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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1904, p. 4

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JsJMK*.* -.'.V. ...ViSiL- -f* Co/as aMikfci •iiw .. >.„«• 1 .v.r- - ~ - *' I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Aver's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im­ mediate relief."' ^ _M W. C. Lavton, Sklell, ID. How be tonight? l your cough worse, prob- will :>nigi ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then,bron­ chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral. / Ttoeasltaa: zsc. Mc.. n. An Consult your doctor. If he "*** than do a» lie B»T». If he tells yoa no1 to take it. then don t take It. He knewa. » «ei*h him. Wp are wiliinp. LEAVE U WITTI AIM.AVKK (,() LO^.E„ MM». here Toes-. Itie McHenry Plaindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY TUT MCHENRY PUIHD£AL® COMPANY r. K. ('HANDKB. W. A. CRISTY, J- B. PKBBY. Pres. Sec. Treas. OBAS. D. SCBOONMAKSR, Editor. i;r:> sin Bank Building. Telephone, No. 28 * TERMS OL" SUBSCRIPTION: «.& Three months. 40 cts. One year , -• Six months. 75 eta. 1 ^ Thursday, March 3, 1904. THE Harrington Review says that "McHenry conn ty is completely Lorimer iced. Lake is likely to catch the Low- den fever." Out it be possible that there are men in this county who are of the same po- ' liticai opinion as Congressman Lorimer, in oar eetimation one of the clearest brained and cleanest politicians before the people today? Tee. there are a few people in McHenry ooanty who have not become prejudiced thru the efforts of the Chicago press. The Republican party can stand a few more workers AQD organizers like Mr. Lorimer. LvW"" feiy' I feVi: In Verse or Worse. McHenry has more miles Of good side walks Than any town of its sice In the state. Bat, Jumping Jupiter, When it snows And rains And thaws W« feel that It would have been better To have spent the money In paving The streets, For there The people most walk. A snow plow, A horse And a man With orders from proper committee Could have prevented The present conditions. Next Hammer More walks Will be built. Oh, joy! Ladies mast walk Thru slush Or stay At home. \ McHenry is It-- Nit! Not when strangers Must use stilts TQ reach us. Don't dare To swear And express yonr opinion. Keep mum And wade. HOLCOiatiVILLK. Fred Willey and family have moved to Nunda. Mrs. James Powers is under the care of Dr. HQIL Barl Peck of Batayia spent Sunday with his parents, VTm. Gilbert of Chicago has moved back on his farm. , A. P. Peck visited relatives at Two Rivers, Wis., Sunday. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grove vjsit- ed relative* here Sunday. Phil Aylward of Emerald Park was seen on our etreets one day last week. Mrs. P. F. Hunt and Miss Josephine attended the society at Jos. Drawer « Thursday. Fre» Bohl had the misfortune to cut his foot last week while chopping wood for J. H. Hildebrand. Mrs. Henry Shales and brother Frank, called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan Sa'urdny evening. Taaea! luxe*! _ *5® ®n^«™»Kned. roll**-tor of tuxes ror tha town of Nunda vill be at Jo , W. Frean.l's store, W vie,Henry, Tue* days of each week, commencing Febrn ary 16, for the parpoHe of receiving the toxes for the said town W-tf AUG. PETERSON, Collector. WOODSTOCK. Joe Mills of Marengo was day. Will S. Thome is now a partner hi« father V store. WM. Wbitson is aafferiwr from an attack of lajrrippe. Morris Dickerson died Tuesday, Mar. 1, at the home of Wm. Nottingham The firm of Jackman & Bennett has purchased a part. r>t the M. Sherman block for a consideration of f6.800. The Northwestern road hss placed a flagman at the '("flve points crossing'" where so many serious accidents have occurred of late. ' Ed. V> atson, lately employed in Chi­ cago by Selz, Schwab Co., has accepted a position with E. B. Lowe in the store lately owned bv F. W. Street.