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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1904, p. 3

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Easy Way to Mend Lace Curtains. there are holes too large to darn, ;e a piece of net as nearly like the as possible, or cut a piece some discarded curtain, it in starch water, lay it on the or worn place, and when nearly press with warm Irons. The , , Jpatch will remain until again launder- " *** and will not be discernible.-- Woman's Home Companion. !*V 5^ Love and Hate. ffmm» c. Dowd In the March Century. Love, the skylark, soars and sings; Hate has neither song nor wings. The ooat of arms of Panama for the resent ought to be a pick rampant nd a shovel couchant. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not fctain the hands or spot the kettle, ex­ cept green and purple. Nicholas to Abdul Hamil: "111 wink at you, if you'll wink at me." I Miss Nettie Blackmore, Min neapolis, tells how any young woman may be permanently cured of monthly pains by tak­ ing Lydia C. Pinkham s Vege­ table Compound. " YOTTUG WOMEX: -- I had frequent headaches of a severe nature, dark •pots before my eyes, and at my men­ strual periods I suffered untold agony. A member of the lodge advised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vege­ table Compound, but I only scorned food advice and felt that my case was opeless, but she kept at me until I bought a bottle and started taking it. I soon had the best reason in the world to change my opinion of the 'medicine, as each day my health im­ proved, and finally I was entirely with­ out pain at my menstruation perioda. 1 am most grateful." -- NETTIE BLACK* MORE, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. -- $5000 forfeit if original of aftMW letUr proving genuineness cannot be produced. It there Is anything: about your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. She will hold your letter in strict confidence. She can surely help you, for no person in America can speak from a wider experience in treat­ ing female ills* She has helped hundreds-of thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass.; her advice is free. .. DO YOVJ DON'T DELAY £EMPS BALSAM Thsiiiiiiiiii ii It Cores Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Croup, Into* enza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in flrat stages, and a sure relief in advanced stage*. fee at once. You will Bee tlie excellent effect after taking the first done. Sold by deiers everywlMMb LSJgt bottles 25 cents and CO ceuta " Prow the cradle to the baby chair." HIVE YOU A BUY t If M, you ought to have a PHOENIX WALKING CHAIR V (PATENTED) ' MTTCII THAN A NUMI." PHOENIX Walking Chair enables the baby to learn to walk, without injury or excessive exercise. It is impossible for the child to fall and 'injure itself, and it enables it to walk without assist­ ance, thus gaining confidence in itself at once. It is well made, and is provided with a sanitary cloth removable seat; it also has a table attachment which enables the baby to enjoy itself with its toys with­ out further attention. This chair is so constructed that it prevents colds and diseases from {drafts or floor germs. It will prevent enough soiled clothes to pay for itself. It is at­ tractively made and is an ornament to any home, and baby will get more strength, comfort and enjoyment out of it than anything else you can get. "At Indispensable as > cradle." tUlrViOTliaiD OXLT BT P H O E N I X C H A I R C O . SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Can writ be had el your furniture dealer* FARMERS >nd STOCKMEN We can gave you middleman'* profit by having our tin warehouses and leeding yards, and securing highest jKusolljle prices for your grain and stock, (•end for our I'KEK Farmers' Grain an OU Colony Building •Ilooklet." Farmers' Grain and Live Stock Commission Co. Chicago, SL $50 I'KK V.'EKK muds by AGENTS selling STEAM COOKEK8 and other noveltlea. l'EEHI.ESS COOKKK CO., Buflalo.N.Y WWilH'MWIM*!