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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1904, p. 2

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' •w.if-'sj. *•»> " -i-' 1 ^-l.r- :* :"iiTr-{-| -'",r' f»Wt Qlt4t*lt * i.08p».. McHenry, Mam'.. •Spu.... TJtft*.... : MO pa • Effective NOT. TT. HD win dat traiics. Motmnoam Stein..... 10.08am ...via DecPTklnn ..4.52 p m ...Vl» Des Ptaines..... ..0.10 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. •.Via Des PlaiBM ...11.14 am Via Elgin 6.00 pm wane dat num. •OtTTHBOOTtD. OhffitS. Via Elgin. 10.10 a m Via Des Platnes...... .9-56 a m .....Via Des Plaiues. 7,00 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. Via F.Ifriii lOJWam ....Via Des Plaines 7.00 p m This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and «[RDUl BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a jgoanner and upon terms en tire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first clasf se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE la First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers I AMERICA'S BEST REPUBLICAN PAPER Editorially Fearless. Csatlrtcntly Republican Always News from all parts of the world. Well-written, original stories. An­ swers to queries on all subjects. Articles on Health, the Home, New Books and on Work About the Farm and Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean Tbtb Twtew Ocean is a member of the Associated Press and also is the only Western newspaper receiving? the entire tcleprapliic news service Of tho New York tnin, and special cable of the New York World, be­ sides dally reports from over 2.000 Eeclal correspondents throughout e country. .No pen can tell more by » Is the best paper oa the countr, fully 1 earth. <k • * 52 TWELVEPAGE PAPERS K ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brimful of news from everywhere and ^PERIE^TF^AST^F^SPECLA^MATTER^^^^, -Subscribe for The Plalndealer and the Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both papers for - - $2.00 V t f - Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery F«Cs jjrsmPTio* ovaus u4 | Fries :*J1.M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. 1 back if it falls. Trial Bottles free. and >nM, Society V Businesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHVSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Office and residence corner Elin and Green streets, McHenry. C. H. FEGKRS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHenry. . HI. Office at Residence, corner Court ana Elm streets. Telephone 333. KNIGHT & BROWN. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 Washington **• street, Chicago, III. D. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor anfl No tary Public. Will give prompt and Im­ mediate attention to all business iutrusted to his care. Office in Hov's Block, Woodstock, II F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. AUiWORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DENTISTBT Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 7:80 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. SOBDAT WORK »T APPOINTXEN* OKIiY. Thb snr Daamsr oh raa West 810a DR. R. G. OHAMBERLIN Office over Hours from Beater's Drug Store. t:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON (Dentscber Arzt.) Spring drove, Illinois. Goo. Meyer9 General Teaming * of all kinds. % Excavating and Grading. ncHENRY - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 1714. LAT1BERT Q. SENQ BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county risltors. Prank Keppler, John Scharres, SB blfth Ay©.. Chicago. Attendants H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure with home agents, smooth-tongue strangers sometimes lead people astray. Wkst MCIIenky, - - III. Telephone No. >93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of |500 to 910,000, tlmi and payment to suit borrower. CROUP Croup and Inflammation of ITie larynx