*. Rev. C. F. Reed of Terra Baute, Ind., is conducting a series of gospel meet­ ings in the M. E. chnr<h. The meet­ ings will continue until March 15. The employes of the O. T. factory were enjoying a holiday Wednesday the factory.being forced to shut down on account of the water famine caused by a break of the pump at the city water works. The vonng people of the Methodist church enjoyed a "swap" social in the church parlors Friday evening It way given nnd^r the auvpioes of the Ep worth league's socisl department Each guest was-requested to bring aora• article not to exceed five cents in value and for the privilege of swapping th» same each trader was expect* d to de posit with the cashier one cent fo' every transaction. The swapping laste< about twenty minutes during whicl time $7 was realized. Gaiues were played and coffee aud cake served. Mrs. Maria MeOmber died Sunday, February 28. at the home of her grand­ son, John Shannon. The funeral ser­ vices were held at the residence and the burial took place at the^ cemetery in Ridgefield, Tuesday afternoon, March 1. Mrs. MeOmber's maiden name was* Maria Fra 'k and she was born March 16. 1817, in Oneida county, N. Y. She was first married to John Lighthall, which union was blessed by one child, Mrs. Mand Shannon, who died about four years ago. In 1866 she was mar­ ried to John MeOmber but no children were born to them. She had long been a resident of McH >nry county, coming to Illinois and settling in Dorr town­ ship in 1853. Geo. F. Mills died at the cottage hos­ pital in Harvard Saturday night, Feb. 37, and his remains were brought here Sunday the 28th. Mr. Mills had been suffering with an abdominal abscess which necessitated an operation and be was taken to Harvard on the 30th nit and the operation was performed. Though he was in a very serious condi­ tion it was thought that his chances for recovery were good until the last of the week when he began to fail rapidly. His wife and two children, who were spending the winter in California, were sent for, but he passed away before they arrived. The deceased was well known not only in this locality, but for many miles around, having been engaged in the profession of auctioneer for many years; he was also engaged, in connec­ tion with his brother, in the manufact­ ure and sale of fur robes and coats. The funeral was on Wednesday and the remains taken to Wheaton, 111., for burial. . EMERALD PARK. Harry Bacon of Chicago spent Sun­ day here. Mrs. R. J. Sutton called on relatives in McHenry last Sunday. B. J. Frisby and sister, Anna, called on Barreville friends Snnday. Miss Margaret Aylward visited the Misses Knox Sunday afternoon. Miss Eathryn Walsh visited friends in Barreville Sunday afternoon. Messrs. J. B. Frisby and H. Felmeten were Nnnda callers last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan visited at J. B. Frisby's Wednesday afternoon. John Knox and lady friend of Mc­ Henry visited Miss Mary Gibbs Sunday evening. Misses Lizzie Gorman and Irene Frisby yisitqd Miss Lucy Sutton the first of'the week. Mrs. Thos. Burke and son, George, of Marengo visited at Geo. Walmsley's Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. White and daughter, Mamie, of Long Lake are visiting at the home of John Powers this week. Lena Smith, Henry Felmeten and Josie Smith are on the sick list this week and nnable to attend school Phil Aylward returned to Ostend Tuesday after a few weeks' vacation. He will work for Wm- Sayler. this sea­ son Geo. Pererson, who has been working for Geo. Waluisler the past vear. will assist J. B. Frisby with bis farm .work tbe coining season. Chamberlain,* Colic, Cholera aul Diar­ rhoea Remedy. [s the best and m< -st popular medicine In use for bowel complaints. It never fails and is pleasant to take. Mr. R. Woodward of fiosslvn, Ky., says, "I hnve handled Chamberlain's Colic, < hoWa and D'arrhoe* Remedy for 13 y.