- ems auu IU rise raiLi. it Couah Syrup. Tastes Good. Ui in time, bold by drmcpl'ta. LD HAVE HIS PLACE. of Listening to Rambling Clergyman. ck, who has presented to t a $20,000 Chartran painting, the "Signing of the Proto­ col," was the subject of much lauda­ tory comment in the House when th$ announcement of his gift was made. A friend of the Pittsburg million­ aire, in discussing his tastes, said: "Mr. Frick dearly loves a good, strong sermon, and in an equal degree he hates a sermon that is carelessly composed and insincere. Sitting be­ side him in church one day, I got a manifestation of this latter trait o! his. "The minister was talking about a foreign divine who had died, but his mind didn't seem to be fixed on his subject very firmly. He wandered on and on, in a wordy way, like this: " 'What place, my brethren, shall we assign to the deceased? Was he the greatest of the Apostles? Ah, no, for that place belongs to St. Peter. Was he the greatest of saints? No. for that place belongs to St. Augus­ tine. Was he the greatest of philan­ thropists? No, for in philanthropy St Francis excelled him. Then, I re­ peat, what place* " 'Oh, give him my place and get On," I heard Mr. Frick mutter to him- self with an impatient frown." HER RETORT WAS READY. Mils Edyth Walker's Fitting Rebuke to Pert Chorus Girl. Miss Edyth Walker, the opera sing­ er, who lately arrived from Paris, was standing In Mr. Conried's office one morn'ng while many voices were be­ ing tried. She was attired in an or­ dinary walking skirt with a veil tied over her head. Her maaager had just asked her to sing a song about which he had been arguing. A young woman seeking a chorus position stepped in just in the midst of the singing. After finishing Miss Walker sat down, listened as the voices one after another were tested, and thinking ot her own experience she uttered many encouraging words. It chanced that after the chorus girl had ended her song she stood near the opera singer waiting Mr. Conried's verdict. "My dear," cooed Miss Walker, "you did nicely, and you look very pretty this morning." The girl eyed her flatterer from head to foot and sneeringly remarked, 6o that all could hear: "I'm so sorry I cannot return the compliment." "Oh, but you could," sweetly an­ swered Miss Walker in the same loud tone, "if you had lied as glibly as 1 did."--New York Times. The Typical Boss. The public may groan under .H. H. Vreeland's "Street railway methods, but his men like him. "I abominate the officious, overbearing boss," said Mr. Vreeland one day to a reporter. "This boss is derided and disliked al­ ways. He never succeeds, for his men won't work for him heartily. "You know the type of boss I mean. We find him everywhere. He treats bis inferiors as though they were ma­ chines. They get no credit from him for Intelligence, and he tries to make them think he is himself infallible--a kind of god. "This sort of boss, if he has to go away for an hour or two, Is apt to turn to his men and say, as he starts off: " 'Look after this, now, and look after that, and remember the other thing; and if It rains while I'm gone --well, don't try to stop it. Let it rain.' " The Wanderer's Compliment George Vanderbilt was reading in the smoking room of his home at Bitt- more. North Carolina, recently, when looking up from his paper he saw a seedy looking individual standing down on the carriageway, head thrown back, eyes dilated, and mouth wide open, seemingly amazed at the imposing sight before him. , After watching him for some t!m« Mr. Vanderbilt became annoyed and., looking out of the window, said: "My man, don't you know this is private property? Why are you standing there Btaring at my house; do you take it for a church?" His unwelcome visitor, after look­ ing him over as carefully as he Could at the distance, replied: "Well, I thought as how it might be a church till I saw the devil poke his head out'n the window."