are tastantly tailored and permanently cured by the 1M oI One MImite Cough Cura. This never falling prescrlptkw Bf an eminent phvslclan was given the nam* of ONo MINUTE COUGH CURE because InsUnt relief has always followed Its use. It takes effect at the seats# the trouble and acts on the Inflamed membranes In­ stead of passing wholly into the stomach and drugging m stupefying the system. Gives relief lastastlr. CURED It destroys the disease term, dears the phlegm mt flraws 00* the Inlammatloo, thua removing the 0--as tnd curing permanently. One Minute Ccufh Cure Is perfectly harmless, good for children and they kke MS pate. Prepared euy by B.C. DeWItt fc Co.. CMcag% U UkM remedy for children. Do aot forget &• asaa ONE MINUTE For sale by all Druggists. P H I L I P J A E G E R I GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT g SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE! OF * \ ajj W'j Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldestchouse on the street. Tags and price lists famished on application. ' COLD STORAOE FREE Stall I a St PflKos St. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | Jos. H. Hue 111 ann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Specialty. Machine OTSON, M.T). ftUltof Chicafo, Ictabliahfd 13bu > 1 oarwit, F apenappl TSON, M. Franklin Lightning Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. General Blacksmith'^ Prices always Ceisonible Hydrocele Cured to Stay Cured in 5 Days t'o Cutting or Palm• 1 Gusrartlocd Cure ap Money Hefundaci. \tR KT TTndsr my trea.trm.-nt tliiy lniildioua dlttaee V/tnftfVUClX rapidly disappears. I'ain Ofabes almost in­ stantly. The Btagnaut blood Is driven iroin tho diluted veins and ail noreneFS vanishes and swelling subsides. Every Indication of V&ricooelo vanUhes and in lta stead comes the pleasure of perfect health. I cure to stay cured, ContaRiouH ISIood I'olson, Kidney and 'If Bladder Tronblrs, Nervous U«>bim.v, and ail " My methvde ot ir obt%laed'«lrewhcit allied trotiblta. mi nt and cure are original with mo and cannot be 1 make no e*i erlmentu. All cases I take I cure. 'isiy of Cure <"what yr>u want- 1 Klve a jiuarante« to cure you or refund _ iie for otliirs I can do for you. e for a permanent <-«re will be reasonable and lian you will be willing to pay for benefits COA- CAN CtlKK YOU at Home. tiff 91 Write me your condition felly end yon will ' receire in plain envelope m, scientiflo and har^e. My home treatment Is sucoeasfuL My books and lotsoa Banding, S4 Bcarbera Stratt, CHICAOO. ffi'I.tV THE McHERRY PLAIHDEALEB McHBNRY PLAINDEALPB OO. McHENRY, 1LUKOI8. NEWS OF THE WORLD Industrial, Political, Domsttle and Foreign Happenings of Minor Importance Told In Paragraphs. Mail service at Ripley (Tenn.) may be suspended by President Roosevelt because of negro mail carrier's mur> der by mob. Adam Dickhaut committed suicide by banging at Mascoutah, 111., because suspicion rested upon him as being the person who started a recent big fire. Rome newspapers announce the ar* rival there of Boris Sarafoff, leader ot the Macedonian revolutionists. The Princess Mathilda, only daugh­ ter of Prince Bonaparte, who died oil aunday, will be burled at the cemetery of St Gratien. Paris. A general strike of all persons em­ ployed by the shipping tuterests has been declared at Barcelona as a re­ sult of which trade and commerce are paralyzed. Indiana miners elected delegates to the United Mine Workers' convention and instructed them to demand an in­ crease in wages. A conference between the striking molders and officials of the Sharon Foundry Company at Sharon, Pa., has resulted in a compromise on the wage schedule, and the men returned to work. Daniel Edward Fiske, aged 81, au­ thor and newspaper writer, died at Upton, Mass. Mr. Fiske was best known as "Pratt Pond, Jr.," and his most famous story was a gold hoax sixty years ago. which took mauy people to Upton to search for the metal. The French collier