: ; *<; - ;;";*v-:•'*.,flv;• '•,-/ ,,'^T •'>* V"v--v':.T'••?'.-.. it •r;*:" ifei:,v TV, .•?;>•• •••.i'A-v>' "•*> • V'Vfc-VhvV^^v-6" • '• "'^v>.'•'• ."*TV V .•Vv.-"'.;;'V-"">: V --fM- '••'•^•'K'.' V;^^; '-• ^ "\ : -.v*-' y . •• . ~i\- • -• : -,ftv - •.<,_• • • i •r^\ • - .-.*•- i '-. "-.• *•1 V: * • -w" £*• ^ .. .. . - ' -' . .** ^ - • -• • ^ • .-.Mf" fet*.. £> - .*-.*>•« -*wV : • .. i'-. • • v • t ->\ i•'. . - '» 1 ".*•„•1" :•»* • • ,-•• ^ '• » •».-•- v.'V?".- :• ^ rv " "T "inn, i i w i i i i mi in i nuiiMnmr j Til ii i i n . n m i ' " .n ,, "rinlS mi in liiiii m i n i fi i n 1 1 ,mmmmmm*aa= _ ' • "['ikJvjj You contractors ana wiii find our pencil sharp and ready to figure very closa o& all BUILDERS' Hardware. Tin and gutter work f; J- . • V. PUT- UP RIGHT o> >>vrfll Lead, Brushes, JBtc. of Weil-llfidWitt J&akfH- . N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S for the painter OR YOU. Call for figures at OSHUN BROS., HcHENRY, ILL. General Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoe» Notions. TIN WORJC OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PR-ICES t $ $ i • t, f t 4 (Frank Schumacher, Spring Grove We are now prepared for the spring trade. Come and see oar fine line of Selz Royal Biue Shoes--Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes. Jast received a fine line of Men's Furnishing (T >->ds Latest styles in fine Shirts, Hats and Neckwear. A new lot of Storm Rubbers for men. women and chil dren. A large stock of CLPTHING just put iu Call and sen as before yon buy a suit as we are now giving TEN PEJi CENT OFF on every suit in stock. Our Grocerie^iare new, good quality, low prices. 8 bars of Calumet Soap for 2f5c ' b*1"8 Badger Sonp for. 25^ We will srive 5 per cent off for cash on every bill exceeding1 ft 00 Try on/high grade Gthan Allen Flonr, $5.00 per bbl. Santiago. $4,80 i* I Groceries Fish Fruits 1 FOR LENT Milchner Herring,, per keg..$1.00 Holland Herring, peri keg...55c Spiced Herring, per pail 90c White Fish, per pound 10c SrHled smoked Herring, box...23c Smoked Bloaters, 8 for 10c Cod fish, lft> tablets, boneless. .10c Cod fish, 21b box, very choice. .26c Telephone No. 301. Give ns • Trial. JOHN STOFFEL ! hWg w o o dTr u g s t o r e > * i Everything in the drug line can be found here. Our stock is clean and up to date and handle nothing but the best of everything. Patent Medicines of all kinds can be found here. Pre scriptions carefully compounded. * $ $ 4 ' 4 | Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. Completeness is essential in any Stock of Goods. It gives a customer a better chance to make a pleas ing selection. Our Hardware Stock is com plete in every detail. We handle no other Goods and consequently can give Hardware all our attention. Our Tinshop is also com plete. If we do not have what you want our Tinner can make it, There is a differ ence in repair work too. We do neat work. F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. '*•, »^« «•« *i*« »•« A *•* ••« A »•» ,«•». .«•». ty #y y y ^ 'j.1 ^ ̂ |xj ry Ty l£9 'y txl w vt1 y ̂ tji * I have just received and now have on exhibition the finest line of Carpets and Rugs ever sent out T by the Richardson Company, ^f a Carpet is ^ made by Richardson it is a guarantee of quality. Slf you contemplate purchasing a new Carpet, in Ingrain, Brussels, or any other style, this spring, Sit will pay you to call and see my samples. I will guarantee to meet all Chicago prices ancNq. 7 most cases save you money. T | Jacob Justen. J % s i!t^. t^i «^» t'i'* VnSrW «r^r tjiimi nX^*TTr Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents KlN«iWO«II>. Jay Crirty is ill with the mamp*». Mr. Harsh is much improved at this writing. Miss Birdie Small spent Sunday with her parents here. Wavren Foss was a Chicago visitor Thursday of last week. Grandma Miller, who has been very ill, is much better at this writing. Fred (iibbs and wife have gone to housekeeping in the rooms over J. Con way's. ^ Mrs. James Conway and daughter spent several days last week with Elgin friends. Captain Houston of the Volunteers of America will hold meetings in the M. E. church every night next week. Mrs. Lucy Randall ah(l children re* turned to their home in Elgin Friday, &f er an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary Dodge. Mrs. French has moved her household goods to Ridgefield, where she will keep house for her son, Will, who is em ployed at that place. The M. E. Sunday school will be hefd at 11 a. m. next Sunday, to immediate ly follow the preaching service, which will be conducted by Captain Houston of Chicago. A matron's silver medal contest will be held in the M. E church on Saturday evening, March 19. The recitations will be interspersed