--Ne-» York Times. Contentment. I enw rot the famous men Of any time or land: Horatiua may have held* the bridge, I've held Myrtilla's hand. Though Shakespeare may have written playa Ana sonnets not a few, ^fet to Myrttlla I have penned A joyous billet-doux. Drake mav have circled round the slobe, And though that pleased his tatte. Suffice for me to have my arm Around Myrtilla's waist. Though Sherman may have mad*, a inarch From Atlanta to the eea. A weddln* march right up the aisle Jm good enough for me. ! *-Life. City Shares Profits. The Berlin municipality has an agreement with the electricity works whereby it can take over the works in 1915. The town receives 60 per cent of the net profits after 6 per cent !ias been paid on the share capital up to $6,000,000, and 4 per cent on any ex­ cess over that amount. " Criminal Carelessness. Although Aalesund, the Norwegian town destroyed by fire recently, was a place of 14.000 inhabitants, and con­ structed wholly of wood, the authori­ ties had allowed the water mains to become and remain out of repair, and had provided no adequate fire ex­ tinguishing apparatus. TWO WAYS TO GET STRONG. *» To Conciliate Pelee. The German emperor proposes to have a castle at Posen to "conciliate the Poles." It will be his flfty-flfth castle. In addition, he own? ninety- three landed estates, but they bring him a little money, whereas the cas­ tles are costly. May Be Described as Active and There are two ways to get strong*! the active and the passive. To sunt it up with one brief concrete illustra­ tion, the active treatment would com­ prise such vigorous exercise of all the muscles of the body in the fresh, re­ juvenating air and under the bright and healing gun as one might obtain in the railroad section gang. By this method you are able to relish and di­ gest anything short of shoe pegs. The passive method goes at it the other way about. Instead of exercis­ ing that one may eat, one eats that one may exercise. A diet is prescribed which is almost pure nutriment to be­ gin with, and has been so completely predigested that all one has to do is to swallow it down and the food is turned directly into power. By this method, if the billboards are to be be­ lieved, aged gentlemen become so frisky that they jump over eight-foot fences just to work off their super­ fluous energy.--Eugene Wood in Ev­ erybody's. A Physician's Advice. York town, Ark., March 7th.--Dodd's Kidney Pjjls must not be confounded with the ordinary patent • medicine. They are a new discovery, a specific for all diseases of the Kidneys and have been accepted by physicians only after careful tests in extreme cases. Dr. Leland Williamson, of this place heartily indorses Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills "as a remedy for the vari­ ous forms of the diseases of the Kid­ neys, pains in the back, soreness In the region of the Kidneys, foul-smell­ ing urine and cloudy or thickened con­ dition of the urine, discharges of pus or corruption. Gout, Rheumatism, In­ flammation and Congestion of the Kid­ neys and all kindred complaints." Continuing he says: "I could mention many cases in which I have prescribed Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills with success. For instance, Mr. Robert Weeks, farmer, malaria, haematuria or swamp fever three times, kidneys weakened, continual pain and soreness in back, which made him very nervous, had a little fever and sometimes chilly. Urine changeable, but generally very high- colored; an old chronic case who had taken much medicine with little ef­ fect. After taking Dodd's Kidney Pills