-ns. have never sold a bottle that did not give perfect, -at stsction, snd it is the best selling diarrhoea medicine that I handle." For sate by all druggists. Want Column. All adrvrtiaemeittii Inserted under thin heed at the following rates: Fire lln*** or lens, 16 cent* for ft nit tnaertium M cento for ett'h Mubaequent Insertion. Hore thu lire lines, t renin * line for flnt Inaertlon, •ad 3 cento a llni- for additional inaertiunx. FOK SALE--15 slx-montlis-old heifer calves. Inquire of B. J. WKUBNKU, talles ea*-t Of the river bridge, ou the Volo road. 94-tf •tXTORK HORSES KOR SALE--The under- * * signed h:is a few substantial work hors­ es for sule. weighing from 1100 to 1400 pounds. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. M-tf F. K. GRANGER. TjVOR 8AI..lB*-On account of other business •E The Commercial Hotel and furniture, steam heat. gas. artesian water, etc. A snap for a quick buyer. Better than a farm as an Investment. Act today. Address, Gso. E. SMITH, Byron 111. Please mention this paper 1 38-tf -nv>R RENT OIlEAP-- A new seven room house, oil finished, wltn good cellar: also a brick Ntore. 24.N40. with cellar full size and six nea living rooms over head. For terms and other information address li. L. TUKNKR, 33-tf Solon Mills. III. U-OUSE FOR RENT--At Solon Mills; 13 rooms, suitable for dwelling or liotel pur­ poses. New and in good location near depot. Inquire of Wm. Simes, West McHenry, or Robert Sutton. Solon Mills. 35-tf. HORSES FOR SALE-Heavy draft team, weight 1400 lbs. good condition, ready for heavy spring work. Will be sold at reason­ able price. H. C. MKAI>, West McHenry. 3ft-3t* Job work of all this office. IP neatly done at RIDUEHELU. F. Hudson was in Nnuda Saturday. F. Wilie was in Chicago one day last, week. ' C. M. Eeeler was in Woodstock Wed­ nesday. Mrs. W. Dike was in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. C. M. Keeler was in Chioago Tuesday. Mrs. Wakefield was hi Woodstock Wednesday. F. W. Hartman was in Woodstock Wednesday. A. Pose transacted business in Chica­ go Tuesday. A. F. Davis of Austin was here on business Wednesday. Mrs. Baldwin of Nnnda was here on business' Wednesday. 1 Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Lola, were in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Dora Hudson is visiting hei grandparents in McHenry. Mrs. Cole and daughter, Grace, visit­ ed at Mrs. Goddard's Saturday. John Conerty of Woodstock was in this vicinity on business Saturday. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and son of Woodtstock visited her parents Satur­ day. T. P. Smith has moved his family to town and A. Levey is haying charge of their farm. Don't forget the "want ad"column1 Try the "Want ad" column. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dto> courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It to sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home of swamp-Root, ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Sl Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Groceries Fish Fruits 1 FOR LENT i- Milcbner Herring, per keg. .$1.00 Holland Herring, per } keg.. .55c Spiced Herring, per pail VOc White Fish, pet pound 10c Healed smoked Herring, box... 22c Smoked Bloaters, 8 for .10c j# Cod fish, ltt> tablets, boneless. .10c n Cod fish, 2tt> box, very choice., 36c TetopfceaeN*. jei. Give u* a Trial. JOHN STOFF"EL_. r » ' s i S < i " :*v ALWAYS ® [INSIST UPON HAViNGI THE GENUINE mmm WATOI i THE MOST PEFRFSiSllHG AND DELIGHTTl'L PtftrUME FOR THE HANDKZKCHIEF,TOILET AND BATH. CHARLES (l FREIT Wholesale and retail dealer In I mm la t^e Market Per Beef Veal riattoa Nets mma Pwritqr dive MM Smoked Meats, Smsdfe >>v* , • McHenry - Illinois -J v «T.tkit.3!25 r mmm AVfcgdable Preparationfor As­ similating IheFoodandReguia- ling the Stomachs and Bowels of l \ h \ N I S / ( H : I . 