with good music The following ladies will enter the con test: Mrs. Libbie Allen, Mrs. Carrie Smith, Mrs. J. Cor mack, Mrs. Jessie Smithi Mrs. Laura Waterman, Mrs. Lou Francisco and Mrs. Elisabeth Web ster. . RIDUEFIKLlt. A. Pose was in Elgin Tuesday. O Garrison was in Elgin Saturday. W. French was in Ringwood Wednes day. R*r. W. R. Shelt was in Woodstock Friday. Henry Wille was in Arlington Heights Tuesday. Mrs. R. Goddard was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. T. P. Smith was in Woodstock Satnrday. T. J. Wells of Chicago was here on bnsiness Saturday. Mrs. A. Pose and children were in Woodstock Tuesday. C. Ambler and J. Jorgensen were in Woodstock Thursday. Erie Ormsby of Chicago spent Sun day with his parents. Miss Edith Hohart visited her aunt at Woodstock Satnrday and Sunday. J. Connerty of Woodstock was in this vicinity on business Satnrday. Frank Hudson and family are visit ing the former's parents in McHenry. E, W. Merchant of Woodstock visited his parents here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conerty of Chi cago visited the latter'a parents Sunday. Mrs C. M. Keeled and son. Marvin, visited friends at Woodstock Satnrday and Sunday. Mrs. H. O'Donnell and Miss Pearl Whiston of Holcombville called on friends here Tuesday. J. Johnson and F. E. Whiston left Monday night for Blackstone, Va., where they will make their future home, HOI.COMRVILIX Fred Powers spent Monday in Chica go. Mrs. P. Hunt called on Mrs. Wm. Zenk. Henry McMillan was a Nunda caller Monday. Wm. Doherty was a Nunda caller Monday. Jay Doherty was a caller at John Gibbs Tuesday. Mrs .Tames Powers called on Mrs. Darroll Monday. Mrs. Jay Doherty visited relatives at McHenry Tuesday. Mark Hoffman of Spring Groye was a caller here Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck were Chica go visitors Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Weidner visited at Wm. Zenk's Sunday. Miss Anna Powers was a caller at Fred Powers Satnrday. Master Freddie Schroeder visited Les ter Burtchev Satnrday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Knoblaunch were McHenry visi^rs Friday. Fred Scbroeder and family visited Nunda relatives Sunday. " ' Verl Rosencrans of Nunda passed through this vicinity Tuesday. Miss Josie Hunt spent Wednesday afternoon with Mis? Mar belle Doherty. Clak Jacobs and August Peterson of Nunda were business callers here re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Silver and little daugh ter, Thelma, visited at Mr. Holabush's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P Flanders from near Ringwood visited at F. L. Flanders Sunday. Wm. Tegtmeyer of Palatine spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas' Tegtmever. Miss Kate Zenk and nephew, John' Zenk of Marengo visited at George Weidmers Satnrday. David Powers and sister, Miss Etta, were Sunday callers at John Powers near Emerald Park. Earl McMillan and Arthnr Shales of Terra Cotta spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. A Severe Crttri f«»r Thrre Months. The following letter from A. J. Nus- baura of Batesville, Ind., tells its own story. "I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist pre pared me some medicine and a physi cian prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar, and eight doses cured me." Refuse substitutes. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. SPRING OROVK. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiriug to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. 'J he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed. 1 Supt Conn visited our school Mon day. Miss Alice Shotliff entertained several of her friends at a party Friday even ing. The cinch party given Wednesday evening by the Royal Neighbors was well attended and enjoyed by all pres ent. Eggs have gone down! To everything there is a sphy and whevefor. The firm of Peacock & Neish are in the business and have gathered over oAe egg a day! The Royal Neighbors will give another of their enjoyable cinch parties in their hall Wednesday evening March 19. This time a short program will b«j given in place of usual lunch after which all may play games. .. Everybody come. Admission only 10 cents. Tne English Prairie school will give a hard times dance Friday evening in the M. W. A. hall for the benefit of their library. Prizes will lie given for the worst costumes and best dancers. Those with hard times ooetnines ad mitted for 50 cents. Swell people 75 cents. Come one and all arid' «i»3by yourselves. soLoa [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.