about six weeks he was entirely cured and had gained fifteen pounds in weight. The last time I saw him he was the picture of perfect man­ hood." Some Queer 8lgns. "In Arkansas," remarked Lewis Nixon, "there is a little crossroads store which used to fiy a sign to the effect that within one might purchase 'eggs, butter, gingham and caliker by the yard and pound.' " "Over in Brooklyn," replied Senator Patrick McCarren, "there are two signs that always amuse me. One reads: 'Restaurant for Ladles and Gentlemen Oysters.' The other, on a glove shop, is: 'Skins dyed to match hats and coats.'"--New York Times. ItOT A COLORED CHURCH. Yet New Minister Met the Grays, Browns, Greens and Scarlets. "While I lived in Raleigh, S. C.," said Philip W. Wiley of the govern­ ment printing office, "one of the churches was about to receive a new pastor and two of the trustees of the church, associating with themselves three other members, went to the rail­ road station to meet him. On his ar­ rival one of them spoke te him: " 'Rev. Mr. Black, I believe?' " 'Yep, sir.' " 'We are the committee appointed to receive you. My name is Gray.' " 'I am glad to meet you, Mr. Gray.' " 'And this is Mr. Scarlett' " 'Delighted, Mr. SearletL* " 'And Mr. Brown.' '" 'Mr. Brown, I assure you this is a pleasure.' " 'And Mr. Green.' " 'Mr. Green, permit me to grasp your hand.' " 'Also Mi\ White.' '" 'Mr. White, I love to meet so many of the brethren. But, Mr. Gray, is this a colored church to which I am called to minister?' "'Why, no!' said that gentleman, blankly. " 'Well, I see all the colors are rep­ resented in the committee,' said Mr. Black, 'and the idea occurred to me.' "Such was the fact, though none of them had noticed it before."-- Washington Post ON A RANCH. Woman Found the Food That Fitted Her. A newspaper woman went out to a Colorado ranch to rest and recuperate and her experience with the food probably is worth recounting. "The woman at the ranch was pre­ eminently the worst housekeeper I have ever known--poor soul, and poor me! "I simply had to have food good and plenty of it, for I had broken down from overwork and was so weak I cou)d not sit up over one hour at a time. I knew I could not get well un­ less I secured food I could easily di­ gest and that would supply the greats est amounti of nourishment "One day I obtained permission to go through the pantry and see what I could find. Among other things I came across a package of Grape-Nuts which I had heard of but never tried. I read the description on the package and become deeply interested, so then and there I got a saucer and some cream and tried the famous food. "It tasted delicious to me and seemed to freshen and strengthen me greatly so I stipulated that Grape- Nuts and cream be provided each day Instead of other food, and I literally lived on Grape-Nuts and cream for two or three months. "If you could have seen how fast 1 got well it would have pleased and surprised you. I am now perfectly well and strong again and know ex­ actly how I got well and that was on Grape-Nuts that furnished me a pow­ erful food I could digest and make use of. "It seems to me no brain worker afford to overlook Grape-Nuts after my experience." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Get the miniature book, "The Road to Wellville" In each pkg. HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED DREAD CATARRH BY USE OF PE-RU-NA. Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty. Pe=ru-na flakes Women Healthy and Beautiful. Miss Amanda Johnson1, Fairchild, Wis., writes: "I write to tell you how much Pernna benefited me. For a number of years I had pain in my head around my eyes, and I thought it was because my eyes needed treatment, so I went to an occulist and had glasses fitted to my eyes and wore them for some time, but felt no relief whatever. In fact, I felt worse than before, and/ cyjae to the conclu­ sion that the trouble was not with vpfcycs, but with my head and that it must be catarrh friends had used Peruna with bene! thought I would try it I was not sorry that I did so, for in a short time I began to improve, and in four weeks my eyes were in splendid oondition, my general health was much improved and all the catarrh of the head was gone. I wad glad to get rid of this trouble and am glad to endorse such a good medicine as Peruna."--Miss Amanda Johnson. Miss Amanda Johnson. Miss Flora Hauser, 1033 8. Jersey Street, Indianapolis, writes: I think I must bare been iron bled with catarrh ever Mince I was very young, aggravated each time I caught a cold. This did not prove sufficiently serious to be oh- noxious until last winter. Then my head and nose wers so stopped up that I felt I must do Something. Peruna was recommended to me by a friend. I used it for tour weeks and found to my relief that it cured me. I have not had a bit of trouble since. My head is clear, and I can safely affirm that Peruna cure^ No Woman Affilcted With Catarrh Can Be Either Beautiful or Attractive. me. --MIsm Flora Mauser. Miss Flora Hauser. Hundreds of Women Cured byPe-ru-na of Annoying Catarrh. DR. HARTMAN has probably done more than any other physician toward popularising a means of eseape from the facial deformities, snch as watery eyes, twisted nose, offensive breath, dry cracked lips, due to the rav­ aging effects of catarrh. He has made chronic catarrh a life-long study. His remedy, ]x>pularly known as Peruna, is the most famous remedy for catarrh in existence. Probably there is not a man or woman, boy or girl, within the bounds of the United States that has not heard of Pe­ runa. By far the largest majority have used Peruna. Tho multitude of people that have been cured of chronic catarrh by using Peruna can never be known. Many a girl has regained her faded beauty, many a matron has lengthened the days of her comely appearance by using Peruna. Peruna produces clean mucous mem­ branes, the base of facial symmetry and a perfect complexion. The women have not been slow to dis­ cover that a course of Peruna will do more toward restoring youthful beauty than all the devices known to science. While it is true that Peruna cures ca­ tarrh wherever located, yet it is advis­ able for everyone to use Peruna as a preventive and not wait until catarrh has fastened itself in some part of the system. Peruna acts quickly and beneficially on the inflamed mucous membranes lining the different organs of tho body. Thus it will cure catarrh wherevur located. If yon do not derive prompt and satisfac­ tory "results from the use of Peruna,write at 'once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. • - Address Dr. Hartman. President of The Hartman Sanitarium, r-olumbus. Ohio. Don't Worry No use to make yourself miserable worrying about what to eat or when to eat It. Dr. Caldwell's (LAXATIVE) Syrup Pepsin aids digestion^ keeps the stomach and bowels In per­ fect condition. Ask your druggist. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., MonUcetlo, IU. 50,000 AMERICANS WERE WELCOMED TO SE1 Western Canada DURING LAST YEAR. They are settled and settling on the Grain and Grazing I.ands, and are prosperous and satisfied. Sir Wilifred Laurier recently said: "A new star has risen on the boriton, and it is toward it that •very immigrant who leaves the land of hi* ances­ tor* to come and seek u home (or himself BW tarns hi* gaze"--Canada. There is Room for Millions. FREE IiomntMdb giv^a away. nels. Churches, Railwsya, Markets, Climate •nrjthlng to be desired. For a descriptive Atlas and other information, apply to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa. Can­ ada. or authorized Canadian Government A sent-- C. J. Broughton. No 430 Uuincy Building. Chicago, 