1 ) K K N Promotes Digestion,CheerfuK- tress and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT TiARC OTIC . asfOIdi Semi" dtx.Saum * /MMUSmUt-^ttmteStad * m^Sernd.- QmifodSuir Aperfeci Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour S iomach, D i<mlH>ea Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. A I l» 111 (i 111 h •% old J ] D l l S I S - J y C I M S ' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ̂ This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do- munt.ic 'RTC.ha.Tnyp. and does »' ( I tEdfRAl BANKINTI BUSIUSS. . We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to oar custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the. public patronage. Honey to Loall EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER - Use for Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THC rr«|TA"i NEW YORK CITY. N. H. PETESCK Pure, Fresh Drugs and Medicines B E L I E V E This is the best Store in McHenry Coanty for economical bnying. t We guarantee to sell cheaper than any of onr competitors. Note the prices quoted below. We positively save yon . / 30 CENTS ON THE $1.00 ON SPRING dOODS 35® 90c ...$1.19 Infants' Shoes ®.„ Boys* Shoes, 9 to 18$ Youths' Shoes, 1 to 6J Men's Working Shoes, very-best $1.23 Ladies' Kangarro Calf Shoes, worth $2.00, @. ,$ Ladies' Dress Shoes, worth 98>Q0t @ • • • • .fi«^4 Men's Rubbers @ 59c Ladies' best Rubbers'^ *... 49c Men'B rubber boots, best Snag Proof, woth $8.60. .$3.98 Boston Rubber Bodts, worth $3.00, @ Boy's Rubber Boots, worth $2.50, @ $i<75 Extra wide Percales* all colors, worth 10c pr yd, <S. .yic Black and white Mending Cotton, per spool j>c I When You Build No matter whether it be a mansion, cottage, barn or shed, let us give yon figures on the material. Onr prices are as low as any and we handle everything needed in the construction of Buildings. i . / I T 1 Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, Cement, Lime, Etc, Also large stock of Brick, Tile and Fence Wire. Hard and Soft Coal. ' ' * • . FEED, GRAIN AND FLOUR Qui sell feed in any quantity to suit the purchaser at low­ est market prices. We also buy and sell all kinds of Grain. WHITE SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try a sack and be convinced. We wish to thank tbe people of this vicinity for the patronage of the past and hope by fair dealing and honest prices to retain their patronage. WILBUR LUHBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 1 IMI VVVIJMMVI M ÎHI UVVIVHI *******ttHiffl Two Dead ^ and three others sick from typhoid fever in ,one family, in a sm 11 town in Ohio, caused directly by sewer gas escaping in the house through an imperfect kitchen sink connection. For the sake of your family's health have your kitchen sink and all the other plumbing done by a skilled me­ chanic when it does not cost you any more, than a cheap and dapger- ooijbb. See us for prices. ' „ I HERBES, - - PLUMBING. * ANNOUNCEMEKTS! on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE fal. Btrst Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY $ OWEN, Notary Public. Banlcara Direct, to Havana Via Illinois Central R. li. to New ttrleans and the weekly Southern Pacific 8. H. "Louisiana" to liavanu. Leave Chicago aud Cincinnati Friday morning, leave St. Ixiuis and Louis­ ville Friday noon, arrive New Orleans Satur­ day 10.00 a. m.. leave Saturday 2.00 p. in., ar­ riving at Havana Monday morning. Round- trip and one-way through tickets at unusually low rates. Free Illinois Central R. U. Illus­ trated Folder on Cuba, giving all pnrticulars on application. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS FROM NEW ORLEANS Ocean steamship sailings from New Orleans for Mexico, Panama, Central and South Amer­ ica, West Indies and Europe concisely set forth in a special folder issued by the Illinois Central R. R. Send for a copy. riPYICrt Tour of all Mexico via Illinois ^ >CAIV»V/ Central R. Ii.. under escort of r AI IPODNI A Reau Campbell,Gen- vnLirvl\nin erai Manager the American Tourist Association, Quincv Build­ ing, 113 Adams St., Chicago, leaves Chicago January 26. Select clientele. Limited. All exclusive privileges, independent travel Special Pullman Vestibule Train, Drawing llooms, with the largest Dining Car in the world, and the famous Open Top Observation Car, Chililiti. Special Baggage Car. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. Special Tours of Mexico and California via the Illinois ( entral arid New Orleans under the auspices of Raymond & VVhitcomb, will leave Chicago, Friday, Feb. 12. and St. Louis, Saturday, Feb. 13, 1SMU, for Mexico and Cali fornia via New Orleans, including a stop-over for the Mardi Gras; also from Chicago Friday Ma-ch 4th, and St. Louis Saturday March ">tli every Wednesday from CI MARDI GRAS for California, via the Illinois Central and New Orleans. Entire trips made in "special private vestibule trains of finest Pullmans, with dining car service. Fascinating trips, '•oroplete in every detail. Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali­ fornia. Excursion Cars through to Los Ange­ les and han. Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Southern Route every Wed­ nesday from Chicago; everv Tuesday from Cincinnati. Via.Omaha and the Sceulc Route very Wednesday from Chicago. This occurs at New Orleans on Feb. 16, 1904. For it excursion rates will be in effect to New Orleans on special dates which your local ticket agent will be able to advise you. NEW ORLEANS , in-tourist to visit. Winter tourist rates now .lot/"Double daily service and fast steam- ti vestibule trains with through sleeping fjuffet-librarv-smoking car service and enroute in dininc cars. Ask for an *' Lted book on New Orleans. Q U L F P O R T J , M I S S . The Great Southern Hotel, at Gulfport, Miss., on the Mexican Gulf Coast, has 25e rooms sin­ gle or en suite, with or without bath. Steam heat, electric light, hor, aud cola running water, and telephone in every room. Reached via Memphis and the Illinois Central's fast morning trains, carrying sleeping and buffet- library cars, with a single change, on same train en route at Memphis, into through sleeping car to Gulfport. Send for illustrated folder describing Gulfport and the hotel, Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Lines St. Louis to Jacksonville and Chicago to Nash­ ville, the latter connecting eu route with through Jacksonville car from Ht. Louis. Route via Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlan­ ta. Hot Springs, Ark, Through Sleeping Car between Chicago mid Hot Springs, carried on the Central's fast Pullman vestibule "Limited" train. S<»nd for book describing this most interestingof health and pleasure resorts, Full D^rtirnlirc concerning all of the above lUil r(II lllulflli can be hud of agents of the Illinois Central, or by addressing the nearest of tiit; undersigned representatives of the "Central." A. H. H AN8GN. V. P. A., Chicago, 111. T. F. MERRY, A. G. P. A., DuWjtie, Iowa. April 1. i Professional, Society V a.nd Bvisirvesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. I». PHI£ICIAN- SURGEON AND OCCLUflV i Office UnH M/lMnnte Wl... __ and residence cornet Elui ~mnA Green streets. McHenry. f'r/: ".'"•-A* 5* O. H. FEGERS» M. D. m 'wm 111. Office at Residence, Elm streets. Telephone 333. ~L C. ROSS. I). I). Office over Petesch's Drug Store. AUiirpBK PERTAINING TO HODKRN DIN]<in||| Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hon#* 7:30 a. m. to .5:30 p. m. S0KDAT WORKV BT APPOXNTMEKT OTFFCJT Pf.' v.