Vlenne, fears for the safety of which had been felt owing to the vessel having been twen­ ty-two days out from Roehefort, ar­ rived at Oran, Algeria, with engines disabled. The report that Germany contem­ plated the acquisition of a coaling sta­ tion at Sti Thomas, banish West In­ dies, is semiofficially declared un­ founded. Joseph Chamberlain has replied to the invitation of the federal ministry asking him to visit Australia, saying be hoped at no distant date to accept. The appointment of Mgr. Nozaleda, former archbishop of Manila, as arch­ bishop of Valencia, by tradition en­ titles him to the red bat. His anti- American sentiment is well known. The Ttalia of Rome says Cardinal Richard has announced to the pope the submission of Abbe Loisy to the degree placing his books upon the in­ dex expurgatorius. Mrs. Myra Jane Williams of Brain- erd, Minn., was sentenced to the pen­ itentiary for life by Judge McClena- han for the murde:** of her little daughter Lilly Aug. 23 last. Threo men were probably fatally and four others seriously scalded as the result of the explosion of an eight-inch steam pipe in the Kundtz cabinet works at Cleveland, O. Returning home from a visit with bis minister, Charles Filkins, a Brook­ lyn, Iowa, merchant, 50 years of age. locked herself In a closet and sent a bullet into his heart. He Is believed to have been deranjed. Detlef Evans, a German farmer liv­ ing near Denison. Iowa, administered poison to his 18-montb-old child and his wife. The child is dead, but the mother will recover. It is believed Evans is Insane. The city board of engineers of St Louis, Mo., revoked the license of Edward S. Forman, chief engineer in charge of the transit company's pow­ er house, where seven men «• were killed in a boiler explosion Dec. 21. A farewell reception was tendered Bishop Thomas A. Hendrick of Cebu, P. I., at the Lyceum theater, Roches­ ter, N. Y., and a purse of goodly pro­ portions wag presented to the bishop. Among the speakers were Rev. Dr. Rush RheeB of the University of Rochester and Rabbi Max Landsberg. Two freight trains on the Mineral Range railroad collided at Wolverine, Mich., doing much damage, but caus­ ing neither loss of life nor serious personal Injury to the members of either crew. mi ne representative busines men of Omaha, Neb., members of the board ot directors of the Grain exchange of that city, arrived in Minneapolis, Minn., as guests of President A. B. Stickney of the Chicago Great West­ ern road and of the Minneapolis chamber of commerce. They are see­ ing mills and elevators with a view to establishing similar enterprises at Omaha in conjunction with Minneap­ olis interests. Rechid Bey, the Turkish ambassa­ dor, presented to the Italian govern­ ment the request of the porte for the appointment of 'an Italian officer to command the international gendar­ merie in Macedonia. George W. Adams, formerly a Chi­ cago insurance adjuster, committed suicide at Tiffin, O. William D. Bishop, Sr., chairman of the board of directors of the New York, New Haven & Hartford rail­ road, Is critically ill of heart trouble at his home in Bridgeport, Conn. Emperor Francis Joseph has quite recovered from his accident and is pursuing his ordinary avocations, giv­ ing private and general audiences as usual. There is no truth in the re­ port that the empetfor had a stroke of paralysis. It is asserted that Prince Ourousoff, the new ambassador from Russia to Italy, in presenting his credentials to King Victor Emmanuel announced that it was the intention of the czar to visit Italy next spring in return for the Italian monarch's visit to Russia. Senator Scott of West Virginia de­ nies as absolutely without ba'sis the reports that the chairmanship of the executive committee of the national Republican committee had been tend­ ered him by the president and had been declined by him. PERSONS K",\. -:x • V wsm IN BURNING „ FIRE STARTS ON STAGE ANP W W CHICXG m. e < •• v With a Eriitelopirig Flooi^&nd t*al Pleasure Seekers Fight Way to Exits--Awful Sa Leap to Street or Fall from Escapes--Exits Cloi Penned in Blazing Prison, 'St?