11L ; T O Currie. Kooin 12. Callahan Building. Mil­ waukee. Wis • M V Mclnnet, No. 6 Avenue The ater Block. Detroit. Mich. Wisdom Soap (Granulated) ' 'Soap that sells to clean, Must clean to sell." Wisdom does the same work at one-half the cost of any bar soap. All Grocers MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is A positive cure for Piles* PIMgCMO WILL NOT GROW. VIIIV Ka Pi VI It Is wasting money tor Ton to try. Mv Had experience sent free. Enclose stamp. JPKOF. BUTZ, £8 S. faan., Indianapolis. Thompson's Eye Water W. L. DOUGLAS *3.13 &*3 SHOES « W. L. Douglas ahoes have by tueir e x c e l l e n t s t y l e . eusy-littiug, anu superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest sale of auy shoes in the world. Tliey are just as good as those that cost you $4 to $5 -- the only difference is the price. Sold Everywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. Douglas uws Corona Coltukin, which Is every be the fluest Patent L-1 Fast Co'or Eyelets ua'd. Shoe* bjrmall.26r.extra. Writ* for Catalog. W.L.Douglas. Brock tan. TKE L1PMAN' *11 The element of chance haa I.ecu eliminated from this Investment. For man purposes of OfTflopwnt, the Mtne.s A Tunnel l ompitny offers lOvMUtt sh.irea of stock (par value & 00) for ifi cents per share. Properties com­ prise ','40 acre* of rich nilDeial bearlug ground In ttie he»ri«f ihe famous Wood Klver Miriinif District. Id*lio. which haa record of (20 000,000 produc'lon. Trial shipment went 47 ouuees of silver. 48 K»r i ent l<*ad and KJ.W (told rer ton. t-rular shipment* will b«*gia in June. Stoalt should go to par by that time. OFFICERS Hcber M. Wtllf. Governor o( Ut»K. Pruadcnt Fred J. Kiesd. Whotcsslr Grocer. VicfP.-tfifcnL Wm. A. Nelden. Vhnlewie DrugeUt, Treanntr. Hsrris. Treasurer LtkeCity. SactsUry. M Hilkr Lipnan. Mining Experl. Manager. REFERENCES -- Any Banker or Merchant in Utah or Msh» aoonissi UpHQ pines t Tawi Cnptig SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. *no»»«ERU9 OH Licarto*. here conceded to tiier yet produced. ZLLASEOi RUBBER COLLARS look like Utini. leel like hnen, always clean and neat. Guaranteed u<«t to turn WINDSOR yellow, wilt or Irritate t lie fcklu. All styles and sizes: Collar«, 35c each; < uITn. 50e per pair. AGENTS WAHTED. Jlluntratfcl Catalogue for stamp. F&ANK F. 8TIMP60N, 8ta. "A," BT. L0O18, KO. BAD BLOOD TELLS. Free Advice* on An Blood Diaeasas* DR. A. H. MASON, 120 W. 424 St, Saw Yarit ONLY 2 CHANCES MARCH lat arid 19th. TEXAS. OKUHOM.) AND INO.TEHDtTORY From St. Louis and Xanana City, $13.OO From Chicago, $29.OO Froin Oes Moines. $19.95 From Cincinnati, S29.40 From Indianapolis, S26.8S Tickets are first-class and permit atop-over* on foinc trip, south of Windsor, Mo., within transit limit of 15 days; final limit. 21 days from data of sal*. Never before has there been such a chance to see the Southwest in all its prosperity. One-war. second-class tickets will bejsnld same days a reduced rate. Ne»er again will the rates be so low. CO NOW. For particuhua. write or call 011 OCORGC MORTON, e. r. A., Katy Bids. 8t. Louis, Mo, 6REAT OPPORTUNITY Te Beooms Owner of FAR1I.--I owa and offer for sale tor the uext 6 mouths, o n account of chance InbuKlnesn. I'i Improved near Ty- l« r ,Mti>n. Will muke prices unit term-rinht. Send for 4d»cirlpUvesouv»uir wIL LAV&11SKM, Tyler, Kiafc KKP THE CHILDREN HEALTHY IPdpifidke It is not a medicinal food in the sense of curing diseases, but it aids the organs of the body to perform their functions in a natural and healthful way. A bowl of delicious Mapl-Flalce for both breakfast and supper will please the children. Delicious and Healthful; and Economical enough for all. A Two Cent i>tamp will brine yon one of oar little,"color barometers by which you can foretell the changes in the weather. Also ft tittta booklet tunc man/ valuable thine* about