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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1904, p. 8

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Hm4 Tilwl by CAM*. WAMPOLO & CO. Am«rica'» noli Progrestlvi Clothes M Y X ' f * * -.>j£.%\ ••••:v - i'-v--'VS:,: • • • ' • • : - < ' - ' i " - r : ^ y : • ' ; ' v •-i.-^f.v-;o: ,'S . . ^ - . - . < - • ; .-jf;-..^.^ > v ' , i c V ':vv- . . .sV . n v . . : . ^ M ' > & . - ^ > - - " - W ^ w^p^ J V ^ S v . - ' - • • : ' • '.r^i^;-:' ' ; 5 , s * W 5 ' ' ^ i ; - ' y ^ ; f % r 5 ^ T ^ X : ; ^ < " £ • * & ? v ̂ . $ CENTS on the dollar id what you pay if yon have your suit made to order CENTS on the dollar is what you pay, for the Mm If yon buy War­ ranted Ready- made SUITS. C E N T S o n every Dollar, is what yon pay for look­ ing at a small sample Cloth and wait ten days for a probable mis­ f i t t i n g S u i t . J O S . W . r R E U N D ; West McHenry, Illinois. Easter time = :^== is near ---•= We have a fine display of the latest styles in Hats, all CfL- to CO AA the new shapes and colors, from «"*• ^ «PJ«WJ Onr spring and summer Line of fine Negligee and Prem #1 AA |n O AA Shirts are the nobbiest in town. Call and see them. Each^**"" ^ "W'™ Shoes for Dress and Shoes for Rough Wear! Onr stock is larger this season than ever before. New styles and shapes. In Vici Kid, Kangaroon, Calf Patent Colt and Velours. We are sure to please you in style and quality. :: : :: Call and leave your measure for a new Suit for Easter. We guarantee A PERFECT FIT...and....LOWEST PRICES....for....GCOD GOODS Spring Drees Goods, Waistings, Silks, Velvets, Dress Trimmings, Rib­ bons, Lacee, Embroideries, Hosiery, Corsets, Umbrellas, Rain Coetd, Etc. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Canned Goods, Flour, Eta, always the purest a n d b e s t q u a l i t y o n t h e m a r k e t . : " . : : ; : : : : • 1 1 iUi^pyyi^.n i • i TOURS TRULY, PHONE 363. . Goods PbUvbhJ promptly. M. J. WALSH. Easter Offerings IN Shoes, Hats, stylish Shirts. Ladies fancy Shirt Waists, newest creations, $1.25 to $3.50. Also new styles Dress Goods, Waist Goods, 25c to 50c per yard. New Dress Skirts and Petti­ coats for Spring and Summer wear, $1.00 to $6.50. Jusl received, 5 cases, 24 pair in case, Boys, Misses and Childs Shoes, will be sold at Bargain Prices beginning this week Saturday. We offer you the most complete selections in town of first class up-to-date Merchandise at ' correct prices. W. C. EVANSON Letter Front Tennessee. Winchester, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1904. To the editor of The Plaindealer, Dear Sir: I want to tell my old iriends m Illinois, in a general way, how I like my new home and Bnrronndings in Franklin county, Tennessee. 1 will say that 1 aui very lunch pleased with my location. The climate is all (hat anyoue could desire. The winters ire mild. 1 have uever seen a day here j when 1 could not dig a pout hole if 1 wished to do any fencing, and J can I plow at times in any month during trie winter. My cattle lived out of doors iiiul did well in the stalk fields and pas­ tures until the first of January. In the summers, while of coarse we have some warm weather, there is usually a breeze here in this inountainotts neighborhood that you do not get iu a prairie country, »ud especially so after about five o'clock, consequently we usually have cool nights, and 1 have not suffered with the heat here as I have in the northern part of Illinois. The soil here, if handled in the same way that they are handled in Illinois, will produce equally well--in fact, wherever you see a thrifty farmer you see a good producing farm, for I never saw land that responds so readily to fertilizer. 1 have seen as good corn, wheat, oats, potatoes and peas grow here where they were properly cared for as 1 have ever seen anywhere. When it comes to frnit, there is no bet­ ter fruit country any where, for apples, i-ears, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes and all small fruits thrive here As to the people of the South, lean- not speak too highly of them. iThev hre a very generous and hospitable peo p e and welcome the northern man wherever he goes and will assist him iu any way they can. They freely ad­ mit that all their ooQntry needs is energetic farmers. The improvements in this country have been very noticeable to me since 1 ue here two years ago. Farm labor is not as hard here for the reason that you have so long a sea son; for instance, you can plant corn any time from March 1 t.» Jnne 1 and the corn has plenty of time to ripen. The first year I was here I finished planting the 2nd of June and had a fine crop. In conclusion will say that anyone looking for a new location would be wise to investigate this country, and if the proper judgment is used, I do not think, all things considered, that they could better this location anywhere else If you would like to have some litera­ ture on the resounds and advantages of thiB country, write to Mr. H. F. Smith. • Traffic Manager, Nashville, Tenn., and he will take pleasure in sending yoa same. Respectfully yours, A. J. DOSQ. ANNUAL REPORT. Cnldi Cause Pneumon! One of the most remarkable cases ot a cold, deep seated on the lnngs, caus­ ing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrnde E Fenner, Marion, Injl., who was en­ tirely cured by the nse of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The congh- in£ and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I tried One Minute Congh Cure. Four bottles of this won­ derful remedy cured me entirely of the congh. strengthened my lnngs and re stored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by all druggists [Try for Health] 222 South Peoria St., Chicago, III., Oct. 7,1902. apel down nearly ail the time. My stomach was bo weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much tnat my throat and lungs were raw and sore. The doctors pro­ nounced it Bright's disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de­ sire to live. A sister Visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of CarduL I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer* ing if they but knew of its value. i ijtr Don't yoa want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. Ton can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to* day? wineOrdiii Mm)* kjr the Townxhlp Treaxuror, Ctrwa-Balnnee fS,039.70. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I __ Tow* O* County or McHknkt. f®® MoHknry The fol'owing Is :i statement, by James Green, treasurer of the town of Mfilenry, In the county and stute aforesaid, of the umount of public funds received and expended by him during the iisciil year just closed, ending on the JStth day of March, 1W4, snowing' the amount of public funds on hutid at the com­ mencement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expend­ ed and for what purpose expended, during said iiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The suid .James Green, being duly sworn, doth depose and say. that the following state­ ment. by him subscribed is a correct state­ ment of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from which received, and the- amount expended, and purchases for which expended, as set forth iu said statement. •Iamks Ghken. I Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this 2i)th day of March. 1904. U. (J. Mead, J. P. DATS. FUNDS RECEIVED AND FROM •». WHAT SOOItCKS KECU1 Vfc:l). 1908, Amount of public funds on > hand at the commencement tw ~ ~ the fiscal year commencing the 31st day of March, 11)03 -- July SI Seed from E V Jewett li K tax Tel tax Cold Water Starch'. Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time because it nevei sticks to the iron, but because each package con­ tains ltt oz --one full pound- while all other Cold'Water Starches are pnt up iu f-pound packages, and the price is the same, 10 cents Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injuri­ ous chemicals, If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures, "16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and mon­ ey and the annoyance of the iron stick­ ing. Defiance never sticks. 89-2t 1 $3599 iff 190| Mreh J 3(19 22 1500 0<: 204 00 100 00 2W20 of) " delinqnt tax old bridge timber.. Peter Neiseu Poll <tux delinquent politax Peter Nelson ... Total received--J8892 01 rrrimS Expended and fob 1903 "WHAT PURPOSE EXPANDED. April 25 John Miller, graveling. 9 Ben llrefield. road work John Walsh, bridge work St ;u- Mfg Co, Lay on grader... Geo Myers, rami work 30 Ben llrefield. graveling J R Uristy, hardware it, cemnt Geo Myers, graveling, road wk . Anton Myers, gravel homer Clemens, repair roads. "Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. C B Harnisen. postage, stny.. John Walsh, road'work June 27 F tierdkoltz, graveling H Zimmerman, graveling...... Geo Myers, graveling Wilbur Lumber Co.. lumber.. May July Wm iieth, graveling Oscar Tabor, graveling >V tn Coais, gravel R .1 Sutton, road work Clifford, Sherman, .care water 25 Frank Smith, gravel Elmer Stuart, road work 17 00 »5<i It 7"i 720 50®ti 60 00 7 7k 53 50 5 flii 5 50 524 8 34' 600 iaoo 76 ' i i > »»v 10 30 50 00 16 50 25 00 2810 5 00 620 4 00 Wm Beth, graveling 2o0<' Aug Sept Oct B Zimmerman, graveling.. Joiiu Miller, graveling Wilbur L'mber Co., lrnbr, lime Geo Myers, road work W ilbur Bassett, gravel Clifford Sherman, gravel . ... S6 Jacob Hallarbush, gravel Nick Kline, road work John Blake, graveling H Zimmerman, graveling Jacob Myers, graveling Harry Brott, graveling Ben Brefield, rd wrk, gravling Wm Coats, gravel O A Tabor, graveling ... John Miller, rd wrk, graveling Clifford Sherman, gvl, rd wrk. ,W C Moss, graveling Geo Myers, mad work Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. Wm Quinn. hurrying dead stk John Jtilling, gravel E S Wheeler, graVel 26 Colby Moss, graveling. ... ... Nick Kline, graveling ' B Zimmerman, graveling John Miller, graveling, rd wrk John Blake, graveling Illat M I reund, road work Frank Miller, graveling .. .. Frank Smith, gravel w'm Beth, graveling Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. Jacob Myers, road work ...... gl jolm Miller, graveling vjV H Kreund, road work .... Theo Winkle gravel.. . .. "in Blake, graviing, gradiug A Tabor, graveling , ... m Beth, graveling.... ipli Illake, graveling olby Moss, graveling ... .... ;m ('oats, gravel... frank Carr<gt-aveliupfo.,. len Bt-efielii, grave 1 i ug7. v.. B ZimmernHni. road work ..Wilbur Lumber Co.. lumber.. Mike Wagner, gravel 28 James 1. Conway, pipe railing on bridge Anton Myers, gravel........ W C Moss, graveling... 22 Darst & Hughes, % payment on bridge... . 123150 H Zimmerman, graveling 19700 1904 .Tany 80 Homer Wattles, gravel 1780 Feb 16 Darst & Hughes, bal on bdge. 122950 27 Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. 170U Joseph Kattner, gravel 36 60 Geo Brefield, graveling .... 37 35 • John Blake, graveling 74 its John Miller, graveling 39 50 John Neisen, cutting Ice 660 "Jacob H Adams, road work... 3 80 F L KcOmber, hardware 90 Simeon Covell,gravel 144"> Mrcb28 John Blake, graveling 43 85 Theo Winkle, gravel 176ti Joseph Blake, graveling 104 35 B Zimmerman, graveling... . 5000 S C Barnard, gravel 20 00 W ilbur Lumber Co., lumber. 1911 E Anderson, cutting ice 2 00 Ben Brefield. road work 25 50 20 E C Barnard, gvling, rd wrk.. 17 67 Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber. 2 7ti PlaiirJealer Co., pub report.. 1000 Simon Stoffel, office rent 1000 John H Kreund. compensation 82 50 B Harrison, compensation... 0000 . Jos lleimer, road work 160 .Irtrs Jane Carr. gravel 825 'James Green, compensation.. 82 50 H Allen, gravel 6 30 J as Green, com on mny pd out 137 00 Nov Dee 126M 4u 90 16 91 40 70 18 90 9 45 12 73 18 00 140 70 12250 17 5C 91 70 93 00 20 00 57 00 5125 500 105 00 26 00 033 300 13 80 3916 150 00 700 125 00 59 85 112 50 21 60 78 41 1100 45 00 1262 20 as 49 00 14 4N 50 00 7110 121 20 67 20 50 00 102 50 15 81 ,139 50 3000 169 03 6 78 27 52 33 77 784 2120 Total amount expended. RECAPITULATION. Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year Amount of funds received dur­ ing fiscal year .96852 31 197 529204 98892 01 Total an ount .... Amount expended during fiscal y e a r -- - 9 6 7 1 5 3 1 Commissions at 2 per cent on 36715 31.. 13700 1685881 Balance on hand.. 92039 70 State of Illinois i < 'ounty of McHenry >s s , March 28^1904. Town of McHenry i This certifies that we have this day exam­ ined the accounts of Mines Green, treasurer of the board of commissioners of highways of the Town of McHenry, and find the same cor­ rect. and the balance 'on hand of Road and Bridge tax funds the sum of two thousand thirty nine dollars and seventy cents ($2039.70) Simon Stoffel, Supervisor 1 Chas. B. Harm.sen, Town clerk Board of H. C. Mead, Justice of Peace Town A. L. Francisco, Justice of Peace Auditors John Huemanu! Assessor J WEEDS Consumption is a human weed flourishing Best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im­ possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but" it is veiy hard to digest The time to treat consump­ tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. .If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be Setter for the treatment If it is consump­ tion you cah't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begpn in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air* rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment We will send you a little of the Emul­ sion free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, C h e m i s t s , 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $ t ; all druggists. ALWAYS^ INSIST UPON HAYING T!iE GENUINE THE MOST EEfRCSKiNG AND DELIGHTFUL POfFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF,TORET AND BATH. Come Ir\! New Spring Suitings, are now ready tor those who know GOOD GOODS FROM POOR % GOODS GOOD FITS FROM POOR FITS AND LOW PRICES FROM HIGH PRICES * % | E. LAWLUS, TAILOR jg v ̂ For tire latest styles in . ̂ ;; > Waistings and Trimmings. Just re- ^ \j ceived a new line of Ladies' Or^is; ^58^ • ^ Skirts and Muslin Underwear. ^ -V Men's and Boys' Hats SHOES THAT ARE SHOES SHOES that aire V that is the kind we selX . - x4> ! <> NEW STOCK of WALL PAPER JUST ARRIVED Fi|A. Bohlander, Phone 20i. :lS West TlcHenry, III. IKE m HADE NAN •4* or the man in the ready made clothes never looks as dressy as the one who wears tailor made Clothing. His clothes never bang right because they do not fit.' They soon go to pieces because they are not made well. : : : : ,; j * /« y f A GudLrdintee goes with every 8nit I tarn out that the workman­ ship is perfect and tliat Goods are jnst as repre­ sented. Tailor made Garments cost a trifle more, but the comfort and wear one gets offsets jfa' d i f f e r e n c e m a n y t i m e s , i : : ' • ' • ' • : : : : JOHN D. LODTZ. m - m ^ I have just received and now have o& exhibition the finest line of Carpets and Rugs ever sent out by the Richardson Company. If a Carpet is made by Richardson it is a guarantee of quality If you contemplate purchasing a new Carpet, in Ingrain, Brussels, or any other style, this spring, it will pay you to call and see my samples. I will guarantee to meet all Chicago prices and in most cases save yon money. „ TF Jacob Justen. I x t 1 4 r f» LACE CURTAIN VALUES! Spring house cleaning will soon be here, so you want to b$ looking for the plac^ to buy your CURTAINS right. Fine line of Nothingham Lace Curtains, plain net ground with set figures, extra deep border, floral and scroll patterns, overlook stitched edge, about 3 yds. by 45 in., spcl while they last, per pair W Fine Nothingham Lace Curtains, plain ndt ground, panel ^ r^na^Sance design, net band in section, overlook s t i t c h e d g e , a b o u t y a r d s b y 5 2 i n c h e s , p e r p a i r . . . . . . . . $1.29 Nottingham Lace Curtains, heavy net center w ith small floral design 24 in., side and end border of scroll and floral de- sign, overlook stitch edge, about 3^ yds. by 61 in., per pair**7 A # W V - TTTTTTtTtT Cadies Cailor-made Suits! \ • ' $10.49 Made of bine cheYipt, Jacket made in that much desired mili cut, handsomely trimmed with white felt around collar and cuff cut skirt with inlaid plaits, this stylish garment only Ladies tailor-made Suit, made of light grey Tibett cloth, Jacket neat- /J" m Af» ly trimmed down front with appleque braid and metal buttons, full cut \/ U | skirt with four rows tucks on side, special price on this garment only * Groceries! We are agents for the FAMOUS CHASB & SANBORN'S COFFEES. Fancy Stuffed Olives 10c Savoy Brand Pearl Onion%». . . . . . . 1 0 c Quart Bottle pure Maple Syrup.. .. 25o L a r g e C a n U n i o n T o m a t o e s . . . . . . . - 1 0 c Aurora sliced Pineapple, per can 22c • Full lb. package Seeded Raisias 10c Full lb. package Currants, per pkg. -10c 1 gal. pail Syrup 3Qc CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 315 t ̂ . . i Q . A l t a i m i : <r:-

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