} Will Davis of Chicago is home on a visit. L. B. Covill of Belden attended' to business in our city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schultz from Twin Lakes were callers recently. • Mrs. James Overton!and son are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Will Overton this week. Walter Reading and Thomas Hodgp have gone to Wisconsin for a weett'f cation. Walter Watts and Sam Sweet bave gone to Fon du Lac, Wis., to find em ployment. Our depot agent, Mr. Carpenter, afid family are nicely settled in Mrs. Hctjr- ling's house. Ed. Moore, a nephew of John Skilli- corn, from Chicago was visiting at Chas. Westmont's Saturday and Sunday. The two Phillips children are out from Chicago this week, visiting their grand parents, Mr. and !tyrs. B. J. Christian. Miss Etta Patterson was married to Fred O. Donnell at Havre, Montana, February 22 and will make that place her home. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Cropley, Miss Hat- tie Jones and lady friend and H. J. Christian and Chet Osborne were Chi cago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cropley entertained Geo. Alfers, Chet Osborne, Miss Mabell Smith, a sister of Mrs. Cropley and lady friend from Whitewater, Wis., at din ner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coatee gave a party in honor of their eleventh anni versary. There were over fifty in at tendance and all enjoyed a very pleas ant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Coates were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tit Kind You Han Always Bought Have You Bridled youi expenditures and put a check line on extrava- gence? Here you can collar HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS of the highest quality at prices which bear the traces of having been cut down to the lowest figure consistent with fair dealing. We handle the lines that drive a bargain right to your door. G U S C A R L S O N ' ̂ ^,'{S Bears the Signature JOHNSBl'RGH. Anton Meyer is quite ill at his home. Peter Rothermel was a caller here Monday. Eli Manor was a business caller here Satnrday. N J. Justen of McHenry was 9 caller here Tuesday. Miss Tillie Freund visited home frieuds Tuesday. ' Peter Britz was a Chicago visitor a few days last week. John P. Lay transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Jos. M. Freund visited Mrs. Geo. Nell Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. J. Mertes of Pistakee Bay yis- itcd Sirs. Jos. Michels Thursday. s< Mrs. John S. Freund and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels visited Mrs Simon Michels. Stephen H. Schmitt transacted bnsi ness in Chicago iast week Wednesday. Jacob Miller and John Karls of Spring Grove were callers here Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Johu A. Bugner and Miss Etunia Bugner visited Ringwood friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Oeffling and Mes- dames John Thelen and Jacob Huemana were McHenry callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bugner, who were visiting the latter s father in Al- vada, Ohio, Returned to Johnsbnrgh last Tbnrsdav. Jos M Freund entertained a number of relatives Monday. Those present ^were Messrs. and Mesdames Peter Frfennd, Mat Scbmitt and Peter Schmitt KHKKALI) PAKK. H. Felmeten t as in Chicago a few days this week. Miss Lucy Sutton spent Sunday with Miss Katie Knox. Thos. F. Walsh called on Round Lake friends last Sunday. Mr. J. R. Smith was a business caller -at VSf oodstock Wednesday. Miss Mary Gibbs spent Snnday after noon with friends in McHenry. Chas. W. Gibbs of Chicago ealled on frieuds in this vicinity Tuesday evening Miss Margaret Aylward visited Mrs Geo. Frisby of McHenry Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Smith visited at C. W. Colby's of Barreville Saturday afternoon. Miss May me Ayl ward of Elgin spent Saturday evening and Snnday at her home here. Miss Anna Frisby spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Chas. Givens in McHenry. Miss Edith Whiting of Ringwood spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Mar garet Sutton. Miss Emma Givens of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother south of here. L. E. Warns. iy and lady friend of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with the Mi8808 Knox. T. F. Hayes and daughter, May, of Harvard visited at P. Sutton's and other friends here Sunday. Mrs. Jno. Walsh and daughters, Vt-ra and ienevieve of Fox Lake afe spend ing 'few days with J. B. Frisby and family. roio. Will Rosing was in Chicago on busi ness Tuesday. A. J. Raymond transacted business in Waukegan Monday. 