* Thk NEW A DENTIST ON TU WI DR. R. GH^FBERLINT /. QOoe ovap Beslev's Drug Store., Hours from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. ttf" ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. gfc PHYSICIAN AND SURCjypON f .• •vH."*'>.<0w,t<l^ir'• ' ^ve, -' Illinois. Geo. Meyers Oeneral Teaming ^ *f all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY 7.^-.^ • ILLINOIS. -TT- ":«-- relephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHeni? and McHenry county visitors. \ _.: . " Prank Kepplcr, Joba Schirret, ':V 98 Hfth Ave.. Chicago. ' Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL. . Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. ' , . Wut McHenry, Illlaota McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY.V \ OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to 810.d00, time and payment to suit, oorrower. CROUP Croup and Inflammation of tfca larynx are tnataMfe Slierod and parmanently cured by tha naa of ON inuta Coueb Cure. This navar falllnc praacrtamM if an eminent physician wu gtvea tha nama of ONI MINUTE COUCH CURE because Instant rattaf kn always followed its use. It takes effect at the aaat m |k« trouble and acts on tha Inflamed membranes t>- •tead of passing wholly Into the atomach and drucsHi tr atupefyine the ayatere. Ova* relief tnataatlr. CURED • 0H« ONE MINUT1& It destroys the disease eerm, clears the Irawa out the Inflammation, thus remorlnf tha One Minute Coutk r . for children and they _ J E.G. DeWItt & Co., C. i remedy for chlldran. Do not fargellfce For sale bylalliDruggists. FLORIDA K I L L THI COUCH AND C U K E THE L U N G S -Or. Kings New Discovery Ci CONSUMPTION 0UGHS and /OLDS Price 50c &$1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. 1 P H I L I P J A E G E R | t GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT ' ^ 5 «PECtAL ATTCBNTIOKy GIVEN ^ T&E SAIJE W. ; g | Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Vea^ Poultry, | i# Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs , . x. | « & ̂ This is the oldest boose on tbe street Tags and price lists tarnished .pa g application. Stdll 1 * 3, Fatto* St. Wholesale Market. COLD STORAOE FREE # ^ CH1CAQO, ILLINOIS, innmiMpninniiiiininiimnmw""'1'11^ Jos. H. Huemann Johns burgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, , Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, .* Well Supplies, Hatn--> OU> Paint Oil and , \ Machine Oil a Specialty." FrakUa IM Wsfcsl - I am ajffent for the above. We v" put the Itods on your Bulld- ings and should they be struck s •; by lightning we pay daipf^es , . ' If no more than |50lll- Call aad^ ' get full partlculacs. ilineril Blacksmitbiil Prices ilwtys RWSWJW? mmm•«aaoa»»«»a%j yyi IHI €*€*!(& Cui*od to Stay ; Cured tn 5 Day* |/.'o Cuiiing of> PaA% VAMG€CCLEv vfculhli. s ami in itn i Guaranteet! Cure o«> Mo 1 my Siofundod. iivatiucuL tiius raj»iuly disavi) ai^- ceases olmo:t life t I !oo«i in driven iioin the velnis and *U 1 HWfl .111 g pubi niea. EvtTy inair&iion of Varicooal* pieiirnio pcrUHvt health. X cure to r«tuy Ctinta^iorn 1'JooU I'oigon, Kidney and HKudder Tri»ubl€»nt Nt»rv».UH l>i'bi ,y# and allied troubles. My of trt atnunt unci cin e QÎ oriyltial vith ine and cannot BE oiitalncil olnti* hore. I nmke no vMpcriiiit nta. All caseei I tuke I curt?. aa.J.TlLLOTSON M I) Certainty Clf CiSfB yo« a c i V ^ >our 1 have, done fur oilu.s I can do lor yoik for a permanent oure will I»© reasonable hu4 Ovm Yarioocel*. Ki abluhcd 18DU. no more tliHiiy*»u will l»o willing to pay for bouetitfl COIL' (CorvHiutiTKD.) f'erred. I ( AN ('IKK YOU at Home- Correspondence Confidential "yJSiSS hooriit opinion of your i-ane, KI1KK of Cllui'tfe. My liuiue treatment is successful. My book* laotere»m«ika K'tBE uponupplicjttioa. H. J. TILL0TS0N, M. D., 500 TUIotsea Buildlnt, &4 Deartwra Street, CHICAOO. «?-• %(r .••f; i g&f

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