Remedy. This remedy is eqaally valuable for childten and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. aw.kv- S-s-i-'niSfv,-:.; Sr l?Jy i... if:"-; I--, fa «' P'.. k < £ - jjffiib- %Mr: m*:?. •*my W-)H • § i " »r,., %\ k' I" V/ Completeness & is essential in any Stock of Goods. It gives a customer a better chance to make a pleas ing selection. Our Hardware Stock is com plete in every detail. We handle no other Goods and consequently can give Hardware all our attention. Our Tinsbop is also com plete. If we do not have what you want our Tinner can make it, There is a differ ence in repair work too. We do neat work. F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. FEMALE WEAKNESS 0421-3 Congress 8t. Portland, Mains, Oct. IT, 1901. I consider Win© of Cardu! superior to an y doctor's medicine I ever used and I know whereof I speak. I suf fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated me. Paina would shoot th rough my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell up and I would feel BO weak I could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wina of Oardui oame as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of it* good qualities. A* .s Treasurer, Portland Boonomlo League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every tw enty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle d Wine of Cardui today. WINE" CARDUI Whjr Alias V One afternoon, when the Duke of Edinburgh and Sir Arthur Sullivan, having finished a duet, were sitting down to a homely "dish of tea" pro vided by Mrs. Sullivan, the composer's mother, it suddenly occurred to her to start the subject of family names and titles, which pujsjsiwA the good lady con siderably. > "Sir," she Said, "jwr family name la Uuelph." "My dear mother," began Arthur/ "But it Is, Isn't it?" she persisted. "Certainly," replied the duke, much amused. "What's the matter with it, Mrs. Suliivun?" "Oh, nothing," returned the excellent old lady musingly. "Only I can't un derstand why you don't call yourself by your proper name." . Arthur wanted to explain to her, but the duke would not allow him to. vy\ "There's nothing to be ushamod of In the name of (Juelph, Mrs. Sullivan/' he said gravely. "That's exactly what I- say," persist ed Arthur's mother; "nothing what ever as far as 1 know, and. that being So. why you should not call yourself by it I can't understand."--F. C. Bur- nand's "Records and Reminiscences." Cured After SnftferiiiK Ten Ye»r*. B, F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co.. Middletown, O., snffere'i- for ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hendreds of dollars for medicine and with doctors without receiving any per manent benefit. He nays: "One night while feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item in the paper re garding the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try it and while I had no faith in it I felt better after the necon<1 dose. After UBing two bot tled I am stronger and better than I have been in years, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble.' Sold by all druggists. Damp Weather and Health. The influence of damp weather upon sensitive people Is remarkable. If there is a sore spot anywhere it hurts more. Latent weakness of any of the organs is brought out by congestion and Irreg ularity of function. Suppressed coughs start into activity and .neuralgic nerves speak out. Old chronic rheumatism re news its life, while corns are aggra vated. The pulse is slow, the heart weak, the blood vessels lack tone, the muscles are flabby, the venous and lymphatic systems become engorged. The mind is pinguid und clouded. There Is a general depression of vital ity. -- What's la a Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered some years sg > how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerons worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWit.t8'--the genuine. Sold by all druggists. Oenfns In the Bad. A lady who was "Aunt Kate" to James MacNeill Whistler all his life, al though not a relative, -gives in a Lon don journal a glimpse of Whistler the boy. She had known him ever since be was a child of two years. She was a neighbor of the Whistlers, and after a long absence from home she called up on them and asked at once: "Where is Jeiumie?" s "He was In the room a fe^l" Itliilt^et ago," was the answer^ "I think he must be here still." Presently Jeinmle's tiny form was discovered stretched on the undershelf of a table. The visitor went to sectire the prize and asked: "What are you doing there, Jem- mle?" "I'se dworin'." In one small hand was-a peqpil, per- /haps t^vo inches long, and In the other a morsel of paper about three inchea square. Yet in these tiny proportiona the little artist was even then doing work that showed an exquisite prom ise. „ / Ail Editor's Recommendation. Mr H.' J. Keeler, publisher of the Pn 88, Maiden Rock, Wis.; writes, "Al low me to say that I have recently Used a bottle of Harts' Honey and Ho ehonnd und found it a valuable remedy for ft cold and congh. I have personally rec ommended it in ' several espies and hear a good word from all." When our readers want a reliadle medicine for ColJs, Coughs, Croup and Whooping Cough there is no other so sat sfa- tory as Harts' Honey and Horehound. Large bottles 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by G. W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. Expert Sandwich Cutter*. "Men who cut sandwiches must have just as much knack and experience in the business as men who open oysters on the river boats," said a New York man who on one occasion supplied 75,- 000 sandwiches at two days' notice. "It took seven men to do that Job In the time allowed," he said, "and they hadn't any time to spare at that. 1 paid them by the hundred, the man who did the most work getting the most pay. When they wore all through, there weren't enough scraps of bread and meat to All a tin patl. That is the secret of cutting sandwiches--to avoid waste." The Spit Snake. There is a snake belonging to the small family causida>, Inhabiting Afri ca, that is said to havfe the power of ejecting its venom to a short distance. This snake is called by the Dutch Boers "spuw slang," or spit snake. When this snake erects Its teeth the pressure of the maxillary bone on the gland causes the venom to flow in drops, ajind it may be quite possible that by discharging air from its mouth the poison may be blown some distance.. tET ME BE YOUR DRUGGIST #'ben any item of Drug Store Goods is wanted yon will save tim» * * y : :*ud money by coming to us for it. Our aim ia to provide every thing 3 V>at a modern Drug Siore shonld sogply and to fummh the" riglj x ? ^ Quality the right price. WE WANT TO BE Y©Uft J)RUGGISll N. H. PETESCH, McHENR\l§§ SrCMrf %e like to i^ufe with yoti;6*» any thing ' .the line -rj Herbes, "V Plumber. .Tfef . 4* •H ii. .iimminiii AVfegetable Preparation for As similating the Food andRegula- ting the Stomachs and Bowels of 1 wants /Children CASTORM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought <Try the "Want ad" column. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes Digestion.Cheer ful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic . -t- Bmipe af OUl DrSAMUEL PITCHER f\mtpjun iW* Mlx.Senna * SatkelU Satu - Anise .fivrf ' itffiennmb - Bi CtirfxPtabSbd* ftirrp- Sep J - Clm vied Sugar hBttery/vfi /""I A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. A t b n i o n l h s ol.Cl. ] 5 l ) 0 S i S - K ^ i : N I S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CRW- NCW YORK CITY. •4 f . 4 - < :m&r• r'. v- yvr t'lAi ~-t to give possession March 1st, and^desiring to reduce tfre stock as much as possible before that date, we will mark every article in the &bore down to cost price or below. $12,ooo Worth of Up=to-date Merchandise INCLUDINQ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. The People of McHenry ownship have never had such an opportunity to buy good Goods at these prices. Yomr pick of the cream ̂ f my entire stock. This is a bona fide Sale, Nothing Reserved Sale Begins Monday, Jan. n, f r - Don't wait until the best is gone, but start in early and get the best selection. See other advertising matter for quotations and watch our advertisement during the next two Months. Remember the Sale Ends March ist ChapeIl,McHenry. Ji2i . H f< "i-r -i r ,>r •'•7 • S I ' " f 6 f a * ;