- \ Weymust go back to the convulsions of nature for a more dreadful story ot swift death than occurred at the Iro­ quois Theater at Chicago in the mat­ inee hour of Dec. 30. The statistics show 560 humans dead, and scores in­ jured. There have been greater hor­ rors by flood, by volcanoes, by the up­ rising of nature's forces, but if there was ever a more appalling chapter traced to man's band history fails to tell It save In the records of battle alone. Of Are horrors, as they are commonly known, certainly nothing like it ever occurred in this country or any other. There an ornate million-dollar thea­ ter, assured, of course, as thoroughly fireproof. Within were 2,300 women and children, and a few men--a typi­ cal, merry, holiday matinee audience. One thousand were in the galleries. There were many entrances offering tno usual number of exits, all, of course, sufficient to depopulate the building in case of fire. We have all seen that often enough on the pro­ grams. There were live men In uni­ forms in the aisles, provided by the city government. It wafe a pretty, hap­ py scene. There was a darkened jewels were torn from th«- • •ttser#, lorgnettes and purses were tossed on the floors. Battle for Life In Balconies. This was the first scene. On the main floor the panic was quite as fierce as elsewhere, but escape was easier. It was in the balconies that the battle for life was hardest, and there,0 indeed, was scarcely a chance for escape. The galleries were, within no time at all, heaped with a helpless, struggling, insane mass of people. As the flaming circle crept higher and higher, choking the audience with black masses of smoke, many were literally too paralyzed for movement, so that at the end and after it was all over, there was the strange, grewsome picture of a sco^ or more dead lean­ ing silently over the rails as'If still glancing at the play. But down at the doorway it was a wave backward of human beings light­ ing for the blessing of life. What heroism was shown of man for wom­ an or of woman for children will never be known, for the tragedy was but of minutes. The details of the awful happenings inside have never been exceeded in the Dawson, Mrs.; Diffendorf, Leanl Lincoln. 111.; Delee, Miss N.; Mrs. J. F.f of Delaware, O.; Dot« son, H.; Donaldson, Miss A.; Del Miss Viola; Dyrenfurth, Ruth'; Dyti furth, Helen; Dawson, Grace. E. Eberstein, Frank B.; Eisenstei Herman; Eldrldge, Mort; Espi Emil; Espen, Miss Rosa; Elkal Hose. . F. cFitzglbbons, Anna; Fitzgihbons,] John J.; Fox, George Sj'dney; Fla*- nagan, Thomas J.; Frady, Leon;] Fallte, Miss Ada; Foley, H.; Folt*/ Helen; Folkenstein, Miss Gertrude R.; Foltz, .Miss Alice; Foltz, Mrs. C. O.; Fox, Hoyt; Fox, Mrs. Emlle Hoyt, Winnetka; Foltz, Helen; Frack- elborn. Miss Edith; Frackelborn, Ella; Frady, Mrs. E. C. G- Gartz, Mary Dorothea; Gartz, Bar* bara; Gerow, Mabel; Geary, Miss Pauline; Gerry, Miss Wilma; Gould, Mrs. B. E.; Gohan, J.; Guderhaugh, Sophie. 14. Hall, Emperly; Harbrough, Mary "PIT tO DOME 1 Horror as Scores Doomed Victims *f«!r, F. AJl % iMoore, H. P.; Mendel, Mrs. A. M.; 'dleton, Catherine; McKee, --- ton, Edmund W. v ^ N. twby, ; Norton, Bdlttt I® | iwavd W.; Nuir, - •• . C ," °. - anell. Mrs. Patrick P.; Oilwg^ - " P#81®; Olson, MiffaJtocar; Owen, tm Murray^.yfltiMKMiss aacker, Waltl Lafayette, Ind. R. Rattay, William; Ra] Mrs. G.; Regensberg, berg, Miss Helen; Thomas; Ross, Elian; Rc. nie; Reed, W. M.; Richari! L.; Roberts, Theodore; K.; Rathey, William; Robin3 nie; Ross, ----, 16 years old ter .of Dr. Ross. 1 ®* Seville, Warren E.; Sayore,; J.; Spring, Mjb. W. A.; Stinglelj J. H.; Sayre, Miss Death Trap at Main Balcony Exit. stage, there were a dozen singing maidens and a popular comedian sing­ ing a popular air, ehtitled "In the Pale Moonlight." Now what happened? A fuse or