1 Peter L. Frost and aunt, Mrs. John Williams, of Chicago spent Sunday here. Miss Lizzie Kretchmer of Grayslake visited relatives here a few days last week. Mrs. Kate Efinger and children of Spring Grove visited her parents in this village last week. Mrs. John Richardson visited her mother, Mrs. Shnltz, in Desplaines the latter part of the week. Mrs. Ben Cossmann of Round Lake visited her sister, Mrs. J. Kirwan, and parents Monday, returning home Tues day morning. The many friendsof John Blount will i>e pleased to learn that he has entire y recovered from his attack of rheuma tism. Chamberlain *8 Pain Balm cured him after the best, doctors in the town (Monon, Ind.) had fsiled to give relief- The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all drug gists. Watch the Kidneys WHEN THEY ARE AFFECTED UFE IS IN DANQEII '<• fJ'T- A WORD OF WAMTOM * . > V; Dr. Absrhbtui, the great Engliala ̂ physician and surgeon, well known to all V ?, physicians, sounded words of warning to V ; Fac y Grocers. fish! Fish! Fill Fancy Irish Mackerel, per pound 12 1-2 Ex. fancy large White x Fish, per pound.. 12^0 Holland Herring, im ported, per pound.7Ko Large pickled Norway Herring, per It). ...7 Holland Herring, all milkers, yery best put up, per keg..... $1.00 Codfish, genuine, per pound 12 %C Fancy Brick Codfish, per pound 10c Fancy Hamburg Herr ing, spiced, per pail 85c Imported Sardines, pr c^ii 10c Norwegian Smoked Sardines, per can.. 15c Kippered Herring large cans, per can. £0c CHEESE! Fancy N. Y. Cream | Cheese, per pound.. I6c j i Fancy Brick Cheese j per pound 15c ! Try Our Coffee!1 Finest Golden Rio Coffee in town, per i pound -20c | SAMPLES FREE. | the medical profession and to all mankind when he uttered the words: M Watch tks y kidneys; when thty «rw ifftcUd life is im danger." It is the duty of these organs to keep> our blood strained of poisonous Impurities% that are capable of causing the most fatal' < ^ forms of disease. When they do not per- . form their work properly, then trouble in' v some form is sure to follow sooner or later, ^ C -i * and If neglected, death will follow. V> w-* Some of the most important symptoms ^§1 are, aching in the back or hips, swollen. v ; ankles, puffiness under the eyes, dry or?;^-~J| furred tongue, unnatural appetite and - v.;'| great thirst, weakness and loss of weight, ' ' sediment or cloudiness in the urine, dry- ' ness of the skin or strong perspiration,^: disorders of the stomach snd liver. All the above symptoms do not appear ' "• In any one case, and all kidney disorders " will not present the same symptoms. Vy; There is nothing that so quickly and ; surely makes the kidneys right as Foley's ̂ KIDNEY CURB. It Is a preparation of the . • best known remedies used by the worldV most celebrated kidney specialists. It la ̂ endorsed by physicians and nsed by thou- sands. It has saved many lives, and while 1 it cannot cure hopeless cases, it will pre- 1 vent fatal kidney troubles and give relief i.; > In even the last Btages of kidney disease '- a . G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. «-o$\! IDeats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables asd Frafeav, In Season. •* It Is my intention to give all customers tbe best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus payltiK the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We ulso buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card wheu ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M HENRY, ILL. HIIMIMIWIIIIIHIIMI • m •JtfH J r SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anrone Rending a sketch and description may free whethei trie. Commoi 3B00K on Pat icurtn&pateni nn A Co. re« in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. SS a ear: four mouths, $L Sold by all newsdeatertu rear: iour niouths, $L Bold by all newsdealertu lUNN & Co.36,B~d~" New York Branch Office, 6% F St. W&shlin-teu, D. C. " 'V- 5 y.- IS ' • • ¥•* ,1 > « : 4 : qalckly uacertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably p»tentab)e. Communica tions strictly rontldential. HANDBOOK an Patents sent free. Oldest upenoy for securte&patenta. Puteuts lakeu thruukh Munn tpecial notice, without charge, in the "After all, there is nothing like j)R; PRICE'S • CREAM BAKING POWDER I have tssed it with satisfaction for neatly forty years." ; < • North-western. Chicago Effective Nov. 13, 1903 WKKK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUHD .Via Elgin Via !H?s I'lalnes Via I">es Plalncs SUNDAY TRAINS. ..Via Des Plitlnes., .; Via Elgin WKKK DAT TRAINS. Arrive Leave McHenry Chicago. ....10.08 a 0.00 a tn .iapm ;t.3i did.. MO p m 5.01 p m .lLM am 9.10 a m 8.03 p m McHENRY, Arrive Chicago. Loave McHenry. XJ :i m... 80CTH BOI SD .Via Elgin law a m s.ai ;i m Via I>es Piltiines .».» a m ILLINOIS. Via IHti I'lalnes. 7 5.33 p m SDNS AT TRAINS. ...Via Elgin.... VI.-1 P. ! ...IgJOam 7.32 a m HI p U1 Your business instant control Telephone TELEPHONE