MAPL-TLAKEi feM. HYGIENIC FOOD BATTLE CREEK. MICH. Complete External and internal Treatment « * £ * & . . . . . '4 Consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened, cuticle; CUTI* CURA Ointment to in­ stantly allay itching, irrita­ tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTI­ CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET, costing but ONE DOLLAR, is, often suffi­ cient to cure the most toi^ luring, disfiguring skin, scalp and blood humors, ec­ zemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Sold throne boat the wort A. Cat tew* 1 icrt, MH\ <!u form of Clun oTsie CSatsi ^5c., prr vial of ttuV otaiaieue, Mte.. Sea] Dfp'ts: lx)i:ik>ii, -T rksnerUauae S line de Is Tali: Koston. 1H Oil) roller Drug autl Chew. Corp.. 3ele _ _ IT .Viul for te Cure Tot taring, figuring Honors from lafaacy te Age." M'M- 9 J nSJl MOST ATM. 50 000 ACRES WHCAT LANDIqiuW If y JU are looking for a HOME. If JROTFC; want a chunge. If y-.u wsut to kuy Us4, Ifyo* vaa$ to l>uy lirlgnt. If you are loeklag far walk* i.mic to (»u\e Couu.y, Ksnsaa, lb a - itie bl£hei>i average yield per acrei Icy oi auy c untr In tl>« Bute la lt0& Js«J far aakhjt on easy lerms. Write me. D. A. CORAM* '"vx,.,* Sealer ia Westem Likada, GtlWMU, RgMt, i':; wsnaisy jr UM* •tasilsK rnO CAl r__Developed WATCH POWIH rUnMUi James Rivar, Virglnlg, aau: Lynchburg,lOOrollea we.tof Ktcbakoad;aven^afai) : 25feei; capu'liyover 1,500 konsauwar;Missaffst wmereil by iieverfslllugstreamailBSUeailvewleeeat valuable timber; 1 run,slate,alwa abetter aitaatai* two rut I »• »y #; o ;>< n .temperate rtl matei atsaf lsfce» atiuudani. 1'ricc Ui&JtQq W.Mrsia.llaalaiaiSk Fur'U caiil'niue free. J. THOMKM UOWll &CO., R»«l Estaf Agsitts, Welia>aad,Vs> OnMP TO THE SAN LUIS VAILS* Vrf awl Ea and buy a ranch of C. H. MaUUa. wb* '-W'd liatalsree list Of some If the Inert kay jals.MtaWi rain-lies In boutheraColoradowkleahatt and i •elllntt i n ea y terms. Theseraackea ara pr «aefeft bin erops autl have good water rtckta la tk* fcaaf canals. C. H. MATHIS, Mont* Vteta, Colo* list LK*xcj^>:-Tb« Banks of Hosts Ylsta, Oata^I LANDS I bare 7S.OOO Acniflfc fertile land la WhsaMlS lying wltkla s%ktefto#' . perl r an< Dslnik. cttieWr . at the bead of aavlceUaaje un the K«at lakes, |TO»- Ing attba rate of 1M every census. Present sgnh- latlon 120 OOvV. Best market ia ttia NarUrweat. rKil* climate. <;e->. Perry located • a ikS. K. nf Bee. SB,,. Tp. 47, II. 13, adjoining my land, eta4e HU0 TW re ST acre last year. You ean d<> the unie. Prfcee SS %ea S16. Libera! term*. tVlll ho wjrtb (MO per aersla few years. Address Irnast iu AnteU, Enyariar.Wfe 1*3 :7,« '"I FOR SALE LARGE and SMALL F A R M S In Corn soil Gortlenlni; ttelt of IaJtaiMSi It mile* from <*lty. l.lberal term.-. Wrtte to BotlaiTl> JACOB KELLER. - North Judson. led. Only $4 down autl S4 per am no interest. Any qooatily at $3 10, 100 and 1.000 acre tracts; ^ j itx 150.POO acres. The »r*.t Sabinal laM giai>t on NneWt*s finest ia the world: laixl rua'anteed ha rtl iber. The landin* plare of Chi^jit. Col am trns. Srrtd for illu&tratsd jwoapaen^ etc.- f KtF. CARLSON INVESTMENT CO. Bl« Wat'i Liro Bide* CHICAGO* _ mm I i u n SEEKEBS--6,000 OKL.. Kma., NEB. LA II11 Dal.o a tanna. Direct eanreapoad ti»m o\»n«»r to low. Tor daarrieMOH. f and tenui> send i ceut stamp to Waatrim rrati'in Bureau, Loacola, Mela. MUIS MS Land is choice. ~ > SEED»POTflTOES' 500,000 BUSHELS: <1 TOR SALE CH EARl largest 3t;Jp*UU0 grttmiimMkekmUf Elegant st;x k. Tmaandoaa ytaM > ioo 1000 hiilirli ptg «OD FOR to cans and tills aotice we send yam Mi seed s&mplee and hU riialmiii allaboatTcoalnte. spt rta. PVaaa IanU liar ley, Mwi.i i Sarliaat Ctee, etc. txaod faraasn .MUtac 1 JMM i£. y% "•>« 'J W. N. U„ CHICAGO, NO. 11, 19Mk Wh«n Answering FL IL HI I ii KMly Mmtioa Thia hvMt

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