two blew from the calcium light that made the pale moon. The spark struck the ginger-bread scenery; the scenery blazed to the stage. An Urn of Fire in Five Minutes. And then! Well, then in five min­ utes this costly playhouse became a red urn of fire and a great, heart­ breaking cry, such a cry as splits the stone of a Caesar's heart, arose in that building. It was the cry of the man or woman, clinging to a storm-swept raft, who sees the others go down before him. The scene was something that no human pen can tell. A circle of flame swept from the stage around the bal­ cony and galleries, driven into a whirl­ wind by Bix great automatic ventil­ ators and the open doors. It moved faster than the calcium of the pale moonlight and as fierce as a blazing meteor. There was a wild, piad, raging, trampling rush for life. It id not easy to fancy what one would do in such a scene, but all seeiqingly acted t*>» gether. Men and women fought like unleashed hounds for the first exit; little children were crushed in the arms of their mothers; clothes and HIS IDEA WAS GOOD. awfulness! of sudden death in agony in all the history of modern times. From the balcony and galleries, where there was no more safety from the flame heat ascending than on the floor below, people hurled themselves downward in their terror. All, or near­ ly all, of those in the rear met a fear­ ful death. Firemen, the fire practical­ ly extinguished, found they were but pouring water on heaps of human beioga. LIST OF THE DEAD. A- Adaneck, Mrs. John; Austrian, Wal­ ter D. B. Barker, Miss Ethel; Barnbelsel, Charles H.; Bartlett, Mrs. C. D., Bart- lett, 111.; Beurtel, William C.; Beyers- loth, Helen; Bisslnger, Walter B.; Birndsley, Mrs. H. G.; Bodice, N. W.; Brewster, Miss Julia; Brinckley, Mrs. Emma; Buehmann, Margaret; Bick- ford, C. M.; Boise, Beane; Buschwah, Louise; Beyers, ; Butler, Mrs. Rosa; Butler, Rose; Bymfurth, Ruth. C. Cahn, Miss Lucy; Clark, E. D.; Clayton, Vinton; Cohn, Mrs. Jacob; Corcoran, ; Cooper, C. L.; Con- tell, Thomas.; Cooper, Helen; Coults, R. H.; Curran, May; Crook, E. S-; Caldwell, A. R. Prying Drills Baffled, but Hose Put Newcomers to Rout. A well-known railway company was engaged in boring a tunnei beneath and almost at right angles to the ex­ isting tunnel of one oi its rivals. One day the contractor received notice to stop the work until certain, legal pro­ ceedings were complied with. Outwanita, observing the legal for- mallties/ahd at the same time dread­ ing delay, the contractor as quiet as a mole went on with his "heading." But notwithstanding all his caution the engineer of the rival company sus­ pected these clandestine operations and sank a bore bole on the center line of the new tunnel, thoroughly be­ lieving that his instrument would, at t£e proper level, drop into a tunnel not to be so taken by surprise. A seventy feet below. But the contracting tunneler was sheet of steel was affixed to the roof of the illicitly built tunnel, so that tne tool of the rival engineer, when it eame, would merely grind away hara- lessly against its tough surface. What was the surprise of the coil- tractor and the prying engineer, the one to find no drill and the other to discover no tunnel, although the latter had bored down eome ninety feet? E.; Haviland, Miss Lee; Haviland, Lee; Harbaugh, Mrs.; Hickman, Mrs. Charles; Hoilaqd, John; Howard, Mrs. Mary E.; Hart, El D.; Hennlng, ; Henry, Mrs. G.cA.; Higginson,. Miss Jeanette; Holmes, Mrs.; Higgin­ son, Roger; Hoist, Allen; Hoist, Ger­ trude; Hooper, W. W., Kenosha, Wis.; Howard, Miss Helen; Holland, Leigh; Horton, Edith, Ontonagon, Mich.; Howard, Ray E.;_ Hudson, Harry; Hehn, Otto. J. Jones, EthSl; Johnson, J. C. K. Kaufman, Alice; Kelly, Otto; Kte> ley, Harvey; Kennedy, Agnes, Win­ netka; Kennedy, Frances, Winnetka; Kochens, J. A.; Koll, Charles H.; Kls- ner, Louis and wife; Ketchem, Mrs.; Krans, Mrs. Sarah, Racine, Wis. L. Lake, Mrs. Lena; Lake, Mm. A.; Lang, Irene; Lang, Hortense; Lange, Miss Agnes; Linden, Ellen; Leatin, Fred W. M. Maloney, Mrs. James D.; Martin, Harold; Martin, J.; Martin, W.; Ma­ loney, Alice, Ottawa, 111.; Martin, Rob­ ert; McCaughan, Helen; McCIellan, Joseph; McClelland, James; McClurg, Roy; McKenna, Bernard; McKenna, Bernard; Muir, Annie, Peoria, 111.; McMillan, Mabel; Meade, Lillian; Merrlel, Mrs.; Merrien, Mildred; Mo QOT THE TICKET, AS U8UAL. Artist Unsuccessful in Effort to Re­ form Model. Orson Lowell, the magazine illustra- The engineer's boring tool had, it j tor, used to have a model he valued seeded, wandered several feet to one side, and its owner, still perplexed, began to doubt if the rival company had persisted In the tunnel after all. Suddenly a brilliant idea struck him; he would turn on the municipal fire bose Into his boring; if it failed to overflow his suspicions would be confirmed. highly because he could wear evening clothes "like a gentleman." some­ thing which the professional model cannot always do. The fellow had ap­ parently 6een better days, but the only remaining relic of them was his 'dress suit and his ability to wear It. He would usually turn up fifteen min­ utes before the appointed time for the He carried his idea into instant exe-1 sitting, wearing a shabby business cutioa; there was a panic among the tunnelers, and a cry, "Fly for your Uveal" all laboring under the belief that an underground lake or rivar had bsen penetrated.--Strand. \ Success of French Woman Lawyer. Mile. Dilhan, a member of the bar In France, has successfully defended a murderer in a trial at Toulouse. Bhe convinced the jury that aer client had been guilty of assault merely, and the man escaped with a sentence to a short term of Imprisonment. suit, and after some moments' rapid talk on any subject which earns upper- most he would say: "Sir, I am very sorry--I regret to say--1 feel It more than you oan pos­ sibly--I am overwhelmed with con­ fusion--but--but, 6ir--but, I was obliged, absolutely obliged, to seques­ trate--to hypothecate--In short, to hock, my evening garments for 93. Redeem them, sir, and I am at your service. Here is the ticket" This went on day after day till fin­ ally Mr. Lowell hit on the plan of hid- A; String, Mrs. dler, Burdette; George H.; Sutton,] yer, ; Sedlll, Kankakee, 111.; Smith, Mrs. -- Smith, Miss Murl Sheppard, Lola, Burr; Shabbard, Lulu; Sherr, £tern, Mrs.; Sutton? Olive; Saville, Artht j throp; Schmidt Hos| TJ Tayson, Ruth; T< ner, Mrs. 8usan;' T4 Thatcher, W. V. Vallely, Bernkse; Vall« Vanzegen, Edward T.: Bernice; Van Ingen, J< man. W. Wells, Donald; Wolf, mond, Ind.; Waldman. H Otto; Williams, H.: w" Three River Falls, Minp.,' aid; Windes, Paul; Wo^ Welskopf, Emma. Z. Zeisler, Walter B. Unidentified Dead Are Man>^ In addition to the foregoing, tl are seventy bodies at the varic morgues awaiting idsnUfication. j ing his business suit while he was ' out of the room, telling him that the charwoman had carried it off by mis­ take, and sending him away at the end of the sitting in his evening rig, con­ fident that be bad no other, and that he would return the next day ready to pose. The hour arrived; also a messenger boy with this note: "Honored Sir--I Cannot find words fitting--l do not know how to convey to you--I stand speechless, sir, aghast, sir--but ah, fatal 'but!'--but I was driven--forced--compelled--again to pledge my evening garments as col­ lateral security for the sum of S2. Redeem them and I am at your ser- vioe. I am at the pawnbroker's, in bed In a back room. Sir. I lneloae the Uoket"---Philadelphia Post Kentucky Statesman Seriously III. Former Governor John Young Brown of Kentucky, noted In politics and on the turf, Is seriously ill at Hen­ derson, Ky. Hla son and namesake. | physician of high reputation. Is In at­ tendance upon him, bat has little hope.1 of his recovery. fy**.-i „ ..y; * •;.!? •. irafc." • (